private static class LineBreakPosition extends LeafPosition {
// int iPos;
int iParIndex; // index of the Paragraph this Position refers to
-/*LF*/ int availableShrink;
-/*LF*/ int availableStretch;
-/*LF*/ int difference;
+ int availableShrink;
+ int availableStretch;
+ int difference;
double dAdjust; // Percentage to adjust (stretch or shrink)
double ipdAdjust; // Percentage to adjust (stretch or shrink)
int startIndent;
int lineHeight;
-/*LF*/ int lineWidth;
+ int lineWidth;
int baseline;
-/*LF*/ int topShift;
-/*LF*/ int bottomShift;
+ int topShift;
+ int bottomShift;
LineBreakPosition(LayoutManager lm, int index, int iBreakIndex,
int shrink, int stretch, int diff,
double ipdA, double adjust, int ind,
int lh, int lw, int bl, int ts, int bs) {
super(lm, iBreakIndex);
-/*LF*/ availableShrink = shrink;
-/*LF*/ availableStretch = stretch;
-/*LF*/ difference = diff;
+ availableShrink = shrink;
+ availableStretch = stretch;
+ difference = diff;
iParIndex = index;
ipdAdjust = ipdA;
dAdjust = adjust;
startIndent = ind;
lineHeight = lh;
-/*LF*/ lineWidth = lw;
+ lineWidth = lw;
baseline = bl;
-/*LF*/ topShift = ts;
-/*LF*/ bottomShift = bs;
+ topShift = ts;
+ bottomShift = bs;
private Length textIndent;
private int iIndents = 0;
private CommonHyphenation hyphProps;
- //private LayoutProps layoutProps; /*LF*/
+ //private LayoutProps layoutProps;
private int lineHeight;
private int lead;
private LineLayoutPossibilities lineLayouts;
private List lineLayoutsList;
- private int iLineWidth = 0; /*LF*/
+ private int iLineWidth = 0;
// this constant is used to create elements when text-align is center:
// every TextLM descendant of LineLM must use the same value,
// backwards, from the last one to the first one
// the first time this method is called, initialize activePossibility
if (activePossibility == -1) {
activePossibility = 0;
addedPositions = 0;
if (addedPositions == lineLayouts.getLineCount(activePossibility)) {
activePossibility ++;
addedPositions = 0;
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" ");
+ //System.out.println(" ");
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println("LLM> (" + (lineLayouts.getLineNumber(activePossibility) - addedPositions) + ") difference = " + difference + " ratio = " + ratio);
+ //System.out.println("LLM> (" + (lineLayouts.getLineNumber(activePossibility) - addedPositions) + ") difference = " + difference + " ratio = " + ratio);
(bestActiveNode.line > 1 ? bestActiveNode.previous.position + 1: 0),
addedPositions ++;
- /* reinizializza le variabili in modo da comportarsi come se
- * non ci fosse stato un tentativo precedente
+ /* reset activePossibility, as if breakpoints have not yet been computed
public void resetAlgorithm() {
activePossibility = -1;
int halfLeading = (lineHeight - lead - follow) / 2;
// height before the main baseline
- /*LF*/ int lineLead = lead;
+ int lineLead = lead;
// maximum size of top and bottom alignment
- /*LF*/ int maxtb = follow;
+ int maxtb = follow;
// max size of middle alignment before and after the middle baseline
int middlefollow = maxtb;
-/*LF*/ // if line-stacking-strategy is "font-height", the line height
-/*LF*/ // is not affected by its content
-/*LF*/ if (fobj.getLineStackingStrategy() != EN_FONT_HEIGHT) {
+ // if line-stacking-strategy is "font-height", the line height
+ // is not affected by its content
+ if (fobj.getLineStackingStrategy() != EN_FONT_HEIGHT) {
ListIterator inlineIterator
= par.listIterator(firstElementIndex);
for (int j = firstElementIndex;
if (maxtb - lineLead > middlefollow) {
middlefollow = maxtb - lineLead;
-/*LF*/ }
+ }
- /*LF*/ //lineLead += halfLeading;
- /*LF*/ //middlefollow += lineHeight - lead - follow - halfLeading;
+ //lineLead += halfLeading;
+ //middlefollow += lineHeight - lead - follow - halfLeading;
-/*LF*/ constantLineHeight = lineLead + middlefollow + (lineHeight - lead - follow);
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println("teorica: " + lineHeight + " reale: " + (lineLead + middlefollow + (lineHeight - lead - follow)) + " halfleading = " + halfLeading + " e " + (lineHeight - lead - follow - halfLeading));
+ constantLineHeight = lineLead + middlefollow + (lineHeight - lead - follow);
+ //System.out.println("desired height: " + lineHeight + " actual height: " + (lineLead + middlefollow + (lineHeight - lead - follow)) + " halfleading = " + halfLeading + " and " + (lineHeight - lead - follow - halfLeading));
return new LineBreakPosition(thisLLM,
// and find the optimum line number
ListIterator activeListIterator = activeList.listIterator();
KnuthNode tempNode = null;
- //System.out.println("LBA.filterActiveList> " + activeList.size() + " possibilita'");
+ //System.out.println("LBA.filterActiveList> " + activeList.size() + " layouts");
while (activeListIterator.hasNext()) {
tempNode = (KnuthNode);
- //System.out.println(" + linee= " + tempNode.line + " demeriti= " + tempNode.totalDemerits);
+ //System.out.println(" + lines = " + tempNode.line + " demerits = " + tempNode.totalDemerits);
if (bestActiveNode == null
|| tempNode.totalDemerits < bestActiveNode.totalDemerits) {
bestActiveNode = tempNode;
// scan activeList once again and remove some nodes
activeListIterator = activeList.listIterator();
tempNode = null;
- //System.out.println("LBA.filterActiveList> cernita");
+ //System.out.println("LBA.filterActiveList> layout selection");
while (activeListIterator.hasNext()) {
tempNode = (KnuthNode);
//if (Math.abs(tempNode.line - bestActiveNode.line) > maxDiff) {
//if (false) {
if (tempNode.line != bestActiveNode.line
&& tempNode.totalDemerits > MAX_DEMERITS) {
- //System.out.println(" XXX linee= " + tempNode.line + " demeriti= " + tempNode.totalDemerits);
+ //System.out.println(" XXX lines = " + tempNode.line + " demerits = " + tempNode.totalDemerits);
} else {
- //System.out.println(" ok linee= " + tempNode.line + " demeriti= " + tempNode.totalDemerits);
+ //System.out.println(" ok lines = " + tempNode.line + " demerits = " + tempNode.totalDemerits);
} else {
// leave only bestActiveNode in the activeList
KnuthNode tempNode = null;
- //System.out.println("LBA.filterActiveList> " + activeList.size() + " possibilita'");
+ //System.out.println("LBA.filterActiveList> " + activeList.size() + " layouts");
while (activeList.size() > 0) {
tempNode = (KnuthNode)activeList.removeFirst();
- //System.out.println(" + linee= " + tempNode.line + " demeriti= " + tempNode.totalDemerits);
+ //System.out.println(" + lines = " + tempNode.line + " demerits = " + tempNode.totalDemerits);
if (bestActiveNode == null
|| tempNode.totalDemerits < bestActiveNode.totalDemerits) {
bestActiveNode = tempNode;
- //System.out.println(" migliore " + bestActiveNode.line);
+ //System.out.println(" best " + bestActiveNode.line);
return bestActiveNode.line;
private int constantLineHeight = 12000;
* Create a new Line Layout Manager.
lineHeight = lh;
lead = l;
follow = f;
-/*LF*/ middleShift = ms;
+ middleShift = ms;
initialize(); // Normally done when started by parent!
ListIterator paragraphsIterator
= knuthParagraphs.listIterator(knuthParagraphs.size());
Paragraph currPar = null;
-/*LF*/ LineBreakingAlgorithm alg;
-/*LF*/ lineLayoutsList = new ArrayList(knuthParagraphs.size());
+ LineBreakingAlgorithm alg;
+ lineLayoutsList = new ArrayList(knuthParagraphs.size());
while (paragraphsIterator.hasPrevious()) {
-/*LF*/ lineLayouts = new LineLayoutPossibilities();
+ lineLayouts = new LineLayoutPossibilities();
currPar = (Paragraph) paragraphsIterator.previous();
double maxAdjustment = 1;
int iBPcount = 0;
// use non-hyphenated breaks, when possible
- /* *** *** estensione *** *** */
+ /* extension (not in the XSL FO recommendation): if vertical alignment
+ is justify and the paragraph has only one layout, try using
+ shorter or longer lines */
//TODO This code snippet is disabled. Reenable?
if (false && alignment == EN_JUSTIFY && bTextAlignment == EN_JUSTIFY) {
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println("LLM.getNextKnuthElements> soluzioni con piu' righe? " + lineLayouts.canUseMoreLines());
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" soluzioni con meno righe? " + lineLayouts.canUseLessLines());
+ //System.out.println("LLM.getNextKnuthElements> layouts with more lines? " + lineLayouts.canUseMoreLines());
+ //System.out.println(" layouts with fewer lines? " + lineLayouts.canUseLessLines());
if (!lineLayouts.canUseMoreLines()) {
iLineWidth = savedLineWidth;
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println("LLM.getNextKnuthElements> ora, soluzioni con piu' righe? " + lineLayouts.canUseMoreLines());
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" ora, soluzioni con meno righe? " + lineLayouts.canUseLessLines());
+ //System.out.println("LLM.getNextKnuthElements> now, layouts with more lines? " + lineLayouts.canUseMoreLines());
+ //System.out.println(" now, layouts with fewer lines? " + lineLayouts.canUseLessLines());
- /* *** *** estensione *** *** */
-/*LF*/ lineLayoutsList.add(0, lineLayouts);
+ lineLayoutsList.add(0, lineLayouts);
-/*LF*/ setFinished(true);
+ setFinished(true);
//Post-process the line breaks found
return postProcessLineBreaks(alignment);
lineLayouts = (LineLayoutPossibilities)lineLayoutsList.get(p);
if (alignment == EN_JUSTIFY) {
- /* ALLINEAMENTO GIUSTIFICATO, elementi con Position simboliche */
+ /* justified vertical alignment (not in the XSL FO recommendation):
+ create a multi-layout sequence whose elements will contain
+ a conventional Position */
Position returnPosition = new LeafPosition(this, p);
- /*LF*/ createElements(returnList, lineLayouts, returnPosition);
- /* inizio commento
- if (layoutProps.orphans + layoutProps.widows <= lineLayouts.getMinLineNumber()
- && !((BlockLevelLayoutManager) parentLM).mustKeepTogether()) {
- // the lines of this paragraph can be parted;
- // for example, if widows = orphans = 2
- // and the paragraph has 8(-1,+2) lines:
- // line
- // line
- // ---- the page can end here ----
- // line
- // ---- or here ----
- // line
- // ---- or here ----
- // line
- // ---- or here ----
- // [optional line, if more than 8 are needed]
- // ---- or here ----
- // [optional line, if more than 8 are needed]
- // ---- or here ----
- // line [optionally disappearing]
- // ---- or here
- // line
- // line
- // the first (layoutProps.orphans) lines
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(layoutProps.orphans * constantLineHeight, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, returnPosition, false));
- // non-optional lines
- for (int i = 0;
- i < (lineLayouts.getMinLineNumber() - layoutProps.orphans - layoutProps.widows);
- i ++) {
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(1 * constantLineHeight, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, returnPosition, false));
- }
- // optional lines
- for (int i = 0;
- i < (lineLayouts.getMaxLineNumber() - lineLayouts.getOptLineNumber());
- i ++) {
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(0, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 1 * constantLineHeight, 0,
- LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(0, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, returnPosition, false));
- }
- // optionally disappearing lines
- for (int i = 0;
- i < (lineLayouts.getOptLineNumber() - lineLayouts.getMinLineNumber());
- i ++) {
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(1 * constantLineHeight, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 1 * constantLineHeight,
- LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(0, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, returnPosition, false));
- }
- // the last (layoutProps.widows) lines
- // the boolean parameter is true, so it's easy to see where a sequence
- // representing a paragraph ends
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(layoutProps.widows * constantLineHeight, returnPosition, true));
- } else if (layoutProps.orphans + layoutProps.widows <= lineLayouts.getMaxLineNumber()
- && !((BlockLevelLayoutManager) parentLM).mustKeepTogether()) {
- // the lines can be parted according to the line number
- int optLines;
- int moreLines;
- int lessLines;
- if (layoutProps.orphans + layoutProps.widows <= lineLayouts.getOptLineNumber()) {
- optLines = lineLayouts.getMinLineNumber();
- moreLines = lineLayouts.getMaxLineNumber() - optLines;
- lessLines = 0;
- } else {
- optLines = lineLayouts.getOptLineNumber();
- moreLines = lineLayouts.getMaxLineNumber() - optLines;
- lessLines = optLines - lineLayouts.getMinLineNumber();
- }
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox((optLines - layoutProps.widows) * constantLineHeight,
- returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty((layoutProps.orphans + layoutProps.widows - optLines) * constantLineHeight,
- 0, false, returnPosition, false));
- for (int i = 0;
- i < (optLines + moreLines - layoutProps.orphans - layoutProps.widows);
- i ++) {
- returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 1 * constantLineHeight, 0,
- LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(0,
- returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty((layoutProps.orphans + layoutProps.widows - optLines) * constantLineHeight,
- 0, false, returnPosition, false));
- }
- returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, (layoutProps.orphans + layoutProps.widows - optLines) * constantLineHeight, lessLines * constantLineHeight,
- LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, returnPosition, false));
- // the boolean parameter is true, so it's easy to see where a sequence
- // representing a paragraph ends
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(layoutProps.widows * constantLineHeight,
- returnPosition, true));
- } else {
- // the lines of this paragraph cannot be parted;
- int optLines = lineLayouts.getOptLineNumber();
- int moreLines = lineLayouts.getMaxLineNumber() - optLines;
- int lessLines = optLines - lineLayouts.getMinLineNumber();
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(optLines * constantLineHeight,
- returnPosition , (moreLines != 0 || lessLines != 0) ? false : true));
- if (moreLines != 0 || lessLines != 0) {
- returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
- returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, moreLines * constantLineHeight, lessLines * constantLineHeight,
- LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, returnPosition, false));
- // the boolean parameter is true, so it's easy to see where a sequence
- // representing a paragraph ends
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(0, returnPosition, true));
- }
- }
- fine commento */
+ createElements(returnList, lineLayouts, returnPosition);
} else {
- /* ALLINEAMENTO NON GIUSTIFICATO, elementi con Position effettive */
+ /* "normal" vertical alignment: create a sequence whose boxes
+ represent effective lines, and contain LineBreakPositions */
Position returnPosition = new LeafPosition(this, p);
for (int i = 0;
i < lineLayouts.getChosenLineCount();
// null penalty allowing a page break between lines
returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthBox(1 * constantLineHeight,
+ returnList.add(new KnuthBox(((LineBreakPosition) lineLayouts.getChosenPosition(i)).lineHeight,
lineLayouts.getChosenPosition(i), false));
-/*LF*/ return returnList;
+ return returnList;
- /*LF inizio nuova procedura di creazione degli elementi */
private void createElements(List list, LineLayoutPossibilities lineLayouts,
Position elementPosition) {
/* number of normal, inner lines */
/* sub-sequence used to separate the elements representing different lines */
List breaker = new LinkedList();
-/* commentare via per testare layout particolari */
+ /* comment out the next lines in order to test particular situations */
if (fobj.getOrphans() + fobj.getWidows() <= lineLayouts.getMinLineCount()) {
nInnerLines = lineLayouts.getMinLineCount() - (fobj.getOrphans() + fobj.getWidows());
nOptionalLines = lineLayouts.getMaxLineCount() - lineLayouts.getOptLineCount();
nFirstLines = lineLayouts.getOptLineCount();
nLastLines = 0;
-/* commentare via per testare layout particolari */
+ /* comment out the previous lines in order to test particular situations */
-/* inizio caso particolare da testare
+ /* use these lines to test particular situations
nInnerLines = 0;
nOptionalLines = 1;
nConditionalOptionalLines = 2;
nConditionalEliminableLines = 0;
nFirstLines = 1;
nLastLines = 3;
- fine caso particolare da testare */
+ */
if (nLastLines != 0
&& (nConditionalOptionalLines > 0 || nConditionalEliminableLines > 0)) {
breaker.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, elementPosition, false));
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println("first=" + nFirstLines + " inner=" + nInnerLines
+ //System.out.println("first=" + nFirstLines + " inner=" + nInnerLines
// + " optional=" + nOptionalLines + " eliminable=" + nEliminableLines
// + " last=" + nLastLines
// + " (condOpt=" + nConditionalOptionalLines + " condEl=" + nConditionalEliminableLines + ")");
elementPosition, true));
-/*LF fine nuova procedura di creazione degli elementi*/
public boolean mustKeepTogether() {
return false;
//int lineNumberDifference = (int)((double) totalAdj / constantLineHeight);
int lineNumberDifference = (int) Math.round((double) totalAdj / constantLineHeight + (adj > 0 ? - 0.4 : 0.4));
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" LLM> variazione calcolata = " + ((double) totalAdj / constantLineHeight) + " variazione applicata = " + lineNumberDifference);
+ //System.out.println(" LLM> variazione calcolata = " + ((double) totalAdj / constantLineHeight) + " variazione applicata = " + lineNumberDifference);
lineLayouts = (LineLayoutPossibilities)lineLayoutsList.get(pos.getLeafPos());
lineNumberDifference = lineLayouts.applyLineCountAdjustment(lineNumberDifference);
return lineNumberDifference * constantLineHeight;
p < knuthParagraphs.size();
p ++) {
lineLayouts = (LineLayoutPossibilities)lineLayoutsList.get(p);
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println("demeriti definitivi: " + lineLayouts.getChosenDemerits());
+ //System.out.println("demerits of the chosen layout: " + lineLayouts.getChosenDemerits());
for (int i = 0;
i < lineLayouts.getChosenLineCount();
i ++) {
returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, new Position(this), false));
LineBreakPosition lbp = (LineBreakPosition) lineLayouts.getChosenPosition(i);
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println("LLM.getChangedKnuthElements> lineWidth= " + lbp.lineWidth + " difference= " + lbp.difference);
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" shrink= " + lbp.availableShrink + " stretch= " + lbp.availableStretch);
- /* nello shrink dell'ultima riga va ignorato quello dovuto al lineFiller */
- /* ma e' meglio fare queste direttamente quando si creano le
- linebreakposition, cosi' non c'e' bisogno di distinguere
- a questo punto ne' quando si ricalcola */
- /*int fillerShrink = ((Paragraph)knuthParagraphs.get(p)).lineFiller.opt - ((Paragraph)knuthParagraphs.get(p)).lineFiller.min;*/
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println("linewidth= " + lbp.lineWidth + " difference= " + lbp.difference + " indent= " + lbp.startIndent);
+ //System.out.println("LLM.getChangedKnuthElements> lineWidth= " + lbp.lineWidth + " difference= " + lbp.difference);
+ //System.out.println(" shrink= " + lbp.availableShrink + " stretch= " + lbp.availableStretch);
+ //System.out.println("linewidth= " + lbp.lineWidth + " difference= " + lbp.difference + " indent= " + lbp.startIndent);
MinOptMax contentIPD;
if (alignment == EN_JUSTIFY) {
contentIPD = new MinOptMax(
} else {
contentIPD = new MinOptMax(lbp.lineWidth - lbp.difference + lbp.startIndent);
- returnList.add(new KnuthBlockBox(1 * constantLineHeight,
+ returnList.add(new KnuthBlockBox(lbp.lineHeight,
(lbp.ipdAdjust != 0 ? lbp.lineWidth - lbp.difference : 0),
lbp, false));
-/*LF*/ lc.setTopShift(lbp.topShift);
-/*LF*/ lc.setBottomShift(lbp.bottomShift);
+ lc.setTopShift(lbp.topShift);
+ lc.setBottomShift(lbp.bottomShift);
iCurrParIndex = lbp.iParIndex;
Paragraph currPar = (Paragraph) knuthParagraphs.get(iCurrParIndex);
lc.setTrailingSpace(new SpaceSpecifier(false));
lc.setFlags(LayoutContext.RESOLVE_LEADING_SPACE, true);
-/* *** *** extension *** *** */
+ /* extension (not in the XSL FO recommendation): if the left and right margins
+ have been optimized, recompute indents and / or adjust ratio, according
+ to the paragraph horizontal alignment */
if (false && bTextAlignment == EN_JUSTIFY) {
// re-compute space adjust ratio
int updatedDifference = context.getStackLimit().opt - lbp.lineWidth + lbp.difference;
updatedRatio = (float) updatedDifference / lbp.availableShrink;
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println("LLM.addAreas> vecchia differenza= " + lbp.difference + " differenza ricalcolata= " + updatedDifference);
-/*LF*/ //System.out.println(" vecchio coeff= " + lbp.ipdAdjust + " differenza ricalcolata= " + updatedRatio);
+ //System.out.println("LLM.addAreas> old difference = " + lbp.difference + " new difference = " + updatedDifference);
+ //System.out.println(" old ratio = " + lbp.ipdAdjust + " new ratio = " + updatedRatio);
} else if (false && bTextAlignment == EN_CENTER) {
// re-compute indent
int updatedIndent = lbp.startIndent + (context.getStackLimit().opt - lbp.lineWidth) / 2;
int updatedIndent = lbp.startIndent + (context.getStackLimit().opt - lbp.lineWidth);
-/* *** *** extension *** *** */
- setCurrentArea(lineArea); // spostata da prima
+ setCurrentArea(lineArea);
while ((childLM = inlinePosIter.getNextChildLM()) != null) {
lc.setFlags(LayoutContext.LAST_AREA, (childLM == lastLM));