Co-authored-by: zeripath <>
{{if $allowedToChangeTeams}}
- {{ $globalRepoAccess := (eq .LowerName "owners") }}
- <div class="ui two wide column {{if $globalRepoAccess}}poping up{{end}}" {{if $globalRepoAccess}}data-content="This team has access to all repositories and can't be removed."{{end}}>
- <button class="ui red tiny button inline text-thin delete-button {{if $globalRepoAccess}}disabled{{end}}" data-url="{{$.Link}}/team/delete" data-id="{{.ID}}">
+ <div class="ui two wide column {{if .IncludesAllRepositories}}poping up{{end}}" {{if .IncludesAllRepositories}}data-content="This team has access to all repositories and can't be removed."{{end}}>
+ <button class="ui red tiny button inline text-thin delete-button {{if .IncludesAllRepositories}}disabled{{end}}" data-url="{{$.Link}}/team/delete" data-id="{{.ID}}">
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.settings.delete_collaborator"}}