path: root/pom.xml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Release AspectJ Kriegisch2024-03-131-1/+1
* Add link to JDK-8326483 for "generated by javadoc (n)" issueAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-241-3/+3
* Extend documentation for Antrun execution to fix javadocsAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-211-2/+8
* Add 'AspectJ_JDK_Update' hint in various placesAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-191-2/+2
* Run Antrun post-javadoc task depending on Javadoc executionAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-171-2/+3
* Minor POM cosmeticsAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-171-0/+1
* Use Antrun plugin to eliminate javadoc version number in HTMLAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-171-0/+39
* Maven Javadoc: Add options for reproducible build artifactsAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-171-0/+8
* Bump Maven Javadoc to 3.6.3Alexander Kriegisch2024-02-171-1/+1
* Suppress "unresolved Maven property" warning in IntelliJ for 'maven.gpgAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-171-0/+1
* Reproducible builds: set project.build.outputTimestampAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-171-0/+6
* Set version to 1.9.22-SNAPSHOTAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-141-1/+1
* Release Kriegisch2024-02-141-1/+1
* Bump JDT Core to Kriegisch2024-02-131-1/+1
* Workaround for non-English javadoc generationAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-011-0/+12
* DRY: Centralise common Maven Javadoc configurationAlexander Kriegisch2024-02-011-0/+16
* Bump asciidoctor-maven-plugin to 2.2.5Alexander Kriegisch2024-01-291-7/+1
* Workaround for defining classes during LTWAlexander Kriegisch2024-01-291-0/+5
* Add local Maven site to 'distributionManagement'Alexander Kriegisch2024-01-061-0/+5
* Docs: Create separate CSS files, do not embed into HTMLAlexander Kriegisch2024-01-061-1/+10
* Asciidoc: Create PDFs from multi-page guidesAlexander Kriegisch2024-01-061-1/+6
* Fix warning in Asciidoctor Maven by JRuby version bumpAlexander Kriegisch2024-01-061-1/+9
* Remove 'imagesdir' from Asciidoctor Maven configAlexander Kriegisch2024-01-061-1/+6
* Experimentally add asciidoctor-maven-plugin to 'docs' moduleAlexander Kriegisch2024-01-061-0/+13
* Depend on JDT Core Kriegisch2023-12-151-1/+1
* Set version to Kriegisch2023-12-151-1/+1
* Set version to 1.9.22-SNAPSHOTAlexander Kriegisch2023-12-111-1/+1
* Release AspectJ 1.9.21V1_9_21Alexander Kriegisch2023-12-111-1/+1
* Set version to 1.9.21-SNAPSHOT againAlexander Kriegisch2023-12-021-1/+1
* Release candidate 1.9.21.RC1V1_9_21_RC1Alexander Kriegisch2023-12-021-1/+1
* Bump JDT Core to 1.9.21.RC1java-21Alexander Kriegisch2023-12-021-1/+1
* Set version 1.9.21-SNAPSHOTAlexander Kriegisch2023-11-191-1/+1
* Release milestone 1.9.21.M1V1_9_21_M1Alexander Kriegisch2023-11-191-1/+1
* Bump ASM to 9.6 (new Opcodes.V22 constant for Java 22)Alexander Kriegisch2023-10-051-1/+1
* Bump JDT Core to 1.9.21-SNAPSHOTAlexander Kriegisch2023-09-261-1/+1
* Set version to 1.9.21-SNAPSHOTAlexander Kriegisch2023-09-041-1/+1
* AspectJ release Kriegisch2023-09-041-1/+1
* Set version to 1.9.21-SNAPSHOTAlexander Kriegisch2023-08-161-1/+1
* Release 1.9.20V1_9_20Alexander Kriegisch2023-08-161-1/+1
* Bump JDT Core to 1.9.20Alexander Kriegisch2023-08-161-1/+1
* Bump jdt.core.version to 1.9.20-SNAPSHOTAlexander Kriegisch2023-06-241-1/+1
* Use ASM 9.5 for Java 20 supportAlexander Kriegisch2023-06-241-1/+1
* Depend on JDT Core 1.9.20.M1Alexander Kriegisch2023-02-281-1/+1
* Fix parenthesised AJ keyword compiler problemAlexander Kriegisch2023-01-041-1/+1
* Set version to 1.9.20-SNAPSHOTAlexander Kriegisch2022-12-211-1/+1
* AspectJ release 1.9.19V1_9_19Alexander Kriegisch2022-12-211-1/+1
* Bump JDT Core to release 1.9.19Alexander Kriegisch2022-12-211-1/+1
* Bump ASM to 9.4, supporting Java 20 class filesAlexander Kriegisch2022-10-021-1/+1
* Set Maven version to 1.9.19-SNAPSHOTAlexander Kriegisch2022-10-021-2/+2
* First Java 19 version, barely tested.Alexander Kriegisch2022-10-011-2/+2