This test checks some of the UAX#14 breaking rules.

BA -- Break Opportunity After (A) VeryLongWordWithAThinSpace PutInTheMiddleOfIt BB -- Break Opportunity Before (B) VeryLongWordWithAnAcuteAccent´PutInTheMiddleOfIt B2 -- Break Opportunity Before and After (B/A) —Very—Long—Word—With—LotsOf—Em—Dashes—Put—InBetween—And—Around— B2 -- Break Opportunity Before and After (B/A) - as before but don't break between consecutive Em Dashes AVeryLongWordWithSomeDouble— —Dashes— —Put— —In AVeryLongWordWithSomeDouble——Dashes——Put——In CL -- Closing Punctuation (XB) Closing ) brackets ) even ) if ) preceeded ) by ) a ) space ) are ) not ) a ) break ) point EX -- Exclamation / interrogation (XB) Question ?marks ?and exclamation !marks !even ?if !preceeded ?by !a ?space !are ?not !a ?break !point HY -- Hyphen Minus (XA) Very-Long-Word-With-Lots-Of-Hyphens-Put-In-Between Hyphens-in-numbers-do-not-123-567-890-break ID -- Ideographic (B/A) Need A Proper Test Case For This As Here Only The Ideographic Space Is Used IN -- Inseperable characters (XP) There is never a break…………………………between characters of this class IS -- Numeric Separator (Infix) (XB) Numbers containing separators 123,345,678.00 08:00:23.15 are not broken OP -- Opening Punctuation (XA) Opening ( brackets ( even ( if ( followed ( by ( a ( space ( are ( not ( a ( break ( point SY -- Symbols Allowing Break After (A) http://a/very/long/url/can/be/broken/after/the/solidus No-break-point-in-normal-dates-12/12/2006-or-fractions-12345678/67890112 WJ -- Word Joiner (XB/XA) Here we/⁠prevent/⁠any/⁠breaks/⁠after the/⁠solidus