def update
(render_403; return false) unless @journal.editable_by?(User.current)
- @journal.safe_attributes = params[:journal]
+ journal_attributes = params[:journal]
+ journal_attributes[:updated_by] = User.current
+ @journal.safe_attributes = journal_attributes
@journal.destroy if @journal.details.empty? && @journal.notes.blank?
call_hook(:controller_journals_edit_post, {:journal => @journal, :params => params})
css_classes = journal.private_notes? ? 'badge badge-private private' : ''
content_tag('span', content.html_safe, :id => "journal-#{}-private_notes", :class => css_classes)
+ def render_journal_update_info(journal)
+ return if journal.created_on == journal.updated_on
+ content_tag('span', "· #{l(:label_edited)}", :title => l(:label_time_by_author, :time => format_time(journal.updated_on), :author => journal.updated_by), :class => 'update-info')
+ end
belongs_to :issue, :foreign_key => :journalized_id
belongs_to :user
+ belongs_to :updated_by, :class_name => 'User'
has_many :details, :class_name => "JournalDetail", :dependent => :delete_all, :inverse_of => :journal
attr_accessor :indice
:if => lambda {|journal, user| user.allowed_to?(:set_notes_private, journal.project)})
+ safe_attributes 'updated_by'
# Returns a SQL condition to filter out journals with notes that are not visible to user
def self.visible_notes_condition(user=User.current, options={})
<%= avatar(journal.user) %>
<%= authoring journal.created_on, journal.user, :label => :label_updated_time_by %>
<%= render_private_notes_indicator(journal) %>
+ <%= render_journal_update_info(journal) %>
<% if journal.details.any? %>
$("#journal-<%= %>-notes").replaceWith('<%= escape_javascript(render_notes(@journal.issue, @journal, :reply_links => authorize_for('issues', 'edit'))) %>');
$("#journal-<%= %>-notes").show();
$("#journal-<%= %>-form").remove();
+ var journal_header = $("#change-<%= %> h4");
+ var journal_updated_info = journal_header.find("span.update-info");
+ if (journal_updated_info.length > 0) {
+ journal_updated_info.replaceWith('<%= escape_javascript(render_journal_update_info(@journal)) %>');
+ } else {
+ journal_header.append('<%= escape_javascript(render_journal_update_info(@journal)) %>');
+ }
<% end %>
label_my_bookmarks: My bookmarks
label_assign_to_me: Assign to me
label_default_query: Default query
+ label_edited: Edited
+ label_time_by_author: "%{time} by %{author}"
button_login: Login
button_submit: Submit
--- /dev/null
+class AddJournalUpdatedOn < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
+ def up
+ add_column :journals, :updated_on, :datetime, :after => :created_on
+ Journal.update_all('updated_on = created_on')
+ end
+ def down
+ remove_column :journals, :updated_on
+ end
--- /dev/null
+class AddJournalUpdatedBy < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
+ def up
+ add_column :journals, :updated_by_id, :integer, :default => nil, :after => :updated_on
+ end
+ def down
+ remove_column :journals, :updated_by_id
+ end
div.journal ul.details a:hover, ul.revision-info a:hover {color:#D14848;}
body.avatars-on div.journal {padding-left:32px;}
div.journal h4 img.gravatar {margin-left:-32px;}
+div.journal span.update-info {color: #666; font-size: 0.9em;}
#history .tab-content {
padding: 0 6px;
created_on: <%= 2.days.ago.to_date.to_s(:db) %>
+ updated_on: <%= 1.days.ago.to_date.to_s(:db) %>
notes: "Journal notes"
id: 1
journalized_type: Issue
user_id: 1
journalized_id: 1
+ updated_by_id: 1
created_on: <%= 1.days.ago.to_date.to_s(:db) %>
+ updated_on: <%= 1.days.ago.to_date.to_s(:db) %>
notes: "Some notes with Redmine links: #2, r2."
id: 2
journalized_type: Issue
journalized_id: 1
created_on: <%= 1.days.ago.to_date.to_s(:db) %>
+ updated_on: <%= 1.days.ago.to_date.to_s(:db) %>
notes: "A comment with inline image: !picture.jpg! and a reference to #1 and r2."
id: 3
journalized_type: Issue
journalized_id: 2
created_on: <%= 1.days.ago.to_date.to_s(:db) %>
+ updated_on: <%= 1.days.ago.to_date.to_s(:db) %>
notes: "A comment with a private version."
id: 4
journalized_type: Issue
id: 5
created_on: <%= 1.days.ago.to_date.to_s(:db) %>
+ updated_on: <%= 1.days.ago.to_date.to_s(:db) %>
notes: "A comment on a private issue."
user_id: 2
journalized_type: Issue
assert_select "#change-#{}", 0
+ def test_show_should_mark_notes_as_edited_only_for_edited_notes
+ get :show, :params => {:id => 1}
+ assert_response :success
+ journal = Journal.find(1)
+ journal_title = l(:label_time_by_author, :time => format_time(journal.updated_on), :author => journal.updated_by)
+ assert_select "#change-1 h4 span.update-info[title=?]", journal_title, :text => '· Edited'
+ assert_select "#change-2 h4 span.update-info", 0
+ end
def test_show_atom
with_settings :text_formatting => 'textile' do