[ (See position {loc})| (See {#gatherContextInfo})| (No context info available)] Image not found.[ URI: {uri}.]{{locator}} Image not available.[ URI: {uri}.] Reason:[ {reason}][ {e}]{{locator}} Image warning.[ URI: {uri}.] Reason:[ {message}][ {e}]{{locator}} I/O error while loading image.[ URI: {uri}.][ Reason: {ioe}]{{locator}} The intrinsic dimensions of an instream-foreign-object could not be determined.{{locator}} Error while handling URI: {uri}. Reason: {e}{{locator}} Some XML content will be ignored. Could not render XML in namespace "{namespaceURI}".[ Reason: {e}] Some XML content will be ignored. No handler defined for XML with namespace "{namespaceURI}". Error while writing an image to the target file.[ Reason: {e}] Temporary file could not be deleted: {tempFile} Catalog resolver not found along the classpath Error creating the catalog resolver: {message}