import ManualProjectCreate from './manual/ManualProjectCreate';
import './style.css';
import { CreateProjectApiCallback, CreateProjectModes } from './types';
+import { addGlobalSuccessMessage } from '../../../helpers/globalMessages';
export interface CreateProjectPageProps extends WithAvailableFeaturesProps {
appState: AppState;
const { project } = await this.createProjectFnRef(selectedNcd.type, selectedNcd.value);
+ addGlobalSuccessMessage(translate('onboarding.create_project.success'));
this.setState({ submitting: false });
}; New Code
onboarding.create_project.new_code_definition.create_project=Create project
+onboarding.create_project.success=Congratulations! Your project has been created.
onboarding.token.header=Provide a token
onboarding.token.text=The token is used to identify you when an analysis is performed. If it has been compromised, you can revoke it at any point in time in your {link}.
onboarding.token.text.PROJECT_ANALYSIS_TOKEN=The project token is used to identify you when an analysis is performed. If it has been compromised, you can revoke it at any point in time in your {link}.