* Fix go get response if only app URL is custom in configuration
* Rewrite to update Domain setting to match AppURL
`, map[string]string{
- "GoGetImport": path.Join(setting.Domain, setting.AppSubURL, ctx.Link),
+ "GoGetImport": ComposeGoGetImport(ownerName, strings.TrimSuffix(repoName, ".git")),
"CloneLink": models.ComposeHTTPSCloneURL(ownerName, repoName),
"GoDocDirectory": prefix + "{/dir}",
"GoDocFile": prefix + "{/dir}/{file}#L{line}",
+ "net"
// This value is empty if site does not have sub-url.
AppSubURL = strings.TrimSuffix(url.Path, "/")
AppSubURLDepth = strings.Count(AppSubURL, "/")
+ // Check if Domain differs from AppURL domain than update it to AppURL's domain
+ // TODO: Can be replaced with url.Hostname() when minimal GoLang version is 1.8
+ urlHostname := strings.SplitN(url.Host, ":", 2)[0]
+ if urlHostname != Domain && net.ParseIP(urlHostname) == nil {
+ Domain = urlHostname
+ }
var defaultLocalURL string
switch Protocol {