/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.fo.expr; /** * Class to tokenize XSL FO property expression. * This class is heavily based on the epxression tokenizer in James Clark's * XT, an XSLT processor. */ class PropertyTokenizer { static final int TOK_EOF = 0; static final int TOK_NCNAME = TOK_EOF + 1; static final int TOK_MULTIPLY = TOK_NCNAME + 1; static final int TOK_LPAR = TOK_MULTIPLY + 1; static final int TOK_RPAR = TOK_LPAR + 1; static final int TOK_LITERAL = TOK_RPAR + 1; static final int TOK_NUMBER = TOK_LITERAL + 1; static final int TOK_FUNCTION_LPAR = TOK_NUMBER + 1; static final int TOK_PLUS = TOK_FUNCTION_LPAR + 1; static final int TOK_MINUS = TOK_PLUS + 1; static final int TOK_MOD = TOK_MINUS + 1; static final int TOK_DIV = TOK_MOD + 1; static final int TOK_NUMERIC = TOK_DIV + 1; static final int TOK_COMMA = TOK_NUMERIC + 1; static final int TOK_PERCENT = TOK_COMMA + 1; static final int TOK_COLORSPEC = TOK_PERCENT + 1; static final int TOK_FLOAT = TOK_COLORSPEC + 1; static final int TOK_INTEGER = TOK_FLOAT + 1; protected int currentToken = TOK_EOF; protected String currentTokenValue = null; protected int currentUnitLength = 0; private int currentTokenStartIndex = 0; private /* final */ String expr; private int exprIndex = 0; private int exprLength; private boolean recognizeOperator = false; /** * Construct a new PropertyTokenizer object to tokenize the passed * String. * @param s The Property expressio to tokenize. */ PropertyTokenizer(String s) { this.expr = s; this.exprLength = s.length(); } /** * Return the next token in the expression string. * This sets the following package visible variables: * currentToken An enumerated value identifying the recognized token * currentTokenValue A String containing the token contents * currentUnitLength If currentToken = TOK_NUMERIC, the number of * characters in the unit name. * @throws PropertyException If un unrecognized token is encountered. */ void next() throws PropertyException { currentTokenValue = null; currentTokenStartIndex = exprIndex; boolean currentMaybeOperator = recognizeOperator; boolean bSawDecimal; recognizeOperator = true; for (; ;) { if (exprIndex >= exprLength) { currentToken = TOK_EOF; return; } char c = expr.charAt(exprIndex++); switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': currentTokenStartIndex = exprIndex; break; case ',': recognizeOperator = false; currentToken = TOK_COMMA; return; case '+': recognizeOperator = false; currentToken = TOK_PLUS; return; case '-': recognizeOperator = false; currentToken = TOK_MINUS; return; case '(': currentToken = TOK_LPAR; recognizeOperator = false; return; case ')': currentToken = TOK_RPAR; return; case '"': case '\'': exprIndex = expr.indexOf(c, exprIndex); if (exprIndex < 0) { exprIndex = currentTokenStartIndex + 1; throw new PropertyException("missing quote"); } currentTokenValue = expr.substring(currentTokenStartIndex + 1, exprIndex++); currentToken = TOK_LITERAL; return; case '*': /* * if (currentMaybeOperator) { * recognizeOperator = false; */ currentToken = TOK_MULTIPLY; /* * } * else * throw new PropertyException("illegal operator *"); */ return; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': scanDigits(); if (exprIndex < exprLength && expr.charAt(exprIndex) == '.') { exprIndex++; bSawDecimal = true; if (exprIndex < exprLength && isDigit(expr.charAt(exprIndex))) { exprIndex++; scanDigits(); } } else { bSawDecimal = false; } if (exprIndex < exprLength && expr.charAt(exprIndex) == '%') { exprIndex++; currentToken = TOK_PERCENT; } else { // Check for possible unit name following number currentUnitLength = exprIndex; scanName(); currentUnitLength = exprIndex - currentUnitLength; currentToken = (currentUnitLength > 0) ? TOK_NUMERIC : (bSawDecimal ? TOK_FLOAT : TOK_INTEGER); } currentTokenValue = expr.substring(currentTokenStartIndex, exprIndex); return; case '.': nextDecimalPoint(); return; case '#': // Start of color value nextColor(); return; default: --exprIndex; scanName(); if (exprIndex == currentTokenStartIndex) { throw new PropertyException("illegal character"); } currentTokenValue = expr.substring(currentTokenStartIndex, exprIndex); // if (currentMaybeOperator) { if (currentTokenValue.equals("mod")) { currentToken = TOK_MOD; return; } else if (currentTokenValue.equals("div")) { currentToken = TOK_DIV; return; } /* * else * throw new PropertyException("unrecognized operator name"); * recognizeOperator = false; * return; * } */ if (followingParen()) { currentToken = TOK_FUNCTION_LPAR; recognizeOperator = false; } else { currentToken = TOK_NCNAME; recognizeOperator = false; } return; } } } private void nextDecimalPoint() throws PropertyException { if (exprIndex < exprLength && isDigit(expr.charAt(exprIndex))) { ++exprIndex; scanDigits(); if (exprIndex < exprLength && expr.charAt(exprIndex) == '%') { exprIndex++; currentToken = TOK_PERCENT; } else { // Check for possible unit name following number currentUnitLength = exprIndex; scanName(); currentUnitLength = exprIndex - currentUnitLength; currentToken = (currentUnitLength > 0) ? TOK_NUMERIC : TOK_FLOAT; } currentTokenValue = expr.substring(currentTokenStartIndex, exprIndex); return; } throw new PropertyException("illegal character '.'"); } private void nextColor () throws PropertyException { if (exprIndex < exprLength && isHexDigit(expr.charAt(exprIndex))) { ++exprIndex; scanHexDigits(); currentToken = TOK_COLORSPEC; currentTokenValue = expr.substring(currentTokenStartIndex, exprIndex); // Probably should have some multiple of 3 for length! return; } else { throw new PropertyException("illegal character '#'"); } } /** * Attempt to recognize a valid NAME token in the input expression. */ private void scanName() { if (exprIndex < exprLength && isNameStartChar(expr.charAt(exprIndex))) { while (++exprIndex < exprLength && isNameChar(expr.charAt(exprIndex))) { } } } /** * Attempt to recognize a valid sequence of decimal DIGITS in the * input expression. */ private void scanDigits() { while (exprIndex < exprLength && isDigit(expr.charAt(exprIndex))) { exprIndex++; } } /** * Attempt to recognize a valid sequence of hexadecimal DIGITS in the * input expression. */ private void scanHexDigits() { while (exprIndex < exprLength && isHexDigit(expr.charAt(exprIndex))) { exprIndex++; } } /** * Return a boolean value indicating whether the following non-whitespace * character is an opening parenthesis. */ private boolean followingParen() { for (int i = exprIndex; i < exprLength; i++) { switch (expr.charAt(i)) { case '(': exprIndex = i + 1; return true; case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': break; default: return false; } } return false; } private static final String NAME_START_CHARS = "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; private static final String NAME_CHARS = ".-0123456789"; private static final String DIGITS = "0123456789"; private static final String HEX_CHARS = DIGITS + "abcdefABCDEF"; /** * Return a boolean value indicating whether the argument is a * decimal digit (0-9). * @param c The character to check */ private static final boolean isDigit(char c) { return DIGITS.indexOf(c) >= 0; } /** * Return a boolean value indicating whether the argument is a * hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F, a-f). * @param c The character to check */ private static final boolean isHexDigit(char c) { return HEX_CHARS.indexOf(c) >= 0; } /** * Return a boolean value indicating whether the argument is whitespace * as defined by XSL (space, newline, CR, tab). * @param c The character to check */ private static final boolean isSpace(char c) { switch (c) { case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': return true; } return false; } /** * Return a boolean value indicating whether the argument is a valid name * start character, ie. can start a NAME as defined by XSL. * @param c The character to check */ private static final boolean isNameStartChar(char c) { return NAME_START_CHARS.indexOf(c) >= 0 || c >= 0x80; } /** * Return a boolean value indicating whether the argument is a valid name * character, ie. can occur in a NAME as defined by XSL. * @param c The character to check */ private static final boolean isNameChar(char c) { return NAME_START_CHARS.indexOf(c) >= 0 || NAME_CHARS.indexOf(c) >= 0 || c >= 0x80; } }