rspamd_config.HEADER_FORGED_MDN = {
callback = function (task)
local mdn = task:get_header('Disposition-Notification-To')
+ if not mdn then return false end
local header_rp = nil
if task:has_from('smtp') then
-- Parse mail addr
- local header_mdn = nil
- if mdn then
- local headers_mdn = util.parse_mail_address(mdn)
- if headers_mdn then header_mdn = headers_mdn[1] end
- end
+ local headers_mdn = util.parse_mail_address(mdn)
- if header_mdn and not header_rp then return true end
- if header_rp and not header_mdn then return false end
+ if headers_mdn and not header_rp then return true end
+ if header_rp and not headers_mdn then return false end
+ if not headers_mdn and not header_rp then return false end
- if header_mdn and header_mdn['addr'] ~= header_rp['addr'] then
- return true
+ local found_match = false
+ for _, h in ipairs(headers_mdn) do
+ if util.strequal_caseless(h['addr'], header_rp['addr']) then
+ found_match = true
+ break
+ end
- return false
+ return (not found_match)
score = 2.0,