register(user, ListKeys.class);
register(user, WhichKey.class);
register(user, CommentKey.class);
+ register(user, PermissionKey.class);
@CommandMetaData(name = "add", description = "Add an SSH public key to your account")
+ @CommandMetaData(name = "permission", description = "Set the permission of an SSH public key")
+ @UsageExample(syntax = "${cmd} 3 RW", description = "Set the permission for key #3 to PUSH (PW)")
+ public static class PermissionKey extends SshCommand {
+ @Argument(index = 0, metaVar = "INDEX", usage = "the key index", required = true)
+ private int index;
+ @Argument(index = 1, metaVar = "PERMISSION", usage = "the new permission", required = true)
+ private String value;
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Failure {
+ final String username = getContext().getClient().getUsername();
+ IPublicKeyManager keyManager = getContext().getGitblit().getPublicKeyManager();
+ List<SshKey> keys = keyManager.getKeys(username);
+ if (index > keys.size()) {
+ throw new UnloggedFailure(1, "Invalid key index!");
+ }
+ SshKey key = keys.get(index - 1);
+ AccessPermission permission = AccessPermission.fromCode(value);
+ if (permission.exceeds(AccessPermission.NONE)) {
+ try {
+ key.setPermission(permission);
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ throw new Failure(1, e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ if (keyManager.addKey(username, key)) {
+ stdout.println(String.format("Updated the permission for key #%d.", index));
+ } else {
+ throw new Failure(1, String.format("Failed to update the comment for key #%d!", index));
+ }
+ }
+ }
keys = getKeyManager().getKeys(username);
assertEquals(comment, keys.get(0).getComment());
+ @Test
+ public void testKeysPermissionCommand() throws Exception {
+ List<SshKey> keys = getKeyManager().getKeys(username);
+ assertTrue(StringUtils.isEmpty(keys.get(0).getComment()));
+ testSshCommand(String.format("keys permission 1 %s", AccessPermission.CLONE));
+ keys = getKeyManager().getKeys(username);
+ assertEquals(AccessPermission.CLONE, keys.get(0).getPermission());
+ testSshCommand(String.format("keys permission 1 %s", AccessPermission.PUSH));
+ keys = getKeyManager().getKeys(username);
+ assertEquals(AccessPermission.PUSH, keys.get(0).getPermission());
+ }