All lists on this page are in alphabetical order. Some of them may be incomplete. If you know of an error or omission, please send a message to the fop-dev mailing list.
Active Committers
Finn Bock (FB)
Chris Bowditch (CB)
is a Java/VB Programmer from England.
Andreas Delmelle (AD)
Christian Geisert (CG)
Peter Herweg (PH) is helping to
integrate the jfor project's RTF support into the upcoming FOP 1.0 version.
Born in 1978, he has been serving as an application developer for a small
industrial company in Germany since 1999.
Jeremias Märki (JM)
is a software engineer from Lucerne, Switzerland. He is currently enjoying a longer period of
"independence" and is having fun working on open source projects like Apache FOP. He's also
the creator of Krysalis Barcode.
Glen Mazza (GM) is an information
systems analyst with EDS in Arlington, Virginia, USA.
Jörg Pietschmann (JP)
Oleg Tkachenko (OT)
Peter B. West (PBW)
Active Contributors
John Austin is an
is an independent software developer currently based in St John's,
Newfoundland. While developing a taste for good seafood, he still isn't ready
for seal flipper (even if it's fresh). He is currently assisting the FOP
project on memory and performance issues.
Clay Leeds
is a web/WAP/Palm developer from Laguna Beach, California, USA. A
recent XML/XSL-FO convert, he has been nit-picking FAQs & assorted web
pages since his first webmaster position in 1996. Most
important creation? Jeremy Logan Leeds was born June 18, 2002.
Simon Pepping
is a TeX/LaTeX and XML expert with Elsevier at its
Amsterdam office. See his home
page for some of his private projects.
FOP was originally created and donated to the Apache Software Foundation by James Tauber.
Information about him can be found at his website.