path: root/src/ci
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ci')
2 files changed, 8 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/ci/docker/webtest/Dockerfile b/src/ci/docker/webtest/Dockerfile
index 1c3e47f83..a5490fa46 100644
--- a/src/ci/docker/webtest/Dockerfile
+++ b/src/ci/docker/webtest/Dockerfile
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
# Currently only chrome browser is installed into the image.
# Uses selenium version 2.53.1
-FROM ubuntu:xenial
+FROM openjdk:8-jre-slim
MAINTAINER Apache Archiva <dev@archiva.apache.org>
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
@@ -34,14 +34,12 @@ ARG SELENIUM_VERSION=2.53.1
RUN apt-get -qqy update
RUN apt-get -qqy install apt-utils >/dev/null 2>&1
-RUN apt-get -qqy install wget unzip >/dev/null
+RUN apt-get -qqy install wget unzip gnupg >/dev/null
RUN apt-get -qqy upgrade && apt-get -qqy autoremove >/dev/null
RUN wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add - \
&& echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list \
- && apt-get -qqy update \
- && apt-get -qqy install \
- >/dev/null
+ && apt-get -qqy update >/dev/null\
+ && apt-get -qqy install $CHROME_VERSION >/dev/null
RUN wget --no-verbose -O /tmp/chromedriver_linux64.zip https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/$CHROME_DRIVER_VERSION/chromedriver_linux64.zip \
&& rm -rf /opt/selenium/chromedriver \
@@ -52,9 +50,9 @@ RUN wget --no-verbose -O /tmp/chromedriver_linux64.zip https://chromedriver.stor
&& ln -fs /opt/selenium/chromedriver-$CHROME_DRIVER_VERSION /usr/bin/chromedriver \
-RUN apt-get -qqy install openjdk-8-jre-headless xvfb dbus locales fluxbox \
- && apt-get -qqy purge perl libtext-iconv-perl cpp-5 Libperl5.22 libx11-doc libsane fonts-dejavu-extra xfonts-base libsane-common iproute2 krb5-locales ifupdown \
- && apt-get -qqy autoremove \
+RUN apt-get -qqy install xvfb dbus locales fluxbox >/dev/null \
+ && apt-get -qqy purge perl libtext-iconv-perl libx11-doc libsane fonts-dejavu-extra xfonts-base libsane-common iproute2 krb5-locales ifupdown >/dev/null \
+ && apt-get -qqy autoremove >/dev/null \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/cache/apt/* >/dev/null
RUN mkdir -p /opt/bin && wget --no-verbose -O /opt/bin/selenium-server-standalone.jar https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/2.53/selenium-server-standalone-$SELENIUM_VERSION.jar \
diff --git a/src/ci/scripts/container_webtest.sh b/src/ci/scripts/container_webtest.sh
index 36818d01a..4123643f3 100755
--- a/src/ci/scripts/container_webtest.sh
+++ b/src/ci/scripts/container_webtest.sh
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
# Always change the version, if your Dockerfile or scripts of the container change