/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.render.pcl; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.fop.util.UnitConv; /** * This class represents a page format with PCL-specific properties. */ public class PCLPageDefinition { private static List pageDefinitions; private static PCLPageDefinition defaultPageDefinition; private String name; private int selector; private Dimension physicalPageSize; private Rectangle logicalPageRect; private boolean landscape; static { createPageDefinitions(); } /** * Main constructor * @param name the name of the page definition * @param selector the selector used by the &l#A command (page size) * @param physicalPageSize the physical page size * @param logicalPageRect the rectangle defining the logical page * @param landscape true if it is a landscape format */ public PCLPageDefinition(String name, int selector, Dimension physicalPageSize, Rectangle logicalPageRect, boolean landscape) { this.name = name; this.selector = selector; this.physicalPageSize = physicalPageSize; this.logicalPageRect = logicalPageRect; this.landscape = landscape; } /** @return the name of the page definition */ public String getName() { return this.name; } /** @return the selector used by the &l#A command (page size) */ public int getSelector() { return this.selector; } /** @return true if it is a landscape format */ public boolean isLandscapeFormat() { return this.landscape; } /** @return the physical page size */ public Dimension getPhysicalPageSize() { return this.physicalPageSize; } /** @return the rectangle defining the logical page */ public Rectangle getLogicalPageRect() { return this.logicalPageRect; } private boolean matches(long width, long height, int errorMargin) { return (Math.abs(this.physicalPageSize.width - width) < errorMargin) && (Math.abs(this.physicalPageSize.height - height) < errorMargin); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String toString() { return getName(); } /** * Tries to determine a matching page definition. * @param width the physical page width (in mpt) * @param height the physical page height (in mpt) * @param errorMargin the error margin for detecting the right page definition * @return the page definition or null if no match was found */ public static PCLPageDefinition getPageDefinition(long width, long height, int errorMargin) { Iterator iter = pageDefinitions.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PCLPageDefinition def = (PCLPageDefinition)iter.next(); if (def.matches(width, height, errorMargin)) { return def; } } return null; } /** @return the default page definition (letter) */ public static PCLPageDefinition getDefaultPageDefinition() { return defaultPageDefinition; } /** * Converts an offset values for logical pages to millipoints. The values are given as pixels * in a 300dpi environment. * @param offset the offset as given in the PCL 5 specification (under "Printable Area") * @return the converted value in millipoints */ private static int convert300dpiDotsToMpt(int offset) { return (int)Math.round(((double)offset) * 72000 / 300); } private static Dimension createPhysicalPageSizeInch(float width, float height) { return new Dimension( (int)Math.round(UnitConv.in2mpt(width)), (int)Math.round(UnitConv.in2mpt(height))); } private static Dimension createPhysicalPageSizeMm(float width, float height) { return new Dimension( (int)Math.round(UnitConv.mm2mpt(width)), (int)Math.round(UnitConv.mm2mpt(height))); } private static Rectangle createLogicalPageRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) { return new Rectangle(convert300dpiDotsToMpt(x), convert300dpiDotsToMpt(y), convert300dpiDotsToMpt(width), convert300dpiDotsToMpt(height)); } private static void createPageDefinitions() { pageDefinitions = new java.util.ArrayList(); pageDefinitions.add(new PCLPageDefinition("Letter", 2, createPhysicalPageSizeInch(8.5f, 11), createLogicalPageRect(75, 0, 2400, 3300), false)); defaultPageDefinition = new PCLPageDefinition("Legal", 3, createPhysicalPageSizeInch(8.5f, 14), createLogicalPageRect(75, 0, 2400, 4200), false); pageDefinitions.add(defaultPageDefinition); pageDefinitions.add(new PCLPageDefinition("Executive", 1, createPhysicalPageSizeInch(7.25f, 10.5f), createLogicalPageRect(75, 0, 2025, 3150), false)); pageDefinitions.add(new PCLPageDefinition("Ledger", 6, createPhysicalPageSizeInch(11, 17), createLogicalPageRect(75, 0, 3150, 5100), false)); pageDefinitions.add(new PCLPageDefinition("A4", 26, createPhysicalPageSizeMm(210, 297), createLogicalPageRect(71, 0, 2338, 3507), false)); pageDefinitions.add(new PCLPageDefinition("A3", 27, createPhysicalPageSizeMm(297, 420), createLogicalPageRect(71, 0, 3365, 4960), false)); //TODO Add envelope definitions pageDefinitions.add(new PCLPageDefinition("LetterL", 2, createPhysicalPageSizeInch(11, 8.5f), createLogicalPageRect(60, 0, 3180, 2550), true)); pageDefinitions.add(new PCLPageDefinition("LegalL", 3, createPhysicalPageSizeInch(14, 8.5f), createLogicalPageRect(60, 0, 4080, 2550), true)); pageDefinitions.add(new PCLPageDefinition("ExecutiveL", 1, createPhysicalPageSizeInch(10.5f, 7.25f), createLogicalPageRect(60, 0, 3030, 2175), true)); pageDefinitions.add(new PCLPageDefinition("LedgerL", 6, createPhysicalPageSizeInch(17, 11), createLogicalPageRect(60, 0, 4980, 3300), true)); pageDefinitions.add(new PCLPageDefinition("A4L", 26, createPhysicalPageSizeMm(297, 210), createLogicalPageRect(59, 0, 3389, 2480), true)); pageDefinitions.add(new PCLPageDefinition("A3L", 27, createPhysicalPageSizeMm(420, 297), createLogicalPageRect(59, 0, 4842, 3507), true)); } }