/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.fo; // FOP import org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException; import org.apache.fop.fonts.Font; import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.Property; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonBorderAndPadding; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonMarginBlock; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonMarginInline; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonBackground; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonAccessibility; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonAural; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonRelativePosition; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonAbsolutePosition; import org.apache.fop.traits.BlockProps; import org.apache.fop.traits.InlineProps; import org.apache.fop.traits.SpaceVal; import org.apache.fop.traits.LayoutProps; // keep, break, span, space? import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontMetrics; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonHyphenation; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; /** * Helper class for managing groups of properties. */ public class PropertyManager implements Constants { private PropertyList propertyList; private FontInfo fontInfo = null; private Font fontState = null; private CommonBorderAndPadding borderAndPadding = null; private CommonHyphenation hyphProps = null; private TextInfo textInfo = null; private static final String NONE = "none"; private static final int[] SA_BEFORE = new int[] { PR_BORDER_BEFORE_COLOR, PR_BORDER_BEFORE_STYLE, PR_BORDER_BEFORE_WIDTH, PR_PADDING_BEFORE}; private static final int[] SA_AFTER = new int[]{ PR_BORDER_AFTER_COLOR, PR_BORDER_AFTER_STYLE, PR_BORDER_AFTER_WIDTH, PR_PADDING_AFTER}; private static final int[] SA_START = new int[]{ PR_BORDER_START_COLOR, PR_BORDER_START_STYLE, PR_BORDER_START_WIDTH, PR_PADDING_START}; private static final int[] SA_END = new int[]{ PR_BORDER_END_COLOR, PR_BORDER_END_STYLE, PR_BORDER_END_WIDTH, PR_PADDING_END}; /** * Main constructor * @param propList list of properties for the FO, initialized * from the attributes in the input source document */ public PropertyManager(PropertyList propList) { propertyList = propList; } /** * Sets the FontInfo object telling the property manager which fonts are * available. * @param fontInfo FontInfo object */ public void setFontInfo(FontInfo fontInfo) { this.fontInfo = fontInfo; } /** * Constructs a FontState object. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @param fontInfo the FontInfo implementation containing the font * information * @return a FontState object */ public Font getFontState(FontInfo fontInfo) { if (fontState == null) { if (fontInfo == null) { fontInfo = this.fontInfo; } else if (this.fontInfo == null) { this.fontInfo = fontInfo; } /**@todo this is ugly. need to improve. */ String fontFamily = propertyList.get(PR_FONT_FAMILY).getString(); String fontStyle = propertyList.get(PR_FONT_STYLE).getString(); String fw = propertyList.get(PR_FONT_WEIGHT).getString(); int fontWeight = 400; if (fw.equals("bolder")) { // +100 from inherited } else if (fw.equals("lighter")) { // -100 from inherited } else { try { fontWeight = Integer.parseInt(fw); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } /** TODO: log that exception */ } fontWeight = ((int) fontWeight / 100) * 100; if (fontWeight < 100) { fontWeight = 100; } else if (fontWeight > 900) { fontWeight = 900; } // NOTE: this is incomplete. font-size may be specified with // various kinds of keywords too int fontSize = propertyList.get(PR_FONT_SIZE).getLength().getValue(); //int fontVariant = propertyList.get("font-variant").getEnum(); String fname = fontInfo.fontLookup(fontFamily, fontStyle, fontWeight); FontMetrics metrics = fontInfo.getMetricsFor(fname); fontState = new Font(fname, metrics, fontSize); } return fontState; } /** * Constructs a BorderAndPadding object. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @return a BorderAndPadding object */ public CommonBorderAndPadding getBorderAndPadding() { if (borderAndPadding == null) { this.borderAndPadding = new CommonBorderAndPadding(); initBorderInfo(CommonBorderAndPadding.BEFORE, SA_BEFORE); initBorderInfo(CommonBorderAndPadding.AFTER, SA_AFTER); initBorderInfo(CommonBorderAndPadding.START, SA_START); initBorderInfo(CommonBorderAndPadding.END, SA_END); } return borderAndPadding; } private void initBorderInfo(int whichSide, int[] saSide) { borderAndPadding.setPadding(whichSide, propertyList.get(saSide[3]).getCondLength()); // If style = none, force width to 0, don't get Color (spec 7.7.20) int style = propertyList.get(saSide[1]).getEnum(); if (style != Constants.NONE) { borderAndPadding.setBorder(whichSide, style, propertyList.get(saSide[2]).getCondLength(), propertyList.get(saSide[0]).getColorType()); } } /** * Constructs a HyphenationProps objects. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @return a HyphenationProps object */ public CommonHyphenation getHyphenationProps() { if (hyphProps == null) { this.hyphProps = new CommonHyphenation(); hyphProps.hyphenate = this.propertyList.get(PR_HYPHENATE).getEnum(); hyphProps.hyphenationChar = this.propertyList.get( PR_HYPHENATION_CHARACTER).getCharacter(); hyphProps.hyphenationPushCharacterCount = this.propertyList.get( PR_HYPHENATION_PUSH_CHARACTER_COUNT).getNumber(). intValue(); hyphProps.hyphenationRemainCharacterCount = this.propertyList.get( PR_HYPHENATION_REMAIN_CHARACTER_COUNT).getNumber(). intValue(); hyphProps.language = this.propertyList.get(PR_LANGUAGE).getString(); hyphProps.country = this.propertyList.get(PR_COUNTRY).getString(); } return hyphProps; } /*public int checkBreakBefore(Area area) { if (!(area instanceof ColumnArea)) { switch (propertyList.get("break-before").getEnum()) { case BreakBefore.PAGE: return Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK; case BreakBefore.ODD_PAGE: return Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD; case BreakBefore.EVEN_PAGE: return Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN; case BreakBefore.COLUMN: return Status.FORCE_COLUMN_BREAK; default: return Status.OK; } } else { ColumnArea colArea = (ColumnArea)area; switch (propertyList.get("break-before").getEnum()) { case BreakBefore.PAGE: // if first ColumnArea, and empty, return OK if (!colArea.hasChildren() && (colArea.getColumnIndex() == 1)) return Status.OK; else return Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK; case BreakBefore.ODD_PAGE: // if first ColumnArea, empty, _and_ in odd page, // return OK if (!colArea.hasChildren() && (colArea.getColumnIndex() == 1) && (colArea.getPage().getNumber() % 2 != 0)) return Status.OK; else return Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD; case BreakBefore.EVEN_PAGE: // if first ColumnArea, empty, _and_ in even page, // return OK if (!colArea.hasChildren() && (colArea.getColumnIndex() == 1) && (colArea.getPage().getNumber() % 2 == 0)) return Status.OK; else return Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN; case BreakBefore.COLUMN: // if ColumnArea is empty return OK if (!area.hasChildren()) return Status.OK; else return Status.FORCE_COLUMN_BREAK; default: return Status.OK; } } } public int checkBreakAfter(Area area) { switch (propertyList.get("break-after").getEnum()) { case BreakAfter.PAGE: return Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK; case BreakAfter.ODD_PAGE: return Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD; case BreakAfter.EVEN_PAGE: return Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN; case BreakAfter.COLUMN: return Status.FORCE_COLUMN_BREAK; default: return Status.OK; } }*/ /** * Constructs a MarginProps objects. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @return a MarginProps object */ public CommonMarginBlock getMarginProps() { CommonMarginBlock props = new CommonMarginBlock(); // Common Margin Properties-Block props.marginTop = this.propertyList.get(PR_MARGIN_TOP).getLength().getValue(); props.marginBottom = this.propertyList.get(PR_MARGIN_BOTTOM).getLength().getValue(); props.marginLeft = this.propertyList.get(PR_MARGIN_LEFT).getLength().getValue(); props.marginRight = this.propertyList.get(PR_MARGIN_RIGHT).getLength().getValue(); // For now, we only get the optimum value for space-before and after props.spaceBefore = this.propertyList.get(PR_SPACE_BEFORE). getSpace().getOptimum().getLength().getValue(); props.spaceAfter = this.propertyList.get(PR_SPACE_AFTER). getSpace().getOptimum().getLength().getValue(); // For now we do the section 5.3.2 calculation here. // This is a hack that doesn't deal correctly with: // - Reference vs. non-reference areas. // - writing mode, it mixes start and left. // - inherited values of margins and indents. // When the indents properties calculate this values correctly, // the block below can be removed and replaced with simple // props.startIndent = this.propertyList.get(PR_START_INDENT) // props.endIndent = this.propertyList.get(PR_END_INDENT) CommonBorderAndPadding bpProps = getBorderAndPadding(); int startIndent = 0; if (props.marginLeft != 0) { startIndent = props.marginLeft; } else { startIndent = this.propertyList.get(PR_START_INDENT). getLength().getValue(); } props.startIndent = startIndent + bpProps.getBorderStartWidth(false) + bpProps.getPaddingStart(false); int endIndent = 0; if (props.marginRight != 0) { endIndent = props.marginRight; } else { endIndent = this.propertyList.get(PR_END_INDENT). getLength().getValue(); } props.endIndent = endIndent + bpProps.getBorderEndWidth(false) + bpProps.getPaddingEnd(false); return props; } /** * Constructs a BackgroundProps objects. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @return a BackgroundProps object */ public CommonBackground getBackgroundProps() { CommonBackground bp = new CommonBackground(); bp.backAttachment = propertyList.get(PR_BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT).getEnum(); bp.backColor = propertyList.get(PR_BACKGROUND_COLOR).getColorType(); if (bp.backColor.getAlpha() == 0) { bp.backColor = null; } bp.backImage = propertyList.get(PR_BACKGROUND_IMAGE).getString(); if (bp.backImage == null || NONE.equals(bp.backImage)) { bp.backImage = null; } else { bp.backRepeat = propertyList.get(PR_BACKGROUND_REPEAT).getEnum(); Property prop = propertyList.get(PR_BACKGROUND_POSITION_HORIZONTAL); if (prop != null) { bp.backPosHorizontal = prop.getLength(); } prop = propertyList.get(PR_BACKGROUND_POSITION_VERTICAL); if (prop != null) { bp.backPosVertical = prop.getLength(); } } return bp; } /** * Constructs a MarginInlineProps objects. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @return a MarginInlineProps object */ public CommonMarginInline getMarginInlineProps() { CommonMarginInline props = new CommonMarginInline(); return props; } /** * Constructs a InlineProps objects. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @return a InlineProps object */ public InlineProps getInlineProps() { InlineProps props = new InlineProps(); props.spaceStart = new SpaceVal(propertyList.get(PR_SPACE_START).getSpace()); props.spaceEnd = new SpaceVal(propertyList.get(PR_SPACE_END).getSpace()); return props; } /** * Constructs a AccessibilityProps objects. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @return a AccessibilityProps object */ public CommonAccessibility getAccessibilityProps() { CommonAccessibility props = new CommonAccessibility(); String str; str = this.propertyList.get(PR_SOURCE_DOCUMENT).getString(); if (!NONE.equals(str)) { props.sourceDoc = str; } str = this.propertyList.get(PR_ROLE).getString(); if (!NONE.equals(str)) { props.role = str; } return props; } /** * Constructs a AuralProps objects. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @return a AuralProps object */ public CommonAural getAuralProps() { CommonAural props = new CommonAural(); return props; } /** * Constructs a RelativePositionProps objects. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @return a RelativePositionProps object */ public CommonRelativePosition getRelativePositionProps() { CommonRelativePosition props = new CommonRelativePosition(); return props; } /** * Constructs a AbsolutePositionProps objects. If it was constructed before * it is reused. * @return a AbsolutePositionProps object */ public CommonAbsolutePosition getAbsolutePositionProps() { CommonAbsolutePosition props = new CommonAbsolutePosition(); props.absolutePosition = this.propertyList.get(PR_ABSOLUTE_POSITION).getEnum(); props.top = this.propertyList.get(PR_TOP).getLength().getValue(); props.bottom = this.propertyList.get(PR_BOTTOM).getLength().getValue(); props.left = this.propertyList.get(PR_LEFT).getLength().getValue(); props.right = this.propertyList.get(PR_RIGHT).getLength().getValue(); return props; } /** * Constructs a BlockProps objects. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @return a BlockProps object */ public BlockProps getBlockProps() { BlockProps props = new BlockProps(); props.firstIndent = this.propertyList.get(PR_TEXT_INDENT).getLength(); props.lastIndent = 0; /*this.propertyList.get("last-line-end-indent").getLength().mvalue(); */ props.textAlign = this.propertyList.get(PR_TEXT_ALIGN).getEnum(); props.textAlignLast = this.propertyList.get(PR_TEXT_ALIGN_LAST).getEnum(); props.lineStackType = this.propertyList.get(PR_LINE_STACKING_STRATEGY).getEnum(); return props; } /** * Constructs a LayoutProps objects. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @return a LayoutProps object */ public LayoutProps getLayoutProps() { LayoutProps props = new LayoutProps(); props.breakBefore = this.propertyList.get(PR_BREAK_BEFORE).getEnum(); props.breakAfter = this.propertyList.get(PR_BREAK_AFTER).getEnum(); props.bIsSpan = (this.propertyList.get(PR_SPAN).getEnum() == Constants.ALL); props.spaceBefore = new SpaceVal( this.propertyList.get(PR_SPACE_BEFORE).getSpace()); props.spaceAfter = new SpaceVal( this.propertyList.get(PR_SPACE_AFTER).getSpace()); return props; } /** * Constructs a TextInfo objects. If it was constructed before it is * reused. * @param fontInfo FontInfo object containing list of available fonts * @return a TextInfo object */ public TextInfo getTextLayoutProps(FontInfo fontInfo) { if (textInfo == null) { textInfo = new TextInfo(); textInfo.fs = getFontState(fontInfo); textInfo.color = propertyList.get(PR_COLOR).getColorType(); textInfo.verticalAlign = propertyList.get(PR_VERTICAL_ALIGN).getEnum(); textInfo.wrapOption = propertyList.get(PR_WRAP_OPTION).getEnum(); textInfo.bWrap = (textInfo.wrapOption == Constants.WRAP); textInfo.wordSpacing = new SpaceVal( propertyList.get(PR_WORD_SPACING).getSpace()); /* textInfo.letterSpacing = new SpaceVal(propertyList.get("letter-spacing").getSpace());*/ textInfo.whiteSpaceCollapse = propertyList.get(PR_WHITE_SPACE_COLLAPSE).getEnum(); textInfo.lineHeight = this.propertyList.get( PR_LINE_HEIGHT).getLength().getValue(); textInfo.textTransform = this.propertyList.get(PR_TEXT_TRANSFORM).getEnum(); textInfo.hyphChar = this.propertyList.get( PR_HYPHENATION_CHARACTER).getCharacter(); } return textInfo; } /** * Calculate absolute reference-orientation relative to media orientation. * @return the enumerated reference-orientation */ public int getAbsRefOrient() { return propertyList.get(PR_REFERENCE_ORIENTATION).getNumber().intValue(); } /** * @return the enumerated writing-mode */ public int getWritingMode() { return propertyList.get(PR_WRITING_MODE).getEnum(); } }