+*[Vaadin](https://vaadin.com) is a Java framework for building modern web applications that look great, perform well and make you and your users happy.*
+For instructions about _using_ Vaadin to develop applications, please refer to
+To contribute, first refer to https://vaadin.com/wiki/-/wiki/Main/Contributing+Code
+for general instructions and requirements for contributing code to the Vaadin framework.
+Instructions on how to set up a working environment for developing the Vaadin
+framework follow below.
Cloning the project repositories
* https://github.com/vaadin/gwt.git
* https://github.com/vaadin/gwt-tools.git
-Start by cloning these repositories into the same folder:
+Start by cloning these repositories **into the same folder**:
<pre><code>git clone https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin.git
git clone https://github.com/vaadin/gwt.git
git clone https://github.com/vaadin/gwt-tools.git</code></pre>
Start Eclipse
-Start Eclipse and use the root checkout folder (the one containing the *vaadin*, *gwt* and *gwt-tools* folders) as the workspace folder
+Start Eclipse and **use the root checkout folder** (the one containing the *vaadin*, *gwt* and *gwt-tools* folders) **as the workspace folder**
Install IvyDE
1. Enter `http://www.apache.org/dist/ant/ivyde/updatesite` in the "Work with:" text field
1. Select and install all items
-If you have installed IvyDE via the Eclipse Marketplace previously, make sure that you also have *Apache Ivy Ant Targets* installed, which is not included in that IvyDE installation:
+If you have installed IvyDE via the Eclipse Marketplace previously, **make sure** that you also have *Apache Ivy Ant Tasks* installed, which is not included in that IvyDE installation:
1. Go to *Help* -> *Install New Software...*
1. Click the hyperlink in the "What is already installed?" sentence near the bottom right-hand corner
1. Go to *Java* -> *Build Path* -> *Classpath Variables*
1. Add two new variables
1. GWT_TOOLS referring to the gwt-tools folder containing the dependency jars
- 1. JDK_HOME referring to your jdk installation directory
+ 1. JDK_HOME referring to your jdk installation directory
![GWT_TOOLS](http://f.cl.ly/items/1k2Z1n2v0p0y3l0X0D1G/ClasspathVars.png "Defining GWT_TOOLS")
1. Go to Java -> Compiler
1. Check that the compliance level has been set to 1.6
Compiling the Default Widget Set and Themes
-Compile the default widget set by executing the default target in build/ide.xml in the vaadin project.
+Compile the default widget set by executing the default target in build/ide.xml in the vaadin project.
In Eclipse this is done by opening build/ide.xml, right clicking on it and choosing *Run As* -> *Ant Build*.
![CompileWidgetSet](http://cl.ly/image/1R43162b282e/build.png "Compiling the Widget Set")
Running a UI test
-The *vaadin* project includes an embedded Jetty which is used for running the UI tests.
-It is a standard Java application: *com.vaadin.launcher.DevelopmentServerLauncher*.
+The *vaadin* project includes an embedded Jetty which is used for running the UI tests.
+It is a standard Java application: *com.vaadin.launcher.DevelopmentServerLauncher*.
Launch it in debug mode in Eclipse by right clicking on it and selecting *Debug As* -> *Java Application*.
This launches a Jetty on port 8888 which allows you to run any UI class in the project by opening http://localhost:8888/run/<UI class name>?restartApplication in your browser, e.g. [http://localhost:8888/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.label.LabelModes?restartApplication](http://localhost:8888/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.label.LabelModes?restartApplication) (Add ?restartApplication to ensure).
Running this in the *gwt* directory will run the GWT JUnit tests.
Running it in the *vaadin* directory will run the Vaadin JUnit tests.
-Running the Vaadin TestBench tests currently requires access to a correctly configured TestBench 2 cluster, only available inside Vaadin.
+Note that the included Vaadin TestBench (browser) tests currently requires access to a TestBench cluster, which is currently only available internally at Vaadin Ltd.
Building a package
-The distribution files can be built in a few steps. First build the *gwt* project by running
+The distribution files can be built in a few steps. First build the *gwt* project by running
in the *gwt* directory. The elemental package needs to be built separately:
<pre><code>ant elemental</code></pre>
Then build the *vaadin* project by running
in the *vaadin* directory.