"Completed on %s" : "تمّ الانتهاء منه في %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "مطلوبٌ في %s من قِبَل%s",
"Due on %s" : "مطلوبٌ في %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "فحص دفتر عناوين نظام DAV",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "لا توجد أي مزامنات معلقة لدفتر عناوني نظام DAV.",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "مزامنة دفتر عناوين نظام DAV لم تبدأ بعدٌ بسبب وجود أكثر من 1000 مستخدِم حالي للنظام أو بسبب حدوث خطأٍ آخر. رجاءً، قم بتشغيل المزامنة يدوياً و ذلك باستعمال الأمر السطري: \nocc dav:sync-system-addressbook",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "تقويم مُرحّل (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "تحوي التقاويم الأحداث، و تفاصيلها، و الحُضُور",
"Contacts and groups" : "جهات الاتصال والمجموعات",
"Completed on %s" : "تمّ الانتهاء منه في %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "مطلوبٌ في %s من قِبَل%s",
"Due on %s" : "مطلوبٌ في %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "فحص دفتر عناوين نظام DAV",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "لا توجد أي مزامنات معلقة لدفتر عناوني نظام DAV.",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "مزامنة دفتر عناوين نظام DAV لم تبدأ بعدٌ بسبب وجود أكثر من 1000 مستخدِم حالي للنظام أو بسبب حدوث خطأٍ آخر. رجاءً، قم بتشغيل المزامنة يدوياً و ذلك باستعمال الأمر السطري: \nocc dav:sync-system-addressbook",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "تقويم مُرحّل (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "تحوي التقاويم الأحداث، و تفاصيلها، و الحُضُور",
"Contacts and groups" : "جهات الاتصال والمجموعات",
"Completed on %s" : "Completada el %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "Venç el %s a les %s",
"Due on %s" : "Venç el %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "S'està comprovant la llibreta d'adreces del sistema DAV",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "No hi ha cap sincronització pendent de la llibreta d'adreces del sistema DAV",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "La sincronització de la llibreta d'adreces del sistema DAV encara no s'ha executat perquè la instància té més de 1000 usuaris o a causa d'un error. Executeu-la manualment amb «occ dav:sync-system-addressbook».",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "Calendari migrat (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "Calendaris amb esdeveniments, detalls i assistents",
"Contacts and groups" : "Contactes i grups",
"Completed on %s" : "Completada el %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "Venç el %s a les %s",
"Due on %s" : "Venç el %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "S'està comprovant la llibreta d'adreces del sistema DAV",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "No hi ha cap sincronització pendent de la llibreta d'adreces del sistema DAV",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "La sincronització de la llibreta d'adreces del sistema DAV encara no s'ha executat perquè la instància té més de 1000 usuaris o a causa d'un error. Executeu-la manualment amb «occ dav:sync-system-addressbook».",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "Calendari migrat (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "Calendaris amb esdeveniments, detalls i assistents",
"Contacts and groups" : "Contactes i grups",
"Completed on %s" : "Dokončeno %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "Termín do %s od %s",
"Due on %s" : "Termín do %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "Zjišťování systémového DAV adresáře kontaktů",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "Žádná zbývající synchronizace systémového DAV adresáře kontaktů.",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "Systémová DAV synchronizace adresářů kontaktů ještě nebyla spuštěná protože vámi využívaná instance má více než 1 000 uživatelů nebo protože došlo k chybě\\\\ DAV spusťte ji ručně příkazem occ dav:sync-system-addressbook.",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "Přesunut kalendář (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "Kalendáře včetně událostí, podrobností a účastníků",
"Contacts and groups" : "Kontakty a skupiny",
"Completed on %s" : "Dokončeno %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "Termín do %s od %s",
"Due on %s" : "Termín do %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "Zjišťování systémového DAV adresáře kontaktů",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "Žádná zbývající synchronizace systémového DAV adresáře kontaktů.",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "Systémová DAV synchronizace adresářů kontaktů ještě nebyla spuštěná protože vámi využívaná instance má více než 1 000 uživatelů nebo protože došlo k chybě\\\\ DAV spusťte ji ručně příkazem occ dav:sync-system-addressbook.",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "Přesunut kalendář (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "Kalendáře včetně událostí, podrobností a účastníků",
"Contacts and groups" : "Kontakty a skupiny",
"Completed on %s" : "Erledigt am %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "Fällig am %s von %s",
"Due on %s" : "Fällig am %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "Suche nach DAV-Systemadressbuch",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "Keine ausstehende Synchronisierung des DAV-Systemadressbuchs.",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "Die Synchronisierung des DAV-Systemadressbuchs wurde noch nicht ausgeführt, da Ihre Instanz mehr als 1000 Benutzer hat oder weil ein Fehler aufgetreten ist. Bitte führen Sie sie manuell aus, indem Sie occ dav:sync-system-addressbook auf der Komandozeile ausführen.",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "Migrierter Kalender (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "Kalender mit Terminen, Details und Teilnehmern",
"Contacts and groups" : "Kontakte und Gruppen",
"Completed on %s" : "Erledigt am %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "Fällig am %s von %s",
"Due on %s" : "Fällig am %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "Suche nach DAV-Systemadressbuch",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "Keine ausstehende Synchronisierung des DAV-Systemadressbuchs.",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "Die Synchronisierung des DAV-Systemadressbuchs wurde noch nicht ausgeführt, da Ihre Instanz mehr als 1000 Benutzer hat oder weil ein Fehler aufgetreten ist. Bitte führen Sie sie manuell aus, indem Sie occ dav:sync-system-addressbook auf der Komandozeile ausführen.",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "Migrierter Kalender (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "Kalender mit Terminen, Details und Teilnehmern",
"Contacts and groups" : "Kontakte und Gruppen",
"Completed on %s" : "Completed on %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "Due on %s by %s",
"Due on %s" : "Due on %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "Checking for DAV system address book",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "No outstanding DAV system address book sync.",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook.",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "Migrated calendar (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "Calendars including events, details and attendees",
"Contacts and groups" : "Contacts and groups",
"Completed on %s" : "Completed on %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "Due on %s by %s",
"Due on %s" : "Due on %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "Checking for DAV system address book",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "No outstanding DAV system address book sync.",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook.",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "Migrated calendar (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "Calendars including events, details and attendees",
"Contacts and groups" : "Contacts and groups",
"Completed on %s" : "Befejezve: %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "Esedékesség: %s, %s által",
"Due on %s" : "Esedékesség: %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "A DAV rendszer címjegyzékének ellenőrzése",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "Nincs kiemelkedő DAV rendszer címjegyzék szinkronizálás.",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "Átköltöztetett naptár (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "Naptárak eseményekkel, részletekkel és résztvevőkkel",
"Contacts and groups" : "Névjegyek és csoportok",
"Completed on %s" : "Befejezve: %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "Esedékesség: %s, %s által",
"Due on %s" : "Esedékesség: %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "A DAV rendszer címjegyzékének ellenőrzése",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "Nincs kiemelkedő DAV rendszer címjegyzék szinkronizálás.",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "Átköltöztetett naptár (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "Naptárak eseményekkel, részletekkel és résztvevőkkel",
"Contacts and groups" : "Névjegyek és csoportok",
"Completed on %s" : "完成於 %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "完成日期為 %s %s",
"Due on %s" : "完成日期 %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "正在檢查 DAV 系統通訊錄",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "沒有未完成的 DAV 系統通訊錄同步。",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "DAV 系統通訊錄同步尚未執行,因為您的實例有超過 1000 個用戶,或是因為遇到錯誤。請透過 occ dav:sync-system-addressbook 手動執行。",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "遷移的日曆(%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "日曆,包括活動、詳細信息和與會者",
"Contacts and groups" : "聯絡人和群組",
"Completed on %s" : "完成於 %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "完成日期為 %s %s",
"Due on %s" : "完成日期 %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "正在檢查 DAV 系統通訊錄",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "沒有未完成的 DAV 系統通訊錄同步。",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "DAV 系統通訊錄同步尚未執行,因為您的實例有超過 1000 個用戶,或是因為遇到錯誤。請透過 occ dav:sync-system-addressbook 手動執行。",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "遷移的日曆(%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "日曆,包括活動、詳細信息和與會者",
"Contacts and groups" : "聯絡人和群組",
"Completed on %s" : "完成於 %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "到期於 %s 由 %s",
"Due on %s" : "到期於 %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "正在檢查 DAV 系統通訊錄",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "沒有未完成的 DAV 系統通訊錄同步。",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "DAV 系統通訊錄同步尚未執行,因為您的站台有超過 1000 個使用者,或是因為發生錯誤。請透過呼叫 occ dav:sync-system-addressbook 手動執行。",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "已導入的行事曆 (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "行事曆,包含事件、詳細資訊及參與者",
"Contacts and groups" : "聯絡人與群組",
"Completed on %s" : "完成於 %s",
"Due on %s by %s" : "到期於 %s 由 %s",
"Due on %s" : "到期於 %s",
+ "Checking for DAV system address book" : "正在檢查 DAV 系統通訊錄",
+ "No outstanding DAV system address book sync." : "沒有未完成的 DAV 系統通訊錄同步。",
+ "The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occurred. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "DAV 系統通訊錄同步尚未執行,因為您的站台有超過 1000 個使用者,或是因為發生錯誤。請透過呼叫 occ dav:sync-system-addressbook 手動執行。",
"Migrated calendar (%1$s)" : "已導入的行事曆 (%1$s)",
"Calendars including events, details and attendees" : "行事曆,包含事件、詳細資訊及參與者",
"Contacts and groups" : "聯絡人與群組",
"File Management" : "Xestión de ficheiros",
"Reload current directory" : "Recargar o directorio actual",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Vaia ao directorio «{dir}».",
+ "Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Arrastre e solte os ficheiros aquí para envialos",
+ "Upload successful" : "Envío satisfactorio",
"\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A acción «{displayName}» executouse correctamente",
"\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A acción «{displayName}» fallou",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Seleccione a fila para {displayName}",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "O nome «{newName}» xa se utiliza no cartafol «{dir}». Escolla un nome diferente.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Non foi posíbel renomear «{oldName}»",
"A long time ago" : "Hai moito tempo",
+ "Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Non foi posíbel copiar {file}. {mensaxe}",
+ "Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Non foi posíbel mover {file}. {mensaxe}",
"Total rows summary" : "Resumo total de filas",
"Select all" : "Seleccionar todo",
"Unselect all" : "Desmarcar todo",
"\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "Produciuse un fallo nalgúns elementos de «{displayName}» ",
"\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "A acción por lotes «{displayName}» executouse correctamente",
+ "Sort list by {column}" : "Ordenar a lista por {column}",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista de ficheiros e cartafoles",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista non se representa de xeito completo por mor do rendemento. Os ficheiros represéntanse mentres se despraza pola lista.",
"{summaryFile} and {summaryFolder}" : "{summaryFile} e {summaryFolder}",
"Shared by link" : "Compartido por ligazón",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Switch to list view" : "Cambiar á vista de lista",
+ "Switch to grid view" : "Cambiar á vista de grade",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abrir os axustes da aplicación de ficheiros",
"Files settings" : "Axustes de Ficheiros",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Non é posíbel acceder ao ficheiro",
"Sort favorites first" : "Ordene antes os favoritos",
"Show hidden files" : "Amosar os ficheiros agochados",
"Crop image previews" : "Recortar a vista previa das imaxes",
+ "Enable the grid view" : "Activar á vista de grade",
"Additional settings" : "Axustes adicionais",
"WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar no portapapeis.",
"Blank" : "Baleiro",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Non é posíbel crear un novo ficheiro a partir do modelo",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar definitivamente",
+ "Destination is not a folder" : "O destino non é un cartafol",
+ "This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este ficheiro/cartafol xa está nese directorio",
+ "You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Non é posíbel mover un ficheiro/cartafol sobre si mesmo ou a un subcartafol de si mesmo",
+ "A file or folder with that name already exists in this folder" : "Neste cartafol xa existe un ficheiro ou cartafol con ese nome",
+ "The files is locked" : "Os ficheiros están bloqueados",
+ "The file does not exist anymore" : "O ficheiro xa non existe",
+ "Chose destination" : "Escoller o destino",
"Copy to {target}" : "Copiar en {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Mover a {target}",
+ "Cancelled move or copy operation" : "Cancelouse a operación de movemento ou copia",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abrir o cartafol {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Abrir en Ficheiros",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalles",
"File Management" : "Xestión de ficheiros",
"Reload current directory" : "Recargar o directorio actual",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Vaia ao directorio «{dir}».",
+ "Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Arrastre e solte os ficheiros aquí para envialos",
+ "Upload successful" : "Envío satisfactorio",
"\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A acción «{displayName}» executouse correctamente",
"\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A acción «{displayName}» fallou",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Seleccione a fila para {displayName}",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "O nome «{newName}» xa se utiliza no cartafol «{dir}». Escolla un nome diferente.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Non foi posíbel renomear «{oldName}»",
"A long time ago" : "Hai moito tempo",
+ "Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Non foi posíbel copiar {file}. {mensaxe}",
+ "Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Non foi posíbel mover {file}. {mensaxe}",
"Total rows summary" : "Resumo total de filas",
"Select all" : "Seleccionar todo",
"Unselect all" : "Desmarcar todo",
"\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "Produciuse un fallo nalgúns elementos de «{displayName}» ",
"\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "A acción por lotes «{displayName}» executouse correctamente",
+ "Sort list by {column}" : "Ordenar a lista por {column}",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista de ficheiros e cartafoles",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista non se representa de xeito completo por mor do rendemento. Os ficheiros represéntanse mentres se despraza pola lista.",
"{summaryFile} and {summaryFolder}" : "{summaryFile} e {summaryFolder}",
"Shared by link" : "Compartido por ligazón",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Switch to list view" : "Cambiar á vista de lista",
+ "Switch to grid view" : "Cambiar á vista de grade",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abrir os axustes da aplicación de ficheiros",
"Files settings" : "Axustes de Ficheiros",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Non é posíbel acceder ao ficheiro",
"Sort favorites first" : "Ordene antes os favoritos",
"Show hidden files" : "Amosar os ficheiros agochados",
"Crop image previews" : "Recortar a vista previa das imaxes",
+ "Enable the grid view" : "Activar á vista de grade",
"Additional settings" : "Axustes adicionais",
"WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar no portapapeis.",
"Blank" : "Baleiro",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Non é posíbel crear un novo ficheiro a partir do modelo",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar definitivamente",
+ "Destination is not a folder" : "O destino non é un cartafol",
+ "This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este ficheiro/cartafol xa está nese directorio",
+ "You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Non é posíbel mover un ficheiro/cartafol sobre si mesmo ou a un subcartafol de si mesmo",
+ "A file or folder with that name already exists in this folder" : "Neste cartafol xa existe un ficheiro ou cartafol con ese nome",
+ "The files is locked" : "Os ficheiros están bloqueados",
+ "The file does not exist anymore" : "O ficheiro xa non existe",
+ "Chose destination" : "Escoller o destino",
"Copy to {target}" : "Copiar en {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Mover a {target}",
+ "Cancelled move or copy operation" : "Cancelouse a operación de movemento ou copia",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abrir o cartafol {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Abrir en Ficheiros",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalles",
"Unselect all" : "Зняти вибір",
"\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "\"{displayName}\" не показується в окремих елементах",
"\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "Операцію \"{displayName}\" успішно виконано",
+ "Sort list by {column}" : "Впорядкувати список за {column}",
"List of files and folders." : "Список файлів та каталогів",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Список не подається повністю з міркувань обчислювальних потужностей. Файли показуватимуться під час прокручування списку.",
"{summaryFile} and {summaryFolder}" : "{summaryFile} та {summaryFolder}",
"Share" : "Поширити",
"Shared by link" : "Доступ за посиланням",
"Shared" : "Спільне",
+ "Switch to list view" : "У вигляді списку",
+ "Switch to grid view" : "У вигляді сітки",
"Open the files app settings" : "Перейти до налаштувань застосунку файлів",
"Files settings" : "Налаштування",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Неможливо отримати доступ до файлу",
"Sort favorites first" : "Спочатку впорядковувати вподобані",
"Show hidden files" : "Показувати приховані файли",
"Crop image previews" : "Попередній перегляд перед кадруванням",
+ "Enable the grid view" : "Увімкнути перегляд у вигляді сітки",
"Additional settings" : "Додатково",
"WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Копіювати до буферу обміну",
"Unselect all" : "Зняти вибір",
"\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "\"{displayName}\" не показується в окремих елементах",
"\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "Операцію \"{displayName}\" успішно виконано",
+ "Sort list by {column}" : "Впорядкувати список за {column}",
"List of files and folders." : "Список файлів та каталогів",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Список не подається повністю з міркувань обчислювальних потужностей. Файли показуватимуться під час прокручування списку.",
"{summaryFile} and {summaryFolder}" : "{summaryFile} та {summaryFolder}",
"Share" : "Поширити",
"Shared by link" : "Доступ за посиланням",
"Shared" : "Спільне",
+ "Switch to list view" : "У вигляді списку",
+ "Switch to grid view" : "У вигляді сітки",
"Open the files app settings" : "Перейти до налаштувань застосунку файлів",
"Files settings" : "Налаштування",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Неможливо отримати доступ до файлу",
"Sort favorites first" : "Спочатку впорядковувати вподобані",
"Show hidden files" : "Показувати приховані файли",
"Crop image previews" : "Попередній перегляд перед кадруванням",
+ "Enable the grid view" : "Увімкнути перегляд у вигляді сітки",
"Additional settings" : "Додатково",
"WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Копіювати до буферу обміну",
"Reshare" : "إعادة المشاركة",
"Unlimited" : "غير محدود",
"Verifying" : "التحقُّق",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "فحص شهادة قديمة مستوردة للمستخدِم",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "مَهمّة خلفية مُعلّقة pending قيد انتظار فحص شهادة أمان SSL تمت إضافتها من المستخدِم. يُرجى المحاولة لاحقاً.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "يوجد حاليّاً مستخدم رفع شهادة أمان SSL لم تعد قيد الاستخدام منذ نكست كلاود 21. يمكن استيرادها باستعمال سطر الأوامر command line عبر الأمر \"occ security:certificates:import\". مساراتهم داخل دليل البيانات كما هي موضحة أدناه.",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "فحص منطقة أو إقليم الرقم الهاتفي الأساسي",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "لا يحتوي التثبيت الخاص بك على مجموعة افتراضية لمنطقة الهاتف. و الذي هو أمر لازمٌ للتحقق من صحة أرقام الهواتف في إعدادات الملف الشخصي في حال عدم توفير الكود الهاتفي للدولة. للسماح باستعمال أرقام هاتفية بدون كود الدولة، يرجى إضافة \"default_phone_region\" مع رمز ISO 3166-1 الخاص بالمنطقة إلى ملف التكوين الخاص بك.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "الاتصال بالإنترنت",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "الاتصال بالإنترنت مُعطّل في ملف التهيئة.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "هذا الخادوم لا يمكنه الاتصال بالإنترنت. عدة نهايات حدّية endpoints لا يمكن الوصول إليها. هذا يعني ان بعض الخصائص مثل \"تثبيت وسائط التخزين الخارجية\"، أو \"التنبيهات لتحديثات النظام\"، أو \"تثبيت تطبيقات من طرفٍ ثالث\" سوف لن تعمل. و كذلك \"الوصول إلى الملفات عن بُعد\" و \"إرسال تنبيهات بالإيميل\" لن تعمل. قم بتوصيل النظام بالإنترنت للتمتع بكل هذه الخصائص. ",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "فحص ما إذا كان التشفير القديم في جانب الخادوم معطّلاً",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "تم تمكين النسق القديم للتشفير من جانب الخادم. نوصي بتعطيله.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "فحص مجموعة المحارف charset التلقائية في PHP",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "الاتصال بالإنترنت",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "فحص إصدار الـ PHP",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "إصدار PHP الذي تقوم بتشغيله الآن هو %s. النسخة 8.0 من PHP لم تعد مدعومة منذ الإصدار 27 لنكست كلاود. الإصدار 28 من نكست كلاود يتطلب استعمال الإصدار 8.1 من PHP على الأقل. رجاءً، قم بترقية إصدارPHP إلى إحدى الإصدارات المدعومة من نكست كلاود في أسرع وقت.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "إصدار PHP الذي تقوم بتشغيله الآن هو %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "فحص خيار PHP في output_buffering ",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "خيار PHP في output_buffering يجب أن يكون مٌعطّلاً",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "فحص حقوق الوصول إلى ملف التهيئة",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "تم تمكين إعداد للقراءة فقط. هذا يمنع تعيين بعض الإعدادات عبر واجهة الويب. علاوة على ذلك ، يجب جعل الملف قابلاً للكتابة يدويًا لكل تحديث.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "ملف تهيئة نكست كلاود قابل للتعديل",
+ "Checking for database version" : "فحص رقم إصدار قاعدة البيانات",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "الإصدار المستعمل من MaridaDB هو \"%s\" . بدايةً من نكست كلاود 21 فما فوق تتطلب استعمال الإصدار MariaDN 10.2 أو أحدث.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "الإصدار المستعمل من MySQL هو \"%s\" . بدايةً من نكست كلاود 21 فما فوق تتطلب استعمال الإصدار MySAL 8.0 أو MariaDB 10.2 أو أحدث.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "الإصدار المستعمل من PostgreSQL هو \"%s\" . بدايةً من نكست كلاود 21 فما فوق تتطلب استعمال الإصدار PostgreSQL 9,6 أو أحدث.",
"Unset as primary email" : "إلغاء التعيين كحساب بريد الكتروني أساسي",
"This address is not confirmed" : "هذا العنوان غير مؤكد",
"Set as primary email" : "عيّن كحساب بريد الكتروني أساسي",
- "Your email address" : "إيميلك",
"Additional email address {index}" : "إيميل إضافي {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "تعذّر حذف حساب البريد الالكتروني الأساسي",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "تعذّر تحديث حساب البريد الالكتروني الأساسي",
"Additional emails" : "إيميلات إضافية",
"Your handle" : "مَمْسَكُكَ your handle",
"Your headline" : "تَرويسَتُك your headline",
- "Language" : "اللغة",
"Help translate" : "ساعِد في الترجمة",
"Unable to update language" : "تعذّر تحديث اللغة",
"No language set" : "لم يتم تعيين أيّ لغةٍ",
- "Locale" : "مَحلّي",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "يبدأ الأسبوع بيوم {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "تعذّر تحديث الإعدادات المحلية",
"No locale set" : "لم يتم تعيين أي إعدادات محلية",
"Set user as admin for …" : "تعيين المستخدم كمشرفٍ على ...",
"Quota" : "الحصة التخزينية",
"Set user quota" : "تعيين حصة المستخدم",
+ "Language" : "اللغة",
"Set default language" : "تعيين اللغة الافتراضية",
"Manager" : "مُدير",
"Add new user" : "إضافة مستخدِم جديد",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "الحساب على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي \"فيدي فيرس\" Fedivers (مثل Mastodon)",
"Website" : "صفحة الويب",
"Profile visibility" : "رؤية الملف الشخصي",
+ "Locale" : "مَحلّي",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "غير مُتاحٍ لأن هذه الخاصية مطلوبة للوظائف الأساسية بما في ذلك مشاركة الملفات و دعوات التقويم",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "غير مٌتاحٍٍ حيث تم تعطيل الاتحاد بالنسبة لحسابك، إتّصل بمشرف النظام إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "غير مُتاحٍ لأن نشر البيانات الخاصة بالمستخدم إلى خادوم البحث غير مسموح به. إتّصل بمشرف النظام إذا كان لديك أيّة أسئلة",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "يرجى تأكيد نقل المجموعة",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "إختَر صورة للملف الشخصي من الملفات",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "صيغة png أو jpg، و حجم أقصاه 20 ميغا بايت",
+ "Your email address" : "إيميلك",
"Your location" : "موقعك",
"Add new password" : "إضافة كلمة مرور جديدة",
"Add new email address" : "إضافة عنوان بريد إلكتروني جديد",
"Reshare" : "إعادة المشاركة",
"Unlimited" : "غير محدود",
"Verifying" : "التحقُّق",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "فحص شهادة قديمة مستوردة للمستخدِم",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "مَهمّة خلفية مُعلّقة pending قيد انتظار فحص شهادة أمان SSL تمت إضافتها من المستخدِم. يُرجى المحاولة لاحقاً.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "يوجد حاليّاً مستخدم رفع شهادة أمان SSL لم تعد قيد الاستخدام منذ نكست كلاود 21. يمكن استيرادها باستعمال سطر الأوامر command line عبر الأمر \"occ security:certificates:import\". مساراتهم داخل دليل البيانات كما هي موضحة أدناه.",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "فحص منطقة أو إقليم الرقم الهاتفي الأساسي",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "لا يحتوي التثبيت الخاص بك على مجموعة افتراضية لمنطقة الهاتف. و الذي هو أمر لازمٌ للتحقق من صحة أرقام الهواتف في إعدادات الملف الشخصي في حال عدم توفير الكود الهاتفي للدولة. للسماح باستعمال أرقام هاتفية بدون كود الدولة، يرجى إضافة \"default_phone_region\" مع رمز ISO 3166-1 الخاص بالمنطقة إلى ملف التكوين الخاص بك.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "الاتصال بالإنترنت",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "الاتصال بالإنترنت مُعطّل في ملف التهيئة.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "هذا الخادوم لا يمكنه الاتصال بالإنترنت. عدة نهايات حدّية endpoints لا يمكن الوصول إليها. هذا يعني ان بعض الخصائص مثل \"تثبيت وسائط التخزين الخارجية\"، أو \"التنبيهات لتحديثات النظام\"، أو \"تثبيت تطبيقات من طرفٍ ثالث\" سوف لن تعمل. و كذلك \"الوصول إلى الملفات عن بُعد\" و \"إرسال تنبيهات بالإيميل\" لن تعمل. قم بتوصيل النظام بالإنترنت للتمتع بكل هذه الخصائص. ",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "فحص ما إذا كان التشفير القديم في جانب الخادوم معطّلاً",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "تم تمكين النسق القديم للتشفير من جانب الخادم. نوصي بتعطيله.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "فحص مجموعة المحارف charset التلقائية في PHP",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "الاتصال بالإنترنت",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "فحص إصدار الـ PHP",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "إصدار PHP الذي تقوم بتشغيله الآن هو %s. النسخة 8.0 من PHP لم تعد مدعومة منذ الإصدار 27 لنكست كلاود. الإصدار 28 من نكست كلاود يتطلب استعمال الإصدار 8.1 من PHP على الأقل. رجاءً، قم بترقية إصدارPHP إلى إحدى الإصدارات المدعومة من نكست كلاود في أسرع وقت.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "إصدار PHP الذي تقوم بتشغيله الآن هو %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "فحص خيار PHP في output_buffering ",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "خيار PHP في output_buffering يجب أن يكون مٌعطّلاً",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "فحص حقوق الوصول إلى ملف التهيئة",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "تم تمكين إعداد للقراءة فقط. هذا يمنع تعيين بعض الإعدادات عبر واجهة الويب. علاوة على ذلك ، يجب جعل الملف قابلاً للكتابة يدويًا لكل تحديث.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "ملف تهيئة نكست كلاود قابل للتعديل",
+ "Checking for database version" : "فحص رقم إصدار قاعدة البيانات",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "الإصدار المستعمل من MaridaDB هو \"%s\" . بدايةً من نكست كلاود 21 فما فوق تتطلب استعمال الإصدار MariaDN 10.2 أو أحدث.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "الإصدار المستعمل من MySQL هو \"%s\" . بدايةً من نكست كلاود 21 فما فوق تتطلب استعمال الإصدار MySAL 8.0 أو MariaDB 10.2 أو أحدث.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "الإصدار المستعمل من PostgreSQL هو \"%s\" . بدايةً من نكست كلاود 21 فما فوق تتطلب استعمال الإصدار PostgreSQL 9,6 أو أحدث.",
"Unset as primary email" : "إلغاء التعيين كحساب بريد الكتروني أساسي",
"This address is not confirmed" : "هذا العنوان غير مؤكد",
"Set as primary email" : "عيّن كحساب بريد الكتروني أساسي",
- "Your email address" : "إيميلك",
"Additional email address {index}" : "إيميل إضافي {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "تعذّر حذف حساب البريد الالكتروني الأساسي",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "تعذّر تحديث حساب البريد الالكتروني الأساسي",
"Additional emails" : "إيميلات إضافية",
"Your handle" : "مَمْسَكُكَ your handle",
"Your headline" : "تَرويسَتُك your headline",
- "Language" : "اللغة",
"Help translate" : "ساعِد في الترجمة",
"Unable to update language" : "تعذّر تحديث اللغة",
"No language set" : "لم يتم تعيين أيّ لغةٍ",
- "Locale" : "مَحلّي",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "يبدأ الأسبوع بيوم {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "تعذّر تحديث الإعدادات المحلية",
"No locale set" : "لم يتم تعيين أي إعدادات محلية",
"Set user as admin for …" : "تعيين المستخدم كمشرفٍ على ...",
"Quota" : "الحصة التخزينية",
"Set user quota" : "تعيين حصة المستخدم",
+ "Language" : "اللغة",
"Set default language" : "تعيين اللغة الافتراضية",
"Manager" : "مُدير",
"Add new user" : "إضافة مستخدِم جديد",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "الحساب على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي \"فيدي فيرس\" Fedivers (مثل Mastodon)",
"Website" : "صفحة الويب",
"Profile visibility" : "رؤية الملف الشخصي",
+ "Locale" : "مَحلّي",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "غير مُتاحٍ لأن هذه الخاصية مطلوبة للوظائف الأساسية بما في ذلك مشاركة الملفات و دعوات التقويم",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "غير مٌتاحٍٍ حيث تم تعطيل الاتحاد بالنسبة لحسابك، إتّصل بمشرف النظام إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "غير مُتاحٍ لأن نشر البيانات الخاصة بالمستخدم إلى خادوم البحث غير مسموح به. إتّصل بمشرف النظام إذا كان لديك أيّة أسئلة",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "يرجى تأكيد نقل المجموعة",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "إختَر صورة للملف الشخصي من الملفات",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "صيغة png أو jpg، و حجم أقصاه 20 ميغا بايت",
+ "Your email address" : "إيميلك",
"Your location" : "موقعك",
"Add new password" : "إضافة كلمة مرور جديدة",
"Add new email address" : "إضافة عنوان بريد إلكتروني جديد",
"Error saving profile picture" : "Profil şəklini saxlayan vaxtı səhv baş verdi",
"Error removing profile picture" : "Profil şəklini silən vaxtı səhv baş verdi",
"Details" : "Detallar",
- "Your email address" : "Sizin email ünvanı",
"No email address set" : "Email ünvanı dəsti yoxdur",
- "Language" : "Dil",
"Help translate" : "Tərcüməyə kömək",
"Add" : "Əlavə etmək",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Norma",
+ "Language" : "Dil",
"Edit" : "Dəyişiklik et",
"Show user backend" : "Daxili istifadəçini göstər",
"Send email" : "Email yolla",
"Check out our blog" : "Bizim bloqa baxın",
"Subscribe to our newsletter" : "Yeniliklərə abunə olun",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png vəya jpg, maksimum. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Sizin email ünvanı",
"Your location" : "Sizin məkan",
"Add a new user" : "Yeni istifadəçi əlavə edin",
"Show Languages" : "Dilləri göstərin",
"Error saving profile picture" : "Profil şəklini saxlayan vaxtı səhv baş verdi",
"Error removing profile picture" : "Profil şəklini silən vaxtı səhv baş verdi",
"Details" : "Detallar",
- "Your email address" : "Sizin email ünvanı",
"No email address set" : "Email ünvanı dəsti yoxdur",
- "Language" : "Dil",
"Help translate" : "Tərcüməyə kömək",
"Add" : "Əlavə etmək",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Norma",
+ "Language" : "Dil",
"Edit" : "Dəyişiklik et",
"Show user backend" : "Daxili istifadəçini göstər",
"Send email" : "Email yolla",
"Check out our blog" : "Bizim bloqa baxın",
"Subscribe to our newsletter" : "Yeniliklərə abunə olun",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png vəya jpg, maksimum. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Sizin email ünvanı",
"Your location" : "Sizin məkan",
"Add a new user" : "Yeni istifadəçi əlavə edin",
"Show Languages" : "Dilləri göstərin",
"Unset as primary email" : "Премахване на настройка като основен имейл",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Този адрес не е потвърден",
"Set as primary email" : "Задаване като основен имейл",
- "Your email address" : "Вашият имейл адрес",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Допълнителен имейл адрес {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Не може да се изтрие основният имейл адрес",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Основният имейл адрес не може да се актуализира",
"Additional emails" : "Допълнителни имейли",
"Your handle" : "Вашият манипулатор",
"Your headline" : "Вашето заглавие",
- "Language" : "Език",
"Help translate" : "Помогнете с превода",
"Unable to update language" : "Езикът не може да се актуализира",
"No language set" : "Няма зададен език",
- "Locale" : "Локален/Местен/",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Седмицата започва на {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Не може да се актуализира езиково-географската променлива",
"No locale set" : "Не е зададена езиково-географска променлива",
"Display name" : "Вписване като",
"Email" : "Имейл",
"Quota" : "Квота",
+ "Language" : "Език",
"Total rows summary" : "Обобщение на общия брой редове",
"Avatar" : "Аватар",
"Group admin for" : "Групов администратор за",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (напр. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Уеб страница",
"Profile visibility" : "Видимост на профил",
+ "Locale" : "Локален/Местен/",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Не е налично, тъй като това свойство е нужно за основна функционалност, включително споделяне на файлове и покани в календар",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Не е налично, тъй като федерирането е деактивирано за вашия профил, свържете се с вашия системен администратор, ако имате въпроси.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Не е налично, тъй като публикуването на специфични потребителски данни на сървъра за търсене не е разрешено, свържете се с вашия системен администратор, ако имате въпроси",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Моля, потвърдете премахването на групата",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Избор на профилна снимка от файлове",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png или jpg, макс. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Вашият имейл адрес",
"Your location" : "Вашето местоположение",
"Add new password" : "Въведете новата парола",
"Add new email address" : "Смени адреса на елетронната поща",
"Unset as primary email" : "Премахване на настройка като основен имейл",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Този адрес не е потвърден",
"Set as primary email" : "Задаване като основен имейл",
- "Your email address" : "Вашият имейл адрес",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Допълнителен имейл адрес {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Не може да се изтрие основният имейл адрес",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Основният имейл адрес не може да се актуализира",
"Additional emails" : "Допълнителни имейли",
"Your handle" : "Вашият манипулатор",
"Your headline" : "Вашето заглавие",
- "Language" : "Език",
"Help translate" : "Помогнете с превода",
"Unable to update language" : "Езикът не може да се актуализира",
"No language set" : "Няма зададен език",
- "Locale" : "Локален/Местен/",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Седмицата започва на {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Не може да се актуализира езиково-географската променлива",
"No locale set" : "Не е зададена езиково-географска променлива",
"Display name" : "Вписване като",
"Email" : "Имейл",
"Quota" : "Квота",
+ "Language" : "Език",
"Total rows summary" : "Обобщение на общия брой редове",
"Avatar" : "Аватар",
"Group admin for" : "Групов администратор за",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (напр. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Уеб страница",
"Profile visibility" : "Видимост на профил",
+ "Locale" : "Локален/Местен/",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Не е налично, тъй като това свойство е нужно за основна функционалност, включително споделяне на файлове и покани в календар",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Не е налично, тъй като федерирането е деактивирано за вашия профил, свържете се с вашия системен администратор, ако имате въпроси.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Не е налично, тъй като публикуването на специфични потребителски данни на сървъра за търсене не е разрешено, свържете се с вашия системен администратор, ако имате въпроси",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Моля, потвърдете премахването на групата",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Избор на профилна снимка от файлове",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png или jpg, макс. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Вашият имейл адрес",
"Your location" : "Вашето местоположение",
"Add new password" : "Въведете новата парола",
"Add new email address" : "Смени адреса на елетронната поща",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Skeudenn roet gant ar c'hont orin",
"Details" : "Munudoù",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "Er strolladoù-mañ emaoc'h",
- "Your email address" : "O chom-lec'h postel",
"No email address set" : "Chom-lec'h postel ebet lakaet",
- "Language" : "Yezh",
"Help translate" : "Sikour treiñ",
"No language set" : "Yezh ebet lakaet",
- "Locale" : "Diabarzh",
"Your phone number" : "O niverenn pelgomzer",
"Add" : "Ouzhpennañ",
"Default language" : "Yezh dre ziouer",
"Display name" : "Anv ardivink",
"Email" : "Postel",
"Quota" : "Quota",
+ "Language" : "Yezh",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Strollad merour evit",
"User backend" : "Backen implijer",
"Role" : "Roll",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Lec'hien web",
+ "Locale" : "Diabarzh",
"Active apps" : "Meziantoù lakaet en dro",
"Disabled apps" : "Meziantoù disaotreet",
"Updates" : "Adnevesadennoù",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "O vont da lemel ar strollad {group} emaoc'h. An implijourienn NA VEZONT KET lemet.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Gwiriit an dilemel",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png pe jpg, 20 MB d'ar muiañ",
+ "Your email address" : "O chom-lec'h postel",
"Add new password" : "Ouzhpennañ ur ger-tremen",
"Add new email address" : "Ouzhpennañ ur chom-lec'h postel nevez",
"Edit User" : "Embann implijer",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Skeudenn roet gant ar c'hont orin",
"Details" : "Munudoù",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "Er strolladoù-mañ emaoc'h",
- "Your email address" : "O chom-lec'h postel",
"No email address set" : "Chom-lec'h postel ebet lakaet",
- "Language" : "Yezh",
"Help translate" : "Sikour treiñ",
"No language set" : "Yezh ebet lakaet",
- "Locale" : "Diabarzh",
"Your phone number" : "O niverenn pelgomzer",
"Add" : "Ouzhpennañ",
"Default language" : "Yezh dre ziouer",
"Display name" : "Anv ardivink",
"Email" : "Postel",
"Quota" : "Quota",
+ "Language" : "Yezh",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Strollad merour evit",
"User backend" : "Backen implijer",
"Role" : "Roll",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Lec'hien web",
+ "Locale" : "Diabarzh",
"Active apps" : "Meziantoù lakaet en dro",
"Disabled apps" : "Meziantoù disaotreet",
"Updates" : "Adnevesadennoù",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "O vont da lemel ar strollad {group} emaoc'h. An implijourienn NA VEZONT KET lemet.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Gwiriit an dilemel",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png pe jpg, 20 MB d'ar muiañ",
+ "Your email address" : "O chom-lec'h postel",
"Add new password" : "Ouzhpennañ ur ger-tremen",
"Add new email address" : "Ouzhpennañ ur chom-lec'h postel nevez",
"Edit User" : "Embann implijer",
"Unset as primary email" : "Desactivat com a correu electrònic principal",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Aquesta adreça no està confirmada",
"Set as primary email" : "Estableix com a correu electrònic principal",
- "Your email address" : "El vostre correu electrònic",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Adreça de correu electrònic addicional {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "No es pot suprimir l'adreça de correu electrònic principal",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "No es pot actualitzar l'adreça de correu electrònic principal",
"Additional emails" : "Adreces de correu electrònic addicionals",
"Your handle" : "El teu identificador",
"Your headline" : "El teu titular",
- "Language" : "Llengua",
"Help translate" : "Ajudeu-nos amb la traducció",
"Unable to update language" : "No es pot actualitzar la llengua",
"No language set" : "No s'ha establert cap idioma",
- "Locale" : "Configuració regional",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "La setmana comença el {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "No es pot actualitzar la configuració local",
"No locale set" : "No s'ha establert cap configuració local",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Estableix l'usuari com a administrador de …",
"Quota" : "Quota",
"Set user quota" : "Estableix la quota d'usuari",
+ "Language" : "Llengua",
"Set default language" : "Estableix la llengua predeterminada",
"Manager" : "Gestor",
"Add new user" : "Afegeix un usuari nou",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (p. ex. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Lloc web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilitat del perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Configuració regional",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "No disponible, ja que aquesta propietat és necessària per a les funcions bàsiques, com ara compartir fitxers i invitacions al calendari",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No està disponible perquè la federació s'ha inhabilitat per al vostre compte, poseu-vos en contacte amb l'administrador del sistema si teniu cap pregunta",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No està disponible perquè no es permet la publicació de dades específiques de l'usuari al servidor de cerca, poseu-vos en contacte amb l'administrador del sistema si teniu cap pregunta",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Confirmeu la supressió del grup ",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Trieu una imatge de perfil als fitxers",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg, màx. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "El vostre correu electrònic",
"Your location" : "La vostra localització",
"Add new password" : "Afegeix una nova contrasenya",
"Add new email address" : "Afegeix una nova adreça de correu electrònic",
"Unset as primary email" : "Desactivat com a correu electrònic principal",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Aquesta adreça no està confirmada",
"Set as primary email" : "Estableix com a correu electrònic principal",
- "Your email address" : "El vostre correu electrònic",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Adreça de correu electrònic addicional {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "No es pot suprimir l'adreça de correu electrònic principal",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "No es pot actualitzar l'adreça de correu electrònic principal",
"Additional emails" : "Adreces de correu electrònic addicionals",
"Your handle" : "El teu identificador",
"Your headline" : "El teu titular",
- "Language" : "Llengua",
"Help translate" : "Ajudeu-nos amb la traducció",
"Unable to update language" : "No es pot actualitzar la llengua",
"No language set" : "No s'ha establert cap idioma",
- "Locale" : "Configuració regional",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "La setmana comença el {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "No es pot actualitzar la configuració local",
"No locale set" : "No s'ha establert cap configuració local",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Estableix l'usuari com a administrador de …",
"Quota" : "Quota",
"Set user quota" : "Estableix la quota d'usuari",
+ "Language" : "Llengua",
"Set default language" : "Estableix la llengua predeterminada",
"Manager" : "Gestor",
"Add new user" : "Afegeix un usuari nou",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (p. ex. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Lloc web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilitat del perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Configuració regional",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "No disponible, ja que aquesta propietat és necessària per a les funcions bàsiques, com ara compartir fitxers i invitacions al calendari",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No està disponible perquè la federació s'ha inhabilitat per al vostre compte, poseu-vos en contacte amb l'administrador del sistema si teniu cap pregunta",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No està disponible perquè no es permet la publicació de dades específiques de l'usuari al servidor de cerca, poseu-vos en contacte amb l'administrador del sistema si teniu cap pregunta",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Confirmeu la supressió del grup ",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Trieu una imatge de perfil als fitxers",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg, màx. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "El vostre correu electrònic",
"Your location" : "La vostra localització",
"Add new password" : "Afegeix una nova contrasenya",
"Add new email address" : "Afegeix una nova adreça de correu electrònic",
"Reshare" : "Sdílet dál dalším",
"Unlimited" : "Neomezeně",
"Verifying" : "Ověřuje se",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "Zjišťování případného starého uživatelem naimportovaného certifikátu",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Úloha na pozadí čeká na kontrolu uživatelských importovaných SSL certifikátů. Zkuste to prosím později.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Nacházejí se zde některé SSL certifikáty, importované uživatelem, které se už s Nextcloud 21 nepoužívají. Lze je naimportovat v příkazovém řádku pomocí příkazu „occ security:certificates:import“. Popisy jejich umístění v adresáři s daty jsou uvedeny níže.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "Připojení k internetu",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "Připojení k Internetu je vypnuté v souboru s nastaveními.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Tento server nemá funkční připojení k Internetu: Nedaří se připojit k vícero koncovým bodům. Některé moduly jako např. externí úložiště, upozorňování na dostupnost aktualizací, nebo instalace aplikací třetích stran kvůli tomu nebudou fungovat. Přístup k souborům z jiných míst a odesílání e-mailů s upozorněními také nemusí fungovat. Pokud chcete využívat všechny možnosti tohoto serveru, doporučujeme zprovoznit připojení k Internetu.",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "Kontrola toho, že je vypnuté případné staré šifrování na straně serveru",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Je zapnutý starý formát šifrování na straně serveru. Je doporučeno toto vypnout.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "Zjišťování výchozí znakové sady PHP",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "Volba nastavení PHP default_charset by měla být UTF-8",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "Zjišťování verze PHP",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Nyní provozujete na PHP %s. Od Nextcloud 27 je PHP 8.0 už označeno jako zastaralé. Nextcloud 28 pak už může vyžadovat alespoň PHP 8.1. Co možná nejdříve přejděte na některou z oficiálně podporovaných verzí PHP, poskytovaných PHP Group.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "Nyní provozujete na PHP %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "Zjišťování volby PHP output_buffering",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "Je třeba aby volba nastavení PHP output_buffering byla vypnutá",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "Zjišťování přístupových práv k souboru s nastaveními",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "Nastavení bylo přepnuto do režimu pouze pro čtení. To brání změnám prostřednictvím webového rozhraní. Dále při každé aktualizaci, je třeba soubor ručně zpřístupnit pro zápis.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Do souboru s nastaveními pro Nextcloud lze zapisovat",
+ "Checking for database version" : "Zjišťování verze databáze",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "Je používána verze MariaDB „%s“. Nextcloud 21 a novější už tuto verzi nepodporuje a vyžaduje MariaDB 10.2 nebo novější.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "Je používána verze MySQL „%s“. Nextcloud 21 a novější už tuto verzi nepodporuje a vyžaduje MySQL 8.0 nebo MariaDB 10.2 a novější.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "Je používána verze PostgreSQL „%s“. Nextcloud 21 a novější už tuto verzi nepodporuje a vyžaduje PostgreSQL 9.6 nebo novější.",
"Unset as primary email" : "Zrušeno nastavení coby hlavního e-mailu",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Z této adresy jste ještě nepotvrdili ověřovací e-mail",
"Set as primary email" : "Nastavit jako hlavní e-mail",
- "Your email address" : "Vaše e-mailová adresa",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Další e-mailová adresa {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Nepodařilo se smazat hlavní e-mailovou adresu",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Nepodařilo se aktualizovat hlavní e-mailovou adresu",
"Additional emails" : "Další e-maily",
"Your handle" : "Váš identifikátor (handle)",
"Your headline" : "Váš nadpis",
- "Language" : "Jazyk",
"Help translate" : "Pomoci s překladem",
"Unable to update language" : "Jazyk se nedaří aktualizovat",
"No language set" : "Není nastaven jazyk",
- "Locale" : "Místní a jazyková nastavení",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Týden začíná {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Nedaří se aktualizovat místní a jazyková nastavení",
"No locale set" : "Nenastaveno žádné místní a jazykové nastavení",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Nastavit uživatele jako správce pro",
"Quota" : "Kvóta",
"Set user quota" : "Nastavit uživateli kvótu",
+ "Language" : "Jazyk",
"Set default language" : "Nastavit výchozí jazyk",
"Manager" : "Nástroj pro správu",
"Add new user" : "Přidat nového uživatele",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (např. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webová stránka",
"Profile visibility" : "Viditelnost profilu",
+ "Locale" : "Místní a jazyková nastavení",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Není k dispozici, protože tato vlastnost je vyžadována pro hlavní funkce, včetně sdílení souborů a pozvánek v kalendáři",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Není k dispozici protože pro váš účet bylo federování vypnuto. V případě dotazů se obraťte na svého správce",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Není k dispozici protože zveřejňování údajů o konkrétních uživatelích není vyhledávacímu serveru povoleno. Pokud máte jakékoli dotazy, obraťte se na správce systémů",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potvrďte odstranění skupiny",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Zvolit profilový obrázek ze souborů",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png nebo jpg, nejvýše 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Vaše e-mailová adresa",
"Your location" : "Kde se nacházíte",
"Add new password" : "Přidat nové heslo",
"Add new email address" : "Přidat novou e-mailovou adresu",
"Reshare" : "Sdílet dál dalším",
"Unlimited" : "Neomezeně",
"Verifying" : "Ověřuje se",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "Zjišťování případného starého uživatelem naimportovaného certifikátu",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Úloha na pozadí čeká na kontrolu uživatelských importovaných SSL certifikátů. Zkuste to prosím později.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Nacházejí se zde některé SSL certifikáty, importované uživatelem, které se už s Nextcloud 21 nepoužívají. Lze je naimportovat v příkazovém řádku pomocí příkazu „occ security:certificates:import“. Popisy jejich umístění v adresáři s daty jsou uvedeny níže.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "Připojení k internetu",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "Připojení k Internetu je vypnuté v souboru s nastaveními.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Tento server nemá funkční připojení k Internetu: Nedaří se připojit k vícero koncovým bodům. Některé moduly jako např. externí úložiště, upozorňování na dostupnost aktualizací, nebo instalace aplikací třetích stran kvůli tomu nebudou fungovat. Přístup k souborům z jiných míst a odesílání e-mailů s upozorněními také nemusí fungovat. Pokud chcete využívat všechny možnosti tohoto serveru, doporučujeme zprovoznit připojení k Internetu.",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "Kontrola toho, že je vypnuté případné staré šifrování na straně serveru",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Je zapnutý starý formát šifrování na straně serveru. Je doporučeno toto vypnout.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "Zjišťování výchozí znakové sady PHP",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "Volba nastavení PHP default_charset by měla být UTF-8",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "Zjišťování verze PHP",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Nyní provozujete na PHP %s. Od Nextcloud 27 je PHP 8.0 už označeno jako zastaralé. Nextcloud 28 pak už může vyžadovat alespoň PHP 8.1. Co možná nejdříve přejděte na některou z oficiálně podporovaných verzí PHP, poskytovaných PHP Group.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "Nyní provozujete na PHP %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "Zjišťování volby PHP output_buffering",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "Je třeba aby volba nastavení PHP output_buffering byla vypnutá",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "Zjišťování přístupových práv k souboru s nastaveními",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "Nastavení bylo přepnuto do režimu pouze pro čtení. To brání změnám prostřednictvím webového rozhraní. Dále při každé aktualizaci, je třeba soubor ručně zpřístupnit pro zápis.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Do souboru s nastaveními pro Nextcloud lze zapisovat",
+ "Checking for database version" : "Zjišťování verze databáze",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "Je používána verze MariaDB „%s“. Nextcloud 21 a novější už tuto verzi nepodporuje a vyžaduje MariaDB 10.2 nebo novější.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "Je používána verze MySQL „%s“. Nextcloud 21 a novější už tuto verzi nepodporuje a vyžaduje MySQL 8.0 nebo MariaDB 10.2 a novější.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "Je používána verze PostgreSQL „%s“. Nextcloud 21 a novější už tuto verzi nepodporuje a vyžaduje PostgreSQL 9.6 nebo novější.",
"Unset as primary email" : "Zrušeno nastavení coby hlavního e-mailu",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Z této adresy jste ještě nepotvrdili ověřovací e-mail",
"Set as primary email" : "Nastavit jako hlavní e-mail",
- "Your email address" : "Vaše e-mailová adresa",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Další e-mailová adresa {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Nepodařilo se smazat hlavní e-mailovou adresu",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Nepodařilo se aktualizovat hlavní e-mailovou adresu",
"Additional emails" : "Další e-maily",
"Your handle" : "Váš identifikátor (handle)",
"Your headline" : "Váš nadpis",
- "Language" : "Jazyk",
"Help translate" : "Pomoci s překladem",
"Unable to update language" : "Jazyk se nedaří aktualizovat",
"No language set" : "Není nastaven jazyk",
- "Locale" : "Místní a jazyková nastavení",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Týden začíná {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Nedaří se aktualizovat místní a jazyková nastavení",
"No locale set" : "Nenastaveno žádné místní a jazykové nastavení",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Nastavit uživatele jako správce pro",
"Quota" : "Kvóta",
"Set user quota" : "Nastavit uživateli kvótu",
+ "Language" : "Jazyk",
"Set default language" : "Nastavit výchozí jazyk",
"Manager" : "Nástroj pro správu",
"Add new user" : "Přidat nového uživatele",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (např. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webová stránka",
"Profile visibility" : "Viditelnost profilu",
+ "Locale" : "Místní a jazyková nastavení",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Není k dispozici, protože tato vlastnost je vyžadována pro hlavní funkce, včetně sdílení souborů a pozvánek v kalendáři",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Není k dispozici protože pro váš účet bylo federování vypnuto. V případě dotazů se obraťte na svého správce",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Není k dispozici protože zveřejňování údajů o konkrétních uživatelích není vyhledávacímu serveru povoleno. Pokud máte jakékoli dotazy, obraťte se na správce systémů",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potvrďte odstranění skupiny",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Zvolit profilový obrázek ze souborů",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png nebo jpg, nejvýše 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Vaše e-mailová adresa",
"Your location" : "Kde se nacházíte",
"Add new password" : "Přidat nové heslo",
"Add new email address" : "Přidat novou e-mailovou adresu",
"Unset as primary email" : "Deaktiveret som primær e-mail",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Denne adresse er ikke bekræftet",
"Set as primary email" : "Indstil som primær e-mail",
- "Your email address" : "Din e-mailadresse",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Yderligere e-mailadresse {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Den primære e-mailadresse kunne ikke slettes",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Den primære e-mailadresse kunne ikke opdateres",
"No email address set" : "Der er ikke angivet e-mailadresse",
"Additional emails" : "Yderligere e-mails",
"Your headline" : "Din overskrift",
- "Language" : "Sprog",
"Help translate" : "Hjælp med oversættelsen",
"Unable to update language" : "Kunne ikke opdatere sproget",
"No language set" : "Intet sprog indstillet",
- "Locale" : "Lokal",
"Your organisation" : "Din organisation",
"Your phone number" : "Dit telefon nummer",
"Edit your Profile visibility" : "Rediger din profils synlighed",
"Display name" : "Vist navn",
"Email" : "E-mail",
"Quota" : "Kvote",
+ "Language" : "Sprog",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Gruppeadministrator for",
"User backend" : "Bruger-backend",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Hjemmeside",
"Profile visibility" : "Profil synlighed",
+ "Locale" : "Lokal",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Ikke tilgængelig, da denne egenskab er påkrævet for kernefunktionalitet, herunder fildeling og kalenderinvitationer",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Ikke tilgængelig, da udgivelse af brugerspecifikke data til opslagsserveren ikke er tilladt. Kontakt din systemadministrator, hvis du har spørgsmål",
"Active apps" : "Aktive apps",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Du er ved at fjerne gruppen {group}. Brugerne bliver IKKE slettet.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bekræft at gruppen skal fjernes",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png eller jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Din e-mailadresse",
"Add new password" : "Tilføj ny adgangskode",
"Add new email address" : "Tilføj ny e-mailadresse",
"Edit User" : "Rediger bruger",
"Unset as primary email" : "Deaktiveret som primær e-mail",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Denne adresse er ikke bekræftet",
"Set as primary email" : "Indstil som primær e-mail",
- "Your email address" : "Din e-mailadresse",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Yderligere e-mailadresse {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Den primære e-mailadresse kunne ikke slettes",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Den primære e-mailadresse kunne ikke opdateres",
"No email address set" : "Der er ikke angivet e-mailadresse",
"Additional emails" : "Yderligere e-mails",
"Your headline" : "Din overskrift",
- "Language" : "Sprog",
"Help translate" : "Hjælp med oversættelsen",
"Unable to update language" : "Kunne ikke opdatere sproget",
"No language set" : "Intet sprog indstillet",
- "Locale" : "Lokal",
"Your organisation" : "Din organisation",
"Your phone number" : "Dit telefon nummer",
"Edit your Profile visibility" : "Rediger din profils synlighed",
"Display name" : "Vist navn",
"Email" : "E-mail",
"Quota" : "Kvote",
+ "Language" : "Sprog",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Gruppeadministrator for",
"User backend" : "Bruger-backend",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Hjemmeside",
"Profile visibility" : "Profil synlighed",
+ "Locale" : "Lokal",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Ikke tilgængelig, da denne egenskab er påkrævet for kernefunktionalitet, herunder fildeling og kalenderinvitationer",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Ikke tilgængelig, da udgivelse af brugerspecifikke data til opslagsserveren ikke er tilladt. Kontakt din systemadministrator, hvis du har spørgsmål",
"Active apps" : "Aktive apps",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Du er ved at fjerne gruppen {group}. Brugerne bliver IKKE slettet.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bekræft at gruppen skal fjernes",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png eller jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Din e-mailadresse",
"Add new password" : "Tilføj ny adgangskode",
"Add new email address" : "Tilføj ny e-mailadresse",
"Edit User" : "Rediger bruger",
"Unset as primary email" : "Als primäre E-Mail-Adresse deaktivieren",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Diese Adresse ist nicht bestätigt",
"Set as primary email" : "Als primäre E-Mail-Adresse festlegen",
- "Your email address" : "Deine E-Mail-Adresse",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Zusätzliche E-Mail-Adresse {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Primäre E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Primäre E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Additional emails" : "Zusätzliche E-Mail-Adressen ",
"Your handle" : "Dein Online-Name",
"Your headline" : "Deine Überschrift",
- "Language" : "Sprache",
"Help translate" : "Hilf bei der Übersetzung mit",
"Unable to update language" : "Sprache konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"No language set" : "Keine Sprache eingestellt.",
- "Locale" : "Gebietsschema",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Woche beginnt am {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Gebietsschema konnte nicht aktualisiert werden.",
"No locale set" : "Kein Gebietsschema festgelegt",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Benutzer als Administratior setzen für …",
"Quota" : "Kontingent",
"Set user quota" : "Benutzerkontingent einstellen",
+ "Language" : "Sprache",
"Set default language" : "Standard-Sprache einstellen",
"Manager" : "Manager",
"Add new user" : "Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (wie z. B. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webseite",
"Profile visibility" : "Sichtbarkeit deines Profils",
+ "Locale" : "Gebietsschema",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Nicht verfügbar, da diese Eigenschaft für Kernfunktionen wie Dateifreigabe und Kalendereinladungen erforderlich ist.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nicht verfügbar, da das Federation für dein Konto dekativiert ist. Wende dich an deinen Administratior, wenn du Fragen hast.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nicht verfügbar, da die Veröffentlichung benutzerspezifischer Daten auf dem Lookup-Server nicht zulässig ist. Wende dich bei Fragen an deinen Systemadministrator",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bitte die Löschung der Gruppe bestätigen",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Profilbild aus Dateien auswählen",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png oder jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Deine E-Mail-Adresse",
"Your location" : "Dein Ort",
"Add new password" : "Neues Passwort hinzufügen",
"Add new email address" : "Neue E-Mail-Adresse hinzufügen",
"Unset as primary email" : "Als primäre E-Mail-Adresse deaktivieren",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Diese Adresse ist nicht bestätigt",
"Set as primary email" : "Als primäre E-Mail-Adresse festlegen",
- "Your email address" : "Deine E-Mail-Adresse",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Zusätzliche E-Mail-Adresse {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Primäre E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Primäre E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Additional emails" : "Zusätzliche E-Mail-Adressen ",
"Your handle" : "Dein Online-Name",
"Your headline" : "Deine Überschrift",
- "Language" : "Sprache",
"Help translate" : "Hilf bei der Übersetzung mit",
"Unable to update language" : "Sprache konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"No language set" : "Keine Sprache eingestellt.",
- "Locale" : "Gebietsschema",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Woche beginnt am {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Gebietsschema konnte nicht aktualisiert werden.",
"No locale set" : "Kein Gebietsschema festgelegt",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Benutzer als Administratior setzen für …",
"Quota" : "Kontingent",
"Set user quota" : "Benutzerkontingent einstellen",
+ "Language" : "Sprache",
"Set default language" : "Standard-Sprache einstellen",
"Manager" : "Manager",
"Add new user" : "Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (wie z. B. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webseite",
"Profile visibility" : "Sichtbarkeit deines Profils",
+ "Locale" : "Gebietsschema",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Nicht verfügbar, da diese Eigenschaft für Kernfunktionen wie Dateifreigabe und Kalendereinladungen erforderlich ist.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nicht verfügbar, da das Federation für dein Konto dekativiert ist. Wende dich an deinen Administratior, wenn du Fragen hast.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nicht verfügbar, da die Veröffentlichung benutzerspezifischer Daten auf dem Lookup-Server nicht zulässig ist. Wende dich bei Fragen an deinen Systemadministrator",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bitte die Löschung der Gruppe bestätigen",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Profilbild aus Dateien auswählen",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png oder jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Deine E-Mail-Adresse",
"Your location" : "Dein Ort",
"Add new password" : "Neues Passwort hinzufügen",
"Add new email address" : "Neue E-Mail-Adresse hinzufügen",
"Reshare" : "Weiterteilen",
"Unlimited" : "Unbegrenzt",
"Verifying" : "Überprüfe",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "Es wird nach alten, vom Benutzer importierten Zertifikaten gesucht",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Eine Hintergrundaufgabe, die nach vom Benutzer importierten SSL-Zertifikaten sucht, läuft noch. Bitte später erneut versuchen.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Es sind einige vom Benutzer importierte SSL-Zertifikate vorhanden, die von Nextcloud 21 nicht mehr verwendet werden. Sie können über den Befehl \"occ security:certificates:import\" in der Befehlszeile importiert werden. Ihre Pfade innerhalb des Datenverzeichnisses werden unten angezeigt.",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "Suche nach Standard-Telefonregion",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "Für Ihre Installation ist keine Standard-Telefonregion festgelegt. Dies ist erforderlich, um Telefonnummern in den Profileinstellungen ohne Ländervorwahl zu überprüfen. Um Nummern ohne Ländervorwahl zuzulassen, fügen Sie bitte „default_phone_region“ mit dem entsprechenden ISO 3166-1-Code der Region zu Ihrer Konfigurationsdatei hinzu.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "Internetverbindung",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "Die Internetverbindung ist in der Konfigurationsdatei deaktiviert.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Dieser Server hat keine funktionierende Internetverbindung: Mehrere Ziele konnten nicht erreicht werden. Dies bedeutet, dass einige Funktionen, wie das Einhängen externer Speicher, Benachrichtigungen über Updates oder die Installation von Drittanbieter-Apps nicht funktionieren. Der Zugriff auf entfernte Dateien und das Senden von E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen wird wahrscheinlich ebenfalls nicht funktionieren. Um alle Funktionen nutzen zu können, stellen Sie bitte eine Internet-Verbindung für diesen Server her.",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "Es wird überprüft, ob die alte serverseitige Verschlüsselung deaktiviert ist",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Das alte serverseitige Verschlüsselungsformat ist aktiviert. Wir empfehlen, es zu deaktivieren.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "Suche nach PHP-Standardzeichensatz",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "Die PHP-Konfigurationsoption default_charset sollte UTF-8 sein",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "Suche nach PHP-Version",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Sie verwenden derzeit PHP %s. PHP 8.0 ist ab Nextcloud 27 veraltet. Nextcloud 28 erfordert möglicherweise mindestens PHP 8.1. Bitte aktualisieren Sie so schnell wie möglich auf eine der offiziell unterstützten PHP-Versionen der PHP Gruppe.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "Sie benutzen aktuell PHP %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "PHP-Option output_buffering überprüfen",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "Die PHP-Konfigurationsoption „output_buffering“ muss deaktiviert sein",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "Überprüfung der Zugriffsrechte für die Konfigurationsdatei",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "Die schreibgeschützte Konfiguration wurde aktiviert. Dies verhindert das Setzen einiger Einstellungen über die Web-Schnittstelle. Weiterhin muss bei jedem Update der Schreibzugriff auf die Datei händisch aktiviert werden.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Die Nextcloud-Konfigurationsdatei ist beschreibbar",
+ "Checking for database version" : "Datenbankversion wird überprüft",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MariaDB Version \"%s\" wird verwendet. Nextcloud 21 und neuer unterstützen diese Version nicht und benötigen MariaDB 10.2 oder neuer.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MySQL Version \"%s\" wird verwendet. Nextcloud 21 und neuer unterstützten diese Version nicht und benötigen MySQL 8.0 oder MariaDB 10.2 oder neuer.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "PostgreSQL Version \"%s\" wird verwendet. Nextcloud 21 und neuer unterstützen diese Version nicht und beötigen PostgreSQL 9.6 oder neuer.",
"Unset as primary email" : "Als primäre E-Mail-Adresse deaktiviert",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Diese Adresse ist nicht bestätigt",
"Set as primary email" : "Als primäre E-Mail-Adresse festlegen",
- "Your email address" : "Ihre E-Mail-Adresse",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Zusätzliche E-Mail-Adresse {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Primäre E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Primäre E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Additional emails" : "Zusätzliche E-Mail-Adressen",
"Your handle" : "Dein Online-Name",
"Your headline" : "Ihre Überschrift",
- "Language" : "Sprache",
"Help translate" : "Helfen Sie bei der Übersetzung",
"Unable to update language" : "Sprache konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"No language set" : "Keine Sprache eingestellt",
- "Locale" : "Gebietsschema",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Woche beginnt am {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Gebietsschema kann nicht aktualisiert werden",
"No locale set" : "Kein Gebietsschema festgelegt",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Benutzer als Administration setzen für…",
"Quota" : "Kontingent",
"Set user quota" : "Benutzerkontingent einstellen",
+ "Language" : "Sprache",
"Set default language" : "Standard-Sprache einstellen",
"Manager" : "Manager",
"Add new user" : "Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (wie z. B. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webseite",
"Profile visibility" : "Sichtbarkeit des Profils",
+ "Locale" : "Gebietsschema",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Nicht verfügbar, da diese Eigenschaft für Kernfunktionen wie Dateifreigabe und Kalendereinladungen erforderlich ist.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nicht verfügbar, da Föderation für Ihr Konto deaktiviert ist. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihre Administration, wenn Sie Fragen haben",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nicht verfügbar, da die Veröffentlichung benutzerspezifischer Daten auf dem Lookup-Server nicht zulässig ist. Wenden Sie sich bei Fragen an Ihre Systemadministration.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bitte die Löschung der Gruppe bestätigen",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Profilbild aus Dateien auswählen",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png oder jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Ihre E-Mail-Adresse",
"Your location" : "Ihr Ort",
"Add new password" : "Neues Passwort hinzufügen",
"Add new email address" : "Neue E-Mail-Adresse hinzufügen",
"Reshare" : "Weiterteilen",
"Unlimited" : "Unbegrenzt",
"Verifying" : "Überprüfe",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "Es wird nach alten, vom Benutzer importierten Zertifikaten gesucht",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Eine Hintergrundaufgabe, die nach vom Benutzer importierten SSL-Zertifikaten sucht, läuft noch. Bitte später erneut versuchen.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Es sind einige vom Benutzer importierte SSL-Zertifikate vorhanden, die von Nextcloud 21 nicht mehr verwendet werden. Sie können über den Befehl \"occ security:certificates:import\" in der Befehlszeile importiert werden. Ihre Pfade innerhalb des Datenverzeichnisses werden unten angezeigt.",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "Suche nach Standard-Telefonregion",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "Für Ihre Installation ist keine Standard-Telefonregion festgelegt. Dies ist erforderlich, um Telefonnummern in den Profileinstellungen ohne Ländervorwahl zu überprüfen. Um Nummern ohne Ländervorwahl zuzulassen, fügen Sie bitte „default_phone_region“ mit dem entsprechenden ISO 3166-1-Code der Region zu Ihrer Konfigurationsdatei hinzu.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "Internetverbindung",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "Die Internetverbindung ist in der Konfigurationsdatei deaktiviert.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Dieser Server hat keine funktionierende Internetverbindung: Mehrere Ziele konnten nicht erreicht werden. Dies bedeutet, dass einige Funktionen, wie das Einhängen externer Speicher, Benachrichtigungen über Updates oder die Installation von Drittanbieter-Apps nicht funktionieren. Der Zugriff auf entfernte Dateien und das Senden von E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen wird wahrscheinlich ebenfalls nicht funktionieren. Um alle Funktionen nutzen zu können, stellen Sie bitte eine Internet-Verbindung für diesen Server her.",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "Es wird überprüft, ob die alte serverseitige Verschlüsselung deaktiviert ist",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Das alte serverseitige Verschlüsselungsformat ist aktiviert. Wir empfehlen, es zu deaktivieren.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "Suche nach PHP-Standardzeichensatz",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "Die PHP-Konfigurationsoption default_charset sollte UTF-8 sein",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "Suche nach PHP-Version",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Sie verwenden derzeit PHP %s. PHP 8.0 ist ab Nextcloud 27 veraltet. Nextcloud 28 erfordert möglicherweise mindestens PHP 8.1. Bitte aktualisieren Sie so schnell wie möglich auf eine der offiziell unterstützten PHP-Versionen der PHP Gruppe.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "Sie benutzen aktuell PHP %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "PHP-Option output_buffering überprüfen",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "Die PHP-Konfigurationsoption „output_buffering“ muss deaktiviert sein",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "Überprüfung der Zugriffsrechte für die Konfigurationsdatei",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "Die schreibgeschützte Konfiguration wurde aktiviert. Dies verhindert das Setzen einiger Einstellungen über die Web-Schnittstelle. Weiterhin muss bei jedem Update der Schreibzugriff auf die Datei händisch aktiviert werden.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Die Nextcloud-Konfigurationsdatei ist beschreibbar",
+ "Checking for database version" : "Datenbankversion wird überprüft",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MariaDB Version \"%s\" wird verwendet. Nextcloud 21 und neuer unterstützen diese Version nicht und benötigen MariaDB 10.2 oder neuer.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MySQL Version \"%s\" wird verwendet. Nextcloud 21 und neuer unterstützten diese Version nicht und benötigen MySQL 8.0 oder MariaDB 10.2 oder neuer.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "PostgreSQL Version \"%s\" wird verwendet. Nextcloud 21 und neuer unterstützen diese Version nicht und beötigen PostgreSQL 9.6 oder neuer.",
"Unset as primary email" : "Als primäre E-Mail-Adresse deaktiviert",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Diese Adresse ist nicht bestätigt",
"Set as primary email" : "Als primäre E-Mail-Adresse festlegen",
- "Your email address" : "Ihre E-Mail-Adresse",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Zusätzliche E-Mail-Adresse {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Primäre E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Primäre E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Additional emails" : "Zusätzliche E-Mail-Adressen",
"Your handle" : "Dein Online-Name",
"Your headline" : "Ihre Überschrift",
- "Language" : "Sprache",
"Help translate" : "Helfen Sie bei der Übersetzung",
"Unable to update language" : "Sprache konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"No language set" : "Keine Sprache eingestellt",
- "Locale" : "Gebietsschema",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Woche beginnt am {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Gebietsschema kann nicht aktualisiert werden",
"No locale set" : "Kein Gebietsschema festgelegt",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Benutzer als Administration setzen für…",
"Quota" : "Kontingent",
"Set user quota" : "Benutzerkontingent einstellen",
+ "Language" : "Sprache",
"Set default language" : "Standard-Sprache einstellen",
"Manager" : "Manager",
"Add new user" : "Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (wie z. B. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webseite",
"Profile visibility" : "Sichtbarkeit des Profils",
+ "Locale" : "Gebietsschema",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Nicht verfügbar, da diese Eigenschaft für Kernfunktionen wie Dateifreigabe und Kalendereinladungen erforderlich ist.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nicht verfügbar, da Föderation für Ihr Konto deaktiviert ist. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihre Administration, wenn Sie Fragen haben",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nicht verfügbar, da die Veröffentlichung benutzerspezifischer Daten auf dem Lookup-Server nicht zulässig ist. Wenden Sie sich bei Fragen an Ihre Systemadministration.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bitte die Löschung der Gruppe bestätigen",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Profilbild aus Dateien auswählen",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png oder jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Ihre E-Mail-Adresse",
"Your location" : "Ihr Ort",
"Add new password" : "Neues Passwort hinzufügen",
"Add new email address" : "Neue E-Mail-Adresse hinzufügen",
"Unset as primary email" : "Κατάργηση ορισμού ως κύριου email",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Αυτή η διεύθυνση email δεν έχει επιβεβαιωθεί",
"Set as primary email" : "Ορισμός ως κύριου email",
- "Your email address" : "Η διεύθυνση ηλ. ταχυδρομείου σας",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Πρόσθετη διεύθυνση email {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η διαγραφή της κύριας διεύθυνσης email",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η ενημέρωση της κύριας διεύθυνσης email",
"No email address set" : "Δεν ορίστηκε διεύθυνση email",
"Additional emails" : "Πρόσθετες διευθύνσεις email",
"Your headline" : "Ο τίτλος σας",
- "Language" : "Γλώσσα",
"Help translate" : "Βοηθήστε στη μετάφραση",
"Unable to update language" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η ενημέρωση της γλώσσας",
"No language set" : "Δεν ορίστηκε γλώσσα",
- "Locale" : "Ρυθμίσεις τοποθεσίας",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Η εβδομάδα ξεκινά την {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Your organisation" : "Ο οργανισμός σας",
"Your phone number" : "Ο αριθμός τηλεφώνου σας",
"Display name" : "Εμφανιζόμενο όνομα",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Σύνολο Χώρου",
+ "Language" : "Γλώσσα",
"Avatar" : "Εικόνα προφίλ",
"Group admin for" : "Ομαδα διαχειριστή για",
"User backend" : "Σύστημα υποστήριξης χρήστη",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Ιστοσελίδα",
"Profile visibility" : "Ορατότητα προφίλ",
+ "Locale" : "Ρυθμίσεις τοποθεσίας",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Δεν είναι διαθέσιμη, καθώς αυτή η ιδιότητα απαιτείται για βασικές λειτουργίες, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της κοινής χρήσης αρχείων και των προσκλήσεων ημερολογίου",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Μη διαθέσιμο καθώς το Federation έχει απενεργοποιηθεί για τον λογαριασμό σας, επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας εάν έχετε οποιαδήποτε απορία",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Δεν είναι διαθέσιμο καθώς δεν επιτρέπεται η δημοσίευση δεδομένων χρήστη στον διακομιστή αναζήτησης. Επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας εάν έχετε οποιεσδήποτε ερωτήσεις",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Παρακαλώ επιβεβαιώστε την κατάργηση της ομάδας",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Επιλογή εικόνας προφίλ από το αρχείο",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ή jpg, μεγ. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Η διεύθυνση ηλ. ταχυδρομείου σας",
"Your location" : "Η τοποθεσία σας",
"Add new password" : "Προσθήκη νέου κωδικού πρόσβασης",
"Add new email address" : "Προσθήκη νέας διεύθυνσης ηλ. αλληλογραφίας",
"Unset as primary email" : "Κατάργηση ορισμού ως κύριου email",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Αυτή η διεύθυνση email δεν έχει επιβεβαιωθεί",
"Set as primary email" : "Ορισμός ως κύριου email",
- "Your email address" : "Η διεύθυνση ηλ. ταχυδρομείου σας",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Πρόσθετη διεύθυνση email {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η διαγραφή της κύριας διεύθυνσης email",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η ενημέρωση της κύριας διεύθυνσης email",
"No email address set" : "Δεν ορίστηκε διεύθυνση email",
"Additional emails" : "Πρόσθετες διευθύνσεις email",
"Your headline" : "Ο τίτλος σας",
- "Language" : "Γλώσσα",
"Help translate" : "Βοηθήστε στη μετάφραση",
"Unable to update language" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η ενημέρωση της γλώσσας",
"No language set" : "Δεν ορίστηκε γλώσσα",
- "Locale" : "Ρυθμίσεις τοποθεσίας",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Η εβδομάδα ξεκινά την {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Your organisation" : "Ο οργανισμός σας",
"Your phone number" : "Ο αριθμός τηλεφώνου σας",
"Display name" : "Εμφανιζόμενο όνομα",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Σύνολο Χώρου",
+ "Language" : "Γλώσσα",
"Avatar" : "Εικόνα προφίλ",
"Group admin for" : "Ομαδα διαχειριστή για",
"User backend" : "Σύστημα υποστήριξης χρήστη",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Ιστοσελίδα",
"Profile visibility" : "Ορατότητα προφίλ",
+ "Locale" : "Ρυθμίσεις τοποθεσίας",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Δεν είναι διαθέσιμη, καθώς αυτή η ιδιότητα απαιτείται για βασικές λειτουργίες, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της κοινής χρήσης αρχείων και των προσκλήσεων ημερολογίου",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Μη διαθέσιμο καθώς το Federation έχει απενεργοποιηθεί για τον λογαριασμό σας, επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας εάν έχετε οποιαδήποτε απορία",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Δεν είναι διαθέσιμο καθώς δεν επιτρέπεται η δημοσίευση δεδομένων χρήστη στον διακομιστή αναζήτησης. Επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας εάν έχετε οποιεσδήποτε ερωτήσεις",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Παρακαλώ επιβεβαιώστε την κατάργηση της ομάδας",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Επιλογή εικόνας προφίλ από το αρχείο",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ή jpg, μεγ. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Η διεύθυνση ηλ. ταχυδρομείου σας",
"Your location" : "Η τοποθεσία σας",
"Add new password" : "Προσθήκη νέου κωδικού πρόσβασης",
"Add new email address" : "Προσθήκη νέας διεύθυνσης ηλ. αλληλογραφίας",
"Reshare" : "Reshare",
"Unlimited" : "Unlimited",
"Verifying" : "Verifying",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "Checking for old user imported certificate",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below.",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "Checking for default phone region",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "Internet connectivity",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features.",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "Checking for PHP default charset",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "Checking for PHP version",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "You are currently running PHP %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "Checking for PHP output_buffering option",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "Checking for configuration file access rights",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Nextcloud configuration file is writable",
+ "Checking for database version" : "Checking for database version",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher.",
"Unset as primary email" : "Unset as primary email",
"This address is not confirmed" : "This address is not confirmed",
"Set as primary email" : "Set as primary email",
- "Your email address" : "Your email address",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Additional email address {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Unable to delete primary email address",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Unable to update primary email address",
"Additional emails" : "Additional emails",
"Your handle" : "Your handle",
"Your headline" : "Your headline",
- "Language" : "Language",
"Help translate" : "Help translate",
"Unable to update language" : "Unable to update language",
"No language set" : "No language set",
- "Locale" : "Locale",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Unable to update locale",
"No locale set" : "No locale set",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Set user as admin for …",
"Quota" : "Quota",
"Set user quota" : "Set user quota",
+ "Language" : "Language",
"Set default language" : "Set default language",
"Manager" : "Manager",
"Add new user" : "Add new user",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Website",
"Profile visibility" : "Profile visibility",
+ "Locale" : "Locale",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Please confirm the group removal ",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Choose profile picture from files",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png or jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Your email address",
"Your location" : "Your location",
"Add new password" : "Add new password",
"Add new email address" : "Add new email address",
"Reshare" : "Reshare",
"Unlimited" : "Unlimited",
"Verifying" : "Verifying",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "Checking for old user imported certificate",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below.",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "Checking for default phone region",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "Internet connectivity",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features.",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "Checking for PHP default charset",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "Checking for PHP version",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "You are currently running PHP %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "Checking for PHP output_buffering option",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "Checking for configuration file access rights",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Nextcloud configuration file is writable",
+ "Checking for database version" : "Checking for database version",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher.",
"Unset as primary email" : "Unset as primary email",
"This address is not confirmed" : "This address is not confirmed",
"Set as primary email" : "Set as primary email",
- "Your email address" : "Your email address",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Additional email address {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Unable to delete primary email address",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Unable to update primary email address",
"Additional emails" : "Additional emails",
"Your handle" : "Your handle",
"Your headline" : "Your headline",
- "Language" : "Language",
"Help translate" : "Help translate",
"Unable to update language" : "Unable to update language",
"No language set" : "No language set",
- "Locale" : "Locale",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Unable to update locale",
"No locale set" : "No locale set",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Set user as admin for …",
"Quota" : "Quota",
"Set user quota" : "Set user quota",
+ "Language" : "Language",
"Set default language" : "Set default language",
"Manager" : "Manager",
"Add new user" : "Add new user",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Website",
"Profile visibility" : "Profile visibility",
+ "Locale" : "Locale",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Please confirm the group removal ",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Choose profile picture from files",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png or jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Your email address",
"Your location" : "Your location",
"Add new password" : "Add new password",
"Add new email address" : "Add new email address",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Bildo el la origina konto",
"Details" : "Detaloj",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "Vi estas membro el la jenaj grupoj:",
- "Your email address" : "Via retpoŝta adreso",
"No email address set" : "Neniu retpoŝta adreso agordita",
- "Language" : "Lingvo",
"Help translate" : "Helpu traduki",
"No language set" : "Neniu lingvo agordita",
- "Locale" : "Lokaĵaro",
"Your phone number" : "Via telefonnumero",
"Add" : "Aldoni",
"Default language" : "Defaŭlta lingvo",
"Display name" : "Vidiga nomo",
"Email" : "Retpoŝtadreso",
"Quota" : "Kvoto",
+ "Language" : "Lingvo",
"Avatar" : "Avataro",
"Group admin for" : "Grupadministranto por",
"User backend" : "Uzanto-loko",
"Phone number" : "Telefonnumero",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Retejo",
+ "Locale" : "Lokaĵaro",
"Active apps" : "Aktivaj aplikaĵoj",
"Disabled apps" : "Malŝaltitaj aplikaĵoj",
"Updates" : "Ĝisdatigoj",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Vi tuj forigos grupon {group}. La uzantoj NE estos forigitaj.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bv. konfirmi forigadon de la grupo",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png aŭ jpg, maksimume 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Via retpoŝta adreso",
"Will be autogenerated" : "Estos memgenerita",
"Add a new user" : "Aldoni novan uzanton",
"No users in here" : "Neniu uzanto ĉi tie",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Bildo el la origina konto",
"Details" : "Detaloj",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "Vi estas membro el la jenaj grupoj:",
- "Your email address" : "Via retpoŝta adreso",
"No email address set" : "Neniu retpoŝta adreso agordita",
- "Language" : "Lingvo",
"Help translate" : "Helpu traduki",
"No language set" : "Neniu lingvo agordita",
- "Locale" : "Lokaĵaro",
"Your phone number" : "Via telefonnumero",
"Add" : "Aldoni",
"Default language" : "Defaŭlta lingvo",
"Display name" : "Vidiga nomo",
"Email" : "Retpoŝtadreso",
"Quota" : "Kvoto",
+ "Language" : "Lingvo",
"Avatar" : "Avataro",
"Group admin for" : "Grupadministranto por",
"User backend" : "Uzanto-loko",
"Phone number" : "Telefonnumero",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Retejo",
+ "Locale" : "Lokaĵaro",
"Active apps" : "Aktivaj aplikaĵoj",
"Disabled apps" : "Malŝaltitaj aplikaĵoj",
"Updates" : "Ĝisdatigoj",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Vi tuj forigos grupon {group}. La uzantoj NE estos forigitaj.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bv. konfirmi forigadon de la grupo",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png aŭ jpg, maksimume 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Via retpoŝta adreso",
"Will be autogenerated" : "Estos memgenerita",
"Add a new user" : "Aldoni novan uzanton",
"No users in here" : "Neniu uzanto ĉi tie",
"Unset as primary email" : "Quitar como email principal",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Esta dirección no está confirmada",
"Set as primary email" : "Establecer como email principal",
- "Your email address" : "Su dirección de correo",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Direcciones email adicionales {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "No se pudo borrar tu dirección de email principal",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "No se pudo actualizar tu dirección de email principal",
"Additional emails" : "Direcciones de email adicionales",
"Your handle" : "Tu identificador",
"Your headline" : "Tu titular",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayúdanos a traducir",
"Unable to update language" : "No se pudo actualizar tu idioma",
"No language set" : "No se ha marcado idioma",
- "Locale" : "Región",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "La semana comienza en {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "No fue posible actualizar el idioma",
"No locale set" : "No se ha establecido el idioma",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Establecer usuario como admin durante …",
"Quota" : "Espacio asignado",
"Set user quota" : "Establecer cuota de usuario",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Set default language" : "Establecer idioma por defecto",
"Manager" : "Administrador",
"Add new user" : "Añadir nuevo usuario",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverso (p.e. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Sitio web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilidad del perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Región",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "No está disponible, ya que esta característica es necesaria para la funcionalidad principal, incluyendo el intercambio de archivos y las invitaciones de calendario",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No está disponible ya que la federación ha sido deshabilitada para su cuenta, contacte a su administrador del sistema si tiene cualquier pregunta",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No está disponible ya que la publicación de datos específicos del usuario en el servidor de búsqueda no está permitida, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema si tiene alguna duda",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Por favor, confirma la eliminación del grupo",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Seleccionar imagen del perfil desde los archivos",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Su dirección de correo",
"Your location" : "Su ubicación",
"Add new password" : " Añadir nueva contraseña",
"Add new email address" : "Añadir nueva dirección de correo electrónico",
"Unset as primary email" : "Quitar como email principal",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Esta dirección no está confirmada",
"Set as primary email" : "Establecer como email principal",
- "Your email address" : "Su dirección de correo",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Direcciones email adicionales {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "No se pudo borrar tu dirección de email principal",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "No se pudo actualizar tu dirección de email principal",
"Additional emails" : "Direcciones de email adicionales",
"Your handle" : "Tu identificador",
"Your headline" : "Tu titular",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayúdanos a traducir",
"Unable to update language" : "No se pudo actualizar tu idioma",
"No language set" : "No se ha marcado idioma",
- "Locale" : "Región",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "La semana comienza en {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "No fue posible actualizar el idioma",
"No locale set" : "No se ha establecido el idioma",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Establecer usuario como admin durante …",
"Quota" : "Espacio asignado",
"Set user quota" : "Establecer cuota de usuario",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Set default language" : "Establecer idioma por defecto",
"Manager" : "Administrador",
"Add new user" : "Añadir nuevo usuario",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverso (p.e. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Sitio web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilidad del perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Región",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "No está disponible, ya que esta característica es necesaria para la funcionalidad principal, incluyendo el intercambio de archivos y las invitaciones de calendario",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No está disponible ya que la federación ha sido deshabilitada para su cuenta, contacte a su administrador del sistema si tiene cualquier pregunta",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No está disponible ya que la publicación de datos específicos del usuario en el servidor de búsqueda no está permitida, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema si tiene alguna duda",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Por favor, confirma la eliminación del grupo",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Seleccionar imagen del perfil desde los archivos",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Su dirección de correo",
"Your location" : "Su ubicación",
"Add new password" : " Añadir nueva contraseña",
"Add new email address" : "Añadir nueva dirección de correo electrónico",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "Eres miembro de los siguientes grupos:",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
- "Locale" : "Región",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Your website" : "Tu sitio web",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Phone number" : "Número de teléfono",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Sitio web",
+ "Locale" : "Región",
"Disabled apps" : "Aplicaciones deshabilitadas",
"Updates" : "Actualizaciones",
"App bundles" : "Paquetes de aplicación",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "Eres miembro de los siguientes grupos:",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
- "Locale" : "Región",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Your website" : "Tu sitio web",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Phone number" : "Número de teléfono",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Sitio web",
+ "Locale" : "Región",
"Disabled apps" : "Aplicaciones deshabilitadas",
"Updates" : "Actualizaciones",
"App bundles" : "Paquetes de aplicación",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionadoa por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Su dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayude a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Su cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre para mostrar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Subscribe to our newsletter" : "Suscríbete a nuestro boletín",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Su dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionadoa por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Su dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayude a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Su cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre para mostrar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Subscribe to our newsletter" : "Suscríbete a nuestro boletín",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Su dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Unset as primary email" : "Quitar como correo electrónico principal",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Esta dirección no está confirmada",
"Set as primary email" : "Establecer como correo electrónico principal",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Dirección de correo electrónico adicional {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "No se pudo eliminar la dirección de correo electrónico principal",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "No se pudo actualizar la dirección de correo electrónico principal",
"Additional emails" : "Correos electrónicos adicionales",
"Your handle" : "Nombre de usuario/a",
"Your headline" : "Título",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Unable to update language" : "No se pudo actualizar el idioma",
"No language set" : "No se ha configurado ningún idioma",
- "Locale" : "Configuración regional",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "La semana comienza el {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "No se pudo actualizar la configuración regional",
"No locale set" : "No se ha configurado ninguna configuración regional",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Establecer al usuario como administrador de ...",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
"Set user quota" : "Establecer cuota de usuario",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Set default language" : "Establecer idioma predeterminado",
"Manager" : "Administrador",
"Add new user" : "Agregar nuevo usuario",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (por ejemplo, Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Sitio web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilidad del perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Configuración regional",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "No disponible, ya que esta propiedad es necesaria para la funcionalidad básica, incluyendo el intercambio de archivos y las invitaciones de calendario.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No disponible, ya que la federación se ha desactivado para tu cuenta. Ponte en contacto con el administrador del sistema si tienes alguna pregunta.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No disponible, ya que no se permite la publicación de datos específicos de usuarios en el servidor de búsqueda. Ponte en contacto con el administrador del sistema si tienes alguna pregunta.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Confirma la eliminación del grupo",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Seleccionar imagen de perfil desde archivos",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Your location" : "Tu ubicación",
"Add new password" : "Agregar nueva contraseña",
"Add new email address" : "Agregar nueva dirección de correo electrónico",
"Unset as primary email" : "Quitar como correo electrónico principal",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Esta dirección no está confirmada",
"Set as primary email" : "Establecer como correo electrónico principal",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Dirección de correo electrónico adicional {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "No se pudo eliminar la dirección de correo electrónico principal",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "No se pudo actualizar la dirección de correo electrónico principal",
"Additional emails" : "Correos electrónicos adicionales",
"Your handle" : "Nombre de usuario/a",
"Your headline" : "Título",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Unable to update language" : "No se pudo actualizar el idioma",
"No language set" : "No se ha configurado ningún idioma",
- "Locale" : "Configuración regional",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "La semana comienza el {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "No se pudo actualizar la configuración regional",
"No locale set" : "No se ha configurado ninguna configuración regional",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Establecer al usuario como administrador de ...",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
"Set user quota" : "Establecer cuota de usuario",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Set default language" : "Establecer idioma predeterminado",
"Manager" : "Administrador",
"Add new user" : "Agregar nuevo usuario",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (por ejemplo, Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Sitio web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilidad del perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Configuración regional",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "No disponible, ya que esta propiedad es necesaria para la funcionalidad básica, incluyendo el intercambio de archivos y las invitaciones de calendario.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No disponible, ya que la federación se ha desactivado para tu cuenta. Ponte en contacto con el administrador del sistema si tienes alguna pregunta.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "No disponible, ya que no se permite la publicación de datos específicos de usuarios en el servidor de búsqueda. Ponte en contacto con el administrador del sistema si tienes alguna pregunta.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Confirma la eliminación del grupo",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Seleccionar imagen de perfil desde archivos",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Your location" : "Tu ubicación",
"Add new password" : "Agregar nueva contraseña",
"Add new email address" : "Agregar nueva dirección de correo electrónico",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Estás a punto de eliminar el grupo {group}. Los usuarios NO serán borrados.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Por favor confirma la eliminación del grupo",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Estás a punto de eliminar el grupo {group}. Los usuarios NO serán borrados.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Por favor confirma la eliminación del grupo",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contraseña",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Imagen proporcionada por la cuenta original ",
"Details" : "Detalles",
- "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"No email address set" : "No se ha establecido la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ayuda a traducir",
"Your phone number" : "Su número telefónico",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Tu cuenta de Twitter",
"Display name" : "Nombre a desplegar",
"Email" : "Correo electrónico",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador del grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend del usuario",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar todo",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para correr esto necesitas la extensión POSIX de PHP. Por favor ve la {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para más detalles. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"Add group" : "Agregar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar un correo electrónico al usuario nuevo",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Pilt esitatud originaalse konto poolt",
"Details" : "Üksikasjad",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "Sa oled nende gruppide liige:",
- "Your email address" : "Sinu e-posti aadress",
"No email address set" : "E-posti aadressi pole veel määratud",
- "Language" : "Keel",
"Help translate" : "Aita tõlkida",
- "Locale" : "Kasutuskoht",
"Your phone number" : "Sinu telefoninumber",
"Your website" : "Sinu veebileht",
"Add" : "Lisa",
"Display name" : "Kuvatav nimi",
"Email" : "E-post",
"Quota" : "Mahupiir",
+ "Language" : "Keel",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Grupi admin",
"User backend" : "Kasutaja taustarakendus",
"Role" : "Roll",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Veebileht",
+ "Locale" : "Kasutuskoht",
"Disabled apps" : "Keelatud rakendused",
"Updates" : "Uuendused",
"App bundles" : "Rakenduste kogumikud",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Sa oled eemaldamas gruppi {group}. Selles grupis olevaid kasutajaid EI kustutata.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Palun kinnita grupi eemaldamine",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png või jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Sinu e-posti aadress",
"Add a new user" : "Lisa uus kasutaja",
"Add group" : "Lisa grupp",
"Default quota:" : "Vaikekvoot:",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Pilt esitatud originaalse konto poolt",
"Details" : "Üksikasjad",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "Sa oled nende gruppide liige:",
- "Your email address" : "Sinu e-posti aadress",
"No email address set" : "E-posti aadressi pole veel määratud",
- "Language" : "Keel",
"Help translate" : "Aita tõlkida",
- "Locale" : "Kasutuskoht",
"Your phone number" : "Sinu telefoninumber",
"Your website" : "Sinu veebileht",
"Add" : "Lisa",
"Display name" : "Kuvatav nimi",
"Email" : "E-post",
"Quota" : "Mahupiir",
+ "Language" : "Keel",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Grupi admin",
"User backend" : "Kasutaja taustarakendus",
"Role" : "Roll",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Veebileht",
+ "Locale" : "Kasutuskoht",
"Disabled apps" : "Keelatud rakendused",
"Updates" : "Uuendused",
"App bundles" : "Rakenduste kogumikud",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Sa oled eemaldamas gruppi {group}. Selles grupis olevaid kasutajaid EI kustutata.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Palun kinnita grupi eemaldamine",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png või jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Sinu e-posti aadress",
"Add a new user" : "Lisa uus kasutaja",
"Add group" : "Lisa grupp",
"Default quota:" : "Vaikekvoot:",
"Unset as primary email" : "Kendu posta nagusia",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Helbide hau ez dago berretsita",
"Set as primary email" : "Ezarri e-posta nagusi bezala",
- "Your email address" : "Zure e-posta",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Posta elektroniko gehigarria {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Ezin izan da helbide elektroniko nagusia ezabatu",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Ezin izan da helbide elektroniko nagusia eguneratu",
"Additional emails" : "Helbide elektroniko gehigarriak",
"Your handle" : "Zure heldulekua",
"Your headline" : "Zure izenburua",
- "Language" : "Hizkuntza",
"Help translate" : "Lagundu itzultzen",
"Unable to update language" : "Ezin izan da hizkuntza eguneratu",
"No language set" : "Ez da hizkuntzarik ezarri",
- "Locale" : "Eskualdeko ezarpenak",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Astea {firstDayOfWeek} egunean hasten da",
"Unable to update locale" : "Ezin izan da lokalizazioa eguneratu",
"No locale set" : "Ez da lokalizaziorik ezarri",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Ezarri erabiltzailea admin gisa honentzat...",
"Quota" : "Kuota",
"Set user quota" : "Ezarri erabiltzaie-kuota",
+ "Language" : "Hizkuntza",
"Set default language" : "Ezarri hizkuntza lehenetsia",
"Manager" : "Zuzendaria",
"Add new user" : "Gehitu erabiltzaile berria",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fedibertsoa (adibidez, Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webgunea",
"Profile visibility" : "Profilaren ikusgarritasuna",
+ "Locale" : "Eskualdeko ezarpenak",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Ez dago eskuragarri propietate hau oinarrizko funtzionaltasunentzako beharrezkoa delako, fitxategien partekatze eta egutegien gonbidapenak barne",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Ez dago erabilgarri federazioa desgaitu delako zure kontuan, jarri harremanetan sistema-administratzailearekin galderarik baduzu",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Ez dago eskuragarri bilaketa zerbitzarira erabiltzaileen datu zehatzak argitaratzea ez dagoelako baimenduta, jarri harremanetan sistemaren administratzailearekin galderarik baduzu",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Mesedez, baieztatu taldearen ezabaketa",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Aukeratu profil-irudia fitxategietatik",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png edo jpg, gehienez 20MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Zure e-posta",
"Your location" : "Zure kokapena",
"Add new password" : "Gehitu pasahitz berria",
"Add new email address" : "Gehitu e-mail helbide berria",
"Unset as primary email" : "Kendu posta nagusia",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Helbide hau ez dago berretsita",
"Set as primary email" : "Ezarri e-posta nagusi bezala",
- "Your email address" : "Zure e-posta",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Posta elektroniko gehigarria {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Ezin izan da helbide elektroniko nagusia ezabatu",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Ezin izan da helbide elektroniko nagusia eguneratu",
"Additional emails" : "Helbide elektroniko gehigarriak",
"Your handle" : "Zure heldulekua",
"Your headline" : "Zure izenburua",
- "Language" : "Hizkuntza",
"Help translate" : "Lagundu itzultzen",
"Unable to update language" : "Ezin izan da hizkuntza eguneratu",
"No language set" : "Ez da hizkuntzarik ezarri",
- "Locale" : "Eskualdeko ezarpenak",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Astea {firstDayOfWeek} egunean hasten da",
"Unable to update locale" : "Ezin izan da lokalizazioa eguneratu",
"No locale set" : "Ez da lokalizaziorik ezarri",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Ezarri erabiltzailea admin gisa honentzat...",
"Quota" : "Kuota",
"Set user quota" : "Ezarri erabiltzaie-kuota",
+ "Language" : "Hizkuntza",
"Set default language" : "Ezarri hizkuntza lehenetsia",
"Manager" : "Zuzendaria",
"Add new user" : "Gehitu erabiltzaile berria",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fedibertsoa (adibidez, Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webgunea",
"Profile visibility" : "Profilaren ikusgarritasuna",
+ "Locale" : "Eskualdeko ezarpenak",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Ez dago eskuragarri propietate hau oinarrizko funtzionaltasunentzako beharrezkoa delako, fitxategien partekatze eta egutegien gonbidapenak barne",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Ez dago erabilgarri federazioa desgaitu delako zure kontuan, jarri harremanetan sistema-administratzailearekin galderarik baduzu",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Ez dago eskuragarri bilaketa zerbitzarira erabiltzaileen datu zehatzak argitaratzea ez dagoelako baimenduta, jarri harremanetan sistemaren administratzailearekin galderarik baduzu",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Mesedez, baieztatu taldearen ezabaketa",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Aukeratu profil-irudia fitxategietatik",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png edo jpg, gehienez 20MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Zure e-posta",
"Your location" : "Zure kokapena",
"Add new password" : "Gehitu pasahitz berria",
"Add new email address" : "Gehitu e-mail helbide berria",
"Unset as primary email" : "Unset as primary email",
"This address is not confirmed" : "This address is not confirmed",
"Set as primary email" : "Set as primary email",
- "Your email address" : "پست الکترونیکی شما",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Additional email address {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Unable to delete primary email address",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Unable to update primary email address",
"Additional emails" : "Additional emails",
"Your handle" : "Your handle",
"Your headline" : "Your headline",
- "Language" : "زبان",
"Help translate" : "به ترجمه آن کمک کنید",
"Unable to update language" : "Unable to update language",
"No language set" : "زبانی تنظیم نشده است.",
- "Locale" : "محل",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Unable to update locale",
"No locale set" : "No locale set",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Set user as admin for …",
"Quota" : "سهم",
"Set user quota" : "Set user quota",
+ "Language" : "زبان",
"Set default language" : "Set default language",
"Manager" : "Manager",
"Add new user" : "Add new user",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "وب سایت",
"Profile visibility" : "Profile visibility",
+ "Locale" : "محل",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "لطفاً برداشتن گروه را تأیید کنید",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "گزینش نگارهٔ نمایه از پروندهها",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png یا jpg. بیشینه ۲۰ مب",
+ "Your email address" : "پست الکترونیکی شما",
"Your location" : "Your location",
"Add new password" : "رمزعبور جدید اضافه کنید",
"Add new email address" : "آدرس ایمیل جدید اضافه کنید",
"Unset as primary email" : "Unset as primary email",
"This address is not confirmed" : "This address is not confirmed",
"Set as primary email" : "Set as primary email",
- "Your email address" : "پست الکترونیکی شما",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Additional email address {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Unable to delete primary email address",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Unable to update primary email address",
"Additional emails" : "Additional emails",
"Your handle" : "Your handle",
"Your headline" : "Your headline",
- "Language" : "زبان",
"Help translate" : "به ترجمه آن کمک کنید",
"Unable to update language" : "Unable to update language",
"No language set" : "زبانی تنظیم نشده است.",
- "Locale" : "محل",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Unable to update locale",
"No locale set" : "No locale set",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Set user as admin for …",
"Quota" : "سهم",
"Set user quota" : "Set user quota",
+ "Language" : "زبان",
"Set default language" : "Set default language",
"Manager" : "Manager",
"Add new user" : "Add new user",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "وب سایت",
"Profile visibility" : "Profile visibility",
+ "Locale" : "محل",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "لطفاً برداشتن گروه را تأیید کنید",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "گزینش نگارهٔ نمایه از پروندهها",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png یا jpg. بیشینه ۲۰ مب",
+ "Your email address" : "پست الکترونیکی شما",
"Your location" : "Your location",
"Add new password" : "رمزعبور جدید اضافه کنید",
"Add new email address" : "آدرس ایمیل جدید اضافه کنید",
"Unset as primary email" : "Poista ensisijaisesta sähköpostista",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Tätä osoitetta ei ole vahvistettu",
"Set as primary email" : "Aseta ensisijaiseksi sähköpostiosoitteeksi",
- "Your email address" : "Sähköpostiosoitteesi",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Lisäsähköpostiosoite {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Ensisijaista sähköpostiosoitetta ei voitu poistaa",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Ensisijaista sähköpostiosoitetta ei voitu päivittää",
"No email address set" : "Sähköpostiosoitetta ei ole asetettu",
"Additional emails" : "Muut sähköpostit",
"Your headline" : "Otsikkosi",
- "Language" : "Kieli",
"Help translate" : "Auta kääntämisessä",
"Unable to update language" : "Kieltä ei voi päivittää",
"No language set" : "Kieltä ei ole asetettu",
- "Locale" : "Aluekohtainen asetus",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Viikon ensimmäinen päivä on {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Maa-asetuston päivittäminen ei onnistu",
"No locale set" : "Maa-asetustoa ei ole asetettu",
"Set user groups" : "Aseta käyttäjäryhmät",
"Quota" : "Kiintiö",
"Set user quota" : "Aseta käyttäjäkiintiö",
+ "Language" : "Kieli",
"Set default language" : "Aseta oletuskieli",
"Add new user" : "Lisää uusi käyttäjä",
"Username will be autogenerated" : "Käyttäjänimi luodaan automaattisesti",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Verkkosivusto",
"Profile visibility" : "Profiilin näkyvyys",
+ "Locale" : "Aluekohtainen asetus",
"Active apps" : "Aktiiviset sovellukset",
"Disabled apps" : "Käytöstä poistetut sovellukset",
"Updates" : "Päivitykset",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Vahvista ryhmän poistaminen",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Valitse profiilikuva tiedostoista",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png tai jpg, korkeintaan 20 Mt",
+ "Your email address" : "Sähköpostiosoitteesi",
"Your location" : "Sijaintisi",
"Add new password" : "Lisää uusi salasana",
"Add new email address" : "Lisää uusi sähköpostiosoite",
"Unset as primary email" : "Poista ensisijaisesta sähköpostista",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Tätä osoitetta ei ole vahvistettu",
"Set as primary email" : "Aseta ensisijaiseksi sähköpostiosoitteeksi",
- "Your email address" : "Sähköpostiosoitteesi",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Lisäsähköpostiosoite {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Ensisijaista sähköpostiosoitetta ei voitu poistaa",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Ensisijaista sähköpostiosoitetta ei voitu päivittää",
"No email address set" : "Sähköpostiosoitetta ei ole asetettu",
"Additional emails" : "Muut sähköpostit",
"Your headline" : "Otsikkosi",
- "Language" : "Kieli",
"Help translate" : "Auta kääntämisessä",
"Unable to update language" : "Kieltä ei voi päivittää",
"No language set" : "Kieltä ei ole asetettu",
- "Locale" : "Aluekohtainen asetus",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Viikon ensimmäinen päivä on {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Maa-asetuston päivittäminen ei onnistu",
"No locale set" : "Maa-asetustoa ei ole asetettu",
"Set user groups" : "Aseta käyttäjäryhmät",
"Quota" : "Kiintiö",
"Set user quota" : "Aseta käyttäjäkiintiö",
+ "Language" : "Kieli",
"Set default language" : "Aseta oletuskieli",
"Add new user" : "Lisää uusi käyttäjä",
"Username will be autogenerated" : "Käyttäjänimi luodaan automaattisesti",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Verkkosivusto",
"Profile visibility" : "Profiilin näkyvyys",
+ "Locale" : "Aluekohtainen asetus",
"Active apps" : "Aktiiviset sovellukset",
"Disabled apps" : "Käytöstä poistetut sovellukset",
"Updates" : "Päivitykset",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Vahvista ryhmän poistaminen",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Valitse profiilikuva tiedostoista",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png tai jpg, korkeintaan 20 Mt",
+ "Your email address" : "Sähköpostiosoitteesi",
"Your location" : "Sijaintisi",
"Add new password" : "Lisää uusi salasana",
"Add new email address" : "Lisää uusi sähköpostiosoite",
"Unset as primary email" : "Ne plus définir comme adresse e-mail principale",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Cette adresse n'est pas confirmée",
"Set as primary email" : "Définir comme adresse e-mail principale",
- "Your email address" : "Votre adresse e-mail",
"Additional email address {index}" : "E-mail supplémentaire {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Impossible de supprimer l'adresse e-mail principale",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Impossible de modifier l'adresse e-mail principale",
"Additional emails" : "E-mails suplémentaires",
"Your handle" : "Votre identifiant",
"Your headline" : "Votre titre",
- "Language" : "Langue",
"Help translate" : "Aidez à traduire",
"Unable to update language" : "Impossible de modifier la langue",
"No language set" : "Aucune langue définie",
- "Locale" : "Paramètres régionaux",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Les semaines commencent le {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Impossible de mettre à jour les paramètres régionaux",
"No locale set" : "Paramètres régionaux non définis",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Définir l'utilisateur comme administrateur pour…",
"Quota" : "Quota",
"Set user quota" : "Définir le quota de l'utilisateur",
+ "Language" : "Langue",
"Set default language" : "Définir la langue par défaut",
"Manager" : "Gestionnaire",
"Add new user" : "Ajouter un nouvel utilisateur",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (ex. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Site web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilité du profil",
+ "Locale" : "Paramètres régionaux",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Non disponible car cette propriété est requise pour les fonctionnalités essentielles comme le partage de fichiers et les invitations de l'agenda.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non disponible car la fédération a été désactivée pour votre compte, contactez votre administrateur système si vous avez des questions.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non disponible car la publication de données spécifiques d'un utilisateur au serveur de recherche est interdit, contacter votre administrateur système si vous avez des questions",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Veuillez confirmer la suppression du groupe",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Choisir une image parmi les fichiers",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ou jpg, max. 20 Mo",
+ "Your email address" : "Votre adresse e-mail",
"Your location" : "Votre localisation",
"Add new password" : "Ajouter un nouveau mot de passe",
"Add new email address" : "Ajouter une nouvelle adresse e-mail",
"Unset as primary email" : "Ne plus définir comme adresse e-mail principale",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Cette adresse n'est pas confirmée",
"Set as primary email" : "Définir comme adresse e-mail principale",
- "Your email address" : "Votre adresse e-mail",
"Additional email address {index}" : "E-mail supplémentaire {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Impossible de supprimer l'adresse e-mail principale",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Impossible de modifier l'adresse e-mail principale",
"Additional emails" : "E-mails suplémentaires",
"Your handle" : "Votre identifiant",
"Your headline" : "Votre titre",
- "Language" : "Langue",
"Help translate" : "Aidez à traduire",
"Unable to update language" : "Impossible de modifier la langue",
"No language set" : "Aucune langue définie",
- "Locale" : "Paramètres régionaux",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Les semaines commencent le {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Impossible de mettre à jour les paramètres régionaux",
"No locale set" : "Paramètres régionaux non définis",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Définir l'utilisateur comme administrateur pour…",
"Quota" : "Quota",
"Set user quota" : "Définir le quota de l'utilisateur",
+ "Language" : "Langue",
"Set default language" : "Définir la langue par défaut",
"Manager" : "Gestionnaire",
"Add new user" : "Ajouter un nouvel utilisateur",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (ex. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Site web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilité du profil",
+ "Locale" : "Paramètres régionaux",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Non disponible car cette propriété est requise pour les fonctionnalités essentielles comme le partage de fichiers et les invitations de l'agenda.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non disponible car la fédération a été désactivée pour votre compte, contactez votre administrateur système si vous avez des questions.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non disponible car la publication de données spécifiques d'un utilisateur au serveur de recherche est interdit, contacter votre administrateur système si vous avez des questions",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Veuillez confirmer la suppression du groupe",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Choisir une image parmi les fichiers",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ou jpg, max. 20 Mo",
+ "Your email address" : "Votre adresse e-mail",
"Your location" : "Votre localisation",
"Add new password" : "Ajouter un nouveau mot de passe",
"Add new email address" : "Ajouter une nouvelle adresse e-mail",
"Unset as primary email" : "Desactivar como correo principal",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Este enderezo non está confirmado",
"Set as primary email" : "Estabelecer como correo principal",
- "Your email address" : "O seu enderezo de correo",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Enderezo de correo adicional {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Non é posíbel eliminar o enderezo de correo principal",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Non é posíbel actualizar o enderezo de correo principal",
"Additional emails" : "Correos adicionais",
"Your handle" : "O seu identificador",
"Your headline" : "O seu titular",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Axude na tradución",
"Unable to update language" : "Non é posíbel actualizar o idioma",
"No language set" : "Non foi estabelecido ningún idioma",
- "Locale" : "Configuración rexional",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "A semana comeza o {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Non é posíbel actualizar a configuración rexional",
"No locale set" : "Non foi estabelecida ningunha configuración rexional",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Estabelecer o usuario como administrador para…",
"Quota" : "Cota",
"Set user quota" : "Estabelecer a cota de usuario",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Set default language" : "Estabelecer o idioma predeterminado",
"Manager" : "Xestor/a",
"Add new user" : "Engadir un novo usuario",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverso (p. ex., Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Sitio web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilidade do perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Configuración rexional",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Non está dispoñíbel porque esta propiedade é precisa para as funcións básicas, como compartir ficheiros e convites de calendario",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non está dispoñíbel porque a federación foi desactivada para a súa conta, póñase en contacto coa administración do sistema se ten algunha dúbida",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non está dispoñíbel porque non se permite publicar datos específicos do usuario no servidor de buscas, póñase en contacto coa administración do sistema se ten algunha dúbida",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Confirme a retirada do grupo ",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Escolla a imaxe de perfil en ficheiros",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ou jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "O seu enderezo de correo",
"Your location" : "A súa localización",
"Add new password" : "Engadir un novo contrasinal",
"Add new email address" : "Engadir un novo enderezo de correo",
"Unset as primary email" : "Desactivar como correo principal",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Este enderezo non está confirmado",
"Set as primary email" : "Estabelecer como correo principal",
- "Your email address" : "O seu enderezo de correo",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Enderezo de correo adicional {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Non é posíbel eliminar o enderezo de correo principal",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Non é posíbel actualizar o enderezo de correo principal",
"Additional emails" : "Correos adicionais",
"Your handle" : "O seu identificador",
"Your headline" : "O seu titular",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Axude na tradución",
"Unable to update language" : "Non é posíbel actualizar o idioma",
"No language set" : "Non foi estabelecido ningún idioma",
- "Locale" : "Configuración rexional",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "A semana comeza o {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Non é posíbel actualizar a configuración rexional",
"No locale set" : "Non foi estabelecida ningunha configuración rexional",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Estabelecer o usuario como administrador para…",
"Quota" : "Cota",
"Set user quota" : "Estabelecer a cota de usuario",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Set default language" : "Estabelecer o idioma predeterminado",
"Manager" : "Xestor/a",
"Add new user" : "Engadir un novo usuario",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverso (p. ex., Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Sitio web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilidade do perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Configuración rexional",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Non está dispoñíbel porque esta propiedade é precisa para as funcións básicas, como compartir ficheiros e convites de calendario",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non está dispoñíbel porque a federación foi desactivada para a súa conta, póñase en contacto coa administración do sistema se ten algunha dúbida",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non está dispoñíbel porque non se permite publicar datos específicos do usuario no servidor de buscas, póñase en contacto coa administración do sistema se ten algunha dúbida",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Confirme a retirada do grupo ",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Escolla a imaxe de perfil en ficheiros",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ou jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "O seu enderezo de correo",
"Your location" : "A súa localización",
"Add new password" : "Engadir un novo contrasinal",
"Add new email address" : "Engadir un novo enderezo de correo",
"Picture provided by original account" : "תמונה סופקה על ידי חשבון מקור",
"Details" : "פרטים",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "הקבוצות הבאות כוללות אותך:",
- "Your email address" : "כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך",
"No email address set" : "לא נקבעה כתובת דואר אלקטרוני",
- "Language" : "שפה",
"Help translate" : "עזרה בתרגום",
"No language set" : "לא הוגדרה שפה",
- "Locale" : "הגדרות אזוריות",
"Your phone number" : "מספר הטלפון שלך",
"Add" : "הוספה",
"Default language" : "שפת בררת מחדל",
"Display name" : "שם תצוגה",
"Email" : "דוא״ל",
"Quota" : "מכיסה",
+ "Language" : "שפה",
"Avatar" : "תמונה מייצגת",
"Group admin for" : "הנהלת הקבוצה",
"User backend" : "מנגנון משתמש",
"Phone number" : "מספר טלפון",
"Twitter" : "טוויטר",
"Website" : "אתר",
+ "Locale" : "הגדרות אזוריות",
"Active apps" : "יישומונים פעילים",
"Disabled apps" : "יישומונים מושבתים",
"Updates" : "עדכונים",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "פעולה זו תסיר את הקבוצה {group}. המשתמשים ﬥﬡ יימחקו.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "נא לאשר את הסרת הקבוצה",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png או jpg, מקסימום 20 מגה-בייט",
+ "Your email address" : "כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך",
"Add new password" : "הוספת ססמה חדשה",
"Add new email address" : "הוספת כתובת דוא״ל חדשה",
"Edit User" : "עריכת משתמש",
"Picture provided by original account" : "תמונה סופקה על ידי חשבון מקור",
"Details" : "פרטים",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "הקבוצות הבאות כוללות אותך:",
- "Your email address" : "כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך",
"No email address set" : "לא נקבעה כתובת דואר אלקטרוני",
- "Language" : "שפה",
"Help translate" : "עזרה בתרגום",
"No language set" : "לא הוגדרה שפה",
- "Locale" : "הגדרות אזוריות",
"Your phone number" : "מספר הטלפון שלך",
"Add" : "הוספה",
"Default language" : "שפת בררת מחדל",
"Display name" : "שם תצוגה",
"Email" : "דוא״ל",
"Quota" : "מכיסה",
+ "Language" : "שפה",
"Avatar" : "תמונה מייצגת",
"Group admin for" : "הנהלת הקבוצה",
"User backend" : "מנגנון משתמש",
"Phone number" : "מספר טלפון",
"Twitter" : "טוויטר",
"Website" : "אתר",
+ "Locale" : "הגדרות אזוריות",
"Active apps" : "יישומונים פעילים",
"Disabled apps" : "יישומונים מושבתים",
"Updates" : "עדכונים",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "פעולה זו תסיר את הקבוצה {group}. המשתמשים ﬥﬡ יימחקו.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "נא לאשר את הסרת הקבוצה",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png או jpg, מקסימום 20 מגה-בייט",
+ "Your email address" : "כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך",
"Add new password" : "הוספת ססמה חדשה",
"Add new email address" : "הוספת כתובת דוא״ל חדשה",
"Edit User" : "עריכת משתמש",
"Unset as primary email" : "Poništi primarnu adresu e-pošte",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ova adresa nije potvrđena",
"Set as primary email" : "Postavi kao primarnu adresu e-pošte",
- "Your email address" : "Vaša adresa e-pošte",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Dodatne adrese e-pošte {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Nije moguće izbrisati primarnu adresu e-pošte",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Nije moguće ažurirati primarnu adresu e-pošte",
"No email address set" : "Nije postavljena adresa e-pošte",
"Additional emails" : "Dodatne adrese e-pošte",
"Your headline" : "Vaš naslov",
- "Language" : "Jezik",
"Help translate" : "Pomozite prevesti",
"Unable to update language" : "Nije moguće ažurirati jezik",
"No language set" : "Nije postavljen jezik",
- "Locale" : "Lokacija",
"Your organisation" : "Vaša organizacija",
"Your phone number" : "Vaš broj telefona",
"Edit your Profile visibility" : "Uredite vidljivost profila",
"Display name" : "Ime za prikaz",
"Email" : "E-pošta",
"Quota" : "Kvota",
+ "Language" : "Jezik",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrator grupe za",
"User backend" : "Korisnički pozadinski sustav",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Web-mjesto",
"Profile visibility" : "Vidljivost profila",
+ "Locale" : "Lokacija",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Nije dostupno jer je ovo svojstvo potrebno za osnovnu funkcionalnost, uključujući dijeljenje datoteka i pozivnice za kalendar",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nije dostupno jer nije dopušteno objavljivanje korisničkih podataka na poslužitelju pretraživanja, obratite se administratoru sustava ako imate pitanja",
"Active apps" : "Aktivne aplikacije",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Izbrisat ćete grupu {group}. Korisnici NEĆE biti izbrisani.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potvrdite uklanjanje grupe ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ili jpg, maks. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Vaša adresa e-pošte",
"Add new password" : "Dodaj novu zaporku",
"Add new email address" : "Dodaj novu adresu e-pošte",
"Edit User" : "Uredi korisnika",
"Unset as primary email" : "Poništi primarnu adresu e-pošte",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ova adresa nije potvrđena",
"Set as primary email" : "Postavi kao primarnu adresu e-pošte",
- "Your email address" : "Vaša adresa e-pošte",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Dodatne adrese e-pošte {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Nije moguće izbrisati primarnu adresu e-pošte",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Nije moguće ažurirati primarnu adresu e-pošte",
"No email address set" : "Nije postavljena adresa e-pošte",
"Additional emails" : "Dodatne adrese e-pošte",
"Your headline" : "Vaš naslov",
- "Language" : "Jezik",
"Help translate" : "Pomozite prevesti",
"Unable to update language" : "Nije moguće ažurirati jezik",
"No language set" : "Nije postavljen jezik",
- "Locale" : "Lokacija",
"Your organisation" : "Vaša organizacija",
"Your phone number" : "Vaš broj telefona",
"Edit your Profile visibility" : "Uredite vidljivost profila",
"Display name" : "Ime za prikaz",
"Email" : "E-pošta",
"Quota" : "Kvota",
+ "Language" : "Jezik",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrator grupe za",
"User backend" : "Korisnički pozadinski sustav",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Web-mjesto",
"Profile visibility" : "Vidljivost profila",
+ "Locale" : "Lokacija",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Nije dostupno jer je ovo svojstvo potrebno za osnovnu funkcionalnost, uključujući dijeljenje datoteka i pozivnice za kalendar",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nije dostupno jer nije dopušteno objavljivanje korisničkih podataka na poslužitelju pretraživanja, obratite se administratoru sustava ako imate pitanja",
"Active apps" : "Aktivne aplikacije",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Izbrisat ćete grupu {group}. Korisnici NEĆE biti izbrisani.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potvrdite uklanjanje grupe ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ili jpg, maks. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Vaša adresa e-pošte",
"Add new password" : "Dodaj novu zaporku",
"Add new email address" : "Dodaj novu adresu e-pošte",
"Edit User" : "Uredi korisnika",
"Reshare" : "Megosztás újra",
"Unlimited" : "Korlátlan",
"Verifying" : "Ellenőrzés",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "Régi felhasználói importált tanúsítvány ellenőrzése",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Függőben van egy háttérfolyamat, amely ellenőrzi a felhasználó által importált SSL-tanúsítványokat. Kérjük, nézzen vissza később. ",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Vannak olyan felhasználók által importált SSL-tanúsítványok, melyeket a Nextcloud 21 már nem használ. Importálhatók parancssorból az „occ security: certificate: import” paranccsal. Az adatkönyvtárban található elérési utak az alábbiakban láthatók.",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "Helyi telefonrégió ellenőrzése",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "A telepítéshez nincs megadva alapértelmezett telefonrégió. Erre a telefonszámok országkód nélküli hitelesítéséhez van szükség a profilbeállításokban. Ha országkód nélküli számokat szeretne engedélyezni, vegye fel a konfigurációs fájlba az „default_phone_region” szót a régió megfelelő ISO 3166-1 kódjával.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "Internetkapcsolat",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "Az internetkapcsolat le van tiltva a konfigurációs fájlban.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Ennek a kiszolgálónak nincs működő internetkapcsolata: több végpont nem érhető el. Ez azt jelenti, hogy néhány funkció, mint például a külső tárolók csatolása, a frissítési értesítések, vagy a harmadik féltől származó alkalmazások telepítése nem fog működni. Lehet, hogy a fájlok távoli elérése és az e-mail értesítések sem működnek. Létesítsen internetkapcsolatot a kiszolgálón, ha minden funkciót használni szeretne.",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "A régi szerveroldali titkosítás letiltásának ellenőrzése",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "A régi kiszolgálóoldali titkosítási formátum engedélyezett. Javasoljuk ennek letiltását.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "Alapértelmezett PHP karakterkészlet ellenőrzése",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "A PHP konfigurációs beállítása default_charset UTF-8 legyen",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "PHP verzió ellenőrzése",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "A jelenlegi PHP verzió PHP %s. A PHP 8.0 már elavult a Nextcloud 27-ben. A Nextcloud 28-hoz legalább PHP 8.1 szükséges. Frissítsen az egyik hivatalosan támogatott PHP verzióra, melyet a PHP Group biztosít.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "A jelenlegi PHP verzió: %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "PHP output_buffering opció ellenőrzése",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "A PHP konfigurációs opciójának output_buffering letiltása kötelező",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "Konfigurációs fájl hozzáféréseinek ellenőrzése",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "Csak olvasható beállítófájl engedélyezve. Ez meggátolja a beállítások módosítását a webes felületről. Továbbá, a fájlt kézzel kell írhatóvá tenni minden módosításhoz.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "A Nextcloud konfigurációs fájl írható",
+ "Checking for database version" : "Adatbázis verzió ellenőrzése",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "A MariaDB következő verziója van használatban: „%s”. A Nextcloud 21 és az újabb verziók már nem támogatják ezt a verziót, legalább a MariaDB 10.2-es verziója szükséges.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "A MySQL következő verziója van használatban: „%s”. A Nextcloud 21 és az újabb verziók már nem támogatják ezt a verziót, legalább a MySQL 8.0-s vagy a MariaDB 10.2-es verziója szükséges.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "A PostgreSQL következő verziója van használatban: „%s”. A Nextcloud 21 és az újabb verziók már nem támogatják ezt a verziót, legalább a PostgreSQL 9.6-os verziója szükséges.",
"Unset as primary email" : "Elsődleges e-mail-cím eltávolítása",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ez a cím nincs megerősítve",
"Set as primary email" : "Beállítás elsődleges e-mail-címként",
- "Your email address" : "Az Ön e-mail-címe",
"Additional email address {index}" : "{index}. további e-mail-cím",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Az elsődleges e-mail-cím nem törölhető",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Az elsődleges e-mail-cím nem frissíthető",
"Additional emails" : "További e-mail-címek",
"Your handle" : "Az Ön fiókneve",
"Your headline" : "Az Ön címsora",
- "Language" : "Nyelv",
"Help translate" : "Segítsen a fordításban",
"Unable to update language" : "A nyelv nem frissíthető",
"No language set" : "Nyelv nincs beállítva",
- "Locale" : "Területi beállítás",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "A hét kezdete: {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "A területi beállítás nem frissíthető",
"No locale set" : "Nincs területi beállítás megadva",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Felhasználó beállítása rendszergazdaként itt:",
"Quota" : "Kvóta",
"Set user quota" : "Felhasználói kvóta beállítása",
+ "Language" : "Nyelv",
"Set default language" : "Alapértelmezett nyelv beállítása",
"Manager" : "Kezelő",
"Add new user" : "Új felhasználó hozzáadása",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Födiverzum (például Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Weboldal",
"Profile visibility" : "Profil láthatósága",
+ "Locale" : "Területi beállítás",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Nem érhető el, mivel ez a tulajdonság szükséges a fő funkciókhoz, köztük a fájlmegosztáshoz és a naptármeghívásokhoz.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nem érhető el, mert a föderálás le lett tiltva a fióknál, ha kérdése van, lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nem érhető el, mert a felhasználóspecifikus adatok közzététele a lekérési kiszolgáló felé nem engedélyezett, ha kérdése van, lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Erősítse meg a csoport eltávolítását",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Válasszon profilképet a fájlok közül",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png vagy jpg, legfeljebb 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Az Ön e-mail-címe",
"Your location" : "A saját helye",
"Add new password" : "Új jelszó hozzáadása",
"Add new email address" : "Új e-mail-cím hozzáadása",
"Reshare" : "Megosztás újra",
"Unlimited" : "Korlátlan",
"Verifying" : "Ellenőrzés",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "Régi felhasználói importált tanúsítvány ellenőrzése",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Függőben van egy háttérfolyamat, amely ellenőrzi a felhasználó által importált SSL-tanúsítványokat. Kérjük, nézzen vissza később. ",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Vannak olyan felhasználók által importált SSL-tanúsítványok, melyeket a Nextcloud 21 már nem használ. Importálhatók parancssorból az „occ security: certificate: import” paranccsal. Az adatkönyvtárban található elérési utak az alábbiakban láthatók.",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "Helyi telefonrégió ellenőrzése",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "A telepítéshez nincs megadva alapértelmezett telefonrégió. Erre a telefonszámok országkód nélküli hitelesítéséhez van szükség a profilbeállításokban. Ha országkód nélküli számokat szeretne engedélyezni, vegye fel a konfigurációs fájlba az „default_phone_region” szót a régió megfelelő ISO 3166-1 kódjával.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "Internetkapcsolat",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "Az internetkapcsolat le van tiltva a konfigurációs fájlban.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Ennek a kiszolgálónak nincs működő internetkapcsolata: több végpont nem érhető el. Ez azt jelenti, hogy néhány funkció, mint például a külső tárolók csatolása, a frissítési értesítések, vagy a harmadik féltől származó alkalmazások telepítése nem fog működni. Lehet, hogy a fájlok távoli elérése és az e-mail értesítések sem működnek. Létesítsen internetkapcsolatot a kiszolgálón, ha minden funkciót használni szeretne.",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "A régi szerveroldali titkosítás letiltásának ellenőrzése",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "A régi kiszolgálóoldali titkosítási formátum engedélyezett. Javasoljuk ennek letiltását.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "Alapértelmezett PHP karakterkészlet ellenőrzése",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "A PHP konfigurációs beállítása default_charset UTF-8 legyen",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "PHP verzió ellenőrzése",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "A jelenlegi PHP verzió PHP %s. A PHP 8.0 már elavult a Nextcloud 27-ben. A Nextcloud 28-hoz legalább PHP 8.1 szükséges. Frissítsen az egyik hivatalosan támogatott PHP verzióra, melyet a PHP Group biztosít.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "A jelenlegi PHP verzió: %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "PHP output_buffering opció ellenőrzése",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "A PHP konfigurációs opciójának output_buffering letiltása kötelező",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "Konfigurációs fájl hozzáféréseinek ellenőrzése",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "Csak olvasható beállítófájl engedélyezve. Ez meggátolja a beállítások módosítását a webes felületről. Továbbá, a fájlt kézzel kell írhatóvá tenni minden módosításhoz.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "A Nextcloud konfigurációs fájl írható",
+ "Checking for database version" : "Adatbázis verzió ellenőrzése",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "A MariaDB következő verziója van használatban: „%s”. A Nextcloud 21 és az újabb verziók már nem támogatják ezt a verziót, legalább a MariaDB 10.2-es verziója szükséges.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "A MySQL következő verziója van használatban: „%s”. A Nextcloud 21 és az újabb verziók már nem támogatják ezt a verziót, legalább a MySQL 8.0-s vagy a MariaDB 10.2-es verziója szükséges.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "A PostgreSQL következő verziója van használatban: „%s”. A Nextcloud 21 és az újabb verziók már nem támogatják ezt a verziót, legalább a PostgreSQL 9.6-os verziója szükséges.",
"Unset as primary email" : "Elsődleges e-mail-cím eltávolítása",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ez a cím nincs megerősítve",
"Set as primary email" : "Beállítás elsődleges e-mail-címként",
- "Your email address" : "Az Ön e-mail-címe",
"Additional email address {index}" : "{index}. további e-mail-cím",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Az elsődleges e-mail-cím nem törölhető",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Az elsődleges e-mail-cím nem frissíthető",
"Additional emails" : "További e-mail-címek",
"Your handle" : "Az Ön fiókneve",
"Your headline" : "Az Ön címsora",
- "Language" : "Nyelv",
"Help translate" : "Segítsen a fordításban",
"Unable to update language" : "A nyelv nem frissíthető",
"No language set" : "Nyelv nincs beállítva",
- "Locale" : "Területi beállítás",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "A hét kezdete: {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "A területi beállítás nem frissíthető",
"No locale set" : "Nincs területi beállítás megadva",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Felhasználó beállítása rendszergazdaként itt:",
"Quota" : "Kvóta",
"Set user quota" : "Felhasználói kvóta beállítása",
+ "Language" : "Nyelv",
"Set default language" : "Alapértelmezett nyelv beállítása",
"Manager" : "Kezelő",
"Add new user" : "Új felhasználó hozzáadása",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Födiverzum (például Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Weboldal",
"Profile visibility" : "Profil láthatósága",
+ "Locale" : "Területi beállítás",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Nem érhető el, mivel ez a tulajdonság szükséges a fő funkciókhoz, köztük a fájlmegosztáshoz és a naptármeghívásokhoz.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nem érhető el, mert a föderálás le lett tiltva a fióknál, ha kérdése van, lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nem érhető el, mert a felhasználóspecifikus adatok közzététele a lekérési kiszolgáló felé nem engedélyezett, ha kérdése van, lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Erősítse meg a csoport eltávolítását",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Válasszon profilképet a fájlok közül",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png vagy jpg, legfeljebb 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Az Ön e-mail-címe",
"Your location" : "A saját helye",
"Add new password" : "Új jelszó hozzáadása",
"Add new email address" : "Új e-mail-cím hozzáadása",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contrasigno",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Pictura fornite per conto original",
"Details" : "Detalios",
- "Your email address" : "Tu adresse de e-posta",
"No email address set" : "Nulle adresse de e-posta definite",
- "Language" : "Lingua",
"Help translate" : "Adjuta a traducer",
"Your phone number" : "Tu numero de telephono",
"Your website" : "Tu sito web",
"Display name" : "Monstrar nomine",
"Email" : "E-posta",
"Quota" : "Quota",
+ "Language" : "Lingua",
"Edit" : "Modificar",
"Send email" : "Inviar message de e-posta",
"Default quota" : "Quota predefinite",
"Enforce password protection" : "Exiger protection per contrasigno",
"Set default expiration date" : "Assignar data predefinite de expiration",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "formato png o jpg, dimension maxime 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu adresse de e-posta",
"Add group" : "Adder gruppo",
"Send email to new user" : "Inviar message de e-posta a nove usator",
"Change password" : "Cambiar contrasigno",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Pictura fornite per conto original",
"Details" : "Detalios",
- "Your email address" : "Tu adresse de e-posta",
"No email address set" : "Nulle adresse de e-posta definite",
- "Language" : "Lingua",
"Help translate" : "Adjuta a traducer",
"Your phone number" : "Tu numero de telephono",
"Your website" : "Tu sito web",
"Display name" : "Monstrar nomine",
"Email" : "E-posta",
"Quota" : "Quota",
+ "Language" : "Lingua",
"Edit" : "Modificar",
"Send email" : "Inviar message de e-posta",
"Default quota" : "Quota predefinite",
"Enforce password protection" : "Exiger protection per contrasigno",
"Set default expiration date" : "Assignar data predefinite de expiration",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "formato png o jpg, dimension maxime 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Tu adresse de e-posta",
"Add group" : "Adder gruppo",
"Send email to new user" : "Inviar message de e-posta a nove usator",
"Primary email for password reset and notifications" : "Surel utama untuk pengaturan ulang kata sandi dan pemberitahuan",
"Remove primary email" : "Hapus surel utama",
"Delete email" : "Hapus surel",
- "Your email address" : "Alamat surel Anda",
"No email address set" : "Alamat surel tidak diatur",
- "Language" : "Bahasa",
"Help translate" : "Bantu menerjemahkan",
"No language set" : "Tidak ada bahasa yang disetel",
"Your phone number" : "Nomor telefon Anda",
"Display name" : "Nama tampilan",
"Email" : "Surel",
"Quota" : "Kuota",
+ "Language" : "Bahasa",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Grup admin untuk",
"User backend" : "Backend pengguna",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Anda akan menghapus grup {group}. Pengguna di dalamnya TIDAK akan dihapus.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Mohon konfirmasi penghapusan grup",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png atau jpg, maks. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Alamat surel Anda",
"Add a new user" : "Tambah pengguna baru",
"No users in here" : "Tidak ada pengguna di sini",
"Add group" : "Tambah grup",
"Primary email for password reset and notifications" : "Surel utama untuk pengaturan ulang kata sandi dan pemberitahuan",
"Remove primary email" : "Hapus surel utama",
"Delete email" : "Hapus surel",
- "Your email address" : "Alamat surel Anda",
"No email address set" : "Alamat surel tidak diatur",
- "Language" : "Bahasa",
"Help translate" : "Bantu menerjemahkan",
"No language set" : "Tidak ada bahasa yang disetel",
"Your phone number" : "Nomor telefon Anda",
"Display name" : "Nama tampilan",
"Email" : "Surel",
"Quota" : "Kuota",
+ "Language" : "Bahasa",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Grup admin untuk",
"User backend" : "Backend pengguna",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Anda akan menghapus grup {group}. Pengguna di dalamnya TIDAK akan dihapus.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Mohon konfirmasi penghapusan grup",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png atau jpg, maks. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Alamat surel Anda",
"Add a new user" : "Tambah pengguna baru",
"No users in here" : "Tidak ada pengguna di sini",
"Add group" : "Tambah grup",
"Details" : "Nánar",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "Þú ert meðlimur eftirfarandi hópa:",
"Delete email" : "Eyða tölvupósti",
- "Your email address" : "Netfangið þitt",
"No email address set" : "Ekkert tölvupóstfang sett",
- "Language" : "Tungumál",
"Help translate" : "Hjálpa við þýðingu",
"No language set" : "Ekkert tungumál skilgreint",
- "Locale" : "Staðfærsla",
"Your phone number" : "Símanúmerið þitt",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Twitter notandanafnið þitt",
"Your website" : "Vefsvæðið þitt",
"Display name" : "Birtingarnafn",
"Email" : "Netfang",
"Quota" : "Kvóti",
+ "Language" : "Tungumál",
"Avatar" : "Auðkennismynd",
"Group admin for" : "Hópstjóri fyrir",
"User backend" : "Bakendi notanda",
"Role" : "Role",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Vefsvæði",
+ "Locale" : "Staðfærsla",
"Active apps" : "Virk forrit",
"Disabled apps" : "Óvirk forrit",
"Updates" : "Uppfærslur",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Þú er í þann mund að fara að fjarlægja hópinn {group}. Notendunum verður EKKI eytt.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Staðfestu fjarlægingu hópsins",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png eða jpg, hám. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Netfangið þitt",
"Will be autogenerated" : "Verður útbúið sjálfvirkt",
"Add a new user" : "Bæta við nýjum notanda",
"No users in here" : "Engir notendur hér",
"Details" : "Nánar",
"You are a member of the following groups:" : "Þú ert meðlimur eftirfarandi hópa:",
"Delete email" : "Eyða tölvupósti",
- "Your email address" : "Netfangið þitt",
"No email address set" : "Ekkert tölvupóstfang sett",
- "Language" : "Tungumál",
"Help translate" : "Hjálpa við þýðingu",
"No language set" : "Ekkert tungumál skilgreint",
- "Locale" : "Staðfærsla",
"Your phone number" : "Símanúmerið þitt",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Twitter notandanafnið þitt",
"Your website" : "Vefsvæðið þitt",
"Display name" : "Birtingarnafn",
"Email" : "Netfang",
"Quota" : "Kvóti",
+ "Language" : "Tungumál",
"Avatar" : "Auðkennismynd",
"Group admin for" : "Hópstjóri fyrir",
"User backend" : "Bakendi notanda",
"Role" : "Role",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Vefsvæði",
+ "Locale" : "Staðfærsla",
"Active apps" : "Virk forrit",
"Disabled apps" : "Óvirk forrit",
"Updates" : "Uppfærslur",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Þú er í þann mund að fara að fjarlægja hópinn {group}. Notendunum verður EKKI eytt.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Staðfestu fjarlægingu hópsins",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png eða jpg, hám. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Netfangið þitt",
"Will be autogenerated" : "Verður útbúið sjálfvirkt",
"Add a new user" : "Bæta við nýjum notanda",
"No users in here" : "Engir notendur hér",
"Unset as primary email" : "Togli dall'email principale",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Questo indirizzo non è confermato",
"Set as primary email" : "Imposta come email principale",
- "Your email address" : "Il tuo indirizzo email",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Indirizzo email aggiuntivo {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Impossibile eliminare l'indirizzo di posta principale",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Impossibile aggiornare l'indirizzo di posta principale",
"Additional emails" : "Email aggiuntive",
"Your handle" : "Il tuo collegamento",
"Your headline" : "Il tuo titolo",
- "Language" : "Lingua",
"Help translate" : "Migliora la traduzione",
"Unable to update language" : "Impossibile aggiornare la lingua",
"No language set" : "Nessuna lingua impostata",
- "Locale" : "Localizzazione",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "La settimana inizia: {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Impossibile aggiornare la lingua",
"No locale set" : "Nessuna lingua impostata",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Imposta utente come admin di …",
"Quota" : "Quote",
"Set user quota" : "Imposta quota utente",
+ "Language" : "Lingua",
"Set default language" : "Imposta lingua predefinita",
"Manager" : "Responsabile",
"Add new user" : "Aggiungi nuovo utente",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverso (es. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Sito web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilità del profilo",
+ "Locale" : "Localizzazione",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Non disponibile poiché questa proprietà è necessaria per funzioni di base inclusi la condivisione di file e gli inviti via calendario.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non disponibile poiché la federazione è stata disattivata per il tuo account, contatta l'amministratore di sistema se hai domande",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non disponibile poiché pubblicare dati specifici dell'utente sul server di ricerca non è permesso, contatta l'amministratore di sistema se hai domande",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Conferma la rimozione del gruppo",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Scegli immagine del profilo dai file",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Il tuo indirizzo email",
"Your location" : "La tua posizione",
"Add new password" : "Aggiungi nuova password",
"Add new email address" : "Aggiungi nuovo indirizzo email",
"Unset as primary email" : "Togli dall'email principale",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Questo indirizzo non è confermato",
"Set as primary email" : "Imposta come email principale",
- "Your email address" : "Il tuo indirizzo email",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Indirizzo email aggiuntivo {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Impossibile eliminare l'indirizzo di posta principale",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Impossibile aggiornare l'indirizzo di posta principale",
"Additional emails" : "Email aggiuntive",
"Your handle" : "Il tuo collegamento",
"Your headline" : "Il tuo titolo",
- "Language" : "Lingua",
"Help translate" : "Migliora la traduzione",
"Unable to update language" : "Impossibile aggiornare la lingua",
"No language set" : "Nessuna lingua impostata",
- "Locale" : "Localizzazione",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "La settimana inizia: {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Impossibile aggiornare la lingua",
"No locale set" : "Nessuna lingua impostata",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Imposta utente come admin di …",
"Quota" : "Quote",
"Set user quota" : "Imposta quota utente",
+ "Language" : "Lingua",
"Set default language" : "Imposta lingua predefinita",
"Manager" : "Responsabile",
"Add new user" : "Aggiungi nuovo utente",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverso (es. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Sito web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilità del profilo",
+ "Locale" : "Localizzazione",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Non disponibile poiché questa proprietà è necessaria per funzioni di base inclusi la condivisione di file e gli inviti via calendario.",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non disponibile poiché la federazione è stata disattivata per il tuo account, contatta l'amministratore di sistema se hai domande",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Non disponibile poiché pubblicare dati specifici dell'utente sul server di ricerca non è permesso, contatta l'amministratore di sistema se hai domande",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Conferma la rimozione del gruppo",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Scegli immagine del profilo dai file",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Il tuo indirizzo email",
"Your location" : "La tua posizione",
"Add new password" : "Aggiungi nuova password",
"Add new email address" : "Aggiungi nuovo indirizzo email",
"Unset as primary email" : "基本メールアドレスを解除",
"This address is not confirmed" : "このアドレスは確認できていません",
"Set as primary email" : "基本メールアドレスに設定",
- "Your email address" : "あなたのメールアドレス",
"Additional email address {index}" : "その他のメールアドレス {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "基本メールアドレスを削除できませんでした",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "基本メールアドレスを更新できませんでした",
"Additional emails" : "その他のメールアドレス",
"Your handle" : "あなたのハンドル",
"Your headline" : "あなたのヘッドライン",
- "Language" : "言語",
"Help translate" : "翻訳に協力する",
"Unable to update language" : "言語設定を更新できませんでした",
"No language set" : "言語設定なし",
- "Locale" : "ロケール",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "週の始まりは{firstDayOfWeek}です。",
"Unable to update locale" : "ロケールを更新できませんでした",
"No locale set" : "ロケールは未設定",
"Set user as admin for …" : "ユーザーを管理者に設定 ...",
"Quota" : "クオータ",
"Set user quota" : "ユーザークォータの設定",
+ "Language" : "言語",
"Set default language" : "デフォルト言語の設定",
"Manager" : "Manager",
"Add new user" : "新規ユーザーの追加",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "フェディバース (例: Mastdon)",
"Website" : "ウェブサイト",
"Profile visibility" : "プロフィールの公開範囲",
+ "Locale" : "ロケール",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "このプロパティは、ファイル共有やカレンダーへの招待などのコア機能に必要なため、使用できません",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "お客様のアカウントでフェデレーションが無効になっているため利用できません。不明な点がある場合は、システム管理者にお問い合わせください",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "ユーザー固有のデータをルックアップサーバーに公開することは許可されていないため、利用できません。ご不明な点がある場合は、システム管理者にお問い合わせください",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "グループの削除を確認してください",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "ファイルからプロフィール画像を選択",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "pngまたはjpg。最大20MB",
+ "Your email address" : "あなたのメールアドレス",
"Your location" : "位置情報",
"Add new password" : "新しいパスワードを追加する",
"Add new email address" : "新しいメールアドレスを追加する",
"Unset as primary email" : "基本メールアドレスを解除",
"This address is not confirmed" : "このアドレスは確認できていません",
"Set as primary email" : "基本メールアドレスに設定",
- "Your email address" : "あなたのメールアドレス",
"Additional email address {index}" : "その他のメールアドレス {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "基本メールアドレスを削除できませんでした",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "基本メールアドレスを更新できませんでした",
"Additional emails" : "その他のメールアドレス",
"Your handle" : "あなたのハンドル",
"Your headline" : "あなたのヘッドライン",
- "Language" : "言語",
"Help translate" : "翻訳に協力する",
"Unable to update language" : "言語設定を更新できませんでした",
"No language set" : "言語設定なし",
- "Locale" : "ロケール",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "週の始まりは{firstDayOfWeek}です。",
"Unable to update locale" : "ロケールを更新できませんでした",
"No locale set" : "ロケールは未設定",
"Set user as admin for …" : "ユーザーを管理者に設定 ...",
"Quota" : "クオータ",
"Set user quota" : "ユーザークォータの設定",
+ "Language" : "言語",
"Set default language" : "デフォルト言語の設定",
"Manager" : "Manager",
"Add new user" : "新規ユーザーの追加",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "フェディバース (例: Mastdon)",
"Website" : "ウェブサイト",
"Profile visibility" : "プロフィールの公開範囲",
+ "Locale" : "ロケール",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "このプロパティは、ファイル共有やカレンダーへの招待などのコア機能に必要なため、使用できません",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "お客様のアカウントでフェデレーションが無効になっているため利用できません。不明な点がある場合は、システム管理者にお問い合わせください",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "ユーザー固有のデータをルックアップサーバーに公開することは許可されていないため、利用できません。ご不明な点がある場合は、システム管理者にお問い合わせください",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "グループの削除を確認してください",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "ファイルからプロフィール画像を選択",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "pngまたはjpg。最大20MB",
+ "Your email address" : "あなたのメールアドレス",
"Your location" : "位置情報",
"Add new password" : "新しいパスワードを追加する",
"Add new email address" : "新しいメールアドレスを追加する",
"Change password" : "პაროლის შეცვლა",
"Picture provided by original account" : "სურათი ორიგინალი ანგარიშიდან",
"Details" : "დეტალები",
- "Your email address" : "თქვენი ელ-ფოსტის მისამართი",
"No email address set" : "ელ-ფოსტის მისამართი არაა დაყენებული",
- "Language" : "ენა",
"Help translate" : "თარგმნის დახმარება",
"Your phone number" : "თქვენი ტელეფონის ნომერი",
"Your Twitter handle" : "თქვენი Twitter-is @…",
"Display name" : "დისპლეი სახელი",
"Email" : "ელ-ფოსტა",
"Quota" : "ქვოტა",
+ "Language" : "ენა",
"Avatar" : "ავატარი",
"Group admin for" : "ადმინისტრატორის შეჯგუფება",
"User backend" : "მომხმარებელის ბექენდი",
"Enable all" : "ყველას ამოქმედება",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "ამის გასაშვებად საჭიროა გქონდეთ PHP POSIX გაფართოება. მეტი დეტალებისთვის იხილეთ {linkstart}PHP დოკუმენტაცია{linkend}. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ან jpg, მაქს. 20 მბ",
+ "Your email address" : "თქვენი ელ-ფოსტის მისამართი",
"Add group" : "ჯგუფის დამატება",
"Send email to new user" : "გაუგზავნეთ ელ-წერილი ახალ მომხმარებელს",
"Plain" : "ჩვეულებრივი",
"Change password" : "პაროლის შეცვლა",
"Picture provided by original account" : "სურათი ორიგინალი ანგარიშიდან",
"Details" : "დეტალები",
- "Your email address" : "თქვენი ელ-ფოსტის მისამართი",
"No email address set" : "ელ-ფოსტის მისამართი არაა დაყენებული",
- "Language" : "ენა",
"Help translate" : "თარგმნის დახმარება",
"Your phone number" : "თქვენი ტელეფონის ნომერი",
"Your Twitter handle" : "თქვენი Twitter-is @…",
"Display name" : "დისპლეი სახელი",
"Email" : "ელ-ფოსტა",
"Quota" : "ქვოტა",
+ "Language" : "ენა",
"Avatar" : "ავატარი",
"Group admin for" : "ადმინისტრატორის შეჯგუფება",
"User backend" : "მომხმარებელის ბექენდი",
"Enable all" : "ყველას ამოქმედება",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "ამის გასაშვებად საჭიროა გქონდეთ PHP POSIX გაფართოება. მეტი დეტალებისთვის იხილეთ {linkstart}PHP დოკუმენტაცია{linkend}. ",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ან jpg, მაქს. 20 მბ",
+ "Your email address" : "თქვენი ელ-ფოსტის მისამართი",
"Add group" : "ჯგუფის დამატება",
"Send email to new user" : "გაუგზავნეთ ელ-წერილი ახალ მომხმარებელს",
"Plain" : "ჩვეულებრივი",
"Unset as primary email" : "주 이메일 지정 해제",
"This address is not confirmed" : "이 주소는 확인되지 않음",
"Set as primary email" : "주 이메일로 지정",
- "Your email address" : "이메일 주소",
"Additional email address {index}" : "추가 이메일 주소 {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "주 이메일 주소를 삭제할 수 없음",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "주 이메일 주소를 갱신할 수 없음",
"No email address set" : "이메일 주소가 설정되지 않음",
"Additional emails" : "추가 이메일",
"Your headline" : "내 표제",
- "Language" : "언어",
"Help translate" : "번역 돕기",
"Unable to update language" : "언어를 갱신할 수 없음",
"No language set" : "언어가 설정되지 않음",
- "Locale" : "지역",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "일주일이 {firstDayOfWeek}에 시작함",
"Your organisation" : "내 조직",
"Your phone number" : "내 휴대폰 번호",
"Display name" : "표시 이름",
"Email" : "이메일",
"Quota" : "할당량",
+ "Language" : "언어",
"Total rows summary" : "총 행 요약",
"Avatar" : "아바타",
"Group admin for" : "다음 그룹의 관리자:",
"Twitter" : "트위터",
"Website" : "웹사이트",
"Profile visibility" : "프로필 표시 여부",
+ "Locale" : "지역",
"Active apps" : "활성화된 앱",
"Disabled apps" : "비활성화된 앱",
"Updates" : "업데이트",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "당신은 {group} 그룹을 지우려고 합니다. 그룹의 사용자들은 삭제되지 않습니다.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "그룹 지우기를 확인해주세요.",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "PNG, JPG, 최대 20MB",
+ "Your email address" : "이메일 주소",
"Your location" : "내 위치",
"Add new password" : "새로운 암호 입력",
"Add new email address" : "새로운 이메일 추가하기",
"Unset as primary email" : "주 이메일 지정 해제",
"This address is not confirmed" : "이 주소는 확인되지 않음",
"Set as primary email" : "주 이메일로 지정",
- "Your email address" : "이메일 주소",
"Additional email address {index}" : "추가 이메일 주소 {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "주 이메일 주소를 삭제할 수 없음",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "주 이메일 주소를 갱신할 수 없음",
"No email address set" : "이메일 주소가 설정되지 않음",
"Additional emails" : "추가 이메일",
"Your headline" : "내 표제",
- "Language" : "언어",
"Help translate" : "번역 돕기",
"Unable to update language" : "언어를 갱신할 수 없음",
"No language set" : "언어가 설정되지 않음",
- "Locale" : "지역",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "일주일이 {firstDayOfWeek}에 시작함",
"Your organisation" : "내 조직",
"Your phone number" : "내 휴대폰 번호",
"Display name" : "표시 이름",
"Email" : "이메일",
"Quota" : "할당량",
+ "Language" : "언어",
"Total rows summary" : "총 행 요약",
"Avatar" : "아바타",
"Group admin for" : "다음 그룹의 관리자:",
"Twitter" : "트위터",
"Website" : "웹사이트",
"Profile visibility" : "프로필 표시 여부",
+ "Locale" : "지역",
"Active apps" : "활성화된 앱",
"Disabled apps" : "비활성화된 앱",
"Updates" : "업데이트",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "당신은 {group} 그룹을 지우려고 합니다. 그룹의 사용자들은 삭제되지 않습니다.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "그룹 지우기를 확인해주세요.",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "PNG, JPG, 최대 20MB",
+ "Your email address" : "이메일 주소",
"Your location" : "내 위치",
"Add new password" : "새로운 암호 입력",
"Add new email address" : "새로운 이메일 추가하기",
"Delete email" : "Ištrinti el. paštą",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Šis adresas nėra patvirtintas",
"Set as primary email" : "Nustatyti kaip pirminį el. paštą",
- "Your email address" : "Jūsų el. pašto adresas",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Papildomas el. pašto adresas {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Nepavyko ištrinti pirminio el. pašto adreso",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Nepavyko atnaujinti pirminio el. pašto adreso",
"No email address set" : "Nenustatytas joks el. pašto adresas",
"Additional emails" : "Papildomi el. paštai",
"Your headline" : "Santrauka apie jus",
- "Language" : "Kalba",
"Help translate" : "Padėkite išversti",
"Unable to update language" : "Nepavyko atnaujinti kalbos",
"No language set" : "Nenustatyta jokia kalba",
- "Locale" : "Lokalė",
"Your organisation" : "Jūsų organizacija",
"Your phone number" : "Jūsų telefono numeris",
"Edit your Profile visibility" : "Taisyti savo profilio matomumą",
"Display name" : "Rodomas vardas",
"Email" : "El. paštas",
"Quota" : "Limitas",
+ "Language" : "Kalba",
"Avatar" : "Avataras",
"Group admin for" : "Grupės administratorius",
"User backend" : "Naudotojo vidinė pusė",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Svetainė",
"Profile visibility" : "Profilio matomumas",
+ "Locale" : "Lokalė",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Neprieinama, nes su naudotoju susijusios informacijos paskelbimas į paieškos serverį yra neleidžiamas. Jei turite klausimų, susisiekite su savo sistemos administratoriumi",
"Active apps" : "Aktyvios programėlės",
"Disabled apps" : "Išjungtos programėlės",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Jūs ketinate pašalinti grupę {group}. Naudotojai NEBUS ištrinti.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Patvirtinkite grupės pašalinimą",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png arba jpg, daugiausiai 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Jūsų el. pašto adresas",
"Add new password" : "Pridėti naują slaptažodį",
"Add new email address" : "Pridėti naują el. pašto adresą",
"Edit User" : "Taisyti naudotoją",
"Delete email" : "Ištrinti el. paštą",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Šis adresas nėra patvirtintas",
"Set as primary email" : "Nustatyti kaip pirminį el. paštą",
- "Your email address" : "Jūsų el. pašto adresas",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Papildomas el. pašto adresas {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Nepavyko ištrinti pirminio el. pašto adreso",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Nepavyko atnaujinti pirminio el. pašto adreso",
"No email address set" : "Nenustatytas joks el. pašto adresas",
"Additional emails" : "Papildomi el. paštai",
"Your headline" : "Santrauka apie jus",
- "Language" : "Kalba",
"Help translate" : "Padėkite išversti",
"Unable to update language" : "Nepavyko atnaujinti kalbos",
"No language set" : "Nenustatyta jokia kalba",
- "Locale" : "Lokalė",
"Your organisation" : "Jūsų organizacija",
"Your phone number" : "Jūsų telefono numeris",
"Edit your Profile visibility" : "Taisyti savo profilio matomumą",
"Display name" : "Rodomas vardas",
"Email" : "El. paštas",
"Quota" : "Limitas",
+ "Language" : "Kalba",
"Avatar" : "Avataras",
"Group admin for" : "Grupės administratorius",
"User backend" : "Naudotojo vidinė pusė",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Svetainė",
"Profile visibility" : "Profilio matomumas",
+ "Locale" : "Lokalė",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Neprieinama, nes su naudotoju susijusios informacijos paskelbimas į paieškos serverį yra neleidžiamas. Jei turite klausimų, susisiekite su savo sistemos administratoriumi",
"Active apps" : "Aktyvios programėlės",
"Disabled apps" : "Išjungtos programėlės",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Jūs ketinate pašalinti grupę {group}. Naudotojai NEBUS ištrinti.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Patvirtinkite grupės pašalinimą",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png arba jpg, daugiausiai 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Jūsų el. pašto adresas",
"Add new password" : "Pridėti naują slaptažodį",
"Add new email address" : "Pridėti naują el. pašto adresą",
"Edit User" : "Taisyti naudotoją",
"New password" : "Jauna parole",
"Change password" : "Mainīt paroli",
"Details" : "Detaļas",
- "Your email address" : "Jūsu e-pasta adrese",
"No email address set" : "Nav norādīts e-pasts",
- "Language" : "Valoda",
"Help translate" : "Palīdzi tulkot",
"Your phone number" : "Jūsu tālruņa numurs",
"Your website" : "Jūsu mājaslapa",
"Display name" : "Ekrāna vārds",
"Email" : "E-pasts",
"Quota" : "Apjoms",
+ "Language" : "Valoda",
"Avatar" : "Profila attēls",
"Group admin for" : "Admin grupa",
"Storage location" : "Krātuves atrašanās vieta",
"Exclude groups from sharing" : "Izslēgt grupas no koplietošanas",
"Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Izstrādātās {communityopen}Nextcloud kopiena {linkclose}, {githubopen} avota kods {linkclose} licencēts saskaņā ar {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png vai jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Jūsu e-pasta adrese",
"Add group" : "Pievienot grupu",
"Send email to new user" : "Sūtīt e-pastu jaunajam lietotājam",
"Plain" : "vienkāršs teksts",
"New password" : "Jauna parole",
"Change password" : "Mainīt paroli",
"Details" : "Detaļas",
- "Your email address" : "Jūsu e-pasta adrese",
"No email address set" : "Nav norādīts e-pasts",
- "Language" : "Valoda",
"Help translate" : "Palīdzi tulkot",
"Your phone number" : "Jūsu tālruņa numurs",
"Your website" : "Jūsu mājaslapa",
"Display name" : "Ekrāna vārds",
"Email" : "E-pasts",
"Quota" : "Apjoms",
+ "Language" : "Valoda",
"Avatar" : "Profila attēls",
"Group admin for" : "Admin grupa",
"Storage location" : "Krātuves atrašanās vieta",
"Exclude groups from sharing" : "Izslēgt grupas no koplietošanas",
"Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Izstrādātās {communityopen}Nextcloud kopiena {linkclose}, {githubopen} avota kods {linkclose} licencēts saskaņā ar {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png vai jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Jūsu e-pasta adrese",
"Add group" : "Pievienot grupu",
"Send email to new user" : "Sūtīt e-pastu jaunajam lietotājam",
"Plain" : "vienkāršs teksts",
"Unset as primary email" : "Острани од примарна е-пошта",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Оваа адреса не е потврдена",
"Set as primary email" : "Постави како примарна е-пошта",
- "Your email address" : "Вашата адреса за е-пошта",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Дополнителна е-пошта {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Неможе да се избрише примарната е-пошта",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Не може да се ажурира примарната е-пошта адреса",
"No email address set" : "Нема поставено адреса за е-пошта ",
"Additional emails" : "Дополнителни е-пошти",
"Your headline" : "Вашиот наслов",
- "Language" : "Јазик",
"Help translate" : "Помогни во преводот",
"Unable to update language" : "Не може да се ажурира јазикот",
"No language set" : "Не е поставен јазик",
- "Locale" : "Локација",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Неделата започнува во {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Не може да се ажурира локалната локација",
"No locale set" : "Нема поставено локална локација",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Назначи го корисникот како администратор за ...",
"Quota" : "Квота",
"Set user quota" : "Постави квота за корисник",
+ "Language" : "Јазик",
"Set default language" : "Постави стандарден јазик",
"Manager" : "Менаџер",
"Add new user" : "Додади нов корисник",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "ВЕБ страна",
"Profile visibility" : "Видливост на профилот",
+ "Locale" : "Локација",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Не е достапно бидејќи ова својство е потребно за основна функционалност, вклучувајќи споделување датотеки и покани од календар",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Не е достапно бидејќи не е дозволено објавување специфични податоци за корисникот на серверот за пребарување, контактирајте со вашиот системски администратор ако имате какви било прашања",
"Active apps" : "Активни апликации",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Потврди отстранување на група",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Избери фотографија на профилот од датотеките",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png или jpg, максимум 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Вашата адреса за е-пошта",
"Your location" : "Ваша локација",
"Add new password" : "Додади нова лозинка",
"Add new email address" : "Додади нова е-пошта адреса",
"Unset as primary email" : "Острани од примарна е-пошта",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Оваа адреса не е потврдена",
"Set as primary email" : "Постави како примарна е-пошта",
- "Your email address" : "Вашата адреса за е-пошта",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Дополнителна е-пошта {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Неможе да се избрише примарната е-пошта",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Не може да се ажурира примарната е-пошта адреса",
"No email address set" : "Нема поставено адреса за е-пошта ",
"Additional emails" : "Дополнителни е-пошти",
"Your headline" : "Вашиот наслов",
- "Language" : "Јазик",
"Help translate" : "Помогни во преводот",
"Unable to update language" : "Не може да се ажурира јазикот",
"No language set" : "Не е поставен јазик",
- "Locale" : "Локација",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Неделата започнува во {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Не може да се ажурира локалната локација",
"No locale set" : "Нема поставено локална локација",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Назначи го корисникот како администратор за ...",
"Quota" : "Квота",
"Set user quota" : "Постави квота за корисник",
+ "Language" : "Јазик",
"Set default language" : "Постави стандарден јазик",
"Manager" : "Менаџер",
"Add new user" : "Додади нов корисник",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "ВЕБ страна",
"Profile visibility" : "Видливост на профилот",
+ "Locale" : "Локација",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Не е достапно бидејќи ова својство е потребно за основна функционалност, вклучувајќи споделување датотеки и покани од календар",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Не е достапно бидејќи не е дозволено објавување специфични податоци за корисникот на серверот за пребарување, контактирајте со вашиот системски администратор ако имате какви било прашања",
"Active apps" : "Активни апликации",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Потврди отстранување на група",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Избери фотографија на профилот од датотеките",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png или jpg, максимум 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Вашата адреса за е-пошта",
"Your location" : "Ваша локација",
"Add new password" : "Додади нова лозинка",
"Add new email address" : "Додади нова е-пошта адреса",
"Unset as primary email" : "Deaktivert som primær e-post",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Denne adressen er ikke bekreftet",
"Set as primary email" : "Angi som primær e-post",
- "Your email address" : "Din e-postadresse",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Ekstra e-postadresse {indeks}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Kan ikke slette primær e-postadresse",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Kan ikke oppdatere primær e-postadresse",
"No email address set" : "E-postadresse ikke satt",
"Additional emails" : "Ytterligere e-poster",
"Your headline" : "Din overskrift",
- "Language" : "Språk",
"Help translate" : "Bidra til oversettelsen",
"Unable to update language" : "Kan ikke oppdatere språket",
"No language set" : "Språk ikke satt",
- "Locale" : "Nasjonal innstilling",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Uken starter på {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Kan ikke oppdatere lokaliteten",
"Your organisation" : "Din organisasjon",
"Display name" : "Visningsnavn",
"Email" : "E-post",
"Quota" : "Kvote",
+ "Language" : "Språk",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Gruppeadministrator for",
"User backend" : "Bruker-server",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Nettsted",
"Profile visibility" : "Profil-synlighet",
+ "Locale" : "Nasjonal innstilling",
"Active apps" : "Aktive apper",
"Disabled apps" : "Deaktiverte apper",
"Updates" : "Oppdateringer",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Vennligst bekreft fjerning av gruppe",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Velg profilbilde blant filer",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png eller jpg, maks. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Din e-postadresse",
"Your location" : "Lokasjonen din",
"Add new password" : "Legg til nytt passord",
"Add new email address" : "Legg til ny e-postadresse",
"Unset as primary email" : "Deaktivert som primær e-post",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Denne adressen er ikke bekreftet",
"Set as primary email" : "Angi som primær e-post",
- "Your email address" : "Din e-postadresse",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Ekstra e-postadresse {indeks}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Kan ikke slette primær e-postadresse",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Kan ikke oppdatere primær e-postadresse",
"No email address set" : "E-postadresse ikke satt",
"Additional emails" : "Ytterligere e-poster",
"Your headline" : "Din overskrift",
- "Language" : "Språk",
"Help translate" : "Bidra til oversettelsen",
"Unable to update language" : "Kan ikke oppdatere språket",
"No language set" : "Språk ikke satt",
- "Locale" : "Nasjonal innstilling",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Uken starter på {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Kan ikke oppdatere lokaliteten",
"Your organisation" : "Din organisasjon",
"Display name" : "Visningsnavn",
"Email" : "E-post",
"Quota" : "Kvote",
+ "Language" : "Språk",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Gruppeadministrator for",
"User backend" : "Bruker-server",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Nettsted",
"Profile visibility" : "Profil-synlighet",
+ "Locale" : "Nasjonal innstilling",
"Active apps" : "Aktive apper",
"Disabled apps" : "Deaktiverte apper",
"Updates" : "Oppdateringer",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Vennligst bekreft fjerning av gruppe",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Velg profilbilde blant filer",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png eller jpg, maks. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Din e-postadresse",
"Your location" : "Lokasjonen din",
"Add new password" : "Legg til nytt passord",
"Add new email address" : "Legg til ny e-postadresse",
"Unset as primary email" : "Verwijder instelling als primaire e-mail",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Dit adres is niet bevestigd",
"Set as primary email" : "Instellen als primair e-mailadres",
- "Your email address" : "Je e-mailadres",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Extra e-mailadres {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Kan primair e-mailadres niet verwijderen",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Kan primair e-mailadres niet updaten",
"No email address set" : "Geen e-mailadres opgegeven",
"Additional emails" : "Extra e-mailadressen",
"Your headline" : "Jouw hoofdlijn",
- "Language" : "Taal",
"Help translate" : "Help met vertalen",
"Unable to update language" : "Kan taal niet updaten",
"No language set" : "Geen taal ingesteld",
- "Locale" : "Regionale instellingen",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Week begint op {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Your organisation" : "Jouw organisatie",
"Your phone number" : "Je telefoonnummer",
"Display name" : "Weergavenaam",
"Email" : "E-mailadres",
"Quota" : "Limieten",
+ "Language" : "Taal",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Groepsbeheerder voor",
"User backend" : "Backend gebruiker",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Website",
"Profile visibility" : "Profiel zichtbaarheid",
+ "Locale" : "Regionale instellingen",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Niet beschikbaar omdat deze eigenschap benodigd is voor de basisfunctionaliteit inclusief bestandsdeling en kalender uitnodigingen",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Niet beschikbaar omdat het publiceren van gebruikersdata aan de lookup server niet toegestaan is, neem contact op met je beheerder als je vragen hebt",
"Active apps" : "Ingeschakelde apps",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Je gaat groep {group} verwijderen. De gebruikers worden NIET verwijderd.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bevestig verwijderen groep",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png of jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Je e-mailadres",
"Your location" : "Je locatie",
"Add new password" : "Nieuw wachtwoord toevoegen",
"Add new email address" : "Toevoegen nieuw e-mailadres",
"Unset as primary email" : "Verwijder instelling als primaire e-mail",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Dit adres is niet bevestigd",
"Set as primary email" : "Instellen als primair e-mailadres",
- "Your email address" : "Je e-mailadres",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Extra e-mailadres {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Kan primair e-mailadres niet verwijderen",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Kan primair e-mailadres niet updaten",
"No email address set" : "Geen e-mailadres opgegeven",
"Additional emails" : "Extra e-mailadressen",
"Your headline" : "Jouw hoofdlijn",
- "Language" : "Taal",
"Help translate" : "Help met vertalen",
"Unable to update language" : "Kan taal niet updaten",
"No language set" : "Geen taal ingesteld",
- "Locale" : "Regionale instellingen",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Week begint op {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Your organisation" : "Jouw organisatie",
"Your phone number" : "Je telefoonnummer",
"Display name" : "Weergavenaam",
"Email" : "E-mailadres",
"Quota" : "Limieten",
+ "Language" : "Taal",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Groepsbeheerder voor",
"User backend" : "Backend gebruiker",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Website",
"Profile visibility" : "Profiel zichtbaarheid",
+ "Locale" : "Regionale instellingen",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Niet beschikbaar omdat deze eigenschap benodigd is voor de basisfunctionaliteit inclusief bestandsdeling en kalender uitnodigingen",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Niet beschikbaar omdat het publiceren van gebruikersdata aan de lookup server niet toegestaan is, neem contact op met je beheerder als je vragen hebt",
"Active apps" : "Ingeschakelde apps",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Je gaat groep {group} verwijderen. De gebruikers worden NIET verwijderd.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bevestig verwijderen groep",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png of jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Je e-mailadres",
"Your location" : "Je locatie",
"Add new password" : "Nieuw wachtwoord toevoegen",
"Add new email address" : "Toevoegen nieuw e-mailadres",
"Email options" : "Opcions d’email",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Aquesta adreça es pas confirmada",
"Set as primary email" : "Definir coma adreça principala",
- "Your email address" : "Vòstra adreça electronica",
"No email address set" : "Cap d’adreça pas definida",
"Additional emails" : "Emails suplementaris",
"Your headline" : "Vòstre títol",
- "Language" : "Lenga",
"Help translate" : "Ajudar a traduire",
"Unable to update language" : "Actualizacion de la lenga impossibla",
"No language set" : "Cap de lenga pas definida",
- "Locale" : "Varianta lingüistica",
"Your organisation" : "Vòstra organizacion",
"Your phone number" : "Vòstre numèro de telefòn",
"Edit your Profile visibility" : "Modificatz la visibilitat de vòstre perfil",
"Display name" : "Nom afichat",
"Email" : "Adreça corrièl",
"Quota" : "Quota",
+ "Language" : "Lenga",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Last login" : "Darrièra connexion",
"Add user to group" : "Apondre utilizaire al grop",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Site web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilitat perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Varianta lingüistica",
"Active apps" : "Aplicacions activas",
"Disabled apps" : "Aplicacions desactivadas",
"Updates" : "Mesas a jorn",
"You created app password \"{token}\"" : "Avètz creat lo senhal d’aplicacion « {token} »",
"Enable all" : "Activar tot",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png or jpg, max. 20 Mo",
+ "Your email address" : "Vòstra adreça electronica",
"Add new password" : "Apondre senhal novèl",
"Add new email address" : "Apondre adreça electronica",
"Edit User" : "Modificar l’utilizaire",
"Email options" : "Opcions d’email",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Aquesta adreça es pas confirmada",
"Set as primary email" : "Definir coma adreça principala",
- "Your email address" : "Vòstra adreça electronica",
"No email address set" : "Cap d’adreça pas definida",
"Additional emails" : "Emails suplementaris",
"Your headline" : "Vòstre títol",
- "Language" : "Lenga",
"Help translate" : "Ajudar a traduire",
"Unable to update language" : "Actualizacion de la lenga impossibla",
"No language set" : "Cap de lenga pas definida",
- "Locale" : "Varianta lingüistica",
"Your organisation" : "Vòstra organizacion",
"Your phone number" : "Vòstre numèro de telefòn",
"Edit your Profile visibility" : "Modificatz la visibilitat de vòstre perfil",
"Display name" : "Nom afichat",
"Email" : "Adreça corrièl",
"Quota" : "Quota",
+ "Language" : "Lenga",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Last login" : "Darrièra connexion",
"Add user to group" : "Apondre utilizaire al grop",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Site web",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilitat perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Varianta lingüistica",
"Active apps" : "Aplicacions activas",
"Disabled apps" : "Aplicacions desactivadas",
"Updates" : "Mesas a jorn",
"You created app password \"{token}\"" : "Avètz creat lo senhal d’aplicacion « {token} »",
"Enable all" : "Activar tot",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png or jpg, max. 20 Mo",
+ "Your email address" : "Vòstra adreça electronica",
"Add new password" : "Apondre senhal novèl",
"Add new email address" : "Apondre adreça electronica",
"Edit User" : "Modificar l’utilizaire",
"Unset as primary email" : "Usuń jako podstawowy adres e-mail",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ten adres nie jest potwierdzony",
"Set as primary email" : "Ustaw jako podstawowy adres e-mail",
- "Your email address" : "Twój adres e-mail",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Dodatkowy adres e-mail {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Nie można usunąć głównego adresu e-mail",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Nie można zaktualizować głównego adresu e-mail",
"Additional emails" : "Dodatkowe e-maile",
"Your handle" : "Twoja ksywka",
"Your headline" : "Twój nagłówek",
- "Language" : "Język",
"Help translate" : "Pomóż w tłumaczeniu",
"Unable to update language" : "Nie można zaktualizować języka",
"No language set" : "Nie ustawiono języka",
- "Locale" : "Region",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Tydzień zaczyna się w {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Nie można zaktualizować regionu",
"No locale set" : "Nie ustawiono regionu",
"Either password or email is required" : "Wymagane jest hasło lub adres e-mail",
"Email" : "E-mail",
"Quota" : "Limit",
+ "Language" : "Język",
"Total rows summary" : "Podsumowanie wszystkich wierszy",
"Scroll to load more rows" : "Przewiń, aby załadować więcej wierszy",
"Avatar" : "Awatar",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (np. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Strona internetowa",
"Profile visibility" : "Widoczność profilu",
+ "Locale" : "Region",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Niedostępne, ponieważ ta właściwość jest wymagana do podstawowych funkcji, w tym udostępniania pliku i zaproszeń do kalendarza",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Niedostępne, ponieważ federacja została wyłączona na Twoim koncie, skontaktuj się z administratorem systemu, jeśli masz jakieś pytania",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Niedostępne, ponieważ publikowanie danych specyficznych dla użytkownika na serwerze wyszukiwania jest niedozwolone, skontaktuj się z administratorem systemu, jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potwierdź usunięcie grupy",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Wybierz zdjęcie profilowe z Plików",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png lub jpg, maks. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Twój adres e-mail",
"Your location" : "Twoja lokalizacja",
"Add new password" : "Dodaj nowe hasło",
"Add new email address" : "Dodaj nowy adres e-mail",
"Unset as primary email" : "Usuń jako podstawowy adres e-mail",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ten adres nie jest potwierdzony",
"Set as primary email" : "Ustaw jako podstawowy adres e-mail",
- "Your email address" : "Twój adres e-mail",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Dodatkowy adres e-mail {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Nie można usunąć głównego adresu e-mail",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Nie można zaktualizować głównego adresu e-mail",
"Additional emails" : "Dodatkowe e-maile",
"Your handle" : "Twoja ksywka",
"Your headline" : "Twój nagłówek",
- "Language" : "Język",
"Help translate" : "Pomóż w tłumaczeniu",
"Unable to update language" : "Nie można zaktualizować języka",
"No language set" : "Nie ustawiono języka",
- "Locale" : "Region",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Tydzień zaczyna się w {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Nie można zaktualizować regionu",
"No locale set" : "Nie ustawiono regionu",
"Either password or email is required" : "Wymagane jest hasło lub adres e-mail",
"Email" : "E-mail",
"Quota" : "Limit",
+ "Language" : "Język",
"Total rows summary" : "Podsumowanie wszystkich wierszy",
"Scroll to load more rows" : "Przewiń, aby załadować więcej wierszy",
"Avatar" : "Awatar",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (np. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Strona internetowa",
"Profile visibility" : "Widoczność profilu",
+ "Locale" : "Region",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Niedostępne, ponieważ ta właściwość jest wymagana do podstawowych funkcji, w tym udostępniania pliku i zaproszeń do kalendarza",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Niedostępne, ponieważ federacja została wyłączona na Twoim koncie, skontaktuj się z administratorem systemu, jeśli masz jakieś pytania",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Niedostępne, ponieważ publikowanie danych specyficznych dla użytkownika na serwerze wyszukiwania jest niedozwolone, skontaktuj się z administratorem systemu, jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potwierdź usunięcie grupy",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Wybierz zdjęcie profilowe z Plików",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png lub jpg, maks. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Twój adres e-mail",
"Your location" : "Twoja lokalizacja",
"Add new password" : "Dodaj nowe hasło",
"Add new email address" : "Dodaj nowy adres e-mail",
"Unset as primary email" : "Não definido como e-mail principal",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Este endereço não foi confirmado",
"Set as primary email" : "Definir como e-mail principal ",
- "Your email address" : "Seu endereço de e-mail",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Endereço de e-mail adicional {index} ",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Incapaz de deletar o endereço de e-mail primário",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Não foi possível atualizar o endereço de e-mail primário ",
"Additional emails" : "E-mails adicionais",
"Your handle" : "Seu identificador",
"Your headline" : "Seu título",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ajude a traduzir",
"Unable to update language" : "Não foi possível atualizar o idioma",
"No language set" : "Nenhum conjunto de idiomas",
- "Locale" : "Localização",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "A semana começa em {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Não foi possível atualizar a localidade",
"No locale set" : "Nenhuma localidade definida",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Set user as admin for …",
"Quota" : "Cota",
"Set user quota" : "Set user quota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Set default language" : "Set default language",
"Manager" : "Gerente",
"Add new user" : "Add new user",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (e.x. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Website",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilidade do perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Localização",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Não disponível porque esta propriedade é necessária para a funcionalidade principal, incluindo compartilhamento de arquivos e convites de calendário",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Não disponível como federação pois foi desabilitado para sua conta, entre em contato com seu administrador do sistema se tiver alguma dúvida",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Não disponível, pois a publicação de dados específicos do usuário no servidor de pesquisa não é permitida, entre em contato com o administrador do sistema se tiver alguma dúvida",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Confirme a remoção do grupo",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Escolha a foto do perfil dos arquivos",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ou jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Seu endereço de e-mail",
"Your location" : "Sua localização",
"Add new password" : "Adicionar nova senha",
"Add new email address" : "Adicionar novo endereço de e-mail",
"Unset as primary email" : "Não definido como e-mail principal",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Este endereço não foi confirmado",
"Set as primary email" : "Definir como e-mail principal ",
- "Your email address" : "Seu endereço de e-mail",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Endereço de e-mail adicional {index} ",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Incapaz de deletar o endereço de e-mail primário",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Não foi possível atualizar o endereço de e-mail primário ",
"Additional emails" : "E-mails adicionais",
"Your handle" : "Seu identificador",
"Your headline" : "Seu título",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ajude a traduzir",
"Unable to update language" : "Não foi possível atualizar o idioma",
"No language set" : "Nenhum conjunto de idiomas",
- "Locale" : "Localização",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "A semana começa em {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Não foi possível atualizar a localidade",
"No locale set" : "Nenhuma localidade definida",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Set user as admin for …",
"Quota" : "Cota",
"Set user quota" : "Set user quota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Set default language" : "Set default language",
"Manager" : "Gerente",
"Add new user" : "Add new user",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (e.x. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Website",
"Profile visibility" : "Visibilidade do perfil",
+ "Locale" : "Localização",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Não disponível porque esta propriedade é necessária para a funcionalidade principal, incluindo compartilhamento de arquivos e convites de calendário",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Não disponível como federação pois foi desabilitado para sua conta, entre em contato com seu administrador do sistema se tiver alguma dúvida",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Não disponível, pois a publicação de dados específicos do usuário no servidor de pesquisa não é permitida, entre em contato com o administrador do sistema se tiver alguma dúvida",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Confirme a remoção do grupo",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Escolha a foto do perfil dos arquivos",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ou jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Seu endereço de e-mail",
"Your location" : "Sua localização",
"Add new password" : "Adicionar nova senha",
"Add new email address" : "Adicionar novo endereço de e-mail",
"Remove primary email" : "Remoção de correio eletrónico principal",
"Delete email" : "Apagar correio eletrónico",
"Unset as primary email" : "Remove atribuição de correio eletrónico como principal",
- "Your email address" : "O seu endereço de email",
"No email address set" : "Nenhum endereço de email estabelecido",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ajude a traduzir",
"Your phone number" : "O seu número de telefone",
"Add" : "Adicionar",
"Display name" : "Nome de apresentação",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Quota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador de grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend do utilizador",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para esta execução precisa da extensão PHP POSIX. Veja {iniciodaligação}documentação PHP{fimdaligação} para mais mais detalhes.",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Escolher imagem de perfil de Ficheiros",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ou jpg, máx. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "O seu endereço de email",
"Add group" : "Adicionar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar email ao novo utilizador",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"Remove primary email" : "Remoção de correio eletrónico principal",
"Delete email" : "Apagar correio eletrónico",
"Unset as primary email" : "Remove atribuição de correio eletrónico como principal",
- "Your email address" : "O seu endereço de email",
"No email address set" : "Nenhum endereço de email estabelecido",
- "Language" : "Idioma",
"Help translate" : "Ajude a traduzir",
"Your phone number" : "O seu número de telefone",
"Add" : "Adicionar",
"Display name" : "Nome de apresentação",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Quota",
+ "Language" : "Idioma",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "Administrador de grupo para",
"User backend" : "Backend do utilizador",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Para esta execução precisa da extensão PHP POSIX. Veja {iniciodaligação}documentação PHP{fimdaligação} para mais mais detalhes.",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Escolher imagem de perfil de Ficheiros",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ou jpg, máx. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "O seu endereço de email",
"Add group" : "Adicionar grupo",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar email ao novo utilizador",
"Plain" : "Plano",
"New password" : "Noua parolă",
"Change password" : "Schimbă parola",
"Details" : "Detalii",
- "Your email address" : "Adresa ta de email",
"No email address set" : "Fără adresă de email setată",
- "Language" : "Limba",
"Help translate" : "Ajută la traducere",
"Your phone number" : "Numărul tău de telefon",
"Add" : "Adaugă",
"Display name" : "Nume afișat",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Cotă",
+ "Language" : "Limba",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"You do not have permissions to see the details of this user" : "Nu aveți permisiuni pentru a vedea detaliile acestui utilizator",
"{size} used" : "{size} folosită",
"An administrator created app password \"{token}\"" : "Un administrator a creat parola aplicației \"{token}\"",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Au fost găsite UUID-uri nevalabile ale utilizatorilor sau grupurilor LDAP. Vă rugăm să revizuiți setările \"Override UUID detection\" din partea Expert a configurației LDAP și să utilizați \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" pentru a le actualiza.",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png sau jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Adresa ta de email",
"Add group" : "Adaugă grup",
"Send email to new user" : "Trimite email către noul utilizator",
"Plain" : "Plain",
"New password" : "Noua parolă",
"Change password" : "Schimbă parola",
"Details" : "Detalii",
- "Your email address" : "Adresa ta de email",
"No email address set" : "Fără adresă de email setată",
- "Language" : "Limba",
"Help translate" : "Ajută la traducere",
"Your phone number" : "Numărul tău de telefon",
"Add" : "Adaugă",
"Display name" : "Nume afișat",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Cotă",
+ "Language" : "Limba",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"You do not have permissions to see the details of this user" : "Nu aveți permisiuni pentru a vedea detaliile acestui utilizator",
"{size} used" : "{size} folosită",
"An administrator created app password \"{token}\"" : "Un administrator a creat parola aplicației \"{token}\"",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Au fost găsite UUID-uri nevalabile ale utilizatorilor sau grupurilor LDAP. Vă rugăm să revizuiți setările \"Override UUID detection\" din partea Expert a configurației LDAP și să utilizați \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" pentru a le actualiza.",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png sau jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Adresa ta de email",
"Add group" : "Adaugă grup",
"Send email to new user" : "Trimite email către noul utilizator",
"Plain" : "Plain",
"Unset as primary email" : "Не использовать как основной адрес эл. почты",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Адрес не подтвержден",
"Set as primary email" : "Использовать как основной адрес эл. почты",
- "Your email address" : "Ваш адрес электронной почты",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Дополнительные адреса эл. почты {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Не удалось удалить основной адрес эл. почты",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Не удалось изменить основной адрес эл. почты",
"Additional emails" : "Дополнительные адреса эл. почты",
"Your handle" : "Ваш дескриптор",
"Your headline" : "Ваш заголовок",
- "Language" : "Язык",
"Help translate" : "Помочь с переводом",
"Unable to update language" : "Не удалось изменить язык",
"No language set" : "Язык не задан",
- "Locale" : "Региональные стандарты",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Первый день недели: {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Не удалось обновить локаль",
"No locale set" : "Локаль не задана",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Назначить пользователя администратором для ...",
"Quota" : "Квота",
"Set user quota" : "Установить квоту пользователя",
+ "Language" : "Язык",
"Set default language" : "Выбрать язык по умолчанию",
"Manager" : "Руководитель",
"Add new user" : "Добавить нового пользователя",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Федерации (например, Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Адрес сайта",
"Profile visibility" : "Видимость профиля",
+ "Locale" : "Региональные стандарты",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Заданный параметр не может быть использован, так как его используют основные функции, такие как совместный доступ к файлам и приглашения к событиям из календаря",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Недоступно, так как федерация отключена для вашей учетной записи. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, обратитесь к системному администратору.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Недоступно, так как публикация пользовательских данных на сервере поиска запрещена, обратитесь к системному администратору, если у вас возникнут какие-либо вопросы",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Подтвердите удаление группы",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Выбрать изображение профиля из загруженных файлов",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png или jpg, макс. 20 МБ",
+ "Your email address" : "Ваш адрес электронной почты",
"Your location" : "Местоположение",
"Add new password" : "Добавить пароль",
"Add new email address" : "Добавить адрес электронной почты",
"Unset as primary email" : "Не использовать как основной адрес эл. почты",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Адрес не подтвержден",
"Set as primary email" : "Использовать как основной адрес эл. почты",
- "Your email address" : "Ваш адрес электронной почты",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Дополнительные адреса эл. почты {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Не удалось удалить основной адрес эл. почты",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Не удалось изменить основной адрес эл. почты",
"Additional emails" : "Дополнительные адреса эл. почты",
"Your handle" : "Ваш дескриптор",
"Your headline" : "Ваш заголовок",
- "Language" : "Язык",
"Help translate" : "Помочь с переводом",
"Unable to update language" : "Не удалось изменить язык",
"No language set" : "Язык не задан",
- "Locale" : "Региональные стандарты",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Первый день недели: {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Не удалось обновить локаль",
"No locale set" : "Локаль не задана",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Назначить пользователя администратором для ...",
"Quota" : "Квота",
"Set user quota" : "Установить квоту пользователя",
+ "Language" : "Язык",
"Set default language" : "Выбрать язык по умолчанию",
"Manager" : "Руководитель",
"Add new user" : "Добавить нового пользователя",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Федерации (например, Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Адрес сайта",
"Profile visibility" : "Видимость профиля",
+ "Locale" : "Региональные стандарты",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Заданный параметр не может быть использован, так как его используют основные функции, такие как совместный доступ к файлам и приглашения к событиям из календаря",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Недоступно, так как федерация отключена для вашей учетной записи. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, обратитесь к системному администратору.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Недоступно, так как публикация пользовательских данных на сервере поиска запрещена, обратитесь к системному администратору, если у вас возникнут какие-либо вопросы",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Подтвердите удаление группы",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Выбрать изображение профиля из загруженных файлов",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png или jpg, макс. 20 МБ",
+ "Your email address" : "Ваш адрес электронной почты",
"Your location" : "Местоположение",
"Add new password" : "Добавить пароль",
"Add new email address" : "Добавить адрес электронной почты",
"Primary email for password reset and notifications" : "Indiritzu de posta eletrònica printzipale pro torrare a impostare sa crae e retzire notìficas",
"Remove primary email" : "Boga•nche s'indiritzu de posta eletrònica printzipale",
"Delete email" : "Cantzella indiritzu de posta eletrònica",
- "Your email address" : "Indiritzu tuo de posta eletrònica",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Segundu indiritzu de posta eletrònica {index}",
"No email address set" : "Perunu indiritzu de posta eletrònica impostadu",
- "Language" : "Limba",
"Help translate" : "Agiuda a tradùere",
"No language set" : "Peruna limba impostada",
- "Locale" : "Localizatzione",
"Your phone number" : "Nùmero tuo de telèfonu",
"Add" : "Agiunghe",
"Default language" : "Limba predefinida",
"Display name" : "Ammustra nùmene",
"Email" : "Posta eletrònica",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Limba",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "In amministratzione pro su grupu",
"User backend" : "Motore utente",
"Role" : "Faina",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Situ ìnternet",
+ "Locale" : "Localizatzione",
"Active apps" : "Aplicatziones ativas",
"Disabled apps" : "Aplicatziones disativadas",
"Updates" : "Agiornamentos",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Ses acanta de nche bogare su grupu {group}. Is utèntzias NO s'ant a cantzellare.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Cunfirma de bogare su grupu",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Indiritzu tuo de posta eletrònica",
"Add new password" : "Agiunghe una crae noa",
"Add new email address" : "Agiunghe un'indiritzu nou de posta eletrònica",
"Edit User" : "Modìfica utente",
"Primary email for password reset and notifications" : "Indiritzu de posta eletrònica printzipale pro torrare a impostare sa crae e retzire notìficas",
"Remove primary email" : "Boga•nche s'indiritzu de posta eletrònica printzipale",
"Delete email" : "Cantzella indiritzu de posta eletrònica",
- "Your email address" : "Indiritzu tuo de posta eletrònica",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Segundu indiritzu de posta eletrònica {index}",
"No email address set" : "Perunu indiritzu de posta eletrònica impostadu",
- "Language" : "Limba",
"Help translate" : "Agiuda a tradùere",
"No language set" : "Peruna limba impostada",
- "Locale" : "Localizatzione",
"Your phone number" : "Nùmero tuo de telèfonu",
"Add" : "Agiunghe",
"Default language" : "Limba predefinida",
"Display name" : "Ammustra nùmene",
"Email" : "Posta eletrònica",
"Quota" : "Cuota",
+ "Language" : "Limba",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Group admin for" : "In amministratzione pro su grupu",
"User backend" : "Motore utente",
"Role" : "Faina",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Website" : "Situ ìnternet",
+ "Locale" : "Localizatzione",
"Active apps" : "Aplicatziones ativas",
"Disabled apps" : "Aplicatziones disativadas",
"Updates" : "Agiornamentos",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Ses acanta de nche bogare su grupu {group}. Is utèntzias NO s'ant a cantzellare.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Cunfirma de bogare su grupu",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Indiritzu tuo de posta eletrònica",
"Add new password" : "Agiunghe una crae noa",
"Add new email address" : "Agiunghe un'indiritzu nou de posta eletrònica",
"Edit User" : "Modìfica utente",
"Unset as primary email" : "Zrušiť nastavenie ako primárny e-mail",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Táto adresa nie je potvrdená",
"Set as primary email" : "Nastaviť ako primárny e-mail",
- "Your email address" : "Vaša emailová adresa",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Ďalšia e-mailová adresa {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Nie je možné zmazať primárnu e-mail adresu",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať primárnu e-mail adresu",
"Additional emails" : "Ďalšie e-maily",
"Your handle" : "Váš identifikátor (handle)",
"Your headline" : "Váš titul",
- "Language" : "Jazyk",
"Help translate" : "Pomôcť s prekladom",
"Unable to update language" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať jazyk",
"No language set" : "Nie je nastavený žiadny jazyk",
- "Locale" : "Regionálne nastavenia",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Prvý deň v týždni je {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať regionálne nastavenia",
"No locale set" : "Nie sú konfigurované žiadne regionálne nastavenia",
"Display name" : "Zobrazované meno",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Kvóta",
+ "Language" : "Jazyk",
"Add new user" : "Pridať nového používateľa",
"Total rows summary" : "Súčet všetkých riadkov",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (napr. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webstránka",
"Profile visibility" : "Viditeľnosť profilu",
+ "Locale" : "Regionálne nastavenia",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Nie je k dispozícii, pretože táto vlastnosť je potrebná pre základné funkcie vrátane zdieľania súborov a pozvánok do kalendára",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nie je k dispozícii, pretože federácia bola pre váš účet zakázaná. Ak máte nejaké otázky, kontaktujte správcu systému",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nie je k dispozícii, pretože publikovanie špecifických údajov užívateľa na vyhľadávacom serveri nie je povolené. Ak máte nejaké otázky, kontaktujte správcu systému",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Prosím potvrďte vymazanie skupiny.",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Vybrať profilový obrázok zo súborov",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png alebo jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Vaša emailová adresa",
"Your location" : "Vaša poloha",
"Add new password" : "Pridať nové heslo",
"Add new email address" : "Pridať novú emailovú adresu",
"Unset as primary email" : "Zrušiť nastavenie ako primárny e-mail",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Táto adresa nie je potvrdená",
"Set as primary email" : "Nastaviť ako primárny e-mail",
- "Your email address" : "Vaša emailová adresa",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Ďalšia e-mailová adresa {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Nie je možné zmazať primárnu e-mail adresu",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať primárnu e-mail adresu",
"Additional emails" : "Ďalšie e-maily",
"Your handle" : "Váš identifikátor (handle)",
"Your headline" : "Váš titul",
- "Language" : "Jazyk",
"Help translate" : "Pomôcť s prekladom",
"Unable to update language" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať jazyk",
"No language set" : "Nie je nastavený žiadny jazyk",
- "Locale" : "Regionálne nastavenia",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Prvý deň v týždni je {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať regionálne nastavenia",
"No locale set" : "Nie sú konfigurované žiadne regionálne nastavenia",
"Display name" : "Zobrazované meno",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Kvóta",
+ "Language" : "Jazyk",
"Add new user" : "Pridať nového používateľa",
"Total rows summary" : "Súčet všetkých riadkov",
"Avatar" : "Avatar",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (napr. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webstránka",
"Profile visibility" : "Viditeľnosť profilu",
+ "Locale" : "Regionálne nastavenia",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Nie je k dispozícii, pretože táto vlastnosť je potrebná pre základné funkcie vrátane zdieľania súborov a pozvánok do kalendára",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nie je k dispozícii, pretože federácia bola pre váš účet zakázaná. Ak máte nejaké otázky, kontaktujte správcu systému",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Nie je k dispozícii, pretože publikovanie špecifických údajov užívateľa na vyhľadávacom serveri nie je povolené. Ak máte nejaké otázky, kontaktujte správcu systému",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Prosím potvrďte vymazanie skupiny.",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Vybrať profilový obrázok zo súborov",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png alebo jpg, max. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Vaša emailová adresa",
"Your location" : "Vaša poloha",
"Add new password" : "Pridať nové heslo",
"Add new email address" : "Pridať novú emailovú adresu",
"Unset as primary email" : "Odstrani oznako osnovnega elektronskega naslova",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ta naslov ni potrjen",
"Set as primary email" : "Nastavi kot osnovni elektronski naslov",
- "Your email address" : "Osebni elektronski naslov",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Dodatni elektronski naslov {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Ni mogoče izbrisati osnovnega elektronskega naslova",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Ni mogoče posodobiti osnovnega elektronskega naslova",
"Additional emails" : "Dodatni elektronski naslovi",
"Your handle" : "Ročnik",
"Your headline" : "Vaš naslov",
- "Language" : "Jezik",
"Help translate" : "Sodelujte pri prevajanju",
"Unable to update language" : "Ni mogoče posodobiti jezika",
"No language set" : "Jezik ni nastavljen",
- "Locale" : "Jezikovne nastavitve",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Prvi dan tedna je {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Ni mogoče posodobiti jezikovnih nastavitev",
"No locale set" : "Ni določenih jezikovnih nastavitev",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Nastavi uporabnika kot skrbnika za ...",
"Quota" : "Količinska omejitev",
"Set user quota" : "Določi količinsko omejitev",
+ "Language" : "Jezik",
"Set default language" : "Nastavi privzeti jezik",
"Manager" : "Upravljalnik",
"Add new user" : "Dodaj uporabnika",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (na primer Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Spletna stran",
"Profile visibility" : "Vidnost profila",
+ "Locale" : "Jezikovne nastavitve",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Možnosti ni na voljo, saj objava podatkov o uporabniku v strežniku za iskanje ni dovoljena. Za podrobnosti stopite v stik s skrbnika sistema.",
"Active apps" : "Zagnani programi",
"Disabled apps" : "Onemogočeni programi",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potrditi je treba odstranjevanje skupine",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Izbor slike profila med datotekami",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ali jpg, največ. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Osebni elektronski naslov",
"Your location" : "Vaše trenutno mesto",
"Add new password" : "Vpis gesla",
"Add new email address" : "Vpis elektronskega naslova",
"Unset as primary email" : "Odstrani oznako osnovnega elektronskega naslova",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ta naslov ni potrjen",
"Set as primary email" : "Nastavi kot osnovni elektronski naslov",
- "Your email address" : "Osebni elektronski naslov",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Dodatni elektronski naslov {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Ni mogoče izbrisati osnovnega elektronskega naslova",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Ni mogoče posodobiti osnovnega elektronskega naslova",
"Additional emails" : "Dodatni elektronski naslovi",
"Your handle" : "Ročnik",
"Your headline" : "Vaš naslov",
- "Language" : "Jezik",
"Help translate" : "Sodelujte pri prevajanju",
"Unable to update language" : "Ni mogoče posodobiti jezika",
"No language set" : "Jezik ni nastavljen",
- "Locale" : "Jezikovne nastavitve",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Prvi dan tedna je {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Ni mogoče posodobiti jezikovnih nastavitev",
"No locale set" : "Ni določenih jezikovnih nastavitev",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Nastavi uporabnika kot skrbnika za ...",
"Quota" : "Količinska omejitev",
"Set user quota" : "Določi količinsko omejitev",
+ "Language" : "Jezik",
"Set default language" : "Nastavi privzeti jezik",
"Manager" : "Upravljalnik",
"Add new user" : "Dodaj uporabnika",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (na primer Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Spletna stran",
"Profile visibility" : "Vidnost profila",
+ "Locale" : "Jezikovne nastavitve",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Možnosti ni na voljo, saj objava podatkov o uporabniku v strežniku za iskanje ni dovoljena. Za podrobnosti stopite v stik s skrbnika sistema.",
"Active apps" : "Zagnani programi",
"Disabled apps" : "Onemogočeni programi",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potrditi je treba odstranjevanje skupine",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Izbor slike profila med datotekami",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ali jpg, največ. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Osebni elektronski naslov",
"Your location" : "Vaše trenutno mesto",
"Add new password" : "Vpis gesla",
"Add new email address" : "Vpis elektronskega naslova",
"Change password" : "Ndrysho fjalëkalimin",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Foto e prurë nga llogaria origjinale",
"Details" : "Detaje",
- "Your email address" : "Adresa juaj email",
"No email address set" : "S’është caktuar adresë email",
- "Language" : "Gjuhë",
"Help translate" : "Ndihmoni në përkthim",
"Your phone number" : "Numri juaj i telefonit",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Emri i përdoruesit tuaj në Twitter",
"Display name" : "Shfaq emrin",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Kuota",
+ "Language" : "Gjuhë",
"Avatar" : "Avatari",
"Group admin for" : "Administratori i grupit për",
"User backend" : "Program klient i përdoruesit",
"Enable all" : "Aktivizoi të gjitha",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Për të bërë këtë ekzekutim ju duhet shtesa PHP POSIX. Shikoni {linkstart} dokumentacionin e PHP {linkend} pë më shumë detaje.",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ose jpg, maks. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Adresa juaj email",
"Add group" : "Shto grup",
"Send email to new user" : "Dërgo email përdoruesi të ri",
"Plain" : "E thjeshtë",
"Change password" : "Ndrysho fjalëkalimin",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Foto e prurë nga llogaria origjinale",
"Details" : "Detaje",
- "Your email address" : "Adresa juaj email",
"No email address set" : "S’është caktuar adresë email",
- "Language" : "Gjuhë",
"Help translate" : "Ndihmoni në përkthim",
"Your phone number" : "Numri juaj i telefonit",
"Your Twitter handle" : "Emri i përdoruesit tuaj në Twitter",
"Display name" : "Shfaq emrin",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Kuota",
+ "Language" : "Gjuhë",
"Avatar" : "Avatari",
"Group admin for" : "Administratori i grupit për",
"User backend" : "Program klient i përdoruesit",
"Enable all" : "Aktivizoi të gjitha",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Për të bërë këtë ekzekutim ju duhet shtesa PHP POSIX. Shikoni {linkstart} dokumentacionin e PHP {linkend} pë më shumë detaje.",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ose jpg, maks. 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Adresa juaj email",
"Add group" : "Shto grup",
"Send email to new user" : "Dërgo email përdoruesi të ri",
"Plain" : "E thjeshtë",
"Unset as primary email" : "Постави да није примарни и-мејл",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ова адреса није потврђена",
"Set as primary email" : "Постави као примарни и-мејл",
- "Your email address" : "Адреса Ваше е-поште",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Додатна и-мејл адреса {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Примарна и-мејл адреса не може да се обрише",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Примарна и-мејл адреса није могла да се ажурира",
"Additional emails" : "Додатни и-мејлови",
"Your handle" : "Ваша ручка",
"Your headline" : "Ваша насловна линија",
- "Language" : "Језик",
"Help translate" : " Помозите у превођењу",
"Unable to update language" : "Језик није могао да се ажурира",
"No language set" : "Ниједан језик није постављен",
- "Locale" : "Локалитет",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Недеља почиње у {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Локалитет није могао да се ажурира",
"No locale set" : "Није постављен локалитет",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Постави корисника као администратора за...",
"Quota" : "Квота",
"Set user quota" : "Постави квоту корисника",
+ "Language" : "Језик",
"Set default language" : "Постави подразумевани језик",
"Manager" : "Менаџер",
"Add new user" : "Додај новог корисника",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (нпр. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Веб сајт",
"Profile visibility" : "Видљивост профила",
+ "Locale" : "Локалитет",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Није доступно јер је ова особина потребна за основну функционалност укључујући дељење фајла и позивнице календара",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Није доступно јер је за ваш налог искључена федерација, обратите се свом администратору система ако имате било каквих питања",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Није доступно јер је забрањено објављивање података о кориснику на сервер за претрагу, обратите се свом администратору система ако имате било каквих питања",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Потврдите уклањање групе",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Изабери слику профила међу фајловима",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "„png“ или „jpg“, макс. 20 МБ",
+ "Your email address" : "Адреса Ваше е-поште",
"Your location" : "Ваша локација",
"Add new password" : "Додај нову лозинку",
"Add new email address" : "Додај нову адресу е-поште",
"Unset as primary email" : "Постави да није примарни и-мејл",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ова адреса није потврђена",
"Set as primary email" : "Постави као примарни и-мејл",
- "Your email address" : "Адреса Ваше е-поште",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Додатна и-мејл адреса {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Примарна и-мејл адреса не може да се обрише",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Примарна и-мејл адреса није могла да се ажурира",
"Additional emails" : "Додатни и-мејлови",
"Your handle" : "Ваша ручка",
"Your headline" : "Ваша насловна линија",
- "Language" : "Језик",
"Help translate" : " Помозите у превођењу",
"Unable to update language" : "Језик није могао да се ажурира",
"No language set" : "Ниједан језик није постављен",
- "Locale" : "Локалитет",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Недеља почиње у {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Локалитет није могао да се ажурира",
"No locale set" : "Није постављен локалитет",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Постави корисника као администратора за...",
"Quota" : "Квота",
"Set user quota" : "Постави квоту корисника",
+ "Language" : "Језик",
"Set default language" : "Постави подразумевани језик",
"Manager" : "Менаџер",
"Add new user" : "Додај новог корисника",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (нпр. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Веб сајт",
"Profile visibility" : "Видљивост профила",
+ "Locale" : "Локалитет",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Није доступно јер је ова особина потребна за основну функционалност укључујући дељење фајла и позивнице календара",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Није доступно јер је за ваш налог искључена федерација, обратите се свом администратору система ако имате било каквих питања",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Није доступно јер је забрањено објављивање података о кориснику на сервер за претрагу, обратите се свом администратору система ако имате било каквих питања",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Потврдите уклањање групе",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Изабери слику профила међу фајловима",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "„png“ или „jpg“, макс. 20 МБ",
+ "Your email address" : "Адреса Ваше е-поште",
"Your location" : "Ваша локација",
"Add new password" : "Додај нову лозинку",
"Add new email address" : "Додај нову адресу е-поште",
"Reshare" : "Dela vidare",
"Unlimited" : "Obegränsat",
"Verifying" : "Verifiera",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "Söker efter gammalt användarimporterat certifikat",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Ett bakgrundsjobb väntar som söker efter användarimporterade SSL-certifikat. Vänligen kontrollera igen senare.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Det finns några användarimporterade SSL-certifikat närvarande som inte längre används med Nextcloud 21. De kan importeras i kommandoraden via \"occ security:certificates:import\". Deras sökvägar inuti data-mappen visas nedanför.",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "Söker efter standardtelefonregion",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "Din installation har ingen standardregion för telefon inställd. Detta krävs för att validera telefonnummer i profilinställningarna utan landskod. För att tillåta nummer utan landskod, lägg till \"default_phone_region\" med respektive ISO 3166-1-kod för regionen i din konfigurationsfil.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "Internetanslutning",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "Internetanslutning är inaktiverad i konfigurationsfilen.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Den här servern har ingen fungerande internetanslutning: Flera slutpunkter kunde inte nås. Det betyder att vissa av funktionerna som montering av extern lagring, aviseringar om uppdateringar eller installation av tredjepartsappar inte kommer att fungera. Att komma åt filer på distans och skicka e-postmeddelanden kanske inte heller fungerar. Upprätta en anslutning från denna server till internet för att kunna nyttja alla funktioner.",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "Kontrollerar om gammal server-side-kryptering har inaktiverats",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Det gamla krypteringsformatet på servern är aktiverat. Vi rekommenderar att du inaktiverar detta.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "Söker efter standardteckenuppsättning för PHP",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "PHP-konfigurationsalternativ default_charset ska vara UTF-8",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "Söker efter PHP-version",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Du kör för närvarande PHP %s. PHP 8.0 är nu föråldrat i Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 kan kräva minst PHP 8.1. Vänligen uppgradera till en av de officiellt stödda PHP-versionerna som tillhandahålls av PHP Group så snart som möjligt.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "Du kör för närvarande PHP %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "Söker efter alternativet PHP output_buffering",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "PHP-konfigurationsalternativ output_buffering måste vara inaktiverat",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "Söker efter åtkomsträttigheter till konfigurationsfilen",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "Den skrivskyddade konfigurationen har aktiverats. Detta förhindrar att vissa konfigurationer ställs in via webbgränssnittet. Dessutom måste filen göras skrivbar manuellt för varje uppdatering.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Nextcloud-konfigurationsfilen är skrivbar",
+ "Checking for database version" : "Söker efter databasversion",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MariaDB version \"%s\" används. Nextcloud 21 och högre stöder inte denna version och kräver MariaDB 10.2 eller högre.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MySQL-versionen \"%s\" används. Nextcloud 21 och högre stöder inte denna version och kräver MySQL 8.0 eller MariaDB 10.2 eller högre.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "PostgreSQL-versionen \"%s\" används. Nextcloud 21 och högre stöder inte denna version och kräver PostgreSQL 9.6 eller högre.",
"Unset as primary email" : "Ta bort som primär e-post",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Denna adress är inte verifierad",
"Set as primary email" : "Välj som primär e-post",
- "Your email address" : "Din e-postadress",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Ytterligare e-postadress {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Kunde inte ta bort primär e-postadress",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Kunde inte uppdatera primär e-postadress",
"Additional emails" : "Ytterligare e-postadresser",
"Your handle" : "Ditt kontonamn",
"Your headline" : "Din rubrik",
- "Language" : "Språk",
"Help translate" : "Hjälp till med översättningarna",
"Unable to update language" : "Kunde inte uppdatera språk",
"No language set" : "Inget språk angivet",
- "Locale" : "Plats",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Veckan börjar med {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Det gick inte att uppdatera språk",
"No locale set" : "Inget språk angivet",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Ange användare som administratör för...",
"Quota" : "Lagringsutrymme",
"Set user quota" : "Ställ in användarkvot",
+ "Language" : "Språk",
"Set default language" : "Ställ in standardspråk",
"Manager" : "Chef",
"Add new user" : "Lägg till ny användare",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (t.ex. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webbplats",
"Profile visibility" : "Profilsynlighet",
+ "Locale" : "Plats",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Inte tillgänglig då denna inställning krävs för essentiell funktionalitet såsom fildelning och kalenderinbjudningar",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Ej tillgängligt eftersom federation har inaktiverats för ditt konto, kontakta din systemadministratör om du har några frågor",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Inte tillgänglig då publicering av användarspecifik data till lookup-servern inte är tillåten, kontakta din systemadministratör ifall du har frågor",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bekräfta borttagning av gruppen",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Välj profilbild från filer",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png eller jpg, max 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Din e-postadress",
"Your location" : "Din plats",
"Add new password" : "Lägg till nytt lösenord",
"Add new email address" : "Lägg till ny e-postadress",
"Allow username autocompletion to users within the same groups" : "Tillåt autokomplettering av användarnamn till användare inom samma grupper",
"The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occured. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "DAV-systemets adressbokssynkronisering har inte körts ännu eftersom din instans har fler än 1000 användare eller för att ett fel uppstod. Kör det manuellt genom att anropa occ dav:sync-system-addressbook.",
"Edit display name" : "Ändra visningsnamn",
- "Select manager" : "Välj chef"
+ "Select manager" : "Välj chef",
+ "Select user manager" : "Välj användaradministratör"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"Reshare" : "Dela vidare",
"Unlimited" : "Obegränsat",
"Verifying" : "Verifiera",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "Söker efter gammalt användarimporterat certifikat",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Ett bakgrundsjobb väntar som söker efter användarimporterade SSL-certifikat. Vänligen kontrollera igen senare.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Det finns några användarimporterade SSL-certifikat närvarande som inte längre används med Nextcloud 21. De kan importeras i kommandoraden via \"occ security:certificates:import\". Deras sökvägar inuti data-mappen visas nedanför.",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "Söker efter standardtelefonregion",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "Din installation har ingen standardregion för telefon inställd. Detta krävs för att validera telefonnummer i profilinställningarna utan landskod. För att tillåta nummer utan landskod, lägg till \"default_phone_region\" med respektive ISO 3166-1-kod för regionen i din konfigurationsfil.",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "Internetanslutning",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "Internetanslutning är inaktiverad i konfigurationsfilen.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Den här servern har ingen fungerande internetanslutning: Flera slutpunkter kunde inte nås. Det betyder att vissa av funktionerna som montering av extern lagring, aviseringar om uppdateringar eller installation av tredjepartsappar inte kommer att fungera. Att komma åt filer på distans och skicka e-postmeddelanden kanske inte heller fungerar. Upprätta en anslutning från denna server till internet för att kunna nyttja alla funktioner.",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "Kontrollerar om gammal server-side-kryptering har inaktiverats",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Det gamla krypteringsformatet på servern är aktiverat. Vi rekommenderar att du inaktiverar detta.",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "Söker efter standardteckenuppsättning för PHP",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "PHP-konfigurationsalternativ default_charset ska vara UTF-8",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "Söker efter PHP-version",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Du kör för närvarande PHP %s. PHP 8.0 är nu föråldrat i Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 kan kräva minst PHP 8.1. Vänligen uppgradera till en av de officiellt stödda PHP-versionerna som tillhandahålls av PHP Group så snart som möjligt.",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "Du kör för närvarande PHP %s.",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "Söker efter alternativet PHP output_buffering",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "PHP-konfigurationsalternativ output_buffering måste vara inaktiverat",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "Söker efter åtkomsträttigheter till konfigurationsfilen",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "Den skrivskyddade konfigurationen har aktiverats. Detta förhindrar att vissa konfigurationer ställs in via webbgränssnittet. Dessutom måste filen göras skrivbar manuellt för varje uppdatering.",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Nextcloud-konfigurationsfilen är skrivbar",
+ "Checking for database version" : "Söker efter databasversion",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MariaDB version \"%s\" används. Nextcloud 21 och högre stöder inte denna version och kräver MariaDB 10.2 eller högre.",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "MySQL-versionen \"%s\" används. Nextcloud 21 och högre stöder inte denna version och kräver MySQL 8.0 eller MariaDB 10.2 eller högre.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "PostgreSQL-versionen \"%s\" används. Nextcloud 21 och högre stöder inte denna version och kräver PostgreSQL 9.6 eller högre.",
"Unset as primary email" : "Ta bort som primär e-post",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Denna adress är inte verifierad",
"Set as primary email" : "Välj som primär e-post",
- "Your email address" : "Din e-postadress",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Ytterligare e-postadress {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Kunde inte ta bort primär e-postadress",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Kunde inte uppdatera primär e-postadress",
"Additional emails" : "Ytterligare e-postadresser",
"Your handle" : "Ditt kontonamn",
"Your headline" : "Din rubrik",
- "Language" : "Språk",
"Help translate" : "Hjälp till med översättningarna",
"Unable to update language" : "Kunde inte uppdatera språk",
"No language set" : "Inget språk angivet",
- "Locale" : "Plats",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Veckan börjar med {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Det gick inte att uppdatera språk",
"No locale set" : "Inget språk angivet",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Ange användare som administratör för...",
"Quota" : "Lagringsutrymme",
"Set user quota" : "Ställ in användarkvot",
+ "Language" : "Språk",
"Set default language" : "Ställ in standardspråk",
"Manager" : "Chef",
"Add new user" : "Lägg till ny användare",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (t.ex. Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Webbplats",
"Profile visibility" : "Profilsynlighet",
+ "Locale" : "Plats",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Inte tillgänglig då denna inställning krävs för essentiell funktionalitet såsom fildelning och kalenderinbjudningar",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Ej tillgängligt eftersom federation har inaktiverats för ditt konto, kontakta din systemadministratör om du har några frågor",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Inte tillgänglig då publicering av användarspecifik data till lookup-servern inte är tillåten, kontakta din systemadministratör ifall du har frågor",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bekräfta borttagning av gruppen",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Välj profilbild från filer",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png eller jpg, max 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Din e-postadress",
"Your location" : "Din plats",
"Add new password" : "Lägg till nytt lösenord",
"Add new email address" : "Lägg till ny e-postadress",
"Allow username autocompletion to users within the same groups" : "Tillåt autokomplettering av användarnamn till användare inom samma grupper",
"The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occured. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "DAV-systemets adressbokssynkronisering har inte körts ännu eftersom din instans har fler än 1000 användare eller för att ett fel uppstod. Kör det manuellt genom att anropa occ dav:sync-system-addressbook.",
"Edit display name" : "Ändra visningsnamn",
- "Select manager" : "Välj chef"
+ "Select manager" : "Välj chef",
+ "Select user manager" : "Välj användaradministratör"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"Primary email for password reset and notifications" : "อีเมลหลักสำหรับการตั้งรหัสผ่านใหม่และการแจ้งเตือน",
"Remove primary email" : "ลบอีเมลหลักออก",
"Delete email" : "ลบอีเมล",
- "Your email address" : "ที่อยู่อีเมลของคุณ",
"Additional email address {index}" : "ที่อยู่อีเมลเพิ่มเติม {index}",
"No email address set" : "ไม่ได้ระบุที่อยู่อีเมล",
- "Language" : "ภาษา",
"Help translate" : "ช่วยแปล",
"No language set" : "ไม่ได้ตั้งภาษา",
- "Locale" : "ตำแหน่งที่ตั้ง",
"Add" : "เพิ่ม",
"Default language" : "ภาษาค่าเริ่มต้น",
"Common languages" : "ภาษาที่นิยม",
"Display name" : "ชื่อที่แสดง",
"Email" : "อีเมล",
"Quota" : "โควต้า",
+ "Language" : "ภาษา",
"Avatar" : "ภาพแทนตัว",
"Group admin for" : "ผู้ดูแลกลุ่มสำหรับ",
"User backend" : "แบ็กเอนด์ของผู้ใช้",
"Phone number" : "หมายเลขโทรศัพท์",
"Twitter" : "ทวิตเตอร์",
"Website" : "เว็บไซต์",
+ "Locale" : "ตำแหน่งที่ตั้ง",
"Active apps" : "แอปที่เปิดใช้งานอยู่",
"Disabled apps" : "แอปที่ปิดใช้งาน",
"Updates" : "อัปเดต",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "คุณกำลังจะลบกลุ่ม {group} ผู้ใช้ที่อยู่ในกลุ่มจะไม่ถูกลบไปด้วย",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "กรุณายืนยันการลบกลุ่ม",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png หรือ jpg สูงสุดไม่เกิน 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "ที่อยู่อีเมลของคุณ",
"Add new password" : "เพิ่มรหัสผ่านใหม่",
"Add new email address" : "เพิ่มที่อยู่อีเมลใหม่",
"Edit User" : "แก้ไขผู้ใช้",
"Primary email for password reset and notifications" : "อีเมลหลักสำหรับการตั้งรหัสผ่านใหม่และการแจ้งเตือน",
"Remove primary email" : "ลบอีเมลหลักออก",
"Delete email" : "ลบอีเมล",
- "Your email address" : "ที่อยู่อีเมลของคุณ",
"Additional email address {index}" : "ที่อยู่อีเมลเพิ่มเติม {index}",
"No email address set" : "ไม่ได้ระบุที่อยู่อีเมล",
- "Language" : "ภาษา",
"Help translate" : "ช่วยแปล",
"No language set" : "ไม่ได้ตั้งภาษา",
- "Locale" : "ตำแหน่งที่ตั้ง",
"Add" : "เพิ่ม",
"Default language" : "ภาษาค่าเริ่มต้น",
"Common languages" : "ภาษาที่นิยม",
"Display name" : "ชื่อที่แสดง",
"Email" : "อีเมล",
"Quota" : "โควต้า",
+ "Language" : "ภาษา",
"Avatar" : "ภาพแทนตัว",
"Group admin for" : "ผู้ดูแลกลุ่มสำหรับ",
"User backend" : "แบ็กเอนด์ของผู้ใช้",
"Phone number" : "หมายเลขโทรศัพท์",
"Twitter" : "ทวิตเตอร์",
"Website" : "เว็บไซต์",
+ "Locale" : "ตำแหน่งที่ตั้ง",
"Active apps" : "แอปที่เปิดใช้งานอยู่",
"Disabled apps" : "แอปที่ปิดใช้งาน",
"Updates" : "อัปเดต",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "คุณกำลังจะลบกลุ่ม {group} ผู้ใช้ที่อยู่ในกลุ่มจะไม่ถูกลบไปด้วย",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "กรุณายืนยันการลบกลุ่ม",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png หรือ jpg สูงสุดไม่เกิน 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "ที่อยู่อีเมลของคุณ",
"Add new password" : "เพิ่มรหัสผ่านใหม่",
"Add new email address" : "เพิ่มที่อยู่อีเมลใหม่",
"Edit User" : "แก้ไขผู้ใช้",
"Unset as primary email" : "Birincil e-posta işaretini kaldır",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Bu adres doğrulanmamış",
"Set as primary email" : "Birincil e-posta olarak ayarla",
- "Your email address" : "E-posta adresiniz",
"Additional email address {index}" : "{index}. ek e-posta adresi",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Birincil e-posta adresi silinemedi",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Birincil e-posta adresi güncellenemedi",
"Additional emails" : "Ek e-posta adresleri",
"Your handle" : "Kodunuz",
"Your headline" : "Başlığınız",
- "Language" : "Dil",
"Help translate" : "Çeviriye yardım edin",
"Unable to update language" : "Dil güncellenemedi",
"No language set" : "Herhangi bir dil ayarlanmamış",
- "Locale" : "Yerel Ayar",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Hafta başlangıcı: {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Yerel ayar güncellenemedi",
"No locale set" : "Herhangi bir yerel ayar seçilmemiş",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Kullanıcıyı şunun yöneticisi yap…",
"Quota" : "Kota",
"Set user quota" : "Kullanıcı kotasını ayarla",
+ "Language" : "Dil",
"Set default language" : "Varsayılan dili ayarla",
"Manager" : "Yönetici",
"Add new user" : "Yeni kullanıcı ekle",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (Mastodon gibi)",
"Website" : "Site",
"Profile visibility" : "Profil görünürlüğü",
+ "Locale" : "Yerel Ayar",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Bu özellik, dosya paylaşımı ve takvim çağrıları gibi temel işlevler için gerekli olduğundan kullanılamıyor",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Hesabınızda birleşik kullanım devre dışı bırakılmış olduğundan kullanılamıyor. Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa sistem yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Kullanıcıya özel verilerin arama sunucusunda yayınlanmasına izin verilmediğinden kullanılamıyor. Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa sistem yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Grubu silme işlemini onaylayın",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Profil görselini dosyalardan seçin",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ya da jpg, en fazla 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "E-posta adresiniz",
"Your location" : "Konumunuz",
"Add new password" : "Yeni parola ekle",
"Add new email address" : "Yeni e-posta adresi ekle",
"Unset as primary email" : "Birincil e-posta işaretini kaldır",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Bu adres doğrulanmamış",
"Set as primary email" : "Birincil e-posta olarak ayarla",
- "Your email address" : "E-posta adresiniz",
"Additional email address {index}" : "{index}. ek e-posta adresi",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Birincil e-posta adresi silinemedi",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Birincil e-posta adresi güncellenemedi",
"Additional emails" : "Ek e-posta adresleri",
"Your handle" : "Kodunuz",
"Your headline" : "Başlığınız",
- "Language" : "Dil",
"Help translate" : "Çeviriye yardım edin",
"Unable to update language" : "Dil güncellenemedi",
"No language set" : "Herhangi bir dil ayarlanmamış",
- "Locale" : "Yerel Ayar",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Hafta başlangıcı: {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Yerel ayar güncellenemedi",
"No locale set" : "Herhangi bir yerel ayar seçilmemiş",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Kullanıcıyı şunun yöneticisi yap…",
"Quota" : "Kota",
"Set user quota" : "Kullanıcı kotasını ayarla",
+ "Language" : "Dil",
"Set default language" : "Varsayılan dili ayarla",
"Manager" : "Yönetici",
"Add new user" : "Yeni kullanıcı ekle",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (Mastodon gibi)",
"Website" : "Site",
"Profile visibility" : "Profil görünürlüğü",
+ "Locale" : "Yerel Ayar",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Bu özellik, dosya paylaşımı ve takvim çağrıları gibi temel işlevler için gerekli olduğundan kullanılamıyor",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Hesabınızda birleşik kullanım devre dışı bırakılmış olduğundan kullanılamıyor. Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa sistem yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Kullanıcıya özel verilerin arama sunucusunda yayınlanmasına izin verilmediğinden kullanılamıyor. Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa sistem yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Grubu silme işlemini onaylayın",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Profil görselini dosyalardan seçin",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ya da jpg, en fazla 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "E-posta adresiniz",
"Your location" : "Konumunuz",
"Add new password" : "Yeni parola ekle",
"Add new email address" : "Yeni e-posta adresi ekle",
"Unset as primary email" : "Скасувати як основну електронну адресу",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ця адреса не підтверджена",
"Set as primary email" : "Установити як основну електронну адресу",
- "Your email address" : "Ваша адреса електронної пошти",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Додаткова електронна адреса {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Не вдалося вилучити основну електронну адресу",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Не вдалося оновити основну електронну адресу",
"Additional emails" : "Додаткові ел. адреси",
"Your handle" : "Ви керуєте",
"Your headline" : "Ваш заголовок",
- "Language" : "Мова",
"Help translate" : "Допомогти з перекладом",
"Unable to update language" : "Не вдалося оновити мову",
"No language set" : "Мову не визначено",
- "Locale" : "Локаль",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Тиждень починається у {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Не вдалося оновити мову",
"No locale set" : "Мову не визначено",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Встановити користувача адміністратором для ...",
"Quota" : "Квота",
"Set user quota" : "Встановити квоту для користувача",
+ "Language" : "Мова",
"Set default language" : "Встановити типову мову",
"Manager" : "Менеджер",
"Add new user" : "Додати нового користувача",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (напр., Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Вебсайт",
"Profile visibility" : "Видимість профілю",
+ "Locale" : "Локаль",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Недоступно, оскільки ця властивість необхідна для основних функцій, включаючи спільний доступ до файлів і запрошення в календарі",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Недоступно, оскільки об'єднані хмари вимкнено для вашого облікового запису. Будь ласка, сконтактуйте з вашим адміністратором.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Недоступно, оскільки публікація даних користувача на пошуковому сервері заборонена. Зверніться до системного адміністратора, якщо у вас виникнуть запитання",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Будь ласка, підтвердіть вилучення групи",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Виберіть зображення профілю з файлів",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png або jpg, макс. 20 МБ",
+ "Your email address" : "Ваша адреса електронної пошти",
"Your location" : "Ваше місце розташування",
"Add new password" : "Встановити новий пароль",
"Add new email address" : "Додати нову адресу електронної пошти",
"Unset as primary email" : "Скасувати як основну електронну адресу",
"This address is not confirmed" : "Ця адреса не підтверджена",
"Set as primary email" : "Установити як основну електронну адресу",
- "Your email address" : "Ваша адреса електронної пошти",
"Additional email address {index}" : "Додаткова електронна адреса {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "Не вдалося вилучити основну електронну адресу",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "Не вдалося оновити основну електронну адресу",
"Additional emails" : "Додаткові ел. адреси",
"Your handle" : "Ви керуєте",
"Your headline" : "Ваш заголовок",
- "Language" : "Мова",
"Help translate" : "Допомогти з перекладом",
"Unable to update language" : "Не вдалося оновити мову",
"No language set" : "Мову не визначено",
- "Locale" : "Локаль",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Тиждень починається у {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Не вдалося оновити мову",
"No locale set" : "Мову не визначено",
"Set user as admin for …" : "Встановити користувача адміністратором для ...",
"Quota" : "Квота",
"Set user quota" : "Встановити квоту для користувача",
+ "Language" : "Мова",
"Set default language" : "Встановити типову мову",
"Manager" : "Менеджер",
"Add new user" : "Додати нового користувача",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse (напр., Mastodon)",
"Website" : "Вебсайт",
"Profile visibility" : "Видимість профілю",
+ "Locale" : "Локаль",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "Недоступно, оскільки ця властивість необхідна для основних функцій, включаючи спільний доступ до файлів і запрошення в календарі",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Недоступно, оскільки об'єднані хмари вимкнено для вашого облікового запису. Будь ласка, сконтактуйте з вашим адміністратором.",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "Недоступно, оскільки публікація даних користувача на пошуковому сервері заборонена. Зверніться до системного адміністратора, якщо у вас виникнуть запитання",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Будь ласка, підтвердіть вилучення групи",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Виберіть зображення профілю з файлів",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png або jpg, макс. 20 МБ",
+ "Your email address" : "Ваша адреса електронної пошти",
"Your location" : "Ваше місце розташування",
"Add new password" : "Встановити новий пароль",
"Add new email address" : "Додати нову адресу електронної пошти",
"New password" : "Mật khẩu mới",
"Change password" : "Đổi mật khẩu",
"Details" : "Thông tin",
- "Your email address" : "Email của bạn",
"No email address set" : "Chưa thiết lập địa chỉ email",
- "Language" : "Ngôn ngữ",
"Help translate" : "Hỗ trợ dịch thuật",
"No language set" : "Không có ngôn ngữ",
"Add" : "Thêm",
"Display name" : "Tên hiển thị",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Hạn ngạch",
+ "Language" : "Ngôn ngữ",
"Avatar" : "Hình đại diện",
"Group admin for" : "Quản trị viên nhóm",
"User backend" : "Trang cài đặt người dùng",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Bạn sắp xóa nhóm {group}. Người dùng sẽ KHÔNG bị xóa.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Vui lòng xác nhận xóa nhóm",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png hoặc jpg, tối đa 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Email của bạn",
"Will be autogenerated" : "Sẽ được tạo tự động",
"Add a new user" : "Thêm người dùng mới",
"No users in here" : "Không có người dùng nào tại đây",
"New password" : "Mật khẩu mới",
"Change password" : "Đổi mật khẩu",
"Details" : "Thông tin",
- "Your email address" : "Email của bạn",
"No email address set" : "Chưa thiết lập địa chỉ email",
- "Language" : "Ngôn ngữ",
"Help translate" : "Hỗ trợ dịch thuật",
"No language set" : "Không có ngôn ngữ",
"Add" : "Thêm",
"Display name" : "Tên hiển thị",
"Email" : "Email",
"Quota" : "Hạn ngạch",
+ "Language" : "Ngôn ngữ",
"Avatar" : "Hình đại diện",
"Group admin for" : "Quản trị viên nhóm",
"User backend" : "Trang cài đặt người dùng",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Bạn sắp xóa nhóm {group}. Người dùng sẽ KHÔNG bị xóa.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Vui lòng xác nhận xóa nhóm",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png hoặc jpg, tối đa 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "Email của bạn",
"Will be autogenerated" : "Sẽ được tạo tự động",
"Add a new user" : "Thêm người dùng mới",
"No users in here" : "Không có người dùng nào tại đây",
"Unset as primary email" : "取消设为主邮件地址",
"This address is not confirmed" : "此地址未经确认",
"Set as primary email" : "设为主电子邮件地址",
- "Your email address" : "您的电子邮件",
"Additional email address {index}" : "附加邮件地址 {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "无法删除主电邮地址",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "无法更新主电邮地址",
"Additional emails" : "附加邮箱地址",
"Your handle" : "您的别名",
"Your headline" : "您的标题",
- "Language" : "语言",
"Help translate" : "帮助翻译",
"Unable to update language" : "无法更新语言",
"No language set" : "没有设置语言",
- "Locale" : "地区语系",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "每周开始于 {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "无法更新语系",
"No locale set" : "没有设置语系",
"Set user as admin for …" : "将用户设置为以下群组的管理员 ...",
"Quota" : "配额",
"Set user quota" : "设置用户配额",
+ "Language" : "语言",
"Set default language" : "设置默认语言",
"Manager" : "管理者",
"Add new user" : "添加新用户",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "联邦宇宙(例如 Mastodon)",
"Website" : "网站",
"Profile visibility" : "个人资料可见性",
+ "Locale" : "地区语系",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "不可用,因为包括文件共享和日历邀请在内的核心功能需要此属性",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "您的账号上的联合云功能已被停用,如有疑问,请咨询系统管理员。",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "不可用,因为不允许将特定于用户的数据发布到查找服务器,如果有任何问题,请与系统管理员联系",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "请确认移除群组",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "从文件中选择个人资料图片",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png 或 jpg 格式,最大 20MB",
+ "Your email address" : "您的电子邮件",
"Your location" : "您的位置",
"Add new password" : "添加新的密码",
"Add new email address" : "添加新的电子邮件地址",
"Unset as primary email" : "取消设为主邮件地址",
"This address is not confirmed" : "此地址未经确认",
"Set as primary email" : "设为主电子邮件地址",
- "Your email address" : "您的电子邮件",
"Additional email address {index}" : "附加邮件地址 {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "无法删除主电邮地址",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "无法更新主电邮地址",
"Additional emails" : "附加邮箱地址",
"Your handle" : "您的别名",
"Your headline" : "您的标题",
- "Language" : "语言",
"Help translate" : "帮助翻译",
"Unable to update language" : "无法更新语言",
"No language set" : "没有设置语言",
- "Locale" : "地区语系",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "每周开始于 {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "无法更新语系",
"No locale set" : "没有设置语系",
"Set user as admin for …" : "将用户设置为以下群组的管理员 ...",
"Quota" : "配额",
"Set user quota" : "设置用户配额",
+ "Language" : "语言",
"Set default language" : "设置默认语言",
"Manager" : "管理者",
"Add new user" : "添加新用户",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "联邦宇宙(例如 Mastodon)",
"Website" : "网站",
"Profile visibility" : "个人资料可见性",
+ "Locale" : "地区语系",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "不可用,因为包括文件共享和日历邀请在内的核心功能需要此属性",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "您的账号上的联合云功能已被停用,如有疑问,请咨询系统管理员。",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "不可用,因为不允许将特定于用户的数据发布到查找服务器,如果有任何问题,请与系统管理员联系",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "请确认移除群组",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "从文件中选择个人资料图片",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png 或 jpg 格式,最大 20MB",
+ "Your email address" : "您的电子邮件",
"Your location" : "您的位置",
"Add new password" : "添加新的密码",
"Add new email address" : "添加新的电子邮件地址",
"Reshare" : "重新分享",
"Unlimited" : "無限制",
"Verifying" : "正在驗證",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "正在檢查舊的用戶匯入證書",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "背景作業正在檢查用戶匯入的SSL證書。請稍後再檢查。",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "存在一些用戶匯入的SSL證書,這些在Nextcloud 21中不再使用。可以通過“ occ security:certificates:import”命令在命令行上將其導入。它們在數據目錄中的路徑如下所示。",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "正在檢查默認電話區域",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "您的安裝尚未設置默認的電話號碼區域。這是在個人資料設定中驗證沒有國家代碼的電話號碼所必需的。要允許沒有有國家代碼的電話號碼,請在您的配置檔案添加「default_phone_region」並設置相應的 ISO 3166-1 區域代碼。",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "互聯網連線",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "已在配置檔案中停用互聯網連線。",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "此伺服器沒有可用的互聯網連接(無法訪問多個端點)。 這意味著某些功能(例如掛載外部存儲、有關更新或安裝第三方應用程式的通知)將無法使用。 遠端存取檔案和發送通知電子郵件也可能不起作用。 請建立從此伺服器到互聯網的連接以享受所有功能。",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "正在檢查舊的伺服器端加密是否已停用",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "啟用了舊的伺服器端加密格式。我們建議停用它。",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "正在檢查 PHP 默認字元集",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "PHP 配置選項 default_charset 應為 UTF-8",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "正在檢查 PHP 版本",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "您目前正在運行 PHP %s。Nextcloud 27 已棄用 PHP 8.0。Nextcloud 28 需要 PHP 8.1 或更新版本。請盡快升級至 PHP Group 提供官方支援的其中一個版本。",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "您目前正在運行 PHP %s。",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "正在檢查 PHP output_buffering 選項",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "PHP 設定選項 output_buffering 必須停用",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "正在檢查配置檔案存取權限",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "「唯讀設定檔」已經啟用,這樣可以防止來自網頁端的設定操作,每次需要更改設定時,都需要手動將設定檔暫時改為可讀寫。",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Nextcloud 配置檔案可寫",
+ "Checking for database version" : "正在檢查資料庫版本",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MariaDB 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 及更新版本不再支援此版本,並需要 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MySQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 及更新版本不再支援此版本,並需要 MySQL 8.0 或 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "正在使用 PostgreSQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 及更新版本不再支援此版本,並需要 PostgreSQL 9.6 或更新版本。",
"Unset as primary email" : "取消設定為主要電郵地址",
"This address is not confirmed" : "此地址尚未確認",
"Set as primary email" : "設為主要電郵地址",
- "Your email address" : "您的電郵地址",
"Additional email address {index}" : "附加電郵地址 {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "無法刪除主電郵地址",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "無法更新主電郵地址",
"Additional emails" : "其他電郵地址",
"Your handle" : "您的別名",
"Your headline" : "您的標題",
- "Language" : "語言",
"Help translate" : "協助翻譯",
"Unable to update language" : "無法更新語言",
"No language set" : "未設定語言",
- "Locale" : "地區設定",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "一星期從 {firstDayOfWeek} 開始",
"Unable to update locale" : "無法更新語言場景",
"No locale set" : "沒有設置語言場景",
"Set user as admin for …" : "將用戶設置為以下群組的管理員...",
"Quota" : "容量限制",
"Set user quota" : "設置用戶配額",
+ "Language" : "語言",
"Set default language" : "設置默認語言",
"Manager" : "管理者",
"Add new user" : "添加新用戶",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse(如 Mastodon)",
"Website" : "網站",
"Profile visibility" : "個人檔案能見度",
+ "Locale" : "地區設定",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "無法使用,因為此屬性是核心功能(包括檔案分享和日曆邀請)所必需的。",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "您賬戶的聯合功能已被停用,因此不可用。如有疑問,請聯絡系統管理員",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "無法使用,因為不允許將用戶的特定資料發佈到查詢伺服器。如果有任何問題,請聯絡您的系統管理員。",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "請確認移除群組",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "從檔案選擇個人資料圖片",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png 或 jpg,最大 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "您的電郵地址",
"Your location" : "您的位置",
"Add new password" : "新增密碼",
"Add new email address" : "新增電郵地址",
"Reshare" : "重新分享",
"Unlimited" : "無限制",
"Verifying" : "正在驗證",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "正在檢查舊的用戶匯入證書",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "背景作業正在檢查用戶匯入的SSL證書。請稍後再檢查。",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "存在一些用戶匯入的SSL證書,這些在Nextcloud 21中不再使用。可以通過“ occ security:certificates:import”命令在命令行上將其導入。它們在數據目錄中的路徑如下所示。",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "正在檢查默認電話區域",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "您的安裝尚未設置默認的電話號碼區域。這是在個人資料設定中驗證沒有國家代碼的電話號碼所必需的。要允許沒有有國家代碼的電話號碼,請在您的配置檔案添加「default_phone_region」並設置相應的 ISO 3166-1 區域代碼。",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "互聯網連線",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "已在配置檔案中停用互聯網連線。",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "此伺服器沒有可用的互聯網連接(無法訪問多個端點)。 這意味著某些功能(例如掛載外部存儲、有關更新或安裝第三方應用程式的通知)將無法使用。 遠端存取檔案和發送通知電子郵件也可能不起作用。 請建立從此伺服器到互聯網的連接以享受所有功能。",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "正在檢查舊的伺服器端加密是否已停用",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "啟用了舊的伺服器端加密格式。我們建議停用它。",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "正在檢查 PHP 默認字元集",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "PHP 配置選項 default_charset 應為 UTF-8",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "正在檢查 PHP 版本",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "您目前正在運行 PHP %s。Nextcloud 27 已棄用 PHP 8.0。Nextcloud 28 需要 PHP 8.1 或更新版本。請盡快升級至 PHP Group 提供官方支援的其中一個版本。",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "您目前正在運行 PHP %s。",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "正在檢查 PHP output_buffering 選項",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "PHP 設定選項 output_buffering 必須停用",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "正在檢查配置檔案存取權限",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "「唯讀設定檔」已經啟用,這樣可以防止來自網頁端的設定操作,每次需要更改設定時,都需要手動將設定檔暫時改為可讀寫。",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Nextcloud 配置檔案可寫",
+ "Checking for database version" : "正在檢查資料庫版本",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MariaDB 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 及更新版本不再支援此版本,並需要 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MySQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 及更新版本不再支援此版本,並需要 MySQL 8.0 或 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "正在使用 PostgreSQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 及更新版本不再支援此版本,並需要 PostgreSQL 9.6 或更新版本。",
"Unset as primary email" : "取消設定為主要電郵地址",
"This address is not confirmed" : "此地址尚未確認",
"Set as primary email" : "設為主要電郵地址",
- "Your email address" : "您的電郵地址",
"Additional email address {index}" : "附加電郵地址 {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "無法刪除主電郵地址",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "無法更新主電郵地址",
"Additional emails" : "其他電郵地址",
"Your handle" : "您的別名",
"Your headline" : "您的標題",
- "Language" : "語言",
"Help translate" : "協助翻譯",
"Unable to update language" : "無法更新語言",
"No language set" : "未設定語言",
- "Locale" : "地區設定",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "一星期從 {firstDayOfWeek} 開始",
"Unable to update locale" : "無法更新語言場景",
"No locale set" : "沒有設置語言場景",
"Set user as admin for …" : "將用戶設置為以下群組的管理員...",
"Quota" : "容量限制",
"Set user quota" : "設置用戶配額",
+ "Language" : "語言",
"Set default language" : "設置默認語言",
"Manager" : "管理者",
"Add new user" : "添加新用戶",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse(如 Mastodon)",
"Website" : "網站",
"Profile visibility" : "個人檔案能見度",
+ "Locale" : "地區設定",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "無法使用,因為此屬性是核心功能(包括檔案分享和日曆邀請)所必需的。",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "您賬戶的聯合功能已被停用,因此不可用。如有疑問,請聯絡系統管理員",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "無法使用,因為不允許將用戶的特定資料發佈到查詢伺服器。如果有任何問題,請聯絡您的系統管理員。",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "請確認移除群組",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "從檔案選擇個人資料圖片",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png 或 jpg,最大 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "您的電郵地址",
"Your location" : "您的位置",
"Add new password" : "新增密碼",
"Add new email address" : "新增電郵地址",
"Reshare" : "重新分享",
"Unlimited" : "無限制",
"Verifying" : "正在驗證",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "正在檢查舊的使用者匯入憑證",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "背景作業正在檢查使用者匯入的 SSL 證書。請稍後再檢查。",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "有一些使用者匯入的 SSL 證書,這些在 Nextcloud 21 不再能運作。它們可以透過命令列執行 \"occ security:certificates:import\" 指令來匯入。它們在資料目錄中的路徑如下所示。",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "正在檢查預設電話區域",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "您並未設定手機國際冠碼。設定後使用者在個人檔案設定手機號碼時不必再輸入國際冠碼。若要這樣做,請新增「default_phone_region」至設定檔,允許的國家及地區請參閱 ISO 3166-1 code 清單。",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "網際網路連線",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "已在設定檔中停用網際網路連線。",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "此伺服器沒有網際網路連線(無法與多個端點取得聯繫),有些功能,像是外部儲存、應用程式更新版通知將無法運作。從遠端存取資料或是寄送電子郵件通知可能也無法運作。建議您設定好網際網路連線以使用所有功能。",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "正在檢查舊的伺服器端加密是否已停用",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "啟用了舊的伺服器端加密格式。我們建議停用它。",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "正在檢查 PHP 預設字元集",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "PHP 設定選項 default_charset 應為 UTF-8",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "正在檢查 PHP 版本",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "您正在執行 PHP %s。Nextcloud 27 已棄用 PHP 8.0。Nextcloud 28 需要 PHP 8.1 或更新版本。請盡快升級至 PHP Group 提供官方支援的其中一個版本。",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "您正在執行 PHP %s。",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "正在檢查 PHP output_buffering 選項",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "PHP 設定選項 output_buffering 必須停用",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "正在檢查設定檔存取權限",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "「唯讀設定檔」已經啟用,這樣可以防止來自網頁端的設定操作,每次需要更改設定時,都需要手動將設定檔暫時改為可讀寫。",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Nextcloud 設定檔可寫",
+ "Checking for database version" : "正在檢查資料庫版本",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MariaDB 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MySQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 MySQL 8.0 或 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "正在使用 PostgreSQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 PostgreSQL 9.6 或更新版本。",
"Unset as primary email" : "取消設定為主要電子郵件",
"This address is not confirmed" : "此地址尚未確認",
"Set as primary email" : "設定為主要電子郵件",
- "Your email address" : "您的電子郵件信箱",
"Additional email address {index}" : "額外的電子郵件地址 {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "無法刪除主要電子郵件地址",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "無法更新主要電子郵件地址",
"Additional emails" : "額外的電子郵件",
"Your handle" : "您的帳號",
"Your headline" : "您的標題",
- "Language" : "語言",
"Help translate" : "協助翻譯",
"Unable to update language" : "無法更新語言",
"No language set" : "未設定語言",
- "Locale" : "地區設定",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "一週從 {firstDayOfWeek} 開始",
"Unable to update locale" : "無法更新語系",
"No locale set" : "未設定語系",
"Set user as admin for …" : "將使用者設定為以下群組的管理員……",
"Quota" : "容量限制",
"Set user quota" : "設定使用者配額",
+ "Language" : "語言",
"Set default language" : "設定預設語言",
"Manager" : "管理者",
"Add new user" : "新增使用者",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse(例如 Mastodon)",
"Website" : "網站",
"Profile visibility" : "個人資料能見度",
+ "Locale" : "地區設定",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "無法使用,因為此屬性是核心功能(包括檔案分享和日曆邀請)所必需的。",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "因為您的帳號已停用聯盟分享,因此不可用,若您有任何問題,請聯絡您的系統管理員",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "無法使用,因為不允許將使用者的特定資料發佈到查詢伺服器,若您有任何問題,請聯絡您的系統管理員",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "請確認移除群組",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "從檔案中選擇個人檔案圖片",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png 或 jpg,最大 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "您的電子郵件信箱",
"Your location" : "您的位置",
"Add new password" : "新增密碼",
"Add new email address" : "新增電子郵件",
"Reshare" : "重新分享",
"Unlimited" : "無限制",
"Verifying" : "正在驗證",
+ "Checking for old user imported certificate" : "正在檢查舊的使用者匯入憑證",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "背景作業正在檢查使用者匯入的 SSL 證書。請稍後再檢查。",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "有一些使用者匯入的 SSL 證書,這些在 Nextcloud 21 不再能運作。它們可以透過命令列執行 \"occ security:certificates:import\" 指令來匯入。它們在資料目錄中的路徑如下所示。",
+ "Checking for default phone region" : "正在檢查預設電話區域",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "您並未設定手機國際冠碼。設定後使用者在個人檔案設定手機號碼時不必再輸入國際冠碼。若要這樣做,請新增「default_phone_region」至設定檔,允許的國家及地區請參閱 ISO 3166-1 code 清單。",
+ "Internet connectivity" : "網際網路連線",
+ "Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "已在設定檔中停用網際網路連線。",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "此伺服器沒有網際網路連線(無法與多個端點取得聯繫),有些功能,像是外部儲存、應用程式更新版通知將無法運作。從遠端存取資料或是寄送電子郵件通知可能也無法運作。建議您設定好網際網路連線以使用所有功能。",
+ "Checking for old server-side-encryption being disabled" : "正在檢查舊的伺服器端加密是否已停用",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "啟用了舊的伺服器端加密格式。我們建議停用它。",
+ "Checking for PHP default charset" : "正在檢查 PHP 預設字元集",
+ "PHP configuration option default_charset should be UTF-8" : "PHP 設定選項 default_charset 應為 UTF-8",
+ "Checking for PHP version" : "正在檢查 PHP 版本",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "您正在執行 PHP %s。Nextcloud 27 已棄用 PHP 8.0。Nextcloud 28 需要 PHP 8.1 或更新版本。請盡快升級至 PHP Group 提供官方支援的其中一個版本。",
+ "You are currently running PHP %s." : "您正在執行 PHP %s。",
+ "Checking for PHP output_buffering option" : "正在檢查 PHP output_buffering 選項",
+ "PHP configuration option output_buffering must be disabled" : "PHP 設定選項 output_buffering 必須停用",
+ "Checking for configuration file access rights" : "正在檢查設定檔存取權限",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "「唯讀設定檔」已經啟用,這樣可以防止來自網頁端的設定操作,每次需要更改設定時,都需要手動將設定檔暫時改為可讀寫。",
+ "Nextcloud configuration file is writable" : "Nextcloud 設定檔可寫",
+ "Checking for database version" : "正在檢查資料庫版本",
"MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MariaDB 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MySQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 MySQL 8.0 或 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "正在使用 PostgreSQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 PostgreSQL 9.6 或更新版本。",
"Unset as primary email" : "取消設定為主要電子郵件",
"This address is not confirmed" : "此地址尚未確認",
"Set as primary email" : "設定為主要電子郵件",
- "Your email address" : "您的電子郵件信箱",
"Additional email address {index}" : "額外的電子郵件地址 {index}",
"Unable to delete primary email address" : "無法刪除主要電子郵件地址",
"Unable to update primary email address" : "無法更新主要電子郵件地址",
"Additional emails" : "額外的電子郵件",
"Your handle" : "您的帳號",
"Your headline" : "您的標題",
- "Language" : "語言",
"Help translate" : "協助翻譯",
"Unable to update language" : "無法更新語言",
"No language set" : "未設定語言",
- "Locale" : "地區設定",
"Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "一週從 {firstDayOfWeek} 開始",
"Unable to update locale" : "無法更新語系",
"No locale set" : "未設定語系",
"Set user as admin for …" : "將使用者設定為以下群組的管理員……",
"Quota" : "容量限制",
"Set user quota" : "設定使用者配額",
+ "Language" : "語言",
"Set default language" : "設定預設語言",
"Manager" : "管理者",
"Add new user" : "新增使用者",
"Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)" : "Fediverse(例如 Mastodon)",
"Website" : "網站",
"Profile visibility" : "個人資料能見度",
+ "Locale" : "地區設定",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "無法使用,因為此屬性是核心功能(包括檔案分享和日曆邀請)所必需的。",
"Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "因為您的帳號已停用聯盟分享,因此不可用,若您有任何問題,請聯絡您的系統管理員",
"Not available as publishing user specific data to the lookup server is not allowed, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "無法使用,因為不允許將使用者的特定資料發佈到查詢伺服器,若您有任何問題,請聯絡您的系統管理員",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "請確認移除群組",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "從檔案中選擇個人檔案圖片",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png 或 jpg,最大 20 MB",
+ "Your email address" : "您的電子郵件信箱",
"Your location" : "您的位置",
"Add new password" : "新增密碼",
"Add new email address" : "新增電子郵件",
"Missing \"Content-Location\" header" : "Falta a cabeceira «Content-Location».",
"Collaborative tags are available for all users. Restricted tags are visible to users but cannot be assigned by them. Invisible tags are for internal use, since users cannot see or assign them." : "As etiquetas colaborativas están dispoñíbeis para todos os usuarios. As etiquetas restrinxidas son visíbeis para os usuarios, mais non poden ser asignadas por eles. As etiquetas invisíbeis son para uso interno, pois os usuarios non poden velas nin asignalas.",
"Create a new tag" : "Crear unha nova etiqueta",
+ "Tag name" : "Nome da etiqueta",
"Name" : "Nome",
+ "Tag level" : "Nivel da etiqueta",
"Public" : "Pública",
"Restricted" : "Restrinxida",
"Invisible" : "Invisíbel",
"Missing \"Content-Location\" header" : "Falta a cabeceira «Content-Location».",
"Collaborative tags are available for all users. Restricted tags are visible to users but cannot be assigned by them. Invisible tags are for internal use, since users cannot see or assign them." : "As etiquetas colaborativas están dispoñíbeis para todos os usuarios. As etiquetas restrinxidas son visíbeis para os usuarios, mais non poden ser asignadas por eles. As etiquetas invisíbeis son para uso interno, pois os usuarios non poden velas nin asignalas.",
"Create a new tag" : "Crear unha nova etiqueta",
+ "Tag name" : "Nome da etiqueta",
"Name" : "Nome",
+ "Tag level" : "Nivel da etiqueta",
"Public" : "Pública",
"Restricted" : "Restrinxida",
"Invisible" : "Invisíbel",
"The given color is invalid" : "هذا اللون غير صحيح",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "\"إيقاف ثيمة المستخدم\" Disable-user-theming يجب أن تكون إمّا صح أو خطأ",
"Saved" : "تم الحفظ",
+ "Invalid app given" : "التطبيق المُعطى غير صحيح",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "النوع المُعطى للإعدادات \"defaultApp\" غير صحيح",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "مفتاح الإعدادات غير صحيح",
"The file was uploaded" : "الملف تم رفعه",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "حجم الملف المرفوع قد تجاوز upload_max_filesize الموجودة في ملف php.ini ",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "حجم الملف الذي تريد ترفيعه أعلى مما MAX_FILE_SIZE يسمح به في واجهة ال HTML.",
"Select background" : "إختَر الخلفية",
"No background has been selected" : "لم يتم اختيار أي خلفية بعد",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "تمّ فرض اختيار الثيمة",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "إعدادات شريط التنقُّل",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "يمكنك تهيئة ترتيب التطبيق المستخدم لشريط التنقل. سيكون الإدخال الأول هو التطبيق الافتراضي الذي يتم فتحه بعد تسجيل الدخول أو عند النقر على الشعار.",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "لا يمكن تغيير التطبيق الافتراضي لأنه تم تكوينه بواسطة المشرف.",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "ترتيب التطبيق تمّ تغييره. لرؤية أثر التغيير، يتوجب إعادة تحميل الصفحة.",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "تعذّر تعيين ترتيب التطبيق",
+ "Default app" : "التطبيق التلقائي",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "التطبيق التلقائي هو التطبيق الذي يتم فتحه بمجرد الدخول أو بمجرد النقر على الشعار في الصفحة الرئيسية.",
+ "Use custom default app" : "إستخِدِم تطبيق تلقائي مخصص",
+ "Global default app" : "التطبيق التلقائي العام",
+ "Global default apps" : "التطبيقات التلقائية العامة",
+ "Default app priority" : "أسبقية التطبيق التلقائي",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "إذا لم يكن التطبيق مخوَّلاً للمستخدِم، فإن التطبيق التالي في الأسبقية سيقع استعماله.",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "تعذّر تعيين التطبيقات التلقائية العامة",
"Select a custom color" : "إختر لوناً مُخصّصاً",
"Reset to default" : "اعادة تعيين الافتراضيات",
"Upload" : "تحميل",
"The given color is invalid" : "هذا اللون غير صحيح",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "\"إيقاف ثيمة المستخدم\" Disable-user-theming يجب أن تكون إمّا صح أو خطأ",
"Saved" : "تم الحفظ",
+ "Invalid app given" : "التطبيق المُعطى غير صحيح",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "النوع المُعطى للإعدادات \"defaultApp\" غير صحيح",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "مفتاح الإعدادات غير صحيح",
"The file was uploaded" : "الملف تم رفعه",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "حجم الملف المرفوع قد تجاوز upload_max_filesize الموجودة في ملف php.ini ",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "حجم الملف الذي تريد ترفيعه أعلى مما MAX_FILE_SIZE يسمح به في واجهة ال HTML.",
"Select background" : "إختَر الخلفية",
"No background has been selected" : "لم يتم اختيار أي خلفية بعد",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "تمّ فرض اختيار الثيمة",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "إعدادات شريط التنقُّل",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "يمكنك تهيئة ترتيب التطبيق المستخدم لشريط التنقل. سيكون الإدخال الأول هو التطبيق الافتراضي الذي يتم فتحه بعد تسجيل الدخول أو عند النقر على الشعار.",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "لا يمكن تغيير التطبيق الافتراضي لأنه تم تكوينه بواسطة المشرف.",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "ترتيب التطبيق تمّ تغييره. لرؤية أثر التغيير، يتوجب إعادة تحميل الصفحة.",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "تعذّر تعيين ترتيب التطبيق",
+ "Default app" : "التطبيق التلقائي",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "التطبيق التلقائي هو التطبيق الذي يتم فتحه بمجرد الدخول أو بمجرد النقر على الشعار في الصفحة الرئيسية.",
+ "Use custom default app" : "إستخِدِم تطبيق تلقائي مخصص",
+ "Global default app" : "التطبيق التلقائي العام",
+ "Global default apps" : "التطبيقات التلقائية العامة",
+ "Default app priority" : "أسبقية التطبيق التلقائي",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "إذا لم يكن التطبيق مخوَّلاً للمستخدِم، فإن التطبيق التالي في الأسبقية سيقع استعماله.",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "تعذّر تعيين التطبيقات التلقائية العامة",
"Select a custom color" : "إختر لوناً مُخصّصاً",
"Reset to default" : "اعادة تعيين الافتراضيات",
"Upload" : "تحميل",
"The given color is invalid" : "El color proporcionat no és vàlid",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Disable-user-theming ha de ser «true» o «false»",
"Saved" : "S'ha desat",
+ "Invalid app given" : "S'ha indicat una aplicació no vàlida",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "S'ha indicat un tipus no vàlid per al paràmetre «defaultApp»",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "La clau de paràmetre no és vàlida",
"The file was uploaded" : "S'ha pujat el fitxer",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "El fitxer pujat supera la directiva upload_max_filesize del fitxer php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "El fitxer pujat supera la directiva MAX_FILE_SIZE especificada en el formulari HTML",
"Disable all keyboard shortcuts" : "Inhabilita totes les dreceres de teclat",
"Universal access is very important to us. We follow web standards and check to make everything usable also without mouse, and assistive software such as screenreaders. We aim to be compliant with the {guidelines}Web Content Accessibility Guidelines{linkend} 2.1 on AA level, with the high contrast theme even on AAA level." : "L'accés universal és molt important per a nosaltres. Seguim els estàndards web i comprovem que tot es pugui utilitzar també sense el ratolí i amb programes d'assistència, com ara els lectors de pantalla. Volem complir les {guidelines}Pautes d'accessibilitat del contingut web{linkend} 2.1 a nivell AA i amb el tema de contrast alt fins i tot a nivell AAA.",
"If you find any issues, do not hesitate to report them on {issuetracker}our issue tracker{linkend}. And if you want to get involved, come join {designteam}our design team{linkend}!" : "Si trobeu cap problema, no dubteu a informar-ne en el {issuetracker}nostre seguiment de problemes{linkend}. A més, si voleu participar, uniu-vos al {designteam}nostre equip de disseny{linkend}!",
- "Move up" : "Mou cap amunt",
+ "Move up" : "Mou amunt",
"Move down" : "Mou avall",
"Custom background" : "Fons personalitzat",
"Default background" : "Fons per defecte",
"Select background" : "Selecciona un fons",
"No background has been selected" : "No s'ha seleccionat cap fons",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Es força la selecció de tema",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "Paràmetres de la barra de navegació",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "Podeu configurar l'ordre de les aplicacions en la barra de navegació. La primera entrada serà l'aplicació per defecte, que s'obrirà després d'iniciar la sessió o en fer clic en el logotip.",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "No es pot canviar l'aplicació per defecte perquè l'ha configurat l'administrador.",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "L'ordre de les aplicacions ha canviat. Per a veure els canvis, cal que torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "No s'ha pogut definir l'ordre de les aplicacions",
+ "Default app" : "Aplicació per defecte",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "L'aplicació per defecte és l'aplicació que s'obre després d'iniciar la sessió o quan feu clic en el logotip del menú.",
+ "Use custom default app" : "Utilitza una aplicació per defecte personalitzada",
+ "Global default app" : "Aplicació per defecte global",
+ "Global default apps" : "Aplicacions per defecte globals",
+ "Default app priority" : "Prioritat de l'aplicació per defecte",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "Si un usuari no té habilitada una aplicació, s'utilitza l'aplicació següent amb una prioritat inferior.",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "No s'han pogut definir les aplicacions per defecte globals",
"Select a custom color" : "Selecciona un color personalitzat",
"Reset to default" : "Reinicialitza els valors per defecte",
"Upload" : "Puja",
"The given color is invalid" : "El color proporcionat no és vàlid",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Disable-user-theming ha de ser «true» o «false»",
"Saved" : "S'ha desat",
+ "Invalid app given" : "S'ha indicat una aplicació no vàlida",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "S'ha indicat un tipus no vàlid per al paràmetre «defaultApp»",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "La clau de paràmetre no és vàlida",
"The file was uploaded" : "S'ha pujat el fitxer",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "El fitxer pujat supera la directiva upload_max_filesize del fitxer php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "El fitxer pujat supera la directiva MAX_FILE_SIZE especificada en el formulari HTML",
"Disable all keyboard shortcuts" : "Inhabilita totes les dreceres de teclat",
"Universal access is very important to us. We follow web standards and check to make everything usable also without mouse, and assistive software such as screenreaders. We aim to be compliant with the {guidelines}Web Content Accessibility Guidelines{linkend} 2.1 on AA level, with the high contrast theme even on AAA level." : "L'accés universal és molt important per a nosaltres. Seguim els estàndards web i comprovem que tot es pugui utilitzar també sense el ratolí i amb programes d'assistència, com ara els lectors de pantalla. Volem complir les {guidelines}Pautes d'accessibilitat del contingut web{linkend} 2.1 a nivell AA i amb el tema de contrast alt fins i tot a nivell AAA.",
"If you find any issues, do not hesitate to report them on {issuetracker}our issue tracker{linkend}. And if you want to get involved, come join {designteam}our design team{linkend}!" : "Si trobeu cap problema, no dubteu a informar-ne en el {issuetracker}nostre seguiment de problemes{linkend}. A més, si voleu participar, uniu-vos al {designteam}nostre equip de disseny{linkend}!",
- "Move up" : "Mou cap amunt",
+ "Move up" : "Mou amunt",
"Move down" : "Mou avall",
"Custom background" : "Fons personalitzat",
"Default background" : "Fons per defecte",
"Select background" : "Selecciona un fons",
"No background has been selected" : "No s'ha seleccionat cap fons",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Es força la selecció de tema",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "Paràmetres de la barra de navegació",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "Podeu configurar l'ordre de les aplicacions en la barra de navegació. La primera entrada serà l'aplicació per defecte, que s'obrirà després d'iniciar la sessió o en fer clic en el logotip.",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "No es pot canviar l'aplicació per defecte perquè l'ha configurat l'administrador.",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "L'ordre de les aplicacions ha canviat. Per a veure els canvis, cal que torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "No s'ha pogut definir l'ordre de les aplicacions",
+ "Default app" : "Aplicació per defecte",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "L'aplicació per defecte és l'aplicació que s'obre després d'iniciar la sessió o quan feu clic en el logotip del menú.",
+ "Use custom default app" : "Utilitza una aplicació per defecte personalitzada",
+ "Global default app" : "Aplicació per defecte global",
+ "Global default apps" : "Aplicacions per defecte globals",
+ "Default app priority" : "Prioritat de l'aplicació per defecte",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "Si un usuari no té habilitada una aplicació, s'utilitza l'aplicació següent amb una prioritat inferior.",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "No s'han pogut definir les aplicacions per defecte globals",
"Select a custom color" : "Selecciona un color personalitzat",
"Reset to default" : "Reinicialitza els valors per defecte",
"Upload" : "Puja",
"The given color is invalid" : "Daná barva není platná",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Volba „Vypnout opatřování vzhledem uživateli“ by měla být ano nebo ne",
"Saved" : "Uloženo",
+ "Invalid app given" : "Zadána neplatná aplikace",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "Zadán neplatný typ nastavení pro „defaultApp",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "Neplatný klíč nastavení",
"The file was uploaded" : "Soubor byl nahrán",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "Velikost nahrávaného souboru překračuje limit nastavený direktivou upload_max_filesize v php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "Velikost nahrávaného souboru překračuje limit, nastavený direktivou MAX_FILE_SIZE, zadanou v HTML formuláři",
"Select background" : "Vybrat pozadí",
"No background has been selected" : "Nevybráno žádné pozadí",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Výběr motivu vzhledu je vynucen",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "Nastavení pruhu navigace",
"Select a custom color" : "Vybrat uživatelsky určenou barvu",
"Reset to default" : "Vrátit zpět na výchozí hodnoty",
"Upload" : "Nahrát",
"The given color is invalid" : "Daná barva není platná",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Volba „Vypnout opatřování vzhledem uživateli“ by měla být ano nebo ne",
"Saved" : "Uloženo",
+ "Invalid app given" : "Zadána neplatná aplikace",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "Zadán neplatný typ nastavení pro „defaultApp",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "Neplatný klíč nastavení",
"The file was uploaded" : "Soubor byl nahrán",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "Velikost nahrávaného souboru překračuje limit nastavený direktivou upload_max_filesize v php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "Velikost nahrávaného souboru překračuje limit, nastavený direktivou MAX_FILE_SIZE, zadanou v HTML formuláři",
"Select background" : "Vybrat pozadí",
"No background has been selected" : "Nevybráno žádné pozadí",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Výběr motivu vzhledu je vynucen",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "Nastavení pruhu navigace",
"Select a custom color" : "Vybrat uživatelsky určenou barvu",
"Reset to default" : "Vrátit zpět na výchozí hodnoty",
"Upload" : "Nahrát",
"The given color is invalid" : "Die gewählte Farbe ist ungültig",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Benutzer-Design deaktivieren sollte wahr oder falsch sein",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
+ "Invalid app given" : "Ungültige App angegeben",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "Ungültiger Typ für die Einstellung \"defaultApp“ angegeben",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "Ungültiger Einstellungsschlüssel",
"The file was uploaded" : "Die Datei wurde hochgeladen",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "Die hochgeladene Datei überschreitet die upload_max_filesize-Vorgabe in php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "Die Datei ist größer, als die MAX_FILE_SIZE-Vorgabe erlaubt, die im HTML-Formular spezifiziert ist",
"Select background" : "Hintergrund wählen",
"No background has been selected" : "Es wurde kein Hintergrund ausgewählt",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Designauswahl wird erzwungen",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "Einstellungen der Navigationsleiste",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "Sie können die App-Reihenfolge für die Navigationsleiste konfigurieren. Der erste Eintrag ist die Standard-App, die nach der Anmeldung oder beim Klicken auf das Logo geöffnet wird.",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "Die Standard-App kann nicht geändert werden, da sie vom Administrator konfiguriert wurde.",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "Die App-Reihenfolge wurde geändert. Um die Änderungen zu sehen, müssen Sie die Seite neu laden.",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "Die App-Reihenfolge konnte nicht festgelegt werden",
+ "Default app" : "Standard-App",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "Die Standard-App ist die App, die z.B. nach der Anmeldung oder nach Klicken auf das Logo im Menü geöffnet wird.",
+ "Use custom default app" : "Benutzerdefinierte Standard-App verwenden",
+ "Global default app" : "Globale Standard-App",
+ "Global default apps" : "Globale Standard-Apps",
+ "Default app priority" : "Standard-App-Priorität",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "Wenn eine App für einen Benutzer nicht aktiviert ist, wird die nächste App mit niedrigerer Priorität verwendet.",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "Globale Standard-Apps konnten nicht festgelegt werden",
"Select a custom color" : "Eine benutzerdefinierte Farbe auswählen",
"Reset to default" : " Auf Standard zurücksetzen ",
"Upload" : "Hochladen",
"The given color is invalid" : "Die gewählte Farbe ist ungültig",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Benutzer-Design deaktivieren sollte wahr oder falsch sein",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
+ "Invalid app given" : "Ungültige App angegeben",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "Ungültiger Typ für die Einstellung \"defaultApp“ angegeben",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "Ungültiger Einstellungsschlüssel",
"The file was uploaded" : "Die Datei wurde hochgeladen",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "Die hochgeladene Datei überschreitet die upload_max_filesize-Vorgabe in php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "Die Datei ist größer, als die MAX_FILE_SIZE-Vorgabe erlaubt, die im HTML-Formular spezifiziert ist",
"Select background" : "Hintergrund wählen",
"No background has been selected" : "Es wurde kein Hintergrund ausgewählt",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Designauswahl wird erzwungen",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "Einstellungen der Navigationsleiste",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "Sie können die App-Reihenfolge für die Navigationsleiste konfigurieren. Der erste Eintrag ist die Standard-App, die nach der Anmeldung oder beim Klicken auf das Logo geöffnet wird.",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "Die Standard-App kann nicht geändert werden, da sie vom Administrator konfiguriert wurde.",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "Die App-Reihenfolge wurde geändert. Um die Änderungen zu sehen, müssen Sie die Seite neu laden.",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "Die App-Reihenfolge konnte nicht festgelegt werden",
+ "Default app" : "Standard-App",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "Die Standard-App ist die App, die z.B. nach der Anmeldung oder nach Klicken auf das Logo im Menü geöffnet wird.",
+ "Use custom default app" : "Benutzerdefinierte Standard-App verwenden",
+ "Global default app" : "Globale Standard-App",
+ "Global default apps" : "Globale Standard-Apps",
+ "Default app priority" : "Standard-App-Priorität",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "Wenn eine App für einen Benutzer nicht aktiviert ist, wird die nächste App mit niedrigerer Priorität verwendet.",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "Globale Standard-Apps konnten nicht festgelegt werden",
"Select a custom color" : "Eine benutzerdefinierte Farbe auswählen",
"Reset to default" : " Auf Standard zurücksetzen ",
"Upload" : "Hochladen",
"The given color is invalid" : "The given colour is invalid",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Disable-user-theming should be true or false",
"Saved" : "Saved",
+ "Invalid app given" : "Invalid app given",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "Invalid setting key",
"The file was uploaded" : "The file was uploaded",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form",
"Select background" : "Select background",
"No background has been selected" : "No background has been selected",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Theme selection is enforced",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "Navigation bar settings",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo.",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator.",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page.",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "Could not set the app order",
+ "Default app" : "Default app",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked.",
+ "Use custom default app" : "Use custom default app",
+ "Global default app" : "Global default app",
+ "Global default apps" : "Global default apps",
+ "Default app priority" : "Default app priority",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used.",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "Could not set global default apps",
"Select a custom color" : "Select a custom colour",
"Reset to default" : "Reset to default",
"Upload" : "Upload",
"The given color is invalid" : "The given colour is invalid",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Disable-user-theming should be true or false",
"Saved" : "Saved",
+ "Invalid app given" : "Invalid app given",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "Invalid setting key",
"The file was uploaded" : "The file was uploaded",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form",
"Select background" : "Select background",
"No background has been selected" : "No background has been selected",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Theme selection is enforced",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "Navigation bar settings",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo.",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator.",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page.",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "Could not set the app order",
+ "Default app" : "Default app",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked.",
+ "Use custom default app" : "Use custom default app",
+ "Global default app" : "Global default app",
+ "Global default apps" : "Global default apps",
+ "Default app priority" : "Default app priority",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used.",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "Could not set global default apps",
"Select a custom color" : "Select a custom colour",
"Reset to default" : "Reset to default",
"Upload" : "Upload",
"The given color is invalid" : "A megadott szín érvénytelen",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "A felhasználói témázás letiltásának igaznak vagy hamisnak kell lennie",
"Saved" : "Mentve",
+ "Invalid app given" : "Érvénytelen alkalmazás",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "A megadott „defaultApp” beállítás típusa érvénytelen",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "Érvénytelen konfigurációs kulcs",
"The file was uploaded" : "A fájl fel lett töltve",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "A feltöltött fájl meghaladja a php.ini upload_max_filesize direktívájában meghatározott méretet.",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "A feltöltött fájl meghaladja a HTML űrlapon megadott MAX_FILE_SIZE direktívájában meghatározott méretet.",
"Select background" : "Háttér választása",
"No background has been selected" : "Nincs kiválasztott háttér",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "A témaválasztás kényszerített",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "Navigációs sáv beállítás",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "Nem sikerült az alkalmazások sorrendjének beállítása",
+ "Default app" : "Alapértelmezett alkalmazás",
+ "Use custom default app" : "Egyéni alapértelmezett alkalmazás",
+ "Global default app" : "Globális alapértelmezett alkalmazás",
+ "Global default apps" : "Globális alapértelmezett alkalmazások",
+ "Default app priority" : "Alapértelmezett alkalmazás prioritás",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "Nem sikerült a globális alapértelmezett alkalmazások beállítása",
"Select a custom color" : "Válasszon egyéni színt",
"Reset to default" : "Visszaállítás alapértelmezettre",
"Upload" : "Feltöltés",
"The given color is invalid" : "A megadott szín érvénytelen",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "A felhasználói témázás letiltásának igaznak vagy hamisnak kell lennie",
"Saved" : "Mentve",
+ "Invalid app given" : "Érvénytelen alkalmazás",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "A megadott „defaultApp” beállítás típusa érvénytelen",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "Érvénytelen konfigurációs kulcs",
"The file was uploaded" : "A fájl fel lett töltve",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "A feltöltött fájl meghaladja a php.ini upload_max_filesize direktívájában meghatározott méretet.",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "A feltöltött fájl meghaladja a HTML űrlapon megadott MAX_FILE_SIZE direktívájában meghatározott méretet.",
"Select background" : "Háttér választása",
"No background has been selected" : "Nincs kiválasztott háttér",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "A témaválasztás kényszerített",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "Navigációs sáv beállítás",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "Nem sikerült az alkalmazások sorrendjének beállítása",
+ "Default app" : "Alapértelmezett alkalmazás",
+ "Use custom default app" : "Egyéni alapértelmezett alkalmazás",
+ "Global default app" : "Globális alapértelmezett alkalmazás",
+ "Global default apps" : "Globális alapértelmezett alkalmazások",
+ "Default app priority" : "Alapértelmezett alkalmazás prioritás",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "Nem sikerült a globális alapértelmezett alkalmazások beállítása",
"Select a custom color" : "Válasszon egyéni színt",
"Reset to default" : "Visszaállítás alapértelmezettre",
"Upload" : "Feltöltés",
"Upload new favicon" : "Carregar novo favicon",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atalhos de teclado",
"Universal access is very important to us. We follow web standards and check to make everything usable also without mouse, and assistive software such as screenreaders. We aim to be compliant with the {guidelines}Web Content Accessibility Guidelines{linkend} 2.1 on AA level, with the high contrast theme even on AAA level." : "O acesso universal é muito importante para nós. Seguimos os padrões da web e verificamos para tornar tudo utilizável também sem rato e software auxiliar, como leitores de ecrã. O nosso objetivo é estar em conformidade com as {guidelines} Diretrizes de acessibilidade para o conteúdo da Web {linkend} 2.1 no nível AA, com o tema de alto contraste, mesmo no nível AAA.",
+ "Move up" : "Mover para cima",
+ "Move down" : "Mover para baixo",
"Reset to default" : "Repor original",
"Upload" : "Enviar",
"Remove background image" : "Remover imagem de segundo plano",
"Upload new favicon" : "Carregar novo favicon",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atalhos de teclado",
"Universal access is very important to us. We follow web standards and check to make everything usable also without mouse, and assistive software such as screenreaders. We aim to be compliant with the {guidelines}Web Content Accessibility Guidelines{linkend} 2.1 on AA level, with the high contrast theme even on AAA level." : "O acesso universal é muito importante para nós. Seguimos os padrões da web e verificamos para tornar tudo utilizável também sem rato e software auxiliar, como leitores de ecrã. O nosso objetivo é estar em conformidade com as {guidelines} Diretrizes de acessibilidade para o conteúdo da Web {linkend} 2.1 no nível AA, com o tema de alto contraste, mesmo no nível AAA.",
+ "Move up" : "Mover para cima",
+ "Move down" : "Mover para baixo",
"Reset to default" : "Repor original",
"Upload" : "Enviar",
"Remove background image" : "Remover imagem de segundo plano",
"The given color is invalid" : "Den angivna färgen är inte tillgänglig",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Inaktivera teman för användare ska vara sant eller falskt",
"Saved" : "Sparat",
+ "Invalid app given" : "Ogiltig app angiven",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "Ogiltig typ för inställning av \"defaultApp\" angiven",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "Ogiltig inställningsnyckel",
"The file was uploaded" : "Filen laddades upp",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "Uppladdningsfilen är för stor (upload_max_filesize i php.ini)",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "Den uppladdade filen överstiger MAX_FILE_SIZE-instruktionen specificerad i HTML-form",
"Select background" : "Välj bakgrund",
"No background has been selected" : "Ingen bakgrund har valts",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Temaval är tvingande",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "Du kan konfigurera appordningen som används för navigeringsfältet. Den första posten kommer att vara standardappen, som öppnas efter inloggning eller när du klickar på logotypen.",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "Standardappen kan inte ändras eftersom den konfigurerades av administratören.",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "Appordningen ändrades, för att se den måste du ladda om sidan.",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "Det gick inte att ställa in appordningen",
+ "Default app" : "Standardapp",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "Standardappen är den app som är t.ex. öppnas efter inloggning eller när logotypen i menyn klickas.",
+ "Use custom default app" : "Använd anpassad standardapp",
+ "Global default app" : "Global standardapp",
+ "Global default apps" : "Globala standardappar",
+ "Default app priority" : "Prioritet för standardappar",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "Om en app inte är aktiverad för en användare används nästa app med lägre prioritet.",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "Det gick inte att ställa in globala standardappar",
"Select a custom color" : "Välj en anpassad färg",
"Reset to default" : "Återställ till grundinställningar",
"Upload" : "Ladda upp",
"The given color is invalid" : "Den angivna färgen är inte tillgänglig",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Inaktivera teman för användare ska vara sant eller falskt",
"Saved" : "Sparat",
+ "Invalid app given" : "Ogiltig app angiven",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "Ogiltig typ för inställning av \"defaultApp\" angiven",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "Ogiltig inställningsnyckel",
"The file was uploaded" : "Filen laddades upp",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "Uppladdningsfilen är för stor (upload_max_filesize i php.ini)",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "Den uppladdade filen överstiger MAX_FILE_SIZE-instruktionen specificerad i HTML-form",
"Select background" : "Välj bakgrund",
"No background has been selected" : "Ingen bakgrund har valts",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Temaval är tvingande",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "Du kan konfigurera appordningen som används för navigeringsfältet. Den första posten kommer att vara standardappen, som öppnas efter inloggning eller när du klickar på logotypen.",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "Standardappen kan inte ändras eftersom den konfigurerades av administratören.",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "Appordningen ändrades, för att se den måste du ladda om sidan.",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "Det gick inte att ställa in appordningen",
+ "Default app" : "Standardapp",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "Standardappen är den app som är t.ex. öppnas efter inloggning eller när logotypen i menyn klickas.",
+ "Use custom default app" : "Använd anpassad standardapp",
+ "Global default app" : "Global standardapp",
+ "Global default apps" : "Globala standardappar",
+ "Default app priority" : "Prioritet för standardappar",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "Om en app inte är aktiverad för en användare används nästa app med lägre prioritet.",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "Det gick inte att ställa in globala standardappar",
"Select a custom color" : "Välj en anpassad färg",
"Reset to default" : "Återställ till grundinställningar",
"Upload" : "Ladda upp",
"Upload new favicon" : "Tải lên bộ Favicon mới",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Phím tắt",
"Universal access is very important to us. We follow web standards and check to make everything usable also without mouse, and assistive software such as screenreaders. We aim to be compliant with the {guidelines}Web Content Accessibility Guidelines{linkend} 2.1 on AA level, with the high contrast theme even on AAA level." : "Sự truy cập đa dạng là rất quan trọng với chúng tôi. Chúng tôi tuân theo các tiêu chuẩn mạng và kiểm tra để khiến mọi thứ đều có thể sử dụng được ngay cả khi không có chuột, và hỗ trợ những phần mềm hỗ trợ như đọc màn hình. Chúng tôi hướng đến sự tương thích với {guidelines}Nguyên Tắc Truy Cập Cho Nội Dung Mạng{linkend} 2.1 ở cấp độ AA, với chế độ tương phản cao là AAA",
+ "Move up" : "Di chuyển lên",
+ "Move down" : "Di chuyển xuống",
"Reset to default" : "Đặt lại về mặc định",
"Upload" : "Tải lên",
"Remove background image" : "Xóa bỏ ảnh nền",
"Upload new favicon" : "Tải lên bộ Favicon mới",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Phím tắt",
"Universal access is very important to us. We follow web standards and check to make everything usable also without mouse, and assistive software such as screenreaders. We aim to be compliant with the {guidelines}Web Content Accessibility Guidelines{linkend} 2.1 on AA level, with the high contrast theme even on AAA level." : "Sự truy cập đa dạng là rất quan trọng với chúng tôi. Chúng tôi tuân theo các tiêu chuẩn mạng và kiểm tra để khiến mọi thứ đều có thể sử dụng được ngay cả khi không có chuột, và hỗ trợ những phần mềm hỗ trợ như đọc màn hình. Chúng tôi hướng đến sự tương thích với {guidelines}Nguyên Tắc Truy Cập Cho Nội Dung Mạng{linkend} 2.1 ở cấp độ AA, với chế độ tương phản cao là AAA",
+ "Move up" : "Di chuyển lên",
+ "Move down" : "Di chuyển xuống",
"Reset to default" : "Đặt lại về mặc định",
"Upload" : "Tải lên",
"Remove background image" : "Xóa bỏ ảnh nền",
"The given color is invalid" : "指定的顏色無效",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Disable-user-theming 應該是 true 或 false",
"Saved" : "已儲存",
+ "Invalid app given" : "指定了無效的應用程式",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "設定「defaultApp」指定了無效的類型",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "無效的設定密鑰",
"The file was uploaded" : "檔案已上傳",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "上傳的檔案大小超過 php.ini 當中 upload_max_filesize 選項的限制",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "上傳的檔案大小超過 HTML 表單中 MAX_FILE_SIZE 的限制",
"Select background" : "選擇背景",
"No background has been selected" : "未選取背景",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "主題選擇已實施",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "導航列設定",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "您可以設定用於導覽列的應用程式順序。第一個條目將會是預設的應用程式,會在登入後或點擊標誌時開啟。",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "預設的應用程式無法變更,因為其由管理員設定。",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "應用程式順序已變更,要檢視其實際狀況,您必須重新載入頁面。",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "無法設定應用程式順序",
+ "Default app" : "默認應用程式",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "預設應用程式是,例如登入後或點擊選單中的標誌時開啟的應用程式。",
+ "Use custom default app" : "使用自訂的預設應用程式",
+ "Global default app" : "全域默認應用程式",
+ "Global default apps" : "全域默認應用程式",
+ "Default app priority" : "默認應用程式優先程度",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "若未對某個用戶啟用某個應用程式,則使用下一個優先程度較低的應用程式。",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "無法設定全域默認應用程式",
"Select a custom color" : "選擇自訂色彩",
"Reset to default" : "恢復預設值",
"Upload" : "上傳",
"The given color is invalid" : "指定的顏色無效",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Disable-user-theming 應該是 true 或 false",
"Saved" : "已儲存",
+ "Invalid app given" : "指定了無效的應用程式",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "設定「defaultApp」指定了無效的類型",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "無效的設定密鑰",
"The file was uploaded" : "檔案已上傳",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "上傳的檔案大小超過 php.ini 當中 upload_max_filesize 選項的限制",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "上傳的檔案大小超過 HTML 表單中 MAX_FILE_SIZE 的限制",
"Select background" : "選擇背景",
"No background has been selected" : "未選取背景",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "主題選擇已實施",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "導航列設定",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "您可以設定用於導覽列的應用程式順序。第一個條目將會是預設的應用程式,會在登入後或點擊標誌時開啟。",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "預設的應用程式無法變更,因為其由管理員設定。",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "應用程式順序已變更,要檢視其實際狀況,您必須重新載入頁面。",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "無法設定應用程式順序",
+ "Default app" : "默認應用程式",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "預設應用程式是,例如登入後或點擊選單中的標誌時開啟的應用程式。",
+ "Use custom default app" : "使用自訂的預設應用程式",
+ "Global default app" : "全域默認應用程式",
+ "Global default apps" : "全域默認應用程式",
+ "Default app priority" : "默認應用程式優先程度",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "若未對某個用戶啟用某個應用程式,則使用下一個優先程度較低的應用程式。",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "無法設定全域默認應用程式",
"Select a custom color" : "選擇自訂色彩",
"Reset to default" : "恢復預設值",
"Upload" : "上傳",
"The given color is invalid" : "指定的顏色無效",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Disable-user-theming 應該是 true 或 false",
"Saved" : "已儲存",
+ "Invalid app given" : "指定了無效的應用程式",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "設定「defaultApp」指定了無效的類型",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "無效的設定鍵",
"The file was uploaded" : "檔案已上傳",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "上傳的檔案大小超過 php.ini 當中 upload_max_filesize 參數的設定",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "上傳的檔案大小超過 HTML 表單中 MAX_FILE_SIZE 的限制",
"Select background" : "選取背景",
"No background has been selected" : "未選取背景",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "強制佈景主題選取",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "導覽列設定",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "您可以設定用於導覽列的應用程式順序。第一個條目將會是預設的應用程式,會在登入後或點擊標誌時開啟。",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "預設的應用程式無法變更,因為其由管理員設定。",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "應用程式順序已變更,要檢視其實際狀況,您必須重新載入頁面。",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "無法設定應用程式順序",
+ "Default app" : "預設應用程式",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "預設應用程式是,例如登入後或點擊選單中的標誌時開啟的應用程式。",
+ "Use custom default app" : "使用自訂的預設應用程式",
+ "Global default app" : "全域預設應用程式",
+ "Global default apps" : "全域預設應用程式",
+ "Default app priority" : "預設應用程式優先程度",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "若未對某個使用者啟用某個應用程式,則使用下一個優先程度較低的應用程式。",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "無法設定全域預設應用程式",
"Select a custom color" : "選取自訂色彩",
"Reset to default" : "恢復預設值",
"Upload" : "上傳",
"The given color is invalid" : "指定的顏色無效",
"Disable-user-theming should be true or false" : "Disable-user-theming 應該是 true 或 false",
"Saved" : "已儲存",
+ "Invalid app given" : "指定了無效的應用程式",
+ "Invalid type for setting \"defaultApp\" given" : "設定「defaultApp」指定了無效的類型",
+ "Invalid setting key" : "無效的設定鍵",
"The file was uploaded" : "檔案已上傳",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "上傳的檔案大小超過 php.ini 當中 upload_max_filesize 參數的設定",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "上傳的檔案大小超過 HTML 表單中 MAX_FILE_SIZE 的限制",
"Select background" : "選取背景",
"No background has been selected" : "未選取背景",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "強制佈景主題選取",
+ "Navigation bar settings" : "導覽列設定",
+ "You can configure the app order used for the navigation bar. The first entry will be the default app, opened after login or when clicking on the logo." : "您可以設定用於導覽列的應用程式順序。第一個條目將會是預設的應用程式,會在登入後或點擊標誌時開啟。",
+ "The default app can not be changed because it was configured by the administrator." : "預設的應用程式無法變更,因為其由管理員設定。",
+ "The app order was changed, to see it in action you have to reload the page." : "應用程式順序已變更,要檢視其實際狀況,您必須重新載入頁面。",
+ "Could not set the app order" : "無法設定應用程式順序",
+ "Default app" : "預設應用程式",
+ "The default app is the app that is e.g. opened after login or when the logo in the menu is clicked." : "預設應用程式是,例如登入後或點擊選單中的標誌時開啟的應用程式。",
+ "Use custom default app" : "使用自訂的預設應用程式",
+ "Global default app" : "全域預設應用程式",
+ "Global default apps" : "全域預設應用程式",
+ "Default app priority" : "預設應用程式優先程度",
+ "If an app is not enabled for a user, the next app with lower priority is used." : "若未對某個使用者啟用某個應用程式,則使用下一個優先程度較低的應用程式。",
+ "Could not set global default apps" : "無法設定全域預設應用程式",
"Select a custom color" : "選取自訂色彩",
"Reset to default" : "恢復預設值",
"Upload" : "上傳",
"Your password will expire today." : "كلمة مرورك تنتهي صلاحيتها اليوم.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %n أيام.","سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %nيوم.","سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %nأيام.","سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %nأيام.","سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %nأيام.","سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %nأيام."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "مُكاملة LDAP/AD ",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "فحص المُعرِّفات غير الصحيحة في دليل المستخدِمين LDAP UUIDs",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "المُعرّف الفريد الشامل UUID لمستخدمي و مجموعات LDAP الموجود غير صحيح. الرجاء مراجعة إعدادات \"تجاوز اكتشاف UUID\"ـ Override UUID detection في القسم المتقدم Expert part من تكوين LDAP واستخدم \"occ ldap: update-uuid\" لتحديثها.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["تم العثور على %n مجموعات","تم العثور على %n مجموعة","تم العثور على %n مجموعات","تم العثور على %n مجموعات","تم العثور على %n مجموعات","تم العثور على %n مجموعات"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 مجموعة موجودة",
"Your password will expire today." : "كلمة مرورك تنتهي صلاحيتها اليوم.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %n أيام.","سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %nيوم.","سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %nأيام.","سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %nأيام.","سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %nأيام.","سوف تنتهي صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة بك خلال %nأيام."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "مُكاملة LDAP/AD ",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "فحص المُعرِّفات غير الصحيحة في دليل المستخدِمين LDAP UUIDs",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "المُعرّف الفريد الشامل UUID لمستخدمي و مجموعات LDAP الموجود غير صحيح. الرجاء مراجعة إعدادات \"تجاوز اكتشاف UUID\"ـ Override UUID detection في القسم المتقدم Expert part من تكوين LDAP واستخدم \"occ ldap: update-uuid\" لتحديثها.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["تم العثور على %n مجموعات","تم العثور على %n مجموعة","تم العثور على %n مجموعات","تم العثور على %n مجموعات","تم العثور على %n مجموعات","تم العثور على %n مجموعات"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 مجموعة موجودة",
"Your password will expire today." : "Platnost hesla dnes končí.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["Platnost hesla skončí za %n den.","Platnost hesla skončí za %n dny.","Platnost hesla skončí za %n dnů.","Platnost hesla skončí za %n dny."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "Napojení na LDAP/AD",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "Zjišťování případných neplatných LDAP UUID identifikátorů",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Nalezeny neplatné UUID identifikátory uživatelů nebo skupin. Zkontrolujte svá nastavení „Přebít zjišťování UUID identifikátorů“ v části pro odborníky nastavení pro LDAP a identifikátory pak zaktualizujte příkazem „ldap:update-uuid“.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["nalezena %n skupina","nalezeny %n skupiny","nalezeno %n skupin","nalezeny %n skupiny"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "nalezeno více než 1 000 skupin",
"Your password will expire today." : "Platnost hesla dnes končí.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["Platnost hesla skončí za %n den.","Platnost hesla skončí za %n dny.","Platnost hesla skončí za %n dnů.","Platnost hesla skončí za %n dny."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "Napojení na LDAP/AD",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "Zjišťování případných neplatných LDAP UUID identifikátorů",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Nalezeny neplatné UUID identifikátory uživatelů nebo skupin. Zkontrolujte svá nastavení „Přebít zjišťování UUID identifikátorů“ v části pro odborníky nastavení pro LDAP a identifikátory pak zaktualizujte příkazem „ldap:update-uuid“.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["nalezena %n skupina","nalezeny %n skupiny","nalezeno %n skupin","nalezeny %n skupiny"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "nalezeno více než 1 000 skupin",
"Your password will expire today." : "Ihr Passwort läuft heute ab.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["Ihr Passwort läuft in %n Tag ab.","Ihr Passwort läuft in %n Tagen ab."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP/AD-Integration",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "Auf ungültige LDAP-UUIDs prüfen",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Es wurden ungültige UUIDs von LDAP-Benutzern oder -Gruppen gefunden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre „UUID-Erkennung überschreiben“-Einstellungen im Expertenteil der LDAP-Konfiguration und verwenden Sie „occ ldap:update-uuid“, um sie zu aktualisieren.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n Gruppe gefunden","%n Gruppen gefunden"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "Mehr als 1000 Gruppen gefunden",
"Your password will expire today." : "Ihr Passwort läuft heute ab.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["Ihr Passwort läuft in %n Tag ab.","Ihr Passwort läuft in %n Tagen ab."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP/AD-Integration",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "Auf ungültige LDAP-UUIDs prüfen",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Es wurden ungültige UUIDs von LDAP-Benutzern oder -Gruppen gefunden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre „UUID-Erkennung überschreiben“-Einstellungen im Expertenteil der LDAP-Konfiguration und verwenden Sie „occ ldap:update-uuid“, um sie zu aktualisieren.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n Gruppe gefunden","%n Gruppen gefunden"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "Mehr als 1000 Gruppen gefunden",
"Your password will expire today." : "Your password will expire today.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["Your password will expire within %n day.","Your password will expire within %n days."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP/AD integration",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n group found","%n groups found"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 groups found",
"Your password will expire today." : "Your password will expire today.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["Your password will expire within %n day.","Your password will expire within %n days."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP/AD integration",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n group found","%n groups found"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 groups found",
"Your password will expire today." : "A jelszava ma lejár.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["A jelszava %n nap múlva lejár.","A jelszava %n nap múlva lejár."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP/AD integráció",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "Érvénytelen LDAP UUID-k ellenőrzése",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Felhasználók vagy csoportok érvénytelen UUID azonosítói találhatók. Nézze át a „UUID észlelés felülbírálása” beállítást az LDAP beállítások Szakértő részében, majd a frissítésükhöz használja az „occ ldap:update-uuid” parancsot.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n csoport található","%n csoport található"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 csoport található",
"Your password will expire today." : "A jelszava ma lejár.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["A jelszava %n nap múlva lejár.","A jelszava %n nap múlva lejár."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP/AD integráció",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "Érvénytelen LDAP UUID-k ellenőrzése",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Felhasználók vagy csoportok érvénytelen UUID azonosítói találhatók. Nézze át a „UUID észlelés felülbírálása” beállítást az LDAP beállítások Szakértő részében, majd a frissítésükhöz használja az „occ ldap:update-uuid” parancsot.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n csoport található","%n csoport található"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 csoport található",
"Your password will expire today." : "Ditt lösenord kommer att gå ut idag.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["Ditt lösenord kommer gå ut inom %n dag.","Ditt lösenord kommer gå ut inom %n dagar."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP/AD-integration",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "Söker efter ogiltiga LDAP UUIDs",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Ogiltiga UUID för LDAP-användare eller -grupper har hittats. Granska dina \"Åsidosätt UUID-detektering\"-inställningar i expertdelen av LDAP-konfigurationen och använd \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" för att uppdatera dem.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n grupp hittades","%n grupper hittades"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 grupper hittades",
"Your password will expire today." : "Ditt lösenord kommer att gå ut idag.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["Ditt lösenord kommer gå ut inom %n dag.","Ditt lösenord kommer gå ut inom %n dagar."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP/AD-integration",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "Söker efter ogiltiga LDAP UUIDs",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Ogiltiga UUID för LDAP-användare eller -grupper har hittats. Granska dina \"Åsidosätt UUID-detektering\"-inställningar i expertdelen av LDAP-konfigurationen och använd \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" för att uppdatera dem.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n grupp hittades","%n grupper hittades"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 grupper hittades",
"Your password will expire today." : "您的密碼將於今日過期",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["您的密碼將於%n天後過期"],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP /AD 整合",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "正在檢查無效的 LDAP UUID",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "LDAP 用戶或群組的 UUID 無效。請查看 LDAP 配置專家部分中的“覆蓋 UUID 檢測”設置,並使用“occ ldap:update-uuid”更新它們。",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["找到 %n 個群組"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "找到 > 1000 個群組",
"Your password will expire today." : "您的密碼將於今日過期",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["您的密碼將於%n天後過期"],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP /AD 整合",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "正在檢查無效的 LDAP UUID",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "LDAP 用戶或群組的 UUID 無效。請查看 LDAP 配置專家部分中的“覆蓋 UUID 檢測”設置,並使用“occ ldap:update-uuid”更新它們。",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["找到 %n 個群組"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "找到 > 1000 個群組",
"Your password will expire today." : "您的密碼將於今天到期。",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["您的密碼將於%n天後到期。"],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP/AD 整合",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "正在檢查無效的 LDAP UUID",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "找到無效的 LDAP 使用者或群組 UUID。請審閱您在 LDAP 專家設定中的「覆寫 UUID 偵測」設定,並使用「occ ldap:update-uuid」來更新它們。",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["找到 %n 個群組"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "找到 > 1000 個群組",
"Your password will expire today." : "您的密碼將於今天到期。",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["您的密碼將於%n天後到期。"],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "LDAP/AD 整合",
+ "Checking for invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "正在檢查無效的 LDAP UUID",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "找到無效的 LDAP 使用者或群組 UUID。請審閱您在 LDAP 專家設定中的「覆寫 UUID 偵測」設定,並使用「occ ldap:update-uuid」來更新它們。",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["找到 %n 個群組"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "找到 > 1000 個群組",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Fallou a actualización. Informe desta incidencia na <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">comunidade de Nextcloud</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Continuar a {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["A actualización foi satisfactoria. Redirixindoo a {productName} en %n segundo.","A actualización foi satisfactoria. Redirixindoo a {productName} en %n segundos."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Menú de aplicacións",
"More apps" : "Máis aplicacións",
"Currently open" : "Aberto actualmente",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} notificación","{count} notificacións"],
"Supported versions" : "Versións compatíbeis",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} versión {version} e superior",
"Settings menu" : "Menú de axustes",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "Avatar de {displayName}",
"Search {types} …" : "Buscando {types}…",
"No" : "Non",
"Yes" : "Si",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Fallou a actualización. Informe desta incidencia na <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">comunidade de Nextcloud</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Continuar a {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["A actualización foi satisfactoria. Redirixindoo a {productName} en %n segundo.","A actualización foi satisfactoria. Redirixindoo a {productName} en %n segundos."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Menú de aplicacións",
"More apps" : "Máis aplicacións",
"Currently open" : "Aberto actualmente",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} notificación","{count} notificacións"],
"Supported versions" : "Versións compatíbeis",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} versión {version} e superior",
"Settings menu" : "Menú de axustes",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "Avatar de {displayName}",
"Search {types} …" : "Buscando {types}…",
"No" : "Non",
"Yes" : "Si",