# 'permission' is the key of the permission to add
# 'user' is the user identifier (login)
# OR
- # 'group' is the group identifier (name)
+ # 'group' is the group identifier (group name or 'anyone')
# -- Example
# curl -X POST -v -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:9000/api/permissions/add?permission=dashboard_sharing&user=new_user'
# 'permission' is the key of the permission to add
# 'user' is the user identifier (login)
# OR
- # 'group' is the group identifier (name)
+ # 'group' is the group identifier (group name or 'anyone')
# -- Example
# curl -X POST -v -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:9000/api/permissions/remove?permission=dashboard_sharing&user=new_user'