/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.layoutmgr; import org.apache.fop.traits.MinOptMax; /** * This class is used to pass information to the getNextBreakPoss() * method. It is set up by higher level LM and used by lower level LM. */ public class LayoutContext { /** * Values for flags. */ public static final int LINEBREAK_AT_LF_ONLY = 0x01; /** Generated break possibility is first in a new area */ public static final int NEW_AREA = 0x02; public static final int IPD_UNKNOWN = 0x04; /** Signal to a Line LM that a higher level LM may provoke a change * in the reference area, thus ref area IPD. The LineLM should return * without looking for a line break. */ public static final int CHECK_REF_AREA = 0x08; /** * If this flag is set, it indicates that any leading fo:character * objects with suppress-at-line-break="suppress" should not generate * areas. This is the case at the beginning of each new LineArea * except the first. */ public static final int SUPPRESS_LEADING_SPACE = 0x10; public static final int FIRST_AREA = 0x20; public static final int TRY_HYPHENATE = 0x40; public static final int LAST_AREA = 0x80; public static final int RESOLVE_LEADING_SPACE = 0x100; /** * This flag indicates that there's a keep-with-next that hasn't * been processed, yet. */ public static final int KEEP_WITH_NEXT_PENDING = 0x200; /** * This flag indicates that there's a keep-with-previous that hasn't * been processed, yet. */ public static final int KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS_PENDING = 0x400; public int flags; // Contains some set of flags defined above /** * Total available stacking dimension for a "galley-level" layout * manager (Line or Flow). It is passed by the parent LM. For LineLM, * the block LM determines this based on indent properties. * These LM may wish to pass this information down to lower * level LM to allow them to optimize returned break possibilities. */ MinOptMax stackLimit; /** True if current top-level reference area is spanning. */ boolean bIsSpan; /** inline-progression-dimension of nearest ancestor reference area */ int refIPD; /** Current pending space-after or space-end from preceding area */ SpaceSpecifier trailingSpace; /** Current pending space-before or space-start from ancestor areas */ SpaceSpecifier leadingSpace; /** Current hyphenation context. May be null. */ private HyphContext hyphContext = null; /** Stretch or shrink value when making areas. */ private double ipdAdjust = 0.0; /** Stretch or shrink value when adding spaces. */ private double dSpaceAdjust = 0.0; private int iLineHeight; private int iBaseline; private int iMiddleShift; private int iTopShift; /*LF*/ private int iBottomShift; /*LF*/ private int iSpaceBefore; /*LF*/ private int iSpaceAfter; /*LF*/ public LayoutContext(LayoutContext parentLC) { this.flags = parentLC.flags; this.refIPD = parentLC.refIPD; this.stackLimit = null; // Don't reference parent MinOptMax! this.leadingSpace = parentLC.leadingSpace; //??? this.trailingSpace = parentLC.trailingSpace; //??? this.hyphContext = parentLC.hyphContext; this.dSpaceAdjust = parentLC.dSpaceAdjust; this.ipdAdjust = parentLC.ipdAdjust; this.iLineHeight = parentLC.iLineHeight; this.iBaseline = parentLC.iBaseline; this.iMiddleShift = parentLC.iMiddleShift; /*LF*/ this.iTopShift = parentLC.iTopShift; /*LF*/ this.iBottomShift = parentLC.iBottomShift; /*LF*/ this.iSpaceBefore = parentLC.iSpaceBefore; /*LF*/ this.iSpaceAfter = parentLC.iSpaceAfter; // Copy other fields as necessary. Use clone??? } public LayoutContext(int flags) { this.flags = flags; this.refIPD = 0; stackLimit = new MinOptMax(0); leadingSpace = null; trailingSpace = null; } public void setFlags(int flags) { setFlags(flags, true); } public void setFlags(int flags, boolean bSet) { if (bSet) { this.flags |= flags; } else { this.flags &= ~flags; } } public void unsetFlags(int flags) { setFlags(flags, false); } public boolean isStart() { return ((this.flags & NEW_AREA) != 0); } public boolean startsNewArea() { return ((this.flags & NEW_AREA) != 0 && leadingSpace != null); } public boolean isFirstArea() { return ((this.flags & FIRST_AREA) != 0); } public boolean isLastArea() { return ((this.flags & LAST_AREA) != 0); } public boolean suppressLeadingSpace() { return ((this.flags & SUPPRESS_LEADING_SPACE) != 0); } public boolean isKeepWithNextPending() { return ((this.flags & KEEP_WITH_NEXT_PENDING) != 0); } public boolean isKeepWithPreviousPending() { return ((this.flags & KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS_PENDING) != 0); } public void setLeadingSpace(SpaceSpecifier space) { leadingSpace = space; } public SpaceSpecifier getLeadingSpace() { return leadingSpace; } public boolean resolveLeadingSpace() { return ((this.flags & RESOLVE_LEADING_SPACE) != 0); } public void setTrailingSpace(SpaceSpecifier space) { trailingSpace = space; } public SpaceSpecifier getTrailingSpace() { return trailingSpace; } public void setStackLimit(MinOptMax limit) { stackLimit = limit; } public MinOptMax getStackLimit() { return stackLimit; } public void setRefIPD(int ipd) { refIPD = ipd; } public int getRefIPD() { return refIPD; } public void setHyphContext(HyphContext hyph) { hyphContext = hyph; } public HyphContext getHyphContext() { return hyphContext; } public boolean tryHyphenate() { return ((this.flags & TRY_HYPHENATE) != 0); } public void setSpaceAdjust(double adjust) { dSpaceAdjust = adjust; } public double getSpaceAdjust() { return dSpaceAdjust; } public void setIPDAdjust(double ipdA) { ipdAdjust = ipdA; } public double getIPDAdjust() { return ipdAdjust; } public void setLineHeight(int lh) { iLineHeight = lh; } public int getLineHeight() { return iLineHeight; } public void setBaseline(int bl) { iBaseline = bl; } public int getBaseline() { return iBaseline; } public void setMiddleShift(int ms) { iMiddleShift = ms; } public int getMiddleBaseline() { return iBaseline + iMiddleShift; } public void setTopShift(int ts) { iTopShift = ts; } public int getTopBaseline() { return iBaseline + iTopShift; } public void setBottomShift(int bs) { iBottomShift = bs; } public int getBottomBaseline() { return iBaseline + iBottomShift; } public int getSpaceBefore() { return iSpaceBefore; } public void setSpaceBefore(int sp) { iSpaceBefore = sp; } public int getSpaceAfter() { return iSpaceAfter; } public void setSpaceAfter(int sp) { iSpaceAfter = sp; } public String toString() { return "Layout Context:" + "\nStack Limit: \t" + (getStackLimit() == null ? "null" : getStackLimit().toString()) + "\nTrailing Space: \t" + (getTrailingSpace() == null ? "null" : getTrailingSpace().toString()) + "\nLeading Space: \t" + (getLeadingSpace() == null ? "null" : getLeadingSpace().toString()) + "\nReference IPD: \t" + getRefIPD() + "\nSpace Adjust: \t" + getSpaceAdjust() + "\nIPD Adjust: \t" + getIPDAdjust() + "\nLine Height: \t" + getLineHeight() + "\nBaseline: \t" + getBaseline() + "\nMiddle Baseline: \t" + getMiddleBaseline() + "\nResolve Leading Space: \t" + resolveLeadingSpace() + "\nSuppress Leading Space: \t" + suppressLeadingSpace() + "\nIs First Area: \t" + isFirstArea() + "\nStarts New Area: \t" + startsNewArea() + "\nIs Last Area: \t" + isLastArea() + "\nTry Hyphenate: \t" + tryHyphenate(); } }