* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
* For details on use and redistribution please refer to the
* LICENSE file included with these sources.
package org.apache.fop.layout;
// FOP
import org.apache.fop.datatypes.*;
import org.apache.fop.fo.flow.Marker;
import org.apache.fop.layout.inline.InlineSpace;
// Java
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Hashtable;
abstract public class Area extends Box {
* nominal font size and nominal font family incorporated in
* fontState
protected FontState fontState;
protected BorderAndPadding bp = null;
protected Vector children = new Vector();
/* max size in line-progression-direction */
protected int maxHeight;
* Total height of content of this area.
protected int currentHeight = 0;
// used to keep track of the current x position within a table. Required for drawing rectangle links.
protected int tableCellXOffset = 0;
// used to keep track of the absolute height on the page. Required for drawing rectangle links.
private int absoluteHeight = 0;
protected int contentRectangleWidth;
protected int allocationWidth;
/* the page this area is on */
protected Page page;
protected ColorType backgroundColor;
private IDReferences idReferences;
protected Vector markers;
// as defined in Section 6.1.1
protected org.apache.fop.fo.FObj generatedBy; // corresponds to 'generated-by' trait
protected Hashtable returnedBy;
// as defined in Section 6.1.1
protected String areaClass;
// as defined in Section 4.2.2
protected boolean isFirst = false;
protected boolean isLast = false;
* author : Seshadri G
* * the fo which created it
// This is deprecated and should be phased out in
// favour of using 'generatedBy'
public org.apache.fop.fo.FObj foCreator;
public Area(FontState fontState) {
this.markers = new Vector();
this.returnedBy = new Hashtable();
* Creates a new Area
* @param fontState a FontState
* @param allocationWidth the inline-progression dimension of the content
* rectangle of the Area
* @param maxHeight the maximum block-progression dimension available
* for this Area (its allocation rectangle)
public Area(FontState fontState, int allocationWidth, int maxHeight) {
this.allocationWidth = allocationWidth;
this.contentRectangleWidth = allocationWidth;
this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
this.markers = new Vector();
this.returnedBy = new Hashtable();
private void setFontState(FontState fontState) {
// fontState.setFontInfo(this.page.getFontInfo());
this.fontState = fontState;
public void addChild(Box child) {
child.parent = this;
public void addChildAtStart(Box child) {
this.children.insertElementAt(child, 0);
child.parent = this;
public void addDisplaySpace(int size) {
this.addChild(new DisplaySpace(size));
this.absoluteHeight += size;
this.currentHeight += size;
public void addInlineSpace(int size) {
this.addChild(new InlineSpace(size));
// other adjustments...
public FontInfo getFontInfo() {
return this.page.getFontInfo();
public void end() {}
public int getAllocationWidth() {
* ATTENTION: this may change your output!! (Karen Lease, 4mar2001)
* return this.allocationWidth - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight()
* - getBorderLeftWidth() - getBorderRightWidth();
return this.allocationWidth;
* Set the allocation width.
* @param w The new allocation width.
* This sets content width to the same value.
* Currently only called during layout of Table to set the width
* to the total width of all the columns. Note that this assumes the
* column widths are explicitly specified.
public void setAllocationWidth(int w) {
this.allocationWidth = w;
this.contentRectangleWidth = this.allocationWidth;
public Vector getChildren() {
return this.children;
public boolean hasChildren() {
return (this.children.size() != 0);
public int getContentWidth() {
* ATTENTION: this may change your output!! (Karen Lease, 4mar2001)
* return contentRectangleWidth - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight()
* - getBorderLeftWidth() - getBorderRightWidth();
return contentRectangleWidth;
public FontState getFontState() {
return this.fontState;
* Returns content height of the area.
* @return Content height in millipoints
public int getContentHeight() {
return this.currentHeight;
* Returns allocation height of this area.
* The allocation height is the sum of the content height plus border
* and padding in the vertical direction.
* @return allocation height in millipoints
public int getHeight() {
return this.currentHeight + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom()
+ getBorderTopWidth() + getBorderBottomWidth();
public int getMaxHeight() {
// Change KDL: return max height of content rectangle
return this.maxHeight;
* return this.maxHeight - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom() -
* getBorderTopWidth() - getBorderBottomWidth();
public Page getPage() {
return this.page;
public ColorType getBackgroundColor() {
return this.backgroundColor;
// Must handle conditionality here, depending on isLast/isFirst
public int getPaddingTop() {
return (bp == null ? 0 : bp.getPaddingTop(false));
public int getPaddingLeft() {
return (bp == null ? 0 : bp.getPaddingLeft(false));
public int getPaddingBottom() {
return (bp == null ? 0 : bp.getPaddingBottom(false));
public int getPaddingRight() {
return (bp == null ? 0 : bp.getPaddingRight(false));
// Handle border-width, including conditionality
// For now, just pass false everywhere!
public int getBorderTopWidth() {
return (bp == null ? 0 : bp.getBorderTopWidth(false));
public int getBorderRightWidth() {
return (bp == null ? 0 : bp.getBorderRightWidth(false));
public int getBorderLeftWidth() {
return (bp == null ? 0 : bp.getBorderLeftWidth(false));
public int getBorderBottomWidth() {
return (bp == null ? 0 : bp.getBorderBottomWidth(false));
public int getTableCellXOffset() {
return tableCellXOffset;
public void setTableCellXOffset(int offset) {
tableCellXOffset = offset;
public int getAbsoluteHeight() {
return absoluteHeight;
public void setAbsoluteHeight(int value) {
absoluteHeight = value;
public void increaseAbsoluteHeight(int value) {
absoluteHeight += value;
public void increaseHeight(int amount) {
this.currentHeight += amount;
this.absoluteHeight += amount;
// Remove allocation height of child
public void removeChild(Area area) {
this.currentHeight -= area.getHeight();
this.absoluteHeight -= area.getHeight();
public void removeChild(DisplaySpace spacer) {
this.currentHeight -= spacer.getSize();
this.absoluteHeight -= spacer.getSize();
public void remove() {
public void setPage(Page page) {
this.page = page;
public void setBackgroundColor(ColorType bgColor) {
this.backgroundColor = bgColor;
public void setBorderAndPadding(BorderAndPadding bp) {
this.bp = bp;
* Return space remaining in the vertical direction (height).
* This returns maximum available space - current content height
* Note: content height should be based on allocation height of content!
* @return space remaining in base units (millipoints)
public int spaceLeft() {
return maxHeight - currentHeight;
public void start() {}
* Set the content height to the passed value if that value is
* larger than current content height. If the new content height
* is greater than the maximum available height, set the content height
* to the max. available (!!!)
* @param height allocation height of content in millipoints
public void setHeight(int height) {
int prevHeight = currentHeight;
if (height > currentHeight) {
currentHeight = height;
if (currentHeight > getMaxHeight()) {
currentHeight = getMaxHeight();
absoluteHeight += (currentHeight - prevHeight);
public void setMaxHeight(int height) {
this.maxHeight = height;
public Area getParent() {
return this.parent;
public void setParent(Area parent) {
this.parent = parent;
public void setIDReferences(IDReferences idReferences) {
this.idReferences = idReferences;
public IDReferences getIDReferences() {
return idReferences;
/* Author seshadri */
public org.apache.fop.fo.FObj getfoCreator() {
return this.foCreator;
// Function not currently used! (KLease, 16mar01)
public AreaContainer getNearestAncestorAreaContainer() {
Area area = this.getParent();
while (!(area instanceof AreaContainer)) {
area = area.getParent();
return (AreaContainer)area;
public BorderAndPadding getBorderAndPadding() {
return bp;
public void addMarker(Marker marker) {
public void addMarkers(Vector markers) {
public void addLineagePair(org.apache.fop.fo.FObj fo, int areaPosition) {
returnedBy.put(fo, new Integer(areaPosition));
public Vector getMarkers() {
return markers;
public void setGeneratedBy(org.apache.fop.fo.FObj generatedBy) {
this.generatedBy = generatedBy;
public org.apache.fop.fo.FObj getGeneratedBy() {
return generatedBy;
public void isFirst(boolean isFirst) {
this.isFirst = isFirst;
public boolean isFirst() {
return isFirst;
public void isLast(boolean isLast) {
this.isLast = isLast;
public boolean isLast() {
return isLast;