/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.render.ps; // Java import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.io.IOException; // DOM /* org.w3c.dom.Document is not imported to avoid conflict with org.apache.fop.control.Document */ import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGDocument; import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGSVGElement; // Batik import org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder; import org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext; import org.apache.batik.bridge.ViewBox; import org.apache.batik.gvt.GraphicsNode; // FOP import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo; import org.apache.fop.render.XMLHandler; import org.apache.fop.render.RendererContext; import org.apache.fop.svg.SVGUserAgent; // Commons-Logging import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * PostScript XML handler. * This handler handles XML for foreign objects when rendering to PostScript. * It renders SVG to the PostScript document using the PSGraphics2D. * The properties from the PostScript renderer are subject to change. * * @author Apache XML FOP Development Team * @version $Id: PSXMLHandler.java,v 1.4 2003/03/11 08:42:24 jeremias Exp $ */ public class PSXMLHandler implements XMLHandler { /** * logging instance */ private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PSXMLHandler.class); /** * The PostScript generator that is being used to drawn into. */ public static final String PS_GENERATOR = "psGenerator"; /** * The font information for the PostScript renderer. */ public static final String PS_FONT_INFO = "psFontInfo"; /** * The width of the SVG graphic. */ public static final String PS_WIDTH = "width"; /** * The height of the SVG graphic. */ public static final String PS_HEIGHT = "height"; /** * The x position that this is being drawn at. */ public static final String PS_XPOS = "xpos"; /** * The y position that this is being drawn at. */ public static final String PS_YPOS = "ypos"; /** * Create a new PostScript XML handler for use by the PostScript renderer. */ public PSXMLHandler() { } /** * Handle the XML. * This checks the type of XML and handles appropraitely. * * @param context the renderer context * @param doc the XML document to render * @param ns the namespace of the XML document * @throws Exception any sort of exception could be thrown and shuld be handled */ public void handleXML(RendererContext context, org.w3c.dom.Document doc, String ns) throws Exception { PSInfo psi = getPSInfo(context); String svg = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; if (svg.equals(ns)) { SVGHandler svghandler = new SVGHandler(); svghandler.renderSVGDocument(context, doc, psi); } else { //nop } } /** * Get the pdf information from the render context. * * @param context the renderer context * @return the pdf information retrieved from the context */ public static PSInfo getPSInfo(RendererContext context) { PSInfo psi = new PSInfo(); psi.psGenerator = (PSGenerator)context.getProperty(PS_GENERATOR); psi.fontInfo = (org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo) context.getProperty(PS_FONT_INFO); psi.width = ((Integer)context.getProperty(PS_WIDTH)).intValue(); psi.height = ((Integer)context.getProperty(PS_HEIGHT)).intValue(); psi.currentXPosition = ((Integer)context.getProperty(PS_XPOS)).intValue(); psi.currentYPosition = ((Integer)context.getProperty(PS_YPOS)).intValue(); return psi; } /** * PostScript information structure for drawing the XML document. */ public static class PSInfo { /** see PS_GENERATOR */ private PSGenerator psGenerator; /** see PS_FONT_INFO */ private org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo fontInfo; /** see PS_PAGE_WIDTH */ private int width; /** see PS_PAGE_HEIGHT */ private int height; /** see PS_XPOS */ private int currentXPosition; /** see PS_YPOS */ private int currentYPosition; /** * Returns the PSGenerator. * @return PSGenerator */ public PSGenerator getPSGenerator() { return psGenerator; } /** * Sets the PSGenerator. * @param psGenerator The PSGenerator to set */ public void setPsGenerator(PSGenerator psGenerator) { this.psGenerator = psGenerator; } /** * Returns the fontInfo. * @return FontInfo */ public FontInfo getFontInfo() { return fontInfo; } /** * Sets the fontInfo. * @param fontInfo The fontInfo to set */ public void setFontInfo(FontInfo fontInfo) { this.fontInfo = fontInfo; } /** * Returns the currentXPosition. * @return int */ public int getCurrentXPosition() { return currentXPosition; } /** * Sets the currentXPosition. * @param currentXPosition The currentXPosition to set */ public void setCurrentXPosition(int currentXPosition) { this.currentXPosition = currentXPosition; } /** * Returns the currentYPosition. * @return int */ public int getCurrentYPosition() { return currentYPosition; } /** * Sets the currentYPosition. * @param currentYPosition The currentYPosition to set */ public void setCurrentYPosition(int currentYPosition) { this.currentYPosition = currentYPosition; } /** * Returns the width. * @return int */ public int getWidth() { return width; } /** * Sets the width. * @param width The pageWidth to set */ public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; } /** * Returns the height. * @return int */ public int getHeight() { return height; } /** * Sets the height. * @param height The height to set */ public void setHeight(int height) { this.height = height; } } /** * This method is placed in an inner class so that we don't get class * loading errors if batik is not present. */ protected class SVGHandler { /** * Render the svg document. * @param context the renderer context * @param doc the svg document * @param psInfo the pdf information of the current context */ protected void renderSVGDocument(RendererContext context, org.w3c.dom.Document doc, PSInfo psInfo) { int xOffset = psInfo.currentXPosition; int yOffset = psInfo.currentYPosition; PSGenerator gen = psInfo.psGenerator; SVGUserAgent ua = new SVGUserAgent( context.getUserAgent().getPixelUnitToMillimeter(), new AffineTransform()); GVTBuilder builder = new GVTBuilder(); BridgeContext ctx = new BridgeContext(ua); PSTextPainter textPainter = new PSTextPainter(psInfo.getFontInfo()); ctx.setTextPainter(textPainter); PSTextElementBridge tBridge = new PSTextElementBridge(textPainter); ctx.putBridge(tBridge); //PSAElementBridge aBridge = new PSAElementBridge(); // to get the correct transform we need to use the PDFState AffineTransform transform = gen.getCurrentState().getTransform(); transform.translate(xOffset / 1000f, yOffset / 1000f); //aBridge.setCurrentTransform(transform); //ctx.putBridge(aBridge); GraphicsNode root; try { root = builder.build(ctx, doc); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("SVG graphic could not be built: " + e.getMessage(), e); return; } // get the 'width' and 'height' attributes of the SVG document float w = (float)ctx.getDocumentSize().getWidth() * 1000f; float h = (float)ctx.getDocumentSize().getHeight() * 1000f; float sx = psInfo.getWidth() / (float)w; float sy = psInfo.getHeight() / (float)h; ctx = null; builder = null; try { gen.writeln("%SVG graphic start ---"); gen.saveGraphicsState(); /* * Clip to the svg area. * Note: To have the svg overlay (under) a text area then use * an fo:block-container */ gen.writeln("newpath"); gen.defineRect(xOffset, yOffset, w, h); gen.writeln("clip"); // transform so that the coordinates (0,0) is from the top left // and positive is down and to the right. (0,0) is where the // viewBox puts it. gen.concatMatrix(sx, 0, 0, sy, xOffset, yOffset); SVGSVGElement svg = ((SVGDocument)doc).getRootElement(); AffineTransform at = ViewBox.getPreserveAspectRatioTransform(svg, w / 1000f, h / 1000f); if (!at.isIdentity()) { double[] vals = new double[6]; at.getMatrix(vals); gen.concatMatrix(vals); } /* if (psInfo.pdfContext == null) { psInfo.pdfContext = psInfo.pdfPage; }*/ final boolean textAsShapes = false; PSGraphics2D graphics = new PSGraphics2D(textAsShapes, gen); graphics.setGraphicContext(new org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.GraphicContext()); //psInfo.pdfState.push(); transform = new AffineTransform(); // scale to viewbox transform.translate(xOffset, yOffset); gen.getCurrentState().concatMatrix(transform); //graphics.setPDFState(psInfo.pdfState); try { root.paint(graphics); //psInfo.currentStream.add(graphics.getString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("SVG graphic could not be rendered: " + e.getMessage(), e); } psInfo.psGenerator.restoreGraphicsState(); //psInfo.pdfState.pop(); gen.writeln("%SVG graphic end ---"); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("SVG graphic could not be rendered: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } } } }