# Returns the attachments of a journal that are displayed as thumbnails
def journal_thumbnail_attachments(journal)
ids = journal.details.select {|d| d.property == 'attachment' && d.value.present?}.map(&:prop_key)
- ids.any? ? Attachment.where(:id => ids).select(&:thumbnailable?) : []
+ ids.any? ? Attachment.where(:id => ids).select(&:thumbnailable?).sort_by{|a| ids.index(a.id.to_s)} : []
# Returns the action links for an issue journal
assert_kind_of Attachment, thumbnails.first
assert_equal 'image.png', thumbnails.first.filename
+ def test_journal_thumbnail_attachments_should_be_in_the_same_order_as_the_journal_details
+ skip unless convert_installed?
+ set_tmp_attachments_directory
+ issue = Issue.generate!
+ # Thumbnails should be displayed in the same order as Journal.detail, not in attachment id order.
+ attachment1 = Attachment.generate!(:file => mock_file_with_options(:original_filename => 'image1.png'), :author => User.find(1))
+ attachment2 = Attachment.generate!(:file => mock_file_with_options(:original_filename => 'image2.png'), :author => User.find(1))
+ journal = Journal.create!(:journalized => issue, :user_id => 1)
+ JournalDetail.create!(
+ :journal => journal, :property => 'attachment',
+ :prop_key => attachment2.id.to_s,
+ :value => 'image2.png'
+ )
+ JournalDetail.create!(
+ :journal => journal, :property => 'attachment',
+ :prop_key => attachment1.id.to_s,
+ :value => 'image1.png'
+ )
+ journal.reload
+ thumbnails = journal_thumbnail_attachments(journal)
+ assert_equal 2, thumbnails.count
+ assert_equal 2, journal.details.count
+ assert_equal journal.details.map(&:value), thumbnails.map(&:filename)
+ end