case field_format
when 'string', 'text', 'list', 'date', 'bool'
# COALESCE is here to make sure that blank and NULL values are sorted equally
+ self.custom_values.first.to_sql
"COALESCE((SELECT cv_sort.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} cv_sort" +
- " WHERE cv_sort.customized_type='#{}'" +
+ " WHERE cv_sort.customized_type='#{}'" +
" AND cv_sort.customized_id=#{self.class.customized_class.table_name}.id" +
" AND cv_sort.custom_field_id=#{id} LIMIT 1), '')"
when 'int', 'float'
# Postgresql will raise an error if a value can not be casted!
# CustomValue validations should ensure that it doesn't occur
"(SELECT CAST(cv_sort.value AS decimal(60,3)) FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} cv_sort" +
- " WHERE cv_sort.customized_type='#{}'" +
+ " WHERE cv_sort.customized_type='#{}'" +
" AND cv_sort.customized_id=#{self.class.customized_class.table_name}.id" +
" AND cv_sort.custom_field_id=#{id} AND cv_sort.value <> '' AND cv_sort.value IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1)"