public static final Orchestrator ORCHESTRATOR = Orchestrator.builderEnv()
.setSonarVersion(System.getProperty("sonar.runtimeVersion", "LATEST_RELEASE[6.7]"))
- .addPlugin(MavenLocation.of("org.sonarsource.javascript", "sonar-javascript-plugin", "LATEST_RELEASE"))
+ // The scanner cli should still be compatible with previous LTS 6.7, and not the 7.9
+ // at the time of writing, so the installed plugins should be compatible with
+ // both 6.7 and 8.x. The latest releases of analysers drop the compatibility with
+ // 6.7, that's why versions are hardcoded here.
+ .addPlugin(MavenLocation.of("org.sonarsource.javascript", "sonar-javascript-plugin", ""))