import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryPolicy;
+import org.apache.maven.repository.digest.DigestUtils;
+import org.apache.maven.repository.digest.DigesterException;
import org.apache.maven.repository.discovery.ArtifactDiscoverer;
import org.apache.maven.repository.discovery.DiscovererException;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.ConnectionException;
* @author <a href="">Brett Porter</a>
* @plexus.component
+ * @todo use wagonManager for cache use file:// as URL
* @todo this currently duplicates a lot of the wagon manager, and doesn't do things like snapshot resolution, etc.
* The checksum handling is inconsistent with that of the wagon manager.
* Should we have a more artifact based one? This will merge metadata so should behave correctly, and it is able to
private Map/*<String,Wagon>*/ wagons;
+ /**
+ * @plexus.requirement role="org.apache.maven.repository.digest.Digester"
+ */
+ private Map/*<String,Digester>*/ digesters;
public File get( String path, List proxiedRepositories, ArtifactRepository managedRepository )
throws ProxyException, ResourceDoesNotExistException
public File get( String path, List proxiedRepositories, ArtifactRepository managedRepository, ProxyInfo wagonProxy )
throws ProxyException, ResourceDoesNotExistException
- // TODO! this will prove wrong for metadata and snapshots, let tests bring it out
- //@todo use wagonManager for cache use file:// as URL
- File cachedFile = new File( managedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
- if ( !cachedFile.exists() )
- {
- cachedFile = getAlways( path, proxiedRepositories, managedRepository, wagonProxy );
- }
- return cachedFile;
+ return get( managedRepository, path, proxiedRepositories, wagonProxy, false );
public File getAlways( String path, List proxiedRepositories, ArtifactRepository managedRepository )
throws ProxyException, ResourceDoesNotExistException
public File getAlways( String path, List proxiedRepositories, ArtifactRepository managedRepository,
ProxyInfo wagonProxy )
throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException
+ {
+ return get( managedRepository, path, proxiedRepositories, wagonProxy, true );
+ }
+ private File get( ArtifactRepository managedRepository, String path, List proxiedRepositories, ProxyInfo wagonProxy,
+ boolean force )
+ throws ProxyException, ResourceDoesNotExistException
File target = new File( managedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
ProxiedArtifactRepository repository = (ProxiedArtifactRepository);
- if ( repository.isCachedFailure( path ) )
+ if ( !force && repository.isCachedFailure( path ) )
processCachedRepositoryFailure( repository, "Cached failure found for: " + path );
- get( path, target, repository, managedRepository, wagonProxy );
+ get( path, target, repository, managedRepository, wagonProxy, force );
private void get( String path, File target, ProxiedArtifactRepository repository,
- ArtifactRepository managedRepository, ProxyInfo wagonProxy )
+ ArtifactRepository managedRepository, ProxyInfo wagonProxy, boolean force )
throws ProxyException
- ArtifactRepositoryPolicy policy = null;
+ ArtifactRepositoryPolicy policy;
if ( path.endsWith( ".md5" ) || path.endsWith( ".sha1" ) )
else if ( path.endsWith( "maven-metadata.xml" ) )
- // TODO: this is not "always" as this method expects!
// TODO: merge the metadata!
policy = repository.getRepository().getReleases();
- if ( !target.exists() || isOutOfDate( policy, target ) )
+ if ( force || !target.exists() || isOutOfDate( policy, target ) )
- getFileFromRepository( path, repository, managedRepository.getBasedir(), wagonProxy, target, policy );
+ getFileFromRepository( path, repository, managedRepository.getBasedir(), wagonProxy, target, policy,
+ force );
// Don't use releases policy, we don't want to perform updates on them (only metadata, as used earlier)
- // TODO: this is not "always" as this method expects!
- if ( !target.exists() || isOutOfDate( policy, target ) )
+ if ( force || !target.exists() || isOutOfDate( policy, target ) )
getFileFromRepository( artifactRepository.pathOf( artifact ), repository,
- managedRepository.getBasedir(), wagonProxy, target, policy );
+ managedRepository.getBasedir(), wagonProxy, target, policy, force );
// Some other unknown file in the repository, proxy as is
- // TODO: this is not "always" as this method expects!
- if ( !target.exists() )
+ if ( force || !target.exists() )
policy = repository.getRepository().getReleases();
- getFileFromRepository( path, repository, managedRepository.getBasedir(), wagonProxy, target,
- policy );
+ getFileFromRepository( path, repository, managedRepository.getBasedir(), wagonProxy, target, policy,
+ force );
private void getFileFromRepository( String path, ProxiedArtifactRepository repository, String repositoryCachePath,
- ProxyInfo httpProxy, File target, ArtifactRepositoryPolicy policy )
+ ProxyInfo httpProxy, File target, ArtifactRepositoryPolicy policy,
+ boolean force )
throws ProxyException
boolean connected = false;
Map checksums = null;
Wagon wagon = null;
+ File temp = new File( target.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp" );
+ temp.deleteOnExit();
String protocol = repository.getRepository().getProtocol();
connected = connectToRepository( wagon, repository, httpProxy );
if ( connected )
- File temp = new File( target.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp" );
- temp.deleteOnExit();
int tries = 0;
boolean success;
getLogger().debug( "Trying " + path + " from " + repository.getName() + "..." );
- if ( !target.exists() )
+ if ( force || !target.exists() )
wagon.get( path, temp );
path, policy );
- // temp won't exist if we called getIfNewer and it was older, but its still a successful return
- if ( temp.exists() )
- {
- moveTempToTarget( temp, target );
- }
while ( !success );
+ // temp won't exist if we called getIfNewer and it was older, but its still a successful return
+ if ( temp.exists() )
+ {
+ moveTempToTarget( temp, target );
+ }
//try next repository
+ temp.delete();
if ( wagon != null && checksums != null )
releaseChecksumListeners( wagon, checksums );
throws ProxyException
releaseChecksumListeners( wagon, checksumMap );
- for ( Iterator checksums = checksumMap.keySet().iterator(); checksums.hasNext(); )
+ boolean correctChecksum = false;
+ boolean allNotFound = true;
+ for ( Iterator i = checksumMap.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext() && !correctChecksum; )
- String checksumExt = (String);
+ String checksumExt = (String);
ChecksumObserver checksum = (ChecksumObserver) checksumMap.get( checksumExt );
String checksumPath = path + "." + checksumExt;
File checksumFile = new File( repositoryCachePath, checksumPath );
+ File tempChecksumFile = new File( checksumFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp" );
+ tempChecksumFile.deleteOnExit();
- File tempChecksumFile = new File( checksumFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp" );
wagon.get( checksumPath, tempChecksumFile );
- String remoteChecksum = FileUtils.fileRead( tempChecksumFile ).trim();
- if ( remoteChecksum.indexOf( ' ' ) > 0 )
- {
- remoteChecksum = remoteChecksum.substring( 0, remoteChecksum.indexOf( ' ' ) );
- }
+ allNotFound = false;
+ String remoteChecksum = DigestUtils.cleanChecksum( FileUtils.fileRead( tempChecksumFile ),
+ checksumExt.toUpperCase(),
+ path.substring( path.lastIndexOf( '/' ) ) );
String actualChecksum = checksum.getActualChecksum().toUpperCase();
remoteChecksum = remoteChecksum.toUpperCase();
- boolean checksumCheck;
if ( remoteChecksum.equals( actualChecksum ) )
moveTempToTarget( tempChecksumFile, checksumFile );
- checksumCheck = true;
+ correctChecksum = true;
"The checksum '" + actualChecksum + "' did not match the remote value: " + remoteChecksum );
- checksumCheck = false;
- return checksumCheck;
catch ( TransferFailedException e )
getLogger().warn( "An error occurred during the download of " + checksumPath + ": " + e.getMessage(),
e );
// do nothing try the next checksum
+ allNotFound = false;
catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException e )
getLogger().debug( "The checksum did not exist: " + checksumPath, e );
// do nothing try the next checksum
+ // remove it if it is present locally in case there is an old incorrect one
+ if ( checksumFile.exists() )
+ {
+ checksumFile.delete();
+ }
catch ( AuthorizationException e )
getLogger().warn( "An error occurred during the download of " + checksumPath + ": " + e.getMessage(),
e );
// do nothing try the next checksum
+ allNotFound = false;
catch ( IOException e )
getLogger().warn( "An error occurred while reading the temporary checksum file.", e );
- return false;
- }
- }
+ // do nothing try the next checksum
- getLogger().debug( "No remote checksums available." );
+ allNotFound = false;
+ }
+ catch ( DigesterException e )
+ {
+ getLogger().warn( "The checksum was invalid: " + checksumPath + ": " + e.getMessage(), e );
+ // do nothing try the next checksum
- return true;
+ allNotFound = false;
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ tempChecksumFile.delete();
+ }
+ }
+ return correctChecksum || allNotFound;
* @author Brett Porter
* @todo! tests to do vvv
- * @todo test get always
- * @todo test get always when resource is present locally but not in any proxied repos (should fail)
- * @todo test get always ignores cached failures
- * @todo test when managed repo is m1 layout (proxy is m2), including metadata
- * @todo test when one proxied repo is m1 layout (managed is m2), including metadata
- * @todo test when one proxied repo is m1 layout (managed is m1), including metadata
+ * @todo test checksum request from proxy gets from managed repo when present
+ * @todo test checksum request from proxy doesn't go to proxy when not in managed repo
* @todo test metadata - general
* @todo test metadata - multiple repos are merged
* @todo test metadata - update interval
* @todo test metadata - looking for an update and file has been removed remotely
* @todo test snapshots - general
- * @todo test snapshots - newer version on repo2 is pulled down
- * @todo test snapshots - older version on repo2 is skipped
- * @todo test snapshots - update interval
+ * @todo test snapshots - newer version on repo1 (than local), timestamp driven
+ * @todo test snapshots - older version on repo1 skipped (than local), timestamp driven
+ * @todo test snapshots - newer version on repo2 is pulled down (no local), timestamp driven
+ * @todo test snapshots - older version on repo2 is skipped (no local), timestamp driven
+ * @todo test snapshots - update interval (not updated if within period), timestamp driven
+ * @todo test snapshots - newer version on repo1 (than local), metadata driven
+ * @todo test snapshots - older version on repo1 skipped (than local), metadata driven
+ * @todo test snapshots - newer version on repo2 is pulled down (no local), metadata driven
+ * @todo test snapshots - older version on repo2 is skipped (no local), metadata driven
+ * @todo test snapshots - update interval (not updated if within period), metadata driven
* @todo test snapshots - when failure is cached but cache period is over (and check failure is cleared)
- * @todo test remote checksum only md5
- * @todo test remote checksum only sha1
- * @todo test remote checksum missing
- * @todo test remote checksum present and correct
- * @todo test remote checksum present and incorrect
- * @todo test remote checksum transfer failed
+ * @todo test when managed repo is m1 layout (proxy is m2), including metadata
+ * @todo test when one proxied repo is m1 layout (managed is m2), including metadata
+ * @todo test when one proxied repo is m1 layout (managed is m1), including metadata
public class ProxyRequestHandlerTest
extends PlexusTestCase
assertFalse( "Check failure", proxiedArtifactRepository.isCachedFailure( path ) );
+ public void testGetAlwaysAlreadyPresent()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-default-layout-present/1.0/get-default-layout-present-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ String unexpectedContents = FileUtils.fileRead( expectedFile );
+ assertTrue( expectedFile.exists() );
+ File file = requestHandler.getAlways( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ File proxiedFile = new File( proxiedRepository1.getBasedir(), path );
+ String expectedContents = FileUtils.fileRead( proxiedFile );
+ assertEquals( "Check file contents", expectedContents, FileUtils.fileRead( file ) );
+ assertFalse( "Check file contents", unexpectedContents.equals( FileUtils.fileRead( file ) ) );
+ }
+ public void testGetAlwaysAlreadyPresentRemovedFromProxies()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-removed-from-proxies/1.0/get-removed-from-proxies-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ String expectedContents = FileUtils.fileRead( expectedFile );
+ assertTrue( expectedFile.exists() );
+ File file = requestHandler.getAlways( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ assertEquals( "Check file contents", expectedContents, FileUtils.fileRead( file ) );
+ // TODO: is this the correct behaviour, or should it be considered removed too?
+ }
+ public void testGetAlwaysWithCachedFailure()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-default-layout-present/1.0/get-default-layout-present-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ String unexpectedContents = FileUtils.fileRead( expectedFile );
+ assertTrue( expectedFile.exists() );
+ proxiedRepositories.clear();
+ ProxiedArtifactRepository proxiedArtifactRepository = createProxiedRepository( proxiedRepository1 );
+ proxiedArtifactRepository.addFailure( path, DEFAULT_POLICY );
+ proxiedRepositories.add( proxiedArtifactRepository );
+ proxiedRepositories.add( createProxiedRepository( proxiedRepository2 ) );
+ File file = requestHandler.getAlways( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ File proxiedFile = new File( proxiedRepository1.getBasedir(), path );
+ String expectedContents = FileUtils.fileRead( proxiedFile );
+ assertEquals( "Check file contents", expectedContents, FileUtils.fileRead( file ) );
+ assertFalse( "Check file contents", unexpectedContents.equals( FileUtils.fileRead( file ) ) );
+ }
+ public void testGetRemovesTemporaryFileOnSuccess()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-default-layout/1.0/get-default-layout-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ File tempFile = new File( file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + ".tmp" );
+ assertFalse( "Check temporary file removed", tempFile.exists() );
+ }
+ public void testGetRemovesTemporaryFileOnError()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException, TransferFailedException,
+ AuthorizationException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-default-layout/1.0/get-default-layout-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ proxiedRepository1 = createRepository( "proxied1", "test://..." );
+ proxiedRepositories.clear();
+ ProxiedArtifactRepository proxiedArtifactRepository1 = createProxiedRepository( proxiedRepository1 );
+ proxiedRepositories.add( proxiedArtifactRepository1 );
+ wagonMock.get( path, new File( expectedFile.getParentFile(), expectedFile.getName() + ".tmp" ) );
+ wagonMockControl.setThrowable( new TransferFailedException( "transfer failed" ) );
+ wagonMockControl.replay();
+ try
+ {
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ fail( "Found file: " + file + "; but was expecting a failure" );
+ }
+ catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException e )
+ {
+ // as expected
+ wagonMockControl.verify();
+ File tempFile = new File( expectedFile.getParentFile(), expectedFile.getName() + ".tmp" );
+ assertFalse( "Check temporary file removed", tempFile.exists() );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGetRemovesTemporaryChecksumFileOnSuccess()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-checksum-sha1-only/1.0/get-checksum-sha1-only-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ File tempFile = new File( file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + ".sha1.tmp" );
+ assertFalse( "Check temporary file removed", tempFile.exists() );
+ }
+ public void testGetRemovesTemporaryChecksumFileOnError()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException, TransferFailedException,
+ AuthorizationException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-checksum-sha1-only/1.0/get-checksum-sha1-only-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ proxiedRepository1 = createRepository( "proxied1", "test://..." );
+ proxiedRepositories.clear();
+ ProxiedArtifactRepository proxiedArtifactRepository1 = createProxiedRepository( proxiedRepository1 );
+ proxiedRepositories.add( proxiedArtifactRepository1 );
+ wagonMock.get( path, new File( expectedFile.getParentFile(), expectedFile.getName() + ".tmp" ) );
+ mockFailedChecksums( path, expectedFile );
+ wagonMockControl.replay();
+ try
+ {
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ fail( "Found file: " + file + "; but was expecting a failure" );
+ }
+ catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException e )
+ {
+ // as expected
+ wagonMockControl.verify();
+ File tempFile = new File( expectedFile.getParentFile(), expectedFile.getName() + ".tmp" );
+ assertFalse( "Check temporary file removed", tempFile.exists() );
+ tempFile = new File( expectedFile.getParentFile(), expectedFile.getName() + ".sha1.tmp" );
+ assertFalse( "Check temporary file removed", tempFile.exists() );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGetChecksumBothCorrect()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-checksum-both-right/1.0/get-checksum-both-right-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ File checksumFile = getChecksumFile( file, "sha1" );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", checksumFile.exists() );
+ assertEquals( "Check checksum", "066d76e459f7782c312c31e8a11b3c0f1e3e43a7 *get-checksum-both-right-1.0.jar",
+ FileUtils.fileRead( checksumFile ).trim() );
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", getChecksumFile( file, "md5" ).exists() );
+ }
+ public void testGetCorrectSha1NoMd5()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-checksum-sha1-only/1.0/get-checksum-sha1-only-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ File checksumFile = getChecksumFile( file, "sha1" );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", checksumFile.exists() );
+ assertEquals( "Check checksum", "748a3a013bf5eacf2bbb40a2ac7d37889b728837 *get-checksum-sha1-only-1.0.jar",
+ FileUtils.fileRead( checksumFile ).trim() );
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", getChecksumFile( file, "md5" ).exists() );
+ }
+ public void testGetCorrectSha1BadMd5()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-checksum-sha1-bad-md5/1.0/get-checksum-sha1-bad-md5-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ File checksumFile = getChecksumFile( file, "sha1" );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", checksumFile.exists() );
+ assertEquals( "Check checksum", "3dd1a3a57b807d3ef3fbc6013d926c891cbb8670 *get-checksum-sha1-bad-md5-1.0.jar",
+ FileUtils.fileRead( checksumFile ).trim() );
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", getChecksumFile( file, "md5" ).exists() );
+ }
+ public void testGetCorrectMd5NoSha1()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-checksum-md5-only/1.0/get-checksum-md5-only-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ File checksumFile = getChecksumFile( file, "md5" );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", checksumFile.exists() );
+ assertEquals( "Check checksum", "f3af5201bf8da801da37db8842846e1c *get-checksum-md5-only-1.0.jar",
+ FileUtils.fileRead( checksumFile ).trim() );
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", getChecksumFile( file, "sha1" ).exists() );
+ }
+ public void testGetCorrectMd5BadSha1()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-checksum-md5-bad-sha1/1.0/get-checksum-md5-bad-sha1-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ File checksumFile = getChecksumFile( file, "md5" );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", checksumFile.exists() );
+ assertEquals( "Check checksum", "8a02aa67549d27b2a03cd4547439c6d3 *get-checksum-md5-bad-sha1-1.0.jar",
+ FileUtils.fileRead( checksumFile ).trim() );
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", getChecksumFile( file, "sha1" ).exists() );
+ }
+ public void testGetWithNoChecksums()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-default-layout/1.0/get-default-layout-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", getChecksumFile( file, "md5" ).exists() );
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", getChecksumFile( file, "sha1" ).exists() );
+ }
+ public void testGetBadMd5BadSha1()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-checksum-both-bad/1.0/get-checksum-both-bad-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ try
+ {
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ fail( "Found file: " + file + "; but was expecting a failure" );
+ }
+ catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException e )
+ {
+ // expect a failure
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", expectedFile.exists() );
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", getChecksumFile( expectedFile, "md5" ).exists() );
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", getChecksumFile( expectedFile, "sha1" ).exists() );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGetChecksumTransferFailed()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException, TransferFailedException,
+ AuthorizationException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-checksum-sha1-only/1.0/get-checksum-sha1-only-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ assertFalse( expectedFile.exists() );
+ proxiedRepository1 = createRepository( "proxied1", "test://..." );
+ proxiedRepositories.clear();
+ ProxiedArtifactRepository proxiedArtifactRepository1 = createProxiedRepository( proxiedRepository1 );
+ proxiedRepositories.add( proxiedArtifactRepository1 );
+ wagonMock.get( path, new File( expectedFile.getParentFile(), expectedFile.getName() + ".tmp" ) );
+ mockFailedChecksums( path, expectedFile );
+ wagonMockControl.replay();
+ try
+ {
+ File file = requestHandler.get( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ fail( "Found file: " + file + "; but was expecting a failure" );
+ }
+ catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException e )
+ {
+ // as expected
+ wagonMockControl.verify();
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", expectedFile.exists() );
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", getChecksumFile( expectedFile, "md5" ).exists() );
+ assertFalse( "Check file not created", getChecksumFile( expectedFile, "sha1" ).exists() );
+ }
+ }
+ private void mockFailedChecksums( String path, File expectedFile )
+ throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException, AuthorizationException
+ {
+ // must do it twice as it will re-attempt it
+ wagonMock.get( path + ".sha1", new File( expectedFile.getParentFile(), expectedFile.getName() + ".sha1.tmp" ) );
+ wagonMockControl.setThrowable( new TransferFailedException( "transfer failed" ) );
+ wagonMock.get( path + ".md5", new File( expectedFile.getParentFile(), expectedFile.getName() + ".md5.tmp" ) );
+ wagonMockControl.setThrowable( new TransferFailedException( "transfer failed" ) );
+ wagonMock.get( path + ".sha1", new File( expectedFile.getParentFile(), expectedFile.getName() + ".sha1.tmp" ) );
+ wagonMockControl.setThrowable( new TransferFailedException( "transfer failed" ) );
+ wagonMock.get( path + ".md5", new File( expectedFile.getParentFile(), expectedFile.getName() + ".md5.tmp" ) );
+ wagonMockControl.setThrowable( new TransferFailedException( "transfer failed" ) );
+ }
+ public void testGetAlwaysBadChecksumPresentLocallyAbsentRemote()
+ throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, IOException
+ {
+ String path = "org/apache/maven/test/get-bad-local-checksum/1.0/get-bad-local-checksum-1.0.jar";
+ File expectedFile = new File( defaultManagedRepository.getBasedir(), path );
+ String unexpectedContents = FileUtils.fileRead( expectedFile );
+ assertTrue( expectedFile.exists() );
+ File file = requestHandler.getAlways( path, proxiedRepositories, defaultManagedRepository );
+ assertEquals( "Check file matches", expectedFile, file );
+ assertTrue( "Check file created", file.exists() );
+ File proxiedFile = new File( proxiedRepository1.getBasedir(), path );
+ String expectedContents = FileUtils.fileRead( proxiedFile );
+ assertEquals( "Check file contents", expectedContents, FileUtils.fileRead( file ) );
+ assertFalse( "Check file contents", unexpectedContents.equals( FileUtils.fileRead( file ) ) );
+ assertFalse( "Check checksum removed", new File( file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + ".sha1" ).exists() );
+ assertFalse( "Check checksum removed", new File( file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + ".md5" ).exists() );
+ }
+ private File getChecksumFile( File file, String algorithm )
+ {
+ return new File( file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + "." + algorithm );
+ }
* A faster recursive copy that omits .svn directories.