"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "Ein kontrastreiches Design, das die Navigation erleichtert. Die Bildqualität wird reduziert, aber die Klarheit wird verbessert.",
- "Dark theme" : "Dunkles Design",
+ "Dark theme" : "Dunkles Thema",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "Ein dunkles Design, das die Augen entspannt, indem es die Gesamthelligkeit und -helligkeit reduziert. Es befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung, also melden Sie bitte alle Probleme, die Sie finden.",
"Dyslexia font" : "Legasthenie-Schriftart",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "OpenDyslexic ist eine freie Schriftart, die entwickelt wurde, um einige der häufigsten Lesefehler, die durch Legasthenie verursacht werden, zu reduzieren.",
"Accessibility options for nextcloud" : "Optionen für Barrierefreiheit in Nextcloud",
"Provides multiple accessibilities options to ease your use of Nextcloud" : "Bietet verschiedene Optionen für Barrierefreiheit, um die Nutzung von Nextcloud zu erleichtern.",
"Web Content Accessibility Guidelines" : "Richtlinien für die Barrierefreiheit von Webinhalten",
- "OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia. The typeface was created by Abelardo Gonzalez, who released it through an open-source license." : "OpenDyslexic ist eine freie Schriftart, die entwickelt wurde, um einige der häufigsten Lesefehler, die durch Legasthenie verursacht werden, zu reduzieren. Die Schriftart wurde von Abelardo Gonzalez erstellt, die unter einer Quelloffenen Lizenz veröffentlicht wurde.",
+ "OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia. The typeface was created by Abelardo Gonzalez, who released it through an open-source license." : "OpenDyslexic ist eine freie Schriftart, die entwickelt wurde, um einige der häufigsten Lesefehler, die durch Legasthenie verursacht werden, zu reduzieren. Die Schriftart wurde von Abelardo Gonzalez erstellt, der sie unter einer Quelloffenen Lizenz veröffentlichte.",
"Provides multiple accessibilities options to ease your use of nextcloud" : "Bietet verschiedene Optionen für Barrierefreiheit, um die Nutzung von Nextcloud zu erleichtern.",
"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "Ein kontrastreiches Design, das die Navigation erleichtert. Die Bildqualität wird reduziert, aber die Klarheit wird verbessert.",
- "Dark theme" : "Dunkles Design",
+ "Dark theme" : "Dunkles Thema",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "Ein dunkles Design, das die Augen entspannt, indem es die Gesamthelligkeit und -helligkeit reduziert. Es befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung, also melden Sie bitte alle Probleme, die Sie finden.",
"Dyslexia font" : "Legasthenie-Schriftart",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "OpenDyslexic ist eine freie Schriftart, die entwickelt wurde, um einige der häufigsten Lesefehler, die durch Legasthenie verursacht werden, zu reduzieren.",
"Accessibility options for nextcloud" : "Optionen für Barrierefreiheit in Nextcloud",
"Provides multiple accessibilities options to ease your use of Nextcloud" : "Bietet verschiedene Optionen für Barrierefreiheit, um die Nutzung von Nextcloud zu erleichtern.",
"Web Content Accessibility Guidelines" : "Richtlinien für die Barrierefreiheit von Webinhalten",
- "OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia. The typeface was created by Abelardo Gonzalez, who released it through an open-source license." : "OpenDyslexic ist eine freie Schriftart, die entwickelt wurde, um einige der häufigsten Lesefehler, die durch Legasthenie verursacht werden, zu reduzieren. Die Schriftart wurde von Abelardo Gonzalez erstellt, die unter einer Quelloffenen Lizenz veröffentlicht wurde.",
+ "OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia. The typeface was created by Abelardo Gonzalez, who released it through an open-source license." : "OpenDyslexic ist eine freie Schriftart, die entwickelt wurde, um einige der häufigsten Lesefehler, die durch Legasthenie verursacht werden, zu reduzieren. Die Schriftart wurde von Abelardo Gonzalez erstellt, der sie unter einer Quelloffenen Lizenz veröffentlichte.",
"Provides multiple accessibilities options to ease your use of nextcloud" : "Bietet verschiedene Optionen für Barrierefreiheit, um die Nutzung von Nextcloud zu erleichtern.",
"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "یک تم با وضوح بالا برای آسان نمودن راهبری شما\nکیفیت بصری کاهش خاهد یافت تا وضوح افزایش یابد.",
+ "Dark theme" : "تم تاریک",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "تم تاریک برای با کاهش نور و نیز شفافیت برای راحتی بیشتر چشمان شما در استفاده از نکست کلود تعبیه دیده شده است و این امکان در حال توسعه می باشد،به همین دلیل هرگونه ایراد پیش آمده را گزارش دهید.",
"Dyslexia font" : "فونت Dyslexia",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "اپن دیسلکسیک یک فونت و نمایه رایگان است که طراحی شده برای خواندن بعضی ایراد های دیسلکسیا",
"Accessibility" : "در دسترس بودن",
"Accessibility options for nextcloud" : "امکان در دسترس بودن برای نکس کلود",
"Provides multiple accessibilities options to ease your use of Nextcloud" : "امکان دسترسی امکانات از چند مسیر برای کار کردن راحت تر شما با نکست کلود قرارداده شده است.",
- "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines" : "راهنمای در دسترس بودن محتوای وب",
- "our issue tracker" : "ایشو ترکر ما",
- "our design team" : "تیم تولید ما",
- "Enable" : "فعالسازی",
- "Dark theme (beta)" : "تم تاریک (بتا)"
+ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines" : "راهنمای در دسترس بودن محتوا وب",
+ "our issue tracker" : "دنبال کننده مساله ها",
+ "our design team" : "تیم طراحی ما",
+ "Enable" : "فعال",
+ "Dark theme (beta)" : "تم تاریک (بتا)",
+ "OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia. The typeface was created by Abelardo Gonzalez, who released it through an open-source license." : "OpenDuslexis یک فونت رایگان است که طراحی شده برای کم کردن زحمت خواندن خطاهای معمول رخ داده توسط duslexia. طرح حروف بوسیله آبرلاردو گنزالز Abelardo Gonzalez ایجاد شده است که به صورت متن باز منتشر گریده است.",
+ "Provides multiple accessibilities options to ease your use of nextcloud" : "فراهم کردن چندین گزینه دسترسی را، برای سهولت استفاده ی شما در nextcloud.",
"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "یک تم با وضوح بالا برای آسان نمودن راهبری شما\nکیفیت بصری کاهش خاهد یافت تا وضوح افزایش یابد.",
+ "Dark theme" : "تم تاریک",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "تم تاریک برای با کاهش نور و نیز شفافیت برای راحتی بیشتر چشمان شما در استفاده از نکست کلود تعبیه دیده شده است و این امکان در حال توسعه می باشد،به همین دلیل هرگونه ایراد پیش آمده را گزارش دهید.",
"Dyslexia font" : "فونت Dyslexia",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "اپن دیسلکسیک یک فونت و نمایه رایگان است که طراحی شده برای خواندن بعضی ایراد های دیسلکسیا",
"Accessibility" : "در دسترس بودن",
"Accessibility options for nextcloud" : "امکان در دسترس بودن برای نکس کلود",
"Provides multiple accessibilities options to ease your use of Nextcloud" : "امکان دسترسی امکانات از چند مسیر برای کار کردن راحت تر شما با نکست کلود قرارداده شده است.",
- "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines" : "راهنمای در دسترس بودن محتوای وب",
- "our issue tracker" : "ایشو ترکر ما",
- "our design team" : "تیم تولید ما",
- "Enable" : "فعالسازی",
- "Dark theme (beta)" : "تم تاریک (بتا)"
+ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines" : "راهنمای در دسترس بودن محتوا وب",
+ "our issue tracker" : "دنبال کننده مساله ها",
+ "our design team" : "تیم طراحی ما",
+ "Enable" : "فعال",
+ "Dark theme (beta)" : "تم تاریک (بتا)",
+ "OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia. The typeface was created by Abelardo Gonzalez, who released it through an open-source license." : "OpenDuslexis یک فونت رایگان است که طراحی شده برای کم کردن زحمت خواندن خطاهای معمول رخ داده توسط duslexia. طرح حروف بوسیله آبرلاردو گنزالز Abelardo Gonzalez ایجاد شده است که به صورت متن باز منتشر گریده است.",
+ "Provides multiple accessibilities options to ease your use of nextcloud" : "فراهم کردن چندین گزینه دسترسی را، برای سهولت استفاده ی شما در nextcloud.",
"High contrast theme" : "Yüksek renk karşıtlıklı tema",
"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "Yüksek renk karşıtlıklı tema gezinmeyi kolaylaştırır. Görsel kalite azalır ancak netlik artar.",
+ "Dark theme" : "Koyu tema",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "Koyu tema genel parlaklık ve canlılığı zayıflatarak göz yorgunluğunu azaltır. Bu tema henüz geliştirme aşamasında olduğundan karşılaşabileceğiniz sorunları bize iletmenizi rica ediyoruz.",
"Dyslexia font" : "Disleksik yazı türü",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "OpenDyslexic, disleksi nedeniyle sık karşılaşılan sorunları aşmak için geliştirilmiş ücretsiz bir yazı türüdür.",
"High contrast theme" : "Yüksek renk karşıtlıklı tema",
"A high contrast theme to ease your navigation. Visual quality will be reduced but clarity will be increased." : "Yüksek renk karşıtlıklı tema gezinmeyi kolaylaştırır. Görsel kalite azalır ancak netlik artar.",
+ "Dark theme" : "Koyu tema",
"A dark theme to ease your eyes by reducing the overall luminosity and brightness. It is still under development, so please report any issues you may find." : "Koyu tema genel parlaklık ve canlılığı zayıflatarak göz yorgunluğunu azaltır. Bu tema henüz geliştirme aşamasında olduğundan karşılaşabileceğiniz sorunları bize iletmenizi rica ediyoruz.",
"Dyslexia font" : "Disleksik yazı türü",
"OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia." : "OpenDyslexic, disleksi nedeniyle sık karşılaşılan sorunları aşmak için geliştirilmiş ücretsiz bir yazı türüdür.",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El fitxer ja està compartit amb %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Ha fallat la compartició %1$s, no s'ha pogut trobar %2$s, potser el servidor és inaccessible actualment o fa servir un certificat auto-signat.",
"Could not find share" : "No s'ha pogut trobar la compartició",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Compartició federada",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Heu rebut \"/%3$s\" com una compartició remota des de %1$s (de part de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Heu rebut {share} com un recompte remot de {user} (en nom de {nom})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Heu rebut \"/%3$s\" com una compartició remota de %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El fitxer ja està compartit amb %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Ha fallat la compartició %1$s, no s'ha pogut trobar %2$s, potser el servidor és inaccessible actualment o fa servir un certificat auto-signat.",
"Could not find share" : "No s'ha pogut trobar la compartició",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Compartició federada",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Heu rebut \"/%3$s\" com una compartició remota des de %1$s (de part de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Heu rebut {share} com un recompte remot de {user} (en nom de {nom})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Heu rebut \"/%3$s\" com una compartició remota de %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Soubor je už sdílen s %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Sdílení %1$s se nezdařilo, %2$s se nepodařilo nalézt, server pravděpodobně právě není dostupný nebo používá self-signed certifikát.",
"Could not find share" : "Nedaří se nalézt sdílení",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federované sdílení",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Obdržel(a) jste %3$s jako vzdálené sdílení od %1$s (jménem %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Obdržel(a) jste {share} jako vzdálené sdílení od {user} (jménem {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Obdržel(a) jste %3$s jako vzdálené sdílení od %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Soubor je už sdílen s %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Sdílení %1$s se nezdařilo, %2$s se nepodařilo nalézt, server pravděpodobně právě není dostupný nebo používá self-signed certifikát.",
"Could not find share" : "Nedaří se nalézt sdílení",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federované sdílení",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Obdržel(a) jste %3$s jako vzdálené sdílení od %1$s (jménem %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Obdržel(a) jste {share} jako vzdálené sdílení od {user} (jménem {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Obdržel(a) jste %3$s jako vzdálené sdílení od %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Det er ikke tilladt at danne et datafællesskab med samme bruger",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Filen deles allerede med %s",
"Could not find share" : "Kan ikke finde deling",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Datafællesskabsdeling",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Du modtog \"/%3$s\" som en ekstern deling fra %1$s (på vegne af %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Du modtog {share} som en ekstern deling fra {user} (på vegne af {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Du modtog \"%3$s\" som en ekstern deling fra %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Det er ikke tilladt at danne et datafællesskab med samme bruger",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Filen deles allerede med %s",
"Could not find share" : "Kan ikke finde deling",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Datafællesskabsdeling",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Du modtog \"/%3$s\" som en ekstern deling fra %1$s (på vegne af %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Du modtog {share} som en ekstern deling fra {user} (på vegne af {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Du modtog \"%3$s\" som en ekstern deling fra %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Datei wird bereits mit %s geteilt",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da %2$s nicht gefunden wurde. Möglicherweise ist der Server nicht erreichbar oder nutzt ein selbst zertifiziertes Zertifikat.",
"Could not find share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gefunden werden",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federated-Sharing",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Du hast \"%3$s\" als eine externe Freigabe von \"%1$s\" empfangen (im Auftrag von %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Du hast {share} als eine externe Freigabe von {user} empfangen (im Auftrag von {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Du hast \"%3$s\" als eine externe Freigabe von \"%1$s\" empfangen",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Datei wird bereits mit %s geteilt",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da %2$s nicht gefunden wurde. Möglicherweise ist der Server nicht erreichbar oder nutzt ein selbst zertifiziertes Zertifikat.",
"Could not find share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gefunden werden",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federated-Sharing",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Du hast \"%3$s\" als eine externe Freigabe von \"%1$s\" empfangen (im Auftrag von %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Du hast {share} als eine externe Freigabe von {user} empfangen (im Auftrag von {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Du hast \"%3$s\" als eine externe Freigabe von \"%1$s\" empfangen",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Datei wird bereits geteilt mit %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da %2$s nicht gefunden wurde. Möglicherweise ist der Server nicht erreichbar oder nutzt ein selbst zertifiziertes Zertifikat.",
"Could not find share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gefunden werden",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federated-Sharing",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Sie empfingen \"%3$s\" als eine externe Freigabe von \"%1$s\" (im Auftrag von %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Sie empfingen {share} als eine externe Freigabe von {user} (im Auftrag von {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Sie empfingen \"%3$s\" als eine externe Freigabe von \"%1$s\"",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Datei wird bereits geteilt mit %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da %2$s nicht gefunden wurde. Möglicherweise ist der Server nicht erreichbar oder nutzt ein selbst zertifiziertes Zertifikat.",
"Could not find share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gefunden werden",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federated-Sharing",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Sie empfingen \"%3$s\" als eine externe Freigabe von \"%1$s\" (im Auftrag von %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Sie empfingen {share} als eine externe Freigabe von {user} (im Auftrag von {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Sie empfingen \"%3$s\" als eine externe Freigabe von \"%1$s\"",
"Do you want to add the remote share {name} from {owner}@{remote}?" : "Θέλετε να προσθέσουμε τον απομακρυσμένο κοινόχρηστο φάκελο {name} από {owner}@{remote}?",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Το αρχείο είναι ήδη κοινόχρηστο με %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Η κοινή χρήση του %1$s απέτυχε, αδύνατη η εύρεση του %2$s, ίσως ο διακομιστής δεν είναι προσβάσιμος αυτήν τη στιγμή ή χρησιμοποιεί αυτό-υπογεγραμμένο πιστοποιητικό.",
"Could not find share" : "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κοινόχρηστου",
"Do you want to add the remote share {name} from {owner}@{remote}?" : "Θέλετε να προσθέσουμε τον απομακρυσμένο κοινόχρηστο φάκελο {name} από {owner}@{remote}?",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Το αρχείο είναι ήδη κοινόχρηστο με %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Η κοινή χρήση του %1$s απέτυχε, αδύνατη η εύρεση του %2$s, ίσως ο διακομιστής δεν είναι προσβάσιμος αυτήν τη στιγμή ή χρησιμοποιεί αυτό-υπογεγραμμένο πιστοποιητικό.",
"Could not find share" : "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κοινόχρηστου",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user",
"File is already shared with %s" : "File is already shared with %s",
"Could not find share" : "Could not find share",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federated sharing",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user",
"File is already shared with %s" : "File is already shared with %s",
"Could not find share" : "Could not find share",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federated sharing",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Dosiero jam kuhaviĝas kun %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Kunhavigo de %1$s malsukcesis, ne eblis trovi %2$s; eble la servilo estas provizore neatingebla aŭ uzas memsubskribitan atestilon.",
"Could not find share" : "Ne eblis trovi kunhavon",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federa kunhavado",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Vi ricevis „%3$s“ kiel foran kunhavon el %1$s (nome de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Vi ricevis „{share}“ kiel foran kunhavon el {user} (nome de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Vi ricevis „%3$s“ kiel foran kunhavon el %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Dosiero jam kuhaviĝas kun %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Kunhavigo de %1$s malsukcesis, ne eblis trovi %2$s; eble la servilo estas provizore neatingebla aŭ uzas memsubskribitan atestilon.",
"Could not find share" : "Ne eblis trovi kunhavon",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federa kunhavado",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Vi ricevis „%3$s“ kiel foran kunhavon el %1$s (nome de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Vi ricevis „{share}“ kiel foran kunhavon el {user} (nome de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Vi ricevis „%3$s“ kiel foran kunhavon el %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya está siendo compartido con %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Compartir %1$s ha fallado, no se ha podido encontrar %2$s, quizás el servidor no se puede alcanzar ahora mismo o usa un certificado autofirmado.",
"Could not find share" : "No se ha podido encontrar el compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Compartido federado",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"/%3$s\" como un recurso compartido remoto de %1$s (en nombre de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un recurso compartido remoto de {user} (en nombre de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un compartido remoto de %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya está siendo compartido con %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Compartir %1$s ha fallado, no se ha podido encontrar %2$s, quizás el servidor no se puede alcanzar ahora mismo o usa un certificado autofirmado.",
"Could not find share" : "No se ha podido encontrar el compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Compartido federado",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"/%3$s\" como un recurso compartido remoto de %1$s (en nombre de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un recurso compartido remoto de {user} (en nombre de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Usted ha recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Usted ha recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Usted ha recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Usted ha recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Usted ha recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Usted ha recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "No está permitido crear un elelmento compartido federado con el mismo usuario",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El archivo ya ha sido compartido con %s",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Elementos compartidos",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Has recibido {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Has recibido \"%3$s\" como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Liitjagamise loomine sama kasutajaga ei ole lubatud.",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Fail on juba jagatud kasutajaga %s",
"Could not find share" : "Jagamist ei leitud",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Liit-jagamine",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Sa said kaugjagatud faili \"%3$s\" kasutajalt %1$s (%2$s nimel)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Sa said kaugjagatud faili {share} kasjutajalt {user} ({behalf} nimel)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Sa said kaugjagatud faili \"%3$s\" kasutajalt %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Liitjagamise loomine sama kasutajaga ei ole lubatud.",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Fail on juba jagatud kasutajaga %s",
"Could not find share" : "Jagamist ei leitud",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Liit-jagamine",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Sa said kaugjagatud faili \"%3$s\" kasutajalt %1$s (%2$s nimel)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Sa said kaugjagatud faili {share} kasjutajalt {user} ({behalf} nimel)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Sa said kaugjagatud faili \"%3$s\" kasutajalt %1$s",
"Do you want to add the remote share {name} from {owner}@{remote}?" : "{owner}@{remote}k partekatzen duen {name} urruneko partekatzea gehitu nahi duzu?",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "2%1$s-ren \"1%3$s\" urruneko partekatze bezala jaso duzu ( 3%2$s-en ordez)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "{user}-en {share} urruneko partekatze bezala jaso duzu ({behalf} ordez)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "2%1$s-ren \"1%3$s\" urruneko partekatze bezala jaso duzu",
"Do you want to add the remote share {name} from {owner}@{remote}?" : "{owner}@{remote}k partekatzen duen {name} urruneko partekatzea gehitu nahi duzu?",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "2%1$s-ren \"1%3$s\" urruneko partekatze bezala jaso duzu ( 3%2$s-en ordez)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "{user}-en {share} urruneko partekatze bezala jaso duzu ({behalf} ordez)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "2%1$s-ren \"1%3$s\" urruneko partekatze bezala jaso duzu",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Saman käyttäjän kanssa ei ole sallittua luoda federoitua jakoa",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Tiedosto on jo jaettu kohteen %s kanssa",
"Could not find share" : "Ei löytynyt jakoa",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federoitu jakaminen",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Vastaanotit \"%3$s\":n etäjakona käyttäjältä %1$s (%2$s:n puolesta)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Vastaanotit jaon {share} etäjakona käyttäjältä {user} ({behalf}:n puolesta)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Vastaanotit \"%3$s\":n etäjakona käyttäjältä %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Saman käyttäjän kanssa ei ole sallittua luoda federoitua jakoa",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Tiedosto on jo jaettu kohteen %s kanssa",
"Could not find share" : "Ei löytynyt jakoa",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federoitu jakaminen",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Vastaanotit \"%3$s\":n etäjakona käyttäjältä %1$s (%2$s:n puolesta)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Vastaanotit jaon {share} etäjakona käyttäjältä {user} ({behalf}:n puolesta)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Vastaanotit \"%3$s\":n etäjakona käyttäjältä %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Le fichier est déjà partagé avec %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Le partage de %1$s a échoué, impossible de trouver %2$s, le serveur est peut-être momentanément injoignable ou utilise un certificat auto-signé.",
"Could not find share" : "Impossible de trouver le partage",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Partage fédéré",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Vous avez reçu \"%3$s\" en tant que partage distant de %1$s (de la part de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Vous avez reçu {share} comme partage distant de la part de {user} (de la part de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Vous avez reçu \"%3$s\" comme partage distant de %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Le fichier est déjà partagé avec %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Le partage de %1$s a échoué, impossible de trouver %2$s, le serveur est peut-être momentanément injoignable ou utilise un certificat auto-signé.",
"Could not find share" : "Impossible de trouver le partage",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Partage fédéré",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Vous avez reçu \"%3$s\" en tant que partage distant de %1$s (de la part de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Vous avez reçu {share} comme partage distant de la part de {user} (de la part de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Vous avez reçu \"%3$s\" comme partage distant de %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "O ficheiro xa está a ser compartido con %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Produciuse un fallo ao compartir %1$s Non foi posíbel atopar %2$s, quizais haxa un problema de conexión co servidor ou emprega un certificado autoasinado.",
"Could not find share" : "Non foi posíbel atopar o recurso compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Compartición federada",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Vostede recibiu «%3$s» como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Vostede recibiu {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Vostede recibiu «%3$s» como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "O ficheiro xa está a ser compartido con %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Produciuse un fallo ao compartir %1$s Non foi posíbel atopar %2$s, quizais haxa un problema de conexión co servidor ou emprega un certificado autoasinado.",
"Could not find share" : "Non foi posíbel atopar o recurso compartido",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Compartición federada",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Vostede recibiu «%3$s» como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s (de parte de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Vostede recibiu {share} como un elemento compartido remoto de {user} (de parte de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Vostede recibiu «%3$s» como un elemento compartido remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Azonos felhasználóval nem lehet létrehozni egyesített megosztást",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Fájl már megosztva vele: %s",
"Could not find share" : "A megosztás nem található",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Egyesített megosztás",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Kaptál egy távoli megosztást: \"%3$s\", innen: %1$s (%2$s nevében)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Kaptál egy távoli megosztást: {share}, innen: {user} ({behalf} nevében)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Kaptál egy távoli megosztást: \"%3$s\", innen: %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Azonos felhasználóval nem lehet létrehozni egyesített megosztást",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Fájl már megosztva vele: %s",
"Could not find share" : "A megosztás nem található",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Egyesített megosztás",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Kaptál egy távoli megosztást: \"%3$s\", innen: %1$s (%2$s nevében)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Kaptál egy távoli megosztást: {share}, innen: {user} ({behalf} nevében)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Kaptál egy távoli megosztást: \"%3$s\", innen: %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Il non es permittite crear le Compartir Federate con le mesme usator.",
"File is already shared with %s" : "File ja es compartite con %s",
"Could not find share" : "Impossibile trovar le compartite",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Compartir Federate",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Tu recipeva \"%3$s\" como un compartimento remote de %1$s (in nomine de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Tu recipeva {share} como un compartimento remote de {user} (in nomine de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Tu recipeva \"%3$s\" como un compartimento remote de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Il non es permittite crear le Compartir Federate con le mesme usator.",
"File is already shared with %s" : "File ja es compartite con %s",
"Could not find share" : "Impossibile trovar le compartite",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Compartir Federate",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Tu recipeva \"%3$s\" como un compartimento remote de %1$s (in nomine de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Tu recipeva {share} como un compartimento remote de {user} (in nomine de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Tu recipeva \"%3$s\" como un compartimento remote de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Tidak diizinkan membuat pembagian terfederasi dengan pengguna yang sama",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Berkas sudah dibagikan dengan %s",
"Could not find share" : "Tidak dapat mencari pembagian",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Pembagian terfederasi",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Anda menerima \"%3$s\" sebagai berbagi jauh dari %1$s (atas nama %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Anda menerima {share} sebagai berbagi jauh dari {user} (atas nama {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Anda menerima \"%3$s\" sebagai berbagi jauh dari %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Tidak diizinkan membuat pembagian terfederasi dengan pengguna yang sama",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Berkas sudah dibagikan dengan %s",
"Could not find share" : "Tidak dapat mencari pembagian",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Pembagian terfederasi",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Anda menerima \"%3$s\" sebagai berbagi jauh dari %1$s (atas nama %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Anda menerima {share} sebagai berbagi jauh dari {user} (atas nama {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Anda menerima \"%3$s\" sebagai berbagi jauh dari %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Skránni er þegar deilt með %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Deiling %1$s mistókst, gat ekki fundið %2$s, hugsanlega er þjónninn ekki tiltækur í augnablikinu eða að hann notar sjálfundirritað skilríki.",
"Could not find share" : "Gat ekki fundið sameign",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Deiling milli þjóna (skýjasambandssameign)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Þú tókst við \"%3$s\" sem fjartengdri sameign frá %1$s (fyrir hönd %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Þú tókst við {share} sem fjartengdri sameign frá {user} (fyrir hönd {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Þú tókst við \"%3$s\" sem fjartengdri sameign frá %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Skránni er þegar deilt með %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Deiling %1$s mistókst, gat ekki fundið %2$s, hugsanlega er þjónninn ekki tiltækur í augnablikinu eða að hann notar sjálfundirritað skilríki.",
"Could not find share" : "Gat ekki fundið sameign",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Deiling milli þjóna (skýjasambandssameign)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Þú tókst við \"%3$s\" sem fjartengdri sameign frá %1$s (fyrir hönd %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Þú tókst við {share} sem fjartengdri sameign frá {user} (fyrir hönd {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Þú tókst við \"%3$s\" sem fjartengdri sameign frá %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Il file è già condiviso con %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "La condivisione di %1$s non è riuscita, impossibile trovare %2$s, è probabile che il server non sia al momento raggiungibile o che utilizzi un certificato auto-firmato.",
"Could not find share" : "Impossibile trovare la condivisione",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Condivisione federata",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Hai ricevuto \"%3$s\" come condivisione remota da %1$s (per conto di %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Hai ricevuto {share} come condivisione remota da {user} (per conto di {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Hai ricevuto \"%3$s\" come condivisione remota da %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Il file è già condiviso con %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "La condivisione di %1$s non è riuscita, impossibile trovare %2$s, è probabile che il server non sia al momento raggiungibile o che utilizzi un certificato auto-firmato.",
"Could not find share" : "Impossibile trovare la condivisione",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Condivisione federata",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Hai ricevuto \"%3$s\" come condivisione remota da %1$s (per conto di %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Hai ricevuto {share} come condivisione remota da {user} (per conto di {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Hai ricevuto \"%3$s\" come condivisione remota da %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "ファイルはすでに %s と共有されています。",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "%1$s の共有に失敗しました。%2$s が見つかりませんでした。おそらくサーバーに接続できないか、自己証明書を使用しています。",
"Could not find share" : "共有が見つかりませんでした",
+ "Federated sharing" : "連携共有",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "%1$s からリモート共有として \"%3$s\" を受け取りました。(%2$s の代理として)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "{user} からリモート共有として {share} を受け取りました。({behalf} の代理として)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "%1$s からリモート共有として \"%3$s\" を受け取りました。",
"File is already shared with %s" : "ファイルはすでに %s と共有されています。",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "%1$s の共有に失敗しました。%2$s が見つかりませんでした。おそらくサーバーに接続できないか、自己証明書を使用しています。",
"Could not find share" : "共有が見つかりませんでした",
+ "Federated sharing" : "連携共有",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "%1$s からリモート共有として \"%3$s\" を受け取りました。(%2$s の代理として)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "{user} からリモート共有として {share} を受け取りました。({behalf} の代理として)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "%1$s からリモート共有として \"%3$s\" を受け取りました。",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "იმავე მომხმარებელთან ფედერალური გაზიარება ვერ შეიქმნება",
"File is already shared with %s" : "ფაილი უკვე გაზიარებულია მომხმარებელთან %s ",
"Could not find share" : "გაზიარება ვერ იქნა ნაპოვნი",
+ "Federated sharing" : "ფედერალური გაზიარება",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "თქვენ მიიღეთ \"%3$s\" როგორც დისტანციური გაზიარება მომხმარებლისგან %1$s (სახელით %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "თქვენ მიიღეთ გაზიარება {share} როგორც დისტანციური გაზიარება მომხმარებლისგან {user} (სახელით {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "თქვენ მიიღეთ \"%3$s\" როგორც დისტანციური გაზიარება მომხმარებლისგან %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "იმავე მომხმარებელთან ფედერალური გაზიარება ვერ შეიქმნება",
"File is already shared with %s" : "ფაილი უკვე გაზიარებულია მომხმარებელთან %s ",
"Could not find share" : "გაზიარება ვერ იქნა ნაპოვნი",
+ "Federated sharing" : "ფედერალური გაზიარება",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "თქვენ მიიღეთ \"%3$s\" როგორც დისტანციური გაზიარება მომხმარებლისგან %1$s (სახელით %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "თქვენ მიიღეთ გაზიარება {share} როგორც დისტანციური გაზიარება მომხმარებლისგან {user} (სახელით {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "თქვენ მიიღეთ \"%3$s\" როგორც დისტანციური გაზიარება მომხმარებლისგან %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "파일이 %s와(과) 이미 공유됨",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "%1$s 공유 실패. %2$s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 서버에 접근할 수 없거나 자가 서명된 인증서를 사용하고 있을 수도 있습니다.",
"Could not find share" : "공유를 찾을 수 없음",
+ "Federated sharing" : "연합 공유",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "%1$s(%2$s 대신) 님으로부터 \"%3$s\"을(를) 원격 공유로 받음",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "{user}({behalf} 대신) 님으로부터 {share}을(를) 원격 공유로 받음",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "%1$s 님으로부터 \"%3$s\"을(를) 원격 공유로 받음",
"File is already shared with %s" : "파일이 %s와(과) 이미 공유됨",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "%1$s 공유 실패. %2$s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 서버에 접근할 수 없거나 자가 서명된 인증서를 사용하고 있을 수도 있습니다.",
"Could not find share" : "공유를 찾을 수 없음",
+ "Federated sharing" : "연합 공유",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "%1$s(%2$s 대신) 님으로부터 \"%3$s\"을(를) 원격 공유로 받음",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "{user}({behalf} 대신) 님으로부터 {share}을(를) 원격 공유로 받음",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "%1$s 님으로부터 \"%3$s\"을(를) 원격 공유로 받음",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Gavote galimybę peržiūrėti duomenis \"%3$s\", kuriuos pasidalino %1$s (%2$s vardu) esantis kitame serveryje",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Gavote galimybę peržiūrėti duomenis \"{share}\", kuriuos pasidalino {user} ({behalf} vardu) esantis kitame serveryje",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Gavote galimybę peržiūrėti duomenis \"%3$s\", kuriuos pasidalino %1$s",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Gavote galimybę peržiūrėti duomenis \"%3$s\", kuriuos pasidalino %1$s (%2$s vardu) esantis kitame serveryje",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Gavote galimybę peržiūrėti duomenis \"{share}\", kuriuos pasidalino {user} ({behalf} vardu) esantis kitame serveryje",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Gavote galimybę peržiūrėti duomenis \"%3$s\", kuriuos pasidalino %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Ikke tillatt å opprette en sammenknyttet skydeling med den samme brukeren",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Filen er allerede delt med %s",
"Could not find share" : "Kunne ikke finne ressurs",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Sammenknyttet deling",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Du har mottatt \"%3$s\" som en ekstern deling fra %1$s (på vegne av %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Du har mottatt {share} som en ekstern deling fra {user} (på vegne av {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Du har mottatt \"%3$s\" som en ekstern deling fra %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Ikke tillatt å opprette en sammenknyttet skydeling med den samme brukeren",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Filen er allerede delt med %s",
"Could not find share" : "Kunne ikke finne ressurs",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Sammenknyttet deling",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Du har mottatt \"%3$s\" som en ekstern deling fra %1$s (på vegne av %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Du har mottatt {share} som en ekstern deling fra {user} (på vegne av {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Du har mottatt \"%3$s\" som en ekstern deling fra %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Bestand is al gedeeld met %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Delen van %1$s mislukt, kon %2$s niet vinden, misschien is de server niet bereikbaar of je gebruikt een zelf-ondertekend certificaat.",
"Could not find share" : "Kon share niet vinden",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Gefedereerd delens",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Je ontving \"%3$s\" als een extern deel verzoek van %1$s (namens %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Je ontving {share} als een extern deel verzoek van {user} (namens {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Je ontving \"%3$s\" als een extern deel verzoek van %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Bestand is al gedeeld met %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Delen van %1$s mislukt, kon %2$s niet vinden, misschien is de server niet bereikbaar of je gebruikt een zelf-ondertekend certificaat.",
"Could not find share" : "Kon share niet vinden",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Gefedereerd delens",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Je ontving \"%3$s\" als een extern deel verzoek van %1$s (namens %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Je ontving {share} als een extern deel verzoek van {user} (namens {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Je ontving \"%3$s\" als een extern deel verzoek van %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Plik jest już współdzielony z %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Udostępnianie %1$s nie powiodło się, nie można odnaleźć %2$s, być może serwer jest nieosiągalny lub używa certyfikatu z podpisem własnym.",
"Could not find share" : "Nie można znaleźć powiązania",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Otrzymałeś \"%3$s\" zdalne udostępnienie od %1$s (w imieniu %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Otrzymałeś {share} zdalne udostępnienie od {user} (w imieniu {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Otrzymałeś \"%3$s\" zdalne udostępnienie od %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Plik jest już współdzielony z %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Udostępnianie %1$s nie powiodło się, nie można odnaleźć %2$s, być może serwer jest nieosiągalny lub używa certyfikatu z podpisem własnym.",
"Could not find share" : "Nie można znaleźć powiązania",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Otrzymałeś \"%3$s\" zdalne udostępnienie od %1$s (w imieniu %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Otrzymałeś {share} zdalne udostępnienie od {user} (w imieniu {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Otrzymałeś \"%3$s\" zdalne udostępnienie od %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "O arquivo já é compartilhado com %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "O compartilhamento%1$s falhou, não pude encontrar %2$s, talvez o servidor esteja inacessível ou usa um certificado auto-assinado.",
"Could not find share" : "Não foi possível encontrar o compartilhamento",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Você recebeu \"%3$s\" como um compartilhamento remoto de %1$s ( em nome de %2$s )",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Você recebeu {share} como um compartilhamento remoto do {user} (em nome de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Você recebeu \"%3$s\" como um compartilhamento remoto de %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "O arquivo já é compartilhado com %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "O compartilhamento%1$s falhou, não pude encontrar %2$s, talvez o servidor esteja inacessível ou usa um certificado auto-assinado.",
"Could not find share" : "Não foi possível encontrar o compartilhamento",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Você recebeu \"%3$s\" como um compartilhamento remoto de %1$s ( em nome de %2$s )",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Você recebeu {share} como um compartilhamento remoto do {user} (em nome de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Você recebeu \"%3$s\" como um compartilhamento remoto de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Não é possível criar uma partilha federada com o mesmo utilizador",
"File is already shared with %s" : "O ficheiro já foi partilhado com %s",
"Could not find share" : "Não foi possível encontrar partilha",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Partilha Federada",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Recebeu \"%3$s\" como uma partilha remota de %1$s (em nome de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Recebeu {partilha} como uma partilha remota de {utilizador} (em nome de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Recebeu \"%3$s\" como uma partilha remota de %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Não é possível criar uma partilha federada com o mesmo utilizador",
"File is already shared with %s" : "O ficheiro já foi partilhado com %s",
"Could not find share" : "Não foi possível encontrar partilha",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Partilha Federada",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Recebeu \"%3$s\" como uma partilha remota de %1$s (em nome de %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Recebeu {partilha} como uma partilha remota de {utilizador} (em nome de {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Recebeu \"%3$s\" como uma partilha remota de %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Доступ к файлу уже предоставлен %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Не удалось предоставить доступ к «%1$s», не удалось найти %2$s. Возможно, сервер недоступен или использует самоподписанный сертификат.",
"Could not find share" : "Не удалось найти общий ресурс",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Общий доступ из федеративного хранилища",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Вам предоставили общий доступ к ресурсу «%3$s» расположенному на сервере %1$s (от имени %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Вы получили «{share}» в качестве удалённого ресурса от {user} (от имени {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Вы получили «%3$s» в качестве удалённого ресурса из %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Доступ к файлу уже предоставлен %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Не удалось предоставить доступ к «%1$s», не удалось найти %2$s. Возможно, сервер недоступен или использует самоподписанный сертификат.",
"Could not find share" : "Не удалось найти общий ресурс",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Общий доступ из федеративного хранилища",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Вам предоставили общий доступ к ресурсу «%3$s» расположенному на сервере %1$s (от имени %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Вы получили «{share}» в качестве удалённого ресурса от {user} (от имени {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Вы получили «%3$s» в качестве удалённого ресурса из %1$s",
"Do you want to add the remote share {name} from {owner}@{remote}?" : "Chcete pridať vzdialené úložisko {name} patriace používateľovi {owner}@{remote}?",
"Remote share" : "Vzdialené úložisko",
"Remote share password" : "Heslo k vzdialenému úložisku",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Obdržali ste \"%3$s\" ako vzdialené zdieľanie od %1$s (v mene %2$s) ",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Obdržali ste {share} ako vzdialené zdieľanie od {user} (v mene {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Obdržali ste \"%3$s\" ako vzdialené zdieľanie od %1$s",
"Do you want to add the remote share {name} from {owner}@{remote}?" : "Chcete pridať vzdialené úložisko {name} patriace používateľovi {owner}@{remote}?",
"Remote share" : "Vzdialené úložisko",
"Remote share password" : "Heslo k vzdialenému úložisku",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Obdržali ste \"%3$s\" ako vzdialené zdieľanie od %1$s (v mene %2$s) ",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Obdržali ste {share} ako vzdialené zdieľanie od {user} (v mene {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Obdržali ste \"%3$s\" ako vzdialené zdieľanie od %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "S’i lejohet të krijojë një ndarje të federuar me të njëjtin përdorues",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Skedari është ndarë tashmë me %s",
"Could not find share" : "Nuk mund të gjenim ndarjen",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Ndarje e federuar",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Ju pranuat \"%3$s\" si një shpërndarje në distancë nga %1$s (në emër të %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Ju ",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Ju pranuat \"%3$s\" si një shpërndarje në distancë nga %1$s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "S’i lejohet të krijojë një ndarje të federuar me të njëjtin përdorues",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Skedari është ndarë tashmë me %s",
"Could not find share" : "Nuk mund të gjenim ndarjen",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Ndarje e federuar",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Ju pranuat \"%3$s\" si një shpërndarje në distancë nga %1$s (në emër të %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Ju ",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Ju pranuat \"%3$s\" si një shpërndarje në distancë nga %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Фајл је већ дељен са %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Дељење %1$s није успело, не могу да нађем %2$s, можда сервер тренутно није доступан или користи самопотписани сертификат.",
"Could not find share" : "Не могу да пронађем дељење",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Здружено дељење",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Примили сте \"%3$s\" као удаљено дељење од %1$s (у име %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Примили сте {share} као удаљено дељење од {user} (у име {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Примили сте \"%3$s\" као удаљено дељење од %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Фајл је већ дељен са %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Дељење %1$s није успело, не могу да нађем %2$s, можда сервер тренутно није доступан или користи самопотписани сертификат.",
"Could not find share" : "Не могу да пронађем дељење",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Здружено дељење",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Примили сте \"%3$s\" као удаљено дељење од %1$s (у име %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Примили сте {share} као удаљено дељење од {user} (у име {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Примили сте \"%3$s\" као удаљено дељење од %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Filen är redan delad med %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Delning %1$s misslyckades. Kunde inte hitta %2$s, kanske är servern inte tillgänglig eller så används ett självsignerat certifikat.",
"Could not find share" : "Kunde inte hitta delning",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federerad delning",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Du tog emot \"%3$s\" som en extern delning från %1$s (på uppdrag av %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Du tog emot {share} som en extern delning {user} (på uppdrag av {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Du tog emot \"%3$s\" som en extern delning från %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Filen är redan delad med %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "Delning %1$s misslyckades. Kunde inte hitta %2$s, kanske är servern inte tillgänglig eller så används ett självsignerat certifikat.",
"Could not find share" : "Kunde inte hitta delning",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Federerad delning",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Du tog emot \"%3$s\" som en extern delning från %1$s (på uppdrag av %2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Du tog emot {share} som en extern delning {user} (på uppdrag av {behalf})",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Du tog emot \"%3$s\" som en extern delning från %1$s",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Dosya %s ile zaten paylaşılmış",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "%1$s paylaşılamadı. %2$s bulunamadı. Sunucuya erişilemiyor ya da sunucu kendinden imzalı bir güvenlik sertifikası kullanıyor olabilir.",
"Could not find share" : "Paylaşım bulunamadı",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Birleşmiş paylaşım",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "%1$s kullanıcısından \"%3$s\" uzak paylaşımını aldınız (%2$s adına)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "{user} kullanıcısından {share} uzak paylaşımını aldınız ( {behalf} adına)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "%1$s kullanıcısından \"%3$s\" uzak paylaşımını aldınız",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Dosya %s ile zaten paylaşılmış",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "%1$s paylaşılamadı. %2$s bulunamadı. Sunucuya erişilemiyor ya da sunucu kendinden imzalı bir güvenlik sertifikası kullanıyor olabilir.",
"Could not find share" : "Paylaşım bulunamadı",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Birleşmiş paylaşım",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "%1$s kullanıcısından \"%3$s\" uzak paylaşımını aldınız (%2$s adına)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "{user} kullanıcısından {share} uzak paylaşımını aldınız ( {behalf} adına)",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "%1$s kullanıcısından \"%3$s\" uzak paylaşımını aldınız",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "共享 %1$s 失败,无法找到 %2$s,可能该服务器当前无法访问或者使用了自签名证书。",
"Could not find share" : "没有发现共享",
+ "Federated sharing" : "联合云共享",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "您收到“%3$s\"做为远程共享从”%1$s(代表\"%2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "您得到 {share} 是从 {user} 做为远程共享(代替 {behalf} )",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "您从“%1$s\"得到\"%3$s\"做为远程共享",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "共享 %1$s 失败,无法找到 %2$s,可能该服务器当前无法访问或者使用了自签名证书。",
"Could not find share" : "没有发现共享",
+ "Federated sharing" : "联合云共享",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "您收到“%3$s\"做为远程共享从”%1$s(代表\"%2$s)",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "您得到 {share} 是从 {user} 做为远程共享(代替 {behalf} )",
"You received \"%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "您从“%1$s\"得到\"%3$s\"做为远程共享",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Du hast die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktiviert, aber noch keine Backup-Codes generiert. Diese werden für den Fall benötigt, dass du den Zugriff auf Ihren zweiten Faktor verloren hast.",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Du hast die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktiviert, aber noch keine Backup-Codes generiert. Diese werden für den Fall benötigt, dass du den Zugriff auf Ihren zweiten Faktor verloren hast.",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktiviert, aber noch keine Backup-Codes generiert. Diese werden für den Fall benötigt, dass Sie den Zugriff auf Ihren zweiten Faktor verlieren.",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktiviert, aber noch keine Backup-Codes generiert. Diese werden für den Fall benötigt, dass Sie den Zugriff auf Ihren zweiten Faktor verlieren.",
"Generate backup codes" : "Xerar códigos de seguranza",
"You created two-factor backup codes for your account" : "Creou códigos de seguranza de dous factores para a súa conta",
"Second-factor backup codes" : "Códigos de seguranza do segundo factor",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Activou a autenticación de dous factores mais aínda non xerou os códigos de copia de seguranza. Necesítanse para restaurar o acceso á súa conta no caso de perder o segundo factor.",
"Backup code" : "Código de seguranza",
"Use backup code" : "Usar código de seguranza",
"Two factor backup codes" : "Códigos de seguranza de dous factores",
"Generate backup codes" : "Xerar códigos de seguranza",
"You created two-factor backup codes for your account" : "Creou códigos de seguranza de dous factores para a súa conta",
"Second-factor backup codes" : "Códigos de seguranza do segundo factor",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Activou a autenticación de dous factores mais aínda non xerou os códigos de copia de seguranza. Necesítanse para restaurar o acceso á súa conta no caso de perder o segundo factor.",
"Backup code" : "Código de seguranza",
"Use backup code" : "Usar código de seguranza",
"Two factor backup codes" : "Códigos de seguranza de dous factores",
"Generate backup codes" : "Gerar códigos de backup",
"You created two-factor backup codes for your account" : "Você criou os códigos de backup de dois fatores para sua conta.",
"Second-factor backup codes" : "Códigos de backup segundo-fator",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Você ativou a autenticação de dois fatores, mas ainda não gerou códigos de backup. Eles são necessários para restaurar o acesso à sua conta caso você perca seu segundo fator.",
"Backup code" : "Código de backup",
"Use backup code" : "Usar o código de backup",
"Two factor backup codes" : "Códigos de backup de dois fatores",
"Generate backup codes" : "Gerar códigos de backup",
"You created two-factor backup codes for your account" : "Você criou os códigos de backup de dois fatores para sua conta.",
"Second-factor backup codes" : "Códigos de backup segundo-fator",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Você ativou a autenticação de dois fatores, mas ainda não gerou códigos de backup. Eles são necessários para restaurar o acesso à sua conta caso você perca seu segundo fator.",
"Backup code" : "Código de backup",
"Use backup code" : "Usar o código de backup",
"Two factor backup codes" : "Códigos de backup de dois fatores",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "İki aşamalı kimlik doğrulamayı etkinleştirdiniz ancak henüz yedek kodlarını üretmediniz. Bu kodlar herhangi bir nedenle ikinci aşamayı kullanamadığınızda hesabınıza erişebilmenizi sağlar.",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "İki aşamalı kimlik doğrulamayı etkinleştirdiniz ancak henüz yedek kodlarını üretmediniz. Bu kodlar herhangi bir nedenle ikinci aşamayı kullanamadığınızda hesabınıza erişebilmenizi sağlar.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} е налична. Намерете допълнителна информация за това как да актуализирате.",
- "Update notifications" : "Известия за актуализации",
"Channel updated" : "Канала е променен",
+ "Update notifications" : "Известия за актуализации",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Няма връзка със сървъра за актуализации от %d дни.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Проверете журналите на Nextcloud и на сървъра за грешки.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Налична е актуализация до версия %1$s.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} е налична. Намерете допълнителна информация за това как да актуализирате.",
- "Update notifications" : "Известия за актуализации",
"Channel updated" : "Канала е променен",
+ "Update notifications" : "Известия за актуализации",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Няма връзка със сървъра за актуализации от %d дни.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Проверете журналите на Nextcloud и на сървъра за грешки.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Налична е актуализация до версия %1$s.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Hi ha disponible la versió {version}. Obtingueu més informació sobre com actualitzar.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "No s’ha pogut accedir al servidor d’actualitzacions des de fa %d dies per comprovar si hi ha actualitzacions noves.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Si us plau, comproveu els fitxers de registre del servidor i del Nextcloud per detectar errors.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Hi ha disponible l'actualització per %1$s.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Hi ha disponible la versió {version}. Obtingueu més informació sobre com actualitzar.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "No s’ha pogut accedir al servidor d’actualitzacions des de fa %d dies per comprovar si hi ha actualitzacions noves.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Si us plau, comproveu els fitxers de registre del servidor i del Nextcloud per detectar errors.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Hi ha disponible l'actualització per %1$s.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Aktualizační server nebyl %d dní dosažitelný pro kontrolu aktualizací.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Podívejte se po chybách v záznamu událostí Nextcloud a serveru.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Je dostupná aktualizace na %1$s.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Aktualizační server nebyl %d dní dosažitelný pro kontrolu aktualizací.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Podívejte se po chybách v záznamu událostí Nextcloud a serveru.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Je dostupná aktualizace na %1$s.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Der Aktualisierungsserver konnte seit %d Tagen nicht erreicht werden um auf verfügbare Aktualisierungen zu prüfen.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Bitte überprüfe die Server- und Nextcloud-Logdateien auf Fehler.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Aktualisierung auf %1$s ist verfügbar.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Der Aktualisierungsserver konnte seit %d Tagen nicht erreicht werden um auf verfügbare Aktualisierungen zu prüfen.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Bitte überprüfe die Server- und Nextcloud-Logdateien auf Fehler.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Aktualisierung auf %1$s ist verfügbar.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Der Aktualisierungsserver konnte seit %d Tagen nicht erreicht werden um auf verfügbare Aktualisierungen zu prüfen.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Bitte überprüfe die Server- und Nextcloud-Logdateien auf Fehler.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Aktualisierung auf %1$s ist verfügbar.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Der Aktualisierungsserver konnte seit %d Tagen nicht erreicht werden um auf verfügbare Aktualisierungen zu prüfen.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Bitte überprüfe die Server- und Nextcloud-Logdateien auf Fehler.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Aktualisierung auf %1$s ist verfügbar.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Η έκδοση {version} είναι διαθέσιμη. Δείτε περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το πως να κάνετε την ενημέρωση.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Ο διακομιστής ενημέρωσης δεν ήταν προσβάσιμος από %dημέρες για να ελέγξει για νέες ενημερώσεις. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Παρακαλούμε ελέγξτε για σφάλματα στα αρχεία ιστορικού του Nextcloud και του διακομιστή σας.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Είναι διαθέσιμη η ενημέρωση σε %1$s.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Η έκδοση {version} είναι διαθέσιμη. Δείτε περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το πως να κάνετε την ενημέρωση.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Ο διακομιστής ενημέρωσης δεν ήταν προσβάσιμος από %dημέρες για να ελέγξει για νέες ενημερώσεις. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Παρακαλούμε ελέγξτε για σφάλματα στα αρχεία ιστορικού του Nextcloud και του διακομιστή σας.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Είναι διαθέσιμη η ενημέρωση σε %1$s.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Update to %1$s is available.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Update to %1$s is available.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "No se ha podido contactar con el servidor de actualizaciones desde hace %d días para comprobar nuevas actualizaciones.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor, revisa que no haya errores en Nextcloud y en los archivos de registro.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "No se ha podido contactar con el servidor de actualizaciones desde hace %d días para comprobar nuevas actualizaciones.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor, revisa que no haya errores en Nextcloud y en los archivos de registro.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "El servidor de actualización no ha podido ser alcanzado desde %d días para verificar actualizaciones. ",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor verifica los archivos de bitacoras de Nextcloud y del servidor por errores. ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "La actualización a %1$s está disponible. ",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} on saatavilla. Tarjolla on lisätietoja päivittämisestä.",
- "Update notifications" : "Päivitysilmoitukset",
"Channel updated" : "Päivityskanava päivitetty",
+ "Update notifications" : "Päivitysilmoitukset",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Päivityspalvelinta ei ole tavoitettu %d päivään; uusia päivityksiä ei voida tarkistaa.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Tarkista Nextcloud- ja palvelinlokitiedostot virheiden osalta.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Kohteen %1$s päivitys on saatavilla.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} on saatavilla. Tarjolla on lisätietoja päivittämisestä.",
- "Update notifications" : "Päivitysilmoitukset",
"Channel updated" : "Päivityskanava päivitetty",
+ "Update notifications" : "Päivitysilmoitukset",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Päivityspalvelinta ei ole tavoitettu %d päivään; uusia päivityksiä ei voida tarkistaa.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Tarkista Nextcloud- ja palvelinlokitiedostot virheiden osalta.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Kohteen %1$s päivitys on saatavilla.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "La version {version} est disponible. Cliquez ici pour plus d'informations sur comment mettre à jour.",
- "Update notifications" : "Notifications de mises à jour",
"Channel updated" : "Canal de mise à jour modifié",
+ "Update notifications" : "Notifications de mises à jour",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Le serveur de mise à jour n'a pas pu être atteint depuis %d jours pour vérifier les nouvelles mises à jour.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Veuillez vérifier les fichiers de log de Nextcloud et du serveur pour les erreurs.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Une mise à jour vers %1$s est disponible",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "La version {version} est disponible. Cliquez ici pour plus d'informations sur comment mettre à jour.",
- "Update notifications" : "Notifications de mises à jour",
"Channel updated" : "Canal de mise à jour modifié",
+ "Update notifications" : "Notifications de mises à jour",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Le serveur de mise à jour n'a pas pu être atteint depuis %d jours pour vérifier les nouvelles mises à jour.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Veuillez vérifier les fichiers de log de Nextcloud et du serveur pour les erreurs.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Une mise à jour vers %1$s est disponible",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} está dispoñíbel. Obteña máis información sobre como actualizar.",
- "Update notifications" : "Actualizar as notificacións",
"Channel updated" : "Canle actualizada",
+ "Update notifications" : "Actualizar as notificacións",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Non foi posíbel acadar o servidor de actualizacións dende hai %d días para comprobar se hai novas actualizacións.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Revise os ficheiros de rexistro de Nextcloud e do servidor na busca de erros.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Está dispoñíbel unha actualización para %1$s.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} está dispoñíbel. Obteña máis información sobre como actualizar.",
- "Update notifications" : "Actualizar as notificacións",
"Channel updated" : "Canle actualizada",
+ "Update notifications" : "Actualizar as notificacións",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Non foi posíbel acadar o servidor de actualizacións dende hai %d días para comprobar se hai novas actualizacións.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Revise os ficheiros de rexistro de Nextcloud e do servidor na busca de erros.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Está dispoñíbel unha actualización para %1$s.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "A frissítési szerver %d napja nem elérhető a frissítések kereséséhez.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Kérlek nézd meg a Nextcloud és a szervernaplókat a hibák miatt.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "%1$s frissítés elérhető.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "A frissítési szerver %d napja nem elérhető a frissítések kereséséhez.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Kérlek nézd meg a Nextcloud és a szervernaplókat a hibák miatt.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "%1$s frissítés elérhető.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} er í boði. Fáðu frekari upplýsingar um hvernig á að uppfæra.",
- "Update notifications" : "Tilkynningar um uppfærslu",
"Channel updated" : "Rás uppfærð",
+ "Update notifications" : "Tilkynningar um uppfærslu",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Ekki hefur verið hægt að nálgast uppfærsluþjóninn í %d daga til að athuga með nýjar uppfærslur.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Skoðaðu hvort einhver villuboð séu í annálaskrám Nextcloud þjónsins.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Uppfærsla fyrir %1$s er tiltæk.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} er í boði. Fáðu frekari upplýsingar um hvernig á að uppfæra.",
- "Update notifications" : "Tilkynningar um uppfærslu",
"Channel updated" : "Rás uppfærð",
+ "Update notifications" : "Tilkynningar um uppfærslu",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Ekki hefur verið hægt að nálgast uppfærsluþjóninn í %d daga til að athuga með nýjar uppfærslur.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Skoðaðu hvort einhver villuboð séu í annálaskrám Nextcloud þjónsins.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Uppfærsla fyrir %1$s er tiltæk.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} è disponibile. Ottieni ulteriori informazioni su come eseguire l'aggiornamento.",
- "Update notifications" : "Notifiche degli aggiornamenti",
"Channel updated" : "Canale aggiornato",
+ "Update notifications" : "Notifiche degli aggiornamenti",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Il server degli aggiornamenti non è raggiungibile da %d giorni per controllare la presenza di nuovi aggiornamenti.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Controlla i file di log di Nextcloud e del server alla ricerca di errori.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Aggiornamento a %1$s disponibile.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} è disponibile. Ottieni ulteriori informazioni su come eseguire l'aggiornamento.",
- "Update notifications" : "Notifiche degli aggiornamenti",
"Channel updated" : "Canale aggiornato",
+ "Update notifications" : "Notifiche degli aggiornamenti",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Il server degli aggiornamenti non è raggiungibile da %d giorni per controllare la presenza di nuovi aggiornamenti.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Controlla i file di log di Nextcloud e del server alla ricerca di errori.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Aggiornamento a %1$s disponibile.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} er tilgjengelig. Få mer informasjon om å oppdatere.",
- "Update notifications" : "Oppdateringsvarsel",
"Channel updated" : "Kanal oppdatert",
+ "Update notifications" : "Oppdateringsvarsel",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Har ikke oppnådd kontakt med oppdateringsserveren på %d dager for å se etter nye oppdateringer.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Se i Nextcloud- og server-loggen etter feil.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Oppdatering til %1$s er tilgjengelig.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} er tilgjengelig. Få mer informasjon om å oppdatere.",
- "Update notifications" : "Oppdateringsvarsel",
"Channel updated" : "Kanal oppdatert",
+ "Update notifications" : "Oppdateringsvarsel",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Har ikke oppnådd kontakt med oppdateringsserveren på %d dager for å se etter nye oppdateringer.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Se i Nextcloud- og server-loggen etter feil.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Oppdatering til %1$s er tilgjengelig.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} is beschikbaar. Meer informatie over het bijwerken.",
- "Update notifications" : "Bijwerken meldingen",
"Channel updated" : "Kanaal bijgewerkt",
+ "Update notifications" : "Bijwerken meldingen",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "De updateserver kon sinds %d dagen niet meer worden bereikt om op updates te controleren.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Controleer de Nextcloud en server logbestanden op fouten.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Update naar %1$s is beschikbaar.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} is beschikbaar. Meer informatie over het bijwerken.",
- "Update notifications" : "Bijwerken meldingen",
"Channel updated" : "Kanaal bijgewerkt",
+ "Update notifications" : "Bijwerken meldingen",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "De updateserver kon sinds %d dagen niet meer worden bereikt om op updates te controleren.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Controleer de Nextcloud en server logbestanden op fouten.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Update naar %1$s is beschikbaar.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Wersja {version} jest dostępna. Dowiedz się jak zaktualizować.",
- "Update notifications" : "Powiadomienia o aktualizacji",
"Channel updated" : "Kanał zaktualizowany",
+ "Update notifications" : "Powiadomienia o aktualizacji",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Połączenie z serwerem z aktualizacjami w celu sprawdzenia nowych aktualizacji nie powiodło się od %d dni.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Proszę sprawdzić pliki z logami Nextcloud i serwera w celu znalezienia błędów.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Aktualizacja do %1$s jest dostępna.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Wersja {version} jest dostępna. Dowiedz się jak zaktualizować.",
- "Update notifications" : "Powiadomienia o aktualizacji",
"Channel updated" : "Kanał zaktualizowany",
+ "Update notifications" : "Powiadomienia o aktualizacji",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Połączenie z serwerem z aktualizacjami w celu sprawdzenia nowych aktualizacji nie powiodło się od %d dni.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Proszę sprawdzić pliki z logami Nextcloud i serwera w celu znalezienia błędów.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Aktualizacja do %1$s jest dostępna.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} está disponível. Obtenha mais informações sobre como atualizar.",
- "Update notifications" : "Notificações de atualização",
"Channel updated" : "Canal atualizado",
+ "Update notifications" : "Notificações de atualização",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "O servidor de atualização não foi encontrado já há %d dias para verificar por novas atualizações.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Verifique se há erros nos arquivos de log do servidor e do Nextcloud ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Atualização para %1$s está disponível.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} está disponível. Obtenha mais informações sobre como atualizar.",
- "Update notifications" : "Notificações de atualização",
"Channel updated" : "Canal atualizado",
+ "Update notifications" : "Notificações de atualização",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "O servidor de atualização não foi encontrado já há %d dias para verificar por novas atualizações.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Verifique se há erros nos arquivos de log do servidor e do Nextcloud ",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Atualização para %1$s está disponível.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Доступна версия {version}. Получить дополнительную информацию о порядке обновления.",
- "Update notifications" : "Уведомления об обновлениях",
"Channel updated" : "Канал обновлен.",
+ "Update notifications" : "Уведомления об обновлениях",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Сервер обновлений недоступен для проверки наличия обновлений дней: %d.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Проверьте наличие ошибок в файлах журналов Nextcloud и сервера.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Доступно обновление до версии %1$s.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Доступна версия {version}. Получить дополнительную информацию о порядке обновления.",
- "Update notifications" : "Уведомления об обновлениях",
"Channel updated" : "Канал обновлен.",
+ "Update notifications" : "Уведомления об обновлениях",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Сервер обновлений недоступен для проверки наличия обновлений дней: %d.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Проверьте наличие ошибок в файлах журналов Nextcloud и сервера.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Доступно обновление до версии %1$s.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Aktualizačný server je nedostupný %d dní pre kontrolu aktualizácií.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Chyby skontrolujte prosím v logoch Nextcloud a webového servera",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Je dostupná aktualizácia na verziu %1$s.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Aktualizačný server je nedostupný %d dní pre kontrolu aktualizácií.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Chyby skontrolujte prosím v logoch Nextcloud a webového servera",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Je dostupná aktualizácia na verziu %1$s.",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Верзија {version} је доступна. Сазнајте како да ажурирате.",
- "Update notifications" : "Обавештења о ажурирању",
"Channel updated" : "Канал ажуриран",
+ "Update notifications" : "Обавештења о ажурирању",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Сервер за ажурирања није доступан пошто је прошло %d дана од последње провере ажурирања.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Проверите логове од сервера и од Некстклауда за грешке.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Доступно је ажурирање на %1$s. ",
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Верзија {version} је доступна. Сазнајте како да ажурирате.",
- "Update notifications" : "Обавештења о ажурирању",
"Channel updated" : "Канал ажуриран",
+ "Update notifications" : "Обавештења о ажурирању",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Сервер за ажурирања није доступан пошто је прошло %d дана од последње провере ажурирања.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Проверите логове од сервера и од Некстклауда за грешке.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Доступно је ажурирање на %1$s. ",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Uppdateringsservern kunde inte nås. Senaste kontakt för %d dagar sedan.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Vänligen kontrollera ditt moln och dess serverloggar för felmeddelanden.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Uppdatering till %1$s är tillgänglig.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Uppdateringsservern kunde inte nås. Senaste kontakt för %d dagar sedan.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Vänligen kontrollera ditt moln och dess serverloggar för felmeddelanden.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "Uppdatering till %1$s är tillgänglig.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "%d gündür güncellemeleri denetlemek için güncelleme sunucusuna bağlanılamadı.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Lütfen sorunu bulmak için Nextcloud ve sunucu günlük dosyalarına bakın.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "%1$s güncellemesi yayınlanmış.",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "%d gündür güncellemeleri denetlemek için güncelleme sunucusuna bağlanılamadı.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Lütfen sorunu bulmak için Nextcloud ve sunucu günlük dosyalarına bakın.",
"Update to %1$s is available." : "%1$s güncellemesi yayınlanmış.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No s'ha pogut detectar l'atribut del nom de visualització de l'usuari. Si us plau, especifiqueu-vos a la configuració LDAP avançada.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "La característica desitjada no s'ha trobat",
"Invalid Host" : "Ordinador central no vàlid",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Usuari LDAP i grup de suport",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Aquesta aplicació permet als administradors connectar Nextcloud a un directori d'usuari basat en LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Aquest aplicació permet als administradors connectar Nextcloud a un directori LDAP per autenticació i subministrament d'usuaris, grups i atributs d'usuari. Els administradors poden configurar aquesta aplicació per connectar a un o més directoris LDAP o ActiveDirectories (AD) a través de la interfície LDAP. Amb les consultes i filtres adequats es poden extreure i importar a Nextcloud atributs d'usuari com la quota, adreça de correu, avatar, pertinença a grups i més.\n\nUn usuari accedeix a Nextcloud amb les seves credencials LDAP o AD, i rep accés gràcies a l'autenticació gestionada pel servidor LDAP / AD. Nextcloud en cap moment emmagatzema la contrasenya LDAP o AD, ans al contrari, un cop l'usuari s'ha identificat correctament Nextcloud emprarà variables de sessió per desar només el ID de l'usuari. Podeu trobar més informació a la documentació sobre gestió d'usuaris i grups LDAP.",
"Test Configuration" : "Comprovació de la configuració",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No s'ha pogut detectar l'atribut del nom de visualització de l'usuari. Si us plau, especifiqueu-vos a la configuració LDAP avançada.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "La característica desitjada no s'ha trobat",
"Invalid Host" : "Ordinador central no vàlid",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Usuari LDAP i grup de suport",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Aquesta aplicació permet als administradors connectar Nextcloud a un directori d'usuari basat en LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Aquest aplicació permet als administradors connectar Nextcloud a un directori LDAP per autenticació i subministrament d'usuaris, grups i atributs d'usuari. Els administradors poden configurar aquesta aplicació per connectar a un o més directoris LDAP o ActiveDirectories (AD) a través de la interfície LDAP. Amb les consultes i filtres adequats es poden extreure i importar a Nextcloud atributs d'usuari com la quota, adreça de correu, avatar, pertinença a grups i més.\n\nUn usuari accedeix a Nextcloud amb les seves credencials LDAP o AD, i rep accés gràcies a l'autenticació gestionada pel servidor LDAP / AD. Nextcloud en cap moment emmagatzema la contrasenya LDAP o AD, ans al contrari, un cop l'usuari s'ha identificat correctament Nextcloud emprarà variables de sessió per desar només el ID de l'usuari. Podeu trobar més informació a la documentació sobre gestió d'usuaris i grups LDAP.",
"Test Configuration" : "Comprovació de la configuració",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Nedaří se zjistit atribut pro zobrazení jména uživatele. Upřesněte ho sami v rozšířeném nastavení LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Nelze nalézt požadovanou vlastnost",
"Invalid Host" : "Neplatný hostitel",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend pro LDAP uživatele a skupiny",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Tato aplikace umožňuje správcům připojit Nextcloud na adresář uživatelů založený na LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Tato aplikace umožní správcům propojit Nextcloud s adresářem uživatelů, založeném na LDAP pro ověřování a zprovozňování uživatelů, skupin a atributů uživatelů. Správci mohou tuto aplikaci nastavit pro propojení s jedním či více LDAP adresáři nebo Active Directory prostřednictvím LDAP rozhraní. Atributy jako například kvóta uživatele, email, fotografie, členství ve skupinách a další mohou být vytažené do Nextcloud z adresáře pomocí příslušných dotazů a filtrů.\n\nUživatel se do Nextcloud přihlásí pomocí svých LDAP nebo AD přihlašovacích údajů a je mu udělen přístup na základě požadavku na ověření obslouženém LDAP nebo AD serverem. Nextcloud neukládá LDAP nebo AD hesla, namísto toho jsou tyto přihlašovací údaje použity pro ověření uživatele a Nextcloud používá relaci pro identifikátor uživatele. Více informací je k dispozici v dokumentaci k podpůrné vrstvě LDAP uživatel a skupina.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Nedaří se zjistit atribut pro zobrazení jména uživatele. Upřesněte ho sami v rozšířeném nastavení LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Nelze nalézt požadovanou vlastnost",
"Invalid Host" : "Neplatný hostitel",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend pro LDAP uživatele a skupiny",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Tato aplikace umožňuje správcům připojit Nextcloud na adresář uživatelů založený na LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Tato aplikace umožní správcům propojit Nextcloud s adresářem uživatelů, založeném na LDAP pro ověřování a zprovozňování uživatelů, skupin a atributů uživatelů. Správci mohou tuto aplikaci nastavit pro propojení s jedním či více LDAP adresáři nebo Active Directory prostřednictvím LDAP rozhraní. Atributy jako například kvóta uživatele, email, fotografie, členství ve skupinách a další mohou být vytažené do Nextcloud z adresáře pomocí příslušných dotazů a filtrů.\n\nUživatel se do Nextcloud přihlásí pomocí svých LDAP nebo AD přihlašovacích údajů a je mu udělen přístup na základě požadavku na ověření obslouženém LDAP nebo AD serverem. Nextcloud neukládá LDAP nebo AD hesla, namísto toho jsou tyto přihlašovací údaje použity pro ověření uživatele a Nextcloud používá relaci pro identifikátor uživatele. Více informací je k dispozici v dokumentaci k podpůrné vrstvě LDAP uživatel a skupina.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Kunne ikke registrere navneattributten for visning af bruger. Angiv den venligst selv i de avancerede LDAP-indstillinger.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Fandt ikke den ønskede funktion",
"Invalid Host" : "Ugyldig vært",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP bruger og gruppe backend",
"Test Configuration" : "Test konfigurationen",
"Help" : "Hjælp",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Grupper som opfylder disse kriterier er tilgængelige i %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Kunne ikke registrere navneattributten for visning af bruger. Angiv den venligst selv i de avancerede LDAP-indstillinger.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Fandt ikke den ønskede funktion",
"Invalid Host" : "Ugyldig vært",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP bruger og gruppe backend",
"Test Configuration" : "Test konfigurationen",
"Help" : "Hjælp",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Grupper som opfylder disse kriterier er tilgængelige i %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Das Anzeigename-Attribut des Benutzers konnte nicht gefunden werden. Bitte gib es selbst in den erweiterten LDAP-Einstellungen an.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Die gewünschte Funktion konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"Invalid Host" : "Ungültiger Host",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP Benutzer- und Gruppen-Backend",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Diese App ermöglicht es Administratoren Nextcloud mit einem LDAP-basiertem Nutzerverzeichnis zu verbinden.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Diese App ermöglicht es Administratoren Nextcloud mit einem auf LDAP basierenden Nutzerverzeichnis zu verbinden um so die Anmeldung, Nutzer, Gruppen und Berechtigungen zu konfigurieren. Administratoren können die App so einrichten, dass sie sich mit einem oder mehreren LDAP-Verzeichnissen oder Active-Directories über ein LDAP-Interface verbindet. Attribute wie Speicherkontigent, E-Mail, Avatare, Gruppenmitgliedschaft usw. können von einem Verzeichnis mit den dazugehörigen Anfragen und Filtern bezogen werden\n\nDer Nutzer meldet sich an der Nextclud mit seinen LDAP oder AD Anmeldedaten an. und erhält Zugriff durch eine Authentifizierungsanfrage am LDAP- oder AD-Server. Nextcloud speichert und verwendet nicht die LDAP- oder AD-Zugangsdaten sondern verwendet eine Sitzungs-ID für die jeweilige Nutzer-ID. Weitere Infos in der \"LDAP User and Group Backend\"-Dokumentation.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Das Anzeigename-Attribut des Benutzers konnte nicht gefunden werden. Bitte gib es selbst in den erweiterten LDAP-Einstellungen an.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Die gewünschte Funktion konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"Invalid Host" : "Ungültiger Host",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP Benutzer- und Gruppen-Backend",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Diese App ermöglicht es Administratoren Nextcloud mit einem LDAP-basiertem Nutzerverzeichnis zu verbinden.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Diese App ermöglicht es Administratoren Nextcloud mit einem auf LDAP basierenden Nutzerverzeichnis zu verbinden um so die Anmeldung, Nutzer, Gruppen und Berechtigungen zu konfigurieren. Administratoren können die App so einrichten, dass sie sich mit einem oder mehreren LDAP-Verzeichnissen oder Active-Directories über ein LDAP-Interface verbindet. Attribute wie Speicherkontigent, E-Mail, Avatare, Gruppenmitgliedschaft usw. können von einem Verzeichnis mit den dazugehörigen Anfragen und Filtern bezogen werden\n\nDer Nutzer meldet sich an der Nextclud mit seinen LDAP oder AD Anmeldedaten an. und erhält Zugriff durch eine Authentifizierungsanfrage am LDAP- oder AD-Server. Nextcloud speichert und verwendet nicht die LDAP- oder AD-Zugangsdaten sondern verwendet eine Sitzungs-ID für die jeweilige Nutzer-ID. Weitere Infos in der \"LDAP User and Group Backend\"-Dokumentation.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Das Anzeigename-Attribut des Benutzers konnte nicht gefunden werden. Bitte geben Sie es selbst in den erweiterten LDAP-Einstellungen an.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Die gewünschte Funktion konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"Invalid Host" : "Ungültiger Host",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP Benutzer- und Gruppen-Backend",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Diese App ermöglicht es Administratoren Nextcloud mit einem LDAP-basiertem Nutzerverzeichnis zu verbinden.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Diese App ermöglicht es Administratoren Nextcloud mit einem auf LDAP basierenden Nutzerverzeichnis zu verbinden um so die Anmeldung, Nutzer, Gruppen und Berechtigungen zu konfigurieren. Administratoren können die App so einrichten, dass sie sich mit einem oder mehreren LDAP-Verzeichnissen oder Active-Directories über ein LDAP-Interface verbindet. Attribute wie Speicherkontigent, E-Mail, Avatare, Gruppenmitgliedschaft usw. können von einem Verzeichnis mit den dazugehörigen Anfragen und Filtern bezogen werden\n\nDer Nutzer meldet sich an der Nextclud mit seinen LDAP oder AD Anmeldedaten an. und erhält Zugriff durch eine Authentifizierungsanfrage am LDAP- oder AD-Server. Nextcloud speichert und verwendet nicht die LDAP- oder AD-Zugangsdaten sondern verwendet eine Sitzungs-ID für die jeweilige Nutzer-ID. Weitere Infos in der \"LDAP User and Group Backend\"-Dokumentation.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Das Anzeigename-Attribut des Benutzers konnte nicht gefunden werden. Bitte geben Sie es selbst in den erweiterten LDAP-Einstellungen an.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Die gewünschte Funktion konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"Invalid Host" : "Ungültiger Host",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP Benutzer- und Gruppen-Backend",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Diese App ermöglicht es Administratoren Nextcloud mit einem LDAP-basiertem Nutzerverzeichnis zu verbinden.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Diese App ermöglicht es Administratoren Nextcloud mit einem auf LDAP basierenden Nutzerverzeichnis zu verbinden um so die Anmeldung, Nutzer, Gruppen und Berechtigungen zu konfigurieren. Administratoren können die App so einrichten, dass sie sich mit einem oder mehreren LDAP-Verzeichnissen oder Active-Directories über ein LDAP-Interface verbindet. Attribute wie Speicherkontigent, E-Mail, Avatare, Gruppenmitgliedschaft usw. können von einem Verzeichnis mit den dazugehörigen Anfragen und Filtern bezogen werden\n\nDer Nutzer meldet sich an der Nextclud mit seinen LDAP oder AD Anmeldedaten an. und erhält Zugriff durch eine Authentifizierungsanfrage am LDAP- oder AD-Server. Nextcloud speichert und verwendet nicht die LDAP- oder AD-Zugangsdaten sondern verwendet eine Sitzungs-ID für die jeweilige Nutzer-ID. Weitere Infos in der \"LDAP User and Group Backend\"-Dokumentation.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Could not find the desired feature",
"Invalid Host" : "Invalid Host",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP user and group backend",
"Test Configuration" : "Test Configuration",
"Help" : "Help",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Could not find the desired feature",
"Invalid Host" : "Invalid Host",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP user and group backend",
"Test Configuration" : "Test Configuration",
"Help" : "Help",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No se ha podido detectar el atributo del nombre ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No se puede encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Host inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Motor de usuarios y grupos LDAP",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Esta aplicación permite a los administradores conectar Nextcloud a un directorio de usuarios basado en LDAP",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Esta aplicación permite a los administradores conectar Nextcloud con una directorio de usuarios basado en LDAP para autenticación y aprovisionamiento de usuarios, grupos y atributos de usuario. Los administradores pueden configurar esta aplicación para conectarse a uno o más directorios LDAP o Active Directory vía una interfaz LDAP. Los atributos como cuota de usuario, correo, imágenes de avatar, pertenencia a grupos y más pueden incorporarse a Nextcloud desde un directorio con las peticiones y filtros apropiados.\n\nUn usuario se registra en Nextcloud con sus credenciales LDAP o AD y se le concede acceso basándose en una petición de autenticación manejada por el servidor LDAP o AD.Nexttcloud no almacen las contraseñas LDAP o AD, sino que estas credenciales se usan para autenticar un usuario y después Nextcloud usa una sesión para la id de usuario. Más información disponible en la documentación del motor de usuarios y grupos LDAP",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No se ha podido detectar el atributo del nombre ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No se puede encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Host inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Motor de usuarios y grupos LDAP",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Esta aplicación permite a los administradores conectar Nextcloud a un directorio de usuarios basado en LDAP",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Esta aplicación permite a los administradores conectar Nextcloud con una directorio de usuarios basado en LDAP para autenticación y aprovisionamiento de usuarios, grupos y atributos de usuario. Los administradores pueden configurar esta aplicación para conectarse a uno o más directorios LDAP o Active Directory vía una interfaz LDAP. Los atributos como cuota de usuario, correo, imágenes de avatar, pertenencia a grupos y más pueden incorporarse a Nextcloud desde un directorio con las peticiones y filtros apropiados.\n\nUn usuario se registra en Nextcloud con sus credenciales LDAP o AD y se le concede acceso basándose en una petición de autenticación manejada por el servidor LDAP o AD.Nexttcloud no almacen las contraseñas LDAP o AD, sino que estas credenciales se usan para autenticar un usuario y después Nextcloud usa una sesión para la id de usuario. Más información disponible en la documentación del motor de usuarios y grupos LDAP",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "No fue posible detectar el atributo del nombre a desplegar del usuario. Por favor especifícalo tú mismo en las configuraciones avanzadas de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "No fue posible encontrar la función deseada.",
"Invalid Host" : "Servidor inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend de LDAP para usuario y grupo",
"Test Configuration" : "Probar configuración",
"Help" : "Ayuda",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Los grupos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios están disponibles en %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Impossible de détecter l'attribut contenant le nom d'affichage des utilisateurs. Veuillez l'indiquer vous-même dans les paramètres LDAP avancés.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Impossible de trouver la fonction souhaitée",
"Invalid Host" : "Hôte non valide",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Utilisateur LDAP et infrastructure de groupe",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Cette application autorise les administrateurs à connecter Nextcloud à un annuaire LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Cette application permet aux administrateurs de connecter Nextcloud à un répertoire d'utilisateurs LDAP pour l'authentification et le provisionnement des utilisateurs, groupes et des attributs d'utilisateurs. Les administrateurs peuvent configurer cette application pour se connecter à un ou plusieurs répertoires LDAP ou Active Directories via une interface LDAP. Les attributs tels que le quota utilisateur, l'email, les images d'avatar, les adhésions de groupe et plus peuvent être envoyés sur Nextcloud à partir d'un répertoire avec les requêtes et les filtres appropriés.\n\nUn utilisateur se connecte à Nextcloud avec ses identifiants LDAP ou AD et obtient l'accès sur la base d'une demande d'authentification gérée par le serveur LDAP ou AD. Nextcloud ne stocke pas les mots de passe LDAP ou AD, mais ces informations d'identification sont utilisées pour authentifier un utilisateur et Nextcloud utilise ensuite une session pour l'ID utilisateur. De plus amples informations sont disponibles dans la documentation LDAP User and Group Backend.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Impossible de détecter l'attribut contenant le nom d'affichage des utilisateurs. Veuillez l'indiquer vous-même dans les paramètres LDAP avancés.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Impossible de trouver la fonction souhaitée",
"Invalid Host" : "Hôte non valide",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Utilisateur LDAP et infrastructure de groupe",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Cette application autorise les administrateurs à connecter Nextcloud à un annuaire LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Cette application permet aux administrateurs de connecter Nextcloud à un répertoire d'utilisateurs LDAP pour l'authentification et le provisionnement des utilisateurs, groupes et des attributs d'utilisateurs. Les administrateurs peuvent configurer cette application pour se connecter à un ou plusieurs répertoires LDAP ou Active Directories via une interface LDAP. Les attributs tels que le quota utilisateur, l'email, les images d'avatar, les adhésions de groupe et plus peuvent être envoyés sur Nextcloud à partir d'un répertoire avec les requêtes et les filtres appropriés.\n\nUn utilisateur se connecte à Nextcloud avec ses identifiants LDAP ou AD et obtient l'accès sur la base d'une demande d'authentification gérée par le serveur LDAP ou AD. Nextcloud ne stocke pas les mots de passe LDAP ou AD, mais ces informations d'identification sont utilisées pour authentifier un utilisateur et Nextcloud utilise ensuite une session pour l'ID utilisateur. De plus amples informations sont disponibles dans la documentation LDAP User and Group Backend.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Non foi posíbel detectar o atributo nome de usuario que amosar. Especifíqueo vostede mesmo nos axustes avanzados de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Non foi posíbel atopar a función desexada",
"Invalid Host" : "Máquina incorrecta",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Infraestrutura de usuarios e grupos LDAP",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Este aplicativo permitelle aos administradores conectar Nextcloud a un directorio de usuarios baseado en LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Este aplicativo permítelle aos administradores conectar Nextcloud cun directorio de usuarios baseado en LDAP para a autenticación e aprovisionamento de usuarios, grupos e atributos de usuario. Os administradores poden configurar este aplicativo para conectarse a un ou máis directorios LDAP ou Active Directory mediante unha interface LDAP. Os atributos como cota de usuario, correo, imaxes de avatar, pertenza a grupos e máis poden incorporarse ao Nextcloud dende un directorio coas peticións e filtros axeitados.\n\nUn usuario rexistrase no Nextcloud coas súa credenciais LDAP ou AD e se lle concede acceso baseandose nunha petición de autenticación manexada polo servidor LDAP ou AD.Nexttcloud non almacen os contrasinais LDAP ou AD, senon que estas credenciais usanse para autenticar un usuario e após o Nextcloud emprega unha sesión para O ID do usuario. Ten dispoñíbel máis información na documentación da infraestrutura de usuarios e grupos LDAP.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Non foi posíbel detectar o atributo nome de usuario que amosar. Especifíqueo vostede mesmo nos axustes avanzados de LDAP. ",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Non foi posíbel atopar a función desexada",
"Invalid Host" : "Máquina incorrecta",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Infraestrutura de usuarios e grupos LDAP",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Este aplicativo permitelle aos administradores conectar Nextcloud a un directorio de usuarios baseado en LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Este aplicativo permítelle aos administradores conectar Nextcloud cun directorio de usuarios baseado en LDAP para a autenticación e aprovisionamento de usuarios, grupos e atributos de usuario. Os administradores poden configurar este aplicativo para conectarse a un ou máis directorios LDAP ou Active Directory mediante unha interface LDAP. Os atributos como cota de usuario, correo, imaxes de avatar, pertenza a grupos e máis poden incorporarse ao Nextcloud dende un directorio coas peticións e filtros axeitados.\n\nUn usuario rexistrase no Nextcloud coas súa credenciais LDAP ou AD e se lle concede acceso baseandose nunha petición de autenticación manexada polo servidor LDAP ou AD.Nexttcloud non almacen os contrasinais LDAP ou AD, senon que estas credenciais usanse para autenticar un usuario e após o Nextcloud emprega unha sesión para O ID do usuario. Ten dispoñíbel máis información na documentación da infraestrutura de usuarios e grupos LDAP.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "לא ניתן לאתר את מאפיין שם תצוגת המשתמש. נא לציין אותו בעצמך בהגדרות ה־LDAP המתקדמות.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "לא אותרה התכונה הרצויה",
"Invalid Host" : "מארח לא חוקי",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "מנגנון משתמשים וקבוצות מול LDAP",
"Test Configuration" : "בדיקת הגדרות",
"Help" : "עזרה",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "קבוצות העומדות בקריטריון זה זמינות ב- %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "לא ניתן לאתר את מאפיין שם תצוגת המשתמש. נא לציין אותו בעצמך בהגדרות ה־LDAP המתקדמות.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "לא אותרה התכונה הרצויה",
"Invalid Host" : "מארח לא חוקי",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "מנגנון משתמשים וקבוצות מול LDAP",
"Test Configuration" : "בדיקת הגדרות",
"Help" : "עזרה",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "קבוצות העומדות בקריטריון זה זמינות ב- %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Nem lehet megállapítani a megjelenítendő név mezőt. Kérlek add meg kézzel a bővített LDAP beállításokban.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "A kívánt funkció nem található",
"Invalid Host" : "Érvénytelen gépnév",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP felhasználói és csoport háttér",
"Test Configuration" : "A beállítások tesztelése",
"Help" : "Súgó",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "A %s szolgáltatás azon csoportok létezését veszi figyelembe, amik a következő feltételeknek felelnek meg:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Nem lehet megállapítani a megjelenítendő név mezőt. Kérlek add meg kézzel a bővített LDAP beállításokban.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "A kívánt funkció nem található",
"Invalid Host" : "Érvénytelen gépnév",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP felhasználói és csoport háttér",
"Test Configuration" : "A beállítások tesztelése",
"Help" : "Súgó",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "A %s szolgáltatás azon csoportok létezését veszi figyelembe, amik a következő feltételeknek felelnek meg:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Impossibile rilevare l'attributo nome visualizzato dell'utente. Specificalo nelle impostazioni avanzate di LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Impossibile trovare la funzionalità desiderata",
"Invalid Host" : "Host non valido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Motore utenti e gruppi LDAP",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Questa applicazione consente agli amministratori di collegare Nextcloud a una directory di utenti basata su LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Questa applicazione consente agli amministratori di collegare Nextcloud a una directory di utenti basata su LDAP per l'autenticazione e la creazione di utenti, gruppi e attributi utente. Gli amministratori possono configurare questa applicazione per collegare una o più directory LDAP o Active Directory tramite un'interfaccia LDAP. Gli attributi come quota utente, email, immagini personali, appartenenza ai gruppi e altro possono essere portati in Nextcloud da una directory con le interrogazioni e i filtri appropriati.\n\nUn utente accede a Nextcloud con le proprie credenziali LDAP o AD, e l'accesso viene accordato sulla base della richiesta di autenticazione gestita dal server LDAP o AD. Nextcloud non memorizza le password LDAP o AD, piuttosto queste credenziali sono utilizzate per autenticare un utente e poi Nextcloud utilizza una sessione per l'ID utente. Altre informazioni sono disponibili nella documentazione relativa a Motore utenti e gruppi LDAP.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Impossibile rilevare l'attributo nome visualizzato dell'utente. Specificalo nelle impostazioni avanzate di LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Impossibile trovare la funzionalità desiderata",
"Invalid Host" : "Host non valido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Motore utenti e gruppi LDAP",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Questa applicazione consente agli amministratori di collegare Nextcloud a una directory di utenti basata su LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Questa applicazione consente agli amministratori di collegare Nextcloud a una directory di utenti basata su LDAP per l'autenticazione e la creazione di utenti, gruppi e attributi utente. Gli amministratori possono configurare questa applicazione per collegare una o più directory LDAP o Active Directory tramite un'interfaccia LDAP. Gli attributi come quota utente, email, immagini personali, appartenenza ai gruppi e altro possono essere portati in Nextcloud da una directory con le interrogazioni e i filtri appropriati.\n\nUn utente accede a Nextcloud con le proprie credenziali LDAP o AD, e l'accesso viene accordato sulla base della richiesta di autenticazione gestita dal server LDAP o AD. Nextcloud non memorizza le password LDAP o AD, piuttosto queste credenziali sono utilizzate per autenticare un utente e poi Nextcloud utilizza una sessione per l'ID utente. Altre informazioni sono disponibili nella documentazione relativa a Motore utenti e gruppi LDAP.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "ユーザー表示名の属性を検出できませんでした。詳細設定で対応する属性を指定してください。",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "望ましい機能は見つかりませんでした",
"Invalid Host" : "無効なホスト",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "ユーザー・グループのLDAP連携",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "このアプリケーションを使用すると、管理者はLDAPベースのユーザーディレクトリにNextcloudを接続できます。",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "このアプリケーションを使用すると、管理者は認証、プロビジョニングのためにLDAPベースのユーザーディレクトリにNextcloudを接続し、ユーザー、グループ、およびユーザー属性をプロビジョニングできます。 管理者は、LDAPインターフェイス経由で1つまたは複数のLDAPディレクトリまたはActive Directoryに接続するようにこのアプリケーションを設定できます。 ユーザークオータ、電子メール、アバターピクチャ、グループメンバーシップなどの属性は、適切なクエリとフィルタを使用してディレクトリからNextcloudに取り込むことができます。ユーザーはLDAPまたはAD資格情報でNextcloudにログインし、 LDAPまたはADサーバによって処理される認証要求。 NextcloudはLDAPまたはADのパスワードを格納しませんが、これらの資格情報はユーザーの認証に使用され、NextcloudはユーザーIDのセッションを使用します。 詳細は、LDAPユーザーおよびグループのバックエンドのドキュメントを参照してください。",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "ユーザー表示名の属性を検出できませんでした。詳細設定で対応する属性を指定してください。",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "望ましい機能は見つかりませんでした",
"Invalid Host" : "無効なホスト",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "ユーザー・グループのLDAP連携",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "このアプリケーションを使用すると、管理者はLDAPベースのユーザーディレクトリにNextcloudを接続できます。",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "このアプリケーションを使用すると、管理者は認証、プロビジョニングのためにLDAPベースのユーザーディレクトリにNextcloudを接続し、ユーザー、グループ、およびユーザー属性をプロビジョニングできます。 管理者は、LDAPインターフェイス経由で1つまたは複数のLDAPディレクトリまたはActive Directoryに接続するようにこのアプリケーションを設定できます。 ユーザークオータ、電子メール、アバターピクチャ、グループメンバーシップなどの属性は、適切なクエリとフィルタを使用してディレクトリからNextcloudに取り込むことができます。ユーザーはLDAPまたはAD資格情報でNextcloudにログインし、 LDAPまたはADサーバによって処理される認証要求。 NextcloudはLDAPまたはADのパスワードを格納しませんが、これらの資格情報はユーザーの認証に使用され、NextcloudはユーザーIDのセッションを使用します。 詳細は、LDAPユーザーおよびグループのバックエンドのドキュメントを参照してください。",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "მომხმარებლის დისპლეის სახელის ატრიბუტის აღმოჩენა ვერ მოხერხდა. გთხოვთ LDAP-ის პარამეტრებში თქვენით დააყენოთ ის.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "მოთხოვნილი ფუნქციონალის პოვნა ვერ მოხერხდა",
"Invalid Host" : "არასწორი ჰოსტი",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP მომხმარებლის და ჯგუფის ბექენდი",
"Test Configuration" : "კავშირის შემოწმება",
"Help" : "დახმარება",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "ჯგუფები ამ კრიტერიუმით ხელმისაწვდომია %s-ში:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "მომხმარებლის დისპლეის სახელის ატრიბუტის აღმოჩენა ვერ მოხერხდა. გთხოვთ LDAP-ის პარამეტრებში თქვენით დააყენოთ ის.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "მოთხოვნილი ფუნქციონალის პოვნა ვერ მოხერხდა",
"Invalid Host" : "არასწორი ჰოსტი",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP მომხმარებლის და ჯგუფის ბექენდი",
"Test Configuration" : "კავშირის შემოწმება",
"Help" : "დახმარება",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "ჯგუფები ამ კრიტერიუმით ხელმისაწვდომია %s-ში:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "사용자 표시 이름 속성을 찾을 수 없습니다. 고급 LDAP 설정에서 직접 지정하십시오.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "필요한 기능을 찾을 수 없음",
"Invalid Host" : "잘못된 호스트",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP 사용자 및 그룹 백엔드",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "이 앱은 Nextcloud와 LDAP 기반 사용자 디렉터리를 연결합니다.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "사용자 표시 이름 속성을 찾을 수 없습니다. 고급 LDAP 설정에서 직접 지정하십시오.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "필요한 기능을 찾을 수 없음",
"Invalid Host" : "잘못된 호스트",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP 사용자 및 그룹 백엔드",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "이 앱은 Nextcloud와 LDAP 기반 사용자 디렉터리를 연결합니다.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Kunne ikke påvise attributt for brukers visningsnavn. Du må selv spesifisere det i avanserte LDAP-innstillinger.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Fant ikke den ønskede funksjonaliteten",
"Invalid Host" : "Ugyldig server",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP bruker- og gruppe tjeneste",
"Test Configuration" : "Test oppsettet",
"Help" : "Hjelp",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Grupper som tilfredsstiller disse kriteriene er tilgjengelige i %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Kunne ikke påvise attributt for brukers visningsnavn. Du må selv spesifisere det i avanserte LDAP-innstillinger.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Fant ikke den ønskede funksjonaliteten",
"Invalid Host" : "Ugyldig server",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP bruker- og gruppe tjeneste",
"Test Configuration" : "Test oppsettet",
"Help" : "Hjelp",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Grupper som tilfredsstiller disse kriteriene er tilgjengelige i %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Kon het weergavenaam attribuut van de gebruiker niet vinden. Geef het zelf op in de geavanceerde LDAP instellingen.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Kon de gewenste functie niet vinden",
"Invalid Host" : "Ongeldige server",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP gebruikers en groep backend",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Deze applicatie laat beheerders Nextcloud verbinden met een LDAP-gebruikersdatabase.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Met deze applicatie kunnen beheerders Nextcloud verbinden met een LDAP-gebruikersdirectory voor authenticatie en beheer van gebruikers, groepen en gebruikersattributen. Beheerders kunnen deze toepassing configureren om verbinding te maken met één of meer LDAP-directory's of Active Directory's via een LDAP-interface. Attributen zoals gebruikersquota, e-mail, avatarafbeeldingen, groepslidmaatschappen en meer kunnen in NextCloud met de juiste zoekopdrachten en filters vanuit een map worden opgehaald.\n\nEen gebruiker meldt zich aan bij Nextcloud met zijn LDAP- of AD-referenties en krijgt toegang op basis van een authenticatieverzoek dat door de LDAP- of AD-server wordt afgehandeld. Nextcloud slaat geen LDAP- of AD-wachtwoorden op, maar deze inloggegevens worden alleen gebruikt om een gebruiker te verifiëren en vervolgens gebruikt Nextcloud een sessie voor de gebruikers-ID. Meer informatie is beschikbaar in de documentatie LDAP-gebruiker en groepsbackend.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Kon het weergavenaam attribuut van de gebruiker niet vinden. Geef het zelf op in de geavanceerde LDAP instellingen.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Kon de gewenste functie niet vinden",
"Invalid Host" : "Ongeldige server",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP gebruikers en groep backend",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Deze applicatie laat beheerders Nextcloud verbinden met een LDAP-gebruikersdatabase.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Met deze applicatie kunnen beheerders Nextcloud verbinden met een LDAP-gebruikersdirectory voor authenticatie en beheer van gebruikers, groepen en gebruikersattributen. Beheerders kunnen deze toepassing configureren om verbinding te maken met één of meer LDAP-directory's of Active Directory's via een LDAP-interface. Attributen zoals gebruikersquota, e-mail, avatarafbeeldingen, groepslidmaatschappen en meer kunnen in NextCloud met de juiste zoekopdrachten en filters vanuit een map worden opgehaald.\n\nEen gebruiker meldt zich aan bij Nextcloud met zijn LDAP- of AD-referenties en krijgt toegang op basis van een authenticatieverzoek dat door de LDAP- of AD-server wordt afgehandeld. Nextcloud slaat geen LDAP- of AD-wachtwoorden op, maar deze inloggegevens worden alleen gebruikt om een gebruiker te verifiëren en vervolgens gebruikt Nextcloud een sessie voor de gebruikers-ID. Meer informatie is beschikbaar in de documentatie LDAP-gebruiker en groepsbackend.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Nie można wykryć atrybutu wyświetlania nazwy użytkownika.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Nie można znaleźć żądanej funkcji",
"Invalid Host" : "Niepoprawny Host",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Zaplecze użytkowników i grup LDAP",
"Test Configuration" : "Sprawdź konfigurację",
"Help" : "Pomoc",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Przyłączenie do grupy z tymi ustawieniami dostępne jest w %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Nie można wykryć atrybutu wyświetlania nazwy użytkownika.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Nie można znaleźć żądanej funkcji",
"Invalid Host" : "Niepoprawny Host",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Zaplecze użytkowników i grup LDAP",
"Test Configuration" : "Sprawdź konfigurację",
"Help" : "Pomoc",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Przyłączenie do grupy z tymi ustawieniami dostępne jest w %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Não foi possível detectar o atributo do nome de exibição do usuário. Por favor, especifique-o você mesmo nas configurações LDAP avançadas.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Não foi possível encontrar o recurso desejado",
"Invalid Host" : "Host inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Plataforma de serviço LDAP de usuário e grupo",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Este aplicativo permite que os administradores conectem o Nextcloud a um diretório de usuários baseado em LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Esse aplicativo permite que os administradores conectem o Nextcloud a um diretório de usuários baseado em LDAP para autenticação, provisionamento de usuários, grupos e atributos do usuário. Os administradores podem configurar este aplicativo para se conectar a um ou mais diretórios LDAP ou Active Directories por meio de uma interface LDAP. Atributos como cota de usuário, e-mail, imagens de avatar, associações a grupos e muito mais podem ser acessados no Nextcloud a partir de um diretório com as consultas e filtros apropriados.\n\nUm usuário efetua login no Nextcloud com suas credenciais LDAP ou AD e recebe acesso com base em uma solicitação de autenticação manipulada pelo servidor LDAP ou AD. O Nextcloud não armazena senhas LDAP ou AD, mas essas credenciais são usadas para autenticar o usuário e em seguida, o Nextcloud usa uma sessão para o ID do usuário. Mais informações estão disponíveis na documentação da estrutura LDAP de Usuário e Grupo.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Não foi possível detectar o atributo do nome de exibição do usuário. Por favor, especifique-o você mesmo nas configurações LDAP avançadas.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Não foi possível encontrar o recurso desejado",
"Invalid Host" : "Host inválido",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Plataforma de serviço LDAP de usuário e grupo",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Este aplicativo permite que os administradores conectem o Nextcloud a um diretório de usuários baseado em LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Esse aplicativo permite que os administradores conectem o Nextcloud a um diretório de usuários baseado em LDAP para autenticação, provisionamento de usuários, grupos e atributos do usuário. Os administradores podem configurar este aplicativo para se conectar a um ou mais diretórios LDAP ou Active Directories por meio de uma interface LDAP. Atributos como cota de usuário, e-mail, imagens de avatar, associações a grupos e muito mais podem ser acessados no Nextcloud a partir de um diretório com as consultas e filtros apropriados.\n\nUm usuário efetua login no Nextcloud com suas credenciais LDAP ou AD e recebe acesso com base em uma solicitação de autenticação manipulada pelo servidor LDAP ou AD. O Nextcloud não armazena senhas LDAP ou AD, mas essas credenciais são usadas para autenticar o usuário e em seguida, o Nextcloud usa uma sessão para o ID do usuário. Mais informações estão disponíveis na documentação da estrutura LDAP de Usuário e Grupo.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Не удалось автоматически определить атрибут, содержащий отображаемое имя пользователя. Зайдите в расширенные настройки LDAP и укажите его вручную.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Не удается найти требуемую функциональность",
"Invalid Host" : "Некорректный адрес сервера",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Интерфейс пользователей и групп LDAP",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Это приложение позволяет администраторам подключать Nextcloud к каталогу пользователей на основе LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Это приложение позволяет администраторам подключать Nextcloud к каталогу пользователей на основе LDAP для аутентификации и подготовки пользователей, групп и пользовательских атрибутов. Администраторы могут настроить это приложение для подключения к одному или нескольким каталогам LDAP или Active Directory через интерфейс LDAP. Атрибуты, такие как пользовательская квота, электронная почта, изображения аватаров, членство в группах и многое другое, могут быть перенесены в Nextcloud из каталога с соответствующими запросами и фильтрами.\n\nПользователь регистрируется в Nextcloud со своими учетными данными LDAP или AD и получает доступ на основе запроса аутентификации, обрабатываемого сервером LDAP или AD. Nextcloud не хранит пароли LDAP или AD, а эти учетные данные используются для аутентификации пользователя, а затем Nextcloud использует сеанс для идентификатора пользователя. Дополнительная информация доступна в документации LDAP Пользователи и Группы.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Не удалось автоматически определить атрибут, содержащий отображаемое имя пользователя. Зайдите в расширенные настройки LDAP и укажите его вручную.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Не удается найти требуемую функциональность",
"Invalid Host" : "Некорректный адрес сервера",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Интерфейс пользователей и групп LDAP",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Это приложение позволяет администраторам подключать Nextcloud к каталогу пользователей на основе LDAP.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Это приложение позволяет администраторам подключать Nextcloud к каталогу пользователей на основе LDAP для аутентификации и подготовки пользователей, групп и пользовательских атрибутов. Администраторы могут настроить это приложение для подключения к одному или нескольким каталогам LDAP или Active Directory через интерфейс LDAP. Атрибуты, такие как пользовательская квота, электронная почта, изображения аватаров, членство в группах и многое другое, могут быть перенесены в Nextcloud из каталога с соответствующими запросами и фильтрами.\n\nПользователь регистрируется в Nextcloud со своими учетными данными LDAP или AD и получает доступ на основе запроса аутентификации, обрабатываемого сервером LDAP или AD. Nextcloud не хранит пароли LDAP или AD, а эти учетные данные используются для аутентификации пользователя, а затем Nextcloud использует сеанс для идентификатора пользователя. Дополнительная информация доступна в документации LDAP Пользователи и Группы.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Nuk mund të zbulohej atributi i emrit të ekranit të përdoruesit. Ju lutemi specifikoni vetë në avancë parametrat e LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "S’u gjet dot veçoria e dëshiruar",
"Invalid Host" : "Strehë e Pavlefshme",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend i përdoruesve dhe grupit të LDAP",
"Test Configuration" : "Provoni konfigurimet",
"Help" : "Ndihmë",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Grupet që i plotësojnë këto kushte gjenden te %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Nuk mund të zbulohej atributi i emrit të ekranit të përdoruesit. Ju lutemi specifikoni vetë në avancë parametrat e LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "S’u gjet dot veçoria e dëshiruar",
"Invalid Host" : "Strehë e Pavlefshme",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Backend i përdoruesve dhe grupit të LDAP",
"Test Configuration" : "Provoni konfigurimet",
"Help" : "Ndihmë",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Grupet që i plotësojnë këto kushte gjenden te %s:",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Не могу да пронађем атрибут имена за приказ корисника. Молимо сами га наведите у LDAP напредним подешавањима.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Не могу да пронађем жељену особину",
"Invalid Host" : "Неисправан домаћин",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Позадински мотор за LDAP корисника и групу",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Ова апликација омогућава администраторима да повежу Некстклауд на LDAP-базирани кориснички директоријум",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Ова апликација омогућава администраторима да повежу Некстклауд на LDAP-базирани кориснички директоријум за проверу идентитета и прављење корисника, група и корисничких атрибута. Администратори могу да подесе повезивање ове апликације са једним или више LDAP директоријума или Active Directories преко LDAP интерфејса. Атрибути, као што су корисничка квота, адреса е-поште, аватар слика, припадност групама и остало се могу повући у Некстклауд из директоријума преко одговарајућих упита и филтера.\n\nКорисник се пријављује у Некстклауд преко својих LDAP или AD акредитива и одобрава му се приступ према захтеву за проверу идентитета којима управљају LDAP или AD сервери. Некстклауд не складишти LDAP и AD лозинке, него се само ови акредитиви користе за проверу идентитета корисника и на даље Некстклауд користи сесију као ID корисника. Више информација је доступно у документацији LDAP кориснички и групни позадински мотор.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Не могу да пронађем атрибут имена за приказ корисника. Молимо сами га наведите у LDAP напредним подешавањима.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Не могу да пронађем жељену особину",
"Invalid Host" : "Неисправан домаћин",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "Позадински мотор за LDAP корисника и групу",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Ова апликација омогућава администраторима да повежу Некстклауд на LDAP-базирани кориснички директоријум",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Ова апликација омогућава администраторима да повежу Некстклауд на LDAP-базирани кориснички директоријум за проверу идентитета и прављење корисника, група и корисничких атрибута. Администратори могу да подесе повезивање ове апликације са једним или више LDAP директоријума или Active Directories преко LDAP интерфејса. Атрибути, као што су корисничка квота, адреса е-поште, аватар слика, припадност групама и остало се могу повући у Некстклауд из директоријума преко одговарајућих упита и филтера.\n\nКорисник се пријављује у Некстклауд преко својих LDAP или AD акредитива и одобрава му се приступ према захтеву за проверу идентитета којима управљају LDAP или AD сервери. Некстклауд не складишти LDAP и AD лозинке, него се само ови акредитиви користе за проверу идентитета корисника и на даље Некстклауд користи сесију као ID корисника. Више информација је доступно у документацији LDAP кориснички и групни позадински мотор.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Kunde inte upptäcka ditt visningsnamnsattribut. Vänligen specificera det själv i avancerade inställningar för LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Det gick inte hitta den önskade funktionen",
"Invalid Host" : "Felaktig värd",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP-användare och gruppbackend",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Den här applikationen gör det möjligt för administratörer att ansluta Nextcloud till en LDAP-baserad användarkatalog.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Den här applikationen gör det möjligt för administratörer att ansluta Nextcloud till en LDAP-baserad användarkatalog för autentisering och provisioning av användare, grupper och användarattribut. Admins kan konfigurera den här applikationen för att ansluta till en eller flera LDAP-kataloger eller AD via ett LDAP-gränssnitt. Attribut som användarkvot, e-post, avatarbilder, gruppmedlemskap och mer kan hämtas in till Nextcloud från en katalog med relevanta frågor och filter.\n\nEn användare loggar in i Nextcloud med sina LDAP- eller AD-referenser, och beviljas åtkomst baserat på en autentiseringsbegäran som hanteras av LDAP- eller AD-servern. Nextcloud lagrar inte LDAP- eller AD-lösenord, utan dessa referenser används för att verifiera en användare och Nextcloud använder en session för användar-ID. Mer information finns i dokumentationen för LDAP User and Group Backend.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Kunde inte upptäcka ditt visningsnamnsattribut. Vänligen specificera det själv i avancerade inställningar för LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Det gick inte hitta den önskade funktionen",
"Invalid Host" : "Felaktig värd",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP-användare och gruppbackend",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Den här applikationen gör det möjligt för administratörer att ansluta Nextcloud till en LDAP-baserad användarkatalog.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Den här applikationen gör det möjligt för administratörer att ansluta Nextcloud till en LDAP-baserad användarkatalog för autentisering och provisioning av användare, grupper och användarattribut. Admins kan konfigurera den här applikationen för att ansluta till en eller flera LDAP-kataloger eller AD via ett LDAP-gränssnitt. Attribut som användarkvot, e-post, avatarbilder, gruppmedlemskap och mer kan hämtas in till Nextcloud från en katalog med relevanta frågor och filter.\n\nEn användare loggar in i Nextcloud med sina LDAP- eller AD-referenser, och beviljas åtkomst baserat på en autentiseringsbegäran som hanteras av LDAP- eller AD-servern. Nextcloud lagrar inte LDAP- eller AD-lösenord, utan dessa referenser används för att verifiera en användare och Nextcloud använder en session för användar-ID. Mer information finns i dokumentationen för LDAP User and Group Backend.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Görüntülenecek kullanıcı adı özniteliği algılanamadı. Lütfen gelişmiş LDAP ayarları bölümünden siz belirtin.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "İstenilen özellik bulunamadı",
"Invalid Host" : "Sunucu Geçersiz",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP kullanıcı ve grup arka yüzü",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Bu uygulama yöneticilerin Nextcloud sunucusunu bir LDAP temelli kullanıcı klasörüne bağlamasını sağlar.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Bu uygulama, yöneticilerin kimlik doğrulamak, kullanıcı ve grup oluşturmak ve kullanıcı öznitelikleri atamak için Nextcloud sunucusu ile LDAP temelli bir kullanıcı dizinini birbirine bağlamasını sağlar. Yöneticiler LDAP arayüzünden bu uygulamayı birden fazla LDAP dizini ya da Aktif Dizine bağlanacak şekilde yapılandırabilir. Kullanıcı kotası, e-posta, avatar görselleri, grup üyelikleri gibi kullanıcı öznitelikleri uygun sorgu ve süzgeçler kullanılarak dizin üzerinden Nextcloud üzerine çekilebilir.\n\nKullanıcılar Nextcloud oturumunu açmak için LDAP ya da AD kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini kullanır ve LDAP ya da AD sunucusunun vereceği onay ve izinlere göre erişim iznine sahip olur. Nextcloud üzerinde LDAP ya da AD parolaları depolanmaz. Bunun yerine bir kullanıcının kimliğini doğrulamak için kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kullanılır ve Nextcloud Kullanıcı Kodu için bir oturum kullanır. Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için LDAP Kullanıcı ve Grup Arka Yüzü belgelerine bakabilirsiniz.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Görüntülenecek kullanıcı adı özniteliği algılanamadı. Lütfen gelişmiş LDAP ayarları bölümünden siz belirtin.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "İstenilen özellik bulunamadı",
"Invalid Host" : "Sunucu Geçersiz",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP kullanıcı ve grup arka yüzü",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "Bu uygulama yöneticilerin Nextcloud sunucusunu bir LDAP temelli kullanıcı klasörüne bağlamasını sağlar.",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "Bu uygulama, yöneticilerin kimlik doğrulamak, kullanıcı ve grup oluşturmak ve kullanıcı öznitelikleri atamak için Nextcloud sunucusu ile LDAP temelli bir kullanıcı dizinini birbirine bağlamasını sağlar. Yöneticiler LDAP arayüzünden bu uygulamayı birden fazla LDAP dizini ya da Aktif Dizine bağlanacak şekilde yapılandırabilir. Kullanıcı kotası, e-posta, avatar görselleri, grup üyelikleri gibi kullanıcı öznitelikleri uygun sorgu ve süzgeçler kullanılarak dizin üzerinden Nextcloud üzerine çekilebilir.\n\nKullanıcılar Nextcloud oturumunu açmak için LDAP ya da AD kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini kullanır ve LDAP ya da AD sunucusunun vereceği onay ve izinlere göre erişim iznine sahip olur. Nextcloud üzerinde LDAP ya da AD parolaları depolanmaz. Bunun yerine bir kullanıcının kimliğini doğrulamak için kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kullanılır ve Nextcloud Kullanıcı Kodu için bir oturum kullanır. Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için LDAP Kullanıcı ve Grup Arka Yüzü belgelerine bakabilirsiniz.",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "无法检测到用户的显示名称属性。请在高级 LDAP 设置中指定。",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "无法找到所需的功能",
"Invalid Host" : "无效的主机",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP 用户和组后端",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "这个应用能够让管理员们将一个基于LDAP的用户目录与Nextcloud连接起来",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "本应用启用功能使管理员可将 Nextcloud 与基于 LDAP 的用户目录连接,进行身份验证以及提供用户、群组和用户属性。管理员可配置此程序通过 LDAP 接口连接至一个或多个 LDAP 或 Active Directory 目录。通过适当的查询和筛选,可将以下属性从目录导入 Nextcloud: 用户磁盘配额、电子邮箱、头像、所属群组以及更多。\n\n用户可以用其LDAP或AD中的身份登录 Nextcloud, 并根据 LDAP 或 AD 服务的身份验证获得访问权限。Nextcloud 仅使用身份验证随后为用户身份使用会话,但不会储存LDAP或AD的密码。您可从 LDAP 用户及群组后台文档中获取更多信息。",
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "无法检测到用户的显示名称属性。请在高级 LDAP 设置中指定。",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "无法找到所需的功能",
"Invalid Host" : "无效的主机",
+ "LDAP user and group backend" : "LDAP 用户和组后端",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory." : "这个应用能够让管理员们将一个基于LDAP的用户目录与Nextcloud连接起来",
"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.\n\nA user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation." : "本应用启用功能使管理员可将 Nextcloud 与基于 LDAP 的用户目录连接,进行身份验证以及提供用户、群组和用户属性。管理员可配置此程序通过 LDAP 接口连接至一个或多个 LDAP 或 Active Directory 目录。通过适当的查询和筛选,可将以下属性从目录导入 Nextcloud: 用户磁盘配额、电子邮箱、头像、所属群组以及更多。\n\n用户可以用其LDAP或AD中的身份登录 Nextcloud, 并根据 LDAP 或 AD 服务的身份验证获得访问权限。Nextcloud 仅使用身份验证随后为用户身份使用会话,但不会储存LDAP或AD的密码。您可从 LDAP 用户及群组后台文档中获取更多信息。",
"We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "IP adresinizden yapılan birden çok geçersiz oturum açma girişimi algılandı. Bu nedenle oturum açmanız 30 saniye süreyle engellendi.",
"Reset password" : "Parolayı sıfırla",
+ "A password reset message has been sent to the e-mail address of this account. If you do not receive it, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administrator for help." : "Bu hesabın e-posta adresine bir parola sıfırlama iletisi gönderildi. Bir e-posta almazsanız gelen kutunuzdaki spam/gereksiz klasörlerine bakın ya da yardım almak için sistem yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "E-postayı göremiyorsanız yerel sistem yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"Password can not be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Parola değiştirilemedi. Lütfen yöneticiniz ile görüşün.",
"We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "IP adresinizden yapılan birden çok geçersiz oturum açma girişimi algılandı. Bu nedenle oturum açmanız 30 saniye süreyle engellendi.",
"Reset password" : "Parolayı sıfırla",
+ "A password reset message has been sent to the e-mail address of this account. If you do not receive it, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administrator for help." : "Bu hesabın e-posta adresine bir parola sıfırlama iletisi gönderildi. Bir e-posta almazsanız gelen kutunuzdaki spam/gereksiz klasörlerine bakın ya da yardım almak için sistem yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "E-postayı göremiyorsanız yerel sistem yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"Password can not be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Parola değiştirilemedi. Lütfen yöneticiniz ile görüşün.",