path: root/docs/index.adoc
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1 files changed, 9 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/docs/index.adoc b/docs/index.adoc
index 21ffd5136..ba508e433 100644
--- a/docs/index.adoc
+++ b/docs/index.adoc
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ materials, see https://eclipse.org/aspectj. Not all of these materials have been
|xref:faq/faq.adoc#faq[FAQ], xref:quickref/quick5.pdf[Quick Reference (AspectJ 5)],
xref:quickref/quick.pdf[Quick Reference (1.2.1)], xref:adk15notebook/index.adoc[AspectJ 5 Developer's Notebook],
xref:progguide/index.adoc[programming], xref:devguide/index.adoc[development] and
-xref:pdguide/index.adoc[problem diagnosis] guides, link:runtime-api/index.html[API] and
+xref:pdguide/index.adoc[problem diagnosis] guides, link:runtime-api/index.html[runtime API],
+link:weaver-api/index.html[weaver API] and
link:https://github.com/eclipse-aspectj/aspectj/tree/master/docs/examples[example code]
@@ -79,9 +80,14 @@ a|Problem Diagnosis Guide
|Guide to various debugging features available, such as messages and trace to help you both solve problems with you own
programs and report bugs to the AspectJ team
-|xref:runtime-api/index.html[AspectJ API]
+|xref:runtime-api/index.html[AspectJ Runtime API]
|API documentation for AspectJ runtime classes. `JoinPoint` shows the state automatically available at each join point.
-See also the xref:weaver-api/index.html[Weaver API].
+`ProceedingJoinPoint` explains how to `proceed(..)` to the intercepted join point from an around advice.
+|xref:weaver-api/index.html[AspectJ Weaver API]
+|API documentation for AspectJ weaver classes. This is a superset of the runtime API plus all the additional classes
+used for byte code weaving, both during compilation from source code and binary weaving during post-compile and
+load-time weaving.
|Frequently asked questions about the AspectJ language, tools, and project