In all the following tests the <fo:inline> is wrappped around the
first and last words of the block and this section of text:
of the glyph-area obtained by formatting the current fo:character whoseNext block inlines have word-spacing="normal":Default space between words is defined to be the inline-progression-dimension
of the glyph-area obtained by formatting the current fo:character whose
treat-as-word-space trait has the value "true".Next block inlines have word-spacing="0pt":Default space between words is defined to be the inline-progression-dimension
of the glyph-area obtained by formatting the current fo:character whose
treat-as-word-space trait has the value "true".Next block inlines have word-spacing="-2pt":Default space between words is defined to be the inline-progression-dimension
of the glyph-area obtained by formatting the current fo:character whose
treat-as-word-space trait has the value "true".Next block inlines have word-spacing.optimum="6pt" word-spacing.minimum="3pt" word-spacing.maximum="12pt":Default space between words is defined to be the inline-progression-dimension
of the glyph-area obtained by formatting the current fo:character whose
treat-as-word-space trait has the value "true".