/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Rectangle; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.fop.datatypes.Length; import org.apache.fop.datatypes.PercentBaseContext; import org.apache.fop.fo.Constants; import org.apache.fop.fo.GraphicsProperties; import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.LengthRangeProperty; /** * Helper class which calculates the size and position in the viewport of an image. */ public class ImageLayout implements Constants { /** logging instance */ protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ImageLayout.class); //Input private GraphicsProperties props; private PercentBaseContext percentBaseContext; private Dimension intrinsicSize; //Output private Rectangle placement; private Dimension viewportSize = new Dimension(-1, -1); private boolean clip; /** * Main constructor * @param props the properties for the image * @param percentBaseContext the context object for percentage calculations * @param intrinsicSize the image's intrinsic size */ public ImageLayout(GraphicsProperties props, PercentBaseContext percentBaseContext, Dimension intrinsicSize) { this.props = props; this.percentBaseContext = percentBaseContext; this.intrinsicSize = intrinsicSize; doLayout(); } /** * Does the actual calculations for the image. */ protected void doLayout() { Length len; int bpd = -1; int ipd = -1; len = props.getBlockProgressionDimension().getOptimum(percentBaseContext).getLength(); if (len.getEnum() != EN_AUTO) { bpd = len.getValue(percentBaseContext); } len = props.getBlockProgressionDimension().getMinimum(percentBaseContext).getLength(); if (bpd == -1 && len.getEnum() != EN_AUTO) { //Establish minimum viewport size bpd = len.getValue(percentBaseContext); } len = props.getInlineProgressionDimension().getOptimum(percentBaseContext).getLength(); if (len.getEnum() != EN_AUTO) { ipd = len.getValue(percentBaseContext); } len = props.getInlineProgressionDimension().getMinimum(percentBaseContext).getLength(); if (ipd == -1 && len.getEnum() != EN_AUTO) { //Establish minimum viewport size ipd = len.getValue(percentBaseContext); } // if auto then use the intrinsic size of the content scaled // to the content-height and content-width boolean constrainIntrinsicSize = false; int cwidth = -1; int cheight = -1; len = props.getContentWidth(); if (len.getEnum() != EN_AUTO) { switch (len.getEnum()) { case EN_SCALE_TO_FIT: if (ipd != -1) { cwidth = ipd; } constrainIntrinsicSize = true; break; case EN_SCALE_DOWN_TO_FIT: if (ipd != -1 && intrinsicSize.width > ipd) { cwidth = ipd; } constrainIntrinsicSize = true; break; case EN_SCALE_UP_TO_FIT: if (ipd != -1 && intrinsicSize.width < ipd) { cwidth = ipd; } constrainIntrinsicSize = true; break; default: cwidth = len.getValue(percentBaseContext); } } len = props.getContentHeight(); if (len.getEnum() != EN_AUTO) { switch (len.getEnum()) { case EN_SCALE_TO_FIT: if (bpd != -1) { cheight = bpd; } constrainIntrinsicSize = true; break; case EN_SCALE_DOWN_TO_FIT: if (bpd != -1 && intrinsicSize.height > bpd) { cheight = bpd; } constrainIntrinsicSize = true; break; case EN_SCALE_UP_TO_FIT: if (bpd != -1 && intrinsicSize.height < bpd) { cheight = bpd; } constrainIntrinsicSize = true; break; default: cheight = len.getValue(percentBaseContext); } } Dimension constrainedIntrinsicSize; if (constrainIntrinsicSize) { constrainedIntrinsicSize = constrain(intrinsicSize); } else { constrainedIntrinsicSize = intrinsicSize; } //Derive content extents where not explicit Dimension adjustedDim = adjustContentSize(cwidth, cheight, constrainedIntrinsicSize); cwidth = adjustedDim.width; cheight = adjustedDim.height; //Adjust viewport if not explicit if (ipd == -1) { ipd = constrainExtent(cwidth, props.getInlineProgressionDimension(), props.getContentWidth()); } if (bpd == -1) { bpd = constrainExtent(cheight, props.getBlockProgressionDimension(), props.getContentHeight()); } this.clip = false; if (cwidth > ipd || cheight > bpd) { int overflow = props.getOverflow(); if (overflow == EN_HIDDEN) { this.clip = true; } else if (overflow == EN_ERROR_IF_OVERFLOW) { //TODO Don't use logging to report error! log.error("Object overflows the viewport: clipping"); this.clip = true; } } int xoffset = computeXOffset(ipd, cwidth); int yoffset = computeYOffset(bpd, cheight); //Build calculation results this.viewportSize.setSize(ipd, bpd); this.placement = new Rectangle(xoffset, yoffset, cwidth, cheight); } private int constrainExtent(int extent, LengthRangeProperty range, Length contextExtent) { boolean mayScaleUp = (contextExtent.getEnum() != EN_SCALE_DOWN_TO_FIT); boolean mayScaleDown = (contextExtent.getEnum() != EN_SCALE_UP_TO_FIT); Length len; len = range.getMaximum(percentBaseContext).getLength(); if (len.getEnum() != EN_AUTO) { int max = len.getValue(percentBaseContext); if (max != -1 && mayScaleDown) { extent = Math.min(extent, max); } } len = range.getMinimum(percentBaseContext).getLength(); if (len.getEnum() != EN_AUTO) { int min = len.getValue(percentBaseContext); if (min != -1 && mayScaleUp) { extent = Math.max(extent, min); } } return extent; } private Dimension constrain(Dimension size) { Dimension adjusted = new Dimension(size); int effWidth = constrainExtent(size.width, props.getInlineProgressionDimension(), props.getContentWidth()); int effHeight = constrainExtent(size.height, props.getBlockProgressionDimension(), props.getContentHeight()); int scaling = props.getScaling(); if (scaling == EN_UNIFORM) { double rat1 = (double)effWidth / size.width; double rat2 = (double)effHeight / size.height; if (rat1 < rat2) { adjusted.width = effWidth; adjusted.height = (int)(rat1 * size.height); } else if (rat1 > rat2) { adjusted.width = (int)(rat2 * size.width); adjusted.height = effHeight; } } else { adjusted.width = effWidth; adjusted.height = effHeight; } return adjusted; } private Dimension adjustContentSize( final int cwidth, final int cheight, Dimension defaultSize) { Dimension dim = new Dimension(cwidth, cheight); int scaling = props.getScaling(); if ((scaling == EN_UNIFORM) || (cwidth == -1) || cheight == -1) { if (cwidth == -1 && cheight == -1) { dim.width = defaultSize.width; dim.height = defaultSize.height; } else if (cwidth == -1) { if (defaultSize.height == 0) { dim.width = 0; } else { dim.width = (int)(defaultSize.width * (double)cheight / defaultSize.height); } } else if (cheight == -1) { if (defaultSize.width == 0) { dim.height = 0; } else { dim.height = (int)(defaultSize.height * (double)cwidth / defaultSize.width); } } else { // adjust the larger if (defaultSize.width == 0 || defaultSize.height == 0) { dim.width = 0; dim.height = 0; } else { double rat1 = (double)cwidth / defaultSize.width; double rat2 = (double)cheight / defaultSize.height; if (rat1 < rat2) { // reduce height dim.height = (int)(rat1 * defaultSize.height); } else if (rat1 > rat2) { dim.width = (int)(rat2 * defaultSize.width); } } } } return dim; } /** * Given the ipd and the content width calculates the * required x offset based on the text-align property * @param ipd the inline-progression-dimension of the object * @param cwidth the calculated content width of the object * @return the X offset */ public int computeXOffset (int ipd, int cwidth) { int xoffset = 0; switch (props.getTextAlign()) { case EN_CENTER: xoffset = (ipd - cwidth) / 2; break; case EN_END: xoffset = ipd - cwidth; break; case EN_START: break; case EN_JUSTIFY: default: break; } return xoffset; } /** * Given the bpd and the content height calculates the * required y offset based on the display-align property * @param bpd the block-progression-dimension of the object * @param cheight the calculated content height of the object * @return the Y offset */ public int computeYOffset(int bpd, int cheight) { int yoffset = 0; switch (props.getDisplayAlign()) { case EN_BEFORE: break; case EN_AFTER: yoffset = bpd - cheight; break; case EN_CENTER: yoffset = (bpd - cheight) / 2; break; case EN_AUTO: default: break; } return yoffset; } /** * Returns the placement of the image inside the viewport. * @return the placement of the image inside the viewport (coordinates in millipoints) */ public Rectangle getPlacement() { return this.placement; } /** * Returns the size of the image's viewport. * @return the viewport size (in millipoints) */ public Dimension getViewportSize() { return this.viewportSize; } /** * Returns the size of the image's intrinsic (natural) size. * @return the intrinsic size (in millipoints) */ public Dimension getIntrinsicSize() { return this.intrinsicSize; } /** * Indicates whether the image is clipped. * @return true if the image shall be clipped */ public boolean isClipped() { return this.clip; } }