/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.fo; import org.xml.sax.Locator; import org.apache.xmlgraphics.util.QName; import org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException; import org.apache.fop.events.EventBroadcaster; import org.apache.fop.events.EventProducer; import org.apache.fop.fo.expr.PropertyException; /** * Event producer interface for XSL-FO validation messages. */ public interface FOValidationEventProducer extends EventProducer { /** * Provider class for the event producer. */ final class Provider { private Provider() { } /** * Returns an event producer. * @param broadcaster the event broadcaster to use * @return the event producer */ public static FOValidationEventProducer get(EventBroadcaster broadcaster) { return (FOValidationEventProducer)broadcaster.getEventProducerFor( FOValidationEventProducer.class); } } /** * Too many child nodes. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param offendingNode the offending node * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void tooManyNodes(Object source, String elementName, QName offendingNode, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * The node order is wrong. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param tooLateNode string name of node that should be earlier in document * @param tooEarlyNode string name of node that should be later in document * @param canRecover indicates whether FOP can recover from this problem and continue working * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call */ void nodeOutOfOrder(Object source, String elementName, String tooLateNode, String tooEarlyNode, boolean canRecover, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * An invalid child was encountered. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param offendingNode the offending node * @param ruleViolated the rule that was violated or null * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call */ void invalidChild(Object source, String elementName, QName offendingNode, String ruleViolated, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * A required child element is missing. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param contentModel the expected content model * @param canRecover indicates whether FOP can recover from this problem and continue working * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void missingChildElement(Object source, String elementName, String contentModel, boolean canRecover, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * An element is missing a required property. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param propertyName the name of the missing property * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void missingProperty(Object source, String elementName, String propertyName, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * An id was used twice in a document. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param id the id that was reused * @param canRecover indicates whether FOP can recover from this problem and continue working * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void idNotUnique(Object source, String elementName, String id, boolean canRecover, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * There are multiple color profiles defined with the same name. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param name the duplicate color profile name * @param loc the location of the error or null * @event.severity WARN */ void colorProfileNameNotUnique(Object source, String elementName, String name, Locator loc); /** * There are multiple page masters defined with the same name. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param name the duplicate page master name * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void masterNameNotUnique(Object source, String elementName, String name, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * An fo:marker appears as initial descendant in an fo:block-container * that generates absolutely positioned areas * @param source the event source * @param loc the location of the error (possibly null) * @event.severity ERROR */ void markerBlockContainerAbsolutePosition(Object source, Locator loc); /** * A marker is not an initial child on a node. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param mcname the marker class name * @param loc the location of the error or null * @event.severity ERROR */ void markerNotInitialChild(Object source, String elementName, String mcname, Locator loc); /** * A marker class name is not unique within the same parent. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param mcname the marker class name * @param loc the location of the error or null * @event.severity ERROR */ void markerNotUniqueForSameParent(Object source, String elementName, String mcname, Locator loc); /** * An invalid property was found. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param attr the invalid attribute * @param canRecover indicates whether FOP can recover from this problem and continue working * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void invalidProperty(Object source, String elementName, QName attr, boolean canRecover, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * An invalid property value was encountered. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param propName the property name * @param propValue the property value * @param e the property exception caused by the invalid value * @param loc the location of the error or null * @event.severity ERROR */ void invalidPropertyValue(Object source, String elementName, String propName, String propValue, PropertyException e, Locator loc); /** * A feature is not supported, yet. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param feature the unsupported feature * @param loc the location of the error or null * @event.severity WARN */ void unimplementedFeature(Object source, String elementName, String feature, Locator loc); /** * Missing internal-/external-destination on basic-link or bookmark. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void missingLinkDestination(Object source, String elementName, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * Indicates a problem while cloning a marker (ex. due to invalid property values). * @param source the event source * @param markerClassName the "marker-class-name" of the marker * @param fe the FOP exception that cause this problem * @param loc the location of the error or null * @event.severity ERROR */ void markerCloningFailed(Object source, String markerClassName, FOPException fe, Locator loc); /** * A region name is mapped to multiple region classes. * @param source the event source * @param regionName the region name * @param defaultRegionClass1 the first default region class * @param defaultRegionClass2 the second default region class * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void regionNameMappedToMultipleRegionClasses(Object source, String regionName, String defaultRegionClass1, String defaultRegionClass2, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * There are multiple flows with the same name. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param flowName the flow name * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void duplicateFlowNameInPageSequence(Object source, String elementName, String flowName, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * A flow name could not be mapped to a region. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param flowName the flow name * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void flowNameNotMapped(Object source, String elementName, String flowName, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * A page master could not be found. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param masterReference the page master reference * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void masterNotFound(Object source, String elementName, String masterReference, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * An illegal region name was used. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param regionName the region name * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void illegalRegionName(Object source, String elementName, String regionName, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * A non-zero border and/or padding has been encountered on a region. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param regionName the region name * @param canRecover indicates whether FOP can recover from this problem and continue working * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void nonZeroBorderPaddingOnRegion(Object source, String elementName, String regionName, boolean canRecover, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * If overflow property is set to "scroll", a column-count other than "1" may not be specified. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void columnCountErrorOnRegionBodyOverflowScroll(Object source, String elementName, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * fo:root must be root. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param loc the location of the error or null * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void invalidFORoot(Object source, String elementName, Locator loc) throws ValidationException; /** * No FO document was found. * @param source the event source * @throws ValidationException the validation error provoked by the method call * @event.severity FATAL */ void emptyDocument(Object source) throws ValidationException; /** * An unknown/unsupported formatting object has been encountered. * @param source the event source * @param elementName the name of the context node * @param offendingNode the offending node * @param loc the location of the error or null * @event.severity WARN */ void unknownFormattingObject(Object source, String elementName, QName offendingNode, Locator loc); /** * Alternate text is missing for a graphic element. * * @param source the event source * @param foElement name of the element (external-graphic or instream-foreign-object) * @param loc the location of the error or null * @event.severity WARN */ void altTextMissing(Object source, String foElement, Locator loc); }