1 errCloseMappedFile=Cannot close mapped file: {0} - {1}
2 errLastError=System message for error {0} could not be retrieved, got {1}
3 errReleaseSharedMemory=Cannot release shared memory: {0} - {1}
4 errUnknown=unknown error
5 logErrorLoadLibrary=Cannot load socket library; SSH agent support is switched off
6 msgCloseFailed=Cannot close SSH agent socket {0}
7 msgConnectFailed=Could not connect to SSH agent via socket ''{0}''
8 msgNoMappedFile=Could not create file mapping: {0} - {1}
9 msgNoSharedMemory=Could not initialize shared memory: {0} - {1}
10 msgPageantUnavailable=Could not connect to Pageant
11 msgReadFailed=Reading {0} bytes from the SSH agent failed
12 msgSendFailed=Sending {0} bytes to SSH agent failed; {0} bytes not written
13 msgSendFailed2=Sending {0} bytes to SSH agent failed: {1} - {2}
14 msgSharedMemoryFailed=Could not set up shared memory for communicating with Pageant
15 msgShortRead=Short read from SSH agent, expected {0} bytes, got {1} bytes; last read() returned {2}