users, i.e. when the behaviour changes and could affect the layout of existing
documents. Example: the fix of marks layering will be such a case when it's done.
- <release version="FOP Trunk" date="TBD">
+ <release version="1.1" date="20 October 2012">
+ <action context="Renderers" dev="VH" type="add" fixes-bug="53980">
+ PDF accessibility: Store language information coming from fo:block or fo:character in the
+ structure tree.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Layout" dev="MH" type="add" fixes-bug="53924" due-to="Luis Bernardo">
+ Support for retrieve-table-markers
+ </action>
+ <action context="Renderers" dev="VH" type="add" fixes-bug="53902">
+ Added possibility to define ‘header’ table columns (the same way as fo:table-header allows
+ to define header rows). When accessibility is enabled, this allows to set the appropriate
+ Scope attribute on the corresponding TH cells.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Fonts" dev="MH" type="add" fixes-bug="53868" importance="low" due-to="Luis Bernardo">
+ Full font embedding in PDF
+ </action>
+ <action context="Renderers" dev="PH" type="add" fixes-bug="53865" importance="low">
+ Added configuration for RowPerStrip configuration in the Tiff renderer.
+ RowsPerStrip can be configured to 1 or to the total # of rows.
+ See docs for fop.xconf configuration details.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Layout" dev="VH" type="fix" fixes-bug="53598" due-to="Robert Meyer">
+ Always set the breakClass field to a legal value in BreakElement, so as to avoid
+ IllegalArgumentExceptions in other parts of the code.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Layout" dev="VH" type="fix" fixes-bug="45715" due-to="Luis Bernardo">
+ Restored support for break-before on fo:table.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Layout" dev="VH" type="fix" fixes-bug="53827">
+ When an fo:block has a non-zero value for its text-indent property and is broken over two
+ pages of different widths, then the first line on the second page is missing one word and
+ appears indented.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Renderers" dev="MH" type="fix" fixes-bug="53790">
+ Prevented the TIFF configurator from overriding the Bitmap configurator unless CCITT
+ compression is enabled.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Renderers" dev="MH" type="fix" fixes-bug="53786">
+ Removed the Attribute Qualifier on TLEs as they aren't used.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Renderers" dev="MH" type="fix" fixes-bug="48954" due-to="PH">
+ Support for character encoding of TLEs in AFP output
+ </action>
+ <action context="Renderers" dev="VH" type="fix" fixes-bug="53778">
+ When PDF accessibility is enabled, the contents for the different regions must appear in the
+ proper order in the structure tree.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Renderers" dev="MH" type="fix" fixes-bug="53766" due-to="Robert Meyer">
+ Remove StandardEncoding as the encoding type from fonts used in the PDF renderer
+ </action>
+ <action context="Fonts" dev="MH" type="fix" fixes-bug="53685">
+ Cached AFP charactersets have more unique keys preventing the two characters with
+ but different binaries conflicting.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Fonts" dev="MH" type="fix" fixes-bug="53657" due-to="Robert Meyer">
+ AFP fonts default to the nominal character increment to font metrics when glyph info
+ is missing from the characterset.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Layout" dev="VH" type="fix" fixes-bug="53688">
+ Wrong page number reported when a column overflows the region-body in a multi-column
+ document.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Renderers" dev="VH" type="add" fixes-bug="53639">
+ When PDF accessibility is enabled, the Scope attribute must be present in the structure tree
+ for table header elements.
+ </action>
+ <action context="Fonts" dev="MH" type="add" fixes-bug="53600" due-to="Robert Meyer">
+ Added an event if a glyph and its metric information does not exist in the character set
+ </action>
+ <action context="Renderers" dev="VH" type="add" fixes-bug="53596">
+ When PDF accessibility is enabled, the structure tree must contain information about the
+ number of columns or rows spanned by a table cell.
+ </action>
<action context="Renderers" dev="MH" type="add" fixes-bug="53563" importance="low">
Removed a method call to the java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice()
that could (in a headless environment) throw a java.awt.HeadlessException