# == Usage
-# reposman [ -h | --help ] [ -v | --verbose ] [ -V | --version ] [ -q | --quiet ] -s /var/svn -r redmine.host.org
-# example: reposman --svn-dir=/var/svn --redmine-host=redmine.mydomain.foo
-# reposman -s /var/svn -r redmine.mydomain.foo
+# reposman [OPTIONS...] -s [DIR] -r [HOST]
+# Examples:
+# reposman --svn-dir=/var/svn --redmine-host=redmine.example.net
+# reposman -s /var/svn -r redmine.example.net -u http://svn.example.net
# == Arguments (mandatory)
-# -s, --svn-dir=DIR
-# use DIR as base directory for svn repositories
-# -r, --redmine-host=HOST
-# assume Redmine is hosted on HOST.
-# you can use :
-# * -r redmine.mydomain.foo (will add http://)
-# * -r http://redmine.mydomain.foo
-# * -r https://mydomain.foo/redmine
+# -s, --svn-dir=DIR use DIR as base directory for svn repositories
+# -r, --redmine-host=HOST assume Redmine is hosted on HOST. Examples:
+# -r redmine.example.net
+# -r http://redmine.example.net
+# -r https://example.net/redmine
# == Options
-# -o, --owner=OWNER
-# owner of the repository. using the rails login allow user to browse
-# the repository in Redmine even for private project
-# -u, --url=URL
-# the base url Redmine will use to access your repositories. This
-# will be used to register the repository in Redmine so that user
-# doesn't need to do anything. reposman will add the identifier to this url :
-# -u https://my.svn.server/my/reposity/root # if the repository can be access by http
-# -u file:///var/svn/ # if the repository is local
-# if this option isn't set, reposman won't register the repository
-# --scm
-# SCM vendor used to register the repository in Redmine (default: Subversion)
-# Can be one of the other supported SCM: Bazaar, Cvs, Darcs, Filesystem, Git, Mercurial (case sensitive).
-# This option should be used when using --command to create another kind
-# of repository.
-# -c, --command=COMMAND
-# the default is to create an subversion repository. You can use this command
-# to create another kind of repository
-# -f, --force
-# force repository creation even if a repository is already declared in redmine.
-# -t, --test
-# only show what should be done
-# -h, --help:
-# show help and exit
-# -v, --verbose
-# verbose
-# -V, --version
-# print version and exit
-# -q, --quiet
-# no log
+# -o, --owner=OWNER owner of the repository. using the rails login
+# allow user to browse the repository within
+# Redmine even for private project
+# -u, --url=URL the base url Redmine will use to access your
+# repositories. This option is used to automatically
+# register the repositories in Redmine. The project
+# identifier will be appended to this url. Examples:
+# -u https://example.net/svn
+# -u file:///var/svn/
+# if this option isn't set, reposman won't register
+# the repositories in Redmine
+# -c, --command=COMMAND use this command instead of "svnadmin create" to
+# create a repository. This option can be used to
+# create non-subversion repositories
+# --scm SCM vendor used to register the repository in
+# Redmine (default: Subversion). Can be one of the
+# other supported SCM: Bazaar, Darcs, Filesystem,
+# Git, Mercurial (case sensitive).
+# This option should be used when both options --url
+# and --command are used.
+# -f, --force force repository creation even if the project
+# repository is already declared in Redmine
+# -t, --test only show what should be done
+# -h, --help show help and exit
+# -v, --verbose verbose
+# -V, --version print version and exit
+# -q, --quiet no log
require 'getoptlong'
require 'rdoc/usage'
require 'find'
require 'etc'
-Version = "1.0"
+Version = "1.1"
+SUPPORTED_SCM = %w( Subversion Darcs Mercurial Bazaar Git Filesystem )
opts = GetoptLong.new(
['--svn-dir', '-s', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
['--redmine-host', '-r', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
['--owner', '-o', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
['--url', '-u', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
- ['--scm', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
['--command' , '-c', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
+ ['--scm', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
['--test', '-t', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
['--force', '-f', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
['--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
when '--redmine-host'; $redmine_host = arg.dup
when '--owner'; $svn_owner = arg.dup; $use_groupid = false;
when '--url'; $svn_url = arg.dup
- when '--scm'; $scm = arg.dup
+ when '--scm'; $scm = arg.dup; log("Invalid SCM: #{$scm}", 0, true) unless SUPPORTED_SCM.include?($scm)
when '--command'; $command = arg.dup
when '--verbose'; $verbose += 1
when '--test'; $test = true
log("running in test mode")
+# Make sure command is overridden if SCM vendor is not Subversion
+if $scm != 'Subversion' && $command == 'svnadmin create'
+ log("Please use --command option to specify how to create a #{$scm} repository.", 0, true)
$svn_url += "/" if $svn_url and not $svn_url.match(/\/$/)
if ($redmine_host.empty? or $repos_base.empty?)