/* * $Id$ * ============================================================================ * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 * ============================================================================ * * Copyright (C) 1999-2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modifica- * tion, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must * include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software * developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if * and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "FOP" and "Apache Software Foundation" must not be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior * written permission. For written permission, please contact * apache@apache.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", nor may * "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the * Apache Software Foundation. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLU- * DING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ============================================================================ * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation and was originally created by * James Tauber . For more information on the Apache * Software Foundation, please see . */ package org.apache.fop.fo; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.GenericBoolean; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.GenericBorderStyle; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.GenericBreak; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.GenericCondBorderWidth; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.GenericCondPadding; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.GenericKeep; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.GenericSpace; public interface Constants { // element constants int FO_BASIC_LINK = 1; int FO_BIDI_OVERRIDE = 2; int FO_BLOCK = 3; int FO_BLOCK_CONTAINER = 4; int FO_CHARACTER = 5; int FO_COLOR_PROFILE = 6; int FO_CONDITIONAL_PAGE_MASTER_REFERENCE = 7; int FO_DECLARATION = 8; int FO_EXTERNAL_GRAPHIC = 9; int FO_FLOAT = 10; int FO_FLOW = 11; int FO_FOOTNOTE = 12; int FO_FOOTNOTE_BODY = 13; int FO_INITIAL_PROPERTY_SET = 14; int FO_INLINE = 15; int FO_INLINE_CONTAINER = 16; int FO_INSTREAM_FOREIGN_OBJECT = 17; int FO_LAYOUT_MASTER_SET = 18; int FO_LEADER = 19; int FO_LIST_BLOCK = 20; int FO_LIST_ITEM = 21; int FO_LIST_ITEM_BODY = 22; int FO_LIST_ITEM_LABEL = 23; int FO_MARKER = 24; int FO_MULTI_CASE = 25; int FO_MULTI_PROPERTIES = 26; int FO_MULTI_PROPERTY_SET = 27; int FO_MULTI_SWITCH = 28; int FO_MULTI_TOGGLE = 29; int FO_PAGE_NUMBER = 30; int FO_PAGE_NUMBER_CITATION = 31; int FO_PAGE_SEQUENCE = 32; int FO_PAGE_SEQUENCE_MASTER = 33; int FO_REGION_AFTER = 34; int FO_REGION_BEFORE = 35; int FO_REGION_BODY = 36; int FO_REGION_END = 37; int FO_REGION_START = 38; int FO_REPEATABLE_PAGE_MASTER_ALTERNATIVES = 39; int FO_REPEATABLE_PAGE_MASTER_REFERENCE = 40; int FO_RETRIEVE_MARKER = 41; int FO_ROOT = 42; int FO_SIMPLE_PAGE_MASTER = 43; int FO_SINGLE_PAGE_MASTER_REFERENCE = 44; int FO_STATIC_CONTENT = 45; int FO_TABLE = 46; int FO_TABLE_AND_CAPTION = 47; int FO_TABLE_BODY = 48; int FO_TABLE_CAPTION = 49; int FO_TABLE_CELL = 50; int FO_TABLE_COLUMN = 51; int FO_TABLE_FOOTER = 52; int FO_TABLE_HEADER = 53; int FO_TABLE_ROW = 54; int FO_TITLE = 55; int FO_WRAPPER = 56; int ELEMENT_COUNT = 56; // Masks int COMPOUND_SHIFT = 9; int PROPERTY_MASK = (1 << COMPOUND_SHIFT)-1; int COMPOUND_MASK = ~PROPERTY_MASK; int COMPOUND_COUNT = 11; // property constants int PR_ABSOLUTE_POSITION = 1; int PR_ACTIVE_STATE = 2; int PR_ALIGNMENT_ADJUST = 3; int PR_ALIGNMENT_BASELINE = 4; int PR_AUTO_RESTORE = 5; int PR_AZIMUTH = 6; int PR_BACKGROUND = 7; int PR_BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT = 8; int PR_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 9; int PR_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = 10; int PR_BACKGROUND_POSITION = 11; int PR_BACKGROUND_POSITION_HORIZONTAL = 12; int PR_BACKGROUND_POSITION_VERTICAL = 13; int PR_BACKGROUND_REPEAT = 14; int PR_BASELINE_SHIFT = 15; int PR_BLANK_OR_NOT_BLANK = 16; int PR_BLOCK_PROGRESSION_DIMENSION = 17; int PR_BORDER = 18; int PR_BORDER_AFTER_COLOR = 19; int PR_BORDER_AFTER_PRECEDENCE = 20; int PR_BORDER_AFTER_STYLE = 21; int PR_BORDER_AFTER_WIDTH = 22; int PR_BORDER_BEFORE_COLOR = 23; int PR_BORDER_BEFORE_PRECEDENCE = 24; int PR_BORDER_BEFORE_STYLE = 25; int PR_BORDER_BEFORE_WIDTH = 26; int PR_BORDER_BOTTOM = 27; int PR_BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR = 28; int PR_BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE = 29; int PR_BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH = 30; int PR_BORDER_COLLAPSE = 31; int PR_BORDER_COLOR = 32; int PR_BORDER_END_COLOR = 33; int PR_BORDER_END_PRECEDENCE = 34; int PR_BORDER_END_STYLE = 35; int PR_BORDER_END_WIDTH = 36; int PR_BORDER_LEFT = 37; int PR_BORDER_LEFT_COLOR = 38; int PR_BORDER_LEFT_STYLE = 39; int PR_BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH = 40; int PR_BORDER_RIGHT = 41; int PR_BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR = 42; int PR_BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE = 43; int PR_BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH = 44; int PR_BORDER_SEPARATION = 45; int PR_BORDER_SPACING = 46; int PR_BORDER_START_COLOR = 47; int PR_BORDER_START_PRECEDENCE = 48; int PR_BORDER_START_STYLE = 49; int PR_BORDER_START_WIDTH = 50; int PR_BORDER_STYLE = 51; int PR_BORDER_TOP = 52; int PR_BORDER_TOP_COLOR = 53; int PR_BORDER_TOP_STYLE = 54; int PR_BORDER_TOP_WIDTH = 55; int PR_BORDER_WIDTH = 56; int PR_BOTTOM = 57; int PR_BREAK_AFTER = 58; int PR_BREAK_BEFORE = 59; int PR_CAPTION_SIDE = 60; int PR_CASE_NAME = 61; int PR_CASE_TITLE = 62; int PR_CHARACTER = 63; int PR_CLEAR = 64; int PR_CLIP = 65; int PR_COLOR = 66; int PR_COLOR_PROFILE_NAME = 67; int PR_COLUMN_COUNT = 68; int PR_COLUMN_GAP = 69; int PR_COLUMN_NUMBER = 70; int PR_COLUMN_WIDTH = 71; int PR_CONTENT_HEIGHT = 72; int PR_CONTENT_TYPE = 73; int PR_CONTENT_WIDTH = 74; int PR_COUNTRY = 75; int PR_CUE = 76; int PR_CUE_AFTER = 77; int PR_CUE_BEFORE = 78; int PR_DESTINATION_PLACEMENT_OFFSET = 79; int PR_DIRECTION = 80; int PR_DISPLAY_ALIGN = 81; int PR_DOMINANT_BASELINE = 82; int PR_ELEVATION = 83; int PR_EMPTY_CELLS = 84; int PR_END_INDENT = 85; int PR_ENDS_ROW = 86; int PR_EXTENT = 87; int PR_EXTERNAL_DESTINATION = 88; int PR_FLOAT = 89; int PR_FLOW_NAME = 90; int PR_FONT = 91; int PR_FONT_FAMILY = 92; int PR_FONT_SELECTION_STRATEGY = 93; int PR_FONT_SIZE = 94; int PR_FONT_SIZE_ADJUST = 95; int PR_FONT_STRETCH = 96; int PR_FONT_STYLE = 97; int PR_FONT_VARIANT = 98; int PR_FONT_WEIGHT = 99; int PR_FORCE_PAGE_COUNT = 100; int PR_FORMAT = 101; int PR_GLYPH_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL = 102; int PR_GLYPH_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL = 103; int PR_GROUPING_SEPARATOR = 104; int PR_GROUPING_SIZE = 105; int PR_HEIGHT = 106; int PR_HYPHENATE = 107; int PR_HYPHENATION_CHARACTER = 108; int PR_HYPHENATION_KEEP = 109; int PR_HYPHENATION_LADDER_COUNT = 110; int PR_HYPHENATION_PUSH_CHARACTER_COUNT = 111; int PR_HYPHENATION_REMAIN_CHARACTER_COUNT = 112; int PR_ID = 113; int PR_INDICATE_DESTINATION = 114; int PR_INITIAL_PAGE_NUMBER = 115; int PR_INLINE_PROGRESSION_DIMENSION = 116; int PR_INTERNAL_DESTINATION = 117; int PR_KEEP_TOGETHER = 118; int PR_KEEP_WITH_NEXT = 119; int PR_KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS = 120; int PR_LANGUAGE = 121; int PR_LAST_LINE_END_INDENT = 122; int PR_LEADER_ALIGNMENT = 123; int PR_LEADER_LENGTH = 124; int PR_LEADER_PATTERN = 125; int PR_LEADER_PATTERN_WIDTH = 126; int PR_LEFT = 127; int PR_LETTER_SPACING = 128; int PR_LETTER_VALUE = 129; int PR_LINEFEED_TREATMENT = 130; int PR_LINE_HEIGHT = 131; int PR_LINE_HEIGHT_SHIFT_ADJUSTMENT = 132; int PR_LINE_STACKING_STRATEGY = 133; int PR_MARGIN = 134; int PR_MARGIN_BOTTOM = 135; int PR_MARGIN_LEFT = 136; int PR_MARGIN_RIGHT = 137; int PR_MARGIN_TOP = 138; int PR_MARKER_CLASS_NAME = 139; int PR_MASTER_NAME = 140; int PR_MASTER_REFERENCE = 141; int PR_MAX_HEIGHT = 142; int PR_MAXIMUM_REPEATS = 143; int PR_MAX_WIDTH = 144; int PR_MEDIA_USAGE = 145; int PR_MIN_HEIGHT = 146; int PR_MIN_WIDTH = 147; int PR_NUMBER_COLUMNS_REPEATED = 148; int PR_NUMBER_COLUMNS_SPANNED = 149; int PR_NUMBER_ROWS_SPANNED = 150; int PR_ODD_OR_EVEN = 151; int PR_ORPHANS = 152; int PR_OVERFLOW = 153; int PR_PADDING = 154; int PR_PADDING_AFTER = 155; int PR_PADDING_BEFORE = 156; int PR_PADDING_BOTTOM = 157; int PR_PADDING_END = 158; int PR_PADDING_LEFT = 159; int PR_PADDING_RIGHT = 160; int PR_PADDING_START = 161; int PR_PADDING_TOP = 162; int PR_PAGE_BREAK_AFTER = 163; int PR_PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE = 164; int PR_PAGE_BREAK_INSIDE = 165; int PR_PAGE_HEIGHT = 166; int PR_PAGE_POSITION = 167; int PR_PAGE_WIDTH = 168; int PR_PAUSE = 169; int PR_PAUSE_AFTER = 170; int PR_PAUSE_BEFORE = 171; int PR_PITCH = 172; int PR_PITCH_RANGE = 173; int PR_PLAY_DURING = 174; int PR_POSITION = 175; int PR_PRECEDENCE = 176; int PR_PROVISIONAL_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_STARTS = 177; int PR_PROVISIONAL_LABEL_SEPARATION = 178; int PR_REFERENCE_ORIENTATION = 179; int PR_REF_ID = 180; int PR_REGION_NAME = 181; int PR_RELATIVE_ALIGN = 182; int PR_RELATIVE_POSITION = 183; int PR_RENDERING_INTENT = 184; int PR_RETRIEVE_BOUNDARY = 185; int PR_RETRIEVE_CLASS_NAME = 186; int PR_RETRIEVE_POSITION = 187; int PR_RICHNESS = 188; int PR_RIGHT = 189; int PR_ROLE = 190; int PR_RULE_STYLE = 191; int PR_RULE_THICKNESS = 192; int PR_SCALING = 193; int PR_SCALING_METHOD = 194; int PR_SCORE_SPACES = 195; int PR_SCRIPT = 196; int PR_SHOW_DESTINATION = 197; int PR_SIZE = 198; int PR_SOURCE_DOCUMENT = 199; int PR_SPACE_AFTER = 200; int PR_SPACE_BEFORE = 201; int PR_SPACE_END = 202; int PR_SPACE_START = 203; int PR_SPACE_TREATMENT = 204; int PR_SPAN = 205; int PR_SPEAK = 206; int PR_SPEAK_HEADER = 207; int PR_SPEAK_NUMERAL = 208; int PR_SPEAK_PUNCTUATION = 209; int PR_SPEECH_RATE = 210; int PR_SRC = 211; int PR_START_INDENT = 212; int PR_STARTING_STATE = 213; int PR_STARTS_ROW = 214; int PR_STRESS = 215; int PR_SUPPRESS_AT_LINE_BREAK = 216; int PR_SWITCH_TO = 217; int PR_TABLE_LAYOUT = 218; int PR_TABLE_OMIT_FOOTER_AT_BREAK = 219; int PR_TABLE_OMIT_HEADER_AT_BREAK = 220; int PR_TARGET_PRESENTATION_CONTEXT = 221; int PR_TARGET_PROCESSING_CONTEXT = 222; int PR_TARGET_STYLESHEET = 223; int PR_TEXT_ALIGN = 224; int PR_TEXT_ALIGN_LAST = 225; int PR_TEXT_ALTITUDE = 226; int PR_TEXT_DECORATION = 227; int PR_TEXT_DEPTH = 228; int PR_TEXT_INDENT = 229; int PR_TEXT_SHADOW = 230; int PR_TEXT_TRANSFORM = 231; int PR_TOP = 232; int PR_TREAT_AS_WORD_SPACE = 233; int PR_UNICODE_BIDI = 234; int PR_VERTICAL_ALIGN = 235; int PR_VISIBILITY = 236; int PR_VOICE_FAMILY = 237; int PR_VOLUME = 238; int PR_WHITE_SPACE_COLLAPSE = 239; int PR_WHITE_SPACE_TREATMENT = 240; int PR_WIDOWS = 241; int PR_WIDTH = 242; int PR_WORD_SPACING = 243; int PR_WRAP_OPTION = 244; int PR_WRITING_MODE = 245; int PR_XML_LANG = 246; int PR_Z_INDEX = 247; int PROPERTY_COUNT = 247; // compound property constants int CP_BLOCK_PROGRESSION_DIRECTION = 1 << COMPOUND_SHIFT; int CP_CONDITIONALITY = 2 << COMPOUND_SHIFT; int CP_INLINE_PROGRESSION_DIRECTION = 3 << COMPOUND_SHIFT; int CP_LENGTH = 4 << COMPOUND_SHIFT; int CP_MAXIMUM = 5 << COMPOUND_SHIFT; int CP_MINIMUM = 6 << COMPOUND_SHIFT; int CP_OPTIMUM = 7 << COMPOUND_SHIFT; int CP_PRECEDENCE = 8 << COMPOUND_SHIFT; int CP_WITHIN_COLUMN = 9 << COMPOUND_SHIFT; int CP_WITHIN_LINE = 10 << COMPOUND_SHIFT; int CP_WITHIN_PAGE = 11 << COMPOUND_SHIFT; // Enumeration constants int ABSOLUTE = 1; int ABSOLUTE_COLORMETRIC = 2; int AFTER = 3; int ALL = 4; int ALPHABETIC = 5; int ALWAYS = 6; int ANY = 7; int AUTO = 8; int BASELINE = 9; int BEFORE = 10; int BLANK = 11; int BLINK = 12; int BOTTOM = 13; int CAPITALIZE = 14; int CENTER = 15; int COLLAPSE = 16; int COLUMN = 17; int DASHED = 18; int DISCARD = 19; int DOCUMENT = 20; int DOTS = 21; int DOTTED = 22; int DOUBLE = 23; int END = 24; int END_ON_EVEN = 25; int END_ON_ODD = 26; int ERROR_IF_OVERFLOW = 27; int EVEN = 28; int EVEN_PAGE = 29; int FALSE = 30; int FIC = 31; int FIRST = 32; int FIXED = 33; int FORCE = 34; int FSWP = 35; int GROOVE = 36; int HIDDEN = 37; int IGNORE = 38; int IGNORE_IF_AFTER_LINEFEED = 39; int IGNORE_IF_BEFORE_LINEFEED = 40; int IGNORE_IF_SURROUNDING_LINEFEED = 41; int INSET = 42; int JUSTIFY = 43; int LAST = 44; int LEFT = 45; int LEWP = 46; int LINE_THROUGH = 47; int LOWERCASE = 48; int LR_TB = 49; int LSWP = 50; int MIDDLE = 51; int NO_BLINK = 52; int NO_FORCE = 53; int NO_LINE_THROUGH = 54; int NO_OVERLINE = 55; int NO_UNDERLINE = 56; int NO_WRAP = 57; int NON_UNIFORM = 58; int NONE = 59; int NOREPEAT = 60; int NORMAL = 61; int NOT_BLANK = 62; int ODD = 63; int ODD_PAGE = 64; int OUTSET = 65; int OVERLINE = 66; int PAGE = 67; int PAGE_SEQUENCE = 68; int PERCEPTUAL = 69; int PRESERVE = 70; int REFERENCE_AREA = 71; int RELATIVE = 72; int RELATIVE_COLOMETRIC = 73; int REPEAT = 74; int REPEATX = 75; int REPEATY = 76; int REST = 77; int RETAIN = 78; int RIDGE = 79; int RIGHT = 80; int RL_TB = 81; int RULE = 82; int SATURATION = 83; int SCROLL = 84; int SEPARATE = 85; int SMALL_CAPS = 86; int SOLID = 87; int SPACE = 88; int START = 89; int STATIC = 90; int SUB = 91; int SUPER = 92; int TB_RL = 93; int TEXT_BOTTOM = 94; int TEXT_TOP = 95; int TOP = 96; int TRADITIONAL = 97; int TREAT_AS_SPACE = 98; int TREAT_AS_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE = 99; int TRUE = 100; int UNDERLINE = 101; int UNIFORM = 102; int UPPERCASE = 103; int USECONTENT = 104; int VISIBLE = 105; int WRAP = 106; // Enumeration Interfaces public interface AbsolutePosition { int AUTO = Constants.AUTO; int FIXED = Constants.FIXED; int ABSOLUTE = Constants.ABSOLUTE; } public interface BackgroundRepeat { int REPEAT = Constants.REPEAT; int REPEATX = Constants.REPEATX; int REPEATY = Constants.REPEATY; int NOREPEAT = Constants.NOREPEAT; } public interface BorderBeforeStyle extends GenericBorderStyle.Enums { } public interface BorderBeforeWidth extends GenericCondBorderWidth.Enums { } public interface BorderAfterStyle extends GenericBorderStyle.Enums { } public interface BorderAfterWidth extends GenericCondBorderWidth.Enums { } public interface BorderStartStyle extends GenericBorderStyle.Enums { } public interface BorderStartWidth extends GenericCondBorderWidth.Enums { } public interface BorderEndStyle extends GenericBorderStyle.Enums { } public interface BorderEndWidth extends GenericCondBorderWidth.Enums { } public interface BorderTopStyle extends GenericBorderStyle.Enums { } public interface BorderBottomStyle extends GenericBorderStyle.Enums { } public interface BorderLeftStyle extends GenericBorderStyle.Enums { } public interface BorderRightStyle extends GenericBorderStyle.Enums { } public interface PaddingBefore extends GenericCondPadding.Enums { } public interface PaddingAfter extends GenericCondPadding.Enums { } public interface PaddingStart extends GenericCondPadding.Enums { } public interface PaddingEnd extends GenericCondPadding.Enums { } public interface FontVariant { int NORMAL = Constants.NORMAL; int SMALL_CAPS = Constants.SMALL_CAPS; } public interface Hyphenate { int TRUE = Constants.TRUE; int FALSE = Constants.FALSE; } public interface SpaceBefore extends GenericSpace.Enums { } public interface SpaceAfter extends GenericSpace.Enums { } public interface SpaceEnd extends GenericSpace.Enums { } public interface SpaceStart extends GenericSpace.Enums { } public interface BaselineShift { int BASELINE = Constants.BASELINE; int SUB = Constants.SUB; int SUPER = Constants.SUPER; } public interface DisplayAlign { int BEFORE = Constants.BEFORE; int AFTER = Constants.AFTER; int CENTER = Constants.CENTER; int AUTO = Constants.AUTO; } public interface RelativeAlign { int BEFORE = Constants.BEFORE; int BASELINE = Constants.BASELINE; } public interface Scaling { int UNIFORM = Constants.UNIFORM; int NON_UNIFORM = Constants.NON_UNIFORM; } public interface LinefeedTreatment { int IGNORE = Constants.IGNORE; int PRESERVE = Constants.PRESERVE; int TREAT_AS_SPACE = Constants.TREAT_AS_SPACE; int TREAT_AS_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE = Constants.TREAT_AS_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE; } public interface TextAlign { int CENTER = Constants.CENTER; int END = Constants.END; int START = Constants.START; int JUSTIFY = Constants.JUSTIFY; } public interface TextAlignLast { int CENTER = Constants.CENTER; int END = Constants.END; int START = Constants.START; int JUSTIFY = Constants.JUSTIFY; } public interface WhiteSpaceCollapse extends GenericBoolean.Enums { } public interface WrapOption { int WRAP = Constants.WRAP; int NO_WRAP = Constants.NO_WRAP; } public interface TextDecoration { int NONE = Constants.NONE; int UNDERLINE = Constants.UNDERLINE; int OVERLINE = Constants.OVERLINE; int LINE_THROUGH = Constants.LINE_THROUGH; int BLINK = Constants.BLINK; int NO_UNDERLINE = Constants.NO_UNDERLINE; int NO_OVERLINE = Constants.NO_OVERLINE; int NO_LINE_THROUGH = Constants.NO_LINE_THROUGH; int NO_BLINK = Constants.NO_BLINK; } public interface TextTransform { int NONE = Constants.NONE; int CAPITALIZE = Constants.CAPITALIZE; int UPPERCASE = Constants.UPPERCASE; int LOWERCASE = Constants.LOWERCASE; } public interface WordSpacing extends GenericSpace.Enums { } public interface RenderingIntent { int AUTO = Constants.AUTO; int PERCEPTUAL = Constants.PERCEPTUAL; int RELATIVE_COLOMETRIC = Constants.RELATIVE_COLOMETRIC; int SATURATION = Constants.SATURATION; int ABSOLUTE_COLORMETRIC = Constants.ABSOLUTE_COLORMETRIC; } public interface BreakAfter extends GenericBreak.Enums { } public interface BreakBefore extends GenericBreak.Enums { } public interface KeepTogether extends GenericKeep.Enums { } public interface KeepWithNext extends GenericKeep.Enums { } public interface KeepWithPrevious extends GenericKeep.Enums { } public interface Overflow { int VISIBLE = Constants.VISIBLE; int HIDDEN = Constants.HIDDEN; int SCROLL = Constants.SCROLL; int ERROR_IF_OVERFLOW = Constants.ERROR_IF_OVERFLOW; int AUTO = Constants.AUTO; } /* public interface Span { conflicts with Area.Span int NONE = Constants.NONE; int ALL = Constants.ALL; } */ public interface LeaderAlignment { int NONE = Constants.NONE; int REFERENCE_AREA = Constants.REFERENCE_AREA; int PAGE = Constants.PAGE; } public interface LeaderPattern { int SPACE = Constants.SPACE; int RULE = Constants.RULE; int DOTS = Constants.DOTS; int USECONTENT = Constants.USECONTENT; } public interface RuleStyle { int NONE = Constants.NONE; int DOTTED = Constants.DOTTED; int DASHED = Constants.DASHED; int SOLID = Constants.SOLID; int DOUBLE = Constants.DOUBLE; int GROOVE = Constants.GROOVE; int RIDGE = Constants.RIDGE; } public interface RetrievePosition { int FSWP = Constants.FSWP; int FIC = Constants.FIC; int LSWP = Constants.LSWP; int LEWP = Constants.LEWP; } public interface RetrieveBoundary { int PAGE = Constants.PAGE; int PAGE_SEQUENCE = Constants.PAGE_SEQUENCE; int DOCUMENT = Constants.DOCUMENT; } public interface LetterValue { int ALPHABETIC = Constants.ALPHABETIC; int TRADITIONAL = Constants.TRADITIONAL; int AUTO = Constants.AUTO; } public interface BlankOrNotBlank { int BLANK = Constants.BLANK; int NOT_BLANK = Constants.NOT_BLANK; int ANY = Constants.ANY; } public interface ForcePageCount { int EVEN = Constants.EVEN; int ODD = Constants.ODD; int END_ON_EVEN = Constants.END_ON_EVEN; int END_ON_ODD = Constants.END_ON_ODD; int NO_FORCE = Constants.NO_FORCE; int AUTO = Constants.AUTO; } public interface OddOrEven { int ODD = Constants.ODD; int EVEN = Constants.EVEN; int ANY = Constants.ANY; } public interface PagePosition { int FIRST = Constants.FIRST; int LAST = Constants.LAST; int REST = Constants.REST; int ANY = Constants.ANY; } public interface Precedence { int TRUE = Constants.TRUE; int FALSE = Constants.FALSE; } public interface BorderCollapse { int SEPARATE = Constants.SEPARATE; int COLLAPSE = Constants.COLLAPSE; } public interface CaptionSide { int BEFORE = Constants.BEFORE; int AFTER = Constants.AFTER; int START = Constants.START; int END = Constants.END; int TOP = Constants.TOP; int BOTTOM = Constants.BOTTOM; int LEFT = Constants.LEFT; int RIGHT = Constants.RIGHT; } public interface TableLayout { int AUTO = Constants.AUTO; int FIXED = Constants.FIXED; } public interface TableOmitFooterAtBreak extends GenericBoolean.Enums { } public interface TableOmitHeaderAtBreak extends GenericBoolean.Enums { } public interface WritingMode { int LR_TB = Constants.LR_TB; int RL_TB = Constants.RL_TB; int TB_RL = Constants.TB_RL; } /* public interface Position { conflicts with layoutmgr.Position int STATIC = Constants.STATIC; int RELATIVE = Constants.RELATIVE; int ABSOLUTE = Constants.ABSOLUTE; int FIXED = Constants.FIXED; } */ public interface VerticalAlign { int BASELINE = Constants.BASELINE; int MIDDLE = Constants.MIDDLE; int SUB = Constants.SUB; int SUPER = Constants.SUPER; int TEXT_TOP = Constants.TEXT_TOP; int TEXT_BOTTOM = Constants.TEXT_BOTTOM; int TOP = Constants.TOP; int BOTTOM = Constants.BOTTOM; } public interface WhiteSpaceTreatment { int IGNORE = Constants.IGNORE; int PRESERVE = Constants.PRESERVE; int IGNORE_IF_BEFORE_LINEFEED = Constants.IGNORE_IF_BEFORE_LINEFEED; int IGNORE_IF_AFTER_LINEFEED = Constants.IGNORE_IF_AFTER_LINEFEED; int IGNORE_IF_SURROUNDING_LINEFEED = Constants.IGNORE_IF_SURROUNDING_LINEFEED; } }