<property name="coverage.dir" value="build/coverage"/>
<!-- Exclude some uninteresting classes from coverage-instrumentation as we do not want to measure coverage in those packages anyway -->
<property name="coverage.excludes" value="org.openxmlformats.*:com.*:org.junit.*:junit.*:org.etsi.*:org.w3.*"/>
+ <property name="file.leak.detector" value="-Dthis.is.a.dummy=true"/>
<!-- Apache RAT license check properties -->
<property name="rat.reportdir" value="build/rat"/>
<syspropertyset refid="junit.properties"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<!-- jvmarg value="-Duser.timezone=UTC"/ -->
+ <jvmarg value="${file.leak.detector}" />
YK: ensure that JUnit has enough memory to run tests.
Without the line below tests fail on Mac OS X with jdk-1.6.26