/* * $Id$ * Copyright (C) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. * For details on use and redistribution please refer to the * LICENSE file included with these sources. */ package org.apache.fop.layout.hyphenation; import java.io.*; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.apache.fop.configuration.*; /** * This class is the main entry point to the hyphenation package. * You can use only the static methods or create an instance. * * @author Carlos Villegas */ public class Hyphenator { static Hashtable hyphenTrees = new Hashtable(); private HyphenationTree hyphenTree = null; private int remainCharCount = 2; private int pushCharCount = 2; private static boolean errorDump = false; public Hyphenator(String lang, String country, int leftMin, int rightMin) { hyphenTree = getHyphenationTree(lang, country); remainCharCount = leftMin; pushCharCount = rightMin; } public static HyphenationTree getHyphenationTree(String lang, String country) { String key = lang; // check whether the country code has been used if (country != null &&!country.equals("none")) key += "_" + country; // first try to find it in the cache if (hyphenTrees.containsKey(key)) return (HyphenationTree)hyphenTrees.get(key); if (hyphenTrees.containsKey(lang)) return (HyphenationTree)hyphenTrees.get(lang); HyphenationTree hTree = getFopHyphenationTree(key); if (hTree == null) { String hyphenDir = Configuration.getStringValue("hyphenation-dir"); if (hyphenDir != null) { hTree = getUserHyphenationTree(key, hyphenDir); } } // put it into the pattern cache if (hTree != null) { hyphenTrees.put(key, hTree); } else { //log.error("Couldn't find hyphenation pattern " // + key); } return hTree; } private static InputStream getResourceStream(String key) { InputStream is = null; // Try to use Context Class Loader to load the properties file. try { java.lang.reflect.Method getCCL = Thread.class.getMethod("getContextClassLoader", new Class[0]); if (getCCL != null) { ClassLoader contextClassLoader = (ClassLoader)getCCL.invoke(Thread.currentThread(), new Object[0]); is = contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("hyph/" + key + ".hyp"); } } catch (Exception e) {} if (is == null) { is = Hyphenator.class.getResourceAsStream("/hyph/" + key + ".hyp"); } return is; } public static HyphenationTree getFopHyphenationTree(String key) { HyphenationTree hTree = null; ObjectInputStream ois = null; InputStream is = null; try { is = getResourceStream(key); if (is == null) { if (key.length() == 5) { is = getResourceStream(key.substring(0, 2)); if (is != null) { //log.error("Couldn't find hyphenation pattern " // + key // + "\nusing general language pattern " // + key.substring(0, 2) // + " instead."); } else { if (errorDump) { //log.error("Couldn't find precompiled " // + "fop hyphenation pattern " // + key + ".hyp"); } return null; } } else { if (errorDump) { //log.error("Couldn't find precompiled " // + "fop hyphenation pattern " // + key + ".hyp"); } return null; } } ois = new ObjectInputStream(is); hTree = (HyphenationTree)ois.readObject(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (ois != null) { try { ois.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //log.error("can't close hyphenation object stream"); } } } return hTree; } /** * load tree from serialized file or xml file * using configuration settings */ public static HyphenationTree getUserHyphenationTree(String key, String hyphenDir) { HyphenationTree hTree = null; // I use here the following convention. The file name specified in // the configuration is taken as the base name. First we try // name + ".hyp" assuming a serialized HyphenationTree. If that fails // we try name + ".xml", assumming a raw hyphenation pattern file. // first try serialized object File hyphenFile = new File(hyphenDir, key + ".hyp"); if (hyphenFile.exists()) { ObjectInputStream ois = null; try { ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(hyphenFile)); hTree = (HyphenationTree)ois.readObject(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (ois != null) { try { ois.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } } return hTree; } else { // try the raw XML file hyphenFile = new File(hyphenDir, key + ".xml"); if (hyphenFile.exists()) { hTree = new HyphenationTree(); if (errorDump) { //log.error("reading " + hyphenDir + key // + ".xml"); } try { hTree.loadPatterns(hyphenFile.getPath()); if (errorDump) { System.out.println("Stats: "); hTree.printStats(); } return hTree; } catch (HyphenationException ex) { if (errorDump) { //log.error("Can't load user patterns " // + "from xml file " + hyphenDir // + key + ".xml"); } return null; } } else { if (errorDump) { //log.error("Tried to load " // + hyphenFile.toString() // + "\nCannot find compiled nor xml file for " // + "hyphenation pattern" + key); } return null; } } } public static Hyphenation hyphenate(String lang, String country, String word, int leftMin, int rightMin) { HyphenationTree hTree = getHyphenationTree(lang, country); if (hTree == null) { //log.error("Error building hyphenation tree for language " // + lang); return null; } return hTree.hyphenate(word, leftMin, rightMin); } public static Hyphenation hyphenate(String lang, String country, char[] word, int offset, int len, int leftMin, int rightMin) { HyphenationTree hTree = getHyphenationTree(lang, country); if (hTree == null) { //log.error("Error building hyphenation tree for language " // + lang); return null; } return hTree.hyphenate(word, offset, len, leftMin, rightMin); } public void setMinRemainCharCount(int min) { remainCharCount = min; } public void setMinPushCharCount(int min) { pushCharCount = min; } public void setLanguage(String lang, String country) { hyphenTree = getHyphenationTree(lang, country); } public Hyphenation hyphenate(char[] word, int offset, int len) { if (hyphenTree == null) return null; return hyphenTree.hyphenate(word, offset, len, remainCharCount, pushCharCount); } public Hyphenation hyphenate(String word) { if (hyphenTree == null) return null; return hyphenTree.hyphenate(word, remainCharCount, pushCharCount); } }