* Contants class used for authentication
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class AuthenticationConstants
* <p/>
* todo which this back to an interface and use the mojo style expression evaluation to populate the particular required fields
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* @see PasswordBasedAuthenticationDataSource
* @see TokenBasedAuthenticationDataSource
* AuthenticationException.java
* @author Jesse McConnell
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class AuthenticationException
extends Exception
* AuthenticationResult: wrapper object for information that comes back from the authentication system
* @author Jesse McConnell <jesse@codehaus.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class AuthenticationResult
implements Serializable
* Authenticator:
* @author Jesse McConnell
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface Authenticator
* PasswordBasedAuthenticationDataSource: the username is considered the principal with this data source
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* TokenBasedAuthenticationDataSource
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "authenticationDataSource#token" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* All attempts result in access.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* OpenAuthorizer - No checks for authorization, everything passes.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* UserConfigurableJdoFactory
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "jdoFactory#users" )
public class UserConfigurableJdoFactory
* @author <a href="jesse@codehaus.org"> jesse
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "userMapper#ldap" )
public class LdapUserMapper
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public final class LdapUtils
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MappingException
extends Exception
import javax.naming.directory.Attributes;
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface UserMapper
import javax.naming.directory.Attributes;
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class UserUpdate
* @author <a href="mailto:trygvis@inamo.no">Trygve Laugstøl</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "ldapConnectionFactory#configurable" )
public class ConfigurableLdapConnectionFactory
* The configuration for a connection will not change.
* @author <a href="mailto:trygvis@inamo.no">trygvis</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class LdapConnection
* Note that both the bind dn and password must be set if any are set.
* @author <a href="mailto:trygvis@inamo.no">trygvis</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class LdapConnectionConfiguration
* @author <a href="mailto:trygvis@inamo.no">Trygve Laugstøl</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface LdapConnectionFactory
* @author <a href="mailto:trygvis@inamo.no">trygvis</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class LdapException
extends NamingException
* ConfigurationFactory
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "userConfiguration" )
public class UserConfiguration
* UserConfigurationTest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )
@ContextConfiguration( locations = { "classpath*:/META-INF/spring-context.xml", "classpath*:/spring-context.xml" } )
* Collection of Utility methods useful in an Http environment.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* @todo should move this to plexus-utils or plexus-utils-web
public class HttpUtils
* ExpectedJsps
* @FIXME the jsp list is not correct
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class ExpectedJsps
* XworkActionConfig
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class XworkActionConfig
* XworkPackageConfig
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class XworkPackageConfig
* CheckboxImageCell
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class CheckboxImageCell
extends AbstractCell
* MailtoCell
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MailtoCell
extends AbstractCell
* ProcessUserRowsCallback - Efficient and safe sort callback for user manager provided user lists.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class ProcessUserRowsCallback
extends ProcessRowsCallback
* SecurityFilterCell
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class SecurityFilterCell
implements Cell
* SecurityToolbar
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class SecurityToolbar
extends TwoColumnRowLayout
* SecurityView
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class SecurityView
extends AbstractHtmlView
* SpringServletFilter
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class SpringServletFilter
implements Filter
* AbstractHttpAuthenticationFilter
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class AbstractHttpAuthenticationFilter
extends SpringServletFilter
* HttpAuthenticationException
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class HttpAuthenticationException
extends AuthenticationException
* HttpAuthenticator
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class HttpAuthenticator
* HttpBasicAuthentication
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class HttpBasicAuthentication
* HttpBasicAuthenticationFilter
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class HttpBasicAuthenticationFilter
extends AbstractHttpAuthenticationFilter
* Digest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* @todo move to plexus-utils in future
public class Digest
* Hex
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* @todo should probably move this to plexus-utils or plexus-security-common
public class Hex
* HttpDigestAuthentication methods for working with <a href="http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html">RFC 2617 HTTP Authentication</a>.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class HttpDigestAuthentication
* </ul>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class HttpDigestAuthenticationFilter
extends AbstractHttpAuthenticationFilter
* HttpDigestHeader
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "httpClientHeader" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* NonceExpirationException
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class NonceExpirationException
extends HttpAuthenticationException
* SimpleAuthorizationFilter
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class SimpleAuthorizationFilter
extends SpringServletFilter
* @author Jesse McConnell <jesse@codehaus.org>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface SecureAction
* Mail generator component.
* @author <a href="mailto:brett@apache.org">Brett Porter</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface MailGenerator
* @author <a href="mailto:evenisse@codehaus.org">Emmanuel Venisse</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface Mailer
* Mailer
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MailerImpl
* Mail generator component implementation using velocity.
* @author <a href="mailto:brett@apache.org">Brett Porter</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "mailGenerator#velocity" )
public class VelocityMailGenerator
* AdminEditUserCredentials
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class AdminEditUserCredentials
extends EditUserCredentials
* CreateRoleDetails
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class CreateRoleDetails
extends RoleDetails
* CreateUserCredentials
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class CreateUserCredentials
extends UserCredentials
* creative injection of fields and values by the untrusted client.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class EditRoleDetails
extends RoleDetails
* EditUserCredentials
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class EditUserCredentials
extends UserCredentials
* creative injection of fields and values by the untrusted client.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class RoleDetails
* creative injection of fields and values by the untrusted client.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class SimplePermission
* UserCredentials
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class UserCredentials
implements Serializable
* CsvRolesMatrix
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "report#rolesmatrix-csv" )
public class CsvRolesMatrix
* CsvUserList
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "report#userlist-csv" )
public class CsvUserList
* Report
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface Report
* ReportException
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class ReportException
extends Exception
* ReportManager
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "reportManager" )
public class ReportManager
* IfAuthorizedTag:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jesse@codehaus.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class ElseAuthorizedTag
extends ConditionalTagSupport
* IfAnyAuthorizedTag:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jesse@codehaus.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class IfAnyAuthorizedTag
extends ConditionalTagSupport
* IfAuthorizedTag:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jesse@codehaus.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class IfAuthorizedTag
extends ConditionalTagSupport
* IfConfiguredTag:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jesse@codehaus.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class IfConfiguredTag
extends ConditionalTagSupport
* IsReadOnlyUserManagerTag:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jesse@codehaus.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class IsNotReadOnlyUserManagerTag
extends ConditionalTagSupport
* IsReadOnlyUserManagerTag:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jesse@codehaus.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class IsReadOnlyUserManagerTag
extends ConditionalTagSupport
* AutoLoginCookies
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class AutoLoginCookies
* DateUtils
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class DateUtils
* ModelTemplateSorter
* @author <a href="mailto:hisidro@exist.com">Henry Isidro</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class ModelTemplateSorter
implements Comparator<ModelTemplate>
* OperationSorter
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class OperationSorter
implements Comparator<Operation>
* PermissionSorter
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class PermissionSorter
implements Comparator<Permission>
* ResourceSorter
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class ResourceSorter
implements Comparator<Resource>
* RoleSorter
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class RoleSorter
implements Comparator<Role>
* TemplatedRoleSorter
* @author <a href="hisidro@exist.com">Henry Isidro</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class TemplatedRoleSorter
implements Comparator<TemplatedRole>
* UserComparator
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class UserComparator
implements Comparator<User>
* HttpUtilsTest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class HttpUtilsTest
extends TestCase
* @author <a href="mailto:olamy@apache.org">olamy</a>
* @since 26 sept. 2008
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MockJavaMailSender
extends JavaMailSenderImpl
* @author <a href="mailto:olamy@apache.org">olamy</a>
* @since 26 sept. 2008
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MockJavaMailSender
* AbstractSecurityAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class AbstractSecurityAction
extends RedbackActionSupport
* AbstractUserCredentialsAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class AbstractUserCredentialsAction
extends AbstractSecurityAction
* AccountAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-account" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-login" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* LogoutAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-logout" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* PasswordAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-password" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* PasswordResetAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-password-reset" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* RegisterAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-register" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* SecurityRedirectAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-redirect" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* AbstractAdminUserCredentialsAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class AbstractAdminUserCredentialsAction
extends AbstractUserCredentialsAction
* AddAdminUserAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-admin-account" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* AdminConsoleAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* AssignmentsAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* EditRoleAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-role-edit" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* OperationsAction:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-operations" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* PermissionsAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-permissions" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* ReportAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* OperationsAction:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-resources" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* RoleCreateAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-role-create" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* RolesAction
* @author <a href="mailto:jmcconnell@apache.org">Jesse McConnell</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-role-model" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* RolesAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-roles" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* SystemInfoAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-sysinfo" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* UserCreateAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* UserDeleteAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-admin-user-delete" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* UserEditAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-admin-user-edit" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* UserListAction
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redback-admin-user-list" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* AbstractXworkConfigurationCheck
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class AbstractXworkConfigurationCheck
* </p>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* TODO: Address comment below and add back in the component declaration
* EnvironmentCheckInterceptor
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redbackEnvironmentCheckInterceptor" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* EnvironmentCheckInterceptor
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redbackForceAdminUserInterceptor" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
* @author Jesse McConnell <jesse@codehaus.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Controller( "redbackSecureActionInterceptor" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
* SecurityExternalResult
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@SuppressWarnings( "serial" )
@Controller( "securityExternalResult" )
* SystemInfoActionTest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@RunWith( JUnit4.class )
public class SystemInfoActionTest
* @author <a href='mailto:rahul.thakur.xdev@gmail.com'>Rahul Thakur</a>
- * @version $Id: CustomInterceptorTest.java 1310448 2012-04-06 16:23:16Z olamy $
@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )
@ContextConfiguration( locations = { "classpath*:/META-INF/spring-context.xml", "classpath*:/spring-context.xml" } )
* @author <a href='mailto:rahul.thakur.xdev@gmail.com'>Rahul Thakur</a>
- * @version $Id: MockComponentImpl.java 1310448 2012-04-06 16:23:16Z olamy $
public class MockComponentImpl
* AbstractKeyManager
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class AbstractKeyManager
implements KeyManager
* login credentials.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface AuthenticationKey
* KeyManager
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface KeyManager
* KeyManagerException
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class KeyManagerException
extends Exception
* KeyNotFoundException
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class KeyNotFoundException
extends KeyManagerException
* CachedKeyManager
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class CachedKeyManager
* CachedKeyManagerTest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class CachedKeyManagerTest
extends KeyManagerTestCase
* JdoKeyManager
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "keyManager#jdo" )
public class JdoKeyManager
* JdoKeyManagerTest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class JdoKeyManagerTest
extends KeyManagerTestCase
* MemoryAuthenticationKey
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MemoryAuthenticationKey
implements AuthenticationKey
* KeyManager backed by an in-memory only store.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MemoryKeyManager
* MemoryKeyManagerTest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MemoryKeyManagerTest
extends KeyManagerTestCase
* KeyManagerTestCase
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )
@ContextConfiguration( locations = {"classpath*:/META-INF/spring-context.xml","classpath*:/spring-context.xml"} )
* AccountLockedException
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class AccountLockedException
extends PolicyViolationException
* CookieSettings
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface CookieSettings
* User Security Policy.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "userSecurityPolicy" )
public class DefaultUserSecurityPolicy
* DefaultUserValidationSettings
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class DefaultUserValidationSettings
* MustChangePasswordException
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MustChangePasswordException
extends PolicyViolationException
* @author colin sampaleanu
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface PasswordEncoder
* Password Encoding Exception.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class PasswordEncodingException
extends RuntimeException
* A Password Rule
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface PasswordRule
* Password Rule Violations Exception
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class PasswordRuleViolationException
extends RuntimeException
* Password Rule Violations
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class PasswordRuleViolations
* Useful for managing policy operations on a thread local point of view.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class PolicyContext
* PolicyViolationException
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class PolicyViolationException
extends Exception
* RememberMeCookieSettings
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class RememberMeCookieSettings
* SignonCookieSettings
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class SignonCookieSettings
* User Security Policy Settings.
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* @todo roll password management into it's own object.
public interface UserSecurityPolicy
* UserValidationSettings
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface UserValidationSettings
* Abstract Password Encoder that uses the {@link MessageDigest} from JAAS.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class AbstractJAASPasswordEncoder
implements PasswordEncoder
* See {@link PasswordEncoder#encodePassword(String)} for details.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class PlainTextPasswordEncoder
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class SHA1PasswordEncoder
* SHA-256 Password Encoder.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class SHA256PasswordEncoder
* AbstractPasswordRule
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class AbstractPasswordRule
implements PasswordRule
* alpha characters contained within.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class AlphaPasswordRule
* {@link #setMaximumCharacters(int)} characters in length.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class CharacterLengthPasswordRule
* Basic Password Rule, Checks for non-empty Passwords in non guest users.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MustHavePasswordRule
* numerical characters contained within.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class NumericalPasswordRule
* the {@link User#getPreviousEncodedPasswords()} to ensure that a password is not reused.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class ReusePasswordRule
* PasswordEncoderTest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )
@ContextConfiguration( locations = { "classpath*:/META-INF/spring-context.xml", "classpath*:/spring-context.xml" } )
* RbacAuthorizer:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "authorizer#rbac" )
public class RbacAuthorizer
* of the person making the authorization check
* @author Jesse McConnell <jesse@codehaus.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class DefaultPermissionEvaluator
* PermissionEvaluationException:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class PermissionEvaluationException
extends Exception
* PermissionEvaluator:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface PermissionEvaluator
* AbstractRBACManager
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class AbstractRBACManager
implements RBACManager
* AbstractRole useful for common logic that implementors can use.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class AbstractRole
implements Role
* AbstractUserAssignment useful for common logic that implementors can use.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class AbstractUserAssignment
implements UserAssignment
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface Operation
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface Permission
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* @todo expand on javadoc
public interface RBACManager
* RBACManagerListener
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface RBACManagerListener
* RBACObjectAssertions
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class RBACObjectAssertions
* a fundamental persistence or store issue.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class RbacManagerException
extends Exception
* RbacObjectInvalidException
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class RbacObjectInvalidException
extends RbacManagerException
* when a RBAC Object Was Not Found.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class RbacObjectNotFoundException
extends RbacManagerException
* RbacPermanentException - tossed when a forbidden action against a permanent RBAC Object occurs.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class RbacPermanentException
extends RbacManagerException
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface Resource
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface Role
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
* @todo expand on javadoc
public interface UserAssignment
* CachedRbacManager is a wrapped RBACManager with caching.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "rBACManager#cached" )
public class CachedRbacManager
* CachedRbacManagerPerformanceTest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class CachedRbacManagerPerformanceTest
extends AbstractRbacManagerPerformanceTestCase
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "rBACManager#jdo" )
public class JdoRbacManager
* JdoTool - RBAC JDO Tools.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class JdoTool
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class JdoRbacManagerTest
extends AbstractRbacManagerTestCase
* MemoryAuthorizationDataSource:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MemoryAuthorizationDataSource
// implements AuthorizationDataSource
* MemoryOperation
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MemoryOperation
implements Operation, java.io.Serializable
* MemoryPermission
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MemoryPermission
implements Permission, java.io.Serializable
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "rBACManager#memory" )
public class MemoryRbacManager
* MemoryResource
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MemoryResource
implements Resource, java.io.Serializable
* MemoryRole
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MemoryRole
extends AbstractRole
* MemoryUserAssignment
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MemoryUserAssignment
extends AbstractUserAssignment
* MemoryRbacManagerTest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MemoryRbacManagerTest
extends AbstractRbacManagerTestCase
* RoleProfileException:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class RoleManagerException
extends Exception
* RoleProfileException:
* @author Jesse McConnell <jmcconnell@apache.org>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class RoleTemplateProcessorException
extends Exception
* AbstractRbacManagerTestCase
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )
@ContextConfiguration( locations = { "classpath*:/META-INF/spring-context.xml", "classpath*:/spring-context.xml" } )
* RbacManagerEventTracker
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class RbacManagerEventTracker
implements RBACManagerListener
* SecuritySystemConstants - constants for use with contexts that use plexus-security.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class SecuritySystemConstants
* EnvironmentCheck - Perform an Environment Check.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface EnvironmentCheck
* {@link Authenticator} implementation that uses a wrapped {@link UserManager} to authenticate.
* @author <a href='mailto:rahul.thakur.xdev@gmail.com'>Rahul Thakur</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "authenticator#user-manager" )
public class UserManagerAuthenticator
* AbstractUserManager
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public abstract class AbstractUserManager
implements UserManager
* Localized Message Handling.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class Messages
* occurs.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class PermanentUserException
extends UserManagerException
* UserManagerException
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class UserManagerException
extends RuntimeException
* UserManagerListener
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface UserManagerListener
* CachedUserManager
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "userManager#cached" )
public class CachedUserManager
* CachedUserManagerTest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class CachedUserManagerTest
extends AbstractUserManagerTestCase
* JdoUserManager
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@Service( "userManager#jdo" )
public class JdoUserManager
* Localized Message Handling.
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class Messages
* JdoUserManagerTest
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class JdoUserManagerTest
extends AbstractUserManagerTestCase
import java.util.List;
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public interface LdapController
* LdapUserManagerTest
* @author <a href="mailto:jesse@codehaus.org">Jesse McConnell</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )
import javax.annotation.Resource;
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class MemoryUserManager
* AbstractUserManagerTestCase
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )
@ContextConfiguration( locations = {"classpath*:/META-INF/spring-context.xml","classpath*:/spring-context.xml"} )
* UserManagerEventTracker
* @author <a href="mailto:joakim@erdfelt.com">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
- * @version $Id$
+ *
public class UserManagerEventTracker
implements UserManagerListener