-require 'rexml/document'\r
-require 'SVG/Graph/Graph'\r
-require 'SVG/Graph/BarBase'\r
-module SVG\r
- module Graph\r
- # === Create presentation quality SVG bar graphs easily\r
- #\r
- # = Synopsis\r
- #\r
- # require 'SVG/Graph/Bar'\r
- #\r
- # fields = %w(Jan Feb Mar);\r
- # data_sales_02 = [12, 45, 21]\r
- #\r
- # graph = SVG::Graph::Bar.new(\r
- # :height => 500,\r
- # :width => 300,\r
- # :fields => fields\r
- # )\r
- #\r
- # graph.add_data(\r
- # :data => data_sales_02,\r
- # :title => 'Sales 2002'\r
- # )\r
- #\r
- # print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\r\n\r\n"\r
- # print graph.burn\r
- #\r
- # = Description\r
- #\r
- # This object aims to allow you to easily create high quality\r
- # SVG[http://www.w3c.org/tr/svg bar graphs. You can either use the default\r
- # style sheet or supply your own. Either way there are many options which\r
- # can be configured to give you control over how the graph is generated -\r
- # with or without a key, data elements at each point, title, subtitle etc.\r
- #\r
- # = Notes\r
- #\r
- # The default stylesheet handles upto 12 data sets, if you\r
- # use more you must create your own stylesheet and add the\r
- # additional settings for the extra data sets. You will know\r
- # if you go over 12 data sets as they will have no style and\r
- # be in black.\r
- #\r
- # = Examples\r
- #\r
- # * http://germane-software.com/repositories/public/SVG/test/test.rb\r
- #\r
- # = See also\r
- #\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Graph\r
- # * SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Line\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Pie\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Plot\r
- # * SVG::Graph::TimeSeries\r
- class Bar < BarBase\r
- include REXML\r
- # See Graph::initialize and BarBase::set_defaults\r
- def set_defaults \r
- super\r
- self.top_align = self.top_font = 1\r
- end\r
- protected\r
- def get_x_labels\r
- @config[:fields]\r
- end\r
- def get_y_labels\r
- maxvalue = max_value\r
- minvalue = min_value\r
- range = maxvalue - minvalue\r
- top_pad = range == 0 ? 10 : range / 20.0\r
- scale_range = (maxvalue + top_pad) - minvalue\r
- scale_division = scale_divisions || (scale_range / 10.0)\r
- if scale_integers\r
- scale_division = scale_division < 1 ? 1 : scale_division.round\r
- end\r
- rv = []\r
- maxvalue = maxvalue%scale_division == 0 ? \r
- maxvalue : maxvalue + scale_division\r
- minvalue.step( maxvalue, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}\r
- return rv\r
- end\r
- def x_label_offset( width )\r
- width / 2.0\r
- end\r
- def draw_data\r
- minvalue = min_value\r
- fieldwidth = field_width\r
- unit_size = (@graph_height.to_f - font_size*2*top_font) / \r
- (get_y_labels.max - get_y_labels.min)\r
- bargap = bar_gap ? (fieldwidth < 10 ? fieldwidth / 2 : 10) : 0\r
- bar_width = fieldwidth - bargap\r
- bar_width /= @data.length if stack == :side\r
- x_mod = (@graph_width-bargap)/2 - (stack==:side ? bar_width/2 : 0)\r
- \r
- bottom = @graph_height\r
- field_count = 0\r
- @config[:fields].each_index { |i|\r
- dataset_count = 0\r
- for dataset in @data\r
- \r
- # cases (assume 0 = +ve):\r
- # value min length\r
- # +ve +ve value - min\r
- # +ve -ve value - 0\r
- # -ve -ve value.abs - 0\r
- \r
- value = dataset[:data][i]\r
- \r
- left = (fieldwidth * field_count)\r
- \r
- length = (value.abs - (minvalue > 0 ? minvalue : 0)) * unit_size\r
- # top is 0 if value is negative\r
- top = bottom - (((value < 0 ? 0 : value) - minvalue) * unit_size)\r
- left += bar_width * dataset_count if stack == :side\r
- \r
- @graph.add_element( "rect", {\r
- "x" => left.to_s,\r
- "y" => top.to_s,\r
- "width" => bar_width.to_s,\r
- "height" => length.to_s,\r
- "class" => "fill#{dataset_count+1}"\r
- })\r
- make_datapoint_text(left + bar_width/2.0, top - 6, value.to_s)\r
- dataset_count += 1\r
- end\r
- field_count += 1\r
- }\r
- end\r
- end\r
- end\r
+require 'rexml/document'
+require 'SVG/Graph/Graph'
+require 'SVG/Graph/BarBase'
+module SVG
+ module Graph
+ # === Create presentation quality SVG bar graphs easily
+ #
+ # = Synopsis
+ #
+ # require 'SVG/Graph/Bar'
+ #
+ # fields = %w(Jan Feb Mar);
+ # data_sales_02 = [12, 45, 21]
+ #
+ # graph = SVG::Graph::Bar.new(
+ # :height => 500,
+ # :width => 300,
+ # :fields => fields
+ # )
+ #
+ # graph.add_data(
+ # :data => data_sales_02,
+ # :title => 'Sales 2002'
+ # )
+ #
+ # print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\r\n\r\n"
+ # print graph.burn
+ #
+ # = Description
+ #
+ # This object aims to allow you to easily create high quality
+ # SVG[http://www.w3c.org/tr/svg bar graphs. You can either use the default
+ # style sheet or supply your own. Either way there are many options which
+ # can be configured to give you control over how the graph is generated -
+ # with or without a key, data elements at each point, title, subtitle etc.
+ #
+ # = Notes
+ #
+ # The default stylesheet handles upto 12 data sets, if you
+ # use more you must create your own stylesheet and add the
+ # additional settings for the extra data sets. You will know
+ # if you go over 12 data sets as they will have no style and
+ # be in black.
+ #
+ # = Examples
+ #
+ # * http://germane-software.com/repositories/public/SVG/test/test.rb
+ #
+ # = See also
+ #
+ # * SVG::Graph::Graph
+ # * SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal
+ # * SVG::Graph::Line
+ # * SVG::Graph::Pie
+ # * SVG::Graph::Plot
+ # * SVG::Graph::TimeSeries
+ class Bar < BarBase
+ include REXML
+ # See Graph::initialize and BarBase::set_defaults
+ def set_defaults
+ super
+ self.top_align = self.top_font = 1
+ end
+ protected
+ def get_x_labels
+ @config[:fields]
+ end
+ def get_y_labels
+ maxvalue = max_value
+ minvalue = min_value
+ range = maxvalue - minvalue
+ top_pad = range == 0 ? 10 : range / 20.0
+ scale_range = (maxvalue + top_pad) - minvalue
+ scale_division = scale_divisions || (scale_range / 10.0)
+ if scale_integers
+ scale_division = scale_division < 1 ? 1 : scale_division.round
+ end
+ rv = []
+ maxvalue = maxvalue%scale_division == 0 ?
+ maxvalue : maxvalue + scale_division
+ minvalue.step( maxvalue, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}
+ return rv
+ end
+ def x_label_offset( width )
+ width / 2.0
+ end
+ def draw_data
+ minvalue = min_value
+ fieldwidth = field_width
+ unit_size = (@graph_height.to_f - font_size*2*top_font) /
+ (get_y_labels.max - get_y_labels.min)
+ bargap = bar_gap ? (fieldwidth < 10 ? fieldwidth / 2 : 10) : 0
+ bar_width = fieldwidth - bargap
+ bar_width /= @data.length if stack == :side
+ x_mod = (@graph_width-bargap)/2 - (stack==:side ? bar_width/2 : 0)
+ bottom = @graph_height
+ field_count = 0
+ @config[:fields].each_index { |i|
+ dataset_count = 0
+ for dataset in @data
+ # cases (assume 0 = +ve):
+ # value min length
+ # +ve +ve value - min
+ # +ve -ve value - 0
+ # -ve -ve value.abs - 0
+ value = dataset[:data][i]
+ left = (fieldwidth * field_count)
+ length = (value.abs - (minvalue > 0 ? minvalue : 0)) * unit_size
+ # top is 0 if value is negative
+ top = bottom - (((value < 0 ? 0 : value) - minvalue) * unit_size)
+ left += bar_width * dataset_count if stack == :side
+ @graph.add_element( "rect", {
+ "x" => left.to_s,
+ "y" => top.to_s,
+ "width" => bar_width.to_s,
+ "height" => length.to_s,
+ "class" => "fill#{dataset_count+1}"
+ })
+ make_datapoint_text(left + bar_width/2.0, top - 6, value.to_s)
+ dataset_count += 1
+ end
+ field_count += 1
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
-require 'rexml/document'\r
-require 'SVG/Graph/Graph'\r
-module SVG\r
- module Graph\r
- # = Synopsis\r
- #\r
- # A superclass for bar-style graphs. Do not attempt to instantiate\r
- # directly; use one of the subclasses instead.\r
- #\r
- # = Author\r
- #\r
- # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>\r
- #\r
- # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell\r
- # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]\r
- #\r
- class BarBase < SVG::Graph::Graph\r
- # Ensures that :fields are provided in the configuration.\r
- def initialize config\r
- raise "fields was not supplied or is empty" unless config[:fields] &&\r
- config[:fields].kind_of?(Array) &&\r
- config[:fields].length > 0\r
- super\r
- end\r
- # In addition to the defaults set in Graph::initialize, sets\r
- # [bar_gap] true\r
- # [stack] :overlap\r
- def set_defaults\r
- init_with( :bar_gap => true, :stack => :overlap )\r
- end\r
- # Whether to have a gap between the bars or not, default\r
- # is true, set to false if you don't want gaps.\r
- attr_accessor :bar_gap\r
- # How to stack data sets. :overlap overlaps bars with\r
- # transparent colors, :top stacks bars on top of one another,\r
- # :side stacks the bars side-by-side. Defaults to :overlap.\r
- attr_accessor :stack\r
- protected\r
- def max_value\r
- @data.collect{|x| x[:data].max}.max\r
- end\r
- def min_value\r
- min = 0\r
- if min_scale_value.nil? \r
- min = @data.collect{|x| x[:data].min}.min\r
- min = min > 0 ? 0 : min\r
- else\r
- min = min_scale_value\r
- end\r
- return min\r
- end\r
- def get_css\r
- return <<EOL\r
-/* default fill styles for multiple datasets (probably only use a single dataset on this graph though) */\r
- fill: #ff0000;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 0.5px; \r
- fill: #0000ff;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #00ff00;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #ffcc00;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #00ccff;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #ff00ff;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #00ffff;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #ffff00;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #cc6666;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #663399;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #339900;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #9966FF;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.5;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- end\r
- end\r
- end\r
+require 'rexml/document'
+require 'SVG/Graph/Graph'
+module SVG
+ module Graph
+ # = Synopsis
+ #
+ # A superclass for bar-style graphs. Do not attempt to instantiate
+ # directly; use one of the subclasses instead.
+ #
+ # = Author
+ #
+ # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>
+ #
+ # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell
+ # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]
+ #
+ class BarBase < SVG::Graph::Graph
+ # Ensures that :fields are provided in the configuration.
+ def initialize config
+ raise "fields was not supplied or is empty" unless config[:fields] &&
+ config[:fields].kind_of?(Array) &&
+ config[:fields].length > 0
+ super
+ end
+ # In addition to the defaults set in Graph::initialize, sets
+ # [bar_gap] true
+ # [stack] :overlap
+ def set_defaults
+ init_with( :bar_gap => true, :stack => :overlap )
+ end
+ # Whether to have a gap between the bars or not, default
+ # is true, set to false if you don't want gaps.
+ attr_accessor :bar_gap
+ # How to stack data sets. :overlap overlaps bars with
+ # transparent colors, :top stacks bars on top of one another,
+ # :side stacks the bars side-by-side. Defaults to :overlap.
+ attr_accessor :stack
+ protected
+ def max_value
+ @data.collect{|x| x[:data].max}.max
+ end
+ def min_value
+ min = 0
+ if min_scale_value.nil?
+ min = @data.collect{|x| x[:data].min}.min
+ min = min > 0 ? 0 : min
+ else
+ min = min_scale_value
+ end
+ return min
+ end
+ def get_css
+ return <<EOL
+/* default fill styles for multiple datasets (probably only use a single dataset on this graph though) */
+ fill: #ff0000;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 0.5px;
+ fill: #0000ff;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #00ff00;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #ffcc00;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #00ccff;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #ff00ff;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #00ffff;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #ffff00;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #cc6666;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #663399;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #339900;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #9966FF;
+ fill-opacity: 0.5;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ end
+ end
+ end
-require 'rexml/document'\r
-require 'SVG/Graph/BarBase'\r
-module SVG\r
- module Graph\r
- # === Create presentation quality SVG horitonzal bar graphs easily\r
- # \r
- # = Synopsis\r
- # \r
- # require 'SVG/Graph/BarHorizontal'\r
- # \r
- # fields = %w(Jan Feb Mar)\r
- # data_sales_02 = [12, 45, 21]\r
- # \r
- # graph = SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal.new({\r
- # :height => 500,\r
- # :width => 300,\r
- # :fields => fields,\r
- # })\r
- # \r
- # graph.add_data({\r
- # :data => data_sales_02,\r
- # :title => 'Sales 2002',\r
- # })\r
- # \r
- # print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\r\n\r\n"\r
- # print graph.burn\r
- # \r
- # = Description\r
- # \r
- # This object aims to allow you to easily create high quality\r
- # SVG horitonzal bar graphs. You can either use the default style sheet\r
- # or supply your own. Either way there are many options which can\r
- # be configured to give you control over how the graph is\r
- # generated - with or without a key, data elements at each point,\r
- # title, subtitle etc.\r
- # \r
- # = Examples\r
- # \r
- # * http://germane-software.com/repositories/public/SVG/test/test.rb\r
- # \r
- # = See also\r
- # \r
- # * SVG::Graph::Graph\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Bar\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Line\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Pie\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Plot\r
- # * SVG::Graph::TimeSeries\r
- #\r
- # == Author\r
- #\r
- # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>\r
- #\r
- # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell\r
- # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]\r
- #\r
- class BarHorizontal < BarBase\r
- # In addition to the defaults set in BarBase::set_defaults, sets\r
- # [rotate_y_labels] true\r
- # [show_x_guidelines] true\r
- # [show_y_guidelines] false\r
- def set_defaults\r
- super\r
- init_with( \r
- :rotate_y_labels => true,\r
- :show_x_guidelines => true,\r
- :show_y_guidelines => false\r
- )\r
- self.right_align = self.right_font = 1\r
- end\r
- \r
- protected\r
- def get_x_labels\r
- maxvalue = max_value\r
- minvalue = min_value\r
- range = maxvalue - minvalue\r
- top_pad = range == 0 ? 10 : range / 20.0\r
- scale_range = (maxvalue + top_pad) - minvalue\r
- scale_division = scale_divisions || (scale_range / 10.0)\r
- if scale_integers\r
- scale_division = scale_division < 1 ? 1 : scale_division.round\r
- end\r
- rv = []\r
- maxvalue = maxvalue%scale_division == 0 ? \r
- maxvalue : maxvalue + scale_division\r
- minvalue.step( maxvalue, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}\r
- return rv\r
- end\r
- def get_y_labels\r
- @config[:fields]\r
- end\r
- def y_label_offset( height )\r
- height / -2.0\r
- end\r
- def draw_data\r
- minvalue = min_value\r
- fieldheight = field_height\r
- unit_size = (@graph_width.to_f - font_size*2*right_font ) /\r
- (get_x_labels.max - get_x_labels.min )\r
- bargap = bar_gap ? (fieldheight < 10 ? fieldheight / 2 : 10) : 0\r
- bar_height = fieldheight - bargap\r
- bar_height /= @data.length if stack == :side\r
- y_mod = (bar_height / 2) + (font_size / 2)\r
- \r
- field_count = 1\r
- @config[:fields].each_index { |i|\r
- dataset_count = 0\r
- for dataset in @data\r
- value = dataset[:data][i]\r
- \r
- top = @graph_height - (fieldheight * field_count)\r
- top += (bar_height * dataset_count) if stack == :side\r
- # cases (assume 0 = +ve):\r
- # value min length left\r
- # +ve +ve value.abs - min minvalue.abs\r
- # +ve -ve value.abs - 0 minvalue.abs\r
- # -ve -ve value.abs - 0 minvalue.abs + value\r
- length = (value.abs - (minvalue > 0 ? minvalue : 0)) * unit_size\r
- left = (minvalue.abs + (value < 0 ? value : 0)) * unit_size\r
- @graph.add_element( "rect", {\r
- "x" => left.to_s,\r
- "y" => top.to_s,\r
- "width" => length.to_s,\r
- "height" => bar_height.to_s,\r
- "class" => "fill#{dataset_count+1}"\r
- })\r
- make_datapoint_text( \r
- left+length+5, top+y_mod, value, "text-anchor: start; "\r
- )\r
- dataset_count += 1\r
- end\r
- field_count += 1\r
- }\r
- end\r
- end\r
- end\r
+require 'rexml/document'
+require 'SVG/Graph/BarBase'
+module SVG
+ module Graph
+ # === Create presentation quality SVG horitonzal bar graphs easily
+ #
+ # = Synopsis
+ #
+ # require 'SVG/Graph/BarHorizontal'
+ #
+ # fields = %w(Jan Feb Mar)
+ # data_sales_02 = [12, 45, 21]
+ #
+ # graph = SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal.new({
+ # :height => 500,
+ # :width => 300,
+ # :fields => fields,
+ # })
+ #
+ # graph.add_data({
+ # :data => data_sales_02,
+ # :title => 'Sales 2002',
+ # })
+ #
+ # print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\r\n\r\n"
+ # print graph.burn
+ #
+ # = Description
+ #
+ # This object aims to allow you to easily create high quality
+ # SVG horitonzal bar graphs. You can either use the default style sheet
+ # or supply your own. Either way there are many options which can
+ # be configured to give you control over how the graph is
+ # generated - with or without a key, data elements at each point,
+ # title, subtitle etc.
+ #
+ # = Examples
+ #
+ # * http://germane-software.com/repositories/public/SVG/test/test.rb
+ #
+ # = See also
+ #
+ # * SVG::Graph::Graph
+ # * SVG::Graph::Bar
+ # * SVG::Graph::Line
+ # * SVG::Graph::Pie
+ # * SVG::Graph::Plot
+ # * SVG::Graph::TimeSeries
+ #
+ # == Author
+ #
+ # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>
+ #
+ # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell
+ # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]
+ #
+ class BarHorizontal < BarBase
+ # In addition to the defaults set in BarBase::set_defaults, sets
+ # [rotate_y_labels] true
+ # [show_x_guidelines] true
+ # [show_y_guidelines] false
+ def set_defaults
+ super
+ init_with(
+ :rotate_y_labels => true,
+ :show_x_guidelines => true,
+ :show_y_guidelines => false
+ )
+ self.right_align = self.right_font = 1
+ end
+ protected
+ def get_x_labels
+ maxvalue = max_value
+ minvalue = min_value
+ range = maxvalue - minvalue
+ top_pad = range == 0 ? 10 : range / 20.0
+ scale_range = (maxvalue + top_pad) - minvalue
+ scale_division = scale_divisions || (scale_range / 10.0)
+ if scale_integers
+ scale_division = scale_division < 1 ? 1 : scale_division.round
+ end
+ rv = []
+ maxvalue = maxvalue%scale_division == 0 ?
+ maxvalue : maxvalue + scale_division
+ minvalue.step( maxvalue, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}
+ return rv
+ end
+ def get_y_labels
+ @config[:fields]
+ end
+ def y_label_offset( height )
+ height / -2.0
+ end
+ def draw_data
+ minvalue = min_value
+ fieldheight = field_height
+ unit_size = (@graph_width.to_f - font_size*2*right_font ) /
+ (get_x_labels.max - get_x_labels.min )
+ bargap = bar_gap ? (fieldheight < 10 ? fieldheight / 2 : 10) : 0
+ bar_height = fieldheight - bargap
+ bar_height /= @data.length if stack == :side
+ y_mod = (bar_height / 2) + (font_size / 2)
+ field_count = 1
+ @config[:fields].each_index { |i|
+ dataset_count = 0
+ for dataset in @data
+ value = dataset[:data][i]
+ top = @graph_height - (fieldheight * field_count)
+ top += (bar_height * dataset_count) if stack == :side
+ # cases (assume 0 = +ve):
+ # value min length left
+ # +ve +ve value.abs - min minvalue.abs
+ # +ve -ve value.abs - 0 minvalue.abs
+ # -ve -ve value.abs - 0 minvalue.abs + value
+ length = (value.abs - (minvalue > 0 ? minvalue : 0)) * unit_size
+ left = (minvalue.abs + (value < 0 ? value : 0)) * unit_size
+ @graph.add_element( "rect", {
+ "x" => left.to_s,
+ "y" => top.to_s,
+ "width" => length.to_s,
+ "height" => bar_height.to_s,
+ "class" => "fill#{dataset_count+1}"
+ })
+ make_datapoint_text(
+ left+length+5, top+y_mod, value, "text-anchor: start; "
+ )
+ dataset_count += 1
+ end
+ field_count += 1
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
- require 'zlib'\r
- @@__have_zlib = true\r
- @@__have_zlib = false\r
-require 'rexml/document'\r
-module SVG\r
- module Graph\r
- # === Base object for generating SVG Graphs\r
- # \r
- # == Synopsis\r
- #\r
- # This class is only used as a superclass of specialized charts. Do not\r
- # attempt to use this class directly, unless creating a new chart type.\r
- #\r
- # For examples of how to subclass this class, see the existing specific\r
- # subclasses, such as SVG::Graph::Pie.\r
- #\r
- # == Examples\r
- #\r
- # For examples of how to use this package, see either the test files, or\r
- # the documentation for the specific class you want to use.\r
- #\r
- # * file:test/plot.rb\r
- # * file:test/single.rb\r
- # * file:test/test.rb\r
- # * file:test/timeseries.rb\r
- # \r
- # == Description\r
- # \r
- # This package should be used as a base for creating SVG graphs.\r
- #\r
- # == Acknowledgements\r
- #\r
- # Leo Lapworth for creating the SVG::TT::Graph package which this Ruby\r
- # port is based on.\r
- #\r
- # Stephen Morgan for creating the TT template and SVG.\r
- # \r
- # == See\r
- #\r
- # * SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Bar\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Line\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Pie\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Plot\r
- # * SVG::Graph::TimeSeries\r
- #\r
- # == Author\r
- #\r
- # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>\r
- #\r
- # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell\r
- # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]\r
- #\r
- class Graph\r
- include REXML\r
- # Initialize the graph object with the graph settings. You won't\r
- # instantiate this class directly; see the subclass for options.\r
- # [width] 500\r
- # [height] 300\r
- # [show_x_guidelines] false\r
- # [show_y_guidelines] true\r
- # [show_data_values] true\r
- # [min_scale_value] 0\r
- # [show_x_labels] true\r
- # [stagger_x_labels] false\r
- # [rotate_x_labels] false\r
- # [step_x_labels] 1\r
- # [step_include_first_x_label] true\r
- # [show_y_labels] true\r
- # [rotate_y_labels] false\r
- # [scale_integers] false\r
- # [show_x_title] false\r
- # [x_title] 'X Field names'\r
- # [show_y_title] false\r
- # [y_title_text_direction] :bt\r
- # [y_title] 'Y Scale'\r
- # [show_graph_title] false\r
- # [graph_title] 'Graph Title'\r
- # [show_graph_subtitle] false\r
- # [graph_subtitle] 'Graph Sub Title'\r
- # [key] true,\r
- # [key_position] :right, # bottom or righ\r
- # [font_size] 12\r
- # [title_font_size] 16\r
- # [subtitle_font_size] 14\r
- # [x_label_font_size] 12\r
- # [x_title_font_size] 14\r
- # [y_label_font_size] 12\r
- # [y_title_font_size] 14\r
- # [key_font_size] 10\r
- # [no_css] false\r
- # [add_popups] false\r
- def initialize( config )\r
- @config = config\r
- self.top_align = self.top_font = self.right_align = self.right_font = 0\r
- init_with({\r
- :width => 500,\r
- :height => 300,\r
- :show_x_guidelines => false,\r
- :show_y_guidelines => true,\r
- :show_data_values => true,\r
-# :min_scale_value => 0,\r
- :show_x_labels => true,\r
- :stagger_x_labels => false,\r
- :rotate_x_labels => false,\r
- :step_x_labels => 1,\r
- :step_include_first_x_label => true,\r
- :show_y_labels => true,\r
- :rotate_y_labels => false,\r
- :stagger_y_labels => false,\r
- :scale_integers => false,\r
- :show_x_title => false,\r
- :x_title => 'X Field names',\r
- :show_y_title => false,\r
- :y_title_text_direction => :bt,\r
- :y_title => 'Y Scale',\r
- :show_graph_title => false,\r
- :graph_title => 'Graph Title',\r
- :show_graph_subtitle => false,\r
- :graph_subtitle => 'Graph Sub Title',\r
- :key => true, \r
- :key_position => :right, # bottom or right\r
- :font_size =>12,\r
- :title_font_size =>16,\r
- :subtitle_font_size =>14,\r
- :x_label_font_size =>12,\r
- :x_title_font_size =>14,\r
- :y_label_font_size =>12,\r
- :y_title_font_size =>14,\r
- :key_font_size =>10,\r
- \r
- :no_css =>false,\r
- :add_popups =>false,\r
- })\r
- set_defaults if respond_to? :set_defaults\r
- init_with config\r
- end\r
- \r
- # This method allows you do add data to the graph object.\r
- # It can be called several times to add more data sets in.\r
- #\r
- # data_sales_02 = [12, 45, 21];\r
- # \r
- # graph.add_data({\r
- # :data => data_sales_02,\r
- # :title => 'Sales 2002'\r
- # })\r
- def add_data conf\r
- @data = [] unless defined? @data\r
- if conf[:data] and conf[:data].kind_of? Array\r
- @data << conf\r
- else\r
- raise "No data provided by #{conf.inspect}"\r
- end\r
- end\r
- # This method removes all data from the object so that you can\r
- # reuse it to create a new graph but with the same config options.\r
- #\r
- # graph.clear_data\r
- def clear_data \r
- @data = []\r
- end\r
- # This method processes the template with the data and\r
- # config which has been set and returns the resulting SVG.\r
- #\r
- # This method will croak unless at least one data set has\r
- # been added to the graph object.\r
- #\r
- # print graph.burn\r
- def burn\r
- raise "No data available" unless @data.size > 0\r
- \r
- calculations if respond_to? :calculations\r
- start_svg\r
- calculate_graph_dimensions\r
- @foreground = Element.new( "g" )\r
- draw_graph\r
- draw_titles\r
- draw_legend\r
- draw_data\r
- @graph.add_element( @foreground )\r
- style\r
- data = ""\r
- @doc.write( data, 0 )\r
- if @config[:compress]\r
- if @@__have_zlib\r
- inp, out = IO.pipe\r
- gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new( out )\r
- gz.write data\r
- gz.close\r
- data = inp.read\r
- else\r
- data << "<!-- Ruby Zlib not available for SVGZ -->";\r
- end\r
- end\r
- \r
- return data\r
- end\r
- # Set the height of the graph box, this is the total height\r
- # of the SVG box created - not the graph it self which auto\r
- # scales to fix the space.\r
- attr_accessor :height\r
- # Set the width of the graph box, this is the total width\r
- # of the SVG box created - not the graph it self which auto\r
- # scales to fix the space.\r
- attr_accessor :width\r
- # Set the path to an external stylesheet, set to '' if\r
- # you want to revert back to using the defaut internal version.\r
- #\r
- # To create an external stylesheet create a graph using the\r
- # default internal version and copy the stylesheet section to\r
- # an external file and edit from there.\r
- attr_accessor :style_sheet\r
- # (Bool) Show the value of each element of data on the graph\r
- attr_accessor :show_data_values\r
- # The point at which the Y axis starts, defaults to '0',\r
- # if set to nil it will default to the minimum data value.\r
- attr_accessor :min_scale_value\r
- # Whether to show labels on the X axis or not, defaults\r
- # to true, set to false if you want to turn them off.\r
- attr_accessor :show_x_labels\r
- # This puts the X labels at alternative levels so if they\r
- # are long field names they will not overlap so easily.\r
- # Default it false, to turn on set to true.\r
- attr_accessor :stagger_x_labels\r
- # This puts the Y labels at alternative levels so if they\r
- # are long field names they will not overlap so easily.\r
- # Default it false, to turn on set to true.\r
- attr_accessor :stagger_y_labels\r
- # This turns the X axis labels by 90 degrees.\r
- # Default it false, to turn on set to true.\r
- attr_accessor :rotate_x_labels\r
- # This turns the Y axis labels by 90 degrees.\r
- # Default it false, to turn on set to true.\r
- attr_accessor :rotate_y_labels\r
- # How many "steps" to use between displayed X axis labels,\r
- # a step of one means display every label, a step of two results\r
- # in every other label being displayed (label <gap> label <gap> label),\r
- # a step of three results in every third label being displayed\r
- # (label <gap> <gap> label <gap> <gap> label) and so on.\r
- attr_accessor :step_x_labels\r
- # Whether to (when taking "steps" between X axis labels) step from \r
- # the first label (i.e. always include the first label) or step from\r
- # the X axis origin (i.e. start with a gap if step_x_labels is greater\r
- # than one).\r
- attr_accessor :step_include_first_x_label\r
- # Whether to show labels on the Y axis or not, defaults\r
- # to true, set to false if you want to turn them off.\r
- attr_accessor :show_y_labels\r
- # Ensures only whole numbers are used as the scale divisions.\r
- # Default it false, to turn on set to true. This has no effect if \r
- # scale divisions are less than 1.\r
- attr_accessor :scale_integers\r
- # This defines the gap between markers on the Y axis,\r
- # default is a 10th of the max_value, e.g. you will have\r
- # 10 markers on the Y axis. NOTE: do not set this too\r
- # low - you are limited to 999 markers, after that the\r
- # graph won't generate.\r
- attr_accessor :scale_divisions\r
- # Whether to show the title under the X axis labels,\r
- # default is false, set to true to show.\r
- attr_accessor :show_x_title\r
- # What the title under X axis should be, e.g. 'Months'.\r
- attr_accessor :x_title\r
- # Whether to show the title under the Y axis labels,\r
- # default is false, set to true to show.\r
- attr_accessor :show_y_title\r
- # Aligns writing mode for Y axis label. \r
- # Defaults to :bt (Bottom to Top).\r
- # Change to :tb (Top to Bottom) to reverse.\r
- attr_accessor :y_title_text_direction\r
- # What the title under Y axis should be, e.g. 'Sales in thousands'.\r
- attr_accessor :y_title\r
- # Whether to show a title on the graph, defaults\r
- # to false, set to true to show.\r
- attr_accessor :show_graph_title\r
- # What the title on the graph should be.\r
- attr_accessor :graph_title\r
- # Whether to show a subtitle on the graph, defaults\r
- # to false, set to true to show.\r
- attr_accessor :show_graph_subtitle\r
- # What the subtitle on the graph should be.\r
- attr_accessor :graph_subtitle\r
- # Whether to show a key, defaults to false, set to\r
- # true if you want to show it.\r
- attr_accessor :key\r
- # Where the key should be positioned, defaults to\r
- # :right, set to :bottom if you want to move it.\r
- attr_accessor :key_position\r
- # Set the font size (in points) of the data point labels\r
- attr_accessor :font_size\r
- # Set the font size of the X axis labels\r
- attr_accessor :x_label_font_size\r
- # Set the font size of the X axis title\r
- attr_accessor :x_title_font_size\r
- # Set the font size of the Y axis labels\r
- attr_accessor :y_label_font_size\r
- # Set the font size of the Y axis title\r
- attr_accessor :y_title_font_size\r
- # Set the title font size\r
- attr_accessor :title_font_size\r
- # Set the subtitle font size\r
- attr_accessor :subtitle_font_size\r
- # Set the key font size\r
- attr_accessor :key_font_size\r
- # Show guidelines for the X axis\r
- attr_accessor :show_x_guidelines\r
- # Show guidelines for the Y axis\r
- attr_accessor :show_y_guidelines\r
- # Do not use CSS if set to true. Many SVG viewers do not support CSS, but\r
- # not using CSS can result in larger SVGs as well as making it impossible to\r
- # change colors after the chart is generated. Defaults to false.\r
- attr_accessor :no_css\r
- # Add popups for the data points on some graphs\r
- attr_accessor :add_popups\r
- protected\r
- def sort( *arrys )\r
- sort_multiple( arrys )\r
- end\r
- # Overwrite configuration options with supplied options. Used\r
- # by subclasses.\r
- def init_with config\r
- config.each { |key, value|\r
- self.send((key.to_s+"=").to_sym, value ) if respond_to? key.to_sym\r
- }\r
- end\r
- attr_accessor :top_align, :top_font, :right_align, :right_font\r
- KEY_BOX_SIZE = 12\r
- # Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the left\r
- # of the plot area. Results in @border_left being set.\r
- def calculate_left_margin\r
- @border_left = 7\r
- # Check for Y labels\r
- max_y_label_height_px = rotate_y_labels ? \r
- y_label_font_size :\r
- get_y_labels.max{|a,b| \r
- a.to_s.length<=>b.to_s.length\r
- }.to_s.length * y_label_font_size * 0.6\r
- @border_left += max_y_label_height_px if show_y_labels\r
- @border_left += max_y_label_height_px + 10 if stagger_y_labels\r
- @border_left += y_title_font_size + 5 if show_y_title\r
- end\r
- # Calculates the width of the widest Y label. This will be the\r
- # character height if the Y labels are rotated\r
- def max_y_label_width_px\r
- return font_size if rotate_y_labels\r
- end\r
- # Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the right\r
- # of the plot area. Results in @border_right being set.\r
- def calculate_right_margin\r
- @border_right = 7\r
- if key and key_position == :right\r
- val = keys.max { |a,b| a.length <=> b.length }\r
- @border_right += val.length * key_font_size * 0.6 \r
- @border_right += KEY_BOX_SIZE\r
- @border_right += 10 # Some padding around the box\r
- end\r
- end\r
- # Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the top\r
- # of the plot area. Results in @border_top being set.\r
- def calculate_top_margin\r
- @border_top = 5\r
- @border_top += title_font_size if show_graph_title\r
- @border_top += 5\r
- @border_top += subtitle_font_size if show_graph_subtitle\r
- end\r
- # Adds pop-up point information to a graph.\r
- def add_popup( x, y, label )\r
- txt_width = label.length * font_size * 0.6 + 10\r
- tx = (x+txt_width > width ? x-5 : x+5)\r
- t = @foreground.add_element( "text", {\r
- "x" => tx.to_s,\r
- "y" => (y - font_size).to_s,\r
- "visibility" => "hidden",\r
- })\r
- t.attributes["style"] = "fill: #000; "+\r
- (x+txt_width > width ? "text-anchor: end;" : "text-anchor: start;")\r
- t.text = label.to_s\r
- t.attributes["id"] = t.object_id.to_s\r
- @foreground.add_element( "circle", {\r
- "cx" => x.to_s,\r
- "cy" => y.to_s,\r
- "r" => "10",\r
- "style" => "opacity: 0",\r
- "onmouseover" => \r
- "document.getElementById(#{t.object_id}).setAttribute('visibility', 'visible' )",\r
- "onmouseout" => \r
- "document.getElementById(#{t.object_id}).setAttribute('visibility', 'hidden' )",\r
- })\r
- end\r
- \r
- # Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the bottom\r
- # of the plot area. Results in @border_bottom being set.\r
- def calculate_bottom_margin\r
- @border_bottom = 7\r
- if key and key_position == :bottom\r
- @border_bottom += @data.size * (font_size + 5)\r
- @border_bottom += 10\r
- end\r
- if show_x_labels\r
- max_x_label_height_px = (not rotate_x_labels) ? \r
- x_label_font_size :\r
- get_x_labels.max{|a,b| \r
- a.to_s.length<=>b.to_s.length\r
- }.to_s.length * x_label_font_size * 0.6\r
- @border_bottom += max_x_label_height_px\r
- @border_bottom += max_x_label_height_px + 10 if stagger_x_labels\r
- end\r
- @border_bottom += x_title_font_size + 5 if show_x_title\r
- end\r
- # Draws the background, axis, and labels.\r
- def draw_graph\r
- @graph = @root.add_element( "g", {\r
- "transform" => "translate( #@border_left #@border_top )"\r
- })\r
- # Background\r
- @graph.add_element( "rect", {\r
- "x" => "0",\r
- "y" => "0",\r
- "width" => @graph_width.to_s,\r
- "height" => @graph_height.to_s,\r
- "class" => "graphBackground"\r
- })\r
- # Axis\r
- @graph.add_element( "path", {\r
- "d" => "M 0 0 v#@graph_height",\r
- "class" => "axis",\r
- "id" => "xAxis"\r
- })\r
- @graph.add_element( "path", {\r
- "d" => "M 0 #@graph_height h#@graph_width",\r
- "class" => "axis",\r
- "id" => "yAxis"\r
- })\r
- draw_x_labels\r
- draw_y_labels\r
- end\r
- # Where in the X area the label is drawn\r
- # Centered in the field, should be width/2. Start, 0.\r
- def x_label_offset( width )\r
- 0\r
- end\r
- def make_datapoint_text( x, y, value, style="" )\r
- if show_data_values\r
- @foreground.add_element( "text", {\r
- "x" => x.to_s,\r
- "y" => y.to_s,\r
- "class" => "dataPointLabel",\r
- "style" => "#{style} stroke: #fff; stroke-width: 2;"\r
- }).text = value.to_s\r
- text = @foreground.add_element( "text", {\r
- "x" => x.to_s,\r
- "y" => y.to_s,\r
- "class" => "dataPointLabel"\r
- })\r
- text.text = value.to_s\r
- text.attributes["style"] = style if style.length > 0\r
- end\r
- end\r
- # Draws the X axis labels\r
- def draw_x_labels\r
- stagger = x_label_font_size + 5\r
- if show_x_labels\r
- label_width = field_width\r
- count = 0\r
- for label in get_x_labels\r
- if step_include_first_x_label == true then\r
- step = count % step_x_labels\r
- else\r
- step = (count + 1) % step_x_labels\r
- end\r
- if step == 0 then\r
- text = @graph.add_element( "text" )\r
- text.attributes["class"] = "xAxisLabels"\r
- text.text = label.to_s\r
- x = count * label_width + x_label_offset( label_width )\r
- y = @graph_height + x_label_font_size + 3\r
- t = 0 - (font_size / 2)\r
- if stagger_x_labels and count % 2 == 1\r
- y += stagger\r
- @graph.add_element( "path", {\r
- "d" => "M#{x} #@graph_height v#{stagger}",\r
- "class" => "staggerGuideLine"\r
- })\r
- end\r
- text.attributes["x"] = x.to_s\r
- text.attributes["y"] = y.to_s\r
- if rotate_x_labels\r
- text.attributes["transform"] = \r
- "rotate( 90 #{x} #{y-x_label_font_size} )"+\r
- " translate( 0 -#{x_label_font_size/4} )"\r
- text.attributes["style"] = "text-anchor: start"\r
- else\r
- text.attributes["style"] = "text-anchor: middle"\r
- end\r
- end\r
- draw_x_guidelines( label_width, count ) if show_x_guidelines\r
- count += 1\r
- end\r
- end\r
- end\r
- # Where in the Y area the label is drawn\r
- # Centered in the field, should be width/2. Start, 0.\r
- def y_label_offset( height )\r
- 0\r
- end\r
- def field_width\r
- (@graph_width.to_f - font_size*2*right_font) /\r
- (get_x_labels.length - right_align)\r
- end\r
- def field_height\r
- (@graph_height.to_f - font_size*2*top_font) /\r
- (get_y_labels.length - top_align)\r
- end\r
- # Draws the Y axis labels\r
- def draw_y_labels\r
- stagger = y_label_font_size + 5\r
- if show_y_labels\r
- label_height = field_height\r
- count = 0\r
- y_offset = @graph_height + y_label_offset( label_height )\r
- y_offset += font_size/1.2 unless rotate_y_labels\r
- for label in get_y_labels\r
- y = y_offset - (label_height * count)\r
- x = rotate_y_labels ? 0 : -3\r
- if stagger_y_labels and count % 2 == 1\r
- x -= stagger\r
- @graph.add_element( "path", {\r
- "d" => "M#{x} #{y} h#{stagger}",\r
- "class" => "staggerGuideLine"\r
- })\r
- end\r
- text = @graph.add_element( "text", {\r
- "x" => x.to_s,\r
- "y" => y.to_s,\r
- "class" => "yAxisLabels"\r
- })\r
- text.text = label.to_s\r
- if rotate_y_labels\r
- text.attributes["transform"] = "translate( -#{font_size} 0 ) "+\r
- "rotate( 90 #{x} #{y} ) "\r
- text.attributes["style"] = "text-anchor: middle"\r
- else\r
- text.attributes["y"] = (y - (y_label_font_size/2)).to_s\r
- text.attributes["style"] = "text-anchor: end"\r
- end\r
- draw_y_guidelines( label_height, count ) if show_y_guidelines\r
- count += 1\r
- end\r
- end\r
- end\r
- # Draws the X axis guidelines\r
- def draw_x_guidelines( label_height, count )\r
- if count != 0\r
- @graph.add_element( "path", {\r
- "d" => "M#{label_height*count} 0 v#@graph_height",\r
- "class" => "guideLines"\r
- })\r
- end\r
- end\r
- # Draws the Y axis guidelines\r
- def draw_y_guidelines( label_height, count )\r
- if count != 0\r
- @graph.add_element( "path", {\r
- "d" => "M0 #{@graph_height-(label_height*count)} h#@graph_width",\r
- "class" => "guideLines"\r
- })\r
- end\r
- end\r
- # Draws the graph title and subtitle\r
- def draw_titles\r
- if show_graph_title\r
- @root.add_element( "text", {\r
- "x" => (width / 2).to_s,\r
- "y" => (title_font_size).to_s,\r
- "class" => "mainTitle"\r
- }).text = graph_title.to_s\r
- end\r
- if show_graph_subtitle\r
- y_subtitle = show_graph_title ? \r
- title_font_size + 10 :\r
- subtitle_font_size\r
- @root.add_element("text", {\r
- "x" => (width / 2).to_s,\r
- "y" => (y_subtitle).to_s,\r
- "class" => "subTitle"\r
- }).text = graph_subtitle.to_s\r
- end\r
- if show_x_title\r
- y = @graph_height + @border_top + x_title_font_size\r
- if show_x_labels\r
- y += x_label_font_size + 5 if stagger_x_labels\r
- y += x_label_font_size + 5\r
- end\r
- x = width / 2\r
- @root.add_element("text", {\r
- "x" => x.to_s,\r
- "y" => y.to_s,\r
- "class" => "xAxisTitle",\r
- }).text = x_title.to_s\r
- end\r
- if show_y_title\r
- x = y_title_font_size + (y_title_text_direction==:bt ? 3 : -3)\r
- y = height / 2\r
- text = @root.add_element("text", {\r
- "x" => x.to_s,\r
- "y" => y.to_s,\r
- "class" => "yAxisTitle",\r
- })\r
- text.text = y_title.to_s\r
- if y_title_text_direction == :bt\r
- text.attributes["transform"] = "rotate( -90, #{x}, #{y} )"\r
- else\r
- text.attributes["transform"] = "rotate( 90, #{x}, #{y} )"\r
- end\r
- end\r
- end\r
- def keys \r
- return @data.collect{ |d| d[:title] }\r
- end\r
- # Draws the legend on the graph\r
- def draw_legend\r
- if key\r
- group = @root.add_element( "g" )\r
- key_count = 0\r
- for key_name in keys\r
- y_offset = (KEY_BOX_SIZE * key_count) + (key_count * 5)\r
- group.add_element( "rect", {\r
- "x" => 0.to_s,\r
- "y" => y_offset.to_s,\r
- "width" => KEY_BOX_SIZE.to_s,\r
- "height" => KEY_BOX_SIZE.to_s,\r
- "class" => "key#{key_count+1}"\r
- })\r
- group.add_element( "text", {\r
- "x" => (KEY_BOX_SIZE + 5).to_s,\r
- "y" => (y_offset + KEY_BOX_SIZE).to_s,\r
- "class" => "keyText"\r
- }).text = key_name.to_s\r
- key_count += 1\r
- end\r
- case key_position\r
- when :right\r
- x_offset = @graph_width + @border_left + 10\r
- y_offset = @border_top + 20\r
- when :bottom\r
- x_offset = @border_left + 20\r
- y_offset = @border_top + @graph_height + 5\r
- if show_x_labels\r
- max_x_label_height_px = (not rotate_x_labels) ? \r
- x_label_font_size :\r
- get_x_labels.max{|a,b| \r
- a.to_s.length<=>b.to_s.length\r
- }.to_s.length * x_label_font_size * 0.6\r
- x_label_font_size\r
- y_offset += max_x_label_height_px\r
- y_offset += max_x_label_height_px + 5 if stagger_x_labels\r
- end\r
- y_offset += x_title_font_size + 5 if show_x_title\r
- end\r
- group.attributes["transform"] = "translate(#{x_offset} #{y_offset})"\r
- end\r
- end\r
- private\r
- def sort_multiple( arrys, lo=0, hi=arrys[0].length-1 )\r
- if lo < hi\r
- p = partition(arrys,lo,hi)\r
- sort_multiple(arrys, lo, p-1)\r
- sort_multiple(arrys, p+1, hi)\r
- end\r
- arrys \r
- end\r
- def partition( arrys, lo, hi )\r
- p = arrys[0][lo]\r
- l = lo\r
- z = lo+1\r
- while z <= hi\r
- if arrys[0][z] < p\r
- l += 1\r
- arrys.each { |arry| arry[z], arry[l] = arry[l], arry[z] }\r
- end\r
- z += 1\r
- end\r
- arrys.each { |arry| arry[lo], arry[l] = arry[l], arry[lo] }\r
- l\r
- end\r
- def style\r
- if no_css\r
- styles = parse_css\r
- @root.elements.each("//*[@class]") { |el|\r
- cl = el.attributes["class"]\r
- style = styles[cl]\r
- style += el.attributes["style"] if el.attributes["style"]\r
- el.attributes["style"] = style\r
- }\r
- end\r
- end\r
- def parse_css\r
- css = get_style\r
- rv = {}\r
- while css =~ /^(\.(\w+)(?:\s*,\s*\.\w+)*)\s*\{/m\r
- names_orig = names = $1\r
- css = $'\r
- css =~ /([^}]+)\}/m\r
- content = $1\r
- css = $'\r
- nms = []\r
- while names =~ /^\s*,?\s*\.(\w+)/\r
- nms << $1\r
- names = $'\r
- end\r
- content = content.tr( "\n\t", " ")\r
- for name in nms\r
- current = rv[name]\r
- current = current ? current+"; "+content : content\r
- rv[name] = current.strip.squeeze(" ")\r
- end\r
- end\r
- return rv\r
- end\r
- # Override and place code to add defs here\r
- def add_defs defs\r
- end\r
- def start_svg\r
- # Base document\r
- @doc = Document.new\r
- @doc << XMLDecl.new\r
- @doc << DocType.new( %q{svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" } +\r
- %q{"http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd"} )\r
- if style_sheet && style_sheet != ''\r
- @doc << Instruction.new( "xml-stylesheet",\r
- %Q{href="#{style_sheet}" type="text/css"} )\r
- end\r
- @root = @doc.add_element( "svg", {\r
- "width" => width.to_s,\r
- "height" => height.to_s,\r
- "viewBox" => "0 0 #{width} #{height}",\r
- "xmlns" => "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",\r
- "xmlns:xlink" => "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",\r
- "xmlns:a3" => "http://ns.adobe.com/AdobeSVGViewerExtensions/3.0/",\r
- "a3:scriptImplementation" => "Adobe"\r
- })\r
- @root << Comment.new( " "+"\\"*66 )\r
- @root << Comment.new( " Created with SVG::Graph " )\r
- @root << Comment.new( " SVG::Graph by Sean E. Russell " )\r
- @root << Comment.new( " Losely based on SVG::TT::Graph for Perl by"+\r
- " Leo Lapworth & Stephan Morgan " )\r
- @root << Comment.new( " "+"/"*66 )\r
- defs = @root.add_element( "defs" )\r
- add_defs defs\r
- if not(style_sheet && style_sheet != '') and !no_css\r
- @root << Comment.new(" include default stylesheet if none specified ")\r
- style = defs.add_element( "style", {"type"=>"text/css"} )\r
- style << CData.new( get_style )\r
- end\r
- @root << Comment.new( "SVG Background" )\r
- @root.add_element( "rect", {\r
- "width" => width.to_s,\r
- "height" => height.to_s,\r
- "x" => "0",\r
- "y" => "0",\r
- "class" => "svgBackground"\r
- })\r
- end\r
- def calculate_graph_dimensions\r
- calculate_left_margin\r
- calculate_right_margin\r
- calculate_bottom_margin\r
- calculate_top_margin\r
- @graph_width = width - @border_left - @border_right\r
- @graph_height = height - @border_top - @border_bottom\r
- end\r
- def get_style\r
- return <<EOL\r
-/* Copy from here for external style sheet */\r
- fill:#ffffff;\r
- fill:#f0f0f0;\r
-/* graphs titles */\r
- text-anchor: middle;\r
- fill: #000000;\r
- font-size: #{title_font_size}px;\r
- font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;\r
- font-weight: normal;\r
- text-anchor: middle;\r
- fill: #999999;\r
- font-size: #{subtitle_font_size}px;\r
- font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;\r
- font-weight: normal;\r
- stroke: #000000;\r
- stroke-width: 1px;\r
- stroke: #666666;\r
- stroke-width: 1px;\r
- stroke-dasharray: 5 5;\r
- text-anchor: middle;\r
- fill: #000000;\r
- font-size: #{x_label_font_size}px;\r
- font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;\r
- font-weight: normal;\r
- text-anchor: end;\r
- fill: #000000;\r
- font-size: #{y_label_font_size}px;\r
- font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;\r
- font-weight: normal;\r
- text-anchor: middle;\r
- fill: #ff0000;\r
- font-size: #{x_title_font_size}px;\r
- font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;\r
- font-weight: normal;\r
- fill: #ff0000;\r
- text-anchor: middle;\r
- font-size: #{y_title_font_size}px;\r
- font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;\r
- font-weight: normal;\r
- fill: #000000;\r
- text-anchor:middle;\r
- font-size: 10px;\r
- font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;\r
- font-weight: normal;\r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #000000;\r
- stroke-width: 0.5px; \r
- fill: #000000;\r
- text-anchor:start;\r
- font-size: #{key_font_size}px;\r
- font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;\r
- font-weight: normal;\r
-/* End copy for external style sheet */\r
- end\r
- end\r
- end\r
+ require 'zlib'
+ @@__have_zlib = true
+ @@__have_zlib = false
+require 'rexml/document'
+module SVG
+ module Graph
+ # === Base object for generating SVG Graphs
+ #
+ # == Synopsis
+ #
+ # This class is only used as a superclass of specialized charts. Do not
+ # attempt to use this class directly, unless creating a new chart type.
+ #
+ # For examples of how to subclass this class, see the existing specific
+ # subclasses, such as SVG::Graph::Pie.
+ #
+ # == Examples
+ #
+ # For examples of how to use this package, see either the test files, or
+ # the documentation for the specific class you want to use.
+ #
+ # * file:test/plot.rb
+ # * file:test/single.rb
+ # * file:test/test.rb
+ # * file:test/timeseries.rb
+ #
+ # == Description
+ #
+ # This package should be used as a base for creating SVG graphs.
+ #
+ # == Acknowledgements
+ #
+ # Leo Lapworth for creating the SVG::TT::Graph package which this Ruby
+ # port is based on.
+ #
+ # Stephen Morgan for creating the TT template and SVG.
+ #
+ # == See
+ #
+ # * SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal
+ # * SVG::Graph::Bar
+ # * SVG::Graph::Line
+ # * SVG::Graph::Pie
+ # * SVG::Graph::Plot
+ # * SVG::Graph::TimeSeries
+ #
+ # == Author
+ #
+ # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>
+ #
+ # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell
+ # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]
+ #
+ class Graph
+ include REXML
+ # Initialize the graph object with the graph settings. You won't
+ # instantiate this class directly; see the subclass for options.
+ # [width] 500
+ # [height] 300
+ # [show_x_guidelines] false
+ # [show_y_guidelines] true
+ # [show_data_values] true
+ # [min_scale_value] 0
+ # [show_x_labels] true
+ # [stagger_x_labels] false
+ # [rotate_x_labels] false
+ # [step_x_labels] 1
+ # [step_include_first_x_label] true
+ # [show_y_labels] true
+ # [rotate_y_labels] false
+ # [scale_integers] false
+ # [show_x_title] false
+ # [x_title] 'X Field names'
+ # [show_y_title] false
+ # [y_title_text_direction] :bt
+ # [y_title] 'Y Scale'
+ # [show_graph_title] false
+ # [graph_title] 'Graph Title'
+ # [show_graph_subtitle] false
+ # [graph_subtitle] 'Graph Sub Title'
+ # [key] true,
+ # [key_position] :right, # bottom or righ
+ # [font_size] 12
+ # [title_font_size] 16
+ # [subtitle_font_size] 14
+ # [x_label_font_size] 12
+ # [x_title_font_size] 14
+ # [y_label_font_size] 12
+ # [y_title_font_size] 14
+ # [key_font_size] 10
+ # [no_css] false
+ # [add_popups] false
+ def initialize( config )
+ @config = config
+ self.top_align = self.top_font = self.right_align = self.right_font = 0
+ init_with({
+ :width => 500,
+ :height => 300,
+ :show_x_guidelines => false,
+ :show_y_guidelines => true,
+ :show_data_values => true,
+# :min_scale_value => 0,
+ :show_x_labels => true,
+ :stagger_x_labels => false,
+ :rotate_x_labels => false,
+ :step_x_labels => 1,
+ :step_include_first_x_label => true,
+ :show_y_labels => true,
+ :rotate_y_labels => false,
+ :stagger_y_labels => false,
+ :scale_integers => false,
+ :show_x_title => false,
+ :x_title => 'X Field names',
+ :show_y_title => false,
+ :y_title_text_direction => :bt,
+ :y_title => 'Y Scale',
+ :show_graph_title => false,
+ :graph_title => 'Graph Title',
+ :show_graph_subtitle => false,
+ :graph_subtitle => 'Graph Sub Title',
+ :key => true,
+ :key_position => :right, # bottom or right
+ :font_size =>12,
+ :title_font_size =>16,
+ :subtitle_font_size =>14,
+ :x_label_font_size =>12,
+ :x_title_font_size =>14,
+ :y_label_font_size =>12,
+ :y_title_font_size =>14,
+ :key_font_size =>10,
+ :no_css =>false,
+ :add_popups =>false,
+ })
+ set_defaults if respond_to? :set_defaults
+ init_with config
+ end
+ # This method allows you do add data to the graph object.
+ # It can be called several times to add more data sets in.
+ #
+ # data_sales_02 = [12, 45, 21];
+ #
+ # graph.add_data({
+ # :data => data_sales_02,
+ # :title => 'Sales 2002'
+ # })
+ def add_data conf
+ @data = [] unless defined? @data
+ if conf[:data] and conf[:data].kind_of? Array
+ @data << conf
+ else
+ raise "No data provided by #{conf.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ # This method removes all data from the object so that you can
+ # reuse it to create a new graph but with the same config options.
+ #
+ # graph.clear_data
+ def clear_data
+ @data = []
+ end
+ # This method processes the template with the data and
+ # config which has been set and returns the resulting SVG.
+ #
+ # This method will croak unless at least one data set has
+ # been added to the graph object.
+ #
+ # print graph.burn
+ def burn
+ raise "No data available" unless @data.size > 0
+ calculations if respond_to? :calculations
+ start_svg
+ calculate_graph_dimensions
+ @foreground = Element.new( "g" )
+ draw_graph
+ draw_titles
+ draw_legend
+ draw_data
+ @graph.add_element( @foreground )
+ style
+ data = ""
+ @doc.write( data, 0 )
+ if @config[:compress]
+ if @@__have_zlib
+ inp, out = IO.pipe
+ gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new( out )
+ gz.write data
+ gz.close
+ data = inp.read
+ else
+ data << "<!-- Ruby Zlib not available for SVGZ -->";
+ end
+ end
+ return data
+ end
+ # Set the height of the graph box, this is the total height
+ # of the SVG box created - not the graph it self which auto
+ # scales to fix the space.
+ attr_accessor :height
+ # Set the width of the graph box, this is the total width
+ # of the SVG box created - not the graph it self which auto
+ # scales to fix the space.
+ attr_accessor :width
+ # Set the path to an external stylesheet, set to '' if
+ # you want to revert back to using the defaut internal version.
+ #
+ # To create an external stylesheet create a graph using the
+ # default internal version and copy the stylesheet section to
+ # an external file and edit from there.
+ attr_accessor :style_sheet
+ # (Bool) Show the value of each element of data on the graph
+ attr_accessor :show_data_values
+ # The point at which the Y axis starts, defaults to '0',
+ # if set to nil it will default to the minimum data value.
+ attr_accessor :min_scale_value
+ # Whether to show labels on the X axis or not, defaults
+ # to true, set to false if you want to turn them off.
+ attr_accessor :show_x_labels
+ # This puts the X labels at alternative levels so if they
+ # are long field names they will not overlap so easily.
+ # Default it false, to turn on set to true.
+ attr_accessor :stagger_x_labels
+ # This puts the Y labels at alternative levels so if they
+ # are long field names they will not overlap so easily.
+ # Default it false, to turn on set to true.
+ attr_accessor :stagger_y_labels
+ # This turns the X axis labels by 90 degrees.
+ # Default it false, to turn on set to true.
+ attr_accessor :rotate_x_labels
+ # This turns the Y axis labels by 90 degrees.
+ # Default it false, to turn on set to true.
+ attr_accessor :rotate_y_labels
+ # How many "steps" to use between displayed X axis labels,
+ # a step of one means display every label, a step of two results
+ # in every other label being displayed (label <gap> label <gap> label),
+ # a step of three results in every third label being displayed
+ # (label <gap> <gap> label <gap> <gap> label) and so on.
+ attr_accessor :step_x_labels
+ # Whether to (when taking "steps" between X axis labels) step from
+ # the first label (i.e. always include the first label) or step from
+ # the X axis origin (i.e. start with a gap if step_x_labels is greater
+ # than one).
+ attr_accessor :step_include_first_x_label
+ # Whether to show labels on the Y axis or not, defaults
+ # to true, set to false if you want to turn them off.
+ attr_accessor :show_y_labels
+ # Ensures only whole numbers are used as the scale divisions.
+ # Default it false, to turn on set to true. This has no effect if
+ # scale divisions are less than 1.
+ attr_accessor :scale_integers
+ # This defines the gap between markers on the Y axis,
+ # default is a 10th of the max_value, e.g. you will have
+ # 10 markers on the Y axis. NOTE: do not set this too
+ # low - you are limited to 999 markers, after that the
+ # graph won't generate.
+ attr_accessor :scale_divisions
+ # Whether to show the title under the X axis labels,
+ # default is false, set to true to show.
+ attr_accessor :show_x_title
+ # What the title under X axis should be, e.g. 'Months'.
+ attr_accessor :x_title
+ # Whether to show the title under the Y axis labels,
+ # default is false, set to true to show.
+ attr_accessor :show_y_title
+ # Aligns writing mode for Y axis label.
+ # Defaults to :bt (Bottom to Top).
+ # Change to :tb (Top to Bottom) to reverse.
+ attr_accessor :y_title_text_direction
+ # What the title under Y axis should be, e.g. 'Sales in thousands'.
+ attr_accessor :y_title
+ # Whether to show a title on the graph, defaults
+ # to false, set to true to show.
+ attr_accessor :show_graph_title
+ # What the title on the graph should be.
+ attr_accessor :graph_title
+ # Whether to show a subtitle on the graph, defaults
+ # to false, set to true to show.
+ attr_accessor :show_graph_subtitle
+ # What the subtitle on the graph should be.
+ attr_accessor :graph_subtitle
+ # Whether to show a key, defaults to false, set to
+ # true if you want to show it.
+ attr_accessor :key
+ # Where the key should be positioned, defaults to
+ # :right, set to :bottom if you want to move it.
+ attr_accessor :key_position
+ # Set the font size (in points) of the data point labels
+ attr_accessor :font_size
+ # Set the font size of the X axis labels
+ attr_accessor :x_label_font_size
+ # Set the font size of the X axis title
+ attr_accessor :x_title_font_size
+ # Set the font size of the Y axis labels
+ attr_accessor :y_label_font_size
+ # Set the font size of the Y axis title
+ attr_accessor :y_title_font_size
+ # Set the title font size
+ attr_accessor :title_font_size
+ # Set the subtitle font size
+ attr_accessor :subtitle_font_size
+ # Set the key font size
+ attr_accessor :key_font_size
+ # Show guidelines for the X axis
+ attr_accessor :show_x_guidelines
+ # Show guidelines for the Y axis
+ attr_accessor :show_y_guidelines
+ # Do not use CSS if set to true. Many SVG viewers do not support CSS, but
+ # not using CSS can result in larger SVGs as well as making it impossible to
+ # change colors after the chart is generated. Defaults to false.
+ attr_accessor :no_css
+ # Add popups for the data points on some graphs
+ attr_accessor :add_popups
+ protected
+ def sort( *arrys )
+ sort_multiple( arrys )
+ end
+ # Overwrite configuration options with supplied options. Used
+ # by subclasses.
+ def init_with config
+ config.each { |key, value|
+ self.send((key.to_s+"=").to_sym, value ) if respond_to? key.to_sym
+ }
+ end
+ attr_accessor :top_align, :top_font, :right_align, :right_font
+ # Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the left
+ # of the plot area. Results in @border_left being set.
+ def calculate_left_margin
+ @border_left = 7
+ # Check for Y labels
+ max_y_label_height_px = rotate_y_labels ?
+ y_label_font_size :
+ get_y_labels.max{|a,b|
+ a.to_s.length<=>b.to_s.length
+ }.to_s.length * y_label_font_size * 0.6
+ @border_left += max_y_label_height_px if show_y_labels
+ @border_left += max_y_label_height_px + 10 if stagger_y_labels
+ @border_left += y_title_font_size + 5 if show_y_title
+ end
+ # Calculates the width of the widest Y label. This will be the
+ # character height if the Y labels are rotated
+ def max_y_label_width_px
+ return font_size if rotate_y_labels
+ end
+ # Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the right
+ # of the plot area. Results in @border_right being set.
+ def calculate_right_margin
+ @border_right = 7
+ if key and key_position == :right
+ val = keys.max { |a,b| a.length <=> b.length }
+ @border_right += val.length * key_font_size * 0.6
+ @border_right += KEY_BOX_SIZE
+ @border_right += 10 # Some padding around the box
+ end
+ end
+ # Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the top
+ # of the plot area. Results in @border_top being set.
+ def calculate_top_margin
+ @border_top = 5
+ @border_top += title_font_size if show_graph_title
+ @border_top += 5
+ @border_top += subtitle_font_size if show_graph_subtitle
+ end
+ # Adds pop-up point information to a graph.
+ def add_popup( x, y, label )
+ txt_width = label.length * font_size * 0.6 + 10
+ tx = (x+txt_width > width ? x-5 : x+5)
+ t = @foreground.add_element( "text", {
+ "x" => tx.to_s,
+ "y" => (y - font_size).to_s,
+ "visibility" => "hidden",
+ })
+ t.attributes["style"] = "fill: #000; "+
+ (x+txt_width > width ? "text-anchor: end;" : "text-anchor: start;")
+ t.text = label.to_s
+ t.attributes["id"] = t.object_id.to_s
+ @foreground.add_element( "circle", {
+ "cx" => x.to_s,
+ "cy" => y.to_s,
+ "r" => "10",
+ "style" => "opacity: 0",
+ "onmouseover" =>
+ "document.getElementById(#{t.object_id}).setAttribute('visibility', 'visible' )",
+ "onmouseout" =>
+ "document.getElementById(#{t.object_id}).setAttribute('visibility', 'hidden' )",
+ })
+ end
+ # Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the bottom
+ # of the plot area. Results in @border_bottom being set.
+ def calculate_bottom_margin
+ @border_bottom = 7
+ if key and key_position == :bottom
+ @border_bottom += @data.size * (font_size + 5)
+ @border_bottom += 10
+ end
+ if show_x_labels
+ max_x_label_height_px = (not rotate_x_labels) ?
+ x_label_font_size :
+ get_x_labels.max{|a,b|
+ a.to_s.length<=>b.to_s.length
+ }.to_s.length * x_label_font_size * 0.6
+ @border_bottom += max_x_label_height_px
+ @border_bottom += max_x_label_height_px + 10 if stagger_x_labels
+ end
+ @border_bottom += x_title_font_size + 5 if show_x_title
+ end
+ # Draws the background, axis, and labels.
+ def draw_graph
+ @graph = @root.add_element( "g", {
+ "transform" => "translate( #@border_left #@border_top )"
+ })
+ # Background
+ @graph.add_element( "rect", {
+ "x" => "0",
+ "y" => "0",
+ "width" => @graph_width.to_s,
+ "height" => @graph_height.to_s,
+ "class" => "graphBackground"
+ })
+ # Axis
+ @graph.add_element( "path", {
+ "d" => "M 0 0 v#@graph_height",
+ "class" => "axis",
+ "id" => "xAxis"
+ })
+ @graph.add_element( "path", {
+ "d" => "M 0 #@graph_height h#@graph_width",
+ "class" => "axis",
+ "id" => "yAxis"
+ })
+ draw_x_labels
+ draw_y_labels
+ end
+ # Where in the X area the label is drawn
+ # Centered in the field, should be width/2. Start, 0.
+ def x_label_offset( width )
+ 0
+ end
+ def make_datapoint_text( x, y, value, style="" )
+ if show_data_values
+ @foreground.add_element( "text", {
+ "x" => x.to_s,
+ "y" => y.to_s,
+ "class" => "dataPointLabel",
+ "style" => "#{style} stroke: #fff; stroke-width: 2;"
+ }).text = value.to_s
+ text = @foreground.add_element( "text", {
+ "x" => x.to_s,
+ "y" => y.to_s,
+ "class" => "dataPointLabel"
+ })
+ text.text = value.to_s
+ text.attributes["style"] = style if style.length > 0
+ end
+ end
+ # Draws the X axis labels
+ def draw_x_labels
+ stagger = x_label_font_size + 5
+ if show_x_labels
+ label_width = field_width
+ count = 0
+ for label in get_x_labels
+ if step_include_first_x_label == true then
+ step = count % step_x_labels
+ else
+ step = (count + 1) % step_x_labels
+ end
+ if step == 0 then
+ text = @graph.add_element( "text" )
+ text.attributes["class"] = "xAxisLabels"
+ text.text = label.to_s
+ x = count * label_width + x_label_offset( label_width )
+ y = @graph_height + x_label_font_size + 3
+ t = 0 - (font_size / 2)
+ if stagger_x_labels and count % 2 == 1
+ y += stagger
+ @graph.add_element( "path", {
+ "d" => "M#{x} #@graph_height v#{stagger}",
+ "class" => "staggerGuideLine"
+ })
+ end
+ text.attributes["x"] = x.to_s
+ text.attributes["y"] = y.to_s
+ if rotate_x_labels
+ text.attributes["transform"] =
+ "rotate( 90 #{x} #{y-x_label_font_size} )"+
+ " translate( 0 -#{x_label_font_size/4} )"
+ text.attributes["style"] = "text-anchor: start"
+ else
+ text.attributes["style"] = "text-anchor: middle"
+ end
+ end
+ draw_x_guidelines( label_width, count ) if show_x_guidelines
+ count += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Where in the Y area the label is drawn
+ # Centered in the field, should be width/2. Start, 0.
+ def y_label_offset( height )
+ 0
+ end
+ def field_width
+ (@graph_width.to_f - font_size*2*right_font) /
+ (get_x_labels.length - right_align)
+ end
+ def field_height
+ (@graph_height.to_f - font_size*2*top_font) /
+ (get_y_labels.length - top_align)
+ end
+ # Draws the Y axis labels
+ def draw_y_labels
+ stagger = y_label_font_size + 5
+ if show_y_labels
+ label_height = field_height
+ count = 0
+ y_offset = @graph_height + y_label_offset( label_height )
+ y_offset += font_size/1.2 unless rotate_y_labels
+ for label in get_y_labels
+ y = y_offset - (label_height * count)
+ x = rotate_y_labels ? 0 : -3
+ if stagger_y_labels and count % 2 == 1
+ x -= stagger
+ @graph.add_element( "path", {
+ "d" => "M#{x} #{y} h#{stagger}",
+ "class" => "staggerGuideLine"
+ })
+ end
+ text = @graph.add_element( "text", {
+ "x" => x.to_s,
+ "y" => y.to_s,
+ "class" => "yAxisLabels"
+ })
+ text.text = label.to_s
+ if rotate_y_labels
+ text.attributes["transform"] = "translate( -#{font_size} 0 ) "+
+ "rotate( 90 #{x} #{y} ) "
+ text.attributes["style"] = "text-anchor: middle"
+ else
+ text.attributes["y"] = (y - (y_label_font_size/2)).to_s
+ text.attributes["style"] = "text-anchor: end"
+ end
+ draw_y_guidelines( label_height, count ) if show_y_guidelines
+ count += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Draws the X axis guidelines
+ def draw_x_guidelines( label_height, count )
+ if count != 0
+ @graph.add_element( "path", {
+ "d" => "M#{label_height*count} 0 v#@graph_height",
+ "class" => "guideLines"
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ # Draws the Y axis guidelines
+ def draw_y_guidelines( label_height, count )
+ if count != 0
+ @graph.add_element( "path", {
+ "d" => "M0 #{@graph_height-(label_height*count)} h#@graph_width",
+ "class" => "guideLines"
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ # Draws the graph title and subtitle
+ def draw_titles
+ if show_graph_title
+ @root.add_element( "text", {
+ "x" => (width / 2).to_s,
+ "y" => (title_font_size).to_s,
+ "class" => "mainTitle"
+ }).text = graph_title.to_s
+ end
+ if show_graph_subtitle
+ y_subtitle = show_graph_title ?
+ title_font_size + 10 :
+ subtitle_font_size
+ @root.add_element("text", {
+ "x" => (width / 2).to_s,
+ "y" => (y_subtitle).to_s,
+ "class" => "subTitle"
+ }).text = graph_subtitle.to_s
+ end
+ if show_x_title
+ y = @graph_height + @border_top + x_title_font_size
+ if show_x_labels
+ y += x_label_font_size + 5 if stagger_x_labels
+ y += x_label_font_size + 5
+ end
+ x = width / 2
+ @root.add_element("text", {
+ "x" => x.to_s,
+ "y" => y.to_s,
+ "class" => "xAxisTitle",
+ }).text = x_title.to_s
+ end
+ if show_y_title
+ x = y_title_font_size + (y_title_text_direction==:bt ? 3 : -3)
+ y = height / 2
+ text = @root.add_element("text", {
+ "x" => x.to_s,
+ "y" => y.to_s,
+ "class" => "yAxisTitle",
+ })
+ text.text = y_title.to_s
+ if y_title_text_direction == :bt
+ text.attributes["transform"] = "rotate( -90, #{x}, #{y} )"
+ else
+ text.attributes["transform"] = "rotate( 90, #{x}, #{y} )"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def keys
+ return @data.collect{ |d| d[:title] }
+ end
+ # Draws the legend on the graph
+ def draw_legend
+ if key
+ group = @root.add_element( "g" )
+ key_count = 0
+ for key_name in keys
+ y_offset = (KEY_BOX_SIZE * key_count) + (key_count * 5)
+ group.add_element( "rect", {
+ "x" => 0.to_s,
+ "y" => y_offset.to_s,
+ "width" => KEY_BOX_SIZE.to_s,
+ "height" => KEY_BOX_SIZE.to_s,
+ "class" => "key#{key_count+1}"
+ })
+ group.add_element( "text", {
+ "x" => (KEY_BOX_SIZE + 5).to_s,
+ "y" => (y_offset + KEY_BOX_SIZE).to_s,
+ "class" => "keyText"
+ }).text = key_name.to_s
+ key_count += 1
+ end
+ case key_position
+ when :right
+ x_offset = @graph_width + @border_left + 10
+ y_offset = @border_top + 20
+ when :bottom
+ x_offset = @border_left + 20
+ y_offset = @border_top + @graph_height + 5
+ if show_x_labels
+ max_x_label_height_px = (not rotate_x_labels) ?
+ x_label_font_size :
+ get_x_labels.max{|a,b|
+ a.to_s.length<=>b.to_s.length
+ }.to_s.length * x_label_font_size * 0.6
+ x_label_font_size
+ y_offset += max_x_label_height_px
+ y_offset += max_x_label_height_px + 5 if stagger_x_labels
+ end
+ y_offset += x_title_font_size + 5 if show_x_title
+ end
+ group.attributes["transform"] = "translate(#{x_offset} #{y_offset})"
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def sort_multiple( arrys, lo=0, hi=arrys[0].length-1 )
+ if lo < hi
+ p = partition(arrys,lo,hi)
+ sort_multiple(arrys, lo, p-1)
+ sort_multiple(arrys, p+1, hi)
+ end
+ arrys
+ end
+ def partition( arrys, lo, hi )
+ p = arrys[0][lo]
+ l = lo
+ z = lo+1
+ while z <= hi
+ if arrys[0][z] < p
+ l += 1
+ arrys.each { |arry| arry[z], arry[l] = arry[l], arry[z] }
+ end
+ z += 1
+ end
+ arrys.each { |arry| arry[lo], arry[l] = arry[l], arry[lo] }
+ l
+ end
+ def style
+ if no_css
+ styles = parse_css
+ @root.elements.each("//*[@class]") { |el|
+ cl = el.attributes["class"]
+ style = styles[cl]
+ style += el.attributes["style"] if el.attributes["style"]
+ el.attributes["style"] = style
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def parse_css
+ css = get_style
+ rv = {}
+ while css =~ /^(\.(\w+)(?:\s*,\s*\.\w+)*)\s*\{/m
+ names_orig = names = $1
+ css = $'
+ css =~ /([^}]+)\}/m
+ content = $1
+ css = $'
+ nms = []
+ while names =~ /^\s*,?\s*\.(\w+)/
+ nms << $1
+ names = $'
+ end
+ content = content.tr( "\n\t", " ")
+ for name in nms
+ current = rv[name]
+ current = current ? current+"; "+content : content
+ rv[name] = current.strip.squeeze(" ")
+ end
+ end
+ return rv
+ end
+ # Override and place code to add defs here
+ def add_defs defs
+ end
+ def start_svg
+ # Base document
+ @doc = Document.new
+ @doc << XMLDecl.new
+ @doc << DocType.new( %q{svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" } +
+ %q{"http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd"} )
+ if style_sheet && style_sheet != ''
+ @doc << Instruction.new( "xml-stylesheet",
+ %Q{href="#{style_sheet}" type="text/css"} )
+ end
+ @root = @doc.add_element( "svg", {
+ "width" => width.to_s,
+ "height" => height.to_s,
+ "viewBox" => "0 0 #{width} #{height}",
+ "xmlns" => "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
+ "xmlns:xlink" => "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
+ "xmlns:a3" => "http://ns.adobe.com/AdobeSVGViewerExtensions/3.0/",
+ "a3:scriptImplementation" => "Adobe"
+ })
+ @root << Comment.new( " "+"\\"*66 )
+ @root << Comment.new( " Created with SVG::Graph " )
+ @root << Comment.new( " SVG::Graph by Sean E. Russell " )
+ @root << Comment.new( " Losely based on SVG::TT::Graph for Perl by"+
+ " Leo Lapworth & Stephan Morgan " )
+ @root << Comment.new( " "+"/"*66 )
+ defs = @root.add_element( "defs" )
+ add_defs defs
+ if not(style_sheet && style_sheet != '') and !no_css
+ @root << Comment.new(" include default stylesheet if none specified ")
+ style = defs.add_element( "style", {"type"=>"text/css"} )
+ style << CData.new( get_style )
+ end
+ @root << Comment.new( "SVG Background" )
+ @root.add_element( "rect", {
+ "width" => width.to_s,
+ "height" => height.to_s,
+ "x" => "0",
+ "y" => "0",
+ "class" => "svgBackground"
+ })
+ end
+ def calculate_graph_dimensions
+ calculate_left_margin
+ calculate_right_margin
+ calculate_bottom_margin
+ calculate_top_margin
+ @graph_width = width - @border_left - @border_right
+ @graph_height = height - @border_top - @border_bottom
+ end
+ def get_style
+ return <<EOL
+/* Copy from here for external style sheet */
+ fill:#ffffff;
+ fill:#f0f0f0;
+/* graphs titles */
+ text-anchor: middle;
+ fill: #000000;
+ font-size: #{title_font_size}px;
+ font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ text-anchor: middle;
+ fill: #999999;
+ font-size: #{subtitle_font_size}px;
+ font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ stroke: #000000;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ stroke: #666666;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
+ text-anchor: middle;
+ fill: #000000;
+ font-size: #{x_label_font_size}px;
+ font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ text-anchor: end;
+ fill: #000000;
+ font-size: #{y_label_font_size}px;
+ font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ text-anchor: middle;
+ fill: #ff0000;
+ font-size: #{x_title_font_size}px;
+ font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ fill: #ff0000;
+ text-anchor: middle;
+ font-size: #{y_title_font_size}px;
+ font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ fill: #000000;
+ text-anchor:middle;
+ font-size: 10px;
+ font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #000000;
+ stroke-width: 0.5px;
+ fill: #000000;
+ text-anchor:start;
+ font-size: #{key_font_size}px;
+ font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+/* End copy for external style sheet */
+ end
+ end
+ end
-require 'SVG/Graph/Graph'\r
-module SVG\r
- module Graph\r
- # === Create presentation quality SVG pie graphs easily\r
- # \r
- # == Synopsis\r
- # \r
- # require 'SVG/Graph/Pie'\r
- # \r
- # fields = %w(Jan Feb Mar)\r
- # data_sales_02 = [12, 45, 21]\r
- # \r
- # graph = SVG::Graph::Pie.new({\r
- # :height => 500,\r
- # :width => 300,\r
- # :fields => fields,\r
- # })\r
- # \r
- # graph.add_data({\r
- # :data => data_sales_02,\r
- # :title => 'Sales 2002',\r
- # })\r
- # \r
- # print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\r\n\r\n"\r
- # print graph.burn();\r
- # \r
- # == Description\r
- # \r
- # This object aims to allow you to easily create high quality\r
- # SVG pie graphs. You can either use the default style sheet\r
- # or supply your own. Either way there are many options which can\r
- # be configured to give you control over how the graph is\r
- # generated - with or without a key, display percent on pie chart,\r
- # title, subtitle etc.\r
- #\r
- # = Examples\r
- # \r
- # http://www.germane-software/repositories/public/SVG/test/single.rb\r
- # \r
- # == See also\r
- #\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Graph\r
- # * SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Bar\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Line\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Plot\r
- # * SVG::Graph::TimeSeries\r
- #\r
- # == Author\r
- #\r
- # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>\r
- #\r
- # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell\r
- # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]\r
- #\r
- class Pie < Graph\r
- # Defaults are those set by Graph::initialize, and\r
- # [show_shadow] true\r
- # [shadow_offset] 10\r
- # [show_data_labels] false\r
- # [show_actual_values] false\r
- # [show_percent] true\r
- # [show_key_data_labels] true\r
- # [show_key_actual_values] true\r
- # [show_key_percent] false\r
- # [expanded] false\r
- # [expand_greatest] false\r
- # [expand_gap] 10\r
- # [show_x_labels] false\r
- # [show_y_labels] false\r
- # [datapoint_font_size] 12\r
- def set_defaults\r
- init_with(\r
- :show_shadow => true,\r
- :shadow_offset => 10, \r
- \r
- :show_data_labels => false,\r
- :show_actual_values => false,\r
- :show_percent => true,\r
- :show_key_data_labels => true,\r
- :show_key_actual_values => true,\r
- :show_key_percent => false,\r
- \r
- :expanded => false,\r
- :expand_greatest => false,\r
- :expand_gap => 10,\r
- \r
- :show_x_labels => false,\r
- :show_y_labels => false,\r
- :datapoint_font_size => 12\r
- )\r
- @data = []\r
- end\r
- # Adds a data set to the graph.\r
- #\r
- # graph.add_data( { :data => [1,2,3,4] } )\r
- #\r
- # Note that the :title is not necessary. If multiple\r
- # data sets are added to the graph, the pie chart will\r
- # display the +sums+ of the data. EG:\r
- #\r
- # graph.add_data( { :data => [1,2,3,4] } )\r
- # graph.add_data( { :data => [2,3,5,9] } )\r
- #\r
- # is the same as:\r
- #\r
- # graph.add_data( { :data => [3,5,8,13] } )\r
- def add_data arg\r
- arg[:data].each_index {|idx|\r
- @data[idx] = 0 unless @data[idx]\r
- @data[idx] += arg[:data][idx]\r
- }\r
- end\r
- # If true, displays a drop shadow for the chart\r
- attr_accessor :show_shadow \r
- # Sets the offset of the shadow from the pie chart\r
- attr_accessor :shadow_offset\r
- # If true, display the data labels on the chart\r
- attr_accessor :show_data_labels \r
- # If true, display the actual field values in the data labels\r
- attr_accessor :show_actual_values \r
- # If true, display the percentage value of each pie wedge in the data\r
- # labels\r
- attr_accessor :show_percent\r
- # If true, display the labels in the key\r
- attr_accessor :show_key_data_labels \r
- # If true, display the actual value of the field in the key\r
- attr_accessor :show_key_actual_values \r
- # If true, display the percentage value of the wedges in the key\r
- attr_accessor :show_key_percent\r
- # If true, "explode" the pie (put space between the wedges)\r
- attr_accessor :expanded \r
- # If true, expand the largest pie wedge\r
- attr_accessor :expand_greatest \r
- # The amount of space between expanded wedges\r
- attr_accessor :expand_gap \r
- # The font size of the data point labels\r
- attr_accessor :datapoint_font_size\r
- protected\r
- def add_defs defs\r
- gradient = defs.add_element( "filter", {\r
- "id"=>"dropshadow",\r
- "width" => "1.2",\r
- "height" => "1.2",\r
- } )\r
- gradient.add_element( "feGaussianBlur", {\r
- "stdDeviation" => "4",\r
- "result" => "blur"\r
- })\r
- end\r
- # We don't need the graph\r
- def draw_graph\r
- end\r
- def get_y_labels\r
- [""]\r
- end\r
- def get_x_labels\r
- [""]\r
- end\r
- def keys\r
- total = 0\r
- max_value = 0\r
- @data.each {|x| total += x }\r
- percent_scale = 100.0 / total\r
- count = -1\r
- a = @config[:fields].collect{ |x|\r
- count += 1\r
- v = @data[count]\r
- perc = show_key_percent ? " "+(v * percent_scale).round.to_s+"%" : ""\r
- x + " [" + v.to_s + "]" + perc\r
- }\r
- end\r
- RADIANS = Math::PI/180\r
- def draw_data\r
- @graph = @root.add_element( "g" )\r
- background = @graph.add_element("g")\r
- midground = @graph.add_element("g")\r
- diameter = @graph_height > @graph_width ? @graph_width : @graph_height\r
- diameter -= expand_gap if expanded or expand_greatest\r
- diameter -= datapoint_font_size if show_data_labels\r
- diameter -= 10 if show_shadow\r
- radius = diameter / 2.0\r
- xoff = (width - diameter) / 2\r
- yoff = (height - @border_bottom - diameter)\r
- yoff -= 10 if show_shadow\r
- @graph.attributes['transform'] = "translate( #{xoff} #{yoff} )"\r
- wedge_text_pad = 5\r
- wedge_text_pad = 20 if show_percent and show_data_labels\r
- total = 0\r
- max_value = 0\r
- @data.each {|x| \r
- max_value = max_value < x ? x : max_value\r
- total += x \r
- }\r
- percent_scale = 100.0 / total\r
- prev_percent = 0\r
- rad_mult = 3.6 * RADIANS\r
- @config[:fields].each_index { |count|\r
- value = @data[count]\r
- percent = percent_scale * value\r
- radians = prev_percent * rad_mult\r
- x_start = radius+(Math.sin(radians) * radius)\r
- y_start = radius-(Math.cos(radians) * radius)\r
- radians = (prev_percent+percent) * rad_mult\r
- x_end = radius+(Math.sin(radians) * radius)\r
- x_end -= 0.00001 if @data.length == 1\r
- y_end = radius-(Math.cos(radians) * radius)\r
- path = "M#{radius},#{radius} L#{x_start},#{y_start} "+\r
- "A#{radius},#{radius} "+\r
- "0, #{percent >= 50 ? '1' : '0'},1, "+\r
- "#{x_end} #{y_end} Z"\r
- wedge = @foreground.add_element( "path", {\r
- "d" => path,\r
- "class" => "fill#{count+1}"\r
- })\r
- translate = nil\r
- tx = 0\r
- ty = 0\r
- half_percent = prev_percent + percent / 2\r
- radians = half_percent * rad_mult\r
- if show_shadow\r
- shadow = background.add_element( "path", {\r
- "d" => path,\r
- "filter" => "url(#dropshadow)",\r
- "style" => "fill: #ccc; stroke: none;"\r
- })\r
- clear = midground.add_element( "path", {\r
- "d" => path,\r
- "style" => "fill: #fff; stroke: none;"\r
- })\r
- end\r
- if expanded or (expand_greatest && value == max_value)\r
- tx = (Math.sin(radians) * expand_gap)\r
- ty = -(Math.cos(radians) * expand_gap)\r
- translate = "translate( #{tx} #{ty} )"\r
- wedge.attributes["transform"] = translate\r
- clear.attributes["transform"] = translate if clear\r
- end\r
- if show_shadow\r
- shadow.attributes["transform"] = \r
- "translate( #{tx+shadow_offset} #{ty+shadow_offset} )"\r
- end\r
- \r
- if show_data_labels and value != 0\r
- label = ""\r
- label += @config[:fields][count] if show_key_data_labels\r
- label += " ["+value.to_s+"]" if show_actual_values\r
- label += " "+percent.round.to_s+"%" if show_percent\r
- msr = Math.sin(radians)\r
- mcr = Math.cos(radians)\r
- tx = radius + (msr * radius)\r
- ty = radius -(mcr * radius)\r
- if expanded or (expand_greatest && value == max_value)\r
- tx += (msr * expand_gap)\r
- ty -= (mcr * expand_gap)\r
- end\r
- @foreground.add_element( "text", {\r
- "x" => tx.to_s,\r
- "y" => ty.to_s,\r
- "class" => "dataPointLabel",\r
- "style" => "stroke: #fff; stroke-width: 2;"\r
- }).text = label.to_s\r
- @foreground.add_element( "text", {\r
- "x" => tx.to_s,\r
- "y" => ty.to_s,\r
- "class" => "dataPointLabel",\r
- }).text = label.to_s\r
- end\r
- prev_percent += percent\r
- }\r
- end\r
- \r
- def round val, to\r
- up = 10**to.to_f\r
- (val * up).to_i / up\r
- end\r
- def get_css\r
- return <<EOL\r
- fill: #000000;\r
- text-anchor:middle;\r
- font-size: #{datapoint_font_size}px;\r
- font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;\r
- font-weight: normal;\r
-/* key - MUST match fill styles */\r
- fill: #ff0000;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #0000ff;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- fill: #00ff00;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- fill: #ffcc00;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- fill: #00ccff;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- fill: #ff00ff;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- fill: #00ff99;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- fill: #ffff00;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- fill: #cc6666;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- fill: #663399;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- fill: #339900;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill-opacity: 0.7;\r
- fill: #9966FF;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- end\r
- end\r
- end\r
+require 'SVG/Graph/Graph'
+module SVG
+ module Graph
+ # === Create presentation quality SVG pie graphs easily
+ #
+ # == Synopsis
+ #
+ # require 'SVG/Graph/Pie'
+ #
+ # fields = %w(Jan Feb Mar)
+ # data_sales_02 = [12, 45, 21]
+ #
+ # graph = SVG::Graph::Pie.new({
+ # :height => 500,
+ # :width => 300,
+ # :fields => fields,
+ # })
+ #
+ # graph.add_data({
+ # :data => data_sales_02,
+ # :title => 'Sales 2002',
+ # })
+ #
+ # print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\r\n\r\n"
+ # print graph.burn();
+ #
+ # == Description
+ #
+ # This object aims to allow you to easily create high quality
+ # SVG pie graphs. You can either use the default style sheet
+ # or supply your own. Either way there are many options which can
+ # be configured to give you control over how the graph is
+ # generated - with or without a key, display percent on pie chart,
+ # title, subtitle etc.
+ #
+ # = Examples
+ #
+ # http://www.germane-software/repositories/public/SVG/test/single.rb
+ #
+ # == See also
+ #
+ # * SVG::Graph::Graph
+ # * SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal
+ # * SVG::Graph::Bar
+ # * SVG::Graph::Line
+ # * SVG::Graph::Plot
+ # * SVG::Graph::TimeSeries
+ #
+ # == Author
+ #
+ # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>
+ #
+ # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell
+ # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]
+ #
+ class Pie < Graph
+ # Defaults are those set by Graph::initialize, and
+ # [show_shadow] true
+ # [shadow_offset] 10
+ # [show_data_labels] false
+ # [show_actual_values] false
+ # [show_percent] true
+ # [show_key_data_labels] true
+ # [show_key_actual_values] true
+ # [show_key_percent] false
+ # [expanded] false
+ # [expand_greatest] false
+ # [expand_gap] 10
+ # [show_x_labels] false
+ # [show_y_labels] false
+ # [datapoint_font_size] 12
+ def set_defaults
+ init_with(
+ :show_shadow => true,
+ :shadow_offset => 10,
+ :show_data_labels => false,
+ :show_actual_values => false,
+ :show_percent => true,
+ :show_key_data_labels => true,
+ :show_key_actual_values => true,
+ :show_key_percent => false,
+ :expanded => false,
+ :expand_greatest => false,
+ :expand_gap => 10,
+ :show_x_labels => false,
+ :show_y_labels => false,
+ :datapoint_font_size => 12
+ )
+ @data = []
+ end
+ # Adds a data set to the graph.
+ #
+ # graph.add_data( { :data => [1,2,3,4] } )
+ #
+ # Note that the :title is not necessary. If multiple
+ # data sets are added to the graph, the pie chart will
+ # display the +sums+ of the data. EG:
+ #
+ # graph.add_data( { :data => [1,2,3,4] } )
+ # graph.add_data( { :data => [2,3,5,9] } )
+ #
+ # is the same as:
+ #
+ # graph.add_data( { :data => [3,5,8,13] } )
+ def add_data arg
+ arg[:data].each_index {|idx|
+ @data[idx] = 0 unless @data[idx]
+ @data[idx] += arg[:data][idx]
+ }
+ end
+ # If true, displays a drop shadow for the chart
+ attr_accessor :show_shadow
+ # Sets the offset of the shadow from the pie chart
+ attr_accessor :shadow_offset
+ # If true, display the data labels on the chart
+ attr_accessor :show_data_labels
+ # If true, display the actual field values in the data labels
+ attr_accessor :show_actual_values
+ # If true, display the percentage value of each pie wedge in the data
+ # labels
+ attr_accessor :show_percent
+ # If true, display the labels in the key
+ attr_accessor :show_key_data_labels
+ # If true, display the actual value of the field in the key
+ attr_accessor :show_key_actual_values
+ # If true, display the percentage value of the wedges in the key
+ attr_accessor :show_key_percent
+ # If true, "explode" the pie (put space between the wedges)
+ attr_accessor :expanded
+ # If true, expand the largest pie wedge
+ attr_accessor :expand_greatest
+ # The amount of space between expanded wedges
+ attr_accessor :expand_gap
+ # The font size of the data point labels
+ attr_accessor :datapoint_font_size
+ protected
+ def add_defs defs
+ gradient = defs.add_element( "filter", {
+ "id"=>"dropshadow",
+ "width" => "1.2",
+ "height" => "1.2",
+ } )
+ gradient.add_element( "feGaussianBlur", {
+ "stdDeviation" => "4",
+ "result" => "blur"
+ })
+ end
+ # We don't need the graph
+ def draw_graph
+ end
+ def get_y_labels
+ [""]
+ end
+ def get_x_labels
+ [""]
+ end
+ def keys
+ total = 0
+ max_value = 0
+ @data.each {|x| total += x }
+ percent_scale = 100.0 / total
+ count = -1
+ a = @config[:fields].collect{ |x|
+ count += 1
+ v = @data[count]
+ perc = show_key_percent ? " "+(v * percent_scale).round.to_s+"%" : ""
+ x + " [" + v.to_s + "]" + perc
+ }
+ end
+ RADIANS = Math::PI/180
+ def draw_data
+ @graph = @root.add_element( "g" )
+ background = @graph.add_element("g")
+ midground = @graph.add_element("g")
+ diameter = @graph_height > @graph_width ? @graph_width : @graph_height
+ diameter -= expand_gap if expanded or expand_greatest
+ diameter -= datapoint_font_size if show_data_labels
+ diameter -= 10 if show_shadow
+ radius = diameter / 2.0
+ xoff = (width - diameter) / 2
+ yoff = (height - @border_bottom - diameter)
+ yoff -= 10 if show_shadow
+ @graph.attributes['transform'] = "translate( #{xoff} #{yoff} )"
+ wedge_text_pad = 5
+ wedge_text_pad = 20 if show_percent and show_data_labels
+ total = 0
+ max_value = 0
+ @data.each {|x|
+ max_value = max_value < x ? x : max_value
+ total += x
+ }
+ percent_scale = 100.0 / total
+ prev_percent = 0
+ rad_mult = 3.6 * RADIANS
+ @config[:fields].each_index { |count|
+ value = @data[count]
+ percent = percent_scale * value
+ radians = prev_percent * rad_mult
+ x_start = radius+(Math.sin(radians) * radius)
+ y_start = radius-(Math.cos(radians) * radius)
+ radians = (prev_percent+percent) * rad_mult
+ x_end = radius+(Math.sin(radians) * radius)
+ x_end -= 0.00001 if @data.length == 1
+ y_end = radius-(Math.cos(radians) * radius)
+ path = "M#{radius},#{radius} L#{x_start},#{y_start} "+
+ "A#{radius},#{radius} "+
+ "0, #{percent >= 50 ? '1' : '0'},1, "+
+ "#{x_end} #{y_end} Z"
+ wedge = @foreground.add_element( "path", {
+ "d" => path,
+ "class" => "fill#{count+1}"
+ })
+ translate = nil
+ tx = 0
+ ty = 0
+ half_percent = prev_percent + percent / 2
+ radians = half_percent * rad_mult
+ if show_shadow
+ shadow = background.add_element( "path", {
+ "d" => path,
+ "filter" => "url(#dropshadow)",
+ "style" => "fill: #ccc; stroke: none;"
+ })
+ clear = midground.add_element( "path", {
+ "d" => path,
+ "style" => "fill: #fff; stroke: none;"
+ })
+ end
+ if expanded or (expand_greatest && value == max_value)
+ tx = (Math.sin(radians) * expand_gap)
+ ty = -(Math.cos(radians) * expand_gap)
+ translate = "translate( #{tx} #{ty} )"
+ wedge.attributes["transform"] = translate
+ clear.attributes["transform"] = translate if clear
+ end
+ if show_shadow
+ shadow.attributes["transform"] =
+ "translate( #{tx+shadow_offset} #{ty+shadow_offset} )"
+ end
+ if show_data_labels and value != 0
+ label = ""
+ label += @config[:fields][count] if show_key_data_labels
+ label += " ["+value.to_s+"]" if show_actual_values
+ label += " "+percent.round.to_s+"%" if show_percent
+ msr = Math.sin(radians)
+ mcr = Math.cos(radians)
+ tx = radius + (msr * radius)
+ ty = radius -(mcr * radius)
+ if expanded or (expand_greatest && value == max_value)
+ tx += (msr * expand_gap)
+ ty -= (mcr * expand_gap)
+ end
+ @foreground.add_element( "text", {
+ "x" => tx.to_s,
+ "y" => ty.to_s,
+ "class" => "dataPointLabel",
+ "style" => "stroke: #fff; stroke-width: 2;"
+ }).text = label.to_s
+ @foreground.add_element( "text", {
+ "x" => tx.to_s,
+ "y" => ty.to_s,
+ "class" => "dataPointLabel",
+ }).text = label.to_s
+ end
+ prev_percent += percent
+ }
+ end
+ def round val, to
+ up = 10**to.to_f
+ (val * up).to_i / up
+ end
+ def get_css
+ return <<EOL
+ fill: #000000;
+ text-anchor:middle;
+ font-size: #{datapoint_font_size}px;
+ font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+/* key - MUST match fill styles */
+ fill: #ff0000;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #0000ff;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ fill: #00ff00;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ fill: #ffcc00;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ fill: #00ccff;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ fill: #ff00ff;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ fill: #00ff99;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ fill: #ffff00;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ fill: #cc6666;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ fill: #663399;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ fill: #339900;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill-opacity: 0.7;
+ fill: #9966FF;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ end
+ end
+ end
-require 'SVG/Graph/Graph'\r
-module SVG\r
- module Graph\r
- # === For creating SVG plots of scalar data\r
- # \r
- # = Synopsis\r
- # \r
- # require 'SVG/Graph/Plot'\r
- # \r
- # # Data sets are x,y pairs\r
- # # Note that multiple data sets can differ in length, and that the\r
- # # data in the datasets needn't be in order; they will be ordered\r
- # # by the plot along the X-axis.\r
- # projection = [\r
- # 6, 11, 0, 5, 18, 7, 1, 11, 13, 9, 1, 2, 19, 0, 3, 13,\r
- # 7, 9 \r
- # ]\r
- # actual = [\r
- # 0, 18, 8, 15, 9, 4, 18, 14, 10, 2, 11, 6, 14, 12, \r
- # 15, 6, 4, 17, 2, 12\r
- # ]\r
- # \r
- # graph = SVG::Graph::Plot.new({\r
- # :height => 500,\r
- # :width => 300,\r
- # :key => true,\r
- # :scale_x_integers => true,\r
- # :scale_y_integerrs => true,\r
- # })\r
- # \r
- # graph.add_data({\r
- # :data => projection\r
- # :title => 'Projected',\r
- # })\r
- # \r
- # graph.add_data({\r
- # :data => actual,\r
- # :title => 'Actual',\r
- # })\r
- # \r
- # print graph.burn()\r
- # \r
- # = Description\r
- # \r
- # Produces a graph of scalar data.\r
- # \r
- # This object aims to allow you to easily create high quality\r
- # SVG[http://www.w3c.org/tr/svg] scalar plots. You can either use the\r
- # default style sheet or supply your own. Either way there are many options\r
- # which can be configured to give you control over how the graph is\r
- # generated - with or without a key, data elements at each point, title,\r
- # subtitle etc.\r
- #\r
- # = Examples\r
- # \r
- # http://www.germane-software/repositories/public/SVG/test/plot.rb\r
- # \r
- # = Notes\r
- # \r
- # The default stylesheet handles upto 10 data sets, if you\r
- # use more you must create your own stylesheet and add the\r
- # additional settings for the extra data sets. You will know\r
- # if you go over 10 data sets as they will have no style and\r
- # be in black.\r
- #\r
- # Unlike the other types of charts, data sets must contain x,y pairs:\r
- #\r
- # [ 1, 2 ] # A data set with 1 point: (1,2)\r
- # [ 1,2, 5,6] # A data set with 2 points: (1,2) and (5,6) \r
- # \r
- # = See also\r
- # \r
- # * SVG::Graph::Graph\r
- # * SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Bar\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Line\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Pie\r
- # * SVG::Graph::TimeSeries\r
- #\r
- # == Author\r
- #\r
- # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>\r
- #\r
- # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell\r
- # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]\r
- #\r
- class Plot < Graph\r
- # In addition to the defaults set by Graph::initialize, sets\r
- # [show_data_values] true\r
- # [show_data_points] true\r
- # [area_fill] false\r
- # [stacked] false\r
- def set_defaults\r
- init_with(\r
- :show_data_values => true,\r
- :show_data_points => true,\r
- :area_fill => false,\r
- :stacked => false\r
- )\r
- self.top_align = self.right_align = self.top_font = self.right_font = 1\r
- end\r
- # Determines the scaling for the X axis divisions.\r
- #\r
- # graph.scale_x_divisions = 2\r
- #\r
- # would cause the graph to attempt to generate labels stepped by 2; EG:\r
- # 0,2,4,6,8...\r
- attr_accessor :scale_x_divisions\r
- # Determines the scaling for the Y axis divisions.\r
- #\r
- # graph.scale_y_divisions = 0.5\r
- #\r
- # would cause the graph to attempt to generate labels stepped by 0.5; EG:\r
- # 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, ...\r
- attr_accessor :scale_y_divisions \r
- # Make the X axis labels integers\r
- attr_accessor :scale_x_integers \r
- # Make the Y axis labels integers\r
- attr_accessor :scale_y_integers \r
- # Fill the area under the line\r
- attr_accessor :area_fill \r
- # Show a small circle on the graph where the line\r
- # goes from one point to the next.\r
- attr_accessor :show_data_points\r
- # Set the minimum value of the X axis\r
- attr_accessor :min_x_value \r
- # Set the minimum value of the Y axis\r
- attr_accessor :min_y_value\r
- # Adds data to the plot. The data must be in X,Y pairs; EG\r
- # [ 1, 2 ] # A data set with 1 point: (1,2)\r
- # [ 1,2, 5,6] # A data set with 2 points: (1,2) and (5,6) \r
- def add_data data\r
- @data = [] unless @data\r
- raise "No data provided by #{conf.inspect}" unless data[:data] and\r
- data[:data].kind_of? Array\r
- raise "Data supplied must be x,y pairs! "+\r
- "The data provided contained an odd set of "+\r
- "data points" unless data[:data].length % 2 == 0\r
- return if data[:data].length == 0\r
- x = []\r
- y = []\r
- data[:data].each_index {|i|\r
- (i%2 == 0 ? x : y) << data[:data][i]\r
- }\r
- sort( x, y )\r
- data[:data] = [x,y]\r
- @data << data\r
- end\r
- protected\r
- def keys\r
- @data.collect{ |x| x[:title] }\r
- end\r
- def calculate_left_margin\r
- super\r
- label_left = get_x_labels[0].to_s.length / 2 * font_size * 0.6\r
- @border_left = label_left if label_left > @border_left\r
- end\r
- def calculate_right_margin\r
- super\r
- label_right = get_x_labels[-1].to_s.length / 2 * font_size * 0.6\r
- @border_right = label_right if label_right > @border_right\r
- end\r
- X = 0\r
- Y = 1\r
- def x_range\r
- max_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][X][-1] }.max\r
- min_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][X][0] }.min\r
- min_value = min_value<min_x_value ? min_value : min_x_value if min_x_value\r
- range = max_value - min_value\r
- right_pad = range == 0 ? 10 : range / 20.0\r
- scale_range = (max_value + right_pad) - min_value\r
- scale_division = scale_x_divisions || (scale_range / 10.0)\r
- if scale_x_integers\r
- scale_division = scale_division < 1 ? 1 : scale_division.round\r
- end\r
- [min_value, max_value, scale_division]\r
- end\r
- def get_x_values\r
- min_value, max_value, scale_division = x_range\r
- rv = []\r
- min_value.step( max_value, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}\r
- return rv\r
- end\r
- alias :get_x_labels :get_x_values\r
- def field_width\r
- values = get_x_values\r
- max = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][X][-1]}.max\r
- dx = (max - values[-1]).to_f / (values[-1] - values[-2])\r
- (@graph_width.to_f - font_size*2*right_font) /\r
- (values.length + dx - right_align)\r
- end\r
- def y_range\r
- max_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][Y].max }.max\r
- min_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][Y].min }.min\r
- min_value = min_value<min_y_value ? min_value : min_y_value if min_y_value\r
- range = max_value - min_value\r
- top_pad = range == 0 ? 10 : range / 20.0\r
- scale_range = (max_value + top_pad) - min_value\r
- scale_division = scale_y_divisions || (scale_range / 10.0)\r
- if scale_y_integers\r
- scale_division = scale_division < 1 ? 1 : scale_division.round\r
- end\r
- return [min_value, max_value, scale_division]\r
- end\r
- def get_y_values\r
- min_value, max_value, scale_division = y_range\r
- rv = []\r
- min_value.step( max_value, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}\r
- return rv\r
- end\r
- alias :get_y_labels :get_y_values\r
- def field_height\r
- values = get_y_values\r
- max = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][Y].max }.max\r
- if values.length == 1\r
- dx = values[-1]\r
- else\r
- dx = (max - values[-1]).to_f / (values[-1] - values[-2])\r
- end\r
- (@graph_height.to_f - font_size*2*top_font) /\r
- (values.length + dx - top_align)\r
- end\r
- def draw_data\r
- line = 1\r
- x_min, x_max, x_div = x_range\r
- y_min, y_max, y_div = y_range\r
- x_step = (@graph_width.to_f - font_size*2) / (x_max-x_min)\r
- y_step = (@graph_height.to_f - font_size*2) / (y_max-y_min)\r
- for data in @data\r
- x_points = data[:data][X]\r
- y_points = data[:data][Y]\r
- lpath = "L"\r
- x_start = 0\r
- y_start = 0\r
- x_points.each_index { |idx|\r
- x = (x_points[idx] - x_min) * x_step\r
- y = @graph_height - (y_points[idx] - y_min) * y_step\r
- x_start, y_start = x,y if idx == 0\r
- lpath << "#{x} #{y} "\r
- }\r
- if area_fill\r
- @graph.add_element( "path", {\r
- "d" => "M#{x_start} #@graph_height #{lpath} V#@graph_height Z",\r
- "class" => "fill#{line}"\r
- })\r
- end\r
- @graph.add_element( "path", {\r
- "d" => "M#{x_start} #{y_start} #{lpath}",\r
- "class" => "line#{line}"\r
- })\r
- if show_data_points || show_data_values\r
- x_points.each_index { |idx|\r
- x = (x_points[idx] - x_min) * x_step\r
- y = @graph_height - (y_points[idx] - y_min) * y_step\r
- if show_data_points\r
- @graph.add_element( "circle", {\r
- "cx" => x.to_s,\r
- "cy" => y.to_s,\r
- "r" => "2.5",\r
- "class" => "dataPoint#{line}"\r
- })\r
- add_popup(x, y, format( x_points[idx], y_points[idx] )) if add_popups\r
- end\r
- make_datapoint_text( x, y-6, y_points[idx] ) if show_data_values\r
- }\r
- end\r
- line += 1\r
- end\r
- end\r
- def format x, y\r
- "(#{(x * 100).to_i / 100}, #{(y * 100).to_i / 100})"\r
- end\r
- \r
- def get_css\r
- return <<EOL\r
-/* default line styles */\r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #ff0000;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #0000ff;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #00ff00;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #ffcc00;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #00ccff;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #ff00ff;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #00ffff;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #ffff00;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #ccc6666;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #663399;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #339900;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: none;\r
- stroke: #9966FF;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
-/* default fill styles */\r
- fill: #cc0000;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- fill: #0000cc;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- fill: #00cc00;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- fill: #ffcc00;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- fill: #00ccff;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- fill: #ff00ff;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- fill: #00ffff;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- fill: #ffff00;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- fill: #cc6666;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- fill: #663399;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- fill: #339900;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- fill: #9966FF;\r
- fill-opacity: 0.2;\r
- stroke: none;\r
-/* default line styles */\r
- fill: #ff0000;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #0000ff;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #00ff00;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #ffcc00;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #00ccff;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #ff00ff;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #00ffff;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #ffff00;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #cc6666;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #663399;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #339900;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- fill: #9966FF;\r
- stroke: none;\r
- stroke-width: 1px; \r
- end\r
- end\r
- end\r
+require 'SVG/Graph/Graph'
+module SVG
+ module Graph
+ # === For creating SVG plots of scalar data
+ #
+ # = Synopsis
+ #
+ # require 'SVG/Graph/Plot'
+ #
+ # # Data sets are x,y pairs
+ # # Note that multiple data sets can differ in length, and that the
+ # # data in the datasets needn't be in order; they will be ordered
+ # # by the plot along the X-axis.
+ # projection = [
+ # 6, 11, 0, 5, 18, 7, 1, 11, 13, 9, 1, 2, 19, 0, 3, 13,
+ # 7, 9
+ # ]
+ # actual = [
+ # 0, 18, 8, 15, 9, 4, 18, 14, 10, 2, 11, 6, 14, 12,
+ # 15, 6, 4, 17, 2, 12
+ # ]
+ #
+ # graph = SVG::Graph::Plot.new({
+ # :height => 500,
+ # :width => 300,
+ # :key => true,
+ # :scale_x_integers => true,
+ # :scale_y_integerrs => true,
+ # })
+ #
+ # graph.add_data({
+ # :data => projection
+ # :title => 'Projected',
+ # })
+ #
+ # graph.add_data({
+ # :data => actual,
+ # :title => 'Actual',
+ # })
+ #
+ # print graph.burn()
+ #
+ # = Description
+ #
+ # Produces a graph of scalar data.
+ #
+ # This object aims to allow you to easily create high quality
+ # SVG[http://www.w3c.org/tr/svg] scalar plots. You can either use the
+ # default style sheet or supply your own. Either way there are many options
+ # which can be configured to give you control over how the graph is
+ # generated - with or without a key, data elements at each point, title,
+ # subtitle etc.
+ #
+ # = Examples
+ #
+ # http://www.germane-software/repositories/public/SVG/test/plot.rb
+ #
+ # = Notes
+ #
+ # The default stylesheet handles upto 10 data sets, if you
+ # use more you must create your own stylesheet and add the
+ # additional settings for the extra data sets. You will know
+ # if you go over 10 data sets as they will have no style and
+ # be in black.
+ #
+ # Unlike the other types of charts, data sets must contain x,y pairs:
+ #
+ # [ 1, 2 ] # A data set with 1 point: (1,2)
+ # [ 1,2, 5,6] # A data set with 2 points: (1,2) and (5,6)
+ #
+ # = See also
+ #
+ # * SVG::Graph::Graph
+ # * SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal
+ # * SVG::Graph::Bar
+ # * SVG::Graph::Line
+ # * SVG::Graph::Pie
+ # * SVG::Graph::TimeSeries
+ #
+ # == Author
+ #
+ # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>
+ #
+ # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell
+ # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]
+ #
+ class Plot < Graph
+ # In addition to the defaults set by Graph::initialize, sets
+ # [show_data_values] true
+ # [show_data_points] true
+ # [area_fill] false
+ # [stacked] false
+ def set_defaults
+ init_with(
+ :show_data_values => true,
+ :show_data_points => true,
+ :area_fill => false,
+ :stacked => false
+ )
+ self.top_align = self.right_align = self.top_font = self.right_font = 1
+ end
+ # Determines the scaling for the X axis divisions.
+ #
+ # graph.scale_x_divisions = 2
+ #
+ # would cause the graph to attempt to generate labels stepped by 2; EG:
+ # 0,2,4,6,8...
+ attr_accessor :scale_x_divisions
+ # Determines the scaling for the Y axis divisions.
+ #
+ # graph.scale_y_divisions = 0.5
+ #
+ # would cause the graph to attempt to generate labels stepped by 0.5; EG:
+ # 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, ...
+ attr_accessor :scale_y_divisions
+ # Make the X axis labels integers
+ attr_accessor :scale_x_integers
+ # Make the Y axis labels integers
+ attr_accessor :scale_y_integers
+ # Fill the area under the line
+ attr_accessor :area_fill
+ # Show a small circle on the graph where the line
+ # goes from one point to the next.
+ attr_accessor :show_data_points
+ # Set the minimum value of the X axis
+ attr_accessor :min_x_value
+ # Set the minimum value of the Y axis
+ attr_accessor :min_y_value
+ # Adds data to the plot. The data must be in X,Y pairs; EG
+ # [ 1, 2 ] # A data set with 1 point: (1,2)
+ # [ 1,2, 5,6] # A data set with 2 points: (1,2) and (5,6)
+ def add_data data
+ @data = [] unless @data
+ raise "No data provided by #{conf.inspect}" unless data[:data] and
+ data[:data].kind_of? Array
+ raise "Data supplied must be x,y pairs! "+
+ "The data provided contained an odd set of "+
+ "data points" unless data[:data].length % 2 == 0
+ return if data[:data].length == 0
+ x = []
+ y = []
+ data[:data].each_index {|i|
+ (i%2 == 0 ? x : y) << data[:data][i]
+ }
+ sort( x, y )
+ data[:data] = [x,y]
+ @data << data
+ end
+ protected
+ def keys
+ @data.collect{ |x| x[:title] }
+ end
+ def calculate_left_margin
+ super
+ label_left = get_x_labels[0].to_s.length / 2 * font_size * 0.6
+ @border_left = label_left if label_left > @border_left
+ end
+ def calculate_right_margin
+ super
+ label_right = get_x_labels[-1].to_s.length / 2 * font_size * 0.6
+ @border_right = label_right if label_right > @border_right
+ end
+ X = 0
+ Y = 1
+ def x_range
+ max_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][X][-1] }.max
+ min_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][X][0] }.min
+ min_value = min_value<min_x_value ? min_value : min_x_value if min_x_value
+ range = max_value - min_value
+ right_pad = range == 0 ? 10 : range / 20.0
+ scale_range = (max_value + right_pad) - min_value
+ scale_division = scale_x_divisions || (scale_range / 10.0)
+ if scale_x_integers
+ scale_division = scale_division < 1 ? 1 : scale_division.round
+ end
+ [min_value, max_value, scale_division]
+ end
+ def get_x_values
+ min_value, max_value, scale_division = x_range
+ rv = []
+ min_value.step( max_value, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}
+ return rv
+ end
+ alias :get_x_labels :get_x_values
+ def field_width
+ values = get_x_values
+ max = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][X][-1]}.max
+ dx = (max - values[-1]).to_f / (values[-1] - values[-2])
+ (@graph_width.to_f - font_size*2*right_font) /
+ (values.length + dx - right_align)
+ end
+ def y_range
+ max_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][Y].max }.max
+ min_value = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][Y].min }.min
+ min_value = min_value<min_y_value ? min_value : min_y_value if min_y_value
+ range = max_value - min_value
+ top_pad = range == 0 ? 10 : range / 20.0
+ scale_range = (max_value + top_pad) - min_value
+ scale_division = scale_y_divisions || (scale_range / 10.0)
+ if scale_y_integers
+ scale_division = scale_division < 1 ? 1 : scale_division.round
+ end
+ return [min_value, max_value, scale_division]
+ end
+ def get_y_values
+ min_value, max_value, scale_division = y_range
+ rv = []
+ min_value.step( max_value, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}
+ return rv
+ end
+ alias :get_y_labels :get_y_values
+ def field_height
+ values = get_y_values
+ max = @data.collect{|x| x[:data][Y].max }.max
+ if values.length == 1
+ dx = values[-1]
+ else
+ dx = (max - values[-1]).to_f / (values[-1] - values[-2])
+ end
+ (@graph_height.to_f - font_size*2*top_font) /
+ (values.length + dx - top_align)
+ end
+ def draw_data
+ line = 1
+ x_min, x_max, x_div = x_range
+ y_min, y_max, y_div = y_range
+ x_step = (@graph_width.to_f - font_size*2) / (x_max-x_min)
+ y_step = (@graph_height.to_f - font_size*2) / (y_max-y_min)
+ for data in @data
+ x_points = data[:data][X]
+ y_points = data[:data][Y]
+ lpath = "L"
+ x_start = 0
+ y_start = 0
+ x_points.each_index { |idx|
+ x = (x_points[idx] - x_min) * x_step
+ y = @graph_height - (y_points[idx] - y_min) * y_step
+ x_start, y_start = x,y if idx == 0
+ lpath << "#{x} #{y} "
+ }
+ if area_fill
+ @graph.add_element( "path", {
+ "d" => "M#{x_start} #@graph_height #{lpath} V#@graph_height Z",
+ "class" => "fill#{line}"
+ })
+ end
+ @graph.add_element( "path", {
+ "d" => "M#{x_start} #{y_start} #{lpath}",
+ "class" => "line#{line}"
+ })
+ if show_data_points || show_data_values
+ x_points.each_index { |idx|
+ x = (x_points[idx] - x_min) * x_step
+ y = @graph_height - (y_points[idx] - y_min) * y_step
+ if show_data_points
+ @graph.add_element( "circle", {
+ "cx" => x.to_s,
+ "cy" => y.to_s,
+ "r" => "2.5",
+ "class" => "dataPoint#{line}"
+ })
+ add_popup(x, y, format( x_points[idx], y_points[idx] )) if add_popups
+ end
+ make_datapoint_text( x, y-6, y_points[idx] ) if show_data_values
+ }
+ end
+ line += 1
+ end
+ end
+ def format x, y
+ "(#{(x * 100).to_i / 100}, #{(y * 100).to_i / 100})"
+ end
+ def get_css
+ return <<EOL
+/* default line styles */
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #ff0000;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #0000ff;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #00ff00;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #ffcc00;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #00ccff;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #ff00ff;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #00ffff;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #ffff00;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #ccc6666;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #663399;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #339900;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #9966FF;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+/* default fill styles */
+ fill: #cc0000;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #0000cc;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #00cc00;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #ffcc00;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #00ccff;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #ff00ff;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #00ffff;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #ffff00;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #cc6666;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #663399;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #339900;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #9966FF;
+ fill-opacity: 0.2;
+ stroke: none;
+/* default line styles */
+ fill: #ff0000;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #0000ff;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #00ff00;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #ffcc00;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #00ccff;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #ff00ff;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #00ffff;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #ffff00;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #cc6666;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #663399;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #339900;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ fill: #9966FF;
+ stroke: none;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ end
+ end
+ end
-require 'SVG/Graph/Plot'\r
-module SVG\r
- module Graph\r
- # === For creating SVG plots of scalar temporal data\r
- # \r
- # = Synopsis\r
- # \r
- # require 'SVG/Graph/TimeSeriess'\r
- # \r
- # # Data sets are x,y pairs\r
- # data1 = ["6/17/72", 11, "1/11/72", 7, "4/13/04 17:31", 11, \r
- # "9/11/01", 9, "9/1/85", 2, "9/1/88", 1, "1/15/95", 13]\r
- # data2 = ["8/1/73", 18, "3/1/77", 15, "10/1/98", 4, \r
- # "5/1/02", 14, "3/1/95", 6, "8/1/91", 12, "12/1/87", 6, \r
- # "5/1/84", 17, "10/1/80", 12]\r
- #\r
- # graph = SVG::Graph::TimeSeries.new( {\r
- # :width => 640,\r
- # :height => 480,\r
- # :graph_title => title,\r
- # :show_graph_title => true,\r
- # :no_css => true,\r
- # :key => true,\r
- # :scale_x_integers => true,\r
- # :scale_y_integers => true,\r
- # :min_x_value => 0,\r
- # :min_y_value => 0,\r
- # :show_data_labels => true,\r
- # :show_x_guidelines => true,\r
- # :show_x_title => true,\r
- # :x_title => "Time",\r
- # :show_y_title => true,\r
- # :y_title => "Ice Cream Cones",\r
- # :y_title_text_direction => :bt,\r
- # :stagger_x_labels => true,\r
- # :x_label_format => "%m/%d/%y",\r
- # })\r
- # \r
- # graph.add_data({\r
- # :data => projection\r
- # :title => 'Projected',\r
- # })\r
- # \r
- # graph.add_data({\r
- # :data => actual,\r
- # :title => 'Actual',\r
- # })\r
- # \r
- # print graph.burn()\r
- #\r
- # = Description\r
- # \r
- # Produces a graph of temporal scalar data.\r
- # \r
- # = Examples\r
- #\r
- # http://www.germane-software/repositories/public/SVG/test/timeseries.rb\r
- # \r
- # = Notes\r
- # \r
- # The default stylesheet handles upto 10 data sets, if you\r
- # use more you must create your own stylesheet and add the\r
- # additional settings for the extra data sets. You will know\r
- # if you go over 10 data sets as they will have no style and\r
- # be in black.\r
- #\r
- # Unlike the other types of charts, data sets must contain x,y pairs:\r
- #\r
- # [ "12:30", 2 ] # A data set with 1 point: ("12:30",2)\r
- # [ "01:00",2, "14:20",6] # A data set with 2 points: ("01:00",2) and \r
- # # ("14:20",6) \r
- #\r
- # Note that multiple data sets within the same chart can differ in length, \r
- # and that the data in the datasets needn't be in order; they will be ordered\r
- # by the plot along the X-axis.\r
- # \r
- # The dates must be parseable by ParseDate, but otherwise can be\r
- # any order of magnitude (seconds within the hour, or years)\r
- # \r
- # = See also\r
- # \r
- # * SVG::Graph::Graph\r
- # * SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Bar\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Line\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Pie\r
- # * SVG::Graph::Plot\r
- #\r
- # == Author\r
- #\r
- # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>\r
- #\r
- # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell\r
- # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]\r
- #\r
- class TimeSeries < Plot\r
- # In addition to the defaults set by Graph::initialize and\r
- # Plot::set_defaults, sets:\r
- # [x_label_format] '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'\r
- # [popup_format] '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'\r
- def set_defaults\r
- super\r
- init_with(\r
- #:max_time_span => '',\r
- :x_label_format => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',\r
- :popup_format => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'\r
- )\r
- end\r
- # The format string use do format the X axis labels.\r
- # See Time::strformat\r
- attr_accessor :x_label_format\r
- # Use this to set the spacing between dates on the axis. The value\r
- # must be of the form \r
- # "\d+ ?(days|weeks|months|years|hours|minutes|seconds)?"\r
- # \r
- # EG:\r
- #\r
- # graph.timescale_divisions = "2 weeks"\r
- #\r
- # will cause the chart to try to divide the X axis up into segments of\r
- # two week periods.\r
- attr_accessor :timescale_divisions\r
- # The formatting used for the popups. See x_label_format\r
- attr_accessor :popup_format\r
- # Add data to the plot.\r
- #\r
- # d1 = [ "12:30", 2 ] # A data set with 1 point: ("12:30",2)\r
- # d2 = [ "01:00",2, "14:20",6] # A data set with 2 points: ("01:00",2) and \r
- # # ("14:20",6) \r
- # graph.add_data( \r
- # :data => d1,\r
- # :title => 'One'\r
- # )\r
- # graph.add_data(\r
- # :data => d2,\r
- # :title => 'Two'\r
- # )\r
- #\r
- # Note that the data must be in time,value pairs, and that the date format\r
- # may be any date that is parseable by ParseDate.\r
- def add_data data\r
- @data = [] unless @data\r
- \r
- raise "No data provided by #{@data.inspect}" unless data[:data] and\r
- data[:data].kind_of? Array\r
- raise "Data supplied must be x,y pairs! "+\r
- "The data provided contained an odd set of "+\r
- "data points" unless data[:data].length % 2 == 0\r
- return if data[:data].length == 0\r
- x = []\r
- y = []\r
- data[:data].each_index {|i|\r
- if i%2 == 0\r
- t = DateTime.parse( data[:data][i] ).to_time\r
- x << t.to_i\r
- else\r
- y << data[:data][i]\r
- end\r
- }\r
- sort( x, y )\r
- data[:data] = [x,y]\r
- @data << data\r
- end\r
- protected\r
- def min_x_value=(value)\r
- @min_x_value = DateTime.parse( value ).to_time\r
- end\r
- def format x, y\r
- Time.at( x ).strftime( popup_format )\r
- end\r
- def get_x_labels\r
- get_x_values.collect { |v| Time.at(v).strftime( x_label_format ) }\r
- end\r
- \r
- private\r
- def get_x_values\r
- rv = []\r
- min, max, scale_division = x_range\r
- if timescale_divisions\r
- timescale_divisions =~ /(\d+) ?(day|week|month|year|hour|minute|second)?/\r
- division_units = $2 ? $2 : "day"\r
- amount = $1.to_i\r
- if amount\r
- step = nil\r
- case division_units\r
- when "month"\r
- cur = min\r
- while cur < max\r
- rv << cur\r
- arr = Time.at( cur ).to_a\r
- arr[4] += amount\r
- if arr[4] > 12\r
- arr[5] += (arr[4] / 12).to_i\r
- arr[4] = (arr[4] % 12)\r
- end\r
- cur = Time.local(*arr).to_i\r
- end\r
- when "year"\r
- cur = min\r
- while cur < max\r
- rv << cur\r
- arr = Time.at( cur ).to_a\r
- arr[5] += amount\r
- cur = Time.local(*arr).to_i\r
- end\r
- when "week"\r
- step = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * amount\r
- when "day"\r
- step = 24 * 60 * 60 * amount\r
- when "hour"\r
- step = 60 * 60 * amount\r
- when "minute"\r
- step = 60 * amount\r
- when "second"\r
- step = amount\r
- end\r
- min.step( max, step ) {|v| rv << v} if step\r
- return rv\r
- end\r
- end\r
- min.step( max, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}\r
- return rv\r
- end\r
- end\r
- end\r
+require 'SVG/Graph/Plot'
+module SVG
+ module Graph
+ # === For creating SVG plots of scalar temporal data
+ #
+ # = Synopsis
+ #
+ # require 'SVG/Graph/TimeSeriess'
+ #
+ # # Data sets are x,y pairs
+ # data1 = ["6/17/72", 11, "1/11/72", 7, "4/13/04 17:31", 11,
+ # "9/11/01", 9, "9/1/85", 2, "9/1/88", 1, "1/15/95", 13]
+ # data2 = ["8/1/73", 18, "3/1/77", 15, "10/1/98", 4,
+ # "5/1/02", 14, "3/1/95", 6, "8/1/91", 12, "12/1/87", 6,
+ # "5/1/84", 17, "10/1/80", 12]
+ #
+ # graph = SVG::Graph::TimeSeries.new( {
+ # :width => 640,
+ # :height => 480,
+ # :graph_title => title,
+ # :show_graph_title => true,
+ # :no_css => true,
+ # :key => true,
+ # :scale_x_integers => true,
+ # :scale_y_integers => true,
+ # :min_x_value => 0,
+ # :min_y_value => 0,
+ # :show_data_labels => true,
+ # :show_x_guidelines => true,
+ # :show_x_title => true,
+ # :x_title => "Time",
+ # :show_y_title => true,
+ # :y_title => "Ice Cream Cones",
+ # :y_title_text_direction => :bt,
+ # :stagger_x_labels => true,
+ # :x_label_format => "%m/%d/%y",
+ # })
+ #
+ # graph.add_data({
+ # :data => projection
+ # :title => 'Projected',
+ # })
+ #
+ # graph.add_data({
+ # :data => actual,
+ # :title => 'Actual',
+ # })
+ #
+ # print graph.burn()
+ #
+ # = Description
+ #
+ # Produces a graph of temporal scalar data.
+ #
+ # = Examples
+ #
+ # http://www.germane-software/repositories/public/SVG/test/timeseries.rb
+ #
+ # = Notes
+ #
+ # The default stylesheet handles upto 10 data sets, if you
+ # use more you must create your own stylesheet and add the
+ # additional settings for the extra data sets. You will know
+ # if you go over 10 data sets as they will have no style and
+ # be in black.
+ #
+ # Unlike the other types of charts, data sets must contain x,y pairs:
+ #
+ # [ "12:30", 2 ] # A data set with 1 point: ("12:30",2)
+ # [ "01:00",2, "14:20",6] # A data set with 2 points: ("01:00",2) and
+ # # ("14:20",6)
+ #
+ # Note that multiple data sets within the same chart can differ in length,
+ # and that the data in the datasets needn't be in order; they will be ordered
+ # by the plot along the X-axis.
+ #
+ # The dates must be parseable by ParseDate, but otherwise can be
+ # any order of magnitude (seconds within the hour, or years)
+ #
+ # = See also
+ #
+ # * SVG::Graph::Graph
+ # * SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal
+ # * SVG::Graph::Bar
+ # * SVG::Graph::Line
+ # * SVG::Graph::Pie
+ # * SVG::Graph::Plot
+ #
+ # == Author
+ #
+ # Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>
+ #
+ # Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell
+ # This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]
+ #
+ class TimeSeries < Plot
+ # In addition to the defaults set by Graph::initialize and
+ # Plot::set_defaults, sets:
+ # [x_label_format] '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+ # [popup_format] '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+ def set_defaults
+ super
+ init_with(
+ #:max_time_span => '',
+ :x_label_format => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
+ :popup_format => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+ )
+ end
+ # The format string use do format the X axis labels.
+ # See Time::strformat
+ attr_accessor :x_label_format
+ # Use this to set the spacing between dates on the axis. The value
+ # must be of the form
+ # "\d+ ?(days|weeks|months|years|hours|minutes|seconds)?"
+ #
+ # EG:
+ #
+ # graph.timescale_divisions = "2 weeks"
+ #
+ # will cause the chart to try to divide the X axis up into segments of
+ # two week periods.
+ attr_accessor :timescale_divisions
+ # The formatting used for the popups. See x_label_format
+ attr_accessor :popup_format
+ # Add data to the plot.
+ #
+ # d1 = [ "12:30", 2 ] # A data set with 1 point: ("12:30",2)
+ # d2 = [ "01:00",2, "14:20",6] # A data set with 2 points: ("01:00",2) and
+ # # ("14:20",6)
+ # graph.add_data(
+ # :data => d1,
+ # :title => 'One'
+ # )
+ # graph.add_data(
+ # :data => d2,
+ # :title => 'Two'
+ # )
+ #
+ # Note that the data must be in time,value pairs, and that the date format
+ # may be any date that is parseable by ParseDate.
+ def add_data data
+ @data = [] unless @data
+ raise "No data provided by #{@data.inspect}" unless data[:data] and
+ data[:data].kind_of? Array
+ raise "Data supplied must be x,y pairs! "+
+ "The data provided contained an odd set of "+
+ "data points" unless data[:data].length % 2 == 0
+ return if data[:data].length == 0
+ x = []
+ y = []
+ data[:data].each_index {|i|
+ if i%2 == 0
+ t = DateTime.parse( data[:data][i] ).to_time
+ x << t.to_i
+ else
+ y << data[:data][i]
+ end
+ }
+ sort( x, y )
+ data[:data] = [x,y]
+ @data << data
+ end
+ protected
+ def min_x_value=(value)
+ @min_x_value = DateTime.parse( value ).to_time
+ end
+ def format x, y
+ Time.at( x ).strftime( popup_format )
+ end
+ def get_x_labels
+ get_x_values.collect { |v| Time.at(v).strftime( x_label_format ) }
+ end
+ private
+ def get_x_values
+ rv = []
+ min, max, scale_division = x_range
+ if timescale_divisions
+ timescale_divisions =~ /(\d+) ?(day|week|month|year|hour|minute|second)?/
+ division_units = $2 ? $2 : "day"
+ amount = $1.to_i
+ if amount
+ step = nil
+ case division_units
+ when "month"
+ cur = min
+ while cur < max
+ rv << cur
+ arr = Time.at( cur ).to_a
+ arr[4] += amount
+ if arr[4] > 12
+ arr[5] += (arr[4] / 12).to_i
+ arr[4] = (arr[4] % 12)
+ end
+ cur = Time.local(*arr).to_i
+ end
+ when "year"
+ cur = min
+ while cur < max
+ rv << cur
+ arr = Time.at( cur ).to_a
+ arr[5] += amount
+ cur = Time.local(*arr).to_i
+ end
+ when "week"
+ step = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * amount
+ when "day"
+ step = 24 * 60 * 60 * amount
+ when "hour"
+ step = 60 * 60 * amount
+ when "minute"
+ step = 60 * amount
+ when "second"
+ step = amount
+ end
+ min.step( max, step ) {|v| rv << v} if step
+ return rv
+ end
+ end
+ min.step( max, scale_division ) {|v| rv << v}
+ return rv
+ end
+ end
+ end