@project_module = nil
+ # Registers a +method+ to be called when Redmine runs a hook called
+ # +hook_name+
+ #
+ # # Run puts whenever the issue_show hook is called
+ # add_hook :issue_show, Proc.new { puts 'Hello' }
+ #
+ # # Call the class method +my_method+ passing in all the context
+ # add_hook :issue_show, Proc.new {|context| MyPlugin.my_method(context)}
+ def add_hook(hook_name, method)
+ Redmine::Plugin::Hook::Manager.add_listener(hook_name, method)
+ end
+ # Registers an activity provider.
+ #
+ # Options:
+ # * <tt>:class_name</tt> - one or more model(s) that provide these events (inferred from event_type by default)
+ # * <tt>:default</tt> - setting this option to false will make the events not displayed by default
+ #
+ # A model can provide several activity event types.
+ #
+ # Examples:
+ # register :news
+ # register :scrums, :class_name => 'Meeting'
+ # register :issues, :class_name => ['Issue', 'Journal']
+ #
+ # Retrieving events:
+ # Associated model(s) must implement the find_events class method.
+ # ActiveRecord models can use acts_as_activity_provider as a way to implement this class method.
+ #
+ # The following call should return all the scrum events visible by current user that occured in the 5 last days:
+ # Meeting.find_events('scrums', User.current, 5.days.ago, Date.today)
+ # Meeting.find_events('scrums', User.current, 5.days.ago, Date.today, :project => foo) # events for project foo only
+ #
+ # Note that :view_scrums permission is required to view these events in the activity view.
+ def activity_provider(*args)
+ Redmine::Activity.register(*args)
+ end
# Returns +true+ if the plugin can be configured.
def configurable?