[ (See position {loc})| (See {#gatherContextInfo})| (No context info available)] The contents of table-row {row} are taller than they should be (there is a block-progression-dimension or height constraint on the indicated row). Due to its contents the row grows to {effCellBPD} millipoints, but the row shouldn't get any taller than {maxCellBPD} millipoints.{{locator}} table-layout="fixed" and width="auto", but auto-layout not supported => assuming width="100%".{{locator}} The extent in inline-progression-direction (width) of a {elementName} is bigger than the available space ({effIPD}mpt > {maxIPD}mpt).{{locator}} An {elementName} {{locator}} is wider than the available room in inline-progression-dimension. Adjusting end-indent based on overconstrained geometry rules (XSL 1.1, ch. 5.3.4) Content overflows the viewport of an {elementName} in inline-progression direction by {amount} millipoints.{clip,if, Content will be clipped.}{{locator}} Content overflows the viewport of an {elementName} in block-progression direction by {amount} millipoints.{clip,if, Content will be clipped.}{{locator}} The contents of {elementName} on page {page} exceed the available area in the block-progression direction by {amount} millipoints.{clip,if, Content will be clipped.}{{locator}} The contents of {elementName} on page {page} exceed its viewport by {amount} millipoints.{clip,if, Content will be clipped.}{{locator}} Flow "{flowName}" does not map to the region-body in page-master "{masterName}". FOP presently does not support this.{{locator}} Subsequences exhausted in page-sequence-master "{pageSequenceMasterName}", {canRecover,if,using previous subsequence,cannot recover}.{{locator}} No subsequences in page-sequence-master "{pageSequenceMasterName}".{{locator}} No simple-page-master matching "{pageMasterName}" in page-sequence-master "{pageSequenceMasterName}".{{locator}} Content that cannot handle IPD changes is flowing to a narrower page. Part of it may be clipped by the page border.