-import org.eclipse.jgit.api.CloneCommand;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.JGitTestUtil;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.RepositoryTestCase;
File hello = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "foo/hello.txt");
- assertTrue("submodule was checked out", hello.exists());
+ assertTrue("submodule should be checked out", hello.exists());
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(hello));
String content = reader.readLine();
- assertEquals("submodule content is as expected.", "master world", content);
+ assertEquals("submodule content should be as expected",
+ "master world", content);
// default should have foo, a & b
Repository localDb = createWorkRepository();
- JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(localDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
+ JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(
+ localDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
RepoCommand command = new RepoCommand(localDb);
- command.setPath(localDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
+ command
+ .setPath(localDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
File file = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "foo/hello.txt");
- assertTrue("default has foo", file.exists());
+ assertTrue("default should have foo", file.exists());
file = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "bar/world.txt");
- assertFalse("default doesn't have bar", file.exists());
+ assertFalse("default shouldn't have bar", file.exists());
file = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "a/a.txt");
- assertTrue("default has a", file.exists());
+ assertTrue("default should have a", file.exists());
file = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "b/b.txt");
- assertTrue("default has b", file.exists());
+ assertTrue("default should have b", file.exists());
// all,-a should have bar & b
localDb = createWorkRepository();
- JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(localDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
+ JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(
+ localDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
command = new RepoCommand(localDb);
- command.setPath(localDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
+ command
+ .setPath(localDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
file = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "foo/hello.txt");
- assertFalse("\"all,-a\" doesn't have foo", file.exists());
+ assertFalse("\"all,-a\" shouldn't have foo", file.exists());
file = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "bar/world.txt");
- assertTrue("\"all,-a\" has bar", file.exists());
+ assertTrue("\"all,-a\" should have bar", file.exists());
file = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "a/a.txt");
- assertFalse("\"all,-a\" doesn't have a", file.exists());
+ assertFalse("\"all,-a\" shuoldn't have a", file.exists());
file = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "b/b.txt");
- assertTrue("\"all,-a\" has have b", file.exists());
+ assertTrue("\"all,-a\" should have b", file.exists());
.append("<copyfile src=\"hello.txt\" dest=\"Hello\" />")
- JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(localDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
+ JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(
+ localDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
RepoCommand command = new RepoCommand(localDb);
- command.setPath(localDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
+ command
+ .setPath(localDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
// The original file should exist
File hello = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "foo/hello.txt");
- assertTrue("The original file exists", hello.exists());
+ assertTrue("The original file should exist", hello.exists());
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(hello));
String content = reader.readLine();
- assertEquals("The original file has expected content", "master world", content);
+ assertEquals("The original file should have expected content",
+ "master world", content);
// The dest file should also exist
hello = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "Hello");
- assertTrue("The destination file exists", hello.exists());
+ assertTrue("The destination file should exist", hello.exists());
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(hello));
content = reader.readLine();
- assertEquals("The destination file has expected content", "master world", content);
+ assertEquals("The destination file should have expected content",
+ "master world", content);
.append("\" />")
- JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(tempDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
+ JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(
+ tempDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
RepoCommand command = new RepoCommand(remoteDb);
- command.setPath(tempDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
+ command
+ .setPath(tempDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
// Clone it
File directory = createTempDirectory("testBareRepo");
- CloneCommand clone = Git.cloneRepository();
- clone.setDirectory(directory);
- clone.setURI(remoteDb.getDirectory().toURI().toString());
- Repository localDb =;
+ Repository localDb = Git
+ .cloneRepository()
+ .setDirectory(directory)
+ .setURI(remoteDb.getDirectory().toURI().toString())
+ .call()
+ .getRepository();
// The .gitmodules file should exist
File gitmodules = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), ".gitmodules");
- assertTrue("The .gitmodules file exists", gitmodules.exists());
+ assertTrue("The .gitmodules file should exist", gitmodules.exists());
// The first line of .gitmodules file should be expected
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(gitmodules));
String content = reader.readLine();
- assertEquals("The first line of .gitmodules file is as expected.",
+ assertEquals(
+ "The first line of .gitmodules file should be as expected",
"[submodule \"foo\"]", content);
// The gitlink should be the same as remote head sha1
String gitlink = localDb.resolve(Constants.HEAD + ":foo").name();
String remote = defaultDb.resolve(Constants.HEAD).name();
- assertEquals("The gitlink is same as remote head", remote, gitlink);
+ assertEquals("The gitlink should be the same as remote head",
+ remote, gitlink);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(hello));
String content = reader.readLine();
- assertEquals("submodule content is as expected.", "branch world", content);
+ assertEquals("submodule content should be as expected",
+ "branch world", content);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(hello));
String content = reader.readLine();
- assertEquals("submodule content is as expected.", "branch world", content);
+ assertEquals("submodule content should be as expected",
+ "branch world", content);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(hello));
String content = reader.readLine();
- assertEquals("submodule content is as expected.", "branch world", content);
+ assertEquals("submodule content should be as expected",
+ "branch world", content);
.append("\" />")
- JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(tempDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
+ JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(
+ tempDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
RepoCommand command = new RepoCommand(remoteDb);
- command.setPath(tempDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
+ command
+ .setPath(tempDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
// Clone it
File directory = createTempDirectory("testRevisionBare");
- CloneCommand clone = Git.cloneRepository();
- clone.setDirectory(directory);
- clone.setURI(remoteDb.getDirectory().toURI().toString());
- Repository localDb =;
+ Repository localDb = Git
+ .cloneRepository()
+ .setDirectory(directory)
+ .setURI(remoteDb.getDirectory().toURI().toString())
+ .call()
+ .getRepository();
// The gitlink should be the same as oldCommitId
String gitlink = localDb.resolve(Constants.HEAD + ":foo").name();
assertEquals("The gitlink is same as remote head",
.append("<copyfile src=\"hello.txt\" dest=\"Hello\" />")
- JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(tempDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
+ JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(
+ tempDb, "manifest.xml", xmlContent.toString());
RepoCommand command = new RepoCommand(remoteDb);
- command.setPath(tempDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
+ command
+ .setPath(tempDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.xml")
// Clone it
File directory = createTempDirectory("testCopyFileBare");
- CloneCommand clone = Git.cloneRepository();
- clone.setDirectory(directory);
- clone.setURI(remoteDb.getDirectory().toURI().toString());
- Repository localDb =;
+ Repository localDb = Git
+ .cloneRepository()
+ .setDirectory(directory)
+ .setURI(remoteDb.getDirectory().toURI().toString())
+ .call()
+ .getRepository();
// The Hello file should exist
File hello = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "Hello");
- assertTrue("The Hello file exists", hello.exists());
+ assertTrue("The Hello file should exist", hello.exists());
// The content of Hello file should be expected
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(hello));
String content = reader.readLine();
- assertEquals("The Hello file has expected content", "branch world", content);
+ assertEquals("The Hello file should have expected content",
+ "branch world", content);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testReplaceManifestBare() throws Exception {
+ Repository remoteDb = createBareRepository();
+ Repository tempDb = createWorkRepository();
+ StringBuilder xmlContent = new StringBuilder();
+ xmlContent.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n")
+ .append("<manifest>")
+ .append("<remote name=\"remote1\" fetch=\".\" />")
+ .append("<default revision=\"master\" remote=\"remote1\" />")
+ .append("<project path=\"foo\" name=\"")
+ .append(defaultUri)
+ .append("\" revision=\"")
+ .append(BRANCH)
+ .append("\" >")
+ .append("<copyfile src=\"hello.txt\" dest=\"Hello\" />")
+ .append("</project>")
+ .append("</manifest>");
+ JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(tempDb, "old.xml", xmlContent.toString());
+ RepoCommand command = new RepoCommand(remoteDb);
+ command.setPath(tempDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/old.xml")
+ .setURI(rootUri)
+ .call();
+ xmlContent = new StringBuilder();
+ xmlContent.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n")
+ .append("<manifest>")
+ .append("<remote name=\"remote1\" fetch=\".\" />")
+ .append("<default revision=\"master\" remote=\"remote1\" />")
+ .append("<project path=\"bar\" name=\"")
+ .append(defaultUri)
+ .append("\" revision=\"")
+ .append(BRANCH)
+ .append("\" >")
+ .append("<copyfile src=\"hello.txt\" dest=\"Hello.txt\" />")
+ .append("</project>")
+ .append("</manifest>");
+ JGitTestUtil.writeTrashFile(tempDb, "new.xml", xmlContent.toString());
+ command = new RepoCommand(remoteDb);
+ command.setPath(tempDb.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath() + "/new.xml")
+ .setURI(rootUri)
+ .call();
+ // Clone it
+ File directory = createTempDirectory("testReplaceManifestBare");
+ Repository localDb = Git
+ .cloneRepository()
+ .setDirectory(directory)
+ .setURI(remoteDb.getDirectory().toURI().toString())
+ .call()
+ .getRepository();
+ // The Hello file should not exist
+ File hello = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "Hello");
+ assertFalse("The Hello file shouldn't exist", hello.exists());
+ // The Hello.txt file should exist
+ File hellotxt = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(), "Hello.txt");
+ assertTrue("The Hello.txt file should exist", hellotxt.exists());
+ // The .gitmodules file should have 'submodule "bar"' and shouldn't have
+ // 'submodule "foo"' lines.
+ File dotmodules = new File(localDb.getWorkTree(),
+ Constants.DOT_GIT_MODULES);
+ BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dotmodules));
+ boolean foo = false;
+ boolean bar = false;
+ while (true) {
+ String line = reader.readLine();
+ if (line == null)
+ break;
+ if (line.contains("submodule \"foo\""))
+ foo = true;
+ if (line.contains("submodule \"bar\""))
+ bar = true;
+ }
+ reader.close();
+ assertTrue("The bar submodule should exist", bar);
+ assertFalse("The foo submodule shouldn't exist", foo);
private void resolveRelativeUris() {