"High contrast theme" : "Motiv vzhledu s vysokým kontrastem",
"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "Motiv vzhledu s vysokým kontrastem pro usnadnění pohybu po aplikaci. Vizuální kvalita bude snížena, ale čitelnost zvýšena.",
+ "Dark theme" : "Tmavý motiv vzhledu",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "Tmavý motiv vzhledu pro ulevení vašim očím snížením celkové svítivosti a jasu. Zatím ještě není hotové, takže hlaste jakékoli problémy, se kterými se potkáte.",
"Dyslexia font" : "Písmo pro dyslektiky",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "OpenDyslexic je svobodné písmo navržené pro omezení vlivu některých běžných poruch čtení, způsobených dyslexií.",
+ "OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia. The typeface was created by Abelardo Gonzalez, who released it through an open-source license." : "OpenDyslexic je svobodné písmo navržené pro omezení vlivu některých běžných poruch čtení, způsobených dyslexií. Toto písmo bylo vytvořeno Abelardem Gonzalezem, který ji vydal pod open-source licencí.",
+ "Provides multiple accessibilities options to ease your use of nextcloud" : "Poskytuje vícero možností zpřístupnění pro usnadnění používání Nextcloud",
"High contrast theme" : "Motiv vzhledu s vysokým kontrastem",
"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "Motiv vzhledu s vysokým kontrastem pro usnadnění pohybu po aplikaci. Vizuální kvalita bude snížena, ale čitelnost zvýšena.",
+ "Dark theme" : "Tmavý motiv vzhledu",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "Tmavý motiv vzhledu pro ulevení vašim očím snížením celkové svítivosti a jasu. Zatím ještě není hotové, takže hlaste jakékoli problémy, se kterými se potkáte.",
"Dyslexia font" : "Písmo pro dyslektiky",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "OpenDyslexic je svobodné písmo navržené pro omezení vlivu některých běžných poruch čtení, způsobených dyslexií.",
+ "OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia. The typeface was created by Abelardo Gonzalez, who released it through an open-source license." : "OpenDyslexic je svobodné písmo navržené pro omezení vlivu některých běžných poruch čtení, způsobených dyslexií. Toto písmo bylo vytvořeno Abelardem Gonzalezem, který ji vydal pod open-source licencí.",
+ "Provides multiple accessibilities options to ease your use of nextcloud" : "Poskytuje vícero možností zpřístupnění pro usnadnění používání Nextcloud",
"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "Kontraste altuko gaia nabigazioa errazteko. Kalitate bisuala murriztuko da baina argitasuna handiagotu.",
+ "Dark theme" : "Gai iluna",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "Gai iluna begiak leuntzeko argitasun orokorra eta distira murriztuz. Garapenean dagoen aukera da, beraz jakinarazi aurkitzen dituzun arazoak.",
"Dyslexia font" : "Dislexia letra-tipoa",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "OpenDyslexic letra-tipo librea da dislexiak eragindako ohiko irakurketa akats batzuk leuntzeko diseinatua.",
"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "Kontraste altuko gaia nabigazioa errazteko. Kalitate bisuala murriztuko da baina argitasuna handiagotu.",
+ "Dark theme" : "Gai iluna",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "Gai iluna begiak leuntzeko argitasun orokorra eta distira murriztuz. Garapenean dagoen aukera da, beraz jakinarazi aurkitzen dituzun arazoak.",
"Dyslexia font" : "Dislexia letra-tipoa",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "OpenDyslexic letra-tipo librea da dislexiak eragindako ohiko irakurketa akats batzuk leuntzeko diseinatua.",
"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "Een thema met hoog contrast maakt de navigatie makkelijker. De visuele kwaliteit kan verminderen, maar duidelijkheid neemt toe.",
+ "Dark theme" : "Donker thema",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "Een donker thema geeft je ogen rust door de hoeveelheid licht te verminderen. Dit thema is nog in ontwikkeling, dus we horen het graag als je fouten tegenkomt. ",
"Dyslexia font" : "Dyslexie-lettertype",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "OpenDyslexic is een gratis en open source lettertype dat is ontwikkeld om de meest voorkomende leesfouten te voorkomen die worden veroorzaakt door dyslexie.",
"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "Een thema met hoog contrast maakt de navigatie makkelijker. De visuele kwaliteit kan verminderen, maar duidelijkheid neemt toe.",
+ "Dark theme" : "Donker thema",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "Een donker thema geeft je ogen rust door de hoeveelheid licht te verminderen. Dit thema is nog in ontwikkeling, dus we horen het graag als je fouten tegenkomt. ",
"Dyslexia font" : "Dyslexie-lettertype",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "OpenDyslexic is een gratis en open source lettertype dat is ontwikkeld om de meest voorkomende leesfouten te voorkomen die worden veroorzaakt door dyslexie.",
"Can not read this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you." : "Ezin da fitxategi hau irakurri, ziur aski partekatutako fitxategia izango da. Fitxategiaren jabeari berriz partekatzeko eska iezaiozu",
"Default encryption module for server-side encryption" : "Lehenetsitako zifratze modulua zerbitzari aldeko zifratzerako",
+ "In order to use this encryption module you need to enable server-side\n\t\tencryption in the admin settings. Once enabled this module will encrypt\n\t\tall your files transparently. The encryption is based on AES 256 keys.\n\t\tThe module won't touch existing files, only new files will be encrypted\n\t\tafter server-side encryption was enabled. It is also not possible to\n\t\tdisable the encryption again and switch back to a unencrypted system.\n\t\tPlease read the documentation to know all implications before you decide\n\t\tto enable server-side encryption." : "Zifratze modulu hau erabili ahal izateko zerbitzari mailako zifratzea gaitu behar duzu administratzailearen ezarpenetan.\n\nBehin aktibatuta modulu honek zure fitxategi guztiak modu gardenean zifratuko ditu. Zifratzea AES 256 gakoetan oinarritzen da.\n\nModuluak ez ditu aurretik dauden fitxategiak ukituko, soilik fitxategi berriak zifratuko dira zerbitzari mailako zifratzea ezari eta gero. \n\nEzin da zifratzea desgaitu eta zifratu gabeko sistema batera itzuli.\n\nIrakurri dokumentazioa zerbitzari mailako zifratzea hautatu aurretik honek zer dakarren jakiteko.",
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Kaixo\n\nadministradoreak zerbitzari-aldeko enkriptazioa gaitu du. Zure fitxategiak '%s' pasahitza erabiliz enkriptatuko dira.\n\nWeb interfazea saioa hasi, 'oinarrizko enkripazio modulua' atalera joan zaitez eta pasahitza eguneratu. Hortarako pasahitz zaharra 'pasahitz zaharra' atalean sartu eta zure oraingo pasahitza",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Elkarbanaketa %s-n iraungiko da.",
"Can not read this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you." : "Ezin da fitxategi hau irakurri, ziur aski partekatutako fitxategia izango da. Fitxategiaren jabeari berriz partekatzeko eska iezaiozu",
"Default encryption module for server-side encryption" : "Lehenetsitako zifratze modulua zerbitzari aldeko zifratzerako",
+ "In order to use this encryption module you need to enable server-side\n\t\tencryption in the admin settings. Once enabled this module will encrypt\n\t\tall your files transparently. The encryption is based on AES 256 keys.\n\t\tThe module won't touch existing files, only new files will be encrypted\n\t\tafter server-side encryption was enabled. It is also not possible to\n\t\tdisable the encryption again and switch back to a unencrypted system.\n\t\tPlease read the documentation to know all implications before you decide\n\t\tto enable server-side encryption." : "Zifratze modulu hau erabili ahal izateko zerbitzari mailako zifratzea gaitu behar duzu administratzailearen ezarpenetan.\n\nBehin aktibatuta modulu honek zure fitxategi guztiak modu gardenean zifratuko ditu. Zifratzea AES 256 gakoetan oinarritzen da.\n\nModuluak ez ditu aurretik dauden fitxategiak ukituko, soilik fitxategi berriak zifratuko dira zerbitzari mailako zifratzea ezari eta gero. \n\nEzin da zifratzea desgaitu eta zifratu gabeko sistema batera itzuli.\n\nIrakurri dokumentazioa zerbitzari mailako zifratzea hautatu aurretik honek zer dakarren jakiteko.",
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Kaixo\n\nadministradoreak zerbitzari-aldeko enkriptazioa gaitu du. Zure fitxategiak '%s' pasahitza erabiliz enkriptatuko dira.\n\nWeb interfazea saioa hasi, 'oinarrizko enkripazio modulua' atalera joan zaitez eta pasahitza eguneratu. Hortarako pasahitz zaharra 'pasahitz zaharra' atalean sartu eta zure oraingo pasahitza",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Elkarbanaketa %s-n iraungiko da.",
"Could not create folder \"{dir}\"" : "Impossible de créer le dossier \"{dir}\"",
- "This will stop your current uploads." : "Cela va arrêter vos téléversements actuels.",
- "Upload cancelled." : "Téléversement annulé.",
- "Processing files …" : "Fichiers en cours d'exécution …",
+ "This will stop your current uploads." : "Cela va arrêter vos envois en cours.",
+ "Upload cancelled." : "Envoi annulé.",
+ "Processing files …" : "Fichiers en cours de traitement …",
"…" : "…",
- "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" : "Impossible d'envoyer {filename} car il s'agit d'un répertoire ou d'un fichier de taille nulle",
+ "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" : "Impossible d'envoyer {filename} car il s'agit d'un dossier ou d'un fichier vide",
"Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left" : "Espace libre insuffisant : vous tentez d'envoyer {size1} mais seulement {size2} sont disponibles",
- "Target folder \"{dir}\" does not exist any more" : "Le dossier cible « {dir} » n'existe plus",
+ "Target folder \"{dir}\" does not exist any more" : "Le dossier cible \"{dir}\" n'existe plus",
"Unable to determine date" : "Impossible de déterminer la date",
"This operation is forbidden" : "Cette opération est interdite",
- "This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "Ce dossier n'est pas disponible. Consultez les logs ou contactez votre administrateur",
+ "This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "Ce dossier n'est pas disponible, consultez les logs ou contactez votre administrateur",
"Could not move \"{file}\", target exists" : "Impossible de déplacer \"{file}\", la cible existe",
"Could not move \"{file}\"" : "Impossible de déplacer \"{file}\"",
- "copy" : "Copier",
- "Could not copy \"{file}\", target exists" : "Impossible decopier \"{file}\", la cible existe",
- "Could not copy \"{file}\"" : "Impossible decopier \"{file}\"",
+ "copy" : "copie",
+ "Could not copy \"{file}\", target exists" : "Impossible decopier \"{file}\", la cible existe",
+ "Could not copy \"{file}\"" : "Impossible decopier \"{file}\"",
"Copied {origin} inside {destination}" : "{origin} copié dans {destination}",
"Copied {origin} and {nbfiles} other files inside {destination}" : "{origin} et {nbfiles} autres fichiers copiés dans {destination}",
"{newName} already exists" : "{newName} existe déjà",
- "Could not rename \"{fileName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Impossible de renommer \"{file}\", il n'existe plus",
+ "Could not rename \"{fileName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Impossible de renommer \"{fileName}\", il n'existe plus",
"The name \"{targetName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Le nom \"{targetName}\" est déjà utilisé dans le dossier \"{dir}\". Merci de choisir un nom différent.",
"Could not rename \"{fileName}\"" : "Impossible de renommer \"{fileName}\"",
"Could not create file \"{file}\"" : "Impossible de créer le fichier \"{file}\"",
"Could not create file \"{file}\" because it already exists" : "Impossible de créer le fichier \"{file}\" car il existe déjà",
"Could not create folder \"{dir}\" because it already exists" : "Impossible de créer le dossier \"{dir}\" car il existe déjà",
"Error deleting file \"{fileName}\"." : "Erreur à la suppression du fichier \"{fileName}\".",
- "No search results in other folders for {tag}{filter}{endtag}" : "Aucun résultat dans d'autres dossiers n'a été trouvé pour {tag}{filter}{endtag}",
+ "No search results in other folders for {tag}{filter}{endtag}" : "Aucun résultat dans d'autres dossiers pour {tag}{filter}{endtag}",
"You don’t have permission to upload or create files here" : "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'envoyer ou de créer des fichiers ici",
"_Uploading %n file_::_Uploading %n files_" : ["Téléversement de %n fichier","Téléversement de %n fichiers"],
"New" : "Nouveau",
- "Select file range" : "Sélectionnez l'étendue des fichiers",
- "{used} of {quota} used" : "{used} de {quota} utilisé",
- "{used} used" : "{used} utilisé",
+ "Select file range" : "Sélectionner une plage de fichiers",
+ "{used} of {quota} used" : "{used} de {quota} utilisés",
+ "{used} used" : "{used} utilisés",
"\"{name}\" is an invalid file name." : "\"{name}\" n'est pas un nom de fichier valide.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Le nom de fichier ne peut être vide.",
- "\"/\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"/\" n'est pas autorisé dans les noms de fichier.",
- "\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype" : "\"{name}\" n'est pas un nom de fichier autorisé.",
+ "\"/\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"/\" n'est pas autorisé dans un nom de fichier.",
+ "\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype" : "\"{name}\" n'est pas un type de fichier autorisé",
"Storage of {owner} is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "L'espace de stockage de {owner} est plein. Les fichiers ne peuvent plus être mis à jour ni synchronisés !",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Votre espace de stockage est plein. Les fichiers ne peuvent plus être mis à jour ni synchronisés !",
"Storage of {owner} is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" : "L'espace de stockage de {owner} est presque plein ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"A file has been added to or removed from your <strong>favorites</strong>" : "Un fichier a été ajouté ou retiré de vos <strong>favoris</strong>",
"A file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong> or <strong>renamed</strong>" : "Un fichier ou dossier a été <strong>modifié</strong> ou <strong>renommé</strong>",
"A new file or folder has been <strong>created</strong>" : "Un nouveau fichier ou répertoire a été <strong>créé</strong>",
- "A file or folder has been <strong>deleted</strong>" : "Un fichier ou un répertoire a été <strong>supprimé</strong>",
- "Limit notifications about creation and changes to your <strong>favorite files</strong> <em>(Stream only)</em>" : "Limiter les notifications à ce qui concerne la création et la modification de vos <strong>fichiers favoris</strong> <em>(Flux uniquement)</em>",
- "A file or folder has been <strong>restored</strong>" : "Un fichier ou un répertoire a été <strong>restauré</strong>",
+ "A file or folder has been <strong>deleted</strong>" : "Un fichier ou un dossier a été <strong>supprimé</strong>",
+ "Limit notifications about creation and changes to your <strong>favorite files</strong> <em>(Stream only)</em>" : "Limiter les notifications qui concernent les créations et les modifications à vos <strong>fichiers favoris</strong> <em>(Flux uniquement)</em>",
+ "A file or folder has been <strong>restored</strong>" : "Un fichier ou un dossier a été <strong>restauré</strong>",
"With PHP-FPM it might take 5 minutes for changes to be applied." : "Avec PHP-FPM il peut se passer jusqu'à 5 minutes pour que les changements soient appliqués.",
"Missing permissions to edit from here." : "Permissions insuffisantes pour modifier à partir d'ici.",
"Could not create folder \"{dir}\"" : "Impossible de créer le dossier \"{dir}\"",
- "This will stop your current uploads." : "Cela va arrêter vos téléversements actuels.",
- "Upload cancelled." : "Téléversement annulé.",
- "Processing files …" : "Fichiers en cours d'exécution …",
+ "This will stop your current uploads." : "Cela va arrêter vos envois en cours.",
+ "Upload cancelled." : "Envoi annulé.",
+ "Processing files …" : "Fichiers en cours de traitement …",
"…" : "…",
- "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" : "Impossible d'envoyer {filename} car il s'agit d'un répertoire ou d'un fichier de taille nulle",
+ "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" : "Impossible d'envoyer {filename} car il s'agit d'un dossier ou d'un fichier vide",
"Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left" : "Espace libre insuffisant : vous tentez d'envoyer {size1} mais seulement {size2} sont disponibles",
- "Target folder \"{dir}\" does not exist any more" : "Le dossier cible « {dir} » n'existe plus",
+ "Target folder \"{dir}\" does not exist any more" : "Le dossier cible \"{dir}\" n'existe plus",
"Unable to determine date" : "Impossible de déterminer la date",
"This operation is forbidden" : "Cette opération est interdite",
- "This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "Ce dossier n'est pas disponible. Consultez les logs ou contactez votre administrateur",
+ "This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "Ce dossier n'est pas disponible, consultez les logs ou contactez votre administrateur",
"Could not move \"{file}\", target exists" : "Impossible de déplacer \"{file}\", la cible existe",
"Could not move \"{file}\"" : "Impossible de déplacer \"{file}\"",
- "copy" : "Copier",
- "Could not copy \"{file}\", target exists" : "Impossible decopier \"{file}\", la cible existe",
- "Could not copy \"{file}\"" : "Impossible decopier \"{file}\"",
+ "copy" : "copie",
+ "Could not copy \"{file}\", target exists" : "Impossible decopier \"{file}\", la cible existe",
+ "Could not copy \"{file}\"" : "Impossible decopier \"{file}\"",
"Copied {origin} inside {destination}" : "{origin} copié dans {destination}",
"Copied {origin} and {nbfiles} other files inside {destination}" : "{origin} et {nbfiles} autres fichiers copiés dans {destination}",
"{newName} already exists" : "{newName} existe déjà",
- "Could not rename \"{fileName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Impossible de renommer \"{file}\", il n'existe plus",
+ "Could not rename \"{fileName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Impossible de renommer \"{fileName}\", il n'existe plus",
"The name \"{targetName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Le nom \"{targetName}\" est déjà utilisé dans le dossier \"{dir}\". Merci de choisir un nom différent.",
"Could not rename \"{fileName}\"" : "Impossible de renommer \"{fileName}\"",
"Could not create file \"{file}\"" : "Impossible de créer le fichier \"{file}\"",
"Could not create file \"{file}\" because it already exists" : "Impossible de créer le fichier \"{file}\" car il existe déjà",
"Could not create folder \"{dir}\" because it already exists" : "Impossible de créer le dossier \"{dir}\" car il existe déjà",
"Error deleting file \"{fileName}\"." : "Erreur à la suppression du fichier \"{fileName}\".",
- "No search results in other folders for {tag}{filter}{endtag}" : "Aucun résultat dans d'autres dossiers n'a été trouvé pour {tag}{filter}{endtag}",
+ "No search results in other folders for {tag}{filter}{endtag}" : "Aucun résultat dans d'autres dossiers pour {tag}{filter}{endtag}",
"You don’t have permission to upload or create files here" : "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'envoyer ou de créer des fichiers ici",
"_Uploading %n file_::_Uploading %n files_" : ["Téléversement de %n fichier","Téléversement de %n fichiers"],
"New" : "Nouveau",
- "Select file range" : "Sélectionnez l'étendue des fichiers",
- "{used} of {quota} used" : "{used} de {quota} utilisé",
- "{used} used" : "{used} utilisé",
+ "Select file range" : "Sélectionner une plage de fichiers",
+ "{used} of {quota} used" : "{used} de {quota} utilisés",
+ "{used} used" : "{used} utilisés",
"\"{name}\" is an invalid file name." : "\"{name}\" n'est pas un nom de fichier valide.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Le nom de fichier ne peut être vide.",
- "\"/\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"/\" n'est pas autorisé dans les noms de fichier.",
- "\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype" : "\"{name}\" n'est pas un nom de fichier autorisé.",
+ "\"/\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"/\" n'est pas autorisé dans un nom de fichier.",
+ "\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype" : "\"{name}\" n'est pas un type de fichier autorisé",
"Storage of {owner} is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "L'espace de stockage de {owner} est plein. Les fichiers ne peuvent plus être mis à jour ni synchronisés !",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Votre espace de stockage est plein. Les fichiers ne peuvent plus être mis à jour ni synchronisés !",
"Storage of {owner} is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" : "L'espace de stockage de {owner} est presque plein ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"A file has been added to or removed from your <strong>favorites</strong>" : "Un fichier a été ajouté ou retiré de vos <strong>favoris</strong>",
"A file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong> or <strong>renamed</strong>" : "Un fichier ou dossier a été <strong>modifié</strong> ou <strong>renommé</strong>",
"A new file or folder has been <strong>created</strong>" : "Un nouveau fichier ou répertoire a été <strong>créé</strong>",
- "A file or folder has been <strong>deleted</strong>" : "Un fichier ou un répertoire a été <strong>supprimé</strong>",
- "Limit notifications about creation and changes to your <strong>favorite files</strong> <em>(Stream only)</em>" : "Limiter les notifications à ce qui concerne la création et la modification de vos <strong>fichiers favoris</strong> <em>(Flux uniquement)</em>",
- "A file or folder has been <strong>restored</strong>" : "Un fichier ou un répertoire a été <strong>restauré</strong>",
+ "A file or folder has been <strong>deleted</strong>" : "Un fichier ou un dossier a été <strong>supprimé</strong>",
+ "Limit notifications about creation and changes to your <strong>favorite files</strong> <em>(Stream only)</em>" : "Limiter les notifications qui concernent les créations et les modifications à vos <strong>fichiers favoris</strong> <em>(Flux uniquement)</em>",
+ "A file or folder has been <strong>restored</strong>" : "Un fichier ou un dossier a été <strong>restauré</strong>",
"With PHP-FPM it might take 5 minutes for changes to be applied." : "Avec PHP-FPM il peut se passer jusqu'à 5 minutes pour que les changements soient appliqués.",
"Missing permissions to edit from here." : "Permissions insuffisantes pour modifier à partir d'ici.",
"Are you sure you want to delete this external storage?" : "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce stockage externe ?",
- "Delete storage?" : "Supprimerce support de stockage ?",
- "Saved" : "Sauvegardé",
+ "Delete storage?" : "Supprimerce support de stockage ?",
+ "Saved" : "Enregistré",
"Saving..." : "Enregistrement...",
"Save" : "Enregistrer",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Réponse vide du serveur",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Réponse du serveur vide",
"Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Impossible d'accéder. Veuillez vous déconnecter et vous reconnecter pour activer ce point de montage",
"Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Impossible d'obtenir l'information du serveur distant: {code} {type}",
"Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Impossible de récupérer la liste des points de montage externes : {type}",
"Are you sure you want to delete this external storage?" : "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce stockage externe ?",
- "Delete storage?" : "Supprimerce support de stockage ?",
- "Saved" : "Sauvegardé",
+ "Delete storage?" : "Supprimerce support de stockage ?",
+ "Saved" : "Enregistré",
"Saving..." : "Enregistrement...",
"Save" : "Enregistrer",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Réponse vide du serveur",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Réponse du serveur vide",
"Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Impossible d'accéder. Veuillez vous déconnecter et vous reconnecter pour activer ce point de montage",
"Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Impossible d'obtenir l'information du serveur distant: {code} {type}",
"Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Impossible de récupérer la liste des points de montage externes : {type}",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Le partage de groupe a été désactivé par l'administrateur",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Veuillez entrer un groupe valide",
"Public link sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Le partage de lien public a été désactivé par l'administrateur",
- "Public upload disabled by the administrator" : "Téléversement public désactivé par l'administrateur",
- "Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders" : "Le téléversement public est possible uniquement pour les dossiers partagés publiquement",
+ "Public upload disabled by the administrator" : "Envois publics désactivés par l'administrateur",
+ "Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders" : "Les envois publics sont possibles uniquement pour les dossiers partagés publiquement",
"Sharing %s sending the password by Nextcloud Talk failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled" : "Partager %s en envoyant le mot de passe par Nextcloud Talk a échoué car Nextcloud Talk n'est pas activé.",
"Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "Date non valide, le format doit être DD/MM/YYYY",
"Sharing %1$s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %2$s" : "Le partage %1$s a échoué parce que l'infrastructure n'autorise pas les partages du type %2$s",
- "Upload files to %s" : "Téléversement des fichiers vers %s",
+ "Upload files to %s" : "Envoi des fichiers vers %s",
"Note" : "Note",
"Select or drop files" : "Sélectionner ou glisser-déposer vos fichiers",
- "Uploading files…" : "Téléversement des fichiers...",
- "Uploaded files:" : "Fichiers téléversés :",
+ "Uploading files…" : "Envoi des fichiers...",
+ "Uploaded files:" : "Fichiers envoyés :",
"By uploading files, you agree to the %1$sterms of service%2$s." : "En envoyant des fichiers, vous acceptez les %1$sconditions d'utilisation%2$s.",
"Sharing %s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %s" : "Le partage %s a échoué parce que l'infrastructure n'autorise pas les partages du type %s"
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Le partage de groupe a été désactivé par l'administrateur",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Veuillez entrer un groupe valide",
"Public link sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Le partage de lien public a été désactivé par l'administrateur",
- "Public upload disabled by the administrator" : "Téléversement public désactivé par l'administrateur",
- "Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders" : "Le téléversement public est possible uniquement pour les dossiers partagés publiquement",
+ "Public upload disabled by the administrator" : "Envois publics désactivés par l'administrateur",
+ "Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders" : "Les envois publics sont possibles uniquement pour les dossiers partagés publiquement",
"Sharing %s sending the password by Nextcloud Talk failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled" : "Partager %s en envoyant le mot de passe par Nextcloud Talk a échoué car Nextcloud Talk n'est pas activé.",
"Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "Date non valide, le format doit être DD/MM/YYYY",
"Sharing %1$s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %2$s" : "Le partage %1$s a échoué parce que l'infrastructure n'autorise pas les partages du type %2$s",
- "Upload files to %s" : "Téléversement des fichiers vers %s",
+ "Upload files to %s" : "Envoi des fichiers vers %s",
"Note" : "Note",
"Select or drop files" : "Sélectionner ou glisser-déposer vos fichiers",
- "Uploading files…" : "Téléversement des fichiers...",
- "Uploaded files:" : "Fichiers téléversés :",
+ "Uploading files…" : "Envoi des fichiers...",
+ "Uploaded files:" : "Fichiers envoyés :",
"By uploading files, you agree to the %1$sterms of service%2$s." : "En envoyant des fichiers, vous acceptez les %1$sconditions d'utilisation%2$s.",
"Sharing %s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %s" : "Le partage %s a échoué parce que l'infrastructure n'autorise pas les partages du type %s"
+ "Your client is not authorized to connect. Please inform the administrator of your client." : "Your client is not authorised to connect. Please inform the administrator of your client.",
+ "Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path",
"OAuth 2.0" : "OAuth 2.0",
+ "Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications.",
+ "The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 clients",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to {instanceName}." : "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to {instanceName}.",
+ "Your client is not authorized to connect. Please inform the administrator of your client." : "Your client is not authorised to connect. Please inform the administrator of your client.",
+ "Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path",
"OAuth 2.0" : "OAuth 2.0",
+ "Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications.",
+ "The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 clients",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to {instanceName}." : "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to {instanceName}.",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s deelde »%2$s« met jou en wil toevoegen:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s deelde »%2$s« met jou en wil toevoegen",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« voegde een notitie toe aan een bestand dat met jou is gedeeld",
+ "You just shared »%1$s« with %2$s. The share was already sent to the recipient. Due to the security policies defined by the administrator of %3$s each share needs to be protected by password and it is not allowed to send the password directly to the recipient. Therefore you need to forward the password manually to the recipient." : "Je deelde »%1$s« met %2$s. De link is al gestuurd naar de geadresseerde. Vanwege de beveiligingsinstellingen, zoals ingesteld door de beheerder van %3$s, moet het delen worden beveiligd met een wachtwoord en is het niet toegestaan het wachtwoord rechtstreeks naar de ontvanger te versturen. Hierdoor moet je het wachtwoord zelf handmatig naar de ontvanger sturen.",
"Password to access »%1$s« shared by you with %2$s" : "Wachtwoord voor toegang tot »%1$s« door jou gedeeld met %2$s",
"This is the password:" : "Dit is het wachtwoord:",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Je kunt in de Delen-dialoog altijd een ander wachtwoord kiezen.",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s deelde »%2$s« met jou en wil toevoegen:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s deelde »%2$s« met jou en wil toevoegen",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« voegde een notitie toe aan een bestand dat met jou is gedeeld",
+ "You just shared »%1$s« with %2$s. The share was already sent to the recipient. Due to the security policies defined by the administrator of %3$s each share needs to be protected by password and it is not allowed to send the password directly to the recipient. Therefore you need to forward the password manually to the recipient." : "Je deelde »%1$s« met %2$s. De link is al gestuurd naar de geadresseerde. Vanwege de beveiligingsinstellingen, zoals ingesteld door de beheerder van %3$s, moet het delen worden beveiligd met een wachtwoord en is het niet toegestaan het wachtwoord rechtstreeks naar de ontvanger te versturen. Hierdoor moet je het wachtwoord zelf handmatig naar de ontvanger sturen.",
"Password to access »%1$s« shared by you with %2$s" : "Wachtwoord voor toegang tot »%1$s« door jou gedeeld met %2$s",
"This is the password:" : "Dit is het wachtwoord:",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Je kunt in de Delen-dialoog altijd een ander wachtwoord kiezen.",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Je hebt tweefactor authenticatie ingeschakeld, maar nog geen backup codes gegenereerd. Die zijn nodig voor het ontsluiten van je account, in het geval dat je je tweede factor kwijt bent.",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Je hebt tweefactor authenticatie ingeschakeld, maar nog geen backup codes gegenereerd. Die zijn nodig voor het ontsluiten van je account, in het geval dat je je tweede factor kwijt bent.",
"Displays update notifications for Nextcloud and provides the SSO for the updater." : "Displays update notifications for Nextcloud and provides the SSO for the updater.",
"The version you are running is not maintained anymore. Please make sure to update to a supported version as soon as possible." : "The version you are running is not maintained anymore. Please make sure to update to a supported version as soon as possible.",
"Apps with available updates" : "Apps with available updates",
"Open updater" : "Open updater",
"Download now" : "Download now",
+ "What's new?" : "What's new?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Your version is up to date.",
"A non-default update server is in use to be checked for updates:" : "A non-default update server is in use to be checked for updates:",
"Update channel:" : "Update channel:",
+ "You can always update to a newer version. But you can never downgrade to a more stable version." : "You can always update to a newer version. But you can never downgrade to a more stable version.",
"Note that after a new release it can take some time before it shows up here. We roll out new versions spread out over time to our users and sometimes skip a version when issues are found." : "Note that after a new release it can take some time before it shows up here. We roll out new versions spread out over time to our users and sometimes skip a version when issues are found.",
"Notify members of the following groups about available updates:" : "Notify members of the following groups about available updates:",
"Only notification for app updates are available." : "Only notification for app updates are available.",
"Could not connect to the appstore or the appstore returned no updates at all. Search manually for updates or make sure your server has access to the internet and can connect to the appstore." : "Could not connect to the appstore or the appstore returned no updates at all. Search manually for updates or make sure your server has access to the internet and can connect to the appstore.",
"<strong>All</strong> apps have an update for this version available" : "<strong>All</strong> apps have an update for this version available",
"View changelog" : "View changelog",
+ "Enterprise" : "Enterprise",
+ "For enterprise use. Provides always the latest patch level, but will not update to the next major release immediately. That update happens once Nextcloud GmbH has done additional hardening and testing for large-scale and mission-critical deployments. This channel is only available to customers and provides the Nextcloud Enterprise package." : "For enterprise use. Provides always the latest patch level, but will not update to the next major release immediately. That update happens once Nextcloud GmbH has done additional hardening and testing for large-scale and mission-critical deployments. This channel is only available to customers and provides the Nextcloud Enterprise package.",
+ "Stable" : "Stable",
+ "The most recent stable version. It is suited for regular use and will always update to the latest major version." : "The most recent stable version. It is suited for regular use and will always update to the latest major version.",
+ "Beta" : "Beta",
+ "A pre-release version only for testing new features, not for production environments." : "A pre-release version only for testing new features, not for production environments.",
"_<strong>%n</strong> app has no update for this version available_::_<strong>%n</strong> apps have no update for this version available_" : ["<strong>%n</strong> app has no update for this version available","<strong>%n</strong> apps have no update for this version available"],
"You can always update to a newer version / experimental channel. But you can never downgrade to a more stable channel." : "You can always update to a newer version / experimental channel. But you can never downgrade to a more stable channel.",
"<strong>production</strong> will always provide the latest patch level, but not update to the next major release immediately. That update usually happens with the second minor release (x.0.2)." : "<strong>production</strong> will always provide the latest patch level, but not update to the next major release immediately. That update usually happens with the second minor release (x.0.2).",
"<strong>stable</strong> is the most recent stable version. It is suited for regular use and will always update to the latest major version." : "<strong>stable</strong> is the most recent stable version. It is suited for regular use and will always update to the latest major version.",
"<strong>beta</strong> is a pre-release version only for testing new features, not for production environments." : "<strong>beta</strong> is a pre-release version only for testing new features, not for production environments.",
- "Could not start updater, please try the manual update" : "Could not start updater, please try the manual update"
+ "Could not start updater, please try the manual update" : "Could not start updater, please try the manual update",
+ "Production" : "Production",
+ "Will always provide the latest patch level, but not update to the next major release immediately. That update usually happens with the second minor release (x.0.2) and only if the instance is already on the latest minor version." : "Will always provide the latest patch level, but not update to the next major release immediately. That update usually happens with the second minor release (x.0.2) and only if the instance is already on the latest minor version."
"Displays update notifications for Nextcloud and provides the SSO for the updater." : "Displays update notifications for Nextcloud and provides the SSO for the updater.",
"The version you are running is not maintained anymore. Please make sure to update to a supported version as soon as possible." : "The version you are running is not maintained anymore. Please make sure to update to a supported version as soon as possible.",
"Apps with available updates" : "Apps with available updates",
"Open updater" : "Open updater",
"Download now" : "Download now",
+ "What's new?" : "What's new?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Your version is up to date.",
"A non-default update server is in use to be checked for updates:" : "A non-default update server is in use to be checked for updates:",
"Update channel:" : "Update channel:",
+ "You can always update to a newer version. But you can never downgrade to a more stable version." : "You can always update to a newer version. But you can never downgrade to a more stable version.",
"Note that after a new release it can take some time before it shows up here. We roll out new versions spread out over time to our users and sometimes skip a version when issues are found." : "Note that after a new release it can take some time before it shows up here. We roll out new versions spread out over time to our users and sometimes skip a version when issues are found.",
"Notify members of the following groups about available updates:" : "Notify members of the following groups about available updates:",
"Only notification for app updates are available." : "Only notification for app updates are available.",
"Could not connect to the appstore or the appstore returned no updates at all. Search manually for updates or make sure your server has access to the internet and can connect to the appstore." : "Could not connect to the appstore or the appstore returned no updates at all. Search manually for updates or make sure your server has access to the internet and can connect to the appstore.",
"<strong>All</strong> apps have an update for this version available" : "<strong>All</strong> apps have an update for this version available",
"View changelog" : "View changelog",
+ "Enterprise" : "Enterprise",
+ "For enterprise use. Provides always the latest patch level, but will not update to the next major release immediately. That update happens once Nextcloud GmbH has done additional hardening and testing for large-scale and mission-critical deployments. This channel is only available to customers and provides the Nextcloud Enterprise package." : "For enterprise use. Provides always the latest patch level, but will not update to the next major release immediately. That update happens once Nextcloud GmbH has done additional hardening and testing for large-scale and mission-critical deployments. This channel is only available to customers and provides the Nextcloud Enterprise package.",
+ "Stable" : "Stable",
+ "The most recent stable version. It is suited for regular use and will always update to the latest major version." : "The most recent stable version. It is suited for regular use and will always update to the latest major version.",
+ "Beta" : "Beta",
+ "A pre-release version only for testing new features, not for production environments." : "A pre-release version only for testing new features, not for production environments.",
"_<strong>%n</strong> app has no update for this version available_::_<strong>%n</strong> apps have no update for this version available_" : ["<strong>%n</strong> app has no update for this version available","<strong>%n</strong> apps have no update for this version available"],
"You can always update to a newer version / experimental channel. But you can never downgrade to a more stable channel." : "You can always update to a newer version / experimental channel. But you can never downgrade to a more stable channel.",
"<strong>production</strong> will always provide the latest patch level, but not update to the next major release immediately. That update usually happens with the second minor release (x.0.2)." : "<strong>production</strong> will always provide the latest patch level, but not update to the next major release immediately. That update usually happens with the second minor release (x.0.2).",
"<strong>stable</strong> is the most recent stable version. It is suited for regular use and will always update to the latest major version." : "<strong>stable</strong> is the most recent stable version. It is suited for regular use and will always update to the latest major version.",
"<strong>beta</strong> is a pre-release version only for testing new features, not for production environments." : "<strong>beta</strong> is a pre-release version only for testing new features, not for production environments.",
- "Could not start updater, please try the manual update" : "Could not start updater, please try the manual update"
+ "Could not start updater, please try the manual update" : "Could not start updater, please try the manual update",
+ "Production" : "Production",
+ "Will always provide the latest patch level, but not update to the next major release immediately. That update usually happens with the second minor release (x.0.2) and only if the instance is already on the latest minor version." : "Will always provide the latest patch level, but not update to the next major release immediately. That update usually happens with the second minor release (x.0.2) and only if the instance is already on the latest minor version."
"Could not connect to the appstore or the appstore returned no updates at all. Search manually for updates or make sure your server has access to the internet and can connect to the appstore." : "Kan niet verbinden met de appstore of de appstore gaf geen updates terug. Zoek handmatig naar updates of verifieer dat je server internettoegang heeft en kan verbinden met de appstore.",
"<strong>All</strong> apps have an update for this version available" : "<strong>Alle</strong> apps hebben een update voor deze versie beschikbaar",
"View changelog" : "Bekijk wijzigingenoverzicht",
+ "Enterprise" : "Zakelijk",
+ "For enterprise use. Provides always the latest patch level, but will not update to the next major release immediately. That update happens once Nextcloud GmbH has done additional hardening and testing for large-scale and mission-critical deployments. This channel is only available to customers and provides the Nextcloud Enterprise package." : "Voor zakelijk gebruik. Biedt altijd de laatste patch level, maar zal niet meteen naar de laatste hoofdrelease bijwerken. Die update vindt pas plaatst nadat Nextcloud GmbH aanvullende hardening en tests voor grootschalige en bedrijfskritische installaties heeft uitgevoerd. Dit kanaal is alleen beschikbaar voor klanten en levert het Nextcloud Enterprise pakket.",
"Stable" : "Stabiel",
"The most recent stable version. It is suited for regular use and will always update to the latest major version." : "De meest recente stabiele versie. Het is geschikt voor normaal gebruik en werkt altijd bij naar de laatste hoofdversie.",
"Could not connect to the appstore or the appstore returned no updates at all. Search manually for updates or make sure your server has access to the internet and can connect to the appstore." : "Kan niet verbinden met de appstore of de appstore gaf geen updates terug. Zoek handmatig naar updates of verifieer dat je server internettoegang heeft en kan verbinden met de appstore.",
"<strong>All</strong> apps have an update for this version available" : "<strong>Alle</strong> apps hebben een update voor deze versie beschikbaar",
"View changelog" : "Bekijk wijzigingenoverzicht",
+ "Enterprise" : "Zakelijk",
+ "For enterprise use. Provides always the latest patch level, but will not update to the next major release immediately. That update happens once Nextcloud GmbH has done additional hardening and testing for large-scale and mission-critical deployments. This channel is only available to customers and provides the Nextcloud Enterprise package." : "Voor zakelijk gebruik. Biedt altijd de laatste patch level, maar zal niet meteen naar de laatste hoofdrelease bijwerken. Die update vindt pas plaatst nadat Nextcloud GmbH aanvullende hardening en tests voor grootschalige en bedrijfskritische installaties heeft uitgevoerd. Dit kanaal is alleen beschikbaar voor klanten en levert het Nextcloud Enterprise pakket.",
"Stable" : "Stabiel",
"The most recent stable version. It is suited for regular use and will always update to the latest major version." : "De meest recente stabiele versie. Het is geschikt voor normaal gebruik en werkt altijd bij naar de laatste hoofdversie.",
"User found and settings verified." : "Erabiltzailea aurkituta eta ezarpenak egiaztatutak.",
- "Please provide a login name to test against" : "Mesedez saioa hasteko izen bat eman frogatu ahal izateko",
+ "Please provide a login name to test against" : "Mesedez saioa hasteko izen bat eman probatu ahal izateko",
"The group box was disabled, because the LDAP / AD server does not support memberOf." : "Taldeen sarrera desgaitu da, LDAP / AD zerbitzariak ez duelako memberOf onartzen.",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["Talde %s aurkitu da","%s talde aurkitu dira"],
"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["Erabiltzaile %s aurkitu da","%s erabiltzaile aurkitu dira"],
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Ezin izan da nahi zen ezaugarria aurkitu",
"User found and settings verified." : "Erabiltzailea aurkituta eta ezarpenak egiaztatutak.",
- "Please provide a login name to test against" : "Mesedez saioa hasteko izen bat eman frogatu ahal izateko",
+ "Please provide a login name to test against" : "Mesedez saioa hasteko izen bat eman probatu ahal izateko",
"The group box was disabled, because the LDAP / AD server does not support memberOf." : "Taldeen sarrera desgaitu da, LDAP / AD zerbitzariak ez duelako memberOf onartzen.",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["Talde %s aurkitu da","%s talde aurkitu dira"],
"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["Erabiltzaile %s aurkitu da","%s erabiltzaile aurkitu dira"],
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Ezin izan da nahi zen ezaugarria aurkitu",
"The group box was disabled, because the LDAP / AD server does not support memberOf." : "De groepsbox was uitgeschakeld, omdat de LDAP / AD server het attribuut memberOf niet ondersteunt.",
"Please login with the new password" : "Login met je nieuwe wachtwoord",
+ "LDAP User backend" : "LDAP User backend",
"Your password will expire tomorrow." : "Je wachtwoord vervalt morgen.",
"Your password will expire today." : "Je wachtwoord vervalt vandaag.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["Je wachtwoord verloopt binnen %n dag.","Je wachtwoord verloopt binnen %n dagen."],
"The group box was disabled, because the LDAP / AD server does not support memberOf." : "De groepsbox was uitgeschakeld, omdat de LDAP / AD server het attribuut memberOf niet ondersteunt.",
"Please login with the new password" : "Login met je nieuwe wachtwoord",
+ "LDAP User backend" : "LDAP User backend",
"Your password will expire tomorrow." : "Je wachtwoord vervalt morgen.",
"Your password will expire today." : "Je wachtwoord vervalt vandaag.",
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["Je wachtwoord verloopt binnen %n dag.","Je wachtwoord verloopt binnen %n dagen."],
"%s will be updated to version %s" : "%s wird auf Version %s aktualisiert",
"This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist.",
"Thank you for your patience." : "Vielen Dank für Deine Geduld.",
- "We have send a password reset e-mail to the e-mail address known to us for this account. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Wir haben eine E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts an die für dieses Konto bekannte E-Mail Adresse versendet. Solltest Du diesen nicht in Kürze erhalten, prüfe bitte Deinen Spam-Ordner.<br>Wenn Du keine E-Mail bekommen hast, wende Dich bitte an Deinen lokalen Administrator."
+ "We have send a password reset e-mail to the e-mail address known to us for this account. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Wir haben eine E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts an die für dieses Konto bekannte E-Mail-Adresse versendet. Solltest Du diese nicht in Kürze erhalten, prüfe bitte Deinen Spam-Ordner.<br>Wenn Du keine E-Mail bekommen hast, wende Dich bitte an Deinen lokalen Administrator."
"%s will be updated to version %s" : "%s wird auf Version %s aktualisiert",
"This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist.",
"Thank you for your patience." : "Vielen Dank für Deine Geduld.",
- "We have send a password reset e-mail to the e-mail address known to us for this account. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Wir haben eine E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts an die für dieses Konto bekannte E-Mail Adresse versendet. Solltest Du diesen nicht in Kürze erhalten, prüfe bitte Deinen Spam-Ordner.<br>Wenn Du keine E-Mail bekommen hast, wende Dich bitte an Deinen lokalen Administrator."
+ "We have send a password reset e-mail to the e-mail address known to us for this account. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Wir haben eine E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts an die für dieses Konto bekannte E-Mail-Adresse versendet. Solltest Du diese nicht in Kürze erhalten, prüfe bitte Deinen Spam-Ordner.<br>Wenn Du keine E-Mail bekommen hast, wende Dich bitte an Deinen lokalen Administrator."
"%s will be updated to version %s" : "%s wird auf Version %s aktualisiert",
"This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist.",
"Thank you for your patience." : "Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld.",
- "We have send a password reset e-mail to the e-mail address known to us for this account. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Wir haben eine E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts an die für dieses Konto bekannte E-Mail Adresse versendet. Sollten Sie diesen nicht in Kürze erhalten, prüfen Sie bitte Ihren Spam-Ordner.<br>Wenn Sie keine E-Mail bekommen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren lokalen Administrator."
+ "We have send a password reset e-mail to the e-mail address known to us for this account. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Wir haben eine E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts an die für dieses Konto bekannte E-Mail-Adresse versendet. Sollten Sie diese nicht in Kürze erhalten, prüfen Sie bitte Ihren Spam-Ordner.<br>Wenn Sie keine E-Mail bekommen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren lokalen Administrator."
"%s will be updated to version %s" : "%s wird auf Version %s aktualisiert",
"This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist.",
"Thank you for your patience." : "Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld.",
- "We have send a password reset e-mail to the e-mail address known to us for this account. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Wir haben eine E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts an die für dieses Konto bekannte E-Mail Adresse versendet. Sollten Sie diesen nicht in Kürze erhalten, prüfen Sie bitte Ihren Spam-Ordner.<br>Wenn Sie keine E-Mail bekommen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren lokalen Administrator."
+ "We have send a password reset e-mail to the e-mail address known to us for this account. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Wir haben eine E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts an die für dieses Konto bekannte E-Mail-Adresse versendet. Sollten Sie diese nicht in Kürze erhalten, prüfen Sie bitte Ihren Spam-Ordner.<br>Wenn Sie keine E-Mail bekommen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren lokalen Administrator."
"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "No pudo enviarse el correo para restablecer la contraseña. Por favor, contacte con su administrador.",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please make sure your username is correct." : "No se pudo enviar el correo electrónico para el restablecimiento. Por favor, asegúrese de que su nombre de usuario es el correcto.",
+ "Nextcloud Server" : "Servidor Nexcloud",
"Some of your link shares have been removed" : "Algunos de tus enlaces compartidos han sido eliminados.",
"Due to a security bug we had to remove some of your link shares. Please see the link for more information." : "Debido a un bug de seguridad hemos tenido que eliminar algunos de tus enlaces compartidos. Por favor, accede al link para más información.",
"Preparing update" : "Preparando la actualización",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "No pudo enviarse el correo para restablecer la contraseña. Por favor, contacte con su administrador.",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please make sure your username is correct." : "No se pudo enviar el correo electrónico para el restablecimiento. Por favor, asegúrese de que su nombre de usuario es el correcto.",
+ "Nextcloud Server" : "Servidor Nexcloud",
"Some of your link shares have been removed" : "Algunos de tus enlaces compartidos han sido eliminados.",
"Due to a security bug we had to remove some of your link shares. Please see the link for more information." : "Debido a un bug de seguridad hemos tenido que eliminar algunos de tus enlaces compartidos. Por favor, accede al link para más información.",
"Preparing update" : "Preparando la actualización",
"Reset your password" : "Berrezarri zure pasahitza",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "Ezin da berrezartzeko eposta bidali. Mesedez jarri harremetan zure administradorearekin.",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please make sure your username is correct." : "Ezin izan da berrezartzeko eposta bidali. Ziurtatu zure erabiltzaile izena egokia dela.",
+ "Nextcloud Server" : "Nextcloud zerbitzaria",
"Preparing update" : "Eguneratzea prestatzen",
"[%d / %d]: %s" : "[%d / %d]: %s",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Mesedez, erabili komando-lerroa eguneratzeko, eguneratze automatikoa config.php-n desgaituta dago eta.",
"The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Eguneratzea abian da, orri hau utziz prozesua eten liteke ingurune batzuetan.",
"Update to {version}" : "{version} bertsiora eguneratu",
- "An error occurred." : "Akats bat gertatu da.",
+ "An error occurred." : "Errore bat gertatu da.",
"Please reload the page." : "Mesedez birkargatu orria.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>.",
"Please specify the port number along with the host name (e.g., localhost:5432)." : "Makinaren izenarekin batera portua ezarri (adb. localhost:5432).",
"Performance warning" : "Errendimendu abisua",
+ "You chose SQLite as database." : "SQLite hautatu duzu datu-base gisa.",
"Finish setup" : "Bukatu konfigurazioa",
"Finishing …" : "Bukatzen...",
"Need help?" : "Laguntza behar al duzu?",
"See the documentation" : "Ikusi dokumentazioa",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Aplikazio honek JavaScript eskatzen du ondo funtzionatzeko. Mesedez {linkstart}JavaScript gaitu {linkend}eta webgunea birkargatu.",
+ "Get your own free account" : "Eskuratu zure kontu propioa doan",
"More apps" : "Aplikazio gehiago",
"More" : "Gehiago",
"Search" : "Bilatu",
"Reset search" : "Bilaketa berrezarri",
"Contacts" : "Kontaktuak",
+ "Contacts menu" : "Kontaktuen menua",
"Settings menu" : "Ezarpenak menua",
"Confirm your password" : "Berretsi pasahitza",
+ "Connect to your account" : "Konektatu zure kontura",
- "Error while validating your second factor" : "Akatsa zure bigarren faktorea balioztatzean",
+ "Error while validating your second factor" : "Errorea zure bigarren faktorea balioztatzean",
"Access through untrusted domain" : "Ziurtasunik gabeko domeinutik sartzen",
"Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator, edit the \"trusted_domains\" setting in config/config.php like the example in config.sample.php." : "Zure administratzailearekin kontaktuan jarri. Administratzailea bazara, config/config.php fitxategian\"konfidantzazko_domeinuak\" ezarpena editatusample.php konfigurazio fitxategian bezala",
"App update required" : "Aplikazio eguneraketa beharrezkoa da",
"Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance with more than 50 users." : "Komando-lerroko eguneratzailea erabili mesedez, 50 erabiltzaile baino gehiagoko instantzia handia bait da",
+ "For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Laguntzarako, ikusi <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"%s\">dokumentazioa</a>.",
"I know that if I continue doing the update via web UI has the risk, that the request runs into a timeout and could cause data loss, but I have a backup and know how to restore my instance in case of a failure." : "Badakit web bidezko UI-a erabiliz eguneraketa egitean arriskuak daudela, eskaera denboraz-kanpo geratzen bada datuen galera gerta daitekeela, bainabackup kopia egin dut eta badakit instantzia birsortzen, arazoak egonez gero",
"Upgrade via web on my own risk" : "Web bidezko bertsio-berritzea nire ardurapean",
+ "Maintenance mode" : "Mantentze modua",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Instantzia hau %s mantenu-moduan dago, honek denbora tarte bat iraun dezake.",
"Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." : "Jarri harremanetan zure sistema administratzailearekin mezu hau irauten badu edo bat-batean agertu bada.",
"Updated \"%s\" to %s" : "\"%s\" %s-ra eguneratua",
"Reset your password" : "Berrezarri zure pasahitza",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "Ezin da berrezartzeko eposta bidali. Mesedez jarri harremetan zure administradorearekin.",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please make sure your username is correct." : "Ezin izan da berrezartzeko eposta bidali. Ziurtatu zure erabiltzaile izena egokia dela.",
+ "Nextcloud Server" : "Nextcloud zerbitzaria",
"Preparing update" : "Eguneratzea prestatzen",
"[%d / %d]: %s" : "[%d / %d]: %s",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Mesedez, erabili komando-lerroa eguneratzeko, eguneratze automatikoa config.php-n desgaituta dago eta.",
"The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Eguneratzea abian da, orri hau utziz prozesua eten liteke ingurune batzuetan.",
"Update to {version}" : "{version} bertsiora eguneratu",
- "An error occurred." : "Akats bat gertatu da.",
+ "An error occurred." : "Errore bat gertatu da.",
"Please reload the page." : "Mesedez birkargatu orria.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>.",
"Please specify the port number along with the host name (e.g., localhost:5432)." : "Makinaren izenarekin batera portua ezarri (adb. localhost:5432).",
"Performance warning" : "Errendimendu abisua",
+ "You chose SQLite as database." : "SQLite hautatu duzu datu-base gisa.",
"Finish setup" : "Bukatu konfigurazioa",
"Finishing …" : "Bukatzen...",
"Need help?" : "Laguntza behar al duzu?",
"See the documentation" : "Ikusi dokumentazioa",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Aplikazio honek JavaScript eskatzen du ondo funtzionatzeko. Mesedez {linkstart}JavaScript gaitu {linkend}eta webgunea birkargatu.",
+ "Get your own free account" : "Eskuratu zure kontu propioa doan",
"More apps" : "Aplikazio gehiago",
"More" : "Gehiago",
"Search" : "Bilatu",
"Reset search" : "Bilaketa berrezarri",
"Contacts" : "Kontaktuak",
+ "Contacts menu" : "Kontaktuen menua",
"Settings menu" : "Ezarpenak menua",
"Confirm your password" : "Berretsi pasahitza",
+ "Connect to your account" : "Konektatu zure kontura",
- "Error while validating your second factor" : "Akatsa zure bigarren faktorea balioztatzean",
+ "Error while validating your second factor" : "Errorea zure bigarren faktorea balioztatzean",
"Access through untrusted domain" : "Ziurtasunik gabeko domeinutik sartzen",
"Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator, edit the \"trusted_domains\" setting in config/config.php like the example in config.sample.php." : "Zure administratzailearekin kontaktuan jarri. Administratzailea bazara, config/config.php fitxategian\"konfidantzazko_domeinuak\" ezarpena editatusample.php konfigurazio fitxategian bezala",
"App update required" : "Aplikazio eguneraketa beharrezkoa da",
"Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance with more than 50 users." : "Komando-lerroko eguneratzailea erabili mesedez, 50 erabiltzaile baino gehiagoko instantzia handia bait da",
+ "For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Laguntzarako, ikusi <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"%s\">dokumentazioa</a>.",
"I know that if I continue doing the update via web UI has the risk, that the request runs into a timeout and could cause data loss, but I have a backup and know how to restore my instance in case of a failure." : "Badakit web bidezko UI-a erabiliz eguneraketa egitean arriskuak daudela, eskaera denboraz-kanpo geratzen bada datuen galera gerta daitekeela, bainabackup kopia egin dut eta badakit instantzia birsortzen, arazoak egonez gero",
"Upgrade via web on my own risk" : "Web bidezko bertsio-berritzea nire ardurapean",
+ "Maintenance mode" : "Mantentze modua",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Instantzia hau %s mantenu-moduan dago, honek denbora tarte bat iraun dezake.",
"Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." : "Jarri harremanetan zure sistema administratzailearekin mezu hau irauten badu edo bat-batean agertu bada.",
"Updated \"%s\" to %s" : "\"%s\" %s-ra eguneratua",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "Kon herstel email niet versturen. Neem contact op met je beheerder.",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please make sure your username is correct." : "Kon herstel email niet versturen. Controleer je gebruikersnaam.",
+ "Nextcloud Server" : "Nextcloud Server",
"Some of your link shares have been removed" : "Sommige van je deellinks zijn verwijderd",
"Due to a security bug we had to remove some of your link shares. Please see the link for more information." : "Door een security-bug moesten we sommige van je deellinks verwijderen. Bekijk de link voor meer informatie.",
"We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "We hebben meerdere foutieve inlogverzoeken van jouw IP gedetecteerd. Hierdoor wordt je volgende inlogverzoek 30 seconden uitgesteld.",
"Reset password" : "Reset wachtwoord",
+ "A password reset message has been sent to the e-mail address of this account. If you do not receive it, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administrator for help." : "Er is een wachtwoordherstelbericht verzonden naar het e-mailadres van dit account. Als je het niet hebt ontvangen, controleer dan je spam / ongewenste mappen, of vraag je beheerder om hulp.",
"If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Als het hier niet is, vraag dan de lokale beheerder",
"Password can not be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Het wachtwoord kan niet worden gewijzigd. Neem contact op met je beheerder.",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "Kon herstel email niet versturen. Neem contact op met je beheerder.",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please make sure your username is correct." : "Kon herstel email niet versturen. Controleer je gebruikersnaam.",
+ "Nextcloud Server" : "Nextcloud Server",
"Some of your link shares have been removed" : "Sommige van je deellinks zijn verwijderd",
"Due to a security bug we had to remove some of your link shares. Please see the link for more information." : "Door een security-bug moesten we sommige van je deellinks verwijderen. Bekijk de link voor meer informatie.",
"We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "We hebben meerdere foutieve inlogverzoeken van jouw IP gedetecteerd. Hierdoor wordt je volgende inlogverzoek 30 seconden uitgesteld.",
"Reset password" : "Reset wachtwoord",
+ "A password reset message has been sent to the e-mail address of this account. If you do not receive it, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administrator for help." : "Er is een wachtwoordherstelbericht verzonden naar het e-mailadres van dit account. Als je het niet hebt ontvangen, controleer dan je spam / ongewenste mappen, of vraag je beheerder om hulp.",
"If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Als het hier niet is, vraag dan de lokale beheerder",
"Password can not be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Het wachtwoord kan niet worden gewijzigd. Neem contact op met je beheerder.",
"Sharing %s failed, because sharing with links is not allowed" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, lotura bidezko elkarbanatzea baimendua ez dagoelako",
"Sharing %s failed, could not find %s, maybe the server is currently unreachable." : "%s partekatzeak huts egin du, ezin da %s aurkitu, agian zerbitzaria orain ez dago eskuragarri.",
"Share type %s is not valid for %s" : "%s elkarbanaketa mota ez da %srentzako egokia",
- "Cannot set expiration date. Shares cannot expire later than %s after they have been shared" : "Ezin izan da jarri iraungitze data. Konpartitzea ezin da iraungi konpartitu eta %s ondoren.",
- "Cannot set expiration date. Expiration date is in the past" : "Ezin da jarri iraungitze data. Iraungitze data iragan da.",
+ "Cannot set expiration date. Shares cannot expire later than %s after they have been shared" : "Ezin izan da iraungitze-data ezarri. Partekatzeak ezin dira partekatu eta %s baino beranduago iraungi.",
+ "Cannot set expiration date. Expiration date is in the past" : "Ezin izan da iraungitze data ezarri. Iraungitze data iraganean dago.",
"Sharing %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, baimenak %sri emandakoak baino gehiago direlako",
"Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, ber-elkarbanatzea baimenduta ez dagoelako",
"Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %sren elkarbanaketa motorrak bere iturria aurkitu ezin duelako",
"Sharing %s failed, because sharing with links is not allowed" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, lotura bidezko elkarbanatzea baimendua ez dagoelako",
"Sharing %s failed, could not find %s, maybe the server is currently unreachable." : "%s partekatzeak huts egin du, ezin da %s aurkitu, agian zerbitzaria orain ez dago eskuragarri.",
"Share type %s is not valid for %s" : "%s elkarbanaketa mota ez da %srentzako egokia",
- "Cannot set expiration date. Shares cannot expire later than %s after they have been shared" : "Ezin izan da jarri iraungitze data. Konpartitzea ezin da iraungi konpartitu eta %s ondoren.",
- "Cannot set expiration date. Expiration date is in the past" : "Ezin da jarri iraungitze data. Iraungitze data iragan da.",
+ "Cannot set expiration date. Shares cannot expire later than %s after they have been shared" : "Ezin izan da iraungitze-data ezarri. Partekatzeak ezin dira partekatu eta %s baino beranduago iraungi.",
+ "Cannot set expiration date. Expiration date is in the past" : "Ezin izan da iraungitze data ezarri. Iraungitze data iraganean dago.",
"Sharing %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, baimenak %sri emandakoak baino gehiago direlako",
"Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, ber-elkarbanatzea baimenduta ez dagoelako",
"Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %sren elkarbanaketa motorrak bere iturria aurkitu ezin duelako",
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu hurrengo menpekotasunak betetzen ez direlako:",
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu hurrengo menpekotasunak betetzen ez direlako:",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Kon app wachtwoord niet kopiëren. Kopieer het handmatig.",
+ "This app is supported via your current Nextcloud subscription." : "Deze app wordt ondersteund via je huidige Nextcloud abonnement.",
"Supported" : "Ondersteund",
"Official apps are developed by and within the community. They offer central functionality and are ready for production use." : "Officiële apps worden ontwikkeld door en binnen de community. Ze bieden centrale functionaliteit en zijn klaar voor productie.",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Kon app wachtwoord niet kopiëren. Kopieer het handmatig.",
+ "This app is supported via your current Nextcloud subscription." : "Deze app wordt ondersteund via je huidige Nextcloud abonnement.",
"Supported" : "Ondersteund",
"Official apps are developed by and within the community. They offer central functionality and are ready for production use." : "Officiële apps worden ontwikkeld door en binnen de community. Ze bieden centrale functionaliteit en zijn klaar voor productie.",