/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.table; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.fop.fo.Constants; import org.apache.fop.fo.FONode; import org.apache.fop.fo.flow.TableRow; import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.BreakElement; import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.ElementListUtils; import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox; import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement; import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthPenalty; import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.LayoutContext; /** * This class processes row groups to create combined element lists for tables. */ public class TableStepper { /** Logger **/ private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TableStepper.class); private TableContentLayoutManager tclm; private EffRow[] rowGroup; /** Number of columns in the row group. */ private int columnCount; private int totalHeight; private int activeRowIndex; /** * Knuth elements for active cells, per column. Active cells are cells spanning over * the currently active row. */ private List[] elementLists; /** * Number of the row where the row-span begins, per column. Zero-based. */ private int[] startRow; /** * For each column, index, in the cell's list of Knuth elements, of the element * starting the current step. */ private int[] start; /** * For each column, index, in the cell's list of Knuth elements, of the element * ending the current step. */ private int[] end; /** * For each column, widths of the Knuth elements already included in the steps, up to * the current one. */ private int[] widths; /** * ?? Width from the start of the row-group up to the current row. */ private int[] baseWidth; private int[] borderBefore; private int[] paddingBefore; private int[] borderAfter; private int[] paddingAfter; private boolean rowBacktrackForLastStep; private boolean skippedStep; private boolean[] keepWithNextSignals; private boolean forcedBreak; private int lastMaxPenaltyLength; /** * Main constructor * @param tclm The parent TableContentLayoutManager */ public TableStepper(TableContentLayoutManager tclm) { this.tclm = tclm; } /** * Initializes the fields of this instance to handle a new row group. * * @param columnCount number of columns the row group has */ private void setup(int columnCount) { this.columnCount = columnCount; this.activeRowIndex = 0; elementLists = new List[columnCount]; startRow = new int[columnCount]; start = new int[columnCount]; end = new int[columnCount]; widths = new int[columnCount]; baseWidth = new int[columnCount]; borderBefore = new int[columnCount]; paddingBefore = new int[columnCount]; borderAfter = new int[columnCount]; paddingAfter = new int[columnCount]; keepWithNextSignals = new boolean[columnCount]; Arrays.fill(end, -1); } private void clearBreakCondition() { forcedBreak = false; } private boolean isBreakCondition() { return forcedBreak; } /** * Returns the row currently being processed. * * @return the row currently being processed */ private EffRow getActiveRow() { return rowGroup[activeRowIndex]; } /** * Returns the grid unit at the given column number on the active row. * * @param column column number of the grid unit to get * @return the corresponding grid unit (may be null) * @see TableStepper#getActiveRow */ private GridUnit getActiveGridUnit(int column) { return getActiveRow().safelyGetGridUnit(column); } private PrimaryGridUnit getActivePrimaryGridUnit(int column) { GridUnit gu = getActiveGridUnit(column); if (gu == null) { return null; } else { return gu.getPrimary(); } } private void calcTotalHeight() { totalHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rowGroup.length; i++) { totalHeight += rowGroup[i].getHeight().opt; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("totalHeight=" + totalHeight); } } private int getMaxRemainingHeight() { int maxW = 0; if (!rowBacktrackForLastStep) { for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (elementLists[i] == null) { continue; } if (end[i] == elementLists[i].size() - 1) { continue; } GridUnit gu = getActiveGridUnit(i); if (!gu.isLastGridUnitRowSpan()) { continue; } int len = widths[i]; if (len > 0) { len += 2 * getTableLM().getHalfBorderSeparationBPD(); len += borderBefore[i] + borderAfter[i]; len += paddingBefore[i] + paddingAfter[i]; } int nominalHeight = rowGroup[activeRowIndex].getHeight().opt; for (int r = 0; r < gu.getRowSpanIndex(); r++) { nominalHeight += rowGroup[activeRowIndex - r - 1].getHeight().opt; } if (len == nominalHeight) { //row is filled maxW = 0; break; } maxW = Math.max(maxW, nominalHeight - len); } } for (int i = activeRowIndex + 1; i < rowGroup.length; i++) { maxW += rowGroup[i].getHeight().opt; } log.debug("maxRemainingHeight=" + maxW); return maxW; } private void setupElementList(int column) { GridUnit gu = getActiveGridUnit(column); EffRow row = getActiveRow(); if (gu == null || gu.isEmpty()) { elementLists[column] = null; start[column] = 0; end[column] = -1; widths[column] = 0; startRow[column] = activeRowIndex; keepWithNextSignals[column] = false; } else if (gu.isPrimary()) { PrimaryGridUnit pgu = (PrimaryGridUnit)gu; boolean makeBoxForWholeRow = false; if (row.getExplicitHeight().min > 0) { boolean contentsSmaller = ElementListUtils.removeLegalBreaks( pgu.getElements(), row.getExplicitHeight()); if (contentsSmaller) { makeBoxForWholeRow = true; } } if (pgu.isLastGridUnitRowSpan() && pgu.getRow() != null) { makeBoxForWholeRow |= pgu.getRow().mustKeepTogether(); makeBoxForWholeRow |= pgu.getTable().mustKeepTogether(); } if (makeBoxForWholeRow) { List list = new java.util.ArrayList(1); int height = row.getExplicitHeight().opt; if (height == 0) { height = row.getHeight().opt; } list.add(new KnuthBoxCellWithBPD(height)); elementLists[column] = list; } else { //Copy elements (LinkedList) to array lists to improve //element access performance elementLists[column] = new java.util.ArrayList(pgu.getElements()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("column " + (column+1) + ": recording " + elementLists[column].size() + " element(s)"); } } if (isSeparateBorderModel()) { borderBefore[column] = pgu.getBorders().getBorderBeforeWidth(false); } else { borderBefore[column] = pgu.getBorders().getBorderBeforeWidth(false) / 2; if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("border before for column " + column + ": " + borderBefore[column]); } } paddingBefore[column] = pgu.getBorders().getPaddingBefore(false, pgu.getCellLM()); paddingAfter[column] = pgu.getBorders().getPaddingAfter(false, pgu.getCellLM()); start[column] = 0; end[column] = -1; widths[column] = 0; startRow[column] = activeRowIndex; keepWithNextSignals[column] = false; } } /** * Initializes the informations relative to the Knuth elements, to handle a new row in * the current row group. */ private void initializeElementLists() { log.trace("Entering initializeElementLists()"); for (int i = 0; i < start.length; i++) { setupElementList(i); } } /** * Creates the combined element list for a row group. * @param context Active LayoutContext * @param rowGroup the row group * @param maxColumnCount the maximum number of columns to expect * @param bodyType Indicates what type of body is processed (body, header or footer) * @return the combined element list */ public LinkedList getCombinedKnuthElementsForRowGroup( LayoutContext context, EffRow[] rowGroup, int maxColumnCount, int bodyType) { this.rowGroup = rowGroup; setup(maxColumnCount); initializeElementLists(); calcTotalHeight(); boolean signalKeepWithNext = false; int laststep = 0; int step; int addedBoxLen = 0; TableContentPosition lastTCPos = null; LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList(); while ((step = getNextStep()) >= 0) { int normalRow = activeRowIndex; if (rowBacktrackForLastStep) { //Even though we've already switched to the next row, we have to //calculate as if we were still on the previous row activeRowIndex--; } int increase = step - laststep; int penaltyLen = step + getMaxRemainingHeight() - totalHeight; int boxLen = step - addedBoxLen - penaltyLen; addedBoxLen += boxLen; //Put all involved grid units into a list List gridUnitParts = new java.util.ArrayList(maxColumnCount); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (end[i] >= start[i]) { PrimaryGridUnit pgu = rowGroup[startRow[i]].getGridUnit(i).getPrimary(); if (start[i] == 0 && end[i] == 0 && elementLists[i].size() == 1 && elementLists[i].get(0) instanceof KnuthBoxCellWithBPD) { //Special case: Cell with fixed BPD gridUnitParts.add(new GridUnitPart(pgu, 0, pgu.getElements().size() - 1)); } else { gridUnitParts.add(new GridUnitPart(pgu, start[i], end[i])); } if (end[i] + 1 == elementLists[i].size()) { if (pgu.getFlag(GridUnit.KEEP_WITH_NEXT_PENDING)) { log.debug("PGU has pending keep-with-next"); keepWithNextSignals[i] = true; } if (pgu.getRow() != null && pgu.getRow().mustKeepWithNext()) { log.debug("table-row causes keep-with-next"); keepWithNextSignals[i] = true; } } if (start[i] == 0 && end[i] >= 0) { if (pgu.getFlag(GridUnit.KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS_PENDING)) { log.debug("PGU has pending keep-with-previous"); if (returnList.size() == 0) { context.setFlags(LayoutContext.KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS_PENDING); } } if (pgu.getRow() != null && pgu.getRow().mustKeepWithPrevious()) { log.debug("table-row causes keep-with-previous"); if (returnList.size() == 0) { context.setFlags(LayoutContext.KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS_PENDING); } } } } } //log.debug(">>> guPARTS: " + gridUnitParts); //Create elements for step int effPenaltyLen = penaltyLen; TableContentPosition tcpos = new TableContentPosition(getTableLM(), gridUnitParts, rowGroup[normalRow]); if (returnList.size() == 0) { tcpos.setFlag(TableContentPosition.FIRST_IN_ROWGROUP, true); } lastTCPos = tcpos; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" - backtrack=" + rowBacktrackForLastStep + " - row=" + activeRowIndex + " - " + tcpos); } returnList.add(new KnuthBox(boxLen, tcpos, false)); TableHFPenaltyPosition penaltyPos = new TableHFPenaltyPosition(getTableLM()); if (bodyType == TableRowIterator.BODY) { if (!getTableLM().getTable().omitHeaderAtBreak()) { effPenaltyLen += tclm.getHeaderNetHeight(); penaltyPos.headerElements = tclm.getHeaderElements(); } if (!getTableLM().getTable().omitFooterAtBreak()) { effPenaltyLen += tclm.getFooterNetHeight(); penaltyPos.footerElements = tclm.getFooterElements(); } } //Handle a penalty length coming from nested content //Example: nested table with header/footer if (this.lastMaxPenaltyLength != 0) { penaltyPos.nestedPenaltyLength = this.lastMaxPenaltyLength; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Additional penalty length from table-cell break: " + this.lastMaxPenaltyLength); } } effPenaltyLen += this.lastMaxPenaltyLength; int p = 0; boolean allCellsHaveContributed = true; signalKeepWithNext = false; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (start[i] == 0 && end[i] < 0 && elementLists[i] != null) { allCellsHaveContributed = false; } signalKeepWithNext |= keepWithNextSignals[i]; } if (!allCellsHaveContributed) { //Not all cells have contributed to a newly started row. The penalty here is //used to avoid breaks resulting in badly broken tables. //See also: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=112248999600005&r=1&w=2 p = 900; //KnuthPenalty.INFINITE; //TODO Arbitrary value. Please refine. } if (signalKeepWithNext || getTableLM().mustKeepTogether()) { p = KnuthPenalty.INFINITE; } if (skippedStep) { p = KnuthPenalty.INFINITE; //Need to avoid breaking because borders and/or paddding from other columns would //not fit in the available space (see getNextStep()) } if (isBreakCondition()) { if (skippedStep) { log.error("This is a conflict situation. The output may be wrong." + " Please send your FO file to fop-dev@xmlgraphics.apache.org!"); } p = -KnuthPenalty.INFINITE; //Overrides any keeps (see 4.8 in XSL 1.0) clearBreakCondition(); } returnList.add(new BreakElement(penaltyPos, effPenaltyLen, p, -1, context)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("step=" + step + " (+" + increase + ")" + " box=" + boxLen + " penalty=" + penaltyLen + " effPenalty=" + effPenaltyLen); } laststep = step; if (rowBacktrackForLastStep) { //If row was set to previous, restore now activeRowIndex++; } } if (signalKeepWithNext) { //Last step signalled a keep-with-next. Since the last penalty will be removed, //we have to signal the still pending last keep-with-next using the LayoutContext. context.setFlags(LayoutContext.KEEP_WITH_NEXT_PENDING); } if (isBreakCondition()) { ((BreakElement)returnList.getLast()).setPenaltyValue(-KnuthPenalty.INFINITE); } if (lastTCPos != null) { lastTCPos.setFlag(TableContentPosition.LAST_IN_ROWGROUP, true); } return returnList; } /** * Finds the smallest increment leading to the next legal break inside the row-group. * * @return the size of the increment, -1 if no next step is available (end of row-group reached) */ private int getNextStep() { log.trace("Entering getNextStep"); this.lastMaxPenaltyLength = 0; //Check for forced break conditions /* if (isBreakCondition()) { return -1; }*/ int[] backupWidths = new int[columnCount]; System.arraycopy(widths, 0, backupWidths, 0, columnCount); //set starting points // We assume that the current grid row is finished. If this is not the case this // boolean will be reset (see below) boolean currentGridRowFinished = true; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { // null element lists probably correspond to empty cells if (elementLists[i] == null) { continue; } if (end[i] < elementLists[i].size()) { start[i] = end[i] + 1; if (end[i] + 1 < elementLists[i].size() && getActiveGridUnit(i).isLastGridUnitRowSpan()) { // Ok, so this grid unit is the last in the row-spanning direction and // there are still unhandled Knuth elements. They /will/ have to be // put on the current grid row, which means that this row isn't // finished yet currentGridRowFinished = false; } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("end[i] overflows elementList[i].size()"); // start[i] = -1; //end of list reached // end[i] = -1; } } if (currentGridRowFinished) { if (activeRowIndex < rowGroup.length - 1) { TableRow rowFO = getActiveRow().getTableRow(); if (rowFO != null && rowFO.getBreakAfter() != Constants.EN_AUTO) { log.warn(FONode.decorateWithContextInfo( "break-after ignored on table-row because of row spanning " + "in progress (See XSL 1.0, 7.19.1)", rowFO)); } activeRowIndex++; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("===> new row: " + activeRowIndex); } initializeElementLists(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (end[i] < 0) { backupWidths[i] = 0; } } rowFO = getActiveRow().getTableRow(); if (rowFO != null && rowFO.getBreakBefore() != Constants.EN_AUTO) { log.warn(FONode.decorateWithContextInfo( "break-before ignored on table-row because of row spanning " + "in progress (See XSL 1.0, 7.19.2)", rowFO)); } } } //Get next possible sequence for each cell boolean stepFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (elementLists[i] == null) { continue; } while (end[i] + 1 < elementLists[i].size()) { end[i]++; KnuthElement el = (KnuthElement)elementLists[i].get(end[i]); if (el.isPenalty()) { this.lastMaxPenaltyLength = Math.max(this.lastMaxPenaltyLength, el.getW()); if (el.getP() <= -KnuthElement.INFINITE) { log.debug("FORCED break encountered!"); forcedBreak = true; break; } else if (el.getP() < KnuthElement.INFINITE) { //First legal break point break; } } else if (el.isGlue()) { if (end[i] > 0) { KnuthElement prev = (KnuthElement)elementLists[i].get(end[i] - 1); if (prev.isBox()) { //Second legal break point break; } } widths[i] += el.getW(); } else { widths[i] += el.getW(); } } if (end[i] < start[i]) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("column " + (i + 1) + ": (end=" + end[i] + ") < (start=" + start[i] + ") => resetting width to backupWidth"); } widths[i] = backupWidths[i]; } else { stepFound = true; } //log.debug("part " + start[i] + "-" + end[i] + " " + widths[i]); if (end[i] + 1 >= elementLists[i].size()) { //element list for this cell is finished if (isSeparateBorderModel()) { borderAfter[i] = getActivePrimaryGridUnit(i) .getBorders().getBorderAfterWidth(false); } else { borderAfter[i] = getActivePrimaryGridUnit(i).getHalfMaxAfterBorderWidth(); } } else { //element list for this cell is not finished if (isSeparateBorderModel()) { borderAfter[i] = getActivePrimaryGridUnit(i) .getBorders().getBorderAfterWidth(false); } else { //TODO fix me! borderAfter[i] = getActivePrimaryGridUnit(i).getHalfMaxAfterBorderWidth(); } } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("column " + (i+1) + ": borders before=" + borderBefore[i] + " after=" + borderAfter[i]); log.trace("column " + (i+1) + ": padding before=" + paddingBefore[i] + " after=" + paddingAfter[i]); } } if (!stepFound) { return -1; } //Determine smallest possible step int minStep = Integer.MAX_VALUE; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { baseWidth[i] = 0; for (int prevRow = 0; prevRow < startRow[i]; prevRow++) { baseWidth[i] += rowGroup[prevRow].getHeight().opt; } baseWidth[i] += 2 * getTableLM().getHalfBorderSeparationBPD(); baseWidth[i] += borderBefore[i] + borderAfter[i]; baseWidth[i] += paddingBefore[i] + paddingAfter[i]; if (end[i] >= start[i]) { int len = baseWidth[i] + widths[i]; sb.append(len + " "); minStep = Math.min(len, minStep); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("candidate steps: " + sb); } //Check for constellations that would result in overlapping borders /* for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { }*/ //Reset bigger-than-minimum sequences //See http://people.apache.org/~jeremias/fop/NextStepAlgoNotes.pdf rowBacktrackForLastStep = false; skippedStep = false; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { int len = baseWidth[i] + widths[i]; if (len > minStep) { widths[i] = backupWidths[i]; end[i] = start[i] - 1; if (baseWidth[i] + widths[i] > minStep) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("column " + (i + 1) + ": minStep vs. border/padding increase conflict: basewidth + width = " + baseWidth[i] + " + " + widths[i] + " = " + (baseWidth[i] + widths[i])); } if (activeRowIndex == 0) { log.debug(" First row. Skip this step."); skippedStep = true; } else { log.debug(" row-span situation: backtracking to last row"); //Stay on the previous row for another step because borders and padding on //columns may make their contribution to the step bigger than the addition //of the next element for this step would make the step to grow. rowBacktrackForLastStep = true; } } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { /*StringBuffer*/ sb = new StringBuffer("[col nb: start-end(width)] "); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (end[i] >= start[i]) { sb.append(i + ": " + start[i] + "-" + end[i] + "(" + widths[i] + "), "); } else { sb.append(i + ": skip, "); } } log.debug(sb.toString()); } return minStep; } /** @return true if the table uses the separate border model. */ private boolean isSeparateBorderModel() { return getTableLM().getTable().isSeparateBorderModel(); } /** @return the table layout manager */ private TableLayoutManager getTableLM() { return this.tclm.getTableLM(); } /** * Marker class denoting table cells fitting in just one box (no legal break inside). */ private class KnuthBoxCellWithBPD extends KnuthBox { public KnuthBoxCellWithBPD(int w) { super(w, null, true); } } }