/* * Copyright 1999-2006 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.render; // Java import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; // XML import org.w3c.dom.Document; // FOP import org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException; import org.apache.fop.area.Area; import org.apache.fop.area.BeforeFloat; import org.apache.fop.area.Block; import org.apache.fop.area.BlockViewport; import org.apache.fop.area.BodyRegion; import org.apache.fop.area.CTM; import org.apache.fop.area.NormalFlow; import org.apache.fop.area.Footnote; import org.apache.fop.area.LineArea; import org.apache.fop.area.MainReference; import org.apache.fop.area.Span; import org.apache.fop.area.Page; import org.apache.fop.area.PageViewport; import org.apache.fop.area.RegionViewport; import org.apache.fop.area.RegionReference; import org.apache.fop.area.Trait; import org.apache.fop.area.OffDocumentItem; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.Character; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.Container; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.ForeignObject; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.Image; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.InlineArea; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.InlineBlockParent; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.InlineParent; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.Leader; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.Space; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.Viewport; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.TextArea; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.WordArea; import org.apache.fop.area.inline.SpaceArea; import org.apache.fop.apps.FOUserAgent; import org.apache.fop.fo.Constants; import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; // Avalon import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable; import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException; /** * Abstract base class for all renderers. The Abstract renderer does all the * top level processing of the area tree and adds some abstract methods to * handle viewports. This keeps track of the current block and inline position. */ public abstract class AbstractRenderer implements Renderer, Configurable, Constants { /** logging instance */ protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog("org.apache.fop.render"); /** * user agent */ protected FOUserAgent userAgent; /** * block progression position */ protected int currentBPPosition = 0; /** * inline progression position */ protected int currentIPPosition = 0; /** * the block progression position of the containing block used for * absolutely positioned blocks */ protected int containingBPPosition = 0; /** * the inline progression position of the containing block used for * absolutely positioned blocks */ protected int containingIPPosition = 0; /** the currently active PageViewport */ protected PageViewport currentPageViewport; private Set warnedXMLHandlers; /** * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable#configure(Configuration) */ public void configure(Configuration conf) throws ConfigurationException { } /** * @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#setupFontInfo(FontInfo) */ public abstract void setupFontInfo(FontInfo fontInfo); /** * @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#setUserAgent(FOUserAgent) */ public void setUserAgent(FOUserAgent agent) { userAgent = agent; } /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#startRenderer(OutputStream) */ public void startRenderer(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { } /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#stopRenderer() */ public void stopRenderer() throws IOException { } /** * Check if this renderer supports out of order rendering. If this renderer * supports out of order rendering then it means that the pages that are * not ready will be prepared and a future page will be rendered. * * @return True if the renderer supports out of order rendering * @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer */ public boolean supportsOutOfOrder() { return false; } /** * @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#processOffDocumentItem(OffDocumentItem) */ public void processOffDocumentItem(OffDocumentItem oDI) { } /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#getGraphics2DAdapter() */ public Graphics2DAdapter getGraphics2DAdapter() { return null; } /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#getImageAdapter() */ public ImageAdapter getImageAdapter() { return null; } /** @return the current PageViewport or null, if none is active */ protected PageViewport getCurrentPageViewport() { return this.currentPageViewport; } /** * Prepare a page for rendering. This is called if the renderer supports * out of order rendering. The renderer should prepare the page so that a * page further on in the set of pages can be rendered. The body of the * page should not be rendered. The page will be rendered at a later time * by the call to render page. * * @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#preparePage(PageViewport) */ public void preparePage(PageViewport page) { } /** * Utility method to convert a page sequence title to a string. Some * renderers may only be able to use a string title. A title is a sequence * of inline areas that this method attempts to convert to an equivalent * string. * * @param title The Title to convert * @return An expanded string representing the title */ protected String convertTitleToString(LineArea title) { List children = title.getInlineAreas(); String str = convertToString(children); return str.trim(); } private String convertToString(List children) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int count = 0; count < children.size(); count++) { InlineArea inline = (InlineArea) children.get(count); //if (inline instanceof Character) { // sb.append(((Character) inline).getChar()); /*} else*/ if (inline instanceof TextArea) { sb.append(((TextArea) inline).getText()); } else if (inline instanceof InlineParent) { sb.append(convertToString( ((InlineParent) inline).getChildAreas())); } else { sb.append(" "); } } return sb.toString(); } /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#startPageSequence(LineArea) */ public void startPageSequence(LineArea seqTitle) { //do nothing } // normally this would be overriden to create a page in the // output /** @see org.apache.fop.render.Renderer#renderPage(PageViewport) */ public void renderPage(PageViewport page) throws IOException, FOPException { this.currentPageViewport = page; try { Page p = page.getPage(); renderPageAreas(p); } finally { this.currentPageViewport = null; } } /** * Renders page areas. * * @param page The page whos page areas are to be rendered */ protected void renderPageAreas(Page page) { /* Spec does not appear to specify whether fo:region-body should appear above or below side regions in cases of overlap. FOP decision is to have fo:region-body on top, hence it is rendered last here. */ RegionViewport viewport; viewport = page.getRegionViewport(FO_REGION_BEFORE); renderRegionViewport(viewport); viewport = page.getRegionViewport(FO_REGION_START); renderRegionViewport(viewport); viewport = page.getRegionViewport(FO_REGION_END); renderRegionViewport(viewport); viewport = page.getRegionViewport(FO_REGION_AFTER); renderRegionViewport(viewport); viewport = page.getRegionViewport(FO_REGION_BODY); renderRegionViewport(viewport); } /** * Renders a region viewport.
* * The region may clip the area and it establishes a position from where * the region is placed.
* * @param port The region viewport to be rendered */ protected void renderRegionViewport(RegionViewport port) { if (port != null) { Rectangle2D view = port.getViewArea(); // The CTM will transform coordinates relative to // this region-reference area into page coords, so // set origin for the region to 0,0. currentBPPosition = 0; currentIPPosition = 0; RegionReference regionReference = port.getRegionReference(); handleRegionTraits(port); // shouldn't the viewport have the CTM startVParea(regionReference.getCTM(), port.isClip() ? view : null); // do after starting viewport area if (regionReference.getRegionClass() == FO_REGION_BODY) { renderBodyRegion((BodyRegion) regionReference); } else { renderRegion(regionReference); } endVParea(); } } /** * Establishes a new viewport area. * * @param ctm the coordinate transformation matrix to use * @param clippingRect the clipping rectangle if the viewport should be clipping, * null if no clipping is performed. */ protected abstract void startVParea(CTM ctm, Rectangle2D clippingRect); /** * Signals exit from a viewport area. Subclasses can restore transformation matrices * valid before the viewport area was started. */ protected abstract void endVParea(); /** * Handle the traits for a region * This is used to draw the traits for the given page region. * (See Sect. of XSL-FO spec.) * @param rv the RegionViewport whose region is to be drawn */ protected void handleRegionTraits(RegionViewport rv) { // draw border and background } /** * Renders a region reference area. * * @param region The region reference area */ protected void renderRegion(RegionReference region) { List blocks = region.getBlocks(); renderBlocks(null, blocks); } /** * Renders a body region area. * * @param region The body region */ protected void renderBodyRegion(BodyRegion region) { BeforeFloat bf = region.getBeforeFloat(); if (bf != null) { renderBeforeFloat(bf); } MainReference mr = region.getMainReference(); if (mr != null) { renderMainReference(mr); } Footnote foot = region.getFootnote(); if (foot != null) { renderFootnote(foot); } } /** * Renders a before float area. * * @param bf The before float area */ protected void renderBeforeFloat(BeforeFloat bf) { List blocks = bf.getChildAreas(); if (blocks != null) { renderBlocks(null, blocks); Block sep = bf.getSeparator(); if (sep != null) { renderBlock(sep); } } } /** * Renders a footnote * * @param footnote The footnote */ protected void renderFootnote(Footnote footnote) { currentBPPosition += footnote.getTop(); List blocks = footnote.getChildAreas(); if (blocks != null) { Block sep = footnote.getSeparator(); if (sep != null) { renderBlock(sep); } renderBlocks(null, blocks); } } /** * Renders the main reference area. ** The main reference area contains a list of spans that are * stacked on the page. * The spans contain a list of normal flow reference areas * that are positioned into columns. *
* * @param mr The main reference area */ protected void renderMainReference(MainReference mr) { int saveIPPos = currentIPPosition; Span span = null; List spans = mr.getSpans(); int saveBPPos = currentBPPosition; int saveSpanBPPos = saveBPPos; for (int count = 0; count < spans.size(); count++) { span = (Span) spans.get(count); for (int c = 0; c < span.getColumnCount(); c++) { NormalFlow flow = (NormalFlow) span.getNormalFlow(c); if (flow != null) { currentBPPosition = saveSpanBPPos; renderFlow(flow); currentIPPosition += flow.getIPD(); currentIPPosition += mr.getColumnGap(); } } currentIPPosition = saveIPPos; currentBPPosition = saveSpanBPPos + span.getHeight(); saveSpanBPPos = currentBPPosition; } currentBPPosition = saveBPPos; } /** * Renders a flow reference area. * * @param flow The flow reference area */ protected void renderFlow(NormalFlow flow) { // the normal flow reference area contains stacked blocks List blocks = flow.getChildAreas(); if (blocks != null) { renderBlocks(null, blocks); } } /** * Handle block traits. * This method is called when the correct ip and bp posiiton is * set. This should be overridden to draw border and background * traits for the block area. * * @param block the block area */ protected void handleBlockTraits(Block block) { // draw border and background } /** * Renders a block viewport. * * @param bv The block viewport * @param children The children to render within the block viewport */ protected void renderBlockViewport(BlockViewport bv, List children) { // clip and position viewport if necessary if (bv.getPositioning() == Block.ABSOLUTE) { // save positions int saveIP = currentIPPosition; int saveBP = currentBPPosition; Rectangle2D clippingRect = null; if (bv.getClip()) { clippingRect = new Rectangle(saveIP, saveBP, bv.getIPD(), bv.getIPD()); } CTM ctm = bv.getCTM(); currentIPPosition = 0; currentBPPosition = 0; startVParea(ctm, clippingRect); handleBlockTraits(bv); renderBlocks(bv, children); endVParea(); // clip if necessary currentIPPosition = saveIP; currentBPPosition = saveBP; } else { // save position and offset int saveIP = currentIPPosition; int saveBP = currentBPPosition; handleBlockTraits(bv); renderBlocks(bv, children); currentIPPosition = saveIP; currentBPPosition = saveBP + bv.getAllocBPD(); } } /** * Renders a list of block areas. * * @param parent the parent block if the parent is a block, otherwise * a null value. * @param blocks The block areas */ protected void renderBlocks(Block parent, List blocks) { int saveIP = currentIPPosition; int saveBP = currentBPPosition; // Calculate the position of the content rectangle. if (parent != null && !Boolean.TRUE.equals(parent.getTrait(Trait.IS_VIEWPORT_AREA))) { currentBPPosition += parent.getBorderAndPaddingWidthBefore(); /* This is unnecessary now as we're going to use the *-indent traits currentIPPosition += parent.getBorderAndPaddingWidthStart(); Integer spaceStart = (Integer) parent.getTrait(Trait.SPACE_START); if (spaceStart != null) { currentIPPosition += spaceStart.intValue(); }*/ } // the position of the containing block is used for // absolutely positioned areas int contBP = currentBPPosition; int contIP = currentIPPosition; containingBPPosition = currentBPPosition; containingIPPosition = currentIPPosition; for (int count = 0; count < blocks.size(); count++) { Object obj = blocks.get(count); if (obj instanceof Block) { currentIPPosition = contIP; containingBPPosition = contBP; containingIPPosition = contIP; renderBlock((Block) obj); containingBPPosition = contBP; containingIPPosition = contIP; } else { // a line area is rendered from the top left position // of the line, each inline object is offset from there LineArea line = (LineArea) obj; currentIPPosition = contIP + parent.getStartIndent() + line.getStartIndent(); renderLineArea(line); //InlineArea child = (InlineArea) line.getInlineAreas().get(0); currentBPPosition += line.getAllocBPD(); } currentIPPosition = saveIP; } } /** * Renders a block area. * * @param block The block area */ protected void renderBlock(Block block) { List children = block.getChildAreas(); if (block instanceof BlockViewport) { if (children != null) { renderBlockViewport((BlockViewport) block, children); } else { handleBlockTraits(block); // simply move position currentBPPosition += block.getAllocBPD(); } } else { // save position and offset int saveIP = currentIPPosition; int saveBP = currentBPPosition; if (block.getPositioning() == Block.ABSOLUTE) { currentIPPosition += block.getXOffset(); currentBPPosition += block.getYOffset(); currentBPPosition += block.getSpaceBefore(); handleBlockTraits(block); if (children != null) { renderBlocks(block, children); } // absolute blocks do not effect the layout currentBPPosition = saveBP; } else { // relative blocks are offset currentIPPosition += block.getXOffset(); currentBPPosition += block.getYOffset(); currentBPPosition += block.getSpaceBefore(); handleBlockTraits(block); if (children != null) { renderBlocks(block, children); } // stacked and relative blocks effect stacking currentIPPosition = saveIP; currentBPPosition = saveBP + block.getAllocBPD(); } } } /** * Renders a line area.* * A line area may have grouped styling for its children such as underline, * background.
* * @param line The line area */ protected void renderLineArea(LineArea line) { List children = line.getInlineAreas(); int saveBP = currentBPPosition; currentBPPosition += line.getSpaceBefore(); for (int count = 0; count < children.size(); count++) { InlineArea inline = (InlineArea) children.get(count); renderInlineArea(inline); } currentBPPosition = saveBP; } /** * Render the given InlineArea. * @param inlineArea inline area text to render */ protected void renderInlineArea(InlineArea inlineArea) { if (inlineArea instanceof TextArea) { renderText((TextArea) inlineArea); //} else if (inlineArea instanceof Character) { //renderCharacter((Character) inlineArea); } else if (inlineArea instanceof WordArea) { renderWord((WordArea) inlineArea); } else if (inlineArea instanceof SpaceArea) { renderSpace((SpaceArea) inlineArea); } else if (inlineArea instanceof InlineParent) { renderInlineParent((InlineParent) inlineArea); } else if (inlineArea instanceof InlineBlockParent) { renderInlineBlockParent((InlineBlockParent) inlineArea); } else if (inlineArea instanceof Space) { renderInlineSpace((Space) inlineArea); } else if (inlineArea instanceof Viewport) { renderViewport((Viewport) inlineArea); } else if (inlineArea instanceof Leader) { renderLeader((Leader) inlineArea); } } /** * Render the given Character. * @param ch the character to render * @deprecated Only TextArea should be used. This method will be removed eventually. */ protected void renderCharacter(Character ch) { currentIPPosition += ch.getAllocIPD(); } /** * Render the given Space. * @param space the space to render */ protected void renderInlineSpace(Space space) { // an inline space moves the inline progression position // for the current block by the width or height of the space // it may also have styling (only on this object) that needs // handling currentIPPosition += space.getAllocIPD(); } /** * Render the given Leader. * @param area the leader to render */ protected void renderLeader(Leader area) { currentIPPosition += area.getAllocIPD(); } /** * Render the given TextArea. * @param text the text to render */ protected void renderText(TextArea text) { int saveIP = currentIPPosition; int saveBP = currentBPPosition; Iterator iter = text.getChildAreas().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { renderInlineArea((InlineArea) iter.next()); } currentIPPosition = saveIP + text.getAllocIPD(); } /** * Render the given WordArea. * @param word the word to render */ protected void renderWord(WordArea word) { currentIPPosition += word.getAllocIPD(); } /** * Render the given SpaceArea. * @param space the space to render */ protected void renderSpace(SpaceArea space) { currentIPPosition += space.getAllocIPD(); } /** * Render the given InlineParent. * @param ip the inline parent to render */ protected void renderInlineParent(InlineParent ip) { int saveIP = currentIPPosition; int saveBP = currentBPPosition; currentIPPosition += ip.getBorderAndPaddingWidthStart(); currentBPPosition += ip.getOffset(); Iterator iter = ip.getChildAreas().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { renderInlineArea((InlineArea) iter.next()); } currentIPPosition = saveIP + ip.getAllocIPD(); currentBPPosition = saveBP; } /** * Render the given InlineBlockParent. * @param ibp the inline block parent to render */ protected void renderInlineBlockParent(InlineBlockParent ibp) { currentIPPosition += ibp.getBorderAndPaddingWidthStart(); // For inline content the BP position is updated by the enclosing line area int saveBP = currentBPPosition; currentBPPosition += ibp.getOffset(); renderBlock(ibp.getChildArea()); currentBPPosition = saveBP; } /** * Render the given Viewport. * @param viewport the viewport to render */ protected void renderViewport(Viewport viewport) { Area content = viewport.getContent(); int saveBP = currentBPPosition; currentBPPosition += viewport.getOffset(); Rectangle2D contpos = viewport.getContentPosition(); if (content instanceof Image) { renderImage((Image) content, contpos); } else if (content instanceof Container) { renderContainer((Container) content); } else if (content instanceof ForeignObject) { renderForeignObject((ForeignObject) content, contpos); } currentIPPosition += viewport.getAllocIPD(); currentBPPosition = saveBP; } /** * Renders an image area. * * @param image The image * @param pos The target position of the image * (todo) Make renderImage() protected */ public void renderImage(Image image, Rectangle2D pos) { // Default: do nothing. // Some renderers (ex. Text) don't support images. } /** * Tells the renderer to render an inline container. * @param cont The inline container area */ protected void renderContainer(Container cont) { int saveIP = currentIPPosition; int saveBP = currentBPPosition; List blocks = cont.getBlocks(); renderBlocks(null, blocks); currentIPPosition = saveIP; currentBPPosition = saveBP; } /** * Renders a foreign object area. * * @param fo The foreign object area * @param pos The target position of the foreign object * (todo) Make renderForeignObject() protected */ public void renderForeignObject(ForeignObject fo, Rectangle2D pos) { // Default: do nothing. // Some renderers (ex. Text) don't support foreign objects. } /** * Returns the configuration subtree for a specific renderer. * @param cfg the renderer configuration * @param namespace the namespace (i.e. the XMLHandler) for which the configuration should * be returned * @return the requested configuration subtree, null if there's no configuration */ public static Configuration getHandlerConfig(Configuration cfg, String namespace) { if (cfg == null || namespace == null) { return null; } Configuration handlerConfig = null; Configuration[] children = cfg.getChildren("xml-handler"); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { try { if (children[i].getAttribute("namespace").equals(namespace)) { handlerConfig = children[i]; break; } } catch (ConfigurationException e) { // silently pass over configurations without namespace } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug((handlerConfig == null ? "No" : "") + "XML handler configuration found for namespace " + namespace); } return handlerConfig; } /** * Render the xml document with the given xml namespace. * The Render Context is by the handle to render into the current * rendering target. * @param ctx rendering context * @param doc DOM Document containing the source document * @param namespace Namespace URI of the document */ public void renderXML(RendererContext ctx, Document doc, String namespace) { XMLHandler handler = userAgent.getXMLHandlerRegistry().getXMLHandler( this, namespace); if (handler != null) { try { //Optional XML handler configuration Configuration cfg = userAgent.getUserRendererConfig(getMimeType()); if (cfg != null) { cfg = getHandlerConfig(cfg, namespace); if (cfg != null) { ctx.setProperty(RendererContextConstants.HANDLER_CONFIGURATION, cfg); } } handler.handleXML(ctx, doc, namespace); } catch (Throwable t) { // could not handle document log.error("Some XML content will be ignored. " + "Could not render XML", t); } } else { if (warnedXMLHandlers == null) { warnedXMLHandlers = new java.util.HashSet(); } if (!warnedXMLHandlers.contains(namespace)) { // no handler found for document warnedXMLHandlers.add(namespace); log.warn("Some XML content will be ignored. " + "No handler defined for XML: " + namespace); } } } /** * Get the MIME type of the renderer. * * @return The MIME type of the renderer */ public String getMimeType() { return null; } }