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-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a remote display system which allows you to view a computing 'desktop' environment not only on the\
-machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures. This package contains a\
-client which will allow you to connect to other desktops running a VNC server.\
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a remote display system which allows you to view and interact with a virtual desktop environment that is running on another computer on the network. Using VNC, you can run graphical applications on a remote machine and send only the display from these applications to your local machine. VNC is platform-independent and supports a wide variety of operating systems and architectures as both servers and clients. This package contains a client which will allow you to connect to a VNC server.\
+TigerVNC is a high-speed version of VNC based on the RealVNC 4 and X.org code bases. TigerVNC started as a next-generation development effort for TightVNC on Unix and Linux platforms, but it split from its parent project in early 2009 so that TightVNC could focus on Windows platforms. TigerVNC supports a variant of Tight encoding that is greatly accelerated by the use of the libjpeg-turbo JPEG codec. TigerVNC has replaced RealVNC in the Fedora Project, and there are long-term plans for it to replace TurboVNC in the VirtualGL Project as well.\
+The Macintosh X11 application must be installed and started prior to using the TigerVNC Viewer.\
-\cf0 \
-TigerVNC is a high-speed version of VNC based on the RealVNC 4 and X.org code bases. TigerVNC started as a next-generation development effort for TightVNC on Unix and Linux platforms, but it split from its parent project in early 2009 so that TightVNC could focus on Windows platforms. TigerVNC supports a variant of Tight encoding that is greatly accelerated by the use of the libjpeg-turbo JPEG codec. TigerVNC has replaced RealVNC in the Fedora Project and aims to eventually replace TurboVNC as well.\
+\f1 \cf0 man -M /opt/TigerVNC/man vncviewer\
+\f0 \cf0 displays detailed usage information.\
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