path: root/tests/src/test/java/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc150/AnnotationBinding.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/src/test/java/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc150/AnnotationBinding.java')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/test/java/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc150/AnnotationBinding.java b/tests/src/test/java/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc150/AnnotationBinding.java
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/test/java/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc150/AnnotationBinding.java
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+ * Copyright (c) 2004 IBM
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Andy Clement - initial API and implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.aspectj.systemtest.ajc150;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.List;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+import org.aspectj.asm.AsmManager;
+import org.aspectj.asm.IHierarchy;
+import org.aspectj.asm.IProgramElement;
+import org.aspectj.asm.IRelationship;
+import org.aspectj.asm.internal.Relationship;
+import org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase;
+public class AnnotationBinding extends XMLBasedAjcTestCase {
+ public static Test suite() {
+ return XMLBasedAjcTestCase.loadSuite(AnnotationBinding.class);
+ }
+ protected File getSpecFile() {
+ return getClassResource("ajc150.xml");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ANNOTATION and CALL
+ // Very simple annotation binding for 'call() && @annotation()'
+ public void testCallAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("call annotation binding 1");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @annotation()' when the called method has multiple arguments
+ public void testCallAnnotationBinding2() {
+ runTest("call annotation binding 2");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @annotation()' when the called method takes primitive arguments (YUCK!)
+ public void testCallAnnotationBinding3() {
+ runTest("call annotation binding 3");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @annotation()' when runtime type will exhibit different annotation (due to interface implementing)
+ public void testCallAnnotationBinding4() {
+ runTest("call annotation binding 4");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @annotation()' when target doesnt have an annotation !
+ public void testCallAnnotationBinding5() {
+ runTest("call annotation binding 5");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @annotation()' when runtime type will exhibit different annotation (due to subclassing)
+ public void testCallAnnotationBinding6() {
+ runTest("call annotation binding 6");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @annotation()' using named pointcut
+ public void testCallAnnotationBinding7() {
+ runTest("call annotation binding 7");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @TARGET
+ // 'call() && @target()'
+ public void testAtTargetAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("@target annotation binding 1");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @target() && @target'
+ public void testAtTargetAnnotationBinding2() {
+ runTest("@target annotation binding 2");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @target()' - using a type hierarchy where some levels are missing annotations
+ public void testAtTargetAnnotationBinding3() {
+ runTest("@target annotation binding 3");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @target()' - using a type hierarchy where some levels are missing annotations
+ // but the annotation is inherited
+ public void testAtTargetAnnotationBinding4() {
+ runTest("@target annotation binding 4");
+ }
+ // @target() with an annotation in a package
+ public void testAtTargetAnnotationBinding5() {
+ runTest("@target annotation binding 5");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @THIS
+ // 'call() && @this()'
+ public void testAtThisAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("@this annotation binding 1");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @this() && @this'
+ public void testAtThisAnnotationBinding2() {
+ runTest("@this annotation binding 2");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @this()' - using a type hierarchy where some levels are missing annotations
+ public void testAtThisAnnotationBinding3() {
+ runTest("@this annotation binding 3");
+ }
+ // 'call() && @this()' - using a type hierarchy where some levels are missing annotations
+ // but the annotation is inherited
+ public void testAtThisAnnotationBinding4() {
+ runTest("@this annotation binding 4");
+ }
+ // '@this() and @target()' used together
+ public void testAtThisAtTargetAnnotationBinding() {
+ runTest("@this annotation binding 5");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ARGS
+ // complex case when there are 3 parameters
+ public void testAtArgs1() {
+ runTest("@args annotation binding 1");
+ }
+ // simple case when there is only one parameter
+ public void testAtArgs2() {
+ runTest("@args annotation binding 2");
+ }
+ // simple case when there is only one parameter and no binding
+ public void testAtArgs3() {
+ runTest("@args annotation binding 3");
+ }
+ // complex case binding different annotation kinds
+ public void testAtArgs4() {
+ runTest("@args annotation binding 4");
+ }
+ // check @args and execution()
+ public void testAtArgs5() {
+ runTest("@args annotation binding 5");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ANNOTATION and EXECUTION
+ // 'execution() && @annotation()'
+ public void testExecutionAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("execution and @annotation");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ANNOTATION and SET
+ // 'set() && @annotation()'
+ public void testFieldAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("set and @annotation");
+ }
+ // 'get() && @annotation()'
+ public void testFieldAnnotationBinding2() {
+ runTest("get and @annotation");
+ }
+ // 'get() && @annotation()' when using array fields
+ public void testFieldAnnotationBinding3() {
+ runTest("get and @annotation with arrays");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ANNOTATION and CTOR-CALL
+ // 'ctor-call(new) && @annotation()'
+ public void testCtorCallAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("cons call and @annotation");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ANNOTATION and CTOR-CALL
+ // 'ctor-execution() && @annotation()'
+ public void testCtorExecAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("cons exe and @annotation");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ANNOTATION and STATICINITIALIZATION
+ // 'staticinitialization() && @annotation()'
+ public void testStaticInitAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("staticinit and @annotation");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ANNOTATION and PREINITIALIZATION
+ // 'preinitialization() && @annotation()'
+ public void testPreInitAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("preinit and @annotation");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ANNOTATION and INITIALIZATION
+ // 'initialization() && @annotation()'
+ public void testInitAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("init and @annotation");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ANNOTATION and ADVICEEXECUTION
+ // 'adviceexecution() && @annotation()'
+ public void testAdviceExecAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("adviceexecution and @annotation");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ANNOTATION and HANDLER
+ // 'handler() && @annotation()'
+ public void testHandlerAnnotationBinding1() {
+ runTest("handler and @annotation");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @WITHIN
+ // '@within()'
+ public void testWithinBinding1() {
+ runTest("@within");
+ }
+ // '@within()' but multiple types around (some annotated)
+ public void testWithinBinding2() {
+ runTest("@within - multiple types");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @WITHINCODE
+ // '@withincode() && call(* println(..))'
+ public void testWithinCodeBinding1() {
+ runTest("@withincode() and call(* println(..))");
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////////// @ANNOTATION complex tests
+ // Using package names for the types (including the annotation) - NO BINDING
+ public void testPackageNamedTypesNoBinding() {
+ runTest("packages and no binding");
+ }
+ // Using package names for the types (including the annotation) - INCLUDES BINDING
+ public void testPackageNamedTypesWithBinding() {
+ runTest("packages and binding");
+ }
+ // declare parents: @Color * implements Serializable
+ public void testDeclareParentsWithAnnotatedAnyPattern() {
+ runTest("annotated any pattern");
+ }
+ // Should error (in a nice way!) on usage of an annotation that isnt imported
+ public void testAnnotationUsedButNotImported() {
+ runTest("annotation not imported");
+ }
+ // Binding with calls/executions of static methods
+ public void testCallsAndExecutionsOfStaticMethods() {
+ runTest("binding with static methods");
+ }
+ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // annotation binding with ITDs
+ public void testAnnotationBindingAndITDs1() {
+ runTest("simple binding annotation values where itd method is annotated");
+ }
+ public void testAnnotationBindingAndITDs2() {
+ runTest("simple binding annotation values where itd field is annotated");
+ }
+ public void testAnnotationBindingAndITDs3() {
+ runTest("simple binding annotation values where itd ctor is annotated");
+ }
+ public void testAnnotationBindingAndITDs4() {
+ runTest("simple binding annotation values where itd method is annotated via declare");
+ }
+ public void testAnnotationBindingAndITDs5() {
+ runTest("simple binding annotation values where itd field is annotated via declare");
+ }
+ public void testAnnotationBindingAndITDs6() {
+ runTest("simple binding annotation values where itd field is annotated multiple times via declare");
+ }
+ public void testAnnotationBindingAndITDs7() {
+ runTest("simple binding annotation values where itd ctor is annotated via declare");
+ }
+ public void testAnnotationBindingAndITDs4_asmtest() {
+ // AsmManager.setReporting("c:/debug.txt",true,true,true,true);
+ runTest("simple binding annotation values where itd method is annotated via declare");
+ if (getCurrentTest().canRunOnThisVM()) {
+ AsmManager asm = AsmManager.lastActiveStructureModel;
+ IHierarchy top = asm.getHierarchy();
+ IProgramElement ipe = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(), IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_METHOD,
+ "declare @method: int A.m() : @Fruit(\"orange\")");
+ assertTrue("Couldn't find 'declare @method' element in the tree", ipe != null);
+ List<IRelationship> l = asm.getRelationshipMap().get(ipe);
+ assertTrue("Should have a relationship but does not ", l.size() > 0);
+ ipe = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(), IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_METHOD,
+ "declare @method: int A.n() : @Fruit(\"banana\")");
+ assertTrue("Couldn't find 'declare @method element in the tree", ipe != null);
+ l = asm.getRelationshipMap().get(ipe);
+ assertTrue("Should have a relationship but does not ", l.size() > 0);
+ Relationship rel = (Relationship) l.get(0);
+ assertTrue("Should have 1 target but has " + rel.getTargets().size(), rel.getTargets().size() == 1);
+ String tgt = (String) rel.getTargets().get(0);
+ int lineNumber = asm.getHandleProvider().getLineNumberForHandle(tgt);
+ assertTrue("Should point to line 10 but doesnt: " + lineNumber, lineNumber == 10);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAnnotationBindingAndITDs5_asmtest() {
+ // AsmManager.setReporting("c:/debug.txt",true,true,true,true);
+ runTest("simple binding annotation values where itd field is annotated via declare");
+ if (getCurrentTest().canRunOnThisVM()) {
+ AsmManager asm = AsmManager.lastActiveStructureModel;
+ IHierarchy top = asm.getHierarchy();
+ IProgramElement ipe = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(), IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_FIELD,
+ "declare @field: int A.i : @Fruit(\"orange\")");
+ assertTrue("Couldn't find 'declare @type' element in the tree", ipe != null);
+ List<IRelationship> l = asm.getRelationshipMap().get(ipe);
+ assertTrue("Should have a relationship but does not ", l.size() > 0);
+ ipe = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(), IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_FIELD,
+ "declare @field: java.lang.String A.j : @Fruit(\"banana\")");
+ assertTrue("Couldn't find 'declare @field element in the tree", ipe != null);
+ l = asm.getRelationshipMap().get(ipe);
+ assertTrue("Should have a relationship but does not ", l.size() > 0);
+ Relationship rel = (Relationship) l.get(0);
+ assertTrue("Should have 1 target but has " + rel.getTargets().size(), rel.getTargets().size() == 1);
+ String tgt = (String) rel.getTargets().get(0);
+ int lineNumber = asm.getHandleProvider().getLineNumberForHandle(tgt);
+ assertTrue("Should point to line 10 but doesnt: " + lineNumber, lineNumber == 10);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAnnotationBindingAndITDs7_asmtest() {
+ // AsmManager.setReporting("c:/debug.txt",true,true,true,true);
+ runTest("simple binding annotation values where itd ctor is annotated via declare");
+ if (getCurrentTest().canRunOnThisVM()) {
+ AsmManager asm = AsmManager.lastActiveStructureModel;
+ IHierarchy top = asm.getHierarchy();
+ IProgramElement ipe = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(), IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_CONSTRUCTOR,
+ "declare @constructor: A.new(java.lang.String) : @Fruit(\"pear\")");
+ assertTrue("Couldn't find 'declare @constructor' element in the tree", ipe != null);
+ List<IRelationship> l = asm.getRelationshipMap().get(ipe);
+ assertTrue("Should have a relationship but does not ", l.size() > 0);
+ ipe = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(), IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_CONSTRUCTOR,
+ "declare @constructor: A.new(int) : @Fruit(\"orange\")");
+ assertTrue("Couldn't find 'declare @constructor element in the tree", ipe != null);
+ l = asm.getRelationshipMap().get(ipe);
+ assertTrue("Should have a relationship but does not ", l.size() > 0);
+ Relationship rel = (Relationship) l.get(0);
+ assertTrue("Should have 1 target but has " + rel.getTargets().size(), rel.getTargets().size() == 1);
+ String tgt = (String) rel.getTargets().get(0);
+ int lineNumber = asm.getHandleProvider().getLineNumberForHandle(tgt);
+ assertTrue("Should point to line 10 but doesnt: " + lineNumber, lineNumber == 10);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAnnotationBindingArgsVerifyError_pr92053() {
+ runTest("AtArgs causes a VerifyError: Unable to pop operand off an empty stack");
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file