api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs"
+ repo_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/repository"
+ files_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/repository/files"
func TestPullMerge(t *testing.T) {
onGiteaRun(t, func(t *testing.T, giteaURL *url.URL) {
- hookTasks, err := webhook.HookTasks(1, 1) //Retrieve previous hook number
+ hookTasks, err := webhook.HookTasks(1, 1) // Retrieve previous hook number
assert.NoError(t, err)
hookTasksLenBefore := len(hookTasks)
func TestPullRebase(t *testing.T) {
onGiteaRun(t, func(t *testing.T, giteaURL *url.URL) {
- hookTasks, err := webhook.HookTasks(1, 1) //Retrieve previous hook number
+ hookTasks, err := webhook.HookTasks(1, 1) // Retrieve previous hook number
assert.NoError(t, err)
hookTasksLenBefore := len(hookTasks)
func TestPullRebaseMerge(t *testing.T) {
onGiteaRun(t, func(t *testing.T, giteaURL *url.URL) {
- hookTasks, err := webhook.HookTasks(1, 1) //Retrieve previous hook number
+ hookTasks, err := webhook.HookTasks(1, 1) // Retrieve previous hook number
assert.NoError(t, err)
hookTasksLenBefore := len(hookTasks)
func TestPullSquash(t *testing.T) {
onGiteaRun(t, func(t *testing.T, giteaURL *url.URL) {
- hookTasks, err := webhook.HookTasks(1, 1) //Retrieve previous hook number
+ hookTasks, err := webhook.HookTasks(1, 1) // Retrieve previous hook number
assert.NoError(t, err)
hookTasksLenBefore := len(hookTasks)
+func TestConflictChecking(t *testing.T) {
+ onGiteaRun(t, func(t *testing.T, giteaURL *url.URL) {
+ user := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &user_model.User{ID: 2}).(*user_model.User)
+ // Create new clean repo to test conflict checking.
+ baseRepo, err := repo_service.CreateRepository(user, user, models.CreateRepoOptions{
+ Name: "conflict-checking",
+ Description: "Tempo repo",
+ AutoInit: true,
+ Readme: "Default",
+ DefaultBranch: "main",
+ })
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.NotEmpty(t, baseRepo)
+ // create a commit on new branch.
+ _, err = files_service.CreateOrUpdateRepoFile(baseRepo, user, &files_service.UpdateRepoFileOptions{
+ TreePath: "important_file",
+ Message: "Add a important file",
+ Content: "Just a non-important file",
+ IsNewFile: true,
+ OldBranch: "main",
+ NewBranch: "important-secrets",
+ })
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ // create a commit on main branch.
+ _, err = files_service.CreateOrUpdateRepoFile(baseRepo, user, &files_service.UpdateRepoFileOptions{
+ TreePath: "important_file",
+ Message: "Add a important file",
+ Content: "Not the same content :P",
+ IsNewFile: true,
+ OldBranch: "main",
+ NewBranch: "main",
+ })
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ // create Pull to merge the important-secrets branch into main branch.
+ pullIssue := &models.Issue{
+ RepoID: baseRepo.ID,
+ Title: "PR with conflict!",
+ PosterID: user.ID,
+ Poster: user,
+ IsPull: true,
+ }
+ pullRequest := &models.PullRequest{
+ HeadRepoID: baseRepo.ID,
+ BaseRepoID: baseRepo.ID,
+ HeadBranch: "important-secrets",
+ BaseBranch: "main",
+ HeadRepo: baseRepo,
+ BaseRepo: baseRepo,
+ Type: models.PullRequestGitea,
+ }
+ err = pull.NewPullRequest(baseRepo, pullIssue, nil, nil, pullRequest, nil)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ issue := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.Issue{Title: "PR with conflict!"}).(*models.Issue)
+ conflictingPR, err := models.GetPullRequestByIssueID(issue.ID)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ // Ensure conflictedFiles is populated.
+ assert.Equal(t, 1, len(conflictingPR.ConflictedFiles))
+ // Check if status is correct.
+ assert.Equal(t, models.PullRequestStatusConflict, conflictingPR.Status)
+ // Ensure that mergeable returns false
+ assert.False(t, conflictingPR.Mergeable())
+ })