/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.tools.anttasks; // Ant import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; import org.apache.tools.ant.DirectoryScanner; import org.apache.tools.ant.Project; import org.apache.tools.ant.Task; import org.apache.tools.ant.types.FileSet; import org.apache.tools.ant.util.GlobPatternMapper; import org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException; import org.apache.fop.apps.FOUserAgent; import org.apache.fop.apps.FopFactory; import org.apache.fop.apps.MimeConstants; import org.apache.fop.cli.InputHandler; /** * Wrapper for FOP which allows it to be accessed from within an Ant task. * Accepts the inputs: * */ public class Fop extends Task { private File foFile; private File xmlFile; private File xsltFile; private String xsltParams; private List/**/ filesets = new java.util.ArrayList/**/(); private File outFile; private File outDir; private String format; //MIME type private File baseDir; private File userConfig; private int messageType = Project.MSG_VERBOSE; private boolean logFiles = true; private boolean force = false; private boolean relativebase = false; private boolean throwExceptions = true; /** * Sets the filename for the userconfig.xml. * @param userConfig Configuration to use */ public void setUserConfig(File userConfig) { this.userConfig = userConfig; } /** * Returns the file for the userconfig.xml. * @return the userconfig.xml file */ public File getUserConfig() { return this.userConfig; } /** * Sets the input XSL-FO file. * @param foFile input XSL-FO file */ public void setFoFile(File foFile) { this.foFile = foFile; } /** * Gets the input XSL-FO file. * @return input XSL-FO file */ public File getFoFile() { return foFile; } /** * Gets the input XML file. * @return the input XML file. */ public File getXmlFile() { return xmlFile; } /** * Sets the input XML file. * @param xmlFile the input XML file. */ public void setXmlFile(File xmlFile) { this.xmlFile = xmlFile; } /** * Gets the input XSLT file. * @return the input XSLT file. */ public File getXsltFile() { return xsltFile; } /** * Sets the input XSLT file. * @param xsltFile the input XSLT file. */ public void setXsltFile(File xsltFile) { this.xsltFile = xsltFile; } /** * Gets the XSLT parameters * @return the XSLT parameters */ public String getXsltParams() { return xsltParams; } /** * Sets the XSLT parameters * @param xsltParams the XSLT parameters */ public void setXsltParams(String xsltParams) { this.xsltParams = xsltParams; } /** * Adds a set of XSL-FO files (nested fileset attribute). * @param set a fileset */ public void addFileset(FileSet set) { filesets.add(set); } /** * Returns the current list of filesets. * @return the filesets */ public List getFilesets() { return this.filesets; } /** * Set whether to include files (external-graphics, instream-foreign-object) * from a path relative to the .fo file (true) or the working directory (false, default) * only useful for filesets * * @param relbase true if paths are relative to file. */ public void setRelativebase(boolean relbase) { this.relativebase = relbase; } /** * Gets the relative base attribute * @return the relative base attribute */ public boolean getRelativebase() { return relativebase; } /** * Set whether to check dependencies, or to always generate; * optional, default is false. * * @param force true if always generate. */ public void setForce(boolean force) { this.force = force; } /** * Gets the force attribute * @return the force attribute */ public boolean getForce() { return force; } /** * Sets the output file. * @param outFile File to output to */ public void setOutfile(File outFile) { this.outFile = outFile; } /** * Gets the output file. * @return the output file */ public File getOutfile() { return this.outFile; } /** * Sets the output directory. * @param outDir Directory to output to */ public void setOutdir(File outDir) { this.outDir = outDir; } /** * Gets the output directory. * @return the output directory */ public File getOutdir() { return this.outDir; } /** * Sets output format (MIME type). * @param format the output format */ public void setFormat(String format) { this.format = format; } /** * Gets the output format (MIME type). * @return the output format */ public String getFormat() { return this.format; } /** * Set whether exceptions are thrown. * default is false. * @param throwExceptions true if exceptions should be thrown */ public void setThrowExceptions(boolean throwExceptions) { this.throwExceptions = throwExceptions; } /** * Gets the throw exceptions attribute * @return the throw exceptions attribute */ public boolean getThrowExceptions() { return this.throwExceptions; } /** * Sets the message level to be used while processing. * @param messageLevel (error | warn| info | verbose | debug) */ public void setMessagelevel(String messageLevel) { if (messageLevel.equalsIgnoreCase("info")) { messageType = Project.MSG_INFO; } else if (messageLevel.equalsIgnoreCase("verbose")) { messageType = Project.MSG_VERBOSE; } else if (messageLevel.equalsIgnoreCase("debug")) { messageType = Project.MSG_DEBUG; } else if (messageLevel.equalsIgnoreCase("err") || messageLevel.equalsIgnoreCase("error")) { messageType = Project.MSG_ERR; } else if (messageLevel.equalsIgnoreCase("warn")) { messageType = Project.MSG_WARN; } else { log("messagelevel set to unknown value \"" + messageLevel + "\"", Project.MSG_ERR); throw new BuildException("unknown messagelevel"); } } /** * Returns the message type corresponding to Project.MSG_* * representing the current message level. * @return message type * @see org.apache.tools.ant.Project */ public int getMessageType() { return messageType; } /** * Sets the base directory for single FO file (non-fileset) usage * @param baseDir File to use as a working directory */ public void setBasedir(File baseDir) { this.baseDir = baseDir; } /** * Gets the base directory. * @return the base directory */ public File getBasedir() { return (baseDir != null) ? baseDir : getProject().resolveFile("."); } /** * Controls whether the filenames of the files that are processed are logged * or not. * @param logFiles True if the feature should be enabled */ public void setLogFiles(boolean logFiles) { this.logFiles = logFiles; } /** * Returns True if the filename of each file processed should be logged. * @return True if the filenames should be logged. */ public boolean getLogFiles() { return this.logFiles; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void execute() throws BuildException { int logLevel = SimpleLog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO; switch (getMessageType()) { case Project.MSG_DEBUG : logLevel = SimpleLog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; break; case Project.MSG_INFO : logLevel = SimpleLog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO; break; case Project.MSG_WARN : logLevel = SimpleLog.LOG_LEVEL_WARN; break; case Project.MSG_ERR : logLevel = SimpleLog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR; break; case Project.MSG_VERBOSE: logLevel = SimpleLog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; break; default: logLevel = SimpleLog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO; } SimpleLog logger = new SimpleLog("FOP/Anttask"); logger.setLevel(logLevel); try { FOPTaskStarter starter = new FOPTaskStarter(this); starter.setLogger(logger); starter.run(); } catch (FOPException ex) { throw new BuildException(ex); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BuildException(ioe); } catch (SAXException saxex) { throw new BuildException(saxex); } } } class FOPTaskStarter { // configure fopFactory as desired private FopFactory fopFactory = FopFactory.newInstance(); private Fop task; private String baseURL = null; /** * logging instance */ protected Log logger = null; /** * Sets the Commons-Logging instance for this class * @param logger The Commons-Logging instance */ public void setLogger(Log logger) { this.logger = logger; } /** * Returns the Commons-Logging instance for this class * @return The Commons-Logging instance */ protected Log getLogger() { return logger; } FOPTaskStarter(Fop task) throws SAXException, IOException { this.task = task; if (task.getUserConfig() != null) { fopFactory.setUserConfig(task.getUserConfig()); } } private static final String[][] SHORT_NAMES = { {"pdf", MimeConstants.MIME_PDF}, {"ps", MimeConstants.MIME_POSTSCRIPT}, {"mif", MimeConstants.MIME_MIF}, {"rtf", MimeConstants.MIME_RTF}, {"pcl", MimeConstants.MIME_PCL}, {"txt", MimeConstants.MIME_PLAIN_TEXT}, {"at", MimeConstants.MIME_FOP_AREA_TREE}, {"xml", MimeConstants.MIME_FOP_AREA_TREE}, {"tiff", MimeConstants.MIME_TIFF}, {"tif", MimeConstants.MIME_TIFF}, {"png", MimeConstants.MIME_PNG}, {"afp", MimeConstants.MIME_AFP} }; private String normalizeOutputFormat(String format) { if (format == null) { return MimeConstants.MIME_PDF; } for (int i = 0; i < SHORT_NAMES.length; i++) { if (SHORT_NAMES[i][0].equals(format)) { return SHORT_NAMES[i][1]; } } return format; //no change } private static final String[][] EXTENSIONS = { {MimeConstants.MIME_FOP_AREA_TREE, ".at.xml"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_FOP_AWT_PREVIEW, null}, {MimeConstants.MIME_FOP_PRINT, null}, {MimeConstants.MIME_PDF, ".pdf"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_POSTSCRIPT, ".ps"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_PCL, ".pcl"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_PCL_ALT, ".pcl"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_PLAIN_TEXT, ".txt"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_RTF, ".rtf"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_RTF_ALT1, ".rtf"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_RTF_ALT2, ".rtf"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_MIF, ".mif"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_SVG, ".svg"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_PNG, ".png"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_JPEG, ".jpg"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_TIFF, ".tif"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_AFP, ".afp"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_AFP_ALT, ".afp"}, {MimeConstants.MIME_XSL_FO, ".fo"} }; private String determineExtension(String outputFormat) { for (int i = 0; i < EXTENSIONS.length; i++) { if (EXTENSIONS[i][0].equals(outputFormat)) { String ext = EXTENSIONS[i][1]; if (ext == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Output format '" + outputFormat + "' does not produce a file."); } else { return ext; } } } return ".unk"; //unknown } private File replaceExtension(File file, String expectedExt, String newExt) { String name = file.getName(); if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(expectedExt)) { name = name.substring(0, name.length() - expectedExt.length()); } name = name.concat(newExt); return new File(file.getParentFile(), name); } public void run() throws FOPException { //Set base directory if (task.getBasedir() != null) { try { this.baseURL = task.getBasedir().toURI().toURL().toExternalForm(); } catch (MalformedURLException mfue) { logger.error("Error creating base URL from base directory", mfue); } } else { try { if (task.getFoFile() != null) { this.baseURL = task.getFoFile().getParentFile().toURI().toURL(). toExternalForm(); } } catch (MalformedURLException mfue) { logger.error("Error creating base URL from XSL-FO input file", mfue); } } task.log("Using base URL: " + baseURL, Project.MSG_DEBUG); String outputFormat = normalizeOutputFormat(task.getFormat()); String newExtension = determineExtension(outputFormat); // actioncount = # of fofiles actually processed through FOP int actioncount = 0; // skippedcount = # of fofiles which haven't changed (force = "false") int skippedcount = 0; // deal with single source file if (task.getFoFile() != null) { if (task.getFoFile().exists()) { File outf = task.getOutfile(); if (outf == null) { throw new BuildException("outfile is required when fofile is used"); } if (task.getOutdir() != null) { outf = new File(task.getOutdir(), outf.getName()); } // Render if "force" flag is set OR // OR output file doesn't exist OR // output file is older than input file if (task.getForce() || !outf.exists() || (task.getFoFile().lastModified() > outf.lastModified() )) { render(task.getFoFile(), outf, outputFormat); actioncount++; } else if (outf.exists() && (task.getFoFile().lastModified() <= outf.lastModified() )) { skippedcount++; } } } else if (task.getXmlFile() != null && task.getXsltFile() != null) { if (task.getXmlFile().exists() && task.getXsltFile().exists()) { File outf = task.getOutfile(); if (outf == null) { throw new BuildException("outfile is required when fofile is used"); } if (task.getOutdir() != null) { outf = new File(task.getOutdir(), outf.getName()); } // Render if "force" flag is set OR // OR output file doesn't exist OR // output file is older than input file if (task.getForce() || !outf.exists() || (task.getXmlFile().lastModified() > outf.lastModified() || task.getXsltFile().lastModified() > outf.lastModified())) { render(task.getXmlFile(), task.getXsltFile(), outf, outputFormat); actioncount++; } else if (outf.exists() && (task.getXmlFile().lastModified() <= outf.lastModified() || task.getXsltFile().lastModified() <= outf.lastModified())) { skippedcount++; } } } GlobPatternMapper mapper = new GlobPatternMapper(); String inputExtension = ".fo"; File xsltFile = task.getXsltFile(); if (xsltFile != null) { inputExtension = ".xml"; } mapper.setFrom("*" + inputExtension); mapper.setTo("*" + newExtension); // deal with the filesets for (int i = 0; i < task.getFilesets().size(); i++) { FileSet fs = (FileSet) task.getFilesets().get(i); DirectoryScanner ds = fs.getDirectoryScanner(task.getProject()); String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles(); for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) { File f = new File(fs.getDir(task.getProject()), files[j]); File outf = null; if (task.getOutdir() != null && files[j].endsWith(inputExtension)) { String[] sa = mapper.mapFileName(files[j]); outf = new File(task.getOutdir(), sa[0]); } else { outf = replaceExtension(f, inputExtension, newExtension); if (task.getOutdir() != null) { outf = new File(task.getOutdir(), outf.getName()); } } File dir = outf.getParentFile(); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } try { if (task.getRelativebase()) { this.baseURL = f.getParentFile().toURI().toURL(). toExternalForm(); } if (this.baseURL == null) { this.baseURL = fs.getDir(task.getProject()).toURI().toURL(). toExternalForm(); } } catch (Exception e) { task.log("Error setting base URL", Project.MSG_DEBUG); } // Render if "force" flag is set OR // OR output file doesn't exist OR // output file is older than input file if (task.getForce() || !outf.exists() || (f.lastModified() > outf.lastModified() )) { if (xsltFile != null) { render(f, xsltFile, outf, outputFormat); } else { render(f, outf, outputFormat); } actioncount++; } else if (outf.exists() && (f.lastModified() <= outf.lastModified() )) { skippedcount++; } } } if (actioncount + skippedcount == 0) { task.log("No files processed. No files were selected by the filesets " + "and no fofile was set." , Project.MSG_WARN); } else if (skippedcount > 0) { task.log(skippedcount + " xslfo file(s) skipped (no change found" + " since last generation; set force=\"true\" to override)." , Project.MSG_INFO); } } private void renderInputHandler(InputHandler inputHandler, File outFile, String outputFormat) throws Exception { OutputStream out = null; try { out = new java.io.FileOutputStream(outFile); out = new BufferedOutputStream(out); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new BuildException("Failed to open " + outFile, ex); } boolean success = false; try { FOUserAgent userAgent = fopFactory.newFOUserAgent(); userAgent.setBaseURL(this.baseURL); inputHandler.renderTo(userAgent, outputFormat, out); success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { if (task.getThrowExceptions()) { throw new BuildException(ex); } throw ex; } finally { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error("Error closing output file", ioe); } if (!success) { outFile.delete(); } } } private void render(File foFile, File outFile, String outputFormat) throws FOPException { InputHandler inputHandler = new InputHandler(foFile); try { renderInputHandler(inputHandler, outFile, outputFormat); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error rendering fo file: " + foFile, ex); } if (task.getLogFiles()) { task.log(foFile + " -> " + outFile, Project.MSG_INFO); } } private void render(File xmlFile, File xsltFile, File outFile, String outputFormat) { //TODO: implement support for XSLT params final Vector xsltParams = null; InputHandler inputHandler = new InputHandler(xmlFile, xsltFile, xsltParams); try { renderInputHandler(inputHandler, outFile, outputFormat); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error rendering xml/xslt files: " + xmlFile + ", " + xsltFile, ex); } if (task.getLogFiles()) { task.log("xml: " + xmlFile + ", xslt: " + xsltFile + " -> " + outFile, Project.MSG_INFO); } } }