Date expire = GitDateParser.parse("now", null, SystemReader
Properties res = git.gc().setExpire(expire).call();
- assertTrue(res.size() == 7);
+ assertTrue(res.size() == 8);
GitDateParser.parse("now", null, SystemReader
- assertTrue(res.size() == 7);
+ assertTrue(res.size() == 8);
// run a gc to ensure we have a bitmap index
Properties res = git1.gc().setExpire(null).call();
- assertEquals(7, res.size());
+ assertEquals(8, res.size());
// create another commit so we have something else to push
writeTrashFile("b", "content of b");
private static Properties toProperties(RepoStatistics stats) {
Properties p = new Properties();
+ p.put("numberOfBitmaps", stats.numberOfBitmaps); //$NON-NLS-1$
p.put("numberOfLooseObjects", stats.numberOfLooseObjects); //$NON-NLS-1$
p.put("numberOfLooseRefs", stats.numberOfLooseRefs); //$NON-NLS-1$
p.put("numberOfPackedObjects", stats.numberOfPackedObjects); //$NON-NLS-1$