break-after in nested block block_break-after_2.xml Content is swallowed when the break-after occurs on a nested block. Bugzilla #36391: reference-orientation block-container_reference-orientation_bug36391.xml There's a problem involving nested block-containers and reference-orientation 180/-180. Auto-height block-containers produce fences block-container_space-before_space-after_3.xml Block-containers with no height currently don't create a fence for spaces as they should (they behave like a normal block). font-stretch NYI block_font-stretch.xml Font-stretch is not implemented, yet. Hyphenation with preserved linefeeds block_hyphenation_linefeed_preserve.xml When hyphenation is enabled and linefeeds are preserved linefeeds are painted as '#' and the text is output multiple times. linefeed-treatment block_linefeed-treatment.xml Preserved linefeeds in a fo:character are not handled correctly. Zero width space characters are not handled correctly. Empty blocks produce fences block_space-before_space-after_8.xml An empty block currently produces a fence for stacking constraints which it shouldn't. Non breaking space removal block_white-space_2.xml A non breaking space is incorrectly removed from the start of a line. block white-space-collapse 2 block_white-space-collapse_2.xml First line-break occurs after the fifth space following the word 'each'. Trailing spaces not removed in layout. Note: the test passes in case of text-align="justify". block white-space-treatment 1 block_white-space-treatment_1.xml White space around formatter generated linebreaks is not removed correctly. block white-space-treatment 2 block_white-space-treatment_2.xml White space around formatter generated linebreaks is not removed correctly. block word-spacing block_word-spacing.xml Word-spacing may not work as expected. block word-spacing text-align justify block_word-spacing_text-align_justify.xml Word-spacing may not work as expected. external-graphic don't shrink external-graphic_oversized.xml Images currently don't shrink so they fit on a page when they are too big and shrinking is allowed to happen (min/opt/max). Test case with HTTP URL external-graphic_src_uri.xml Doesn't work behind a proxy which requires authorization. Space Resolution in foot note area footnote_space-resolution.xml Space resolution does not work between footnote regions. Footnotes swallowed in lists footnote_in_list.xml Element lists for lists are created by combining the element lists from list-item-label and list-item-body. The footnotes contained in the KnuthBlockBoxes are not propagated to the combined element list. Footnotes swallowed in tables footnote_in_table.xml Element lists for tables are created by combining the element lists from the individual table-cells. The footnotes contained in the KnuthBlockBoxes are not propagated to the combined element list. keeps on inlines NYI inline_keep-together.xml Keeps are not implemented in inline-level elements, yet. NPE for table inside an inline inline_block_nested_3.xml Placing a table as a child of an fo:inline produces a NullPointerException. inline-container is not implemented, yet. inline-container_block_nested.xml inline-container is not implemented, yet. Content of an inline-container will get swallowed. The test case contains no checks. inline-container is not implemented, yet. inline-container_border_padding.xml inline-container is not implemented, yet. Content of an inline-container will get swallowed. inline letter-spacing inline_letter-spacing.xml Letter-spacing may not work as expected within fo:inline. inline word-spacing inline_word-spacing.xml Word-spacing may not work as expected within fo:inline. inline word-spacing text-align justify inline_word-spacing_text-align_justify.xml leader-alignment NYI leader-alignment.xml Leader-alignment is not yet implemented. leader-pattern="use-content": Problem with line height leader_leader-pattern_use-content_bug.xml Line height is not correctly calculated for use-content leaders whose height is larger than the rest of the line. keep-with-previous doesn't work in lists list-block_keep-with-previous.xml Keep-with-previous doesn't work inside tables and lists, yet. keep-with-previous doesn't work in lists list-item_block_keep-with-previous.xml Keep-with-previous doesn't work inside tables and lists, yet. Page breaking doesn't deal with IPD changes page-breaking_4.xml Page breaking currently doesn't support changing available IPD between pages of a single page-sequence. Element list generation has to be reset to redetermine line breaks in this case. Overflow handing is incomplete page-breaking_6.xml Line breaking is not 100% correct when there's too little space. Overflows are not detected and warned. Indefinite page height handling is imcomplete page-height_indefinite_simple.xml A RuntimeException is thrown for a page of indefinite height. Lots of warnings. page-number-citation: Problem with background-image page-number-citation_background-image.xml Background-images on page-number-citations are not placed correctly. IDs are not working on all FO elements page-number-citation_complex_1.xml The "id" attributes are not properly handled for all block-level FO elements. IDs are not working on all FO elements page-number-citation_complex_2.xml The "id" attributes are not properly handled for all inline-level FO elements. Footnotes in multi-column documents region-body_column-count_footnote.xml Footnotes may overlap with text of the region-body in multi-column documents. Column Balancing problems region-body_column-count_balance_4col.xml Situation in a 4-column document where the column balancing doesn't work and even causes some content to disappear. No background-images on table-body table-body_background-image.xml The backgrounds of table-body, table-header, table-footer and table-column are not painted, yet. Collapsing Border Model NYI table_border-collapse_collapse_1.xml Border-collapse="collapse" is not yet implemented. Collapsing Border Model NYI table_border-collapse_collapse_2.xml Border-collapse="collapse" is not yet implemented. Problems with border and padding on tables table_border_padding.xml The element list seems to not be fully correct, yet, causing the layout to look odd. keep-with-previous doesn't work inside tables table-cell_block_keep-with-previous.xml Keep-with-previous doesn't work inside tables and lists, yet. Border and padding conditionality is NYI on table-cells table-cell_border_padding_conditionality.xml Border and padding conditionality are not supported on table-cells, yet. No table column setup based on the first row. table-column_first-row-width.xml According to the spec the table-columns can be set up automatically based on values on the first row of a table. This is not implemented, yet. No background-images on table-header table-header_background-image.xml The backgrounds of table-body, table-header, table-footer and table-column are not painted, yet. keep-with-previous doesn't work on table-rows table-row_keep-with-previous.xml Keep-with-previous doesn't work inside tables and lists, yet. table table-layout fixed 2 table_table-layout_fixed_2.xml TODO: Same as table-column_first-row-width.xml? Border conditionality on table table_border-width_conditionality.xml The code should be ok, but the test case uses shorthands and therefore is probably not expressing the indended outcome according to the spec. The test case should be revisited.